26. Even though an ac waveform can take any A. Amplitude
shape the B. Peak to peak value
is the most preferable. C. RMS
A. Square value D. None of above
wave B. Sine wave Answer-B
C. Triangular wave D. Rectified wave 32. The capacitive reactance is defined as
Answer-A XC
27. The period of a wave is
A. 2πfc B.
A. The C. Wc
same as frequency B. Time required to D. 2πfl
complete Answer-B
one cycle 33. If voltage across pure resistance is
C. Express in amperes V=Vmsin(wt+π/6) then current flowing
D. None of the above through it will be
Answer-B I=
28. The form factor is the ratio of
A. IMsin(wt)
A. Peak B. IMsin(wt+π /6) C. IMsin(wt-π/6) D.
value to the rms value IMsin(wt+π/2)
B. RMS value to average value Answer-B
C. Average value to rms value D. None 34. Average power is purely resistive ac
of the above circuit is
Answer-B equal to P=
29. The period of a sine wave is 1/50seconds.
Its frequency is A. VIsin Ф
B. VIcos
. Ф
A. 20 C. VI D. VMIM
Hz Answer- C
B. 30 Hz 35. The
C. 40 Hz can never store
D. 50 Hz energy.
30. Power factor of the following circuit will A. Resistor
be unity B. Inductor
C. Capacitor D.
A. Inductive Energy source
B. Capacitive Answer-D
C. Resistive D. Both A and B 36. For a purely inductive ac circuit
Answer-C the leads
by 90º
A. Current, voltage A. XL×R
B. Voltage, current B.
C. Power, current D. XC× R
Voltage, power C. XL/R
Answer-B D. XL+R
37. The is Answer-C
directly proportional to 43. If R = 3Ω is
frequency. in series with XL=4Ω. Then
the admittance of this circuit is Y=
A. Capacitive reactance s.
B. A. 5 B. 25 C. 0.2
Hysteresis loss D. 0.04
C. Inductive reactance Answer-D
D. Eddy current loss 44. The reactive power is also called
Answer-C as
38. For RL series circuit the current power and it expressed
the applied voltage by in
A. Leads,0 to90º A. True, VAR
B. Lags, 0 to 90º B. Imaginary, VAR
C. Leads,90º C. Imaginary, VA
D. Lags,90º D. Real , VA
Answer-B Answer-B
39. The impedance of 45. All the home appliances operates
RC series circuit is given by Z= on
A. R+jXC A. AC
B. R-jXC B. DC
C. R×jXC C. AC or DC
D. None of above D. None of the above
Answer-A Answer-A
40. The average power consumed by a pure 46. In the equation V(t) = Vm × Sin(wt), V(t)
capacitor indicates
is the
. A. RMS
A. VIsinΦ B. Peak
B. VI C.
C. VIcosФ Instantaneous
D. 0 D. Average
Answer-D Answer-C
41. The RLC series circuit is 47. The instantaneous value of voltage at t=t1
if XL=XC. is given by,
A. Inductive
B. Capacitive A. V(t=t1)
C. Resistive D. None of above B.
Answer-C V(t1)
42. The Q-factor can be defined as Q= C. V/t1
at f=fr. D. None of these
Answer-A determined from the ─ of the
48.1 Cycle = waveform.
Full cycle B. Half Cycle C.
A. Full or Half Cycle D. None of these
π radian B. 2π radian C. 4π radian D. Answer-B
1800 56. The value
Answer-B of the form factor for the
49. The frequency of the AC mains sinusoidal waveform is .
is A.
A. 0.909 B. 0.637 C. 0.707 D.
50 1.11
Hz B. 25 Hz C. 100 Hz D. Answer-D
50 sec. 57. The value
Answer-A of peak factor for a
50. The frequency of the AC quantity is sinusoidal waveform is .
measured A.
in . 1 B. 0.707 C.
A. 1.414 D. 0.637
units/sec B. cycles-sec C. cycles/sec D. Answer-C
Sec/cycles 58. The correct expression for the form factor
Answer-C is K
51. The value is also called
RMS B. Peak C. Average D. A.
Instantaneous Imax/Iavg B. Irms/Iavg C. Imax/Iavg D.
Answer-B Ip-p/Irms
52. The value of Answer-B
the sine wave is 0.707Vm. 59. The length of
A. the phasor represents the of
Average B. Peak C. RMS D. the sinusoidal quantity.
Instantaneous A.
Answer-B Amplitude B. Average value C. RMS
53. The average value of the sinusoidal value D. Instantaneous value
voltage waveform is . Answer-A
A 0.637 Irms B. 60. Form factor
0.707 Irms C. is always .
0.637 Imax D. 0.707 A.
Imax Greater than 1 B. Less than 1 C.
