Geometric Design Manual With Appendices Final - Chapter 1-4
Geometric Design Manual With Appendices Final - Chapter 1-4
Geometric Design Manual With Appendices Final - Chapter 1-4
Geometric Design Manual - 2013 Foreword
The road network in Ethiopia provides the dominant mode of freight and passenger
transport and thus plays a vital role in the economy of the country. The network comprises
a huge national asset that requires adherence to appropriate standards for design,
construction and maintenance in order to provide a high level of service. As the length of
the road network is increasing, appropriate choice of methods to preserve this investment
becomes increasingly important.
In 2002, the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) first brought out road design manuals to
provide a standardized approach for the design, construction and maintenance of roads in
the country. Due to technological development and change, these manuals require periodic
updating. This current version of the manual has particular reference to the prevailing
conditions in Ethiopia and reflects the experience gained through activities within the road
sector during the last 10 years. Completion of the review and updating of the manuals was
undertaken in close consultation with the federal and regional roads authorities and the
stakeholders in the road sector including contracting and consulting industry.
Most importantly, in supporting the preparation of the documents, a series of thematic peer
review panels were established that comprised local experts from the public and private
sector who provided guidance and review for the project team.
This Manual supersedes the Geometric Design Manual part of the ERA 2002 series of
Manuals. The standards set out shall be adhered to unless otherwise directed by ERA.
However, I should emphasize that careful consideration to sound engineering practice shall
be observed in the use of the manual, and under no circumstances shall the manual waive
professional judgment in applied engineering. For simplification in reference this manual
may be cited as ERA’s Geometric Design Manual - 2013.
On behalf of the Ethiopian Roads Authority I would like to thank DFID, Crown Agents
and the AFCAP team for their cooperation, contribution and support in the development of
the manual and supporting documents for Ethiopia. I would also like to extend my
gratitude and appreciation to all of the industry stakeholders and participants who
contributed their time, knowledge and effort during the development of the documents.
Special thanks are extended to the members of the various Peer Review Panels, whose
active support and involvement guided the authors of the manual and the process.
It is my sincere hope that this manual will provide all users with a standard reference and a
ready source of good practice for the geometric design of roads, and will assist in a cost
effective operation, and environmentally sustainable development of our road network.
I look forward to the practices contained in this manual being quickly adopted into our
operations, thereby making a sustainable contribution to the improved infrastructure of our
Comments and suggestions on all aspects from any concerned body, group or individual as
feedback during its implementation is expected and will be highly appreciated.
The Ethiopian Roads Authority is the custodian of the series of technical manuals, standard
specifications and bidding documents that are written for the practicing engineer in
Ethiopia. The series describes current and recommended practice and sets out the national
standards for roads and bridges. The documents are based on national experience and
international practice and are approved by the Director General of the Ethiopian Roads
The Geometric Design Manual -2013 forms part of the Ethiopian Roads Authority series
of Road and Bridge Design documents. The complete series of documents, covering all
roads and bridges in Ethiopia, is as follows:
These documents are available to registered users through the ERA website:
Manual Updates
Significant changes to criteria, procedures or any other relevant issues related to new
policies or revised laws of the land or that are mandated by the relevant Federal
Government Ministry or Agency should be incorporated into the manual from their date of
Other minor changes that will not significantly affect the whole nature of the manual may
be accumulated and made periodically. When changes are made and approved, new
page(s) incorporating the revision, together with the revision date, will be issued and
inserted into the relevant chapter.
All suggestions to improve the manual should be made in accordance with the
following procedures:
Explanation Suggested Modification
Submitted by:
Company/Organisation Address
The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) wishes to thank the UK Government’s Department
for International Development (DFID) through the Africa Community Access Programme
(AFCAP) for their support in developing this Geometric Design Manual – 2013. The
manual will be used by all authorities and organisations responsible for the provision of
roads in Ethiopia.
From the outset, the approach to the development of the manual was to include all sectors
and stakeholders in Ethiopia. The input from the international team of experts was
supplemented by our own extensive local experience and expertise. Local knowledge and
experience was shared through review workshops to discuss and debate the contents of the
draft manual. ERA wishes to thank all the individuals who gave their time to attend the
workshops and provide valuable inputs to the compilation of the manual.
In addition to the workshops, Peer Review Groups comprising specialists drawn from
within the local industry were established to provide advice and comments in their
respective areas of expertise. The contribution of the Peer Review Group participants is
gratefully acknowledged.
The final review and acceptance of the document was undertaken by an Executive Review
Group. Special thanks are given to this group for their assistance in reviewing the final
draft of the document.
Finally, ERA would like to thank Crown Agents for their overall management of the
As with the other manuals of this series, the intent was, where possible, and in the interests
of uniformity, to use those tests and specifications included in the AASHTO and/or ASTM
Materials references. Where no such reference exists for tests and specifications mentioned
in this document, other references are used.
Project Team
FOREWORD ....................................................................................................................... I
PREFACE .......................................................................................................................... II
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................................... V
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... VII
LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .................................................................................................. XI
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ XIII
GLOSSARY OF TERMS ..................................................................................................... XV
ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................................... XXIX
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 1-1
1.1 General.................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Organization of the Manual .................................................................................. 1-1
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.2 Design Standards .................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3 Departures from Standards ................................................................................... 2-4
3 SITE INVESTIGATION FOR ROUTE SELECTION AND DESIGN................................... 3-1
3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Site Investigation Techniques............................................................................... 3-2
4 SURVEY REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................... 4-1
4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Method of Data Collection: Photogrammetry and Field Survey .......................... 4-1
4.3 Survey Data Products ........................................................................................... 4-1
4.4 Survey Data by Project Type ................................................................................ 4-3
4.5 Field Surveys ........................................................................................................ 4-3
4.6 Topography........................................................................................................... 4-5
4.7 Bench Marks ......................................................................................................... 4-5
4.8 Profile and Cross Sections .................................................................................... 4-6
4.9 Photogrammetry ................................................................................................... 4-7
4.10 Detailed Survey and Alignment Design ............................................................... 4-8
GEOMETRIC STANDARDS ........................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
5.1 Introduction ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.2 Traffic .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.3 The Design Vehicle ............................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.4 Design Speed ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.5 Traffic Composition – Proportion of Heavy Vehicles.......... Error! Bookmark not
5.6 Terrain ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.7 Roadside Population and Adjoining Land Use ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.8 Pavement Type ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.9 Soil Type and Climate ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.10 Construction Technology ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.11 Administrative Function......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.12 Safety ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
5.13 Matrix of Standards ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
6 CROSS SECTION ELEMENTS ................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
6.1 Introduction ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.2 Lane Widths ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.3 Shoulders ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.4 Normal Crossfall .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.5 Side Slopes and Back Slopes ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.6 Roadside Ditches .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.7 Clear Zone .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.8 Right-of-Way ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.9 Four-Lane and Divided Roads ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.10 Medians .................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.11 Single Lane Roads .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6.12 Typical Cross Sections and Standard Cross Sections .......... Error! Bookmark not
7.1 Design Speed .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.2 Stopping Sight Distance ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.3 Stopping Sight Distance for Single Lane Roads (Meeting Sight Distance) ... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
7.4 Intersection Sight Distance..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.5 Decision Sight Distance ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.6 Control of Sight Distance ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.7 Passing Sight Distance ........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
7.8 Minimum Provision of Passing Sight Distance...... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8 HORIZONTAL ALIGNMENT ..................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
8.1 General ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.2 Cross-fall ................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.3 Elements of a Circular Curve ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.4 Minimum Turning Radii ........................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.5 Isolated Curves ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.6 Length of Tangent Sections and Curves ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.7 Reverse Curves, Broken-Back Curves, and Compound Curves . Error! Bookmark
not defined.
8.8 Widening on Curves and Embankments ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.9 Switchback Curves ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.10 Transition Curves ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.11 Super-elevation....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.12 Super-elevation Runoff .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
8.13 Shoulder Super-elevation ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
9 VERTICAL ALIGNMENT .......................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
9.1 Introduction ............................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
9.2 Vertical Curve Formula .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.1 Alignment Defects Due to Mis-phasing ................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.2 Types of Mis-phasing and Corresponding Corrective Action ..... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
10.3 Vertical Curve Overlaps One End of the Horizontal Curve . Error! Bookmark not
10.4 Insufficient Separation between the Curves .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.5 Both Ends of the Vertical Curve Lie on the Horizontal Curve ... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
10.6 Vertical Curve Overlaps Both Ends of the Horizontal Curve ..... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
10.7 Other Mis-Phasing ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
10.8 The Economic Penalty Due to Phasing ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11 AT-GRADE JUNCTIONS ........................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED.
11.1 Introduction ........................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.2 Design Requirements............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.3 Selection of Junction Type .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.4 Angle of Intersection ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.5 Distance between Adjoining Junctions ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.6 Sight Distances and Visibility ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.7 Lane Width and Manoeuvrability .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.8 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment ....................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.9 Channelisation ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.10 Speed-Change Lanes ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.11 Turning Roadways ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.12 Private Access ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.13 Roundabouts .......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
11.14 Checklist for Junction Design................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4-1: Standard Bench Mark (alternative designs are available) ............................... 4-6
Figure 5-1: Selection Procedure for Appropriate Geometric Standards.... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Figure 5-2: Dimensions and Turning Radius Path for Single Unit Bus (DV3)............ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-3: Dimensions and Turning Radius for a Semi-Trailer Combination ............ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-4: Flat Terrain; Flat Roadway Alignment ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-5: Rolling Terrain; Flat Roadway Alignment ....... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-6: Rolling Terrain; Flat to Rolling Roadway Alignment ..... Error! Bookmark not
Figure 5-7: Rolling Terrain; Rolling Roadway Alignment . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 5-8: Mountainous Terrain; Flat Roadway Alignment ............. Error! Bookmark not
Figure 5-9: Mountainous Terrain; Mountainous Roadway Alignment ..... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Figure 5-10: Escarpment Terrain; Mountainous Roadway Alignment ..... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Figure 5-11: Escarpment Terrain; Escarpment Roadway Alignment Error! Bookmark not
Figure 6-1: Designation of Roadside Regions..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 6-2: Side Drain Ditch Location in Expansive Soils . Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7-1: Sight Distance for Horizontal Curves ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 7-2: Passing Sight Distance...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-1: Ratio of radii of consecutive horizontal curves Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-2: Curve Elements................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-3: Reverse Curves, Broken-Back Curves, and Compound Curves................ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-4: Switchback Curve ............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-5: Switchback Curve for the Passage of Single DV4 Vehicle .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Figure 8-6: Spiral Curve Transition..................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-7: Circular Curve Transition ................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 8-8: Shoulder Super-elevation (for Surfaced Roads) Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9-1: Crest Curve ....................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9-2: Sag Curve ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9-3: Hidden Dip and Roller Coaster Profiles ........... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 9-4: Layout for Climbing Lane ................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 10-1: Phasing of Horizontal and Vertical Curves .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-1: Types of at-grade junctions ............................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-2: Junction Selection Based on Traffic Flows .... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-3: T-Junction Selection for Various Major and Minor Road Traffic Flows Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-4: Staggered X-Junctions .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-5: Visibility Splay for ‘Yield’ Conditions .......... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-6: Visibility Splay for ‘Stop’ Conditions ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-7: Traffic Islands ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 11-8: Typical Triangular Island ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 2-1: Road Classification, AADT, Carriageway Widths and Design Speeds............ 2-3
Table 2-2: Shoulder Widths on Each Side of the Carriageway .......................................... 2-4
Table 2-3: Adjustments for excessive numbers of large heavy vehicles............................ 2-5
Table 2-4: PCU values........................................................................................................ 2-5
Table 2-5: Adjustments for PCUs greater than 300 AADT. .............................................. 2-6
Table 2-6: Geometric Parameters for Design Class DC8 Paved ........................................ 2-7
Table 2-7: Geometric Parameters for Design Class DC7 Paved ........................................ 2-8
Table 2-8: Geometric Parameters for Design Class DC6 Paved ........................................ 2-9
Table 2-9: Geometric Parameters for Design Class DC5 Paved ...................................... 2-10
Table 2-10: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Paved DC4(1) ................................. 2-11
Table 2-11: Geometric Parameters for Unpaved DC4(1) .................................................. 2-12
Table 2-12: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Paved DC3(1) ................................. 2-13
Table 2-13: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Unpaved DC3(1) ............................ 2-14
Table 2-14: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Paved DC2(1) ................................. 2-15
Table 2-15: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Unpaved DC2 (1, 2)......................... 2-16
Table 2-16: Geometric Parameters for Design Class DC1 ............................................... 2-17
Table 2-17: Minimum Standards for Basic Access .......................................................... 2-17
Table 4-1: Survey Data Requirements................................................................................ 4-2
Table 4-2: Required Level of Accuracy for Surveys.......................................................... 4-6
Table 4-3: Air Photo Scales for Various Project Tasks ...................................................... 4-8
Table 5-1: PCU Values for non-4-wheeled motorised vehicles ......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 5-2: Design Vehicle Characteristics .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 5-3: Design Vehicle for Each Road Class ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 6-1: Slope Ratio Table – Vertical to Horizontal........ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7-1: Design Speeds .................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7-2: Stopping and Passing Sight Distances for Paved Roads ... Error! Bookmark not
Table 7-3: Stopping Sight Distances for Unpaved Roads ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7-4: Decision Sight Distances (metres) ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 7-5: Clearance Distance (d3) for Different Ambient Speeds .... Error! Bookmark not
Table 7-6: Guide Values for the Minimum Provision of Passing Sight Distance ........ Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 8-1: Minimum Radii for Horizontal Curves for Paved Roads . Error! Bookmark not
Table 8-2: Minimum Radii for Horizontal Curves for Unpaved Roads .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 8-3: Widening on Curves and High Fills ................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8-4: Transition Curve Requirements ......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 8-5: Super elevation Rates and Length of Run-Off: 8% .......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 8-6: Super elevation Rates and Length of Run-Off: 4% .......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 9-1: Minimum Values for Crest Vertical Curves (Paved Roads) .... Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Table 9-2: Minimum Values for Crest Vertical Curves (Unpaved Roads) .................. Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-3: Minimum Values of K for Sag Curves ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-4: Maximum Gradients for Paved Sections ............ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-5: Climbing Lanes................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 9-6: Vertical Clearance from Superstructure to Design Flood Level (DFL) ..... Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Table 11-1: Access Control .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11-2: Minimum Sight Distances for ‘Yield’ Conditions.......... Error! Bookmark not
Table 11-3: Minimum Sight Distances for ‘Stop’ Conditions ........... Error! Bookmark not
Table 11-4: Length of Right Turn Lane ............................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11-5: Lengths of Storage Sections for Left Turn Lanes ........... Error! Bookmark not
Table 11-6: Length of Acceleration/Merging Lane ............. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 11-7: Turning roadway widths ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 12-1: Widths for Loops .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 13-1: Length (including tapers) of Passing Points ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 13-2: Rolling Resistance of Roadway Surfacing Materials ..... Error! Bookmark not
Table 14-1: Spacing of Guide Posts at Curves ..................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Base Course This is the main component of the pavement contributing to the
spreading of the traffic loads. In many cases, it will consist of
crushed stone or gravel, or of good quality gravelly soils or
decomposed rock. Bituminous base courses may also be used (for
higher classes of traffic). Materials stabilised with cement or lime
may also be contemplated.
Binder Course The lower course of an asphalt surfacing laid in more than one
Bitumen The most common form of bitumen is the residue from the refining
of crude oil after the more volatile material has been distilled off. It
is essentially a very viscous liquid comprising many long-chain
organic molecules. For use in roads it is practically solid at ambient
temperatures but can be heated sufficiently to be poured and sprayed.
Some natural bitumens can be found worldwide that are not distilled
from crude oil but the amounts are very small.
Borrow Area An area within designated boundaries approved for the purpose of
obtaining borrow material. A borrow pit is the excavated pit in a
borrow area.
Borrow Material Any gravel, sand, soil, rock or ash obtained from borrow areas,
dumps or sources other than cut within the road prism and which is
used in the construction of the specified works. Not including
crushed stone or sand obtained from commercial sources.
Boulder A rock fragment, usually rounded by weathering or abrasion, with an
average dimension of 0.30 m or more.
Bound Pavement Pavement materials held together by an adhesive bond between the
Materials materials and another binding material such as bitumen.
Broken back Two curves in the same direction with a tangent shorter than 500
curve metres connecting them.
Bus Lay-byes Lay-by reserved for public service vehicles.
Camber The convexity given to the curved cross-section of a roadway.
Capacity Maximum practicable traffic flow in given circumstances.
Capping Layer (Selected or improved subgrade). The top of an embankment or
bottom of an excavation prior to construction of the pavement
structure. Where very weak soils and/or expansive soils (such as
black cotton soils) are encountered, a capping layer is sometimes
necessary. This consists of better quality subgrade material
imported from elsewhere or subgrade material improved by
stabilisation (usually mechanical), and may also be considered as a
lower quality sub-base.
Carriageway That portion of the roadway including the various traffic lanes and
auxiliary lanes but excluding shoulders.
Guard Rail Continuous barrier erected alongside a road to prevent traffic from
accidentally leaving the roadway or from crossing the median.
Heavy Vehicles Those having an unloaded weight of 3000 kg or more.
Horizontal Direction and course of the road centreline in plan.
Horizontal Lateral clearance between the edge of shoulder and obstructions.
Horizontal Curve Curve in plan-view.
Hot mix asphalt Generic name for all high quality mixtures of aggregates and
(HMA) bitumen that use the grades of bitumen that must be heated in order
to flow sufficiently to coat the aggregates. Includes Asphaltic
Concrete, Dense Bitumen Macadam and Hot Rolled Asphalt.
Interchange Network of roads at the approaches to a junction at different levels
that permits traffic movement from one to the other or to more
roadways or roads.
Junction Common zone of two or more roads allowing vehicles to pass from
one to the other. Meeting of one road with another.
Kerb Concrete, often precast, element adjacent to the travelled way and
used for drainage control, delineation of the pavement edge or
protection of the edge of surfacing. Usually applied only in urban
K Value Ratio of the minimum length of vertical crest curve in meters to the
algebraic difference in percentage gradients adjoining the curve.
Lane Strip of roadway intended to accommodate a single line of moving
Lay-by Part of the road set aside for vehicles to draw out of the traffic lanes
for short periods.
Left Hand Lane On a dual roadway, the traffic lane nearest to the central reserve.
Left Turn Lane An auxiliary lane to accommodate deceleration and storage of left-
turning vehicles at junctions.
Level of Service Qualitative rating of the effectiveness of a road in serving traffic,
measured in terms of operating conditions.
Limited Access Road with right of access only at a limited number of places.
Link Road National Road linking nationally important centres.
Local Road Road (or street) primarily for access to adjoining property. It may
or may not be a classified road.
Longitudinal Joint A joint normally placed between traffic lanes in rigid pavements to
control longitudinal cracking.
Longitudinal Outline of a vertical section of the ground, ground data and
Profile recommended works along the centreline.
Maintenance Routine work performed to keep a pavement as nearly as possible in
its as-constructed condition under normal conditions of traffic and
forces of nature.
Markers Post, generally fitted with reflective material or small reflecting
studs, but not usually lighted, erected off the roadway to give
Passing Sight Minimum sight distance on two-way single roadway roads that
Distance must be available to enable the driver of one vehicle to pass another
vehicle safely and comfortably without interfering with the speed
of an oncoming vehicle travelling at the design speed, should it
come into view after the overtaking manoeuvre is started.
Pavement Layers The layers of different materials which comprise the pavement
Pedestrian Transverse strip of roadway intended for the use of pedestrians
Crossing crossing the road. The crossing may be uncontrolled or controlled.
Pedestrian Refuge Raised platform or a guarded area so sited in the roadway as to
divide the streams of traffic and to provide a safe area for
Point of Curvature Beginning of a horizontal curve, often referred to as BC.
Point of Point of intersection of two tangents.
Intersection (PI)
Point of Reverse Point where a curve in one direction is immediately followed by a
Curvature (PRC) curve in the opposite direction. Typically applied only to kerb lines.
Point of Tangency End of horizontal curve, often referred to as EC.
Point of Vertical The point at which a grade ends and the vertical curve begins, often
Curvature (PVC) also referred to as BVC.
Point of Vertical The point where the extension of two grades intersect. The initials
Intersection (PVI) are sometimes reversed to VPI.
Point of Vertical The point at which the vertical curve ends and the grade begins. Also
Tangency (PVT) referred to as EVC.
Project The specifications relating to a specific project, which form part of
Specifications the contract documents for such project, and which contain
supplementary and/or amending specifications to the Standard
Pumping The ejection of foundation material, either wet or dry, through
joints or cracks, or along edges of rigid slabs resulting from vertical
movements of the slab under traffic.
Quarry An area within designated boundaries, approved for the purpose of
obtaining rock by sawing or blasting.
Ramp a) Inclined section of roadway over which traffic passes for the
primary purpose of ascending or descending so as to make
connections with other roadways.
b) Interconnecting length of road of a traffic interchange or any
connection between roads of different levels, on which vehicles
Rolling (Terrain) Terrain with low hills introducing moderate levels of rise and fall
with some restrictions on vertical alignment. Defined as terrain with
11-25 five-metre contours per km. The transverse ground slopes
perpendicular to the ground contours are generally between 3% and
Roundabout Road junction designed for movement of traffic in one direction
around a central island.
Safety Rest Area Roadside area with parking facilities for the motorist to stop and
Sag Curve Concave vertical curve with the intersection point of the tangents
below the road level.
Shoulder Part of the road outside the carriageway, but at substantially the
same level, for accommodation of stopped vehicles for emergency
use, and for lateral support of the carriageway.
Shoulder The point on a cross section at which the extended flat planes of the
Breakpoint surface of the shoulder and the outside slope of the fill and
pavement intersect.
Side Fill That portion of the imported material within the road prism which
lies outside the fills, shoulders, roadbase and sub-base and is
contained within such surface slopes as shown on the Drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. A distinction between fills and side fill is
only to be made if specified.
Side Friction The resistance to centripetal force keeping a vehicle in a circular
path. The designated maximum side friction represents a threshold of
driver discomfort and not the point of an impending skid.
Side Drain Open longitudinal drain situated adjacent to and at the bottom of cut
or fill slopes.
Side Slope Area between the outer edge of shoulder or hinge point and the
ditch bottom.
Sight Distance Distance visible to the driver of a passenger car measured along the
normal travel path of a roadway to the roadway surface or to a
specified height above the roadway surface, when the view is
unobstructed by traffic.
Sight Triangle The area in the quadrants of an intersection that must be kept clear
to ensure adequate sight distance between the opposing legs of the
Speed Hump Device for controlling the speed of vehicles, consisting of a raised
PT Point of Tangency
PVI Point of Vertical Intersection
RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe
RoW Right of Way
RPSD Reduced Passing Sight Distance
RRD Representative Rebound Deflection
RTA Road Transport Authority
SC Spiral to circular curve transition point
SSD Stopping Sight Distance
S1 to S6 Subgrade strength classes used to characterize the subgrade in
pavement design (see ERA Pavement Design Manual Volume I
Flexible Pavements).
SN and MSN Structural Number and Modified Structural Number. An index
of overall pavement strength based on the thicknesses and
strengths of each pavement layer.
SNeff and MSNeff Effective Structural Number of an existing pavement
T1 to T8 Traffic classes used to characterize the anticipated traffic in
terms of ESA for flexible pavement design purposes
TBM Temporary Benchmark
ToR Terms of Reference
TRL Transport Research Laboratory, UK (formerly TRRL)
TRRL Transport and Road Research Laboratory, UK
TS Tangent to Spiral transition point
VOC Vehicle Operating Costs
VFB Voids Filled with Bitumen
VIM Voids in the Mix
VMA Voids in the Mineral Aggregate
VPI Vertical Point of Intersection
1.1 General
The procedures for the geometric design of roads presented in this manual are applicable to
most trunk roads, link roads, main access roads, collector roads, feeder roads and
unclassified roads as defined by ERA in this Geometric Design Manual.
The manual does not deal in detail with the design of major grade separated junctions
between restricted access freeways (motorways) although the topic is introduced
sufficiently for some of the simpler designs to be carried out; nor does the manual deal
with the detailed design of drainage features. For this the reader should refer to ERA’s
Drainage Design Manual.
The use of the procedures described in this manual will help in achieving reasonable
uniformity in geometric design for a given set of conditions.
The organization of this manual and the design process are outlined in this Section.
After this introduction, a summary of the standards developed within the manual together
with departures from standards and the method of dealing with departures from standards,
are given in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 deals with preliminary design considerations. Specifically, it lists procedures for
identifying potential alignments in a ‘route corridor’ selection process.
Chapter 5 discusses those external controls and criteria affecting the selection of the
geometric design values. These include a discussion of the road hierarchy and functional
classification; terrain considerations; the design vehicle; the importance of population
density and character of adjoining land use; design traffic volume; and design speed.
Cross sectional elements of the road include lane widths, shoulders, cross-fall, side slopes
and back slopes, roadside ditches, clear zones, and right-of-way. These issues are discussed
in Chapter 6.
A significant element in the geometric design of roads is sight distance. Chapter 7 develops
the formulae and application of both stopping and passing sight distances.
Chapter 8 deals with horizontal alignment and provides information on tangent sections,
transition curves, curve elements including circular curves, reverse, broken-back,
compound and isolated curves. Lane widening requirements for curves are explained, and
the special considerations in switchback, or hairpin, curves are discussed. Super-elevation
standards are then developed, including rates, run-off and shoulder super-elevation.
Chapter 9 is devoted to the issue of vertical alignment. Sub-sections deal with the topics of
crest and sag curves, maximum and minimum gradients, climbing lanes, and vertical
Chapter 10 discusses the need for phasing between horizontal and vertical design,
problems associated with mis-phasing and possible corrective actions.
Safety and miscellaneous items are dealt with in Chapter 13. These include the design of
safety rest areas and scenic overlooks, bus lay-bys and parking bays, parking lanes, public
utilities, railway grade crossings, safety barriers and emergency escape ramps.
Items defined as roadway furniture are discussed in Chapter 14. This includes traffic signs,
road markings, marker posts, traffic signals and lighting.
Finally, the appendices provide information on numerous aspects deemed best placed in an
appendix rather than in the main body of the text. This includes the classification of roads
and the current extent of ERA’s road network; details of friction factors for road surfaces;
further explanation of the method of determining sight distances; requirements for the
location of utilities; typical cross sections; supplementary information on procedures for
design and on the preparation of plans and drafting; terms and definitions, and
abbreviations used in the manual; and information concerning the use of mass haul
diagrams for minimizing the extent of earthworks.
Geometric design is the process whereby the layout of the road through the terrain is
designed to meet the needs of the road users. The principal geometric features are the road
cross-section and the horizontal and vertical alignments. Appropriate standards depend
upon the following factors:
1. Topography.
2. Traffic volume and traffic composition.
3. Design vehicle characteristics.
4. Road function.
5. Design speed and other speed controls.
6. Control of access.
7. Road safety considerations.
8. Land use and physical features.
9. Economic and financial considerations.
10. Environmental considerations.
11. Alternative construction technologies.
The design standards apply to divided highways, trunk and link roads, main access and
collector roads, and feeder roads.
An overview of the design standards for each road class is shown in Table 2-1 relating road
functional classification, traffic volumes and design speeds. Table 2.2 summarises shoulder
widths and the widening of shoulders to provide the facilities required in urban and peri-
urban areas.
It will be noted that the design standards do not include any three-lane, two-way roads.
Such roads were intended to function as two-lane two-way roads but with a continuous
central lane for overtaking manoeuvres to minimise congestion. Such roads were found to
have a considerably higher capacity than two-lane, two-way roads but they were found to
be dangerous because the practical effect of the three-lane cross-section was to concentrate
the faster vehicles of the two opposing traffic streams in a common lane resulting in unsafe
operations. Such roads have been universally abandoned.
Table 2.3 summarises the geometric adjustments to be made to the standards for roads that
generally carry only relatively light traffic, when the number of large and heavy vehicles
(3-axles and > 10 tonnes) comprises a significant proportion of the traffic stream.
Similarly Table 2.5 summarises the geometric adjustments to be made if the number of non
4- wheeled (and above) motorised traffic (i.e. motor cycles, etc.) and non-motorized traffic
including pedestrians exceeds certain values and requires special provision for reasons of
safety and smooth traffic flow.
Finally, Tables 2.6 to 2.17 show the design standards in more detail for each class of road.
The manual describes the derivation of the standards and provides information on how to
use them.
It is anticipated that there may be situations where the designer will be compelled to
deviate from these standards. An example of a Departure from Standard is the inclusion of
a switchback or the use of a gradient greater than the desirable value. Where the designer
departs from a standard, he must obtain written approval from ERA. The Designer shall
submit the following information to ERA:
i) The number, name, and description of the road;
ii) The facet of design for which a Departure from Standards is desired;
iii) A description of the standard, including normal value, and the value of the
Departure from Standards;
iv) The reason for the Departure from Standards, and
v) Any mitigation to be applied in the interests of safety.
The Designer must submit all major and minor Departures from Standards to the respective
regional directorate for evaluation. If the proposed Departures from Standards are
acceptable, the Departures from Standards will be submitted to the Quality Assurance,
Road Inspection and Safety Directorate for final approval.
Table 2-1: Road Classification, AADT, Carriageway Widths and Design Speeds
Road Design Design Traffic Width (m) Design Speed (km/hr.)
Functional Standa Flow (AADT) Urban/Peri-
Type Carriageway Flat Rolling Mountainous Escarpment
Classification rd (Mid-life) Urban
DC8 10,000 –15,000 Paved Dual 2 x 7.3 120 100 85 70 50
Modifications to the standards summarised above are made for excessive numbers of large
heavy vehicles in the traffic stream and for high volumes of non-motorized vehicles, motor
cycles, pedestrians (and other forms of intermediate transport) on some of the lower road
standards. Large heavy vehicles are defined as vehicles with three or more axles and gross
vehicle weights of greater than 10 tonnes.
Passenger Car Units (PCUs) are defined as shown in Table 2.4 and the modifications are
summarised in Table 2.5. The modifications are not possible on escarpments. In
mountainous terrain they are only possible along relatively flat sections. In these
circumstances the PCU values are only likely to be high where the population is high, and
this is likely to be defined as a populated area where widening is justified for that reason
Table 2-4: PCU values
Vehicle PCU value
Pedestrian 0.15
Bicycle 0.2
Motor cycle 0.25
Bicycle with trailer 0.35
Motor cycle taxi (bajaj) 0.4
Motor cycle with trailer 0.45
Small animal-drawn cart 0.7
Bullock cart 2.0
All based on a passenger car = 1.0
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 120 100 85 70(2) 50
Width of running surface m 2x7.3 2x7.3+
Width of shoulders m Table 2.2
g = 0% m 285 210 155 110 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 330 240 175 120 70
g = 10% m 400 285 205 140 75
SE = 4% m 780 515 350 215 95
Horizontal SE = 6% m 685 455 310 195 85
Curve Radius(2)
SE = 8% m 610 410 280 175 80
Transition Curves Required Yes Yes Yes No No
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 3 4 6 6 6
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 5 6 8 8 7
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum Super-elevation % 8 8 8 8 4
Min. Crest Vertical Curve (1) K 185 100 55 30 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 36 25 18 12 7
Normal Cross-fall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Cross-fall % 4 4 4 4 4
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50
1 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
2 The design speed on escarpments may be dictated by the severity of the terrain and the
curve radius (plus curve widening) that can be achieved on the hairpin bends.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 120 100 85 70(3) 50
Width of Running Surface m 7.3 7.3+
Width of Shoulders m Table 2.2
g = 0% m 285 210 155 110 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 330 240 175 120 70
g = 10% m 400 285 205 140 75
Min. Passing Sight Distance m 805 675 330(2) 270(2) 180(2)
% Passing Opportunity % 50 50 25 0 20
SE = 4% m 780 515 350 215 95
Horizontal SE = 6% m 685 455 310 195 85
Curve Radius(3)
SE = 8% m 610 410 280 175 80
Transition Curves Required Yes Yes Yes No No
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 3 5 7 7 6
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 5 7 9 9 8
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum Super-elevation % 8 8 8 8 4
Min. Crest Vertical Curve (1) K 185 100 55 30 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 36 25 18 12 7
Normal Cross-fall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Cross-fall % 4 4 4 4 4
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50
1 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
2 To abort passing manoeuvre.
3 The design speed on escarpments may be dictated by the severity of the terrain and the
curve radius (plus curve widening) that can be achieved on the hairpin bends.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 100 85 70 60(3) 50
Width of running surface m 7.0 7.0+
Width of shoulders m Table 2.2 and Table 2.5
g = 0% m 210 155 110 85 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 240 175 120 90 70
g = 10% m 285 205 140 105 75
Min. Passing Sight Distance(2) m 375 330 270 230 180
% Passing Opportunity % 50 33 25 0 20
SE = 4% m 515 350 215 145(3) 95
Horizontal SE = 6% m 455 310 195 135 85
Curve Radius(4)
SE = 8% m 410 280 175 120(3) -
Transition Curves Required Yes Yes Yes No No
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 3 5 7 7 6
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 5 7 9 9 8
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum Super-elevation % 8 8 8 8 4
Min. Crest Vertical Curve (1) K 100 55 30 17 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 25 18 12 9 7
Normal Cross-fall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Cross-fall % 4 4 4 4 4
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50
1 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
2 To abort passing manoeuvre.
3 Target value. The design speed on escarpments may be dictated by the severity of the
terrain and the curve radius (plus curve widening) that can be achieved on the hairpin
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 85 70 60 50(3) 50
Width of Running Surface m 7.0 7.0+
Width of Shoulders m Table 2.2 and Table 2.5
g = 0% m 155 110 85 65 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 175 120 90 70 70
g = 10% m 205 140 105 75 75
Min. Passing Sight Distance(2) m 330 270 230 180 180
% Passing Opportunity % 25 25 15 0 20
SE = 4% m 350 215 145 95(3) 95
Horizontal SE = 6% m 310 195 135 85 85
Curve Radius(4)
SE = 8% m 280 175 120 80(3) -
Transition Curves Required Yes Yes No No No
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 8 8 7
(4) (4)
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 6 8 10 10 9
Minimum Gradient % 0.55 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Maximum Super-elevation % 8 8 8 8 4
Min. Crest Vertical Curve (1) K 55 30 17 10 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 18 12 9 7 7
Normal Cross-fall % 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Shoulder Cross-fall % 4 4 4 4 4
Right of Way m 50 50 50 50 50
1 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
2 To abort passing manoeuvre.
3 The design speed on escarpments may be dictated by the severity of the terrain and the
curve radius (plus curve widening) that can be achieved on the hairpin bends.
4 Length not to exceed 200m and relief gradients required (< 6% for minimum of 200m).
5 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 70 60 50 25 50
(2) (2)
Width of Running Surface m 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5(2)
Width of Shoulders m Table 2.2, Table 2.3 and Table 2.5
g = 0% m 110 85 65 25 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 120 90 70 25 70
g = 10% m 140 105 75 25 75
Min Passing Sight Distance m 270 230 180 50 180
SE = 4% m 215 145 95 20 95
Minimum SE = 6% m 195 135 85 18(3) 85
Horizontal (3)
Curve Radius SE = 8% m 175 120 80 17 -
SE = 10% m 160 110 75 16(3) -
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 8 8 7
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 6 8 10(4) (5) 10(4) (5) 9
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Min. Crest Vertical Curve (6) K 30 17 10 2 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 12 9 7 2 7
Normal Cross-fall % 3 3 3 3 3
Shoulder Cross-fall % 6 6 3 3 6
1 If there are more than 80 Large Heavy Vehicles per day then DC5 should be used (Table 2.9).
2 If the number of Large Heavy Vehicles is >40 per day then this should be increased to 7.0m.
(Table 2.3).
3 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 15m.
4 Length not to exceed 200m and relief gradients required (< 6% for minimum of 200m).
5 If the number of Large Heavy Vehicles < 10 this can be increased to 12%.
6 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
7 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 70 60 45(7) 25 50
(4) (2,3) (2,3)
Road Width m 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0(2, 3, 4)
Minimum. g = 0% m 125 95 60 25 70
g = 5% m 145 110 70 25 80
Distance g = 10% m 175 130 75 30 90
Min. Passing Sight Distance m 270 230 165 50 180
Min. Horizontal Radius m 255 175 90 25(5) 115
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 6 6 4
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 6 9 9 9 6
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Max. Super-elevation % 6 6 6 6 6
Min Crest Vertical Curve K 35 20 9 1 11
Min Sag Vertical Curve K 12 9 5 2 7
Normal Cross-fall % 6 6 6 6 6
1 If there are more than 80 Large Heavy Vehicles then DC5 should be used (Table 2.3).
2 If the number of Large Heavy Vehicles is >40 but <80 then the road width should be increased
to 7.5m (Table 2.3).
3 If the number of PCUs is high, see Table 2.5.
4 In urban and peri-urban areas parking lanes and footpaths might be required and the roadway
may need to be paved (Table 2.2).
5 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 15m.
6 Cross-fall can be reduced to 4% where warranted (e.g. poor gravel - for safety, low rainfall).
7 The design speed has been adjusted to provide the same minimum radii of curvature as for the
paved DC4 standard.
8 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
9 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 70 60 50 25 50
Width of Running Surface m 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Width of Shoulders(2) (3) m Table 2.2 and Table 2.5
g = 0% m 110 85 65 25 65
Stopping Sight g = 5% m 120 90 70 25 70
g = 10% m 140 105 75 25 75
Min. Passing Sight Distance m 275 225 175 60 175
SE = 4% m 215 145 95 20 95
Horizontal SE = 6% m 195 135 85 18(3) 85
Curve Radius (3)
SE = 8% m 175 120 80 17 -
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 6 7 10(4) 10(4) 7
(4)) (4)
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 8 9 12 12 9
Minimum Gradient % 0.56 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Min. Crest Vertical Curve K 30 17 10 2 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 12 9 7 2 7
Normal Cross-fall % 3 3 3 3 3
Shoulder Cross-fall % 6 6 3 3 6
1 If there are more than 30 Large Heavy Vehicles, then DC4 should be used (Table 2.3).
2 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 15m.
3 In urban and peri-urban areas parking lanes and footpaths may be required (Table 2.2).
4 Length not to exceed 200m and relief gradients required (< 6% for minimum of 200m).
5 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
6 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 70 60 45(6) 25 50
(3) (3)
Road Width m 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 7.0(2) (3)
Minimum g = 0% m 125 95 60 25 70
g = 5% m 145 110 70 25 80
Distance g = 10% m 175 130 75 30 90
Min Horizontal Radius m 255 175 90 25 115
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 6 6 4
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 6 9 9 9 6
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Max. Super-elevation % 6 6 6 6 6
Min. Crest Vertical Curve K 35 20 9 1 11
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 12 9 5 2 7
Normal Cross-fall % 6 6 6 6 6
1 If there are more than 30 Large Heavy Vehicles, then DC4 should be used (Table 2.3).
2 In urban and peri-urban areas, parking lanes and footpaths may be required and the
roadway may need to be paved (Table 2.2)
3 If the number of PCUs is high, see Table 2.5.
4 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 15m.
5 Cross-fall can be reduced to 4% where warranted (e.g. poor gravel -for safety, low rainfall).
6 Design speed is adjusted to provide the same minimum radii of curvature as for the paved
DC3 standard.
7 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
8 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 60 50 40 20 50
Width of Running Surface m 3.3
Width of Shoulders(3) m 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 1.5(2)
Minimum. g = 0% m 85 65 45 20 65
g = 5% m 90 70 47 20 70
Distance g = 10% m 105 75 50 20 75
Minimum SE = 4% m 145 95 55 15(7) 95
Horizontal (7)
SE = 6% m 135 85 50 15 85
Radius SE = 8% m 120 80 50 15(7) -
(4) (4)
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 6 7 10 10 7
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 8 9 12(4) 12(4) 9
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Max. Super-elevation % 6 6 6 6 6
Min. Crest Vertical Curve K 17 10 5 2 10
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 9 7 4 1 7
Normal Cross-fall % 3 3 3 3 3
Shoulder Cross-fall % 6 6 3 3 6
1 If there are more than 20 Large Heavy Vehicles, then DC3 should be used.
2 In urban and peri-urban areas, parking lanes and footpaths may be required and the
roadway may need to be paved (Table 2.2).
3 If the number of PCUs is high, see Table 2.5.
4 Length not to exceed 200m and relief gradients required (< 6% for minimum of 200m).
5 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
6 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
7 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 13m.
Table 2-15: Geometric Parameters for Design Class Unpaved DC2 (1, 2)
(AADT 25-75)
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain Escarp’t Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 60 50 35(7) 20 50
Road Width m 6.0 6.0(3)
Minimum. g = 0% m 85 65 40 20 65
g = 5% m 90 70 45 20 70
Distance g = 10% m 105 75 50 20 75
Min. Horizontal Radius m 175 115 55 15(6) 115
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 6 6 4
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 6 9 9 9 6
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Max. Super-elevation % 6 6 6 6 6
Min. Crest Vertical Curve K 20 11 5 1 11
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 9 7 3 1 7
Normal Cross-fall % 6 6 6 6 6
1 If the number of Large Heavy Vehicles >20 then DC3 should be used.
2 If the number of Large Heavy Vehicles <10 then DC1 may be used.
3 In urban and peri-urban areas, parking lanes and footpaths may be required and the
roadway may need to be paved (Table 2.2).
4 If the number of PCUs is high, see Table 2.5.
5 Road widths may be reduced at the discretion of the Engineer and approval of the Client to
address specific local conditions, especially in mountainous areas.
6 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to a minimum of 13m.
7 Design speed is adjusted to provide the same minimum radii of curvature as for paved
8 Cross-fall can be reduced to 4% where warranted (e.g. poor gravel-for safety, low rainfall).
9 These values are based on an object height of 0.2m. Use of a different sized object (see
Chapter 9) requires ERA approval.
10 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
Design Element Unit Flat Rolling Mountain (1) (2) Peri-
Design Speed km/hr 50 40 30 20 40
Road Width m 4.5
g = 0% m 70 60 30 20 50
Stopping g = 5% m 80 70 35 20 55
Sight Distance
g = 10% m 90 75 37 20 60
Min. Horizontal Radius m 115 65 35 15(1) 65
Max. Gradient (desirable) % 4 6 6 6 4
Max. Gradient (absolute) % 102 102 122 12(2) 9
Minimum Gradient % 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Min. Crest Vertical Curve K 11 6 2 1 6
Min. Sag Vertical Curve K 7 4 3 1 4
Normal Cross-fall % 6 6 6 6 6
1 On hairpin stacks the minimum radius may be reduced to 13m.
2 Length not to exceed 200m and relief gradient required (< 6% for minimum of 200m).
3 In some circumstances in very flat terrain this can be reduced to 0.3%.
For the lowest category of road it may sometimes be necessary to adopt a basic access only
approach. For such roads it may be too expensive to provide a design speed but minimum
absolute standards must be applied. These are summarised in Table 2.17.
Table 2-17: Minimum Standards for Basic Access
Characteristic Minimum requirements
12m absolute but up to 20m depending
Radius of horizontal curvature
on expected vehicles
Vertical curvature
K value for crests 2.5
K value for sags 0.6
Maximum gradients
Open to all vehicles 14%
Open only to cars and pick-ups 16%
Minimum stopping sight distance Flat and Rolling terrain 50m
Mountainous 35m
Escarpments 20m
Site investigation is a vital and integral part of the location, design and construction of a
road. It provides essential information on the characteristics of the soils along the possible
alignments, availability of construction materials, topography, land use, environmental
issues and socio-political considerations related to the following:
i) Selection of the route/alignment of the road;
ii) Location of water crossings and drainage structures;
iii) Design information for the road pavements, bridges and other structures;
iv) Identifying areas of possible geotechnical problems requiring specialist
v) Identifying areas of possible problem soils requiring additional investigation and
vi) Location and assessment of suitable, locally available, borrow and construction
This list indicates that the main component of site investigations is focussed on what is
generally described as ‘engineering’ or, more precisely, ‘geotechnical engineering’.
However, various other types of survey are required. Hydrological surveys are required to
determine the water flows that determine the drainage design of the road, including
bridges; traffic surveys are required to estimate the numbers of vehicles, both motorised
and non-motorised, that will use the road; surveys are required to evaluate environmental
impacts and how to control them; surveys are required in which the local communities are
consulted about the road project; and so on.
Information obtained during the site investigation is used by the design engineer to prepare
and refine the detailed engineering design. This information is usually contained within a
series of documents that are prepared by the design engineer, initially for consideration by
the client and, ultimately, to develop the tender and draft contract documents. These
documents normally include separate volumes dealing with the following design aspects:
i) Alignment survey and geometric design;
ii) Traffic volume and traffic loading;
iii) Construction materials and subgrade properties;
iv) Pavement structural design;
v) Hydrology, drainage and water crossings;
vi) Ground stability and geotechnical design;
vii) Environmental considerations (EIA and outