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|||||||||||||||| US005167448A

United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,167,448

Herold et al. 45 Date of Patent: Dec. 1, 1992
54 MIXING APPARATUS FOR PASTES 4,515,267 5/1985 Welsh .................................. 206/219
4,540,397 9/1985 Lolachi et al......................... 494/84
(75) Inventors: Wolf-Dietrich Herold, Seefeld; Peter 4,710,161 12/1987 Takabayashi et al. ................ 494/84
Koran, Weilheim, both of Fed. Rep.
73) Assignee: Thera Patent GmbH & Co., Seefeld, 0178780 6/1954 Fed. Rep. of Germany ........ 494/33
Fed. Rep. of Germany 2734488 2/1978 Fed. Rep. of Germany ...... 366/279
3708.442 3/1987 Fed. Rep. of Germany .
21) Appl. No.: 538,330 97.6266 3/1951 France.
22 Filed: 94554 1/1972 German Democratic Rep. .
Jun. 15, 1990 58-15665 1/1983 Japan.
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data 59-97838 6/1984 Japan.
59-129656 7/1984 Japan.
Jun. 15, 1989 (DE Fed. Rep. of Germany ....... 8907335 633258 12/1949 United Kingdom .
51) Int. Cl.5 ..... -- - -- - - - - - - - -- B01F 11/00 Primary Examiner-Philip R. Coe
(52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 366/213; 366/217; Assistant Examiner-Tony Soohoo
494/19, 494/84 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Foley & Lardner
58) Field of Search ............... 366/208, 209, 213, 214, 57 ABSTRACT
366/217, 220, 227, 228, 287, 288, 235; 494/19,
33, 52, 84; 241/175, 123; 475/182,311; 222/386 A mixing apparatus for pastes comprises a mount (18)
(56) References Cited for a mixing container (19) supported on a rotor (10) for
rotation relative to the rotor about an axis (16) which is
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS eccentric with respect to the rotor axis (15). During a
1,144,272 6/1915 West .................................... 366/235 mixing phase, a transmission (20 . . . 22) causes the
1,578,067 1/1925 Bonoff ................................. 366/208 mount (18) to rotate about its eccentric axis (16) so that
1,774,257 8/1930 English ... ... 366/217 the mixing container (19) executes an overall circula
2,443,593 6/1944 Birsch ..... ... 494/84 tory reciprocation and the container contents (29) are
3,170,648 2/1965 McShirley ... . 241/284 subjected to a shaking motion. For a subsequent com
3,562,962 2/1971 Ohno ........... ... 366/235 pression phase, the transmission (20. . . 22) is switched
3,679, 84 7/1972 Woodham ........................... 366/219 over while the rotor (10) continues to rotate, so that the
3,684,136 8/1972 Baumann ............................. 206/219 mount (18) is now free to assume an orientation that is
3,848,796 11/1974 Bull ....................................... 494/84
3,880,408 4/1975 Karjalainen. 366/217 fixed with respect to the rotor (10) and in which the
3,882,716 5/1975 Bieman ........ ... 494/19 mixed paste is forced against a dispensing piston (55)
4,129,249 12/1978 Todd ........... ... 494/84 provided in the container (19) and is thereby degassed.
4,131,369 12/1978 Gordon et al. . 366/146
4,497,581 2/1985 Miller .................................. 366/208 16 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets

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U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1992 Sheet 1 of 2 5,167,448

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U.S. Patent Dec. 1, 1992 Sheet 2 of 2 5,167,448

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5,167,448 2
tainer holding components of the paste, the mount being
MIXING APPARATUS FOR PASTES supported on said rotor so as to be rotatable about a
second axis eccentric with respect to the first axis, and
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION transmission means for causing the mount to rotate
When a paste is mixed from two or more components, about said second axis while the rotor rotates about the
specifically a liquid and a powdery component for pro first axis, the transmission means being adapted to be
ducing a bone cement, it is essential for the mixture to switched-over to a condition in which it allows the
be made as homogeneous as possible and to be com mount to rotate freely about said second axis relative to
pletely free of bubbles to obtain a high strength after 10 the rotor.
