Quantitative Critique Paper
Quantitative Critique Paper
Quantitative Critique Paper
This paper is a critique of the article titled Comparative Effects of Concept Mapping and
Mathematics-Trigonometry in Kano State, Nigeria. This article presents the findings from an
experimental study on the effectiveness of concept mapping and cooperative learning strategies
on senior secondary school students’ achievement in trigonometry in mathematics (Bot et. al,
2016). The findings from the study among other things showed that the students taught using
concept mapping performed better than those taught using cooperative learning strategy and both
of the two strategies were significantly better than the use of conventional teaching methods (Bot
et. al, 2016). This paper is a critique of several different aspects of the research study including
the authors, title, abstract, problem statement, literature review, theoretical framework,
objectives, operational definitions, data collection methods, sample design, data analysis, and
This paper is a review of the article titled Comparative Effects of Concept Mapping and
performed to find out whether a significant mean difference exists in students’ achievement in
trigonometry when taught with concept mapping and cooperative learning strategies, and find
out the effects of the two strategies on achievement based on gender. (Bot et al, 2016).
Data was collected using researchers developed achievement test in trigonometry tagged
PRE-TAT & POST-TAT with reliability coefficient of 0.75. (Bot et al, 2016). Data analysis was
done using descriptive statistics and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) (Bot et al, 2016).
The findings from the study among other things showed that the students taught using
concept mapping performed better than those taught using cooperative learning strategy and both
of the two strategies were significantly better than the use of conventional teaching methods (Bot
et. al, 2016). The male students taught with concept mapping performed significantly better than
female students (Bot et al, 2016). Also, the findings revealed the existence of gender differences
in achievement of the students taught using cooperative learning strategy as against the use of
conventional methods where it was discovered that female students performed significantly
The report was well-written, grammatically correct, concise and well-organized. The
Introduction was written in order for the readers to understand what the study is all about. The
research problem was included and discussed clearly, and so were the operational definitions
such as concept map and cooperative learning in mathematics. Previous studies and theories
were also presented accordingly for the study to have a more valid foundation.
Thomas D. Bot was a Faculty of Education at the Department of Science & Technology
Education at University of Jos, Plateau State Nigeria while John E. Eze was employed at the
Nigeria. Both authors’ qualifications and job title indicate a degree of knowledge in this
particular field.
Report Title
The articles title, “Comparative Effects of Concept Mapping and Cooperative Learning
Kano State, Nigeria”, though consists of 21 words, which is longer than the ideal 10-15 words,
was clear, accurate and unambiguous. It clearly states the purpose of the study and the sample
The abstract provided a concise overview of the research which includes the information
regarding the purpose of the study, main objectives, method, the main findings, conclusion and
The problem discussed in the article was clearly stated. The general problem statement
of the study was “to examine the extent which the use of concept mapping and cooperative
learning strategies will assist secondary school students of Nigeria to understand or assimilate
and apply the knowledge of trigonometry concepts in mathematics and also test and ascertain
Literature Review
Several sources were reviewed by the authors to establish the need for the study as well
instruction. Sources such as the article Effects of Cooperative learning strategy on achievement
of male and female students in algebra in Bichi Local Government Area in Kano state were
The literature reviewed by the authors’ dates from the year 1987 to 2014 (Bot et al,
2016). There are fourteen articles cited by the authors that discuss about concept mapping and
cooperative learning (Bot et al, 2016). All sources are relevant to the topic of concept mapping,
cooperative learning and gender differential in mathematics achievement (Bot et al, 2016). The
Theoretical Framework
The framework that was the most identifiable in this study was theoretical framework.
The theory that’s related to the researchers’ focus in this study was concept mapping,
cooperative learning and gender differential in mathematics achievement (Bot et al, 2016). The
basis of the study was related to previous research studies and theories.