Answer-C Equal to 1 D. zero
54. The AC voltmeter or ammeter measures Answer-A
the value. 61. Complete the following formula, 1 rad
A. = degree. A. π/180 B.
Average B. RMS C. Peak D. 180/π C. π/360 D. 360/π
Instantaneous Answer-A
Answer-B 62. The phasor rotates
55. The average value of a symmetrical AC in direction.
waveform is
A. form as, A. 40<-600A B. 40<600A C.
Clockwise B. Anti Clockwise C. 54.54<600A D. None of these
Random D. Answer-A
None of these 69. An alternating
Answer-B current is given by I =
63. The projection of phasor on Y axis 14.14sin(377t). What is the RMS value?
is value. A. 14.14A B. 10 A C. 377
A. A D.
Peak B. Instantaneous C. Average D. 9A
RMS Answer-B
Answer-B 70. An alternating
64. The phase angles can take any value current is given by I = 14.14 sin (377t), its
between time period is .
_ and A.
20 msec B. 16.67 msec C. 2.65 msec D.
A. 5.3 msec
0, 2π B. 0, π C. 0, 1800 D. π, 2π Answer-B
Answer-A 71. The AC voltage generator is called
65. For the expression as .
V(t)=100sin(100wt+π/4), A.
the phase difference is, Alternator
A. B. Induction Generators C. Alternating
π/4 lagging B. π/4 leading C. 100π Generator D. None of these
leading D. 100π Answer-A
lagging 72. The value of
Answer-B AC quantity is defined as the value of that
66. A sinusoidal current has peak factor 1.4 quantity at a particular instant
and of time.
form factor 1. If average value of current A.
is 20A, then DC
RMS value of current is A B. AC C.
and peak value Instantaneous D. RMS
is Answer-C
A. 22, 30.8 B. 73. An AC quantity
30.8, 22 C. 18.18, 25.7 D. (Voltage, Current or Power) is defined
18, as the one which changes its as well
25 as with
Answer-A respect to time.
67. The between A.
two phasors represents the phase difference Value, direction B. Phase, polarity C.
between two quantities. Value, phase D.
A. None of these
Length Answer-A
difference B. Speed difference C. Angle 74.The repetition consisting of one positive
Difference D. None of these and one
Answer-C identical negative part is called as
68. The phasor represented in rectangular the of the waveform.
form as i=(20-j34.64)A in its equivalent polar A.
Time period B. One cycle C.
Frequency D. None 81.At resonance
of , in RLC series circuit , the circuit behaves
these as
Answer-B a) Inductive ciruit
75. Peak to peak values are most often used b) capacitive circuit c)
when resistive circuit d) none
measuring the magnitude on the Answer-C
82.At frequency
A. less than resonace frequency in RLC series
Voltmeter B. Cathode ray oscilloscope C. circuit, the circuit behaves
Digital multimeter D. None of these as
Answer-B a) Inductive ciruit
76. What is the phase angle of a series RLC b) capacitive circuit c)
circuit at Resonance resistive circuit d) none
a)INFINITY b) zero Answer-B
c) 45 83. At frequency greater than resonace
deg d) frequency in RLC series circuit,the circuit
90 deg lag behaves as
Answer-B a) Inductive ciruit
77. What is the total reactance of a series b) capacitive circuit c)
RLC circuit at Resonance resistive circuit d) none
a) Answer-A
Zero 84.Resonance frequency equation
b) equal to XL c) equal to Xc d) R a) 1/LC b) 1/(LC)1/2 C)
Answer-A 1/C D) None
78. The magnitude & phase of current vector Answer-B
is depend on the values of 85. At Resonance
a) in RLC series circuit, Current in
R d) L c) C and f circuit is
d) all of the above a) Minimum b) Maximum c) can’t say d)
Answer-D none
79. If the Band width is low the selectivity Answer-B
will be 86. At Resonance in RLC series circuit,
a) High b) Low c) zero Impedane is
d) none a) Minimum b) Maximum c) can’t say d)
Answer-A none
80.Resonance is Answer-A
defined as 87. At Resonance in RLC series circuit,
a) in a Admittance is
circuit angle between voltage and current is Ø a) Minimum b) Maximum c) can’t say d)
b) in a none
circuit angle between voltage and current is Answer-B
zero 88. At Resonance in RLC parallel circuit,
c) in a voltage in circuit is
circuit angle between voltage and current is a) Minimum b) Maximum
unity c) can’t say d) none
d) none Answer-B
89. At Resonance in RLC parallel circuit, Answer-B
a) Minimum b) 98.In series RLC circuit R= 10 ohms and L=
Maximum c) can’t say 5mH and C=
90. AtResonance in RLC parallel 12.5 micro F. calculate
impedance in Z0 is equal
circuit,admittance in to circuit is
circuit is a) d)10none
a) Minimum b) Maximum b) -10 ohms c) 1/10 ohms
c) can’t say d) none d) -1/10 ohms
Answer-A Answer-A
99. A series circuit R = 5 ohms and L= 20
91. Resonance frequency in RLC parallel circuit
mH and variable capacitance C has an
b) 1/(LC)1/2 c)Zero
applied voltage with a frequency f = 1000 Hz.
a) 1/2π(LC)1/2 Answer-A C for series resonance.
a) 1.27 micro F b) 1.37
92. Quality Factor can be defined micro F c) 0.4 micro F d) None.
as Answer-A
a) Maximum stored energy b) 100.W0 =
energy dissipated per cycle a) W1 b) W2 c) (W1W2)1/2 d) None Answe-
c) 2π(Maximum stored energy)/(Energy C
dissipated per 101. Bandwidth is defined as the range of
cycle ) d) None frequencies
Answer-C within which the power delivered to R is
93. In series RLC circuit , at a) equal to half power at resonance b) less
resonance than
a) Z= R b) Z= 1/R half the power at resonance
c) R/2 d) 2/R c) greater than half power at resonance d)
Answer-A None.
