Numerology The Science of Success

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S ci enc e
Of o
Success ~


The Science of Numerology is the Science of Numbers

and their application to human affairs.

Its principles were first laid down and codified by the

Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, who fl ourished about 500
years before the Christian era . Incid entally, we are in-
debted to him for our present system of Music, which is
based on the very same laws of progression that are the
foundation of the Science of Numerology. There is, how-
ever, fra gmentary evidence that some form of Numerology
was practised long before the time of Pythagoras-its origin
being attributed to the Chinese, who had attained a high
standard of learning and culture long before our Western
civilisation had begun.

The Jewish Kabala, too, played a great part in the founda-

tion of the science, and there is abundant evidence of its
influence on Modern Numerology as practised at the present
There is no doubt that much of the ancient lore of
Numerology has been lost, but during the last few years a
renaissance has taken place, especially in America, where
Numerology is often referred to as the "Science of Success"
for reasons which will be obvious to the reader by the time
he has finished this book.

Many excellent books have been written recently on this

Science but, unfortunately, most of them are much too
technical and involved, and only succeed in confusing the

mind of the average enquirer. The Author has therefore
endeavoured to place a working system before the public
which will be easily understood and enable the reader to
work out his own numbers, and those of his friends, with
very little difficulty.

There are only nine "primal" numbers, 1 to 9, and

Numerol ogy is based on these numbers, because any number,
however big, can be redu ced to one of these nine by simply
adding from left to right, and reducing until only a single
number is left.
e.g.- 53 5+3=8
283 2+8+3=13=4
Now there are only nine distin ct types of people, each of
them governed by one of the nine primal numbers, as
follows : -
2. The PLACID or BALANCED type.

You, dear Reader, MUST belong to one of these types.

Which? Numerology will tell you ; but it will tell you much
more besides, not only about yourself but about your friends.
With very little study, it will enable you to 'weigh up'
people in a way which will ast ound you. Why? Because,
unlike Phrenology, Palmistry, Divinat ion by Cards, etc.,
Numerology is an EXACT SCIENCE.

Numerology will not only tell you your Destiny Number

-it will also tell you your Positive Qualities, to be
developed, your Negative Qualities, to be suppressed. It will
indicate the best mode of life-the best profession to adopt-

the right people to mix with, from whom you will benefit,
both materially and mentally; that is to say. the people whose
numbers vibrate to your number.
Practise this wonderful Scien ce, therefore, because the
knowledge of yourself you will obtain from it, if acted upon
in an intelli gent manner, may quite easily turn fa ilure into

How to obtain YOUR number.

As we said, there are only nine types of people, governed
by the numbers 1 to 9-of which type are you? In other
words, what is YOUR number? It is simple to find out-
merely add up your birthdate from left to right, and reduce
till you get a single number. For example, say a person
was born on the 5th day of February, 1897. Write down
the birth date first , thus : -
5-2-1897. Now add fr om left to right 5+2+1+8+9
+ 7=32. Now add 32 thus :- 3+ 2= 5. So we see the
" fadic " or ruling number of this person is S. That is to
say, he or she belongs to the number 5 type of person.
Take another instance-a person born on August 31st ,
1887. 31-8-1887 added up equals 36. 36 added up equals
9, which is the" fadic " or ruling number of a person born
on this date.
Again, a person born on 27th November, 1906.27-11-1906
added up gives 27, which added again gives 9.
In each of the two preceding cases we find the fadic
number is 9, alth ough there is a difference of 19 years in
the two birthdates. The cha ra cteristics of these two people
will therefore be similar- whereas a difference of only a
few days in th e birthdat es can make a trem endous difference,
extending right through life, to the two individuals con-
cerned. Work out a few exa mples for yourself and you
will soon become proficient.
This fadic number of yours is all-important, in fact it is

the most important thing about you-more important than
your name even. You can change your name if you
like-but you can't change your number.


