37 Spell PDF
37 Spell PDF
37 Spell PDF
JslAmie ~hAmAoie
For Love, Protection, Luck & Prosperity
By Muhd. Zaki
Before starting any occult rites & spells - ................................................................................................................ 3
Fasting Method ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
•!• Love Spells ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Pelet Pengasihan Ya Wadudu ................................................................................................................................ 12
Javanese Love Spells ............................................................................................................................................... 13
Love Mantra .......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Pengasihan Dewaning Asmoro ............................................................................................................................... 14
Pengasihan Sarining Wulan .................................................................................................................................... 14
Pelet Mabuk Cinta ................................................................................................................................................ 15
Love Talisman Using Egg ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Love Mantra Using The Stare of the Eyes .............................................................................................................. 16
Aji Bathari Paksi ..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Aji Asmara Menyan Putih ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Love Talisman ........................................................................................................................................................ 17
Pelet Banyu Putih .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Aji Kekal Lestari ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Aji Pelet Pancer Sukma .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Pelet Semar Kuning ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Ajian Si Luh Jonggo ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Ajian Setan Kober .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Love Spells Using Smokes From The Goblin ........................................................................................................... 21
Heart Attraction Spells ........................................................................................................................................... 22
Love Spells Using Handshake ................................................................................................................................. 22
•!• Protection Spells .................................................................................................................................... 23
Aji Panglarutan -To Repel Evil People ................................................................................................................. 23
Ajian Hizb Barqi- To Prevent Harm On You ........................................................................................................ 23
Invisible Fence For Protection ............................................................................................................................... 24
How To Ward Off Black Magic .............................................................................................................................. 24
The Anti Black Magick Talisman ............................................................................................................................ 25
Aji Kulhu Dergo Balik - To repel Hex ................................................................................................................... 25
Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balik Mantra .......................................................................................................................... 26
Kulhu Durdah Mantra- To Ward Off Evil Creatures ............................................................................................. 26
Kulhu Geni Mantra ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Protection of Home with Surah Kursi .................................................................................................................... 27
Creating lnvinsible Protection Fence Using YeJJow Bamboo ................................................................................. 27
Creating lnvinsible Protection Fence Using Stones ................................................................................................ 27
Creating lnvinsible Protection Fence Using Goat Skin ........................................................................................... 28
•!• Luck & Prosperity SpeJJs ......................................................................................................................... 29
Aji Nini Blorong..................................................................................................................................................... 29
Aji Srisadono .......................................................................................................................................................... 29
•!• SpeJJs To Acquire Ability ........................................................................................................................ 31
Ajian Pancasona - The Ability To Merge Back ...................................................................................................... 31
Aji Tiwikrama - To Shapeshift Into A Monster IJJusionly ........................................................................................ 32
The presented occult teaching & speJJs is acquired from diverse sources of the JJmu AI-Hikmah, or the Islamic
occult tradition here in Indonesia,
As an early graduation, and to start aJJ kinds of practices related to 11 JJmu H ikmah 11 •
This is the one of the procedures referred to as 11 Hadoroh 11 or 11 Hadorotan 11 or 11 Tawassulan 11 •
That is also referred to as the reciting of AI Fatihah as a useful gift for connecting 11 Ruhani 11 to the former
Members of wisdom, making the practice of becoming more awake, meaningful and effective, with the
permission of AJJah.
The Method-
"JJa hadrotin nabiyyil Mustofa Muhammadin Sayidina wa maulana" then recite AI Fatihah verse 1x.
5. Gift AI Fatihah prayer to your teachers who teach you the occult rites.
"wa ila hadroti (Say the name of the teachers who teach you the occult teaching) syai-u JiJJahi lahumul fatihah"
then recite AI Fatihah verse 1x.
"wa ila hadroti abi wa ummi, wal muslimiina wal muslimati, syai-u IilJa hi lahumul fatihah" then recite AI Fatihah
verse lx.
"wa ·ala nafsi (Say your name) wal qorini, wa sadulur papat lima pancer syai-u liJJahi lahumul fatihah" then recite
AI Fatihah verse lx.
"wa ilal hajati (Say your desire)" then recite AI Fatihah verse lx.
"bi mu 'jizati sayidina khidir alaihis salam", then recite AI Fatihah verse lx.
"wa bibarokati sayidina khidir alaihis salam", then recite AI Fatihah verse lx.
"wa ila ruhi sayidina khidir alaihis salam", then recite AI Fatihah verse lx.
