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Example: How to Consolidate

by Silvia (https://www.ifrsbox.com/author/silvia/)







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Let’s be more practical today and learn some advanced

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After summaries of standards related to consolidation and

group accounts, I’d like to show you how to prepare
consolidated nancial statements step by step.

I’ll do it on a case study, with explaining what I do and why. If

you don’t like reading, you can skip to the end of this article
and watch my video.

If you’d like to revise a theory rst, then please read my

summary of IFRS 3 Business Combinations
(//www.ifrsbox.com/ifrs-3-business-combinations/) and IFRS
10 Consolidated Financial Statements
(//www.ifrsbox.com/ifrs-10-consolidated- nancial-
statements/), both of them contain video in the end.

What’s the situation?

Here’s the question:

Mommy Corp has owned 80% shares of Baby Ltd since Baby’s

Below there are statements of nancial positions of both

Mommy and Baby at 31 December 20X4.

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Prepare consolidated statement of nancial position of

Mommy Group as at 31 December 20X4. Measure NCI at its
proportionate share of Baby’s net assets.

Please note here that in the above statements of nancial

position, all assets are with “+” and all liabilities are with “-“. I
use it this way because for me it’s easier to verify and identify
mistakes, but it’s up to you.

3 Steps in Consolidation
I have described the consolidation procedures and their 3-
step process in my previous article with the summary of IFRS
10 Consolidated nancial statements

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(//www.ifrsbox.com/ifrs-10-consolidated- nancial-
statements/), but let me repeat it here and follow these steps:

1. Combine like items of assets, liabilities, equity, income,

expenses and cash ows of the parent with those of its
2. O set (eliminate):
the carrying amount of the parent’s investment in
each subsidiary; and
the parent’s portion of equity of each subsidiary;
3. Eliminate in full intragroup assets and liabilities, equity,
income, expenses and cash ows relating to
transactions between entities of the group.

Step 1: Combine

After you make sure that all subsidiary’s assets and liabilities
are stated at fair values and all the other conditions are met,
you can combine, or add up like items.

It’s very easy when a parent (Mommy) and a subsidiary (Baby)

use the same format of the statement of nancial position –
you just add Mommy’s PPE and Baby’s PPE, Mommy’s cash
and Baby’s cash balance, etc.

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studies solved in Excel, more than 180 pages of handouts

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In reality, companies use their own format for presenting their
nancial position and therefore it can be di cult to combine.
That’s exactly WHY so many groups use their “consolidation
packages” and subsidiaries’ accountants must ll them up
along with preparing own nancial statements.

Therefore, when a group controller calls you every ve

minutes to remind you the consolidation package, you’ll know

In our case study, combined numbers looks as follows:

Of course, there are some strange and redundant numbers,

for example both Mommy’s and Baby’s share capital, but we
haven’t nished yet!

Step 2: Eliminate

After combining like items, we need to o set (eliminate):

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the carrying amount of the parent’s investment in each

subsidiary; and
the parent’s portion of equity of each subsidiary;

and of course, recognize any non-controlling interest and


So let’s proceed. The rst two items are easy – just remove
Mommy’s investment into Baby (CU – 70 000), and remove
Baby’s share capital in full (CU + 80 000).

As there is some non-controlling interest of 20% (please see

below), you need to remove its share in Baby’s post-
acquisition retained earnings of CU 9 000 (20%*CU 45 000).

Wait a second – how do we know that all Baby’s reserves

(retained earnings) of CU 45 000 are post-acquisition?

Well, the question says that Mommy has owned Baby’s shares
since its incorporation, therefore full Baby’s retained earnings
are post-acquisition.

Be careful here, because you absolutely need to di erentiate

pre-acquisition retained earnings from post-acquisition
retained earnings, but here, we’re not going to complicate the

Then we need to recognize any non-controlling interest and


Non-controlling interest at 31 December 20X4

Mommy has owned 80% of Baby’s share and therefore, non-

controlling interest owns remaining 20% of Baby’s net assets.

The question asks to measure non-controlling interest at

proportionate share on Baby’s net assets, so here’s how it
looks like at the end of the reporting period:

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Baby’s net assets are CU 125 000 as at 31 December 20X4,

including Baby’s share capital of CU 80 000 and Baby’s post-
acquisition reserves of CU 45 000.

Non-controlling interest at 31 December 20X4 is 20% of Baby’s

net assets of CU 125 000, which is CU 25 000. Recognize it
with minus, as we are crediting equity with non-controlling

Initial recognition of goodwill

There might be some goodwill arisen on initial recognition. If

you’d like to learn more about goodwill, please refer to the
article about IFRS 3 Business Combinations

Let’s calculate it. Please don’t forget that we calculate

goodwill based on numbers on acquisition, not on 31
December 20X4.

The goodwill is calculated as:

Fair value of consideration transferred: in this case, we

simply take Mommy’s investment in Baby of CU 70 000;
Add any non-controlling interest at acquisition: here,
we’re not adding the non-controlling interest calculated
above, as it’s the measurement on 31 December 20X4. At
acquisition, the value of non-controlling interest is 20%
of Baby’s net assets on its incorporation of CU 80 000
(share capital only). It equals CU 16 000.
When a business combination was achieved in stages,
you would need to add the acquisition-date fair value of
the acquirer’s previously-held equity interest in the
acquiree, but in this example, it’s not applicable,
Deduct Baby’s net assets at acquisition: CU – 80 000.

Goodwill acquired in a business combination comes to CU 6

000 (70 000 + 16 000 – 80 000).

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The elimination entry looks as follows (sign “+” indicates a

debit entry; sign “-“ indicates a credit entry):

Description Amount Debit Credit

Remove -70 000 FP –

Mommy’s Investment
investment in Baby
in Baby

Remove +80 000 FP –

Baby’s Baby’s
share share
capital in capital

Remove +9 000 FP –
20% (NCI) of Retained
Baby’s post- earnings

Recognize -25 000 FP – Non-

non- controlling
controlling interest
interest on

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Recognize +6 000 FP –
goodwill Intangible
acquired in assets
a business (goodwill)

Check 0

I have transferred this journal entry into our consolidation

worksheet and it looks as follows:

Eliminate Intragroup Transactions

Parents and subsidiaries trade with each other very often.

However, when you look at both parent and subsidiary as at 1

company, which is the purpose of consolidation, then you nd
out that there’s no transaction at all.

In other words, group has not performed any transaction from

the view of some external user.

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Therefore you need to eliminate all transactions happening

within the group, between a parent and its subsidiaries.

Looking to above individual statements of nancial position of

Mommy and Baby you see that Mommy has a receivable to
Baby of CU 8 000 and Baby has a payable to Mommy of CU 8
000. Perhaps these 2 items relate to the same transaction
between them and we need to eliminate them, by debiting
payables and crediting receivables:

Final steps

After we have completed all steps or consolidation

procedures, we can add up all the combined numbers with
our adjustments and thus we arrive at consolidated statement
of nancial position.

You can revise all the steps and formulas in Excel le that you
can download at the end of this article.

Here’s how it looks like:

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Please note the following facts:

Consolidated numbers are simply sum of Mommy’s

balance, Baby’s balance and all adjustments or entries
(Steps 1-3).
Mommy’s investment in Baby’s shares is 0 as we
eliminated it in the step 2. The same applies for Baby’s
share capital and consolidated statement of nancial
position shows only a share capital of Mommy (parent).
There’s a goodwill of CU 6 000 and non-controlling
interest of CU 25 000, as we have calculated above.
Consolidated retained earnings are CU 98 000 and they
consist of:
Mommy’s retained earnings of CU 62 000 in full,
Mommy’s share (80%) on Baby’s post-acquisition
retained earnings of CU 45 000, that is CU 36 000

Exam-style consolidation

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I know that many of you prepare for your exams and this is
NOT the way how you learned consolidation during exam
preparation courses.

OK, I understand.

I prefer this way of making consolidation by far, because here,

you go systematically, step by step. You can deal with each
adjustment in a separate column and as a result, your
numbers will always balance. You will never forget anything.

The “exam-style” of making consolidated nancial statements

is good and easy when there are just a few issues or

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Kit ? It’s a full IFRS learning package with more than 40
hours of private video tutorials, more than 140 IFRS case
studies solved in Excel, more than 180 pages of handouts
and many bonuses included. If you take action today and
subscribe to the IFRS Kit, you’ll get it at discount! Click here
to check it out! (/courses/ifrs-kit)

But when you need to deal with more complex situations,
then you can forget or omit the things very easily. Trust me, I
did it too.

However, to make you happy, you can nd the same case

study solved “by the exam-style” in the attached excel le that
you can download in the end of this article.

Is consolidation really easy?


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But in most cases, there is lots of issues or circumstances that

you need to take into account and exactly their signi cance
and amount makes it all di cult.