Having ascertained a person's fadic number, in other
words, having discovered to which of the nine types of
humanity he or she belongs, we can analyse his or her
characteristics, strong and weak points, etc., as follows : -
No. NUMBER ONE.-This number is symbolised by the
I Sun, the centre of the Solar System, and the greatest
body of our material realm.
I t indicates aggression, action, ambition. A strong
number, representing force, creative ability, individual-
ism, self-assertiveness. It is a number of ruling,
directing, and the pioneer spirit that accomplishes
things not accomplished before.
The GOOD QUALITIES of number one are self
reliance, distinction, leadership, dignity, inventive
genius, and above all, power and definiteness of
PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Selfishness, domination,
lack of forethought, narrowmindedness and inability to
heed good advice.
Number one people are loved and admired by many,
but they are also liable to create enemies amongst those
whom they sweep aside in their desire for progress.
Culture, education and refinement are of great value,
in fact are almost essential, to the proper development
of the number one person.
No. NUMBER Two.-This number is symbolised by the
2 Moon, which is ever changing, yet complete and

regular, possessing a gentle yet noticeable influence.
It indicates diplomacy, antithesis, balance, contrast.
A social number-tact and the ability to make
friends will ensure its owner happiness.
The GOOD QUALITIES of number two are a
keen sense of natural justice, tactfulness, desire for
peace, the home loving instincts and caution. Many
reconciliations have been br ought about by number two
people, who are the world's peac emakers. They are
unselfish, and do not expect any return for their efforts,
content in the belief that virtue is its own reward.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Lack of ambition , pro-

crastination, over passiveness, and a tendency to give
way to a stronger personality, even when in the right.
A number two person should develop a certain
amount of aggressiveness, and not fear to take action
when the occasion demands it. It is a number that
presents great possibilities for development, but these
possibilities may be wasted through failure to take
advantage of them.

No. NUMBER THREE.-Just as the triangle is uneven yet

3 harmonious, so is number three. It is symbolised
by the planet Mars, powerful, strong, fearless.
It indicates talent, versatility and gaiety, mirth,
good cheer-pleasure and inspiration being the prin-
cipal characteristics of this number.
The GOOD QUALITIES of number three are in-
dependence, fearlessness, and enthusiasm, activeness-
will quickly sense the time for tact (which is not
instinctive in number one) yet does not depend upon
tact as does number two. A person of this num-
ber can succeed in almost anything he undertakes,
provided he will concentrate on the object in view. He

will laugh at failure and have a natural capability for
taking care of himself. The enthusiasm of number
three is contagious, and will often sweep away difficul-
ties, which to other people appear insuperable.

PRINCIPAL F AULTS.-Indifference, tendency to

think more of popularity than of esteem, extravagance,
at times unjustifiable optimism, assuming that as they
have been successful in the past they are bound to be
so in the future.

The qualities most needed by number three are

centralisation and concentration of effort. When they
have gained success they should not allow themselves
to be sidetracked by some passing fancy , because an
opportunity once lost, may never be regained, and the
strength and endurance of youth naturally become
impaired with the passing years.

They should cultivate effort . If their natural

talent and versatility are coupled with consistent effort,
the result will be a powerful combination towards

No. NUMBER Foua.c-This number is symbolised by the

4 planet Mercury, sometimes favourable, sometimes
unfavourable, always influenced by the power of
stronger and more certain agencies.

It indicates steadiness and endurance. It is the num-

ber of the hard worker and the plodder, of useful
purpose, constant toil and monotony.

The GOOD QUALITIES of number four are

regularity, deliberation, strength of purpose and stead-
fastness. Usefulness is its chief asset . Some authori-
ties consider number four people the • salt of the
earth,' because they are always ready to undertake

necessary but unpleasant jobs, which otherwise would
never get done. They also have a certain ability for
scient ific achievement, attained by steady effort.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Lack of imagination

and init iative, crudeness, clumsiness, and inability to
adapt themselves to changed circumstances. Number
four has sometimes been called the symbol of defeat,
poverty and misery. This is not so. Four people can
attain success by practising self-development. Edu ca-
ion is of the highest importance to them, more so even
than to number one, and without being arrogant they
should assert thems elves more and demand the recogni-
tion which their talents merit.