"AstagfiruJJohal · azhiim" 3x
"BismiJJahirrahmanirrahim" 3x
Ar ral)mani r-rai)Tm
Malikiyawmi d-dTn
1 1 1
$irat al-lagTna an amta alayhim gayril magQObi alayhim walaQ QaiiTn"
Allah s-samad
Maliki n-nas
lela 1 ahi-nnas
Min sharri alwaswasi alkhannasi.. Allathee yuwaswisu fee sudoori alnnasi.. Mina aljinnati wa alnnasm."
The place that you're going to do the occult rites must be clean, quiet, not too bright & on the ground.
After that you can continue with the occult rites that you desire.
Fasting Method
Fasting and asceticism are essential practices in Javanese Kejawen and shamanism - especially Indonesian shamanism.
Most of the unusual and unique powers acquired in Indonesian occultism are dependent upon the mastery of these
disciplines with their many fo rms and variations. Another important factor that must not be overlooked in the
acquisition of these occult powers is the knowledge of the correct timing such as the proper month and day which
magickal rites and disciplines are to be commenced, and this is intrinsically linked with the Javanese calender; this
however, will not be dealt with in this article for it is beyond its scope. We will mainly focus on the many variations
of fasting and the austerities carried-out in Javanese mysticism/occultism.
Fasting as a religio-spiritual practice is known the world over by modern and ancient cultures. Initially,
fasting was the result of the inaccessibility of food and proper nourishment in the face of lack and poverty.
It was later adopted by the religious/shamanic community for magickal and devotional purposes as it was
found to provide certain interesting results psychologically, biologically, and metaphysically. The ancient
grimoires, both eastern and western, are filled with rituals that require fasting as a preparation for the work.
Modern researches on fasting reveals that the practice results in health and in a regeneration of the
physical body when done rationally and not carried into extremes. Fasting maintains one's health as it
provides the needed rest to the digestive organs.
From the magickal perspective, fasting has an occult effect on both mind and body. Shamanic fasting
changes the polarity of the physical body and also raises its vibrations, making it sensitive to the magickal
frequencies imperceptible to the five senses. It especially sensitizes the autonomic nervous system making
it a fine receptor for receiving psychic impressions that are overlooked by the nerves of the central
nervous system.
Psychologically, fasting induces a certain borderline state making the mind susceptible to data fed into it
in the form of affirmations, mantras, and prayers, and thus strengthening subconscious response to the
information given. Fasting likewise orients the mind to the spirit within making it conducive for inner
attunements and communications to take place with the Cosmic Mind and the various intelligences
composing It The increased vibrations of the body, cleansed of all toxic matter through fasting makes it
possible for the attraction of certain types of spirit beings that normally would not come into close
proximity to us because of the noxious affluvia that we emanate. Indonesian shamanism urges one to fast
on one's natal day (according to the Javanese calender) to accumulate extra power and to strengthen the
relationship with one's guardian angel and what they call the "four spirit brothers."
There is no denying that fasting aids the etheric body to accumulate cosmic power, especially when done
in conjunction with the appropriate metaphysical exercises. Without physical nourishment, the body is
forced to acquire the energy it needs through some other channels. When adopted as a regular practice,
fasting unfolds psychic sensitivity.
As a spiritual discipline, fasting teaches one to refrain from greed in all of its hideous forms. lt is a practical
reminder of the injunction of the Master Jesus: "to be in this world, but not of it." Fasting, when
accompanied with contemplation and spiritual reflection, causes beneficial changes in one's psyche. By
fasting from the things of this world one would find oneself being nourished by the Divine Spirit, as
Nature hates a vacuum. One would become a "god-eater" where physical nourishment becomes
superfluous. This is, of course, quite an advance stage.
Generally speaking, during the period of fasting/ austerities one should refrain from generating negative
thoughts, feelings, and actions and should be busily engaged in spiritual works. lt is a time of introspection
and the reaching out (in) for the divinity within us. One's thoughts ought to be kept at a lofty leveL lf the
fasting is related to a magickal rituat the meditation or mantras of the work ought to be conducted or
recited during the fast. The intention of the abstention of food and drink must be affirmed and impressed
upon the subconscious mind ere the commencement of the ritual itself.
ln Javanese mysticism, fasting is normally carried out during certain months of the Javanese calender, such
as the month of Sura, as these months are considered conducive to spiritual activities. Fasting periods are
between 1- 40-days. Auspicious days to commence one's fasting from the Kejawenese point of view are
Kliwon-Tuesday, Legi-Wednesday, and Pahing-Thursday. Fasts/ austerities ought to be preceded by a holy
wash/ritua 1 cleansing, as this puts one into the proper frame of mind--aside from its other metaphysical
During fasting and the conducting of the austerities, one would indubitably encounter varied forms of
temptations, visions, and physical discomfort that would thwart one's efforts. This is partially the result of
the body elemental's protest against the discipline imposed. Because of its puerile and irrational nature, it
will not accept anything that would upset its routine work.