setting. To this end, any air included during the mixing The apparatus of the present invention is thus adapted
process must be subsequently removed. If the product is to carry out two process steps, namely first mixing the
a bone cement having a typical setting time of several starting components and subsequently compressing the
minutes, only short time is available for preparing the mixture. In the mixing step, the mount holding the con
mixture and removing the air. tainer rotates about its eccentric axis in such a manner
German Offenlegungsschrift 3,708,442 discloses a 15 that the components are exposed to a reciprocating
mixing apparatus for pastes which comprises a rotor
rotatable about a first axis and including a mount for shaking motion. By switching-over the transmission,
receiving a mixing container which holds the compo the mount carrying the container becomes free to adjust
nents of the paste to be prepared, the mount being sup 20 itself to an orientation fixed relatively to the rotor, so
ported on the rotor for rotation about a second axis that the contents of the container are then compressed
eccentric with respect to the first axis, and a transmis by the centrifugal forces produced in the further rota
sion for causing the mount to rotate about the second tion of the rotor.
axis while the rotor rotates about the first axis. The switching-over of the transmission may be done
In the known device, the components to be mixed are while the rotor continues to rotate, so that the compres
contained in a common container and are separated in a 25 sion step may immediately follow the mixing step,
transport condition of the container by a partitioning thereby minimizing the overall time required.
wall. In use, the partitioning wall is first of all ruptured, In a preferred embodiment, the arrangement is such
and the container is inserted into the mount of the mix
ing apparatus. Resilient means retain the mount relative 30 that the center of gravity of the unit formed by the
mount and the container received in the mount is situ
to a base of the apparatus in such a manner that, while ated between the second axis and a piston disposed
the rotor rotates, the general orientation of the mount is therein, irrespective of the position of the container
maintained, so that the container accommodated in the
mount is subjected to a circular reciprocating motion. contents. This will cause the mount to adjust itself, at
Upon termination of the mixing process, the container is the beginning of the compression step, into an orienta
connected to a vacuum pump to degas the mixture. 35 tion, in which the piston is most remote from the rotor
Thereafter, the container is connected to a dispensing axis. The mixed paste will thus be compressed towards
device in which a plunger acts on a piston located at one the piston and can be subsequently dispensed from the
end of the container to dispense the finished mixture container by advancing the piston with no air being
through a dispensing opening provided at the other end pressed through the paste during the dispensing action.
of the container. Further features of the invention relate to specifically
Similar mixing apparatus are described in U.S. Pat. uncomplicated embodiments of the transmission, to a
No. 4,131,369 and East German Patent 94,554. In the clutch for switching-over the transmission between the
former apparatus, the mixing container is mounted on a mixing and compression steps, and to a remote control
planet gear which meshes with the sun gear and the for the clutch.
outer ring gear of an epicyclic gearing. By periodically 45
changing the relative angular position between the sun Two or more mounts each for receiving a container
and ring gears, the container is intermittently rotated may be equi-angularly spaced around the rotor. This
back and forth by 180°. may be of advantage if larger amounts of paste are
Since the mixed paste has a highly viscous, kneadable required to be prepared simultaneously. In this embodi
consistency, particularly in case of a bone cement, air 50 ment, the rotor is dynamically balanced.
bubbles which may be entrapped during the mixing In a further embodiment, a timing circuit may be
process can be removed only by an extremely high provided which provides a first adjustable period of
vacuum, if at all. During such evacuation, however, time for the mixing step and a second adjustable period
volatile constituents are also removed from the paste, for the compression step, and which automatically
which results in an unpredictable alteration of the mix 55 switches the transmission from the mixing operation of
ing ratio of the cement and a deterioration of its chemi the apparatus to the compressing operation.