No NUMBER FIVE.-This number is symbolised by Jupi-

5 ter, the greatest of the planets, yet not always the

It ind icates adventure, travel and experience.

The higher the number, the more complex the per-

sonality. Theosophists ascribe this to the added ex-
perience gained in successive lives. Be that as it may,
number five is indeed so complex that it is difficult
to draw a line of demarcation between its good and
bad qualities.

Many people ruled by number five accomplish little.

but lead a confused, unstable exist ence. They have
short bursts of enthusiasm, but lose interest too quickly
to get anything done. They are rolling stones, how-
ever, and their wanderings fr equently make their lives
interesting and rich in experiences.

Number five people have a dual personality. They

can rise to the greatest heights, and, just as easily,
sink to the lowest depths.

They are reputed to be successful in love, but will
cast aside an old sweetheart for a new one, and so are
often considered to be fickle and faithless. They make
new friends easily-are good" mixers" and easily in-
fluenced by their surroundings.
adaptability and ceaseless activity. PRINCIPAL
FAULTS: Changeability and fickleness.

To attain the best in life, the number five person

should cultivate stability-singleness of purpose-and
endeavour to use his natural gifts for the benefit of

No. NUMBER Srx.-This number is symbolised by the

6 planet Venus, which represents goodness, truth,
beauty and love.
It indicates dependability and balance.
Those owning this number are considered to be the
backbone of a community. They are staunch friends,
good citizens, honest reliable people, home makers, and
kind and considerate folk. They are generally hamp-
ered by too much modesty, and unless this is corrected
are seldom appreciated at their true worth. In some
ways it is perhaps the most fortunate of all the

The GOOD QUALITIES of number six are hon-

esty, reliability, unselfishness and evenness of disposi-
tion. They revolt against all unscrupulous practices
and instinctively conform to established ideas of right
and wrong.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-The very excellence of

number six produces its own faults, which are intoler-
ance of the imperfections of others and a tendency to

feel they are on a superior plane to the rest of man-
kind-snobbishness and poor business ability. The
last often shows itself in over-honesty, such as reluct-
ance to enter into competition, and too much liber-
ality to persons who are undeserving of it.

To attain success the number six person should culti-

vate business acumen, and learn to make allowances
for others.

No . NUMBER SEVEN.-This number is symbolised by the

7 planet Saturn-dark and mysterious, which with its
rings is different from all other bodies in our solar
It indicates mystery, study, knowledge.

Those ruled by this number often have a hard time

in the world, and are not destined for renown or
glory. Their natures are full of beauty and poetry, but
they are seldom understood. Loneliness, sorrow and
excessive shyness, together with lack of social grace.
mark this number. It tends towards the mystic and
the occult.

The GOOD QUALITIES of number seven are

studiousness, inspiration, imagination, stoicism and
mental courage. Number seven people will undergo
great hardships without faltering.

Number seven is the mystic number, and has also

been called the Psychic number. Many seven people
possess strange and uncanny powers and are the
world's mediums in the Spiritist sense.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Melancholiness, moodi-

ness, lack of self-expression, a craving for solitude and
a marked tendency towards too much introspection.
To get the best out of life the number seven person-

ality should take an interest in the active affairs
of life, learn to 'mix' and cultivate the right
kind of friendships, seeking companionships with real
friends who understand their complex nature, and who
will help them to develop their hidden ability.

No. NUMBER EIGHT.-This number is symbolised by the

8 planet Uranus, which is influenced by the sun. Hence
it has a lot in common with number one.
It indicates power, progress and material success.
Money and success are the qualities this lucky num-
ber attracts. It is the number of achievement, attain-
ment and acquirement. People under this sign are
greatly respected. Business acumen and executive
ability amount in them to genius.

