Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Selected Plant Species From Uranium Mining Dumps in The Sudety MTS., Poland Poland
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Selected Plant Species From Uranium Mining Dumps in The Sudety MTS., Poland Poland
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Selected Plant Species From Uranium Mining Dumps in The Sudety MTS., Poland Poland
5 (2006), 811-818
Oryginal Research
Bioaccumulation of Heavy Metals by Selected Plant
Species from Uranium Mining Dumps
in the Sudety Mts., ������
M. Wisłocka1, J. Krawczyk2*, A. Klink2, L. Morrison3
School of Biotechnology, Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland
Department of Ecology and Nature Protection, Institute of Biology of Plants, Wrocław University,
ul. Kanonia 6/8, 50-328 Wrocław, Poland
National University of Ireland, Botany Department, University Road, Galway, Ireland
Concentrations of the heavy metals Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni, Mn, Zn and Fe in soils of uranium-bearing dumps
(Sudety Mts. SW Poland, the dumps containing a high proportion of polymetallic minerals), as well as in
two tree species (Salix caprea L., Betula pendula Roth.) and a shrub (Rubus idaeus L.), which frequently
occur in this area, in spite of being disturbed by mining activities in the past. The accumulation ratio
values of heavy metals were calculated. It was revealed that all the species examined, especially the tree
species, accumulated high concentrations of heavy metals, above the average values given for plants
in literature. R. idaeus generally exhibited the lowest concentrations of heavy metals except Mn, while
S. caprea accumulated the highest levels of Cd exhibiting the greatest accumulation capability for this
metal within all the examined dumps. There is a potential of using the examined plants in the monitoring
of heavy metals in the environment on the basis of a significant correlation between heavy metal content
of foliage and soil.
Keywords: Salix caprea, Betula pendula, Rubus idaeus, accumulation ratio, monitoring, phytoremedia-
Introduction dumps with spoils and soils with an elevated uranium and
heavy metal content. The contamination has gradually
Within the Polish region of the Karkonosze-Izera dispersed, causing hazardous localized pollution [2].
Block (the Sudety Mts., SW Poland) extensive uranium The dumps, as relics of past explorative works are
exploration and mining activities were carried out in the colonized by an abundance of spontaneous vegetation in
1950’s. The entire zone of the eastern Karkonosze granite the natural process of succession. Plants contribute to the
metamorphic mantle exhibits a high degree of mineraliza- circulation of heavy metals in the food chain through their
tion. Previously mined uranium ores were polymetallic active and passive absorption, accumulation in tissues as
and contained a vast abundance of minerals, e.g. pitch- well as subsequent grazing by animals or consumption by
blende, autunite, metatorbenite, gummite and uraninite humans. Species growing within polymetallic mineraliza-
[1]. Both exploration and mining operations left several tion zones tend to exhibit elevated levels of heavy metals
in their tissues, which are not necessarily reflected by a
*Corresponding author; e-mail: simple correlation with metal concentrations in the dump
812 Wisłocka M., et al.
material [3]. In addition, levels of heavy metals in various the examined plants were washed thoroughly in deionized
species of wild plants growing in the same habitats may water to remove particulates, dried at 70°C and pulverized.
vary considerably [4]. Detailed ecological studies enable Soil and plant materials (200 mg) were digested with con-
the distinction of species with particular accumulative ca- centrated nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide (30%) at 95°C
pacities with respect to one or several heavy metals, there- until the evolution of nitrous oxide gas stopped and the
by serving as bioindicators of contaminated areas [5]. Sa- digest became clear. The digest was diluted with distilled
lix caprea L., Betula pendula Roth. and Rubus idaeus L. water to 10 mL and the total concentration of K, Ca, Mg,
investigated in this study were dominant species of trees Fe, Mn, Zn, Pb, Cu, Cd, and Ni were determined by Induc-
and shrubs of the Sudety uranium spoil heaps. tively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrophotometry (ICP
The objective of this study was to determine the Spectroflame SIMSEQ). Dried and homogenized plant and
chemical properties as well as the heavy metal content of soil samples were used to determine the total contents of
soils from certain uranium mining dumps in the Sudety nitrogen and soil organic carbon (flash combustion and
Mts. providing a substrate for plants. Also to ascertain thermal conductivity detection with Carlo Erba NA-1500
whether any relationship exists between the heavy metal CNS analyzer).