cal and physical properties. The timing circuit may further provide an initial
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION interval in which the mount carrying the container is
It is an object of the invention to provide a mixing freely rotatable about its second axis, just as in the final
apparatus for pastes, particularly a bone cement, which compression step, which initial phase is suitable for
is of uncomplicated design and easy to operate and handling containers in which the initially separated
which permits a quick preparation of a homogeneous component is transferred to a mixing chamber contain
and bubble-free mixture of a predetermined mixing ing the powdery component by a force acting in the
ratio. 65 axial direction of the container.
The invention meets this object by a mixing apparatus Whenever switching over from one phase of opera
for pastes which comprises a rotor mounted for rotation tion to the next, the rotor speed may be adjusted to the
about a first axis, a mount for receiving a mixing con value best suited for the respected function.
3 4.
about the bushing 13, and the mount 18 is free to rotate
relative to the rotor 10. Irrespective of the initial posi
FIG. 1 is a schematic sectional view of a mixing appa tion of the mount 18, centrifugal forces created by the
ratus taken along the rotor axis, rotation of the rotor 10 will cause the unit formed by the
FIG. 2 is a view similar to FIG. 1 showing a modified mount 18 and the container 19 to orient itself to a posi
embodiment of a mixing apparatus, and tion relative to the rotor 10 in which the piston 55 is
FIG. 3 is a schematic view of the timing circuit for most remote from the axis 15. In this position, which is
operation control. illustrated in FIG. 1, the mount 18 including the con
tainer 19 will be entrained with the rotor 10 without
DETAILED OESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED O additional rotation about the axis 16, so that the liquid
component is transferred from the chamber 54 to the
In the apparatus shown in FIG. 1, a rotor 10 is con mixing chamber 56.
nected to a shaft 11 which is rotatably mounted in a By actuating the solenoid 23, the plunger 24 is ex
bushing 13 fixed to a base 12 of the apparatus. The shaft tended to the position shown in FIG. 1 in which it
11 is driven by a motor 14 accommodated in the base 12. 5 engages the recess 25 formed in the sleeve 26, so that the
A shaft 17 is mounted on the rotor 10 for rotation pulley 22 is now kept stationary. Continued rotation of
about an eccentric axis 16 which is parallel to the axis 15 the rotor 10 about its axis 15 will consequently cause the
of the rotor shaft 11. Above the rotor 10, the eccentric mount 18 holding the container 19 to rotate about the
shaft 17 carries a mount 18 for receiving a mixing con axis 16 relative to the rotor 10.
tainer 19, and a pulley 20 is fixed to the shaft 17 below 20 If both pulleys 20 and 22 have equal diameters as has
the rotor 10. A further pulley 22 is mounted on the been assumed in FIG. 1, the container 19 is moved
bushing 13 for rotation about the axis 15 of the rotor parallel to itself on a circle centered at the axis 15, so
shaft 11 and is connected to the first pulley 20 by means that the container contents 29 will perform a rolling or
of a driving belt 21. tumbling movement along the inner wall of the mixing
A solenoid 23 is fixed to the base 12. A plunger 24 25 chamber 56. The components will thereby be mixed
connected to the armature of the solenoid 23 is adapted thoroughly to form a homogeneous paste.
to engage a recess 25 formed in the outer side of a Upon expiry of the time period selected by the con
downwardly extending sleeve portion 26 of the pulley trol 33, which period has been started with the first
22. actuation of the solenoid 23 and has a duration depen
The mixing container 19 includes a chamber 54 30 dent on the properties of the components to be mixed,
shown at the right in FIG. 1 for receiving a first compo the timing circuit 31 again actuates the solenoid 23 to
nent, which may be a liquid component of a bone ce retract the plunger 24. The mount 18 will thereby again
ment, and a mixing chamber 56 shown at the left side in become free to rotate about its axis 16 and will adjust
FIG. 1 for receiving a powdery component. The mixing itself to the orientation shown in FIG. 1, which is fixed
chamber 56 has one end closed off by a-movable piston 35 relative to the rotor 10. In this phase, the container
55. In the initial condition of the container, the cham contents 29 will be forced against the piston 55 and
bers 54, 56 are separated from each other by a locked compressed to expel any air that may have been in
valve-type seal (not shown). The seal may be unlocked cluded in the paste during the mixing step.