Fasting and austerities brings out the worst in us onto the surface--and this is indeed a blessing as we
would be made aware of all the neurosis, psychosis, and complexes lurking within the psyche that requires
our attention in the art of transmutation. These dark elements are often projected onto the consciousness
in the forms of hallucinations and illusions. This is one of the alchemical stages symbolically described by
the mages of old. When these forms arise one should understand what they represent or interpret their
symbolical nature. Knowing what they are is the first step of getting rid of them, of which would
consequently make it easier for the empowerment of one's psyche and the raising of one's magickal
power- leveL lt should be noted that even though such blocks are removed, one still has the source of the
problem lying deep within in our spiritual forgetfulness and divine ignorance. They are like tentacles
belonging to an unseen creature which if not killed, new limbs would form. However, we are digressing;
this topic goes beyond the scope of this present article.
One thing more should be mentioned: traditionally, we are informed that inspirations, visions, and
intuitive impressions of worth occurs from 1 am to dawn. lt is said that during this period the
impressions emanate from a divine source. At other nocturnal periods they issue forth from the
subconscious mind or from spirit beings of the lower planes.
At the conclusion of any ritual fast or austerity it is a custom in Javanese occultism/shamanism to offer a
thanks-giving consisting of yellow rice, glutinous-rice porridges, fruits, etc.The practitioner would invite
friends and relatives to the feast
Below are most of the methods of fasting and austerities as taught in Kejawen. We have intentionally left
out the types of the left- handed path :
In this fast one may only eat white rice without anything else to go along with it. Not even salt or other
condiments. Mutih is a tasteless meal. One may perhaps simply eat plain bread providing no salt has been
added to the dough. In the mutih fast only plain mineral water is permissible to satisfy one's thirst. One
may eat several times a day but with the stated conditions or once a day as perhaps designated in the
magickal rite.
In this fast one may only consume vegetarian meals. Meat is to be completely avoided. Fish, eggs, and
animal products are not to be consumed in this fasting method. It is permissible to eat 3 times a day. This
fast is actually the refraining from eating animal life-forms.
This fast/austerity is a cessation of all normal activities. One may not eat, drink, get out of the house,
or engage in sexual activities. Sleep should be minimized. One should preferably stay in one's room for the
designated period--normally for 24 hours. During the twilight and night hours, the room should preferably
be without physical illumination. The room itself should be dark. In this austerity it is permissible to visit the
we (located in other parts of the houset unlike the next difficult discipline.
Like the above, one may not eat, drink or engage in any sexual activities. In addition, one may not
sleep, get out of the room, or have any physical illumination during night hours. One has to be in
complete seclusion in a dark room. If one has the natural urge to discharge any waste in has to be done in
the room - one with a bathroom attached to it would be a fitting place for this austerity. Depending on
the requirements of the magickal rite, this austerity may run for a period of 24 hours, 3, 7 days, or more.
This is a lighter form of the above two austerities. One may not eat or drink for the designated period.
Three hours is the maximum sleep allowed. One may wander outside of the house.
This is a complete fast from dawn to dusk. When one breaks the fast in the evening, one may only
consume fruits--nothing else! This is a fruitarian discipline. It is permissible for one to eat as much as
desired so long as they are of the same kind--bananas, for instance. The other harsh disciplines of the
above such as seclusion, no sleep, do not apply in this austerity.
This is a fast from consuming anything that would cause a sensation in the tongue. In other words, the
things that one eats or drinks should be tasteless. It is similar to mutih except that one has a more variety
of foods to choose from: for instance, the tasteless diet biscuits ...
Only edible leaves are eaten and plain water drunk in this austerity. Other foods and fluids are not
aJiowed to be consumed.
NgepeJ means "fist-fuJI." In this fast, one eats a single meal a day and only a hand-fuJI of rice is
aJiowed or unless indicated by the requirements of the magickaJ ritual; two or three fist-fuJI may be
permitted. A very difficult fast as three days may be required to complete it
Only cold, tasteless foods and drinks are eaten and drunk in this fast--three times a day, if you will.
Monday-Thursday Fast
This fast is normally done at the conclusion of the other types of fasts. On Mondays and Thursdays one
would refrain from eating and drinking from dawn to dusk. It is uncertain if this fast originates with Islam, as
this religion also teaches it
This is a complete fast--the abstinence of food and drinks--for a period of 24 hours. One should also
not sleep for that 24 hour period.
Other Austerities
No bending of the legs (i.e. no sitting) for 12 hours from dawn to dusk.
This is quite an interesting austerity. Many have found strange sensations occurring in their body as a result
of this discipline. The method of Kungkum is thus: one has to submerge oneself naked in a sitting position
up to the neck at the mouth of a river where two minor rivers meet One has to face against the currents.
The appropriate place and spot ought to be located before starting this austerity- the currents should not
be too strong and the sand-bed flat. The environment should be quiet without other human beings
lingering about. Commenced in the middle of the night, Kungkum is to be carried-out for the designated
period by the magickaJ rite which may be 3 hours or more. Needless to say, this requires Jots of practice.
One must not faJI asleep while doing the Kungkum as this would be perilous - one must not even move as
this would defeat the purpose of the austerity. Before entering the river one has to perform a ritual
cleansing. While in the actual act of submerging into the water the foJiowing mantra ought to be recited:
"Putih-putihing mripatku Sayidina K;lir, lreng-irenging mripatku Sunan Kali Jaga, Telenging
mripatku Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad."
The eyes should be shut, and the hand crossed over the chest The body's lower orifices also ought to be
dosed (perhaps one with a plug made out of cork) and the breathing regulated accordingly.
The Kungkum discipline is often carried - out for a period of 7 consecutive nights. It is especially useful in
accumulating magickaJ force.
In this austerity one meditates with the feet up in the air with the head pointing downwards. The feet may
be supported by a wall or one may do any related yoga asana for this. More advanced methods requires
one to hang oneself upside down on tree branches, like bats. One should not attempt to sway or move
while hanging thus. Physically, the constant exercise of this discipline helps the practitioner to develop the
ability to control the breath--to refrain from breathing for hours at a time. This austerity is accompanied by
the Ngrowot fasting method.
Ngeluwang is considered to be a frightening austerity that really tests one's courage. Various magickaJ
powers are said to be acquired through the constant practice of Ngleluwang such as clairvoyance and the
ability to making another see illusions. In Ngeluwang one has to place oneself in a large hole dug for the
purpose, preferably in a graveyard or in a quiet place, and to remain there for the designated period -
normally 24 hours. The basic biological needs of the body such as nourishment may be catered to. While
carrying out this austerity one may face many temptations and frightening visions. Before entering the
hole, the mantra below ought to be recited:
Niat ingsun nglowong, anutupi badan kang bolong, siro mara sira mati, kang ganggu marangjiwa ingsun,
lebur kaya dene banyu krana Allah Ta' ala. 11
From the descriptions of the types of fasting and austerities above, it can be seen that they are not easy to
accomplish. The people of our contemporary times Jack the fortitude as compared with the older
generations; thus many do not possess the powers that their ancestors displayed.
Nowadays, with the materialistic orientation and life-style, people expect instant powers without too
much effort. Although certain powers may be acquired through a transference of power, these are not
the especially unique ones as applied and exhibited by the famed heroes of old, and may be temporary
in nature depending upon the process used and personal potency of the channeler of the power.
Perhaps we will provide examples of magickaJ rituals of occult-power acquisition that makes use of these
shamanic fasting in future articles.
Since Kejawen or Javanese mysticism, and traditional shamanism have been influenced greatly by Islam, it
would be most appropriate to complete this article by providing the types of fasting (called "saum" or
"siyam" in Arabic. Lit. "self-control") as enjoined by this religion.
Basically, Islam categorizes two forms of fasting: obligatory and non-obligatory. The obligatory fast is
part of the five-pillars of Islam, which is the mandatory fasting period in the month of Ramadan.
Below we list the types of fasts:
This non-obligatory fast is said to have its origin with the Hebrew King. Muhammad The Prophet,
blessed is his name, is supposed to have said that among the non-obligatory fasts, the fast of King
David is the best. This is recorded in the Bukhari and Muslim hadith, or recorded sayings of the
Prophet The method of the fast is similar to the one done in the month of Ramadan except that it is
done every other day--fast one day, rest the next.
This fast is done every month of the Arabic/Islamic calender for three consecutive days. The method is
as the Ramadan fast. The best dates to commence this is on the 13th, 14th and 15th. This fast is non-
This fast is done for six days, preferably consecutive days in the month (Syawal) following Ramadan. mlike
the obligatory fast, no nourishment is taken from dawn to dusk. This is a non-obligatory fast like the
To those who are not going on the pilgrimage to the Ka' ba, the Arafah-day fast is suggested for
cleansing and the gaining of merit It is done on the 9th day of the month of Zulhijah. This non-
obligatory fast is supposed to wipe one's sins created within a two-year period--the year before the fast
and the year after.
Another single-day fast is the one done in the month of Zulhijah, just a day prior to the Arafah-day
This fast takes place on the 9th and 1Oth day of the month of Muharam.
This Love SpeJJs Is to awaken pure love of the target so it is safe for the target because the speJJs does not make
the target love weight obsessed to the sender and this speJJs are included in the category of prayer for
problem relationship, the difference of this speJJs is that the effect is faster in just ONE day with the permission of
AJJah (God), then your lover wiJJ return to you, even she/he need to across the sea she/he wiJJ come to you for
love. This speJJs can also be used to reconcile divorced couple.
The Method=
2. Tawassul to the Prophet Muhammad, The prophet A.S. Khidir, Shaykh Abdul Qodir, Parents, To Muslims
and Muslimah And to the target.
7. Recite "YA WADUD" 12000 X, after each 1000 times recitation recite this prayer 1 times :
7. After 1 day if still no effect continue for 3 days if still no effect continue for 7 days. If still no effects that's
mean he/she is not your life mate and not meant to be yours.
8. For public love spells recite "Ya Wadud" 12000 times you do not need to recite the prayer above simply blow
it to your both hand (palm) and wipe it to your face, lnsyaallah the opposite sex who see you will become
attracted to you.
Note :You must remember that this is a request to Allah (God) who arrange your life mate so do not use this
spells for negative act ETC, Everything is granted by Allah (God) if you work for this spells but still no effect, then
you must dig into yourself first why Allah (God) did not grant you wishes, Allah (God) always look deep into your
heart. Hopefully this spells will be used wisely. Hopefully that this spells is good for those who is seriously want to
practice it.
The Mantra-
"Owah gingsir sifating urip, kang owah mung katresnanku manjing dadi sawiji sajiwo Jan sarogo, kalayan jiwo
rogone si (Say The Target Names) anak turune kanjeng nabi adam, ora pisah salawase gesang."
The Method-
2. Recite the mantra above and then sprinkle the rice at the target place.
3. The following mantra must be recites for 11x each and 3 times in a day for 3 consecutive days.
Love Mantra
The Mantra-
"Jngsun nduwe kembang saka sabrang,arane kembang pulutan, dak pulutake atine si jabang bayine (Say the
target names) teka weJas teka asih andeJeng badan sliraku saka kersaning alloh."
The Method-
2. Recite the mantra while the sun is on set Recite facing the west while standing and leaning on the wall/wall
of houses.
Sun Panjingake TeJenge Rasa Mulya Sir Dzat Katon Sumrepet Panone Si (The target names) binti (Names of the
father of the target, Jf he is a male change 'binti' to 'bin') Kagugah Asmorone Kerana Rasaku TunggaJ Karo
Rasamu Rasa Mulya Pribadi Rasa Muhammad
Yaahu Allah .. Yaahu Allah ..Yaahu Allah Laa JJaaha Jllallah .. "
The Method-
1. Recite the mantra 11 x on every midnight, The spells must be done for 8 nights. Jt is better if you start on
Wednesday night (Thursday at OO:OOam) or when the person is having a period.
The Mantra-
"Jngsun amatak ajiku sarining wuJan, sakehing nu padha asih JuJut, Jungaku tinangisan, tekaku kinasihan ,teka
weJas teka asih marang badan sliraku, aja maneh atine jabang bayi si (Say the name of the targett ora asiha
marang aku, ya nadyan gustimu jeng ratu panggendongan sawadyabaJane padha asih marang aku, ya aku si
tunjung putih, maniking sitaresmi kang dadi pupujanira."
The Method-
1. Mutih for 7 days and 7 nights and add patigeni 1 day and night (See fasting method) , and the start on
Thursday Jegi.
2. Recite the mantra before going to sleep and waking up in the morning.
3. Jf you're going to sleep recite "ayo padha turu" after saying the name of the target on the following mantra
and if you're waking up in the morning add "ayo padha tangi''.