Number eight combines the judgment of number

two with the carefulness of number four.

The GOOD QUALITIES of number eight are prac-

tical knowledge, ability to conduct their own affairs,
and also to direct other people-power of consolidation
along practical, logical and business lines.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Self-assertiveness, re-

stricted outlook, lack of imagination and self-satisfac-

Not all number eight people are successful on the

material plane, because number eight represents the
ultimate in even construction and allows no room for
higher development.

If their natural talents are not of a high order they

should surround themselves with people who possess
the talents they lack, util ising to the full their own
inherent flair for directing others.

The chief fault of number eight is really a result of
lack of inspiration. That is over-success. Should a
number eight person fail in business, he should en-
deavour to reconstruct rather than recuperate, because
number eight being a progressive number does not
ordinarily 'come back.'

No. NUMBER NINE.-This number, the greatest of all the

9 primal numbers is symbolised by the planet Neptune.
It indicates universal influence and magnetic power.

Number nine has the success of number eight, with

the difference that number eight is a practical number.
Nine is not interested in material success, pe,. se, but
achieves it usually by accident. Genius and great talent
are the outstanding qualities of this number.

Its influence is universal. Potentially, it possesses

all the attributes of the other eight numbers.
Instinctive knowledge is a great asset to number nine
people. They are artistic in nature, possess charming
personalities, talent, and have dramatic ability.

They are outstanding and often develop a high per-

sonality that inspires the confidence of other people.

Number nine is the number of the thinker. It has

the logical and intuitive faculties equally inherent.

The GOOD QUALITIES of number nine are in-

tegrity, idealism, and creative genius, also ability to
succeed without apparent effort.

PRINCIPAL FAULTS.-Number nine has its

faults . Ambition always seems easy to gratify, and
there is a tendency to defer constructive action, with
the result that when the time comes for action, they

are unprepared and taken unawares, so many oppor-
tunities are lost.

I f the number nine person will only develop concen-

tration and application and eschew impractical ideas,
his path to success is assured, and his chances of ris-
ing to great heights in practically every sphere of acti-
vity, almost unlimited.

We have now outlined the principal characteristics of the

nine different types of humanity, but they must not neces-
sarily be taken as "hard and fast." There are exceptions
to every rule, and this maxim applies equally to Numero-
logy, as it does to everything else in an imperfect world-
limited as it is to a subjective concept of a postulated

The fadic number is invariably modulated to a greater

or lesser degree by the individual numbers of which the
birth date is composed. and an allowance must at all times
be made for this.

In short, everybody can attain to a certain amount of pro-

ficiency in this science. but as in everything else -music
painting, surgery, etc.-latent talent is absolutely necessary
In this case that latent talent consists of the gift of "inter-


There are no set rules, but the writer has found from
many years of experience that the best working harmonies
are as follows;-
Number 1 4,2, & 7
2 7,1, & 4
" 3 6&9
" 4 1,2,& 7
" 5 All numbers (except 8)
6 3&9
" 7 2, I, & 4
" 8 4, 1,2, & 7
9 All numbers, but especially 3 & 6
The two principal aspects of life in which the considera-
tion of harmonies is of the highest importance are : -

( 1) The choosing of bus iness associates.

(2) In connection with Love and Marriage.

The student can investigate for himself along these lines

amongst his own circle of friends , whose personalities are
already known to him-a social c1ub-a sports team-a com-
mittee or a board of directors-if the individuals composing
them are in or out of harmony, the reason is not far to seek.
Work out their birth-dates and in the resulting fadic num-
bers you will find the explanation.