by moving a ring 60 provided on the container 19 so The rotor 10 will stop rotating upon expiry of the
that the liquid component can then be transferred to the total time period set by means of the control 32. The
mixing chamber 56 under the influence of a force acting container 19 is then removed from the mount 18, and
in the direction of the mixing chamber. the finished paste may be dispensed.
The mount 18 and the container 19 are adapted to The apparatus shown in FIG. 2 differs from that of
each other in such a manner that the container 19 may FIG. 1 in that a second mount 18 for receiving a second
be inserted into the mount in only one predetermined 45 mixing container 19 is provided instead of the counter
orientation. Further, the mount 18 and the container 19 weight 30. More than two mounts each for receiving a
are configured so that the center of gravity of the unit mixing container may be disposed on the rotor 10 at
formed by these two parts 18, 19 is offset from the axis positions equiangularly spaced around the axis 15.
16 towards the piston 55, irrespective of the position of In FIG. 2, the transmission which causes the mounts
the container contents, which are indicated at 29 in 50 18 to rotate relative to the rotor 10 during the mixing
FIG. 1. phase, includes toothed gears of which a central gear 42
A counterweight 30 is fixed to the rotor 10 at a loca is mounted for rotation about the stationary bushing 13
tion diametrically opposite the axis 16 to compensate and meshes, via intermediate gears 41, with gears 40
for the unbalance formed by the mount 18, the shaft 19, fixed to shafts 17 of the container mounts 18.
the pulley 20, and the filled mixing container 19. 55 The same kinematics as described with reference to
The motor 14 and the electromagnet 23 are con FIG. 1 are obtained if the gears 40 and 42 have equal
trolled by a timing circuit 31 disposed in the base 12, the numbers of teeth. In case of different tooth numbers, the
circuit 31 (see FIG. 3) including a control 32 for setting mounts 18 will not be guided parallel to themselves by
the operating period of the motor 14 and a control 33 the rotation of the rotor, but execute a rotation superim
for setting the actuation time of the solenoid 23. 60 posed on the rotation of the rotor 10.
In operation, the mixing container 19 is inserted into In the apparatus of FIG. 2, the clutch which keeps
the mount 18 in the predetermined orientation after the the central gear 42 stationary during the mixing phase is
ring 60 has been moved to a position in which the constituted by a brake. A brake shoe 44 is adapted to be
above-mentioned valve-type seal is unlocked. actuated by a solenoid 23 and has a brake lining 45
The motor 14 is then actuated to rotate the rotor 10. 65 cooperating with the outer peripheral surface of the
During this first operating phase, the plunger 24 of the sleeve portion 26 formed integrally with the central
solenoid 23 is withdrawn from the recess 25 formed in gear 42. This type of clutch is preferred over the em
the sleeve 26 so that the pulley 22 is freely rotatable bodiment of FIG. 1 in that it may be reengaged in any
5 6
position of the central gear 42 to perform a subsequent 6. The apparatus of claim 5, wherein the central
mixing step. wheel and said further wheel have equal diameters.
