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3 authors, including:
Baby Nayak
Manipal Academy of Higher Edication
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Materials and Methods : the sample a pamphlet was prepared and distributed.
A descriptive cross sectional survey was carried out in
Statistical analysis :
select village of Udupi District. In this study one panchayat
Statistical package for social sciences software (version 16)
under field practice area attached to medical college was
was used for statistical analysis of raw data. Frequency,
selected by convenient sampling. The selected panchayt
percentage, mean, standard deviation and Chi-Square test
consisted of 13 wards. Among these 13 wards, one ward
(p0.05) were applied.
was selected by using simple random sampling technique.
The selected ward consists of 486 families. Sample size was Results :
calculated based on pilot study using the formula Sample characteristics and nature of buying and storing of
estimation of population mean by relative precision as n= food items are described in table 1and 2.
2 2 2 2
Z (1-α/2)σ /? µ The Z value is taken with 95% of confidence
Description of knowledge score :
interval. As per the computation the needed sample for the
The maximum possible knowledge score was 24. Minimum
study was 59, total 75 sample were included in the study
score obtained by the sample was 4 and maximum score
considering the 10% non-response rate. Systematic
was 19. The mean score of the participants were 12.31with
random sampling was adopted. Since the K number was 6, S.D. of 3.897.Among 75 participants, 14 (18.7%) had poor
every 6th family was selected. The administrative knowledge(0-8), 45 (60%) had average knowledge (9-16)
permission for conducting the research study was obtained and 16 (21.3%) had good knowledge(17-24) on food
from concerned authorities. Written consent was taken adulteration. The percentage distribution of sample based
from each of the participants who were willing to on knowledge score is shown in the figure : 1
participate in the study, after ensuring the confidentiality.
Total three tools were used for data collection; Tool I : Detection of food adulteration :
Sample characteristics Tool II: Structured knowledge Out of 75 samples, none of the turmeric powder samples
questionnaire on food adulteration. Tool III : Detection were adulterated with metanil yellow, while 2 (2.7%) chilli
record. Knowledge of the family was assessed by powder samples were adulterated with artificial color. The
administering structured validated, reliable(r(df) = 0.867(19)) test revealed that 8 (10.7%) of the common salt sample
knowledge questionnaire which was administered to head were adulterated with insoluble impurities. Out of 75
of the family or wife of the head of the family and detection samples, 9 (12%) samples of the tea powder were
on food adulteration conducted in home setting by simple adulterated with iron fillings and 2 (2.7%) were adulterated
detection methods. The reliability of the testing methods with artificial color. Out of 47 available coriander powder
was achieved by inter rater reliability with the food samples, none of them showed positive reaction to
inspector of the district. Pilot study was conducted by adulteration test.
administering the tools to 20 sample and sample Association between knowledge score and demographic
calculation was done by using the formula estimation of variables :
population mean by relative precision. The data was The Association between knowledge score on food
collected in the month of January 2012. The questionnaire adulteration and demographic variables revealed that
was administered to Head of family or wife of head of there was a statistically significant association between
family after obtaining informed consent and ensuring
knowledge on food adulteration and age (χ2 (2) =8.627, p=
confidentiality. After that specimens for detection were
0.013) and interpreted that the people with 25 -50 years of
collected from each family and detection was done
age had better knowledge than people above 50 years of
through simple detection methods in home set up in
age. The statistically significant relationship was also found
selected five food items. Based on the knowledge level of
between knowledge on food adulteration and educational
status (χ2 (4) =9.876, p= 0.043)and interpreted that sample by Beniwal A and Khetarpaul N5 among 60 women of Hisar
who had PUC and above level of education had better city in India, who reported that sample of turmeric powder
knowledge. There was no statistically significant were found to be adulterated with chalk powder. Water
association found between knowledge on food soluble colour was also added to 36.6% of the samples, all
adulteration and demographic variables such as gender (χ samples of red chilli powder were adulterated with
(2) =2.601,p = 0.272), occupation ( χ 2
(4) =8.766, p=0.067) and artificial colour, and oil-soluble coal tar dye was detected in
monthly family income in rupees ( χ2 (2 =4.257, p= 0.119). 36.6 percent of them, while brick powder was present in
23.3 percent. .Another Survey conducted by Mysore
The computed value of chi-square between knowledge Grahakara Parishat3in 2008 in Mysore, Karnataka also
score on food adulteration and variables on buying and revealed Metanil yellow and lead chromate were the
storing of food items revealed that the knowledge scores common adulterants found in food products. Out of four
on food adulteration were independent of place of hundred samples collected from 38 local shops, 43 %of
purchase (χ2 (4) =1.593, p=0.810), type of packing (χ2 (2) = 2.39, toor dhal was found adulterated. 50 % of Bengal gram was
p=0.664), average duration of storage of general grocery of poor quality, 28 % samples had Metanil yellow, 6 %had
items (χ (2) = 1.647, p=0.439), average duration of storage of auramine dye and 29 % of green gram was adulterated.