The Harmony Colours and Gems traditionally associated

with the nine primal numbers are as follows : -

Number Colour Gem

1 Violet Diamond
2 Dark Blue Sapphire
3 Light Blue Turquoise
4 Green Emerald
5 Yellow Yellow Topaz
6 Orange Orange Topaz
7 Red Ruby and Garnet
8 Grey Pearl and Opal
9 Purple Amethyst

NOTE.-Blends and contrasts of colours to suit the person-

ality are indicated by the individual numbers composing the
birth date.


Number Days
1. Sunday and T hursday.
2. Mon day and Wednesday.
3. T uesday and Friday.
4. Monday and Wednesday.
5. Thursday an d Saturday.
6. Friday and Tuesday .
7. Saturday and Thursday.
S. Wednesday and Monday.
9. Tuesday and Friday.
N.B.-The day first ment ioned constitutes th e major har-
mony, and th e second , th e minor harmony of the week.

Destiny years are th ose which vibrate to, that is, add up
to , the fad ic nu mber .
T he last destiny year for each nu mber was as follows :-
Number Last Destiny Yea'!' Num ber Last Destiny Ye ar
1 1936 5 1931
2 1937 6 1932
3 1929 7 1933
4 1930 8 1934
Number 9 - 1935
To obtain th e next destiny year, simply add 9 to the last
one; e.g. No . I-Last dest iny year, 1936-Next, 1945. and
so on.
The present year, 1938. is a dest iny year for all No. 3
people, as it vibrates to the number.

The boy-what will he become? Is he to be a clerk?
Becaus e his father is a clerk-or a farm labourer? Because

his forebears for generations have been farm labourers.
There are thousands of people in the world who are failures,
not because they are lacking in talent, but because that
talent is mis-applied in uncongenial occupations-in other
words, they are " square pegs in round holes."
Below will be found a list of occupati ons best suited to the
nine types of which humanity is composed. This list is of
necessity limited, and on broad lines, but it should not be
hard to classify the various callings in life under the chief
headings submitted herewith.
It must, of course, be remembered that no number has a
monopoly of " Genius " which is governed by no known
rules, and is liable to appear when least expected, upsetting
all the scientists' pet theories regarding heredity and
Accountant 4,8, Inventor 1, 3, 5,9.
Actor 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Journalist 3, 5,9.
Actuary 4, 6. Judge 2, 6, 8, 9.
Architect 2,6,8,9. Lawyer 2, 6, 8, 9.
Artist 1, 3, 7, 9. Legislator 2,6,9.
Author 3. 5, 7,9. Manufacturer 4,6,8.
Banker 6, 8. Merchant 1, 6, 8.
Business Man 1, 6, 8. Minister 2, 3, 6, 7.
Capitalist 1, 3, 8. Musician 3,7,9.
Contractor 4,6,8. Neurologist 2,9.
Dentist 2, 4. Nurse, 2,4,6.
Doctor 2,4, 6,9. Orator 1, 3, 9.
Detective 1, 2, 5, 7. Osteopath 2,6,9.
Diplomat 2,6,9. Politician 1,2,3,8.
Editor 3, 6, 9. Professor 2,6,7,9.
Engineer I , 4, 9. Reporter 3, 5,9.
Examiner 2, 3, 8. Sailor 1, 5, 9.
Executive 1, 3, 8. Salesman 5, 8, 9.
Farmer 4,6,8. Secretary 2, 3, 4, 6.
Financier 3, 8, 9. Scientist 3, 4, 6, 9.
Geologist 4,7,9. Soldier 1, 4. 5.
Guardian 2,4,6. Treasurer 4,6.9.
Humorist 1, 3, 5, 9. Surgeon 3,6,9.
Illustrator 3, 7, 9. Traveller 1, 5, 8, 9.