As indicated in FIG. 2, the two mounts 18 are fixed to 7. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein the central
the shafts 17, which are coupled to each other via the wheel is a gear which drives a further gear connected to
gears 40 . . . 42, in such a way that when the clutch is said mount.
disengaged both mounts 18 are allowed to adjust them 8. The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the central gear
selves to positions in which the piston 55 in each mixing and said further gear have equal tooth numbers.
container 22 is most remote from the rotor axis 15. 9. The apparatus of claim 3, including electromag
The above description has assumed that the rotor 18 netic means for actuating said clutch means.
rotates with constant speed throughout the three phases 10 10. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein at least two
of operation (transfer of the liquid component to the mounts are disposed on said rotor at positions equi
mixing chamber 56-mixing-compression). Alterna angularly spaced about said first axis.
tively, the timing circuit 31 may be so designed that it 11. A mixing apparatus for pastes, comprising
provides a different motor speed for each phase. Specif a rotor mounted for rotation about a first axis, and
ically, the compression step may require a higher speed 15 means for rotating said rotor,
than the mixing step. a mount having a longitudinal axis and adapted to
What is claimed is: receive a generally cylindrical and elongate mixing
1. A mixing apparatus for pastes, comprising container holding components of the paste, said
a rotor mounted for rotation about a first axis, container having a longitudinal axis, said mount
a mount having a longitudinal axis and adapted to 20 being supported on said rotor so as to be rotatable
receive a mixing container holding components of about a second axis eccentric with respect to the
the paste, said container being generally cylindrical first axis,
and elongate and having a longitudinal axis, the transmission means for causing the mount to rotate
about said second axis while the rotor rotates about
mount being supported on said rotor so as to be 25 the first axis, the axes of said mount and said gener
rotatable about a second axis eccentric with respect ally cylindrical container extending substantially
to the first axis,
said mixing container including a piston disposed transversely to said first and second axes, and
within said container at one end thereof for longi means for switching said transmission means to a
condition in which said mount is released so as to
tudinal movement to dispense paste from the con 30 rotate freely about said second axis relative to the
tainer following mixing and removal of the con rotor, said switching means including timing means
tainer form the apparatus, said longitudinal axes of for switching-over said transmission means upon
said mount and said container being substantially expiry of a first adjustable period of rotor rotation,
transverse to said first and second axes, and and for causing the rotor to continue rotating dur
wherein the center of gravity of a unit constituted 35 ing a second adjustable period.
by said mount and said container inserted in the 12. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein said timing
mount is disposed between said second axis and means provides an initial phase of rotor rotation in
said piston irrespective of the position of the paste which said mount is freely rotatable about said second
inside the container, axis, said first period being started at the end of said
transmission means for causing the mount to rotate initial phase by switching said transmission means to a
about said second axis while the rotor rotates about condition in which the mount is positively driven to
the first axis, and rotate about said second axis.
means for switching said transmission means to a 13. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein said timing
condition in which said mount is released so as to means includes means for varying the rotor speed when
rotate freely about said second axis relative to the 45 said transmission means is switched-over.
rotor. 14. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein said transmis
2. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said transmission sion means is adapted to be switched-over during the
means is adapted to be switched-over during the rota rotation of said rotor.
tion of said rotor. 15. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein said container
3. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein said transmission 50 includes a piston disposed at one end of said container,
means includes a central wheel mounted for rotation and wherein the center of gravity of a unit constituted
about said first axis to cause said mount to rotate about by said mount and said container inserted in the mount
said second axis, and clutch means which, when en is disposed between said second axis and said piston
gaged, couples the central wheel to means causing a irrespective of the position of the paste inside said con
relative rotation between the central wheel and the 55 tainer.
OtOr. 16. The apparatus of claim 11, wherein said transmis
4. The apparatus of claim 3, further including a sta sion means includes a central wheel mounted for rota
tionary base, and wherein said clutch means includes tion about said first axis to cause said mount to rotate
braking means which, when engaged, fixes the central about said second axis, and clutch means which, when
wheel to said stationary base. engaged, couples said central wheel to means causing a
5. The apparatus of claim 3, wherein the central relative rotation between said central wheel and said
wheel is arranged to drive a further wheel connected to rotor.
said mount via a belt. sk sk


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