contents of soils and the two tree species S. caprea and The plant-available fraction of phosphate was extract-
B. pendula and the shrub R. idaeus, which frequently ed from soil with 0.3 M sodium citrate and 1 M sodium
occur in this area. The heavy metals content as well as bicarbonate [8] and the plant-available fractions of Ca,
the accumulation capacities of these species were inves- Mg, K, and Na were extracted with a 1 M ammonium
tigated. acetate solution [9] and determined by atomic absorption
Species which bioaccumulate pollutants have been spectrophotometry. The exchangeable acidity was deter-
frequently used for monitoring purposes as well as heavy mined in 1 M KCl by titration with 0.1 M NaOH to pH
metal prospecting in areas of polymetallic anomalies. Tree 7.6. The pH of the substrate in water and in 1M KCl were
and shrub foliage is regarded as a reliable bioindicator of measured potentiometrically (1:2.5 ratio).
environmental pollution. Nutrient content as well as non- All analyses were carried out in triplicate and all elements
essential elements are therefore used in the assessment of were measured against standards (BDH Chemicals Ltd., re-
soil pollution. B. pendula and S. caprea have proved to agent grade), blanks were prepared in 0.5 M nitric acid. Rep-
be good bioindicators of heavy metals in contaminated licate samples were analyzed separately and the results for
environments of both natural and anthropogenic origin [6, soil and plants were calculated on a dry weight basis. The
7]. So the aim of this paper was to study the bioindicative reproducibility of these procedures was compared to the re-
value of all examined species. sults of an interlaboratory study by digesting and analyzing
the reference material RTH 907 Anthropogenic Soil (LCG
Prochem GmbH) and poplar leaves GBW 07604 (Institute
Materials and Methods of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Lanfang,
China). Values were found to be within 97±4%.
Study Area
The investigation was carried out within the area of Statistical Analysis
four uranium mine dumps located in Kowary [N 50o48’
E 15o49’] (I), Radoniów, [N 51o01’ E 22o15’] (II), Krom- The normality of the analyzed data was checked by Sha-
nów [N 50o55’ E 15o29’] (III) and Kopaniec [N 50o53’ piro-Wilk’s W test, and the homogeneity of variances was
E 15o33’] (IV). The area of examined dumps range from checked by Bartlett’s test [10, 11]. Differences between
1500 to 25000 m2 and all the dumps are wooded and cov- study sites with respect to mean concentrations of elements
ered by an abundance of spontaneous vegetation. in soil and plants were evaluated by analysis of variance with
Samples of soils from the superficial mineral layer (5- the F Snedecor test and the least significant difference was
20 cm) and leaves of Salix caprea, Betula pendula and calculated [12]. Pearson regressions and correlation coeffi-
Rubus idaeus colonizing the dumps, were collected in trip- cients were calculated to examine the relationships between
licate in September 2001 from areas with the greatest veg- the concentrations of elements in soil and plants [12].
etation cover. A total of 21 sampling sites, each measuring The accumulation ratios (i.e. the ratio between the
10mx10m were selected. The number of sampling sites concentrations of an element in plant and in the underly-
within a given dump was determined by its size as well as ing substrate) for the examined metals were calculated.
area diversity and amounted to 8, 6, 4 and 3 in Kowary, All calculations were carried out using the STATIS-
Radoniów, Kopaniec and Kromnów, respectively. TICA software [13].
Prior to analysis soil samples were air-dried at 20°C The analysis of variance indicated that soils and plants
and ground in a mortar to pass a 2 mm sieve. Leaves of for all study sites differed significantly with respect to the
Bioaccumulation of Heavy... 813
contents of the examined elements (p < 0.05). Ranges of ples revealed high levels of Na, even higher than those of
mean concentrations of elements in soil and plants are K and Mg. Comparisons of the chemical characteristics
presented in Tables 1, 2 and 3. of the soils examined with those given by Borkowski et
The pHH2O of soil samples ranged between 2.3 and 6.9. al. [17] for soils in the same region of the Sudety showed
Most samples (86%) displayed pH values between 4.0- that considerably higher amounts of some elements were
4.5. The pHKCl ranged from 2.1 to 5.3 indicating that the present. The soils from the uranium dumps contained 30
soil from dumps was acidic. The average pH as well as times as much Na, 10 times as much Ca and Mg as well as
median value were similar in all dumps, revealing similar several times higher concentrations of K. The differences
acidic conditions for plants growing on these dumps. between elemental concentrations within this region may
The carbon contents in the dump soils were relatively have been as a result of the specific geochemistry of the
high, the highest content being found in dump III. uranium dumps, and the presence of various ore minerals
Total N concentration in all soils was much lower in the underlying bedrock such as pyrochlore, autunite or
than the ranges of the average values given by Markert sklodowskite, containing Na, Ca, Mg as well as U [18].