Napoleon, Disraeli and George Washington were all ruled
by the figure 1, so also are Henry Ford, Lord Beaverbrook
and Charles Chaplin.
Number 2.-the number of the diplomat-ruled Thomas
Carlyle. It also ruled Sir James Barrie and His Majesty
King George V, whose outstanding diplomacy has ensured
him a firm" niche" in history.
Charles Dickens was ruled by number 3-as also Mr.
Justice Du Parcq (who presided at the Dartmoor enquiry).
It also ruled the late Queen Victoria.
4 is the number of Marconi-the inventor of wireless-
also of Lord Austin, the car manufacturer, and
Gordon Selfridge, thus proving that the 4 person is cap-
able of attaining material success.
The" Versatile" number 5 ruled Lord Tennyson, Lord
Nelson, Charles Darwin-it also rules Michael Arlen (the
novelist), Hilaire BeIloc, H. M. Bateman and Paderewski-
people of widely divergent activities.
The Duke of Windsor is governed by number 6-
as also are Sir Oliver Lodge, Einstein (of Relativity
fame), Earl Baldwin (Honest Stan), and Sir Alan Cob-
ham. Many ecclesiastical dignitaries were ruled by number
6, including H.E. Card inal Bourne and the Archbishop of
Canterbury (Dr. Lang).
Ramsay Macdonald was ruled by the mystic number 7-
those who knew him intimately regarded him as the true 7 type.
It is also the ruling number of De Valera (the stormy petrel
of Irish politics) and of Win ston Churchill. The late King
Edward VII was ruled by the figure, but had not one in his
birth date.
The number 8-" the psychic symbol of human justice "-
governed such legal luminaries as Lord Reading and Norman

Birkett, K iC. Oliver Cromwell-ruthless and, in practice,
very material-was also a number 8 personality.

The host of famous people ruled by the all-powerful 9

is endl ess. It includes LIoyd George, Sir Abe Bailey , John D.
Rockefeller, Baden-Powell, Henry Ainley (one of, if not the
finest, of our modern actors) to name only a few.

The interested reader can gather many other examples by

a perusal of " Who's Who " and similar books of reference.

Besid es our fad ic or ruling number, obtained from our
birth date, we also possess a name number wh ich is calculated
by adding together the numerical values of the individual
letters of which the name is composed.

If your name number harmonises with your birth number,

so much the bett er for you-i f it does not harmonise, it
should be made to do so by adjustment, e.g., leaving out one
of the first names, or us ing just the initial of that name.

Indeed, you may, if you like, adopt an entirely different

name in order to obtain the desired harmony-and there is
nothing illegal in doing so provided, of course, you do not
use it for criminal purposes.

There are many instances on record of people who have

benefited by a change of name-one notable example being
the late Mark Twain. the famous American humorist.

Every letter in every language has a numerical value. The

Hebrew alphabet consists of twenty-two letters, each with
a number equivalent, as recorded in the Kabala. Mathemati-
cians are aware that the Greek letter' Epsilon' is the base
of natural logarithms, and every schoolboy knows that' Pi '
is an essential factor in determining the area or circum-
ference of a circle. What is the precise number value of

each letter in the English language? This is a problem that
has perplexed the Numerologist for many years-so much
depends on the equivalent value of a letter in different
languages, and a knowledge of phonetics. Nearly
every book on the subject seems to differ from the
others-each having its own system-and an empirical one
at that! "The" Hilary Gerard " system has a mathematical
basis and has been evolved with due regard to etymological
idiosyncrasies and phonetic balance.
It has successfully survived the test of 'clinical' experience
over a number of years.
It is hoped, in the near future, to issue a companion vol-
ume to the present one, dealing with this aspect of this
fascinating science.

