A Study On Stripping of Coarse Aggregates of Andhra Pradesh: Md. Ismail Baig, P. Gopi, M. Balraj Naik

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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

A Study on Stripping of Coarse Aggregates of

Andhra Pradesh
Md. Ismail Baig1, P. Gopi2, M. Balraj Naik3
1, 2, 3
MVR College of Engineering and Technology, Paritala, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract: Stripping of the aggregates from bituminous roads is a very common problem in our country. Stripping is generally defined
as the breaking of the adhesive bond between the aggregate surface and the bitumen. Stripping is a complex problem comprise of many
variables, including the type and use of mix, aggregate and bitumen characteristics, construction practice and use of anti-stripping
additives. External factors which mainly affect stripping are traffic and environmental conditions. To evaluate the stripping of
aggregates, Indian Standard has prescribed the stripping test for which aggregates coated with bitumen are kept immersed in water for
24 hours at 400C. However, when the same aggregates are used on the road they do undergo stripping underwater. This happens
probably due to the fact that lab and field conditions are different in respect of contact period of water with bitumen, prevailing field
temperature and environmental conditions and various other factors. This study brings forth and discusses the results of a lab study
conducted on coarse aggregates of Andhra Pradesh to evaluate their stripping value under prevailing field conditions.

Keywords: stripping, coarse aggregates, additives on aggregate stripping, stone quarry, alkaline and acidic condition

1. Introduction damage to the road. Bad condition of the road due to

stripping creates various transportation problems like
Proper adhesion between aggregate and bitumen is one of the congestion, delay, maneuvering difficulties, increment in
principal fundamental properties for good performance of travel time and travel cost, socio-economic losses. Loss of
bituminous pavement. This adhesion can be reduced by lives in case of fatal accidents due to bad road condition must
presence of water which may cause de-bonding of bitumen be taken into account because approximately 1.5% of road
from aggregate. The phenomenon is known as „stripping‟. accidents occur due to poor condition of the road. The
Contact of water with bituminous pavement is one of the present study investigates the problem of stripping including
main factors for stripping. The moisture affects physical various factors which show their existence in the field and
properties and mechanical behavior of bitumen paving may help in mitigating its ill-effects.
mixtures as aggregates that have a dry surface adhere better
to bitumen and have a higher stripping resistance than wet 1.2 Objectives of the Study
aggregates. The physical and chemical characteristics of
aggregates have a significant effect on the bonding between The study under consideration aims to identify the factors
aggregate and bitumen. In addition, aggregate surface causing stripping of coarse aggregate. It investigates the
texture, aggregate porosity and pore structure are also known factors causing stripping of coarse aggregate including traffic
to affect stripping. A deficiency in properties of aggregate and other environmental factors such as temperature,
reduces the strength of the bond and leads bitumen-aggregate alternate wetting and drying and pH value of the water.
mixture towards stripping. Stripping may further cause The main objectives of the study are:
rutting, raveling, bleeding, cracking and formation of 1) To evaluate the stripping of coarse aggregate obtained
potholes and culminate with complete failure of the from different sources of West Godavari, Krishna and
pavement. Hence, to prevent pavement from these failures, Guntur under standard test conditions.
we need to thoroughly investigate various factors which 2) To vary the standard test conditions of temperature,
affect the stripping of aggregate. immersion time and load to simulate the field conditions
and to evaluate the stripping under these varying
1.1 Research Topic and Its Importance conditions.
3) To evaluate the stripping by subjecting the coated
The topic entitled “A Study on Stripping of Coarse aggregate to a specified cycle of alternate wetting and
Aggregates of West Godavari, Krishna and Guntur” aims at drying.
determining and analyzing various factors influencing 4) To study the effect of additives on stripping.
stripping of coarse aggregates. The problem of stripping is 5) To discuss the factors affecting stripping.
very common in India and road network in West Godavari,
Krishna and Guntur also faces this problem. Many a times it 1.3 Scope of Research
is experienced that the stripping of aggregate takes place on
the road, even when laboratory tests indicate no stripping. In this study, experiments for evaluating the stripping value
This mainly happens because laboratory testing conditions of road aggregate selected from different sources of West
are different from the field conditions. It is very important to Godavari, Krishna and Guntur have been conducted under
control the problem of stripping as it is initiated with de- varying conditions. The aggregates have been selected from
bonding and gradually leads to complete collapse of Donabanda, Koduru, Gouripatnam, Perecharla, Maaturu,
pavement. Such an acute problem may cause innumerous Chimakurthi and I.pangidi quarries. Stripping test is
Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 967
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
performed on selected aggregate samples keeping into friction has been simulated by applying light pressure with
consideration various affecting factors like traffic load, finger nails of the observer.
temperature variation, wetting-drying cycles and extended
immersion time in the water. These tests as well distinguish the result of type of bitumen
grade i.e. viscosity grade 10 and 30, type of aggregates i.e.
2. Methodology of the Study simple, dust coated and round aggregates and the presence of
additives on the value of stripping of bitumen from the
The research approach used to achieve the study objectives is aggregate surface.
detailed in Figure 2.1.
3. Experimental Investigation
This chapter describes the materials used, the preparation of
the test samples and the test procedure. In order to achieve
the stated objective, the study was carried out in stages. At
the initial stage, all the materials and equipment needed were
procured. Bitumen and aggregates were used in preparing
samples in predefined proportions. Prepared samples were
tested under standard and varying conditions. Finally, the
results obtained were analyzed to draw out conclusions.

3.1 Materials Used

Materials used with their types are given in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1: Materials used in Tests

Material Type
Crushed Aggregates  Type 1, Source: Donabanda Quarry,
Colour: Bluish-white.
 Type 2, Source: Koduru Quarry,
Colour: Light bluish-white
 Type 3, Source: Gouripatnam Quarry,
Colour: Reddish white.
Dust Coated Crushed  Type 1
Aggregates  Type 2
 Type 3
Gravels (Rounded  Type 1
aggregates)  Type 2
Bitumen  VG-10 grade, Source: I.pangidi
Refinery, 5% of mass of aggregate.
 VG-30 grade, Source: I.pangidi
Figure 2.1: Flow Chart Illustrating the Research Steps Refinery, 5% of mass of aggregate.
Additive  Quick lime
2.1 Tests to Determine Stripping  Portland cement
Water  Potable water
2.1.1 Test as per Indian Standard
„Method of Test for Determination of Stripping Value of
3.2 Experiment results
Road Aggregates (IS: 6241-1971)‟ is the standard describing
the stripping test for the coarse aggregate.
Stripping test is carried out under standard conditions and
varying conditions to determine the change in the value of
2.2 Tests under Varying Conditions
stripping on different aggregates. To observe the effect of
grade of bitumen on the value of stripping, the tests have
In this study, testing is performed on the aggregate-bitumen
been conducted with two types of bitumen of VG-10 grade
sample by undertaking various field conditions into
and VG-30 grade respectively.
consideration. Most of the times it is envisioned that the
laboratory test conditions and field conditions vary a large
3.3 Stripping tests on crushed aggregates general
extent leads to stripping of aggregates on the road even when
laboratory tests indicate nil stripping value.
Three types of aggregates from different sources are taken
for evaluating the value of stripping under various testing
To determine the effect of these variables on stripping,
conditions. These three types of aggregates from Donabanda,
experiments have been carried out in the highway
Koduru, Gouripatnam quarries are shown in figure 3.1.
engineering lab of M.V.R College of engineering and
technology, Paritala. The effect of traffic load and tyre

Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 968
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
3.4 Stripping value using bitumen of viscosity grade 3

3.4.1Stripping of Aggregates at Different Temperatures

A sample of Type 2 aggregates (Koduru Quarry) are tested at
200C, 400C and 600C respectively and increase in water
Figure 3.1: Type 1 Aggregate from Quarries immersion time from 1 day to 7 days in order to determine
the effect of temperature and extended contact time of water
All the tests were performed on the aggregates which are on the value of striping. The effect of traffic load and tyre
menstioned at different sections explained above. From the friction has been simulated by applying light pressure with
test results the discussion and analysis is carried out. finger nail. The results obtained are mentioned in Table 3.2
and graphically presented in Fig. 3.3.