turmeric powder (χ (2) =3.208, p= 0.201), average duration Other samples such as turmeric, chilli powder, cumin
of storage of common salt (χ (2) =3.089, p=0.213), average seeds, ghee and butter were also highly adulterated.
duration of storage of chilli powder (χ (2) =2.101,p=0.350) ,
The present study revealed that there was association
average duration of storage of tea powder (χ2 (2) =1.085,
between knowledge on food adulteration and age (χ2 (2)
p=0.581), and average duration of storage of coriander
=8.627, p= 0.013).The study also revealed that there was
powder/coriander (χ2 (2) =1.647, p =0.439).
association between knowledge on food adulteration and
Discussion : educational status (χ2 (4) =9.876, p= 0.043). The findings are
The findings of the present study indicate that among 75 supported by other studies available in the
respondents 18.7% had poor knowledge, 60%had average literature1Anotherstudy was conducted by Bhatt, and Anita
knowledge and 21.3% had good knowledge on food Singh on impact analysis of knowledge and practice for
adulteration. This finding is supported by a similar food Safety. Study revealed that age and awareness were
descriptive study conducted by Gupta Nidhi and Panchal not interlinked which is contradictory to the present study
Priti in 2007 among 60 families of Mahadev village of finding, while education was interlinked with good
Gujarat state, 15% of the sample had low awareness, 60% practices which supporting the findings of present study6.
had moderate awareness and 25% had high awareness on
Conclusion :
food adulteration. The maximum possible score was 33.
The prevalence of adulteration among selected food items
The mean score obtained by the participants was 23.15
even though is low, adulteration is existing in village. The
with S.D of 2.77.1The present study is also supported by
present study found 60% of the sample population had
another study conducted in 1999 on knowledge of
average knowledge on food adulteration. Awareness of the
consumers regarding the nature and extent of adulteration
public in relation to food adulteration should be ongoing
of Indian foods among 60 women of Hisar city in India,
especially to the general public with lower level of
showed that majority, 61.6% of respondents had medium
knowledge on food adulteration, 40.0% and 10.0% had
high knowledge.5 Limitations :
The detection of adulteration is limited to five specific food
The present study is supported by many studies conducted
items and knowledge is assessed only from head of the
family or wife of the head of the family. Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
University, Manipal for giving administrative permission to
Acknowledgment :
conduct the study. We express my sincere thanks to Mr.
We express our sincere thanks to Dr. Anice George, Dean
Chandrakanda Manjerekar, Food Inspector, Udupi District,
MCON Manipal and Dr. Veenakamath, HOD, Department of
for his support and guidance throughout the study.
Table 3: Association between knowledge score on food adulteration and demographic variables.
( n = 75)
Sample Characteristics Knowledge Category χ2(df) P value
Poor f(%) Average f(%) Good f(%)
Age in years
25 - 50 4 ( 9.1) 27(61.4) 13(29.5) 8.627(2) 0.013*
51 - 75 10(32.3) 18(58.1) 3(9.70)
SSLC 11(28.2) 20(51.3) 8(20.5)
PUC 3(15) 14(70) 3(15) 9.876(4) 0.043*
graduate & above 0(0) 11(68.8) 5(31.2)
Fig. 1.Pie diagram showing the knowledge scores of sample on food adulteration
Poor Knowledge
Average knowledge
Good knowledge
1. Gupta N, Panchal P. Extent of awareness and food adulteration
detection in selected food items purchased by home makers.
Pakistan journal of nutrition 2009; 8: 660-667.
2. DTE News. Food Adulteration, Food Safety, Food Standards,
Health Effects, India, Karnataka, Mysore (T) . May 15, 2008
3. Working of the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954 in
different states /UTs,-2002(commodity wise). Available from
URL :http://cbhidghs.nic.in/hia2005/14.03.htm
4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food.
5. Beniwal A and Khetarpaul N. Knowledge of consumers
regarding the nature and extent of adulteration of Indian
foods. Sage publications.Nutrition and Health1999;13(3): 153-
60.DOI: 10.1177/026010609901300303.
6. Bhatt SR, Bhatt SM, Singh Anita. Impact Analysis of Knowledge
Practice for Food Safety.Pakistan Journal of Nutrition. 2010. 9
(2): 186-190.