Man is a gregarious animal, and his life on the material
plane consists of permutations and combinations with his
fellow beings. Individual isolation would obviously result,
in due course, in extinction.
In the major affairs of life-marriage, business and
mental uplift-a true harmony is essential.
The" Numerograph " shows if this exists. For instance,
if two people are contemplating matrimony-will it be
A comparison, not only of the fadic numbers and the
name numbers, but also of the individual numbers in the
birth dates, will prove extremely useful. These numbers
need not synchronise, in fact, generally speaking, it is better
if they do not-but if, in conjunction, they form a symetrical
"graph," it would tend to show that that particular union
would be beneficial and productive of good results.
Experience is, of course, necessary for the proper
appraisement of a comparative numerograph-the 'weighing

up' of the specific values of the endless number combina-
tions being a somewhat intricate matter.
Comparative Numerology, however, is an advanced stage
of the science, and should not be attempted by the student
until he has mastered the first principles.

It has often been said that " You can make figures prove
anything," and th ere is a certain amount of truth in this
statement. It is possible, by Algebra, to prove to the
bewilderment of the average person that 1 equals 2, and
only a mathematician can detect the flaw in the argument.
Again, by using the Pythagoran system of addition, it is
possible to subtract 4S from 4S and still leave 4S-all of
which seems very confusing to the uninitiated.
A too ingenious manipulation of figures may be fraught
with danger-a fact of which several well known financiers
in the past, have been only too painfully aware. The line of
demarcation between Park Lane and Parkhurst is a very
fine one-and it all depends on how you handle your figures,
in which of these sylvan retreats you eventually find yourself
Be that as it may, right through history numbers seem to
have played a very important part in the destinies of
Empires, Kings and Peoples.
The number 88 (which is really 7) is known to have been a
very fatal one for the house of Stuart.
Vital events in the life of Oliver Cromwell always trans-
pired on the third day of the ninth month.
The number 2 has always been a dangerous number when
affixed to the name of a king or ruler, and presages a tragic
end, e.g.:-
Charles Il of France-poisoned; Henry II of France

-killed in a tournament; William 11 of England-
kilIed; Richard I I of England-murdered; Edward Il
of England-murdered.

In the Book of the Apocalypse of St. John the Mystic

(who, of course, besides possessing psychic gifts, was an
expert Numerologist) occur these words : -

"Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding

count the number of the Beast. It is the number of
a man. And his number is six hundred three score
and six."

That is to say, the number of the Beast is 666. Now it

is remarkable, to say the least, that if the numbers in each
of the verti cal columns of the numerograph are added to-
gether they each total 6-giving 666. Add 666 together
and we get 18, which equals 9, the number of completion.

The figure 3 was important and outstanding in the li fe

of Jesus Christ. There is no actual birth date to commence
with but:-

His parents lost him for 3 days 3

When he was 12 years of age. 1 plus 2 equals 3
He had 12 dis ciples 3
His ministry lasted 3 years 3
He died on the Cross at the 3rd hour 3
He rose again on the 3rd day 3

A passing reference, here, to number thirteen , would

not be out of place. It is generalIy looked upon as an
unlucky number-its malevolent influence being attributed
to the fact that there were thirteen people at the last Supper.
As a matter of fact. 13 was considered unlucky long before
the time of Christ, the superstition dating back to primitive
times when man was incapable of counting more than 12-
anything beyond represented the unknown and therefore

was to be feared. There is evidence to show that in certain
primitive languages the same idiograph was used to re-
present the number 13 and the word" unknown."

Number 5 played a big part in the career of Mr. Gladstone,

the " Grand Old Man" of the Victorian era.

He was born on 29/12/1809. He was, therefore, a 5

personality : -
He first entered Parliament in 1832 5
At the age of 23 5
Votes recorded for him, 887 5
First became Prime Minister 1868 5
At the age of 59 5
He died 19/5/1898 5
Buried in Westminster Abbey 28/5/1898 5