[14] for natural soils of the world. This indicates that the The concentrations of Na in the soils studied were also
examined soils were poor in N. According to Alvarez et 30 times higher compared to the mine dump soils from
al. [15], N deficiency is one of the factors responsible for Galicia [15]. Although the sequence of alkali and alka-
limiting the establishment of vegetation in mine soils. In line-earth metals found in the Sudety (Ca, Na, Mg, K) and
addition, the calculated C/N ratio was relatively high, Galicia (Ca, Mg, Na, K) seems to be similar, Na levels
reaching values ranging from 41 to 64 in dumps I and were very high in the examined dumps.
III respectively, however in dump IV the calculated value The CEC (cation exchange capacity) of the soils was
was lower and amounted approximately to 30. Following relatively high, ranging between 9.3 and 15.9 cmol(+)
Gliński [16] elevated C/N ratios (>33) indicate a reduction kg‑1. Base saturation of the soil sorption complex was
in the speed of organic matter decomposition. Moreover, moderately high (between 51–90%), mainly due to the
the N available for plants is taken up by microorganisms elevated exchangeable Na, Mg and Ca fraction.
and therefore temporarily immobilized. Furthermore, the The concentration of available P for plants ranged
high acidity of dump soils makes the nutritional potential within the average values reported by Markert [14], even
of the soils poor. though some authors reported lower levels of available P
As regards the exchangeable cations, the Ca, Mg, K, in mine soils [15, 19].
and Na content was found to be within the average values The content of macroelements in plants leaves
reported by Gliński [16]. Ca was the most abundant among ranged within the average values [14]. In spite of low N
alkali and alkaline-earth metals. The analysis of soil sam- levels, the species studied accumulated and maintained
Table 1. General chemical characteristics of soil from the mine dumps in the Sudety Mountains (Poland). EA (exchangeable acidity);
BC=Ca2++Mg2++K++Na+ (exchangeable base cations); eCEC=EA+BC (cation exchange capacity); BS=100·BC/eCEC (base saturation);
SD (standard deviation).
a sufficient level of this macronutrient in their tissues. The tree species studied in this paper accumulated
All plants accumulated high amounts of Na (from 3203 more N, Ca and especially Na than S. caprea and B. pen-
up to 8490 mg kg-1), proportionally with the elevated dula growing on black coal mine dumps in the same area
concentrations of this element in the soil. A significant of Poland, which were poorer in nutrients [19].
positive correlation between Na concentration in plant The concentrations of Fe and Mn in the dump soils
leaves and the corresponding soil samples were found were within the ranges of the average values given for all
for trees: B. pendula (r= 0.29, p=0.04) and S. caprea (r= types of soils [14]. However, the content of other heavy
0.30, p=0.03). metals exceeded considerably the upper limits according
Table 2. Total concentration of heavy metals in soil from the mine dumps in the Sudety Mountains (Poland) [mg kg-1] (Ftabular=2.70).
Dump Parameter Fe Mn Zn Pb Cu Ni Cd
Min 15900 252 49 32 15 12 0.05
Max 175000 883 1876 249 1380 2210 3.80
I Average 49620 449 274 87 178 222 0.74
SD 40744 192 473 66 354 557 1.36
Median 38000 384 104 57 28 28 0.05
Min 16000 147 49 22 16 9 0.05
Max 74500 545 370 2750 42 45 4.60
II Average 35684 306 136 380 30 29 0.72
SD 17119 162 98 958 8 14 1.59
Median 32250 274 103 37 31 37 0.05
Min 26300 62 65 14 6 25 0.05
Max 113000 835 260 1450 56 63 5.30
III Average 52837 393 132 228 33 42 1.28
SD 27690 234 63 496 18 14 1.77
Median 43800 382 122 36 37 43 0.85
Min 18100 71 39 13 4 4 0.05
Max 129000 720 2850 341 120 68 2.98
IV Average 64657 314 500 76 32 42 0.80
SD 37133 225 1037 118 42 20 1.03
Median 60000 270 112 34 19 45 0.70
Fest. 7.44 3.62 4.03 12.4 15.7 7.44 2.61
LSD 11345 222 17.4 4.08 2.20 16.6 -
Table 3. Concentration of macroelements and heavy metals in plant leaves from the mine dumps in the Sudety Mountains (Poland) [mg
kg-1] (Ftabular=3.15).