Figure 4.2: Stripping of aggregates in alkaline and acidic


Table 3.2: Stripping at Different Temperatures (Type-2 Aggregates)

Contact time of Stripping value in % at Temperature
S Bituminous mix 200C 400C 600C
No with water Without With finger Without With finger Without With finger
(Days) pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure Pressure
1 1 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
2 2 Nil Nil Nil 0-0.5 0-0.3 0-0.5
3 3 Nil 0.2-0.3 0-0.5 0.5-1 0.5 0.5-1
4 4 0-0.3 0.3-0.5 <1 <2 0.5-1 1-2
5 5 0.3-0.5 0.5-1.0 1.5 2 <2 <3
6 6 0.5-0.8 1.0-1.5 1.5-2 2-2.5 2-2.5 3-4
7 7 0.8-1.0 1.5-2.0 2.5 3 3-3.5 >4

4. Analysis and Discussion of Results

To find out stripping of coarse aggregate obtained from
different sources of Krishna, stripping tests are conducted
under standard and varying conditions. Several trials have
been performed in accordance with the methods identified in
chapter-3. The test results are discussed here in this chapter.
The discussion is divided into seven sections according to the
objectives stated in the earlier part of the thesis. The seven
sections mentioned are:
1. Effect of temperature and immersion time on stripping.
2. Effect of bitumen grade on stripping.
3. Effect of wet-dry cycles and altered temperature on
4. Effect of surface moisture on stripping.
Figure 3.3: Stripping at Different Temperatures 5. Effect of type of aggregates on stripping.
6. Effect of alkaline and acidic water on stripping.
It is observed from Fig. 3.3 that the stripping of coarse 7. Effect of additives on stripping.
aggregate increases with increase in temperature of water,
number of days the water remains in contact with coated 3.1 Effect of temperature and immersion time on
aggregates and the applied pressure on the coated aggregates. stripping
Likewise all the tests were performed and recorded.
It is experienced that the friction between aggregates is
retained at high temperature but bitumen-fines viscosity and
stability reduces at high temperature thus resulting in strength
Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 969
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
loss, which eventually increases the value of stripping reported that bitumen with high viscosity resists displacement
(International Symposium, 1985). by moisture better than those that have low viscosity.
Bitumen with high viscosity usually carry high concentrations
Various lab experiments show that with the increase in of polar functionalities that provide more resistance to
temperature the stripping value increases as viscosity of stripping and provide a better coating (Bahia, H. U., et al
bitumen decreases which reduces the bonding of bitumen 2007). It has likewise been reported that the bond strength is
with aggregate. immediately associated to film thickness. Samples with
thicker bitumen film tend to have cohesive failure after
Stripping test conducted on bitumen coated aggregates at moisture conditioning. On the other hand, specimens with
200C, 400C and 600C and it is observed from the Fig. 4.1and thinner asphalt film have an adhesive failure. A thin asphalt
4.2 that stripping value increases with increase in contact film makes the mix more susceptible to stress and weathering
time, test temperature and applied pressure on the aggregates. (Kanitpong, K. and Bahia, H. U. 2003).
The stripping value increases from zero to about 5% with
increase in temp from 20 to 400C, contact time from one to Various tests are conducted taking bitumen of viscosity grade
seven days and pressure condition from „No pressure‟ to 10 and 30 to determine their effect on the value of stripping.
slight pressure of finger nails. It is observed from the Fig. 4.3 that the bitumen of grade 10
(VG-10) shows higher value of stripping as compared to
bitumen of grade 30 (VG-30).

Figure 4.3: Stripping Value due to the Different Bitumen

Figure 4.1: Striping Value at Different Temperature and Grade (under Applied Pressure)
Days (without Pressure)
3.3 Effect of wet-dry cycle and altered temperature on

Variations in temperature, freeze–thaw cycles, and wetting–

drying cycles increase the stripping potential of bituminous
pavements (Roberts F.L. el at 1991).

To simulate field conditions of temperature variation during

the day and night (in summer season) and water contact
during rainy season, tests are conducted on an aggregate-
bitumen, mixture under the condition of wetting-drying
cycles and altered temperature. The effects reported in
previous chapter shows that the value of stripping increases
Figure 4.2: Striping Value at Different Temperature and radically as these variations affect stability of the mixture.
Days (under Applied Pressure)
The value of stripping increased to about 5% when
3.2 Effect of bitumen grade on stripping aggregate-bitumen sample is tested under wetting-drying
cycles as compared to its values under standard conditions
Bitumen must adhere to the aggregate for providing proper with applied finger pressure.
adhesive binding between bitumen and aggregate. Bitumen-
aggregate interaction is important to resist stripping and The value of stripping increased to about 10% when
maintain stability in mix against various other factors. The aggregate-bitumen sample is tested under altered temperature
properties of the bitumen that influence the bitumen- condition as compared to its values under standard conditions
aggregate bond are viscosity, film thickness and surface with applied finger pressure.
Comparison of the stripping values under different test
The viscosity of the bitumen does play a role in the conditions is presented graphically in Figure 5.4.
propensity of the bitumen mixture to strip. It has been
Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 970
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Figure 4.4: Stripping Value under Varying Conditions