94. Q is equal to Answer-C
a) w0L/R b) 102 . When a pure Lc parallel circuit is in
1/W0RC c) Zero d)both a and b resonance,
Answer-D the circuit condition can be represented by
95.Bandwidth is euqal to a) Short circuit
a) Q0/f0 b) b) open circuit c) a normal
f0/Q0 c) 0 d) none parallel circuit d) None of these
Answer-B Answer-B
96. Energy dissipated per cyclin the ciruit in 103. Which of the
RLC series is condition is common to both series
a) Product of the average power in the and parallel resonance
resistor and the time a) Impedance is minimum
period b) power factor unity
b) Product of voltage and current c) c) power is low
product of voltage and power d) None. d) Q factor depends on voltage amplification
Answer-A Answer-B
97.In series RLC circuit R= 10 ohms and L= 104.The Q factor
5mH and C= of a circuit is defined
12.5 micro F. calculate angular frequency as
a) 400 rad/s b) 4000 rad/s c) 40 rad/s a) reactive power/resistive b) w0L/R
d) 40000 rad/s c) both a and b d) None
Answer-B Answer-C
105. In an RLC series circuit, which of the 112. The instantaneous value of voltage at
following are correct when the t=t1 is given by,
frequency of the source is varied from A.
zero to infinity V(t=t1) B. V(t1) C. V/t1
a) inductive reactance is less than capacitive D. None of these
reactance Answer-A
b) capacitive reactance is less thant inductive 113. One Cycle
reactance is equal to
c) inductive reactance is equal to cpapacitive A.
reactance π radian B. 2π radian C. 4π
d) all of these radian D. 1800
Answer-D Answer-B
106.In series RLC circuit, resonance occurs 114. For a purely inductive circuit if the
when source voltage is V= Vm×sin(wt) then the
a) L= C b) R= C c) R= L d) equation of the
inductive reactance is capacitive reactance current is given by,
Answer-D A.
107. If R = 3Ω is Im sin(wt) B. Im sin(wt +π/2) C.
in series with XL=4Ω. Then the Im sin(wt – π/2) D. Im sin(wt – π)
admittance of this circuit is Y= A. Answer-C
5 B. 25 C. 0.2 D. 0.04 115. The inductive reactance for DC
Answer-D is .
108. The parallel resonant circuit is called A.
as the circuit. Zero B. Infinite C. In between zero and
A. infinite D. None
Selector B. Rejecter C. Voltage Answer-A
amplifier D. 116. Impedance of
None of above a purely inductive circuit is expressed
Answer-B in polar form as, Z= Ω
109. The reactive power is also called A.
as power Xl<-900 B. Xl<-00 C. Xl<900 D.
and it expressed in . Xl<1800
A. Answer-C
True, VAR B. Imaginary, VAR C. 117. The capacitive reactance XC with in
Imaginary, VA D. Real , VA frequency.
Answer-B A.
110. All the home appliances operates Increases, decreases B.
on Voltage. Decreases, Decreases
A. C. Increases, increases
AC B. DC C. D. Remains constant.
AC Answer-A
or DC D. None of the above 118. The phase angle for an RL series circuit
Answer-A is given
111. In the equation V(t) = Vm × Sin(wt), by,
V(t) indicates the Value . A.
A. sin-1(Xl/R) B. cos-1(Xl/R) C. tan-
RMS B. Peak C. Instantaneous D. 1(Xl/R) D. tan-1(R/Xl)
Average Answer-C
119. The triangle and it
is is expressed in
derived from triangle by dividing each side A.
by True,VAR B. Imaginary,VAR C.
A. Imaginary,VA D. Real,VA
Voltage, impedance, voltage B. Impedance, Answer-B
voltage, voltage 126. P.F. is equal to
C. Impedance, voltage, current D. A.
Voltage, impedance, current S/P B. Q/P C. P/S D. S/Q
Answer-C Answer-C
120. The frequency of the AC quantity is
in .
units/sec B. cycles-sec C. cycles/sec D.
121. The lamp
load is an example of …………….
Purely resistive B. Purely
Inductiove C. R-L sries D. None
122. The dynamic impedance represents
the of the parallel resonanct
value of impedance B. Maximum value of
C. RMS value of impedance D. Avg value of
123. The exepression for parallel combination
impedance Z1 and Z2 is
A. (Z1+Z2)/ (Z1Z2) B. (Z1+Z2)/ (Z1 -Z2) C.
(Z1 Z2)/ (Z1 +Z2) D. (Z1 Z2)/ (Z1 -Z2)
124. A pure indutor is equivalent to a for
a direct current and voltage
Open circuit B.
Short circuit C. An open switch D.
None of these
125. The reactive power is also
called power