The objectives of the study, research question and hypotheses have been identified in the
article. More so, they are clearly stated, connected to each other and reflect the information
The following are the objectives of the study: to determine the effects of concept
trigonometry; find out whether there is a significant mean difference in achievement of SSII
students in trigonometry after being exposed to concept mapping and cooperative learning
strategies; find out whether the achievement of SSII students in trigonometry will vary based on
gender when the two strategies are employed; and find out the interaction effects of the two
formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance (Bot et al, 2016). These are as follows: (1)
What are the main effects of concept mapping and cooperative learning instructional strategies
on achievement of SSII students in trigonometry (Bot et al, 2016)? (2) What is the difference
between the mean achievement scores of SSII male and female students when taught using
concept mapping and cooperative learning instructional strategies in trigonometry (Bot et al,
The hypotheses formulated are as follows: (1) there is no significant mean difference in
the achievement scores of the treatment and control groups; (2) the mean difference in
achievement scores of students in the treatment and control groups will not vary significantly
based on their gender; and (3) there is no significant mean difference in the interaction effects of
the treatments on the achievement of the students based on gender (Bot et al, 2016).
The study sample was made of 210 SSII male and female students from three randomly
selected secondary schools in Kano metropolis, Kano state in Nigeria (Bot et al, 2016).
Purposive sampling technique was used in selecting (1) the three senior secondary schools and
(2) two streams from each of the selected three senior secondary schools while simple random
sampling technique was employed to assign each stream as either experimental or control group
based on the intact classroom arrangement of the students (Bot et al, 2016).
Ethical Considerations
Ethical issues were discussed in the article. The authors state that informed consent was
Operational Definitions
All the terms, theories and concepts mentioned in the study were clearly defined.
quasi‐experimental research design because the students were taught in their intact classes
The instrument used for data collection was a Pre‐Trigonometry Achievement Test
(PRETAT) which also served as Post‐Trigonometry Achievement Test (POST‐TAT) (Bot et al,
2016). It was made of 10 essay questions in trigonometry dealing with the concepts of sine and
cosine rules and their applications in practical life (Bot et al, 2016). The instrument was
developed by the researchers and validated by mathematics education and test and measurement
experts (Bot et al, 2016). Thereafter, it was pilot‐tested where the coefficient of internal
consistency was calculated through the use of SPSS (Cronbach Alpha Coefficient) yielding 0.78
The experiment started with initial pretesting of the two experimental groups and the
control group with the PRE‐TAT to establish a statistical baseline in their entry behaviors (Bot et
al, 2016). In administering the treatment properly through trained research assistants, the
experimental group one received teaching using concept mapping and experimental group two
received teaching through cooperative learning strategy (Bot et al, 2016). The units of concepts
in trigonometry in mathematics contained in the treatment package for the two experimental
groups were based on proving sine and cosine rules, calculations of the lengths, sides and angles
of various triangles using sine and cosine rules and the application of sine and cosine rules in
calculating practical problems involving bearing; and angles of elevation and depression (Bot et
al, 2016). The control group on the other hand received the normal lessons in trigonometry with
similar topics as the experimental groups for the length of the study lasting four weeks. After the
period of the experiment, the three groups were all post‐tested using the POST‐TAT (Bot et al,
Data Analysis/Results
Data collected from the study were analyzed through the use of descriptive and
inferential statistics namely means, standard deviations, ANOVA and ANCOVA based on the
research questions and hypotheses raised in the study (Bot et al, 2016).
Based on the findings from the study, it is thus concluded that the use of concept
mapping and cooperative learning strategies assist students in the secondary school to learn,
understand and achieve better results in trigonometry in mathematics than the use of traditional
teaching methods (Bot et al, 2016). Whereas male students benefitted more from using concept
mapping than their female colleagues, the female students on the other hand benefitted more than
their male colleagues from using cooperative learning strategy in teaching trigonometry (Bot et
al, 2016). Specifically, female students performed significantly better than male students in
trigonometry when cooperative learning strategy is used while the reverse is the case when
concept mapping is employed (Bot et al, 2016). Therefore, the use of cooperative learning
strategy and concept mapping can be said to provide opportunity for students in the secondary
school in Nigeria to acquire the knowledge of trigonometry in mathematics with success (Bot et
al, 2016).
The findings of the study are linked back to the literature review. Hypotheses were
identified and supported. And based on the findings of the study, recommendations for further
The article titled Comparative Effects of Concept Mapping and Cooperative Learning
Kano State, Nigeria is a well-written article that depicts the study results in a non-biased manner.
The article includes information on sample and study design that is easy to read. The article
gives statistical evidence in a manner that is concise and well-defined. The implications and
Bot T. D., & Eze J. E. (2016). Comparative Effects of Concept Mapping and Cooperative
Coughlan M., Cronin P., & Ryan F. (2007). Step-by-step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: