Screening of Guava (For Effective Phytomedicines and Study On Its Antimicrobial Effect Against Selected Enteric Pathogens
Screening of Guava (For Effective Phytomedicines and Study On Its Antimicrobial Effect Against Selected Enteric Pathogens
Screening of Guava (For Effective Phytomedicines and Study On Its Antimicrobial Effect Against Selected Enteric Pathogens
The present study was carried out for determination of antibacterial activity and phytochemical screening of
Guava (Psidium guajava) leaves solvent extracts. Four solvents were used for extraction. Those were Ethanol,
Methanol, Diethyl ether and Acetone. The solvent extraction was done by using Soxlet apparatus. Test
microorganisms were screened to confirm their viability and identities using standard microbiological methods.
The different solvent extracts of Guava leaves was tested for antimicrobial activity using the standard agar well
diffusion method against nine enteric pathogens, these are E.coli, Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A,
Salmonella paratyphi B, Shigella sonnei, Shigella dysentarie, Enterobactor spp.,Citrobactor spp.and Klebsiella spp.
The Ethanol extract of Guava leaves showed highest antimicrobial activity against Salmonella paratyphi A. The
Methanol extract of Guava leaves showed highest antimicrobial activity against Citrobactor spp. The Diethyl
ether extract of Guava leaves showed highest antimicrobial activity against Klebsiella spp. while Acetone extract
showed highest antimicrobial activity against Shigella dysentarie. The antimicrobial activity of standard
antibiotics Ampicillin and Tetracycline was studied in comparison with Guava leaves solvent extracts.
The MIC values were determined by both agar and broth dilution method. The functional chemical group was
determined by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).The phytochemical analysis of Guava leaves
solvent extracts showed presence of Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Tanin, Phenolic compounds, Terpenoid etc.
Keywords: Guava (Psidium guajava), Antimicrobial activity, Phytochemical screening, Enteric pathogens, MIC,
FTIR etc.
Since ancient times, plants have been a veritable medicine, various plant parts has been used to control
source of drugs. Research work on medicinal plants malaria, gastroenteritis, coughs, sore throat, inflamed
are intensified and information of these plants be gum 1-3. Thus it is used in traditional medicine is well
exchanged. This thought will go a long way in established against enteric human bacteria. The
scientific exploration of medicinal plants for the morphology of the plant has been described severally
benefit of man and is likely to decrease the in literature 4-6.
dependence or importance of drugs. Because of the This extensive flora has been greatly utilized as a
pathogenic microorganisms are developing the source of many drugs in the Indian traditional system
resistance to current antibiotics, there is a need for of medicine7. About 80% of the world population
the search of new antimicrobial agents mainly among depends on herbal based alternative systems of
plant extracts. medicine. The activities of these curative plants are
Guava leaves have long been recognized for their evaluated by their chemical components. Indian
antimicrobial activity. Psidium guajava L, Ayurveda utilizes about 2000 plants to cure different
(Myrataceae) is one of the parts in folk medicine that ailments8. The ethnobotanical studies and folklore
has been used for the management of various disease claiming reviewed that the leaves of the Guava was
conditions and is believed to be active. In traditional used for antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti- allergy,
802 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(3), July - Sep, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688
antimicrobial, antigenotoxic, anti plasmodial, Antimicrobial activity of the Guava leaves solvent
cytotoxic, antispasmodic, cardioactive, anticough, extracts was determined by agar well diffusion
antidiabetic, anti- inflammatory and anti nociceptive method on Muller- Hinton agar medium 11 .Cups was
activities. Guava leaf tea is commonly used as a made on Muller- Hinton agar plates using cork borer
medicine against gastroenteritis (dysentry) and child and inoculum containing 106 CFU/ml of pathogenic
diarrhea 9. bacteria was spread on the solid plate with the help of
WHO (world health organization) says that plants sterile glass rod. Then 100ul of solvent extract was
would be the best source for obtaining different types placed in the cups made in inoculated plates. All the
of medicines and drugs. These natural products are plates were incubated for 24hr. at 370C. and after
widely used by human with its effective results. incubation period zone of inhibition was measured in
Extract from Guava leaves mostly contain essential mm. Antimicrobial activity of Standard antibiotics
oil, tannins, flavonoids, phenol compounds, Ampicillin and Tetracycline were observed in
carotenoids and vitamin C. Guava leaf extracts comparison with Guava leaves solvent extracts.
introduces many biological activities i.e.
Antibacterial, antioxidant, and analgesic, anti Determination of Minimum Inhibitory
inflammatory, antimicrobial, phytotoxic, Concentration (MIC):
hepatoprotection, and anti hyperglycaemic and anti MIC was determined by both agar and broth dilution
cancer activities 10. methods 12. For broth dilution tests, 0.1ml of
standardized suspension of bacteria (106 CFU/ml)
MATERIALS AND METHODS was added to each tube containing different
Collection of Plant Material: concentrations of solvent extracts (05-50ul/ml) and
Healthy disease free, indigenously grown mature incubated for 24hr at 370C.In agar plating method
leaves of Guava was collected from local area of dilutions having 05-50ul of solvent extracts was
Solapur (M.S.). The identification of plant material placed in the cups on the inoculated plates and
was confirmed by a Botanist in the Dept. of Botany, incubated as mentioned above.
Walchand College of Arts and Science, Solapur
(M.S.). Phytochemical Analysis:
Qualitative Phytochemical Analysis:
Test Pathogens: The Guava leaves solvent extracts was tested for the
Nine strains of enteric pathogenic bacterial cultures presence of bioactive compounds by using standard
were used in this study. Those were E.coli, method 13.
Salmonella typhi, Salmonella paratyphi A,
Salmonella paratyphi B, Shigella dysenteriae, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
Shigella sonnei, Enterobactor spp., Citrobactor spp. (FTIR):
and Klebsiella spp. The pure pathogenic bacterial FTIR was used to identify the characteristic
strains were collected from Dept. of Microbiology, functional group in the crude Guava leaves powder.
V.M.Govt.Medical College,Solapur (M.S.).The A small quantity (5mg) of the powder was dispersed
collected pure pathogenic bacterial strains were in dry potassium bromide (Kbr). The mixture was
isolated from hospitalized patients at Govt.Civil thoroughly mixed in a mortar and pressed at pressure
Hospital, Solapur (M.S.) The cultures were of 6 bars within 2 min. to form a Kbr thin disc. Then
maintained on nutrient agar slants at 40C and the disc was placed in a sample cup of a diffuse
subcultured for 24hr. before use. reflectance accessory. The IR spectrum was obtained
using Perkin Elmer 2000 infrared spectrometer. The
Preparation of Solvent Extracts: sample was scanned from 4000 to 400cm-1 for
Thoroughly washed mature leaves were shade dried 16times to increase the signal to noise ratio.
and then powdered with the help of electric blender.
Twenty five grams of the powder was filled in the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
thimble and extracted successively with Ethanol, In the present study significant antibacterial activity
Methanol, Diethyl ether and Acetone using a Soxlet is observed by all solvent extracts of Guava leaves.
extractor for 48hr.All the extracts were concentrated The antimicrobial activity of Guava leaves solvent
using rotary flash evaporator and preserved at 50C in extracts were represented in table 1.The results
airtight bottle until further use. All the extracts were revealed that the Ethanol extract of Guava leaves
subjected to antibacterial activity assay and shows highest antibacterial activity against
phytochemical analysis. Salmonella para.A. The Methanol extract of Guava
leaves shows highest antibacterial activity against
Antibacterial Activity Assay: Citrobactor spp.
803 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(3), July - Sep, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688
The Diethyl ether extract of Guava leaves shows bacterial species known to cause diarrhea, including
highest antibacterial activity against Klebsiella spp. S. aureus, E. coli and other common
while Acetone extract of Guava leaves shows highest enteropathogenic cultures. Guava plant contains
antibacterial activity against Shigella dysenteriae. tannins, phenols, triterpins, flavonoids, essential oils,
The antimicrobial activity of standard antibiotic saponins, carotenoids, lectins and all those
Ampicillin was found to be maximum against compounds together acts as antimicrobial agents 10.
Citrobactor spp. while standard antibiotic Past research results indicate the presence of
Tetracycline showed highest antibacterial activity polyphenolic compounds like quercetin, avicularin
against Salmonella para.A. and guaijaverin being the active antimicrobial
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the components. These results support the traditional
different Guava leaves solvent extracts varied against information of local users about their collection of
different test pathogens. The MIC of Guava leaves plant samples as antimicrobial agents. To support
solvent extracts required for test pathogens were proper preservation and sustainable use of such plant
represented in table 2. Lowest MIC of 5ul was resources, knowledge of local communities should be
observed against Shigella sonnei by Ethanol extract enhanced incorporating the habitual knowledge with
of Guava leaves while highest MIC of 40ul was scientific conclusion. The results of the present study
observed against E.coli. Lowest MIC of 10ul was also support the medicinal usage of the studied plants
observed against Citrobactor spp by Methanol and propose that these extracts possess compounds
extract of Guava leaves while highest MIC of 50ul with antibacterial properties that can be used as
was observed against Salmonella typhi. Lowest MIC antimicrobial agents in new drugs for the treatment of
of 5ul was observed against Klebsiella spp by Diethyl infectious diseases. The extract showing highest
ether extract of Guava leaves while highest MIC of antimicrobial activity can be subjected to isolation of
50ul was observed against Citrobactor spp. Lowest the therapeutic antimicrobials and undergo further
MIC of 5ul was observed against Shigella pharmacological assessment.
dysenteriae by Acetone extract of Guava leaves
while highest MIC of 50ul was observed against CONCLUSION
Salmonella typhi. The results of present study evidenced that studied
The aim of FTIR analysis is to determine the Guava leaf solvent extracts have the ability to inhibit
existence of functional group that exists on isolate. the growth of the selected enteric pathogens with its
The IR spectrum of the crude powder of Guava abundant source of secondary metabolites. This also
leaves in the form of Kbr pallet is shown in fig 1. helps to become an alternate and minimize the
The absorption at 3425cm-1 is due to presence of excessive of antibiotics for the prevention of enteric
hydroxyl group. The absorption at 1634cm-1 is due to disorders. The present study suggested that, the
c=c stretching .The absorption at 1321 cm-1 is due to various solvent extracts of Guava leaves have a great
bending vibrations of C-H bonds of methyl group. prospective as antimicrobial agents against selected
The results of phytochemical analysis of various enteric pathogens and they can be used as an
solvent extracts of Guava leaves were represented in alternative medicine in the treatment of enteric
table 3. The phytochemical analysis showed presence disorders. The antimicrobial activity and MIC assays
of Alkaloid, Flavonoid, Tanin , Phenolic compounds, showed promising evidence for the antimicrobial
Terpenoid etc. activity of Guava leaves solvent extracts against
Successful prediction of antimicrobial compounds selected enteric pathogens. Phytochemical analysis
from plant material is largely dependent on the type showed presence of antimicrobial substances in the
of solvent used in the extraction procedure. studied extracts. The results revealed the presence of
Traditionally, medicinal plants was primarily medicinally important constituents in these solvent
extracted in water as the solvent but in our studies we extracts. Many evidences gathered in earlier studies
found that plant extracts in organic solvents provided which confirmed the identified phytochemicals to be
more reliable antimicrobial activity compared to bioactive. Therefore, the Guava leaves solvent
previous studies those extracted in water. These extracts could be seen as a good source for useful
observations can be rationalized in terms of the drugs.
polarity of the compounds being extracted by each
solvent and in addition to their intrinsic bioactivity. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Ethanol, Methanol, Diethyl ether and Acetone extract The authors are grateful to Head, Dept.of
of Guava leaves showed pronounced activity against Microbiology, Dr.V.M.Government Medical College,
all the tested microorganisms. Guava leaf extract Solapur (M.S.) for provision of pure cultures of
have been shown to be effective against many Enteric Pathogens.
804 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(3), July - Sep, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688
Antibacterial Activity of Guava Leaves Solvent Extracts.
Microorganism Zone of Inhibition (mm)
Ethanol Methanol D.E Acetone Ampi Tetra
E.coli 3 5 3 4 13 14
Sal.typhi 3 3 4 3 14 11
Sal.para A 7 4 5 5 10 15
Sal.para B 6 4 3 3 11 12
Shigella sonnei 5 5 5 6 06 12
Shigella dysenteriae 4 4 4 7 12 11
Enterobactor spp. 6 3 5 5 12 14
Citrobactor spp. 4 6 3 3 15 13
Klebsiella spp. 5 3 7 6 09 11
(D.E.-Diethyl ether, Ampi- Ampicillin, Tetra- Tetracycline)
Table 2
MIC of Guava Leaves Solvent Extracts.
Microorganism Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (ul/ml)
Ethanol Methanol D.E Acetone
E.coli 40 25 45 30
Sal.typhi 20 50 15 50
Sal.para A 10 35 25 20
Sal.para B 10 25 40 45
Shigella sonnei 05 20 30 10
Shigella dysenteriae 30 20 35 05
Enterobactor spp. 25 45 10 45
Citrobactor spp. 35 10 50 40
Klebsiella spp. 25 40 05 15
(D.E. - Diethyl ether)
Phytochemical Analysis of Guava Leaves Solvent Extracts.
Test Ethanol Methanol D.E Acetone
Alkaloid + + + +
Flavonoids + + - +
Tanin - + + -
Saponins - + - -
Carbohydrate + + + +
Phenolic Compounds + + + +
Terpenoid + - - -
(+ = Present, - = Absent)
805 IJAPBC – Vol. 3(3), July - Sep, 2014 ISSN: 2277 - 4688
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