Factors Affecting Premarital Sex of Teenagers Thesis
Factors Affecting Premarital Sex of Teenagers Thesis
Factors Affecting Premarital Sex of Teenagers Thesis
Genesis Reyes
Glecy Samolde
Julius Briones
Rolando Navarro
Walter Cruz
Daniel Arellano
Premarital sex happens when people are not yet married but experienced sexual
activity with their partners. Generally speaking, the human sex drive is so strong in which
people cannot control their sexual desires which leads to premarital sex.
Premarital sex was considered a moral issue which was taboo in many cultures
and considered immoral and a big issue in any religions. In some religion, especially
Catholic they consider premarital sex as a sin because they believe sex is for those people
who are married. All leaders in Christianity reveals that premarital sex is a mortal sin. It
is written in the bible that sex before marriage is dirty and must be forgiven only through
confession. Though churches teach that premarital sex is wrong, yet it is still happening
around the world. Man and woman who are not married yet but perform premarital sex is
breaking the sacrament of marriage and they separate themselves to our God.
One in every three Filipino teenagers has engaged in premarital sex. Cendaña,
National Youth commissioner, stated in her interview with Inquirer Radio 990AM last
April 2014 40 percent of the youth had an early sexual encounter. Cendaña cited the
findings of the 2013 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study which shows that 35.5
percent of males and 28.7 percent of females who are 15 to 24 years old had an early
encounter with sex.
Youth should not solely blame for their early engagement in sex. There are factors
which lead them to do sexual intercourse even outside marriage. It in this light that the
researchers conduct a study entitled “Factors Affecting Premarital Sex” to find out the
reasons why youth do premarital sex in their young age.
One throbbing question that remain unanswered with the life of the youth is the
disturbing issue of premarital sex in their young age. Premarital sex is an issue that our
community faces.
The purpose of this research is to determine the factors affecting the premarital
2. What is the most common factor that contributes with premarital sex?
The study is conducted to find out the factors associated with premarital sex in
order to provide solution to increasing number of sex before marriage in our society and
to to the linked issue like the teenage pregnancy. This study will be beneficial to students,
parents and even our government to address the issues about teenage pregnancy and
provide solutions to it. This will also help future researchers about teenage pregnancy.
STUDENTS. The study will be beneficial for the students because it will give
them more knowledge about the factors that affect premarital sex and how they can
manage it and they can will also learn about the risk factors of premarital sex.
PARENTS. This study will be beneficial to the parents because it will help them
on how to guide their children to avoid premarital sex and teenage pregnancy.
GOVERNMENT. This study will be beneficial for the because the results will
give the most common factors and it will help them to find better solutions to increasing
number of premarital sex and for them to give more attention to sex education.
This study limits only to the teenagers from age 17+ around Baliwag, Bulacan.
The delimitation of the study is the openness of the respondents Their hesitation to
answer the survey questionnaire since the study is a sensitive topic. To minimize this, the
researcher attempted to establish trust and ease with the respondents.
Conceptual Framework
Environmental Influences
Pressure: Pressure from parents, friends, peer group, boyfriend/girlfriend can also lead to
premarital sex.
Lack of good sex education: It led many youth into premarital sex, some went into it not
knowing what they were doing.
Pornography: It influence teenagers to do what they see and it increases their sexual
desires that can also lead to premarital sex
Environmental Influences: Our environment plays a big role on what we are doing and if
our environment shows premarital sex is fine then every teenager will do it.
Definition of Terms
Premarital Sex -is a sexual activity practiced by people before they are married.
Culture - the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded
Behavior - the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
Church - a particular Christian organization, typically one with its own clergy, buildings,
and distinctive doctrines.