Species Parameter N P K Ca Mg Na Fe Mn Zn Pb Cu Ni Cd
Min 16993 1398 7246 222 1596 3203 191 284 114 22.9 0.20 0.10 0.46
Max 34333 3326 39253 17437 12921 8347 2902 1790 430 41.3 6.93 8.63 1.18
Average 28564 2341 19389 8904 3570 4743 589 893 248 28.5 2.67 2.69 0.76
SD 4812 474 9996 4652 2556 1317 862 523 98 5.2 2.53 3.05 0.21
Median 29780 2255 16699 9835 2788 4508 278 603 208 27.4 1.26 1.53 0.76
Min 16170 1360 1390 3673 1923 4223 35 27 77 13.6 4.53 0.10 0.83
Max 40473 5455 2483 14216 8175 8490 67 286 330 92.3 12.17 24.70 12.13
Average 23845 2605 2022 10138 4183 5619 46 102 234 24.2 7.59 6.57 4.11
SD 6589 926 297 3517 1940 1039 7 95 62 17.6 2.15 8.48 3.01
Median 22853 2545 1973 11350 3396 5315 46 57 232 19.7 7.38 2.43 3.25
Min 14133 1778 4895 5626 2510 3916 8 182 27 17.6 1.20 0.10 0.40
Max 29290 4815 17944 20783 8996 5903 57 949 88 27.9 10.50 4.26 1.60
Average 24411 2974 11634 11146 5628 4978 26 449 57 21.4 5.27 1.65 0.76
SD 4487 952 4583 4567 2147 563 17 214 20 2.9 2.87 1.41 0.36
Median 25343 2831 12359 9797 5997 5004 19 501 51 20.6 5.16 1.46 0.70
Fest. 3.60 2.11 7.19 0.98 2.88 4.80 5.87 23.7 27.2 1.36 17.4 3.23 17.0
LSD 3407 - 4258 - - 730 325 210 44.6 - 1.53 3.51 1.18
Bioaccumulation of Heavy... 815
Fig. 1. Comparison of the heavy metal content of B. pendula (B), S. caprea (S) and R. idaeus (R) from the Sudety uranium dumps. Point
(mean), whiskers (standard deviation).
816 Wisłocka M., et al.
to the threshold of pollution established by Kabata-Pendi- The average levels of Cd in the plants examined ex-
as [20], as 50 (Pb), 70 (Zn), 25 (Ni), Cd (0.5) and 25 (Cu) ceeded the mean range of values (0.05–0.2 mg kg-1) re-
mg kg-1 d.w. The concentrations of Pb in dumps I and II ported by Kabata–Pendias and Pendias [22] for plants
exceeded the value cited above by a factor of almost 30 growing in unpolluted areas. S. caprea is considered by
and 55, respectively, and were likely associated with the many authors [25, 26, 27, 28] to be a species having a
presence of secondary radiogenic lead, which is charac- particular ability to accumulate Cd. The high concentra-
teristic of spoils containing uranium [21]. tion of Cd in S. caprea within all the dumps in this study
In general the toxic concentrations of heavy met- was also very pronounced (Fig. 1). By contrast, B. pen-
als found in the uranium dumps seem to correspond to dula from the uranium dumps extracted Cd at a lower rate
the mineral assemblage of the bedrock which, amongst than S. caprea. This kind of Cd accumulation pattern in S.
others, are composed of several uranium minerals (tor- caprea and B. pendula has also been reported by several
benite, zeunerite, samarskite) [18]. Interestingly, the ex- authors [29, 30, 31]. Higher accumulation ratios (54.1)
cessive heavy metal burden of the soil within the dumps for Cd are also characteristic of S. caprea as compared
was comparable or even higher (in respect of Zn, Ni to B. pendula and R. idaeus, for which the following val-
and Pb) than those found in soils from the polymetallic ues were obtained: 11.8 and 8.1 (Table 4), respectively.