(under Applied Pressure) Figure 4.5: Stripping Value under Moist Condition (under
Applied Pressure)
4.4 Effect of surface moisture on stripping
3.4 Effect of type of aggregates on stripping
Moisture damage can be defined as the loss of strength and
durability in bitumen mixtures caused by the presence of Aggregate type and their physical properties have
water. The level and the extent of moisture damage, also confounding effect on the value of stripping. Bitumen-
called moisture susceptibility, depend on environmental, aggregate interactions are strongly influenced by the
construction, and pavement design factors. composition and surface chemistry of the aggregate. Some
literature considers that aggregate property is much more
Moisture damage is induced by the loss of bond between the influential in determining adsorption and stripping behavior
bitumen or the mastic (bitumen, the mineral filler and small than are bitumen properties. The nature of aggregate surface
aggregates) and the fine and coarse aggregate. Moisture to which bitumen is to adhere is the first item to be
damage accelerates as moisture permeates and weakens the considered in determining the formation and permanence of a
mastic, making it more susceptible to moisture during cyclic bitumen-aggregate bond (Thelen,E., 1958).
loading and ultimately leads towards stripping.
Lab tests indicate that rounded aggregates are more prone
There are various factors which affect the process of towards stripping as a bituminous mixture derives its strength
stripping, but contact of water with bituminous pavement is from the cohesion resistance of the binder and grain interlock
one of the main factors for stripping. Presence of moisture on and frictional resistance of the aggregate and the rounded
the surface of aggregate reduces the potency of bond with aggregates have a smooth surface with the negligible
bitumen, such mixture under cyclic load and high tyre frictional value.
pressure shows stripping. Aggregates that have a dry surface
adhere better to bitumen and have higher stripping resistance If good bond exists, failure of the mixture occurs within the
than do damp or wet aggregates (Majidzadra, K. and binder. If the bond is poor, the failure may occur at the
Brovold, F.N., 1968). binder-aggregate interface and may result in premature
failure of the mix (Majidzadra, K. and Brovold, F.N., 1968).
When bituminous mixtures are exposed to water, bitumen Lab tests specifythat susceptibility of dust coated aggregates
can be displaced from the aggregate because water breaks towards stripping is lower than rounded aggregates, but
interfacial adhesive bonds between the two materials. When higher as compared to crushed aggregates. Dust on aggregate
water enters the interface, it tends to wet aggregate surfaces surfaces have a tendency to trap air when the road oils or
and removes bitumen from it. Although, the process of cutbacks are applied.
bitumen removal is dependent characteristics of both the
bitumen and aggregate. This weakens the bitumen/aggregate bonding, or joint, by
preventing intimate contact between the aggregate and the
The effect of the presence of moisture on stripping value is bitumen. It also promotes stripping by creating channels at
evaluated by conducting a stripping test on moist aggregates the interface, through which water can penetrate.
with an increasing immersion time of sample of water from
one day to seven days. It is observed from the Fig. 4.5 that It is observed from the Fig. 4.6 that the value of stripping is
the value of stripping is continuously increasing and raised highest for gravel (round aggregate) and least for crushed
up to 15% under this condition with application of finger aggregates. Dust coated aggregates show slightly higher
pressure as compared to standard test condition. value of stripping as compare to crushed aggregates.

Comparison of stripping value of different aggregates is

presented graphically in Figure 4.6.

Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 971
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
ASA for reducing the moisture susceptibility of bitumen mix.
Some other solid ASAs used are Portland cement, fly-ash,
flue dust, etc. The liquid ASAs used include liquid amines
and di-amines, liquid polymers, etc.

