3rd Letter After 10 Days1
3rd Letter After 10 Days1
3rd Letter After 10 Days1
I wrote to you on enter date requesting the following documentation, so that I may settle any
financial obligation I might lawfully owe:
1. Validation of the alleged debt (the actual accounting);
2. Verification of your claim against me (either a sworn affidavit or a hand-signed invoice in
accordance with The Bills of Exchange Act 1908, Section 23 );
3. A copy of the contract signed by both parties and therefore binding both parties.
4. Please also provide me with a true and certified copy (NOT photocopy) of the Original Note
(Credit Agreement), under penalty of perjury and with unlimited liability and confirm that
this Note, has never been sold. Please also confirm the name of the individual who is the
duly authorised representative from your company, who has carried out due diligence under
the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 and what
actions s/he has taken in relation to this account.
Bent Banker's failure, in his private capacity, to provide the aforementioned documentation within
the ten (10) days requested in my last correspondence, constitutes Bent Banker's lawfully binding
agreement to the following terms:
1. That the debt did not exist in the first place; OR
2. It has already been paid in full; AND
3. That any damages I suffer, you will be held culpable;
4. That any negative remarks made to a credit reference agency will be removed;
5. You will no longer pursue this matter any further. You have not proven any debt. If you sell
the alleged liability, and/or appoint an agent to act on its/your behalf in this matter you will
have broken our agreement and you agree to pay the following fee schedule $ (3X what they
are claiming) for dishonouring our binding agreement, plus $1000 per hour or part thereof for
Authorised Representatives time nunc pro tunc, plus $1000 per recorded delivery or any
other form of response nunc pro tunc. Also, NO further contact is now necessary, however, if
you decide to contact me by phone or letter the fee is $100 per item payable in advance by
cheque; if no payment is made in advance the fee will rise to $1000 per item and you will
also be held culpable for any costs incurred while recovering the debt you owe.
By: autograph
No assured value, No liability. Errors & Omissions Excepted. All Rights Reserved.
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