anomalies of the Rudawy Janowickie Mts. (Western Su- These results are in agreement with Samecka-Cymerman
dety) [4]. Remarkably high concentrations of Zn, Pb, Cu and Kempers [19], who demonstrated the Cd accumula-
and especially Ni were noted in Kowary (dump I) where tion ratios for S. caprea to be significantly higher than
polymetallic mineral ores rich in chalcopyrite were re- those calculated for B. pendula. However, comparing the
processed. Cd accumulation ratio values, it could be concluded that
The observed elevated levels of heavy metals in the in general the tree species (S. caprea and B. pendula) ex-
soils are reflected by the high content of Fe, Zn, Pb and Cd hibit a higher ratio than that of R. idaeus. This confirms
in the leaves of B. pendula, Zn, Pb, Cd and Ni in S. caprea the findings of Reimann et al. [32] who reported that trees
and Pb and Cd in R. idaeus within all the dumps (Fig. 1). show a much higher concentration of Cd in leaves com-
The observed concentrations exceeded the average values pared to shrub species.
for plants of nonpolluted areas given by Markert [14] and Looking at the data obtained in this study, the higher
by Kabata-Pendias and Pendias [22]. The high metal ac- bioaccumulation potential of trees compared to shrubs is
cumulation patterns characteristic of S. caprea [23] has even more obvious for Zn. It is evident from Fig. 1 that
been confirmed in this study. Borgegärd and Rydin [24] leaves of R. idaeus contained a considerably lower con-
reported increased Zn and Pb concentrations in B. pendula centration of Zn than leaves of B. pendula and S. caprea
leaves growing within a contaminated area as compared within all the dumps studied. Furthermore, a lower accu-
to those from uncontaminated regions. High concentra- mulation ratio (see below) for this metal was exhibited by
tions of these metals found in birch leaves from uranium R. idaeus as compared to the examined tree species. How-
dumps corroborate these findings. The relatively high up- ever, in contrast to Cd, no significant differences were
take of heavy metals by the species examined may also be noted between concentrations of Zn in B. pendula (114 to
attributed to the low pH of the soils. 386 mg kg-1 d.w.) and S. caprea (97 to 315 mg kg-1 d.w.).
Although elevated concentrations of heavy metals In addition, relatively high concentrations of Mn were
were determined in the plants, no significant positive cor- noted in B. pendula (284 to 1724 mg kg-1 d.w.) from the
relations were found between the heavy metal content in dumps. Within the majority of sampling sites, the Mn level
leaves and corresponding soils, with the exception of S. in the plant leaves exceeded those considered by Kabata-
caprea where a significant correlation was observed be- Pendias and Pendias [22] as toxic (500 mg kg-1). The sen-
tween Pb in leaves and soil (r=0.32, p=0.02). This cor- sitivity to excessive Mn levels is diverse, even within the
relation gives an indication of the potential usefulness of same genus or plant species [22]. According to Kitao et
this tree species in monitoring lead contamination of the al. [33, 34] Betula platyphylla var. japonica was relatively
examined dumps. tolerant to high levels of Mn. Also the early successional
Table 4. Accumulation ratios for heavy metals in plant leaves from mine dumps in the Sudety Mountains (Ftabular=3.15).
Species Fe Mn Zn Pb Cu Cd Ni
Betula pendula 0.020 3.7 2.4 0.96 0.14 11.8 0.08
Salix caprea 0.010 0.5 2.2 0.8 0.3 54.1 0.20
Rubus idaeus 0.001 1.8 0.6 0.7 0.3 8.1 0.05
Fest. 5.16 18.9 10.8 1.56 6.25 10.9 1.57
LSD 0.009 0.97 0.55 - 0.11 19.1 -
Bioaccumulation of Heavy... 817
species such as Betula ermanii have a greater tolerance ratio was several times higher for S. caprea, in compari-
for excess levels of Mn in leaves than late successional son to the other two species. B. pendula and R. idaeus
species [35]. The present study showed that B. pendula exhibited higher accumulation rates for Mn than S. cap-
also showed a high Mn accumulation capacity but no rea. However, the potential use of R. idaeus in monitoring
toxic effects were observed. The accumulation ratios of metal concentration in the environment requires further
Mn in the leaves of B. pendula (1.04–9.56) from the in- investigation. The significant positive correlation between
vestigated areas were higher than the mean value (0.1) Pb in soil and leaves of the same tree suggest that S. cap-
for various species of plants reported by Kabata-Pendias rea should be employed for monitoring Pb in the environ-
and Pendias [22]. Furthermore, relatively high concentra- ment.
tions of Mn (182 to 949 mg kg-1 d.w.) and accumulation
ratios (1.24 to 3.62) were noted in the leaves of R. idaeus.
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