Pavement Condition Assessment Using IRI From Roadr
Pavement Condition Assessment Using IRI From Roadr
Pavement Condition Assessment Using IRI From Roadr
Abstract. The pavement condition will decrease due to the influence of traffic and
environment, so that the maintenance effort is needed to maintain the road condition during the
service period. In order to carry out road maintenance activities right on target, there needs to
be a plan based on accurate pavement condition data. Road roughness is the most commonly
used condition parameter in evaluating pavement conditions objectively because road
roughness data is relatively easy to obtain, well correlated with vehicle operating costs and the
most relevant parameter in road functional performance measurement. The Roadroid is an
Android-based application that measures road roughness by using vibration sensors on a
smartphone so it is possible to get an International Roughness Index (IRI) value as an indicator
of pavement conditions more easily and efficiently. Besides based on road roughness,
pavement condition evaluation can also be done visually by using Surface Distress Index (SDI)
method that uses the total crack area parameters, average crack width, total number of potholes
and the average depth of rutting. This study attempts to assess the condition of Jenderal
Sudirman-Kalianget road by combining IRI Roadroid value and SDI value which will be used
as the basis to determine the required road maintenance. This road segment is one of the
national strategic road connecting the center of Sumenep regency with the Kalianget harbor.
Based on IRI measurement and SDI calculation, the pavement condition of Jenderal Sudirman-
Kalianget road can be described 4.2 kilometers (37.17%) were good and 2.3 kilometers
(20.35%) were fair that need routine maintenance. While 2.1 kilometers (18.58%) were bad
and 2.7 kilometers (23.89%) were poor that need periodical maintenance and reconstruction.
1. Introduction
Road is one of the important infrastructure in supporting the economic and social activities of the
society. Sumenep regency, located at the eastern end of Madura island East Java, has potential in
agriculture, fishery, industry and tourism. Seeing these conditions, it is necessary to properly manage
the road network so that it is expected to improve the service and welfare of the society.
The pavement condition will decrease due to the influence of traffic and the environment, so that
the maintenance effort is needed to maintain the road condition during its service period. In order to
carry out maintenance activities right on target, it is necessary to have a plan based on accurate road
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International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012091
condition data [1]. One of the road condition parameters that can be used to determine pavement
conditions is road roughness that expressed in the International Roughness Index (IRI) values. The
using of roadroid smartphone applications to obtain IRI value can be an alternative for road operators
to monitor road conditions more easily, scalable, effective and efficient. Beside based on road
roughness, pavement condition evaluation can also be done visually by using the Surface Distress
Index (SDI) method.
This study attempts to assess the condition of the Jenderal Sudirman-Kalianget road by combining
the IRI value of the Roadroid application with SDI values that will be used as the basis for
determining the required road maintenance recommendations. The road is one of the strategic national
roads connecting the center of Sumenep regency with the Kalianget harbor.
International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012091
The criteria of road conditions based on the SDI value on the asphalt road surface type are shown
in Table 2.
2. Experimental
The IRI value is obtained by using the Roadroid application on the smartphone mounted on the
windshield of a survey vehicle and running it along the road segment that are observed. Prior to the
measurement it is necessary to do Rodroid setting by determining the type of vehicle used, the
distance measurement IRI, automatic image capture and minimum speed limits of the vehicle.
The observation of pavement conditions was conducted by using video recording along the
observed roads. Further assessment is done based on the type and amount of damage (cracks, holes,
rutting) that occur every 100 m of road length using the Bina Marga standard. The research was
conducted on Jenderal Sudirman-Kalianget national road segment located in the Sumenep regency of
East Java province. This road segment is divided into six segments; Jl. Sudirman (500 m), Jl. A. Yani
(400 m), Jl. Urip Sumoharjo (1,600 m), Jl. Slamet Riyadi (1,000 m), Jl. Yos Sudarso (3,200 m) and
Bts. Kota Sumenep-Kalianget (4,600 m).
