Road Accident Analysis and Identify The Black Spot Location On State Highway-5 (Halol-Godhra Section)
Road Accident Analysis and Identify The Black Spot Location On State Highway-5 (Halol-Godhra Section)
Road Accident Analysis and Identify The Black Spot Location On State Highway-5 (Halol-Godhra Section)
Abstract - According to MORTH-2014 India has the highest no of accidents in the World. Accident Severity has been
increasing year by year. A road accident is an unplanned and uncontrolled occasion, which happened on a road open to an
open activity bringing about individual harm, harms to the property and death toll in which no less than one moving
vehicle was included.Rapid growth of population coupled with increased economic activities has favored in tremendous
growth of motor vehicles. This is one of the primary factors responsible for road accidents. It is observed that few works
have been carried out on statistical analysis of accidents particularly on Four-lane State Highway. The essential objective
of this paper is to gather the road accident data of chosen stretch from Halol CH 335.800 km (SH-5) to Godhra CH 380.00
km (SH-5) from the L&T Toll Plaza and GSRDC office Gandhinagar and to workout purposeful examination of road
accident of it and propose remedial measures too. Total 548 road crash recorded in last 24 months, 2013-2014. The
collected data were analyzed to evaluate the effect of influencing parameters on accident rate.
Road safety is one of the most important problems in our society. Every year 1.2 million of people are killed and between 20 and
50 million people are injured in road accidents. If current trends continue road traffic accidents are predicted to be third leading
contributor to the global burden of Disease and injury by 2020 (Torregrosa et al.,2012)India had earned the dubious distinction of
having more number of fatalities due to road accidents in the world. Road safety is emerging as a major social concern around the
world especially in India. India had earned the dubious distinction of having more number of fatalities due to road accidents in the
world. Road safety is emerging as a major social concern around the world especially in India (Shiv kumar and Krishnaraj,2012).
The various causes of accidents may be due to three factors shown in fig 1.
(i) Driver
(iii) Road Environment
Vehicle Environment
51 Minor Major Minor
12% Major 124
Major 26% Major
21% Fatal Fatal
Non-Injury Non-Injury
Data analysis
The classification of road crash as described earlier has been coded in four different categories as per NHAI coding. The amount
of fatal road crashes is 8.39 per cent of the total road crashes. Classification of road crash show in figure.
Classification of road crash Section 1 (Chainage :335.17 to 369.21 + Godhra Bypass 10.22) Km:
Classification of road
crash Minor
Fatal Minor
Section 1
Nature of Road crash:
The nature of road crash as described earlier has been coded in seven different categories. While analyzing the nature of road
crash it has been found that 223 (41 per cent) of road crash contributed to single vehicle show in Figure.
Fault of driver
Over speed /
Defect in Vehicle lost
vehicle of control
37 329
7% 64%
“SPEED THRILLS BUT KILLS” the catchline is perfectly matched as more than 3/4th of the road crash has occured due to
over overspeeding.
No. of accident
35 33
25 22
20 19 18 2020
20 1718 No. of accident
14 13
15 11 1111 10 1211 11 12 12
10 9 11
10 7 77 6 76 8 7
4 4 56 4 4 6
5 3 3
Section-1 is the part which passes from the Halol, kalol, and Godhra having total length of about 1533 kilometer. Our selected
stretches of the SH 5 are passing from the Halol to Godhra which has a dubious distinction of having highest number of road
fatalities in 20013 -2014 The identified Top 10 crash locations of Halol-Shamlaji section of SH 5 has been presented in table.
Table: Identified Top 10 Crash Locations of SH 5 Section-1(Halol-Godhra)
Crash 369 -370 364 – 354 – 358 – 340 -341 357 – 363 – 353 – 359 – 356 –
location in 365 355 359 358 364 354 360 357
Quantum of 33 9 39 18 20 29 25 18 22 20
road crash
Weight age 123.8 106.6 117.6 79.8 70.8 66.6 60.8 58.2 56.0 55.2
By critical examination of the all methods of identification of crash prone locations and probability index derived from the
estimated parameters of the road crash occurrence model it has been revealed that Kilometer chain age between Km. 369 to Km.
370 is the highest vulnerable area of the analyzed section between Km. 335.800 to Km. 380.00 of SH 5 in halol-godhra section-
1. The calculated combined values of road crash between Km. 369 and Km. 370 is 33 by Quantum of road crash method, is 43.4
by road crash point weight age method. The probability index for the same section has been derived by using the parameter
estimates of the road crash occurrence prediction model since in occurrence prediction model we have considered Kilometer as a
one variable which incorporate the influence of geographical details prevailing at the location in to the model. The probability
value of the Km. 757 is 0.74 and at Km. 758 is 0.90 for a second time this value is the maximum value of the entire values.
On this National Highway stretches between Kilometer 353 to 360 i.e. 7 km. stretch and Kilometer 363 to 365 i.e. 2 km. stretch,
total 9 km. stretch of the 42 km. section showing high values by both the considered method as visible in the table.
Location of Black-Spot
Based on the exploratory analysis of the data and employing four different methods for the detection of the road crash prone
locations the outcome of the absolute investigation has been presented on the map of country.
As a prelude to the model development, it was felt essential to understand the correlation amongst the variables being considered
for model development for that purpose correlation analysis has been performed and same is elaborated in next chapter.
was 50 over speeding, followed by 11 accidents Vehicle lost control. Therefore there is a need to take more attention for over
speeding and vehicle lost control.
Traffic Studies
The site inspection was carried out during daylight hours under fine condition. The road is a 4 lanes road and has divider. This
road has 2 main directions, from Godhra to Vadodara and from Vadodara to Godhra. The site has T-junction at 369.800 Km
Chainage shown in Figure.
The preventive measures brought through this study further control us to control or cut down these rates by utilizing diverse new
safety measures, infrastructural configuration fatalities and most recent vehicle engineering.
The central purpose of mishap aversion and control methodology is depending on 4 E's, vis. (i) Education, (ii) Enforcement, (iii)
Engineering and (iv) Environment and Emergency consideration of road accident exploited people.