The Method-
1. Fast for 3 days: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and when breaking avoid food with salts.
2. On Thursday night, Stand in your house area while facing your target house.
3. Jf you don't know where is your target house, then you should be facing the four corners in turns to recite the
mantra. Example : Recite the mantra while facing the west & then facing north and recite the mantra again.
4. After you have finished reciting the mantra continue reciting this "Laa JJaaha iJJaJJah Muhammadar RasuJuJJah."
PUCUK RAMBUTE Sl (Say the target name). LUWIH Sl (Say the target name). MUGI-MUGI ASIH lNG AWAK
The Method-
1. The Mantra above is a combination ofJavanese-lslam or lslam-Kejawen. It is better if you fast for 1 day to
accelerate the effect of the spells (Preferably begins on the day of your birth date or according to the Javanese
weton). Then try to remember the spells (you should memorize the spells do not read the text).
2. And when you meet the target/Stares eyes to eyes with the target while reciting the mantra.(You can recite it
in your mind/heart)
"Teguh rahayu batari paksi Mugo aku dadi asihingjabang bayine (Say the target name). Saking kersaning Allah."
The Method-
1. Fast mutih (See fasting method) for 3 days and recite the mantra on midnight while visualizing the target face.
"Bismillah, niat ingsun ngadeg ana ing tengahingjagat, dudu jagat sipate a lam jagat, turuning urip ajiku si
menyan putih, apa kuasane siro ingsun kongkon, lebokna lebune badan, badane sijabang bayine (Say the target
name) kumpulna karo aku obahna rasane, teka madep weruh ing uripku,Ya Alloh, Ya Muhammad".
The Method-
1. Fast mutih (See fasting method) for 3 days and 3 nights, start on Tuesday or Tuesday kliwon (According to
Javanese calendar).
2. And at the end of fasting close with patigeni 1 day 1 night. (See fasting method)
3. During fasting and patigeni, Recite the mantra 13x at midnight while visualizing the target face while burning
white frankincense (Kemenyan putih).
Aji Asmara Menyan Putih is one of the spells that cant be cast for play or test
Love Talisman
The talisman should be inscribed on a paper and use on the head (hats, hoods, cap etc.) So that whoever see it
will love the wearer.
The Mantra-
The Method-
1. Fast mutih (See fasting method) for 3 days 3 nights start on your birth date or according to the Javanese
2. Then continue with Ngebleng (See fasting method) for 1 day 1 night
How To Activate It -
1. Recite the mantra 3x and consentrate visualizing the target face while you're going to meet the target
The Mantra-
"BismiJJahirrohman nirrohim
The Method-
The Mantra-
MuhammadararuluJJah 3 x
BismiJJahi rahmanirahim.
Gageh Tangiah
The Method-
1. Before casting the speJJs, visualize the target face & facing the house of the target, while visualizing the target
2. Recite the mantra at 1am on midnight, Do not sleep before casting the speJJs!
Pelet Semar Kuning
Semar Kun ing is a very famous classical spells in Java. Although the reaction is fast (Jess than 12 hours) but the
effect is soft
That's mean the spells produced from Kuning Semar does not interfere I change the target behavior. People
infected with these spells, even though the target miss you soo much, but the target will still think
rationally. Because it is not dangerous so with this Semar Kuning spells, 1 have revealed to anyone who wants
to go through his conduct. This is the mantra Semar Kuning-
"Semar kuning
Teko welas teko asih jabang bayine ... (Say the target name)
The Method-
2. Referred to as fast of 'Patigeni' (See fasting method) that is starting from Thursday dawn and end on Friday
dawn you can not eat, drink and sleep.
3. During fasting you should stay at home and reduce activities that cause anger or hate. Mantra should be recite
as much as possible during fasting.
ASIH Sl JABANG BAY! ... (Say the target name) ANDULU BADHAN SURAKU"
The Method-
1. Fast Mutih for 7 days 7 nights (See fasting method) and Patigeni 1 day 1 night, Start fasting on Thursday or
Kamis Wage According to the Javanese calendar.
2. Recite the mantra every night before going to sleep while visualizing the target face.
the target name) MARANG INGSUN"
The Method-
1. Fast Mutih for 7 days 7 nights (See fasting method) and Patigeni 1 day 1 night, Start on Monday or Senin
Kliwon According to the Javanese calendar.
The Method-
1. You need 1 box of cigarettes that have never been opened, Then open the box by the first person who is
going to use this spells.
