Ch. 6 Heisenberg: Is 1 Is
Ch. 6 Heisenberg: Is 1 Is
Ch. 6 Heisenberg: Is 1 Is
6 Heisenberg Magnets
(we omitted the additive constant). It can be shown that the ground
state is unique4', if we use periodic boundary condition. The effect of
free chain ends will be discussed later.
The lesson is that though IVBS) is not the ground state of the Hei-
senberg model, it is the ground state of a related bilinear-biquadratic
model. Both the Heisenberg model and RVBScan be regarded as special
cases of the general bilinear-biquadratic model
7-l = c
[ J S j .Sj+l + &(Sj * Sj+#] . (6.148)