International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012091
IRI Value (m/Km)
Distance (m)
Based on the table and figure above, it can be seen that the pavement condition of Jl. Slamet Riyadi
segment based on IRI values is generally fair. There are several segments with good conditions such as
at a distance of 3,000 and 3,400 meters from the starting point of the survey as well as a bad condition
at a distance of 2,700 meters from the starting point of the survey. The lowest IRI value is 2,5 m/Km
and the highest is 8,18 m/Km.
International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012091
value and determine the conditions on a road segment. The example of SDI calculation result on
Jenderal Sudirman-Kalianget road at Jl. Slamet Riyadi segment (Sta. 2 + 500-3 + 500) is shown in
Table 6 and Figure 2.
Table 6. The SDI Survey Result of Slamet Riyadi Segment
SDI Calculation
No. STA0 STA1 Percent No. of Rutting Remarks
of Pothole Calcula SDI1 SDI2 SDI3 SDI
Cracks /Km tion
1 2+500 2+600 22.50% Wide 110 0 20 40 265 265 Poor
2 2+600 2+700 11.67% Wide 70 0 20 40 265 265 Poor
3 2+700 2+800 10.00% Wide 70 10 20 40 265 275 Poor
4 2+800 2+900 30.00% Wide 60 0 20 40 265 265 Poor
5 2+900 3+000 14.17% Wide 60 10 20 40 265 275 Poor
6 3+000 3+100 39.17% Wide 100 10 40 80 305 315 Poor
7 3+100 3+200 17.50% Wide 50 0 20 40 115 115 Bad
8 3+200 3+300 10.00% Med 40 0 20 20 95 95 Fair
9 3+300 3+400 10.00% Med 40 0 20 20 95 95 Fair
10 3+400 3+500 26.67% Wide 110 0 20 40 265 265 Poor
SDI Value
Stationing (STA.)
Based on the table and picture above, it can be seen that the condition of Jl. Slamet Riyadi segment
based on SDI values is generally poor. This is due to the segment there is a lot of damage in the form
of potholes that give a significant influence on the SDI value. There are several segment parts with bad
conditions such as in STA. 3+100-3+200 and fair conditions at STA. 3+200-3+400. The lowest SDI
value is 95 and the highest is 315.
International Conference on Advanced Materials for Better Future 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 333 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/333/1/012091
Table 7. The Pavement Condition and Maintenance Recommendation of Slamet Riyadi Segment
No. STA. IRI Value SDI Value Pavement Maintenance
Condition Recommendation
1 2+500–2+600 7.03 265 Poor Reconstruction
2 2+600–2+700 8.18 265 Poor Reconstruction
3 2+700–2+800 5.20 275 Poor Reconstruction
4 2+800–2+900 6.47 265 Poor Reconstruction
5 2+900–3+000 3.97 275 Poor Reconstruction
6 3+000–3+100 6.34 315 Poor Reconstruction
7 3+100–3+200 7.41 115 Bad Periodical M.
8 3+200–3+300 7.83 95 Fair Routine M.
9 3+300–3+400 2.50 95 Fair Routine M.
10 3+400–3+500 5.88 265 Poor Reconstruction
From the table above it can be seen that the pavement condition of the Jl. Slamet Riyadi segment
generally is poor, which requires reconstruction/improvement. The segment parts with fair and bad
condition only need routine maintenance and periodical maintenance.
The using of SDI method in this research combined with the pavement condition assessment based
on IRI as has been done by previous researchers [1], aims to determine the pavement condition and
road maintenance recommendation more accurately and approriately. The IRI value as an indicator of
the functional pavement condition based on the driving comfort level, while the SDI value is used to
determine the level of pavement damage based on visual observation.
4. Conclusion
Roadroid applications can be used as an alternative to obtain IRI values efficiently that can be
collaborated with SDI values to determine appropriate maintenance recommendations. Based on the
IRI measurement using Roadroid combined with SDI calculation, the condition of the Jenderal
Sudirman-Kalianget national road in Sumenep regency along 11.3 kilometers can be described 4.2
kilometers (37.17%) of roads were in good condition and 2.3 kilometers (20.35%) were in fair
condition requiring routine maintenance. While the 2.1 kilometers (18.58%) road segment were bad
and 2.7 kilometers (23.89%) were poor, requiring periodic maintenance and road improvements.
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