For copolymers, as a general rule, the more irregular and random the repeat unit
arrangements, the greater is the tendency for the development of noncrystallinity. For
alternating and block copolymers there is some likelihood of crystallization. On the other
hand, random and graft copolymers are normally amorphous.
(a) Equation 3.5, utilized in Chapter 3 to determine densities for metals, also applies
to polymeric materials and is used to solve this problem. It takes the same form—
where n represents the number of repeat units within the unit cell (for polyethylene
n 2), and A is the repeat unit molecular weight, which for polyethylene is
A 2 1 A C 2 4 1 AH 2
Also, VC is the unit cell volume, which is just the product of the three unit cell edge
lengths in Figure 14.10; or
To some extent, the physical properties of polymeric materials are influenced by the
degree of crystallinity. Crystalline polymers are usually stronger and more resistant to
dissolution and softening by heat. Some of these properties are discussed in subsequent
512 • Chapter 14 /
Now, substitution into Equation 3.5, of this value, values for n and A cited above, as
well as NA, leads to
rc 1 rs ra 2
% crystallinity 100
rs 1 rc ra 2
514 • Chapter 14 /
Figure 14.14
A transmission
(using cross-polarized light)
showing the
spherulite structure of
Linear boundaries form
between adjacent
spherulites, and within each
spherulite appears a
Maltese cross. 525.
(Courtesy F. P. Price,
General Electric
amorphous material. Tie-chain molecules that act as connecting links between adjacent lamellae
pass through these amorphous regions.
As the crystallization of a spherulitic structure nears completion, the extremities of adjacent
spherulites begin to impinge on one another, forming more or less planar boundaries; prior to this
time, they maintain their spherical shape. These boundaries are evident in Figure 14.14, which is a
photomicrograph of polyethylene using cross-polarized light.A characteristic Maltese cross pattern
appears within each spherulite. The bands or rings in the spherulite image result from twisting of
the lamellar crystals as they extend like ribbons from the center.
Spherulites are considered to be the polymer analogue of grains in polycrystalline metals and
ceramics. However, as discussed above, each spherulite is really composed of many different
lamellar crystals and, in addition, some amorphous material. Polyethylene, polypropylene,
poly(vinyl chloride), polytetrafluoroethylene, and nylon form a spherulitic structure when they
crystallize from a melt.
516 • Chapter 14 /
Case Study: “Chemical Protective Clothing,” Chapter 22, which may be found at www.wiley.com/ college/callister (Student
Companion Site)
Table 14.6 Permeability Coefficients PM at 25C for Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Dioxide, and Water
Vapor in a Variety of Polymers
[ 1013 (cm3 STP)(cm)/(cm2-s-Pa)]
Polymer Acronym
O2 N2 CO2 H2O
Polyethylene (low density) LDPE 2.2 0.73 9.5 68
Polyethylene (high density) HDPE 0.30 0.11 0.27 9.0
Polypropylene PP 1.2 0.22 5.4 38
Poly(vinyl chloride) PVC 0.034 0.0089 0.012 206
Polystyrene PS 2.0 0.59 7.9 840
poly(vinylidene chloride) PVDC 0.0025 0.00044 0.015 7.0
Poly(ethylene terephthalate) PET 0.044 0.011 0.23 —
Poly(ethyl methacrylate) PEMA 0.89 0.17 3.8 2380
Source: Adapted from J. Brandrup, E. H. Immergut, E. A. Grulke, A. Abe, and D. R. Bloch
(Editors), Polymer Handbook, 4th edition. Copyright © 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, New York. Reprinted by permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
the product of the diffusion coefficient (D) and solubility of the diffusing species in the polymer (S)—i.e.,
PM DS (14.10)
Table 14.6 presents the permeability coefficients of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor in several
common polymers.12
For some applications, low permeability rates through polymeric materials are desirable,as with food and
beverage packaging and automobile tires and inner tubes. Polymer membranes are often used as filters, to
selectively separate one chemical species from another (or others) (i.e., the desalinization of water). In such
instances it is normally the case that the permeation rate of the substance to be filtered is significantly greater than
for the other substance(s).
12 The
units for permeability coefficients in Table 14.6 are unusual, which are explained as follows: When the diffusing
molecular species is in the gas phase, solubility is equal to
where C is the concentration of the diffusing species in the polymer [in units of (cm3 STP)/cm3 gas] and P is the partial
pressure (in units of Pa). STP indicates that this is the volume of gas at standard temperature and pressure [273 K (0°C)
and 101.3 kPa (1 atm)]. Thus, the units for S are (cm3 STP)/Pa-cm3. Since D is expressed in terms of cm2/s, the units for
the permeability coefficient are (cm3 STP)(cm)/(cm2-s-Pa).