2. Take 1 piece of cigarette and then put back the cigarette in the box upside-down
3. And if you're going to use the spells take back the upside-down cigarette and recite the mantra above and
then blow it to the cigarette. Then light the cigarette and smoke at the target but don't smoke too direct at the
target In my experience the smoke itself will direct to the target.
This spells I got from the old quarter of natural goblins, It happened so long he was good friends with me.
The Method-
1. Take a piece of cigarette (any kind) and then put it in your mouth but don't light it yet! After that recite the
mantra above 3x while holding breath (Recite in your mind/heart) then blow it to the cigarette & then light it.
2. Smokes the cigarette normally just do not get the smoke to suck us, Then blow the smoke at the target face,
Make the target inhale/smells the smokes and wait for the reaction.
FAJA 'ALAHUM KA-ASFIM MA' KUUL. .. (Recite 3x), ALLAH KINASIHAN ... (Recite 1x)
The Method-
1. Read the above mantra or prayers while holding single breath then blow it on your palms 3x. lnsyaAIIah by
God will.
~'C.otecti.on 8pell~
The Mantra-
"Kulhu buntet badan ingsun kanjeng nabi panutan, rasa ingsun rasul, teken ingsun malaikat, luputa kang den
arah ambalik marang kang ngarah"
The Method-
1. Fast patigeni 3 days & 3 nights (See fasting method), start fasting on Tuesday or Selasa Kliwon according to the
Javanese calendar.
2. Recite the mantra everynight at the front yard of your house on 12:00 midnight
H izb Prayer -
"naruddu bikal-a' daa-a minkuJJi wijhatin, wabil ismi narmiihim minal bu' di bisy-syataat, fa anta rajaa-ii yaa
ilaahii wasayyidii, fafarriq lamiimal jaysyi in ramaa bii ghalat."
The Method-
2. During fasting recite the prayer above 77x after dawn prayer(Subuh) & Dusk prayer(Mahgrib).
3. Then recite this "Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha iJJaJJaah wa asyhadu anna muhammadan rasuuluJJaah"
Invisible Fence For Protection
To make an invisible protection fence in our homes, one of the way which can be done by the following method
"AIIahu laa ilaaha illaa huwal hayyul qayyuumu, laa ta 1 khudzuhu sinatuw walaa nauum, lahuu maa fissamaa
1 1 1 1
waati wa maa fil ardhi man dzalladzii yasyfa u indahuuillaa bi idznih ii ya lamu maa baina aidiihim wamaa
khalfahum. Walaa yuhitshuuna bisyai-im min 1 ilmihi illaa bimaa syaa-a wasi 1 a kursiyyuhus samaawaati wal ardha
1 1
walaa yauuduhuu hifzhuhumaa wahuwal aliyyul azhiim."
3. Then sprinkle the salts encircling & surrounding the house and if needed sprinkle the salts everywhere around
the house and do not forget for the poor, orphans and being nice to other people.
( From the verse of Qu r' an Surah AI'Araf 117-122, Yunus 81-82, dan Thaha 69).
The Method-
1. The following occult method should be bought by fasting for 7 days. During fasting do not consume any meat,
any living food ETC.
2. During fasting the following prayer should be recited 7x daily after the obligatory prayers for strengthen this
spells so that this spells is always powerful.
3. So you should get familiar by fasting on Monday & Thursday, Always donate to the charity to get more
The Anti BlacR MagicR Talisman
The Method-
1. Inscribe "Bismillahir rohmanir rohim" The talisman above 35 times on a piece of plain white paper. Write
with ink or za'faron or misik oil.
2. When inscribing your tongue must be on the upper mouth while chanting in your heart "Allah ... Allah ..
."Till you have finished inscribing.
3. Paste it on the door of your house. If needed you can inscribe more of this talisman and paste it wherever you
want, If you don't want it to look suspicious you can put the talisman on a picture frame or anything so it will
look like a decorative object.
4. The above talisman serves as a fortress or invisible fence to avoid a snare of the devil and Satan in the form of
magick, hex ETC.
The Mantra-
The Method-
1. Fast patigeni 3 days 3 nights (See fasting method), Start on Tuesday or Selasa Kliwon according to the Javanese
This spells can be use to create protection fence for the body, and treat patient who is ill by the cause of black
magick, when the mantra is recited the attackers will taste his own medicine.
Kulhu Sepuh Kulhu Balib Mantra
When the following mantra is recited 3x, the mantra below will wards off all forms of psychic attack.