Merely coincidence, you say. All right! This final ex-

ample is still more remarkable. In July, 1910, a great
sensation was caused by the murder of a woman named
Mrs. Crippen, and the subsequent arrest of her husband
Dr. Crippen and a woman named Miss Le Neve. At the
time of the murder Dr. Crippen was in his 49th year, and
these numbers 4 and 9 played a most important part in
the dramatic events which followed:-
Dr. Crippen's age was 49 4
Mrs. Crippen-Iast seen alive Jan. 31st 4
Dr. Crippen and Miss Le Neve ran away
July 9th ... 9
Remains discovered four days later, July
13th 4
Nine days later the Captain of the Montrose
wirele ssed that he believed they were on
board, July 22nd 4
Nine days later they were arrested ... 9
They were placed in separate cabins Nos. 8
and 5, total 13 ... 4
They were in prison in America 18 days 9
They embarked for England on the 18th ... 9

They were 9 days on the voyage 9
They landed at 1.30 ... 4
They appeared before the magistrates at
10.30 4
There were 9 counsel engaged in the case ... 9
The trial began on the 18th 9
It lasted four days 4
And finished on the 22nd 4
Dr. Crippen was hanged at 9 o'clock 9
(A most unusual hour, as murderers in
England are invariably executed at
8 a.m.)

Here there is indeed food for thought. The poet was

right, "There is a divinity in numbers, either in chance,
nativity or death."

If the reader cares to experiment in his own life or

those of his acquaintances, he will, doubtless, come across
some "coincidences" similar to those enumerated here .
It will go a long way towards strengthening his belief in
the Science of Numbers.

Modern Numerology is still in its infancy, and, like every
other science, is slowly but consistently being developed.
Fresh discoveries are constantly being made. We already
know that:-

An 0 next to a figure adds intensity to that figure .

A 7 in the birth date indicates inability to keep


More than one 9 shows a tendency to depression and

more than usual care and responsibility.

Two 6's make for dogmatism and argument.
More than one figure 1 in a birth date means great
determination, and unless there is an 0 next to it,
At the moment of birth our days are numbered and right
through life our whole existence is ordered and controlled
by numbers. We rise at a cert ain hour-we have our meals
at certain times-work so many hours and so on. In fact
in everything we do numbers play their part and are in-
History repeats itself-by numbers; it can be epitomised
in numbers (dates). The Great Pyramid of Gizeh is believed
to contain a forecast of the Destiny of the World. To
understand it, all that is required is the key-that key will
eventually be found in the Science of Numerology.
Numerology is based on Mathematics, and is therefore
free from the dang er of local colour, that is bound to in-
fluence intuitional metho ds of Ps ycho-Anal ysis. There is
a freshness about Numerology which is intriguin g-it has
not become encru sted with shibboleths and foolish falla cies
-and above all, unlike Astrology, Palmistry, Phrenology,
etc., it has not been exploited by the charlatan and the illiter-
ate quack.
The beauty of Numerology is that it can be treated in
many ways. The Mathemati cian can devote himself to new
calculations. The Historian may study the Numerology of
famous, and infamous, historical characters . The Crimino-
logist will obtain substantiation of many of his theories by
its aid, and so on.

Numerology provides first-class entertainment. If you

go to a party you can't sing, play , or even recite-you feel
"out of it." When asked to do something, just say you
are a numerologist-you wiII find that you hav e unwittingly
monopolised the whole of the proceedings-in fact you
wiII be the "star turn" of the evening.

In conclusion, do not forget:-
Good results cannot be obtained without constant
Figures can, and should be, applied to everything.
There are exceptions to every rule.

If the perusal of this little book succeeds in giving encour-

agement and help to only one pers on in this complex world
of ours, the author will feel his efforts have not been in

The sceptic may sneer and say" Numerology-a collec-

tion of mere trifles." Qu ite, but as Michael Angelo said,
" Trifles make perfection-and perfection is no trifle ."
Fint Edition (10,000) NOllember 1931
Reprinted (10,000) May 1932
Reprinted (10,000) June 1933
Second Edicion (10,000) May 1934
Rt!princed (10,000) June 1935
Third Edition (10,000) April 1936
Fourth Edition (10,000) AI'ril 1937

Printt!d by
FANCIES (1931) LTD.,

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