What issues? For example:

Consideration transferred for acquiring the shares may

involve not only cash, but also some other forms, such
as share issue, contingent consideration, transfers of
assets, etc.
Non-controlling interest can be measured at fair value
instead of at proportionate share.
There might be some unrealized pro t on transactions
within the group and it needs to be eliminated.
There might be some transfer of property, plant and
equipment at pro t within the group and as a result, you
need to adjust both unrealized pro t and depreciation
charge, too.
Goodwill might be either positive or negative (=gain on a
bargain purchase). Moreover, it can be impaired.
Subsidiary’s net assets might be stated in the amounts
di erent from their fair value, or even not recognized at
Subsidiary may show both pre-acquisition retained
earnings and post-acquisition retained earnings. You
need to be extremely careful in di erentiating them and
dealing with them separately.

I can go on and on, but I don’t want to discourage you.

However, if you need to know more about all these issues, I
have covered them fully in my premium learning package the
IFRS Kit (//www.ifrsbox.com/ifrs-kit), so please check out if

DOWNLOAD EXCEL FILE HERE (//www.ifrsbox.com/wp-


Please watch the video here:

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Example: How To Consolidate

Further reading: Here’s the example of consolidation where a

subsidiary has di erent functional currency
example-ifrs/) than its parent. You’ll learn how to translate the
subsidiary’s nancial statements.

Here, you can learn the opposite process – disposal of

subsidiary (deconsolidation)

If you like this example and explanations, please help me

spread a word about it and share it with your friends. Thank

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Mohamed El-nabi September 25, 2014 at 2:37 pm


Has simpli ed a huge reading.

Thanks very much.

 Reply

Muditha W September 26, 2014 at 9:42 am


Excellent way of presenting , thanks

 Reply

Abideen Nosiru September 26, 2014 at 10:03 am


Great work Silvia!. Thanks a lot.

 Reply

Aminu Inuwa September 26, 2014 at 4:30 pm


Simple and straightforward explanations. I love

the animations too. I nd it much easier to
remember the steps using the animation. Please
keep up the wonderful work.

 Reply

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Leslie September 26, 2014 at 8:02 pm


Thanks a lot Sylvia, these are very helpful. God

bless you

 Reply

Levon September 30, 2014 at 4:00 pm


non-controling interest =

net assest*20%= (147-22)*20%=25.000

goodwil = 70.000+25.000-125.000=-30.0

 Reply

Silvia M. October 1, 2014 at 7:18 am


Levon, you have calculated NCI on the

reporting date 31 December 20X4 –
that’s correct, it’s 25 000.

But please, be very careful at

calculation of goodwill. Here, you
should not add NCI at the reporting
date, but ON THE ACQUISITION date,
as you’re recognizing goodwill on the
acquisition date.

Therefore, you should not add 25000,

just 16000, as Baby’s net assets on
acquisition were just 80 000 (share

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capital only, as all retained earnings are


Hope it’s clearer now. S.

 Reply

Levon Sahakyan October 1, 2014 at

8:47 am

NCI at 31.12.20×4 = 80.0*20% +

45.0*20=16.0 + 9 =25.0,

is it right?

 Reply

Silvia M. October 1, 2014 at 9:06 am


Yes, that’s correct. It’s the another way

of calculating it. Although I prefer
taking NCI on acquisition plus NCI’s
share on post-acquisition reserves –
but that’s up to you. S.

 Reply

shaaran May 7, 2017 at 3:08 pm


yes that’s good

Glesie Martinez April 4, 2016 at 4:39


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If i invest in only one subsidiary in 2015

that require me to consolidate, what
will be the comparative gure? Will it
need to be consolidated as well?

 Reply

Silvia M. April 4, 2016 at 5:11 pm


Dear Glesie,
no, you do NOT consolidate
comparatives. The reason is that in the
previous period, there was no
subsidiary and therefore, there’s
nothing to consolidate. You start
consolidating only from the current
reporting period.
Hope this helps

 Reply

Salvin July 24, 2016 at 1:04 am


Dear Silvia can you please give me

email address so i can ask u few
question in regards my assignments.


 Reply

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Oluseyi O October 3, 2014 at 5:51 pm


Great work, thanks

 Reply

Sonam Wangdi, AASBB Bhutan November 23,

2014 at 10:24 am

another great work Silvia; Keep up!

 Reply

Shamsu Kundil December 14, 2014 at 5:10 am


Hi Silivia
It is really nice. Do you have something similar for
the consolidation of Statement of Comprehensive
Income and Income
Statement ?

 Reply

winnie January 8, 2015 at 8:56 am


I love the simplicity and the animation

Most slides I see online are complicated, wordy
and full of techy jargon that puts many readers

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