The Mantra-
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu balik, bolak-balik tamah kuwalak walik, panujumu luput balik kena kang nuju
belaka, balekna, balekna, balekna, balika marang sira, Lailahaillallohu Muhammadarrosullulloh sallallohu alaihi
wasallam. 11
The Mantra-
Bismillahirrohmanirrohim. Kulhu Allahu ahad, kun fayakuun, maasya Allahu Qoodiran Abadan abada. 11
The Method-
Recite twice and the right shoulder of the spirit will dislocate.
Recite three times and the spirit will feel his body disintegrating.
Recite five times over some water and sprinkle it over someone who is possessed. This will get rid of the molesting
The Method-
One of the methods of protecting one's home against negative entities and intruders is the recitation of the
following verse 21x at every corner of the abode, over a handful of dry soil in your hand. Then sprinkle the soil
outside encircling the house.
The Method-
2. Recite the following mantra 1000 times: "Wa ja'alnaa mim baini aidiihimsaddaw, wa min kholfihim saddan, fa
agh-syainaahum, fahum laayubshiruun."
3. After reciting the above mantra 1000x, then continue with this prayer: 11 0h God, I'm seeking blessings
from this Yasin verse, protect the place I us from those who intend evil and harm. Always be peaceful because of
Allah Ta'ala 11 •
5. Then spike Yellow bamboo at home or yard that will be protected by the Invisible Fence.
This can also be put on the upper house (wooden roofing).When you're spiking the bamboo recite Asma 'verse
Yasiin (Wa ja'alnaa mim baini aidiihimsaddaw, wa min kholfihim saddan, fa agh-syainaahum, fahum
The Method-
2. Recite Surah AI Fiil 40x & after that Surah Alam Nasyrah 40x over both of the stones.
The AI Fiil Verse-
(It is better if you look quran reading on the internet so you can recite it perfectly)
To activate this powerful fence buried both of the stones in the middle of your house. By god wiJJ no robbers or
malicious people who has the intention to disturb the house, they wiJJ get confused and walk away.
The Mantra-
The Method-
1. Fast mutih for 7 days 7 nights & Patigeni 1 day 1 night (See fasting method). Start fasting on Friday or J um'at
Pahing according to the Javanese calendar. The mantra should be recite at 12:00 midnight at the front yard of
your house.
Aji Srisadono
This spells is believes the most effective in attraction for food and clothing, prosperity and needs of life.
The Mantra-
The Method-
1. For three months every Monday and Thursday you should fast and eat only once in every 12:00 midnight.
2. After the fast, Continue with fast mutih every Monday and Thursday for 3 months, then continue fast patigeni
1 day and 1 night. (See fasting method).
3. Begin fasting on Thursday or Kamis Wage according to Javanese calendar.
The Mantra-
BismiJJahirrohmanirrohiim, Niyat ingsun amatek ajiku Aji Pancasona, Ana wiyat jroning bumi, Surya murub ing
bantala, Bumi sap pitu, anelahi sabuwana, Rahina tan kena wengi, Urip tan kenaning pati, lngsun pangawak
jagad, Mati ora mati, Tlinceng geni tanpa kukus, Ceng; Cleleng 2x Kasangga ibu pertiwi, Tangki dewe, urip dewe
aningjagad, Mustika lananging; jaya, Hem, aku si Pancasona, Ratune nyawa sakalir. 11
The Method-
1. Fast on Monday & Thursday (Not Monday to Thursday) for 7 months. (See fasting method)
3. After the 40 days fast patigeni from day to night (Do not eat, drink & sleep) make sure you're clean from any
negative & clean from hadas, a holy wash Is needed.
4. During fasting the mantra should be recited 21x after every 5 obligatory prayer
5. On night do a solat hajat or known as wishing prayer for request to acquire this speJJs.
This speJJs can't be used when not needed. Because the shapeshift power into a monster used a very
large inner energy. Moreover, when used in anger. Then your inner energy wiJJ be sucks fuJJy if you're using this
power. So you should use this power only when needed.
The Mantra-
The Method-
1. Fast for 3 days start on Tuesday or Tuesday kJiwon according to the Javanese calendar.
2. During fasting do not consume any animal food (meat, egg ETC.)
3. After each 5 obligatory prayer, recite the mantra 3 times without breathing while vibrating your inner energy
at the solar plexus.
4. On the last day of fastin& try not to sleep even for a second from the dawn on the third day tiJJ dawn of the
next day.
5. After completion, each month you should provide a special time to fast for 1 day. It is better if you fast on the
date of your birth date or according to the Javanese calendar weton. As an effort to main tan the speJJs.
To activate the speJJs simply take a breath & stare at the object/target.