The mechanism by which liquid anti-stripping agents work is

by reducing the surface tension between bitumen binder and
aggregate surface, thus improving the aggregate coating and
reducing the moisture damage of bituminous pavements
(Dybalski, 1982). The addition of lime is the most accepted
way to reduce the moisture susceptibility. The general
practice is to add 1 to 1.5 percent of lime by the dry weight
Figure 4.6: Stripping Value of Different Aggregates (under of the aggregate to the mix. If the aggregate contains more
Applied Pressure) fines, more lime may be required to be added to the mix due
to the increased surface area of the aggregate. Generally,
3.5 Effect of alkaline and acidic condition on stripping three forms of lime are used in HMA: Hydrated Lime
(Ca(OH) ), Quick Lime (CaO), and Dolomitic Lime.
PH value of water is a dominating factor which involve in the 2

process of stripping as instability in pH value cause stripping It is assumed that the mechanism by which hydrated lime
of bitumen mix. Change in pH of water, which is in contact improves the moisture susceptibility of the HMA involves a
with bituminous pavement influences the adhesion property chemical interaction between the calcium in the lime with the
of aggregate-bitumen bond. It is seen that the water silicates in the aggregate (Selim, 1997). Hydrated lime has
susceptibility of the hydrogen bonds and salt links at the proven to work effectively in a wide variety of aggregate
interface would increase with pH of the water at the sources.
aggregate surface.

The chemical and electro-chemical properties between water

and aggregate surface play a greater role in striping than the
physical characteristics of aggregates.

The zeta potential of aggregate surface in water and/or the

pH value of water imparted by aggregate could be used to
measure stripping potential. In general, higher zeta potential
and/or the pH value, higher the probability of stripping
(Russell G. Hicks, 1991).

The nature of the water to which the mix is exposed (salt

content, pH) affects stripping. The pH causes a shift in angle
of contact and significantly affects the wetting properties of Figure 4.7: Stripping Value at varying pH Values (under
bitumen. The higher the pH value of water higher will be the Applied Pressure)
chances of stripping.
Hydrated lime and Portland cement are used as anti-stripping
Experiments conducted at lab under acidic and alkaline agents in lab experimentation to determine their effect on the
conditions show that the value of stripping is very high under value of stripping on various aggregates. It is observed from
alkaline condition as compared to acidic conditions. the Fig. 4.8 that in case of crushed aggregates value of
Stripping value of aggregates increase up to 15 percent under stripping reduced to an average of 10 % and resides to about
applied pressure in alkaline condition as compared to the 2%. Fig. 4.9 and 4.10 shows that the value of stripping
normal condition. On the other hand, there was not much reduced to an average of 12% and 30% in case of dust coated
difference in the value of stripping under acidic condition as and rounded aggregates and resides to about 2.5% and 4%
compare to the normal value of stripping. respectively.

Comparison of the stripping values is presented graphically Fig. 4.8, 4.9 and 4.10 present stripping value of different
in Figure 4.7. aggregates with use of additive (hydrated lime) under applied
3.6 Effect of additives on stripping

Additives are used to reduce moisture susceptibility of

bitumen mix. Reduction in inclination of bitumen mix
towards moisture decreases the chances of stripping of the
mix. Anti-stripping agents are used as additives as these are
chemically designed to improve the adhesion between the
binder and the aggregate. Hydrated lime is widely used as
Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 972
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
pressure. not properly simulate the field conditions. The difference
in test and field conditions leads to stripping in the field
many a times whereas lab test results indicate no
2. The lab test results indicate that stripping increases with
increase in contact time, test temperature and applied
pressure on the aggregates at the time of stripping.
3. Higher viscosity grade bitumen shows higher resistance to
stripping than low viscosity bitumen.
4. Altered temperature cycles and wetting-drying cycles
increase the stripping of aggregates.
5. Rounded aggregates have the highest value of stripping
because of their smooth surface which does not offer any
frictional resistance and grain interlock.
6. Dust coated aggregates have higher stripping value than
Figure 4.8: Stripping of Crushed Aggregate Type 3 (under
simple aggregates as presence of dust on aggregate
Applied Pressure)
surface reduces aggregate-bitumen bond potency.
7. pH value of water also affects the stripping. It is seen that
the mix exposed to water with a high pH value
undergoes more stripping.
8. Use of additives reduces the value of stripping and limit it
to approximately 2%, which is acceptable as per IS
9. Lab test conditions need to be modified to take into
consideration the field conditions that affect the
Figure 4.9: Stripping of Dust Coated Crushed Aggregate
Type 3 (under Applied Pressure)
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Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 973
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
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Volume 5 Issue 10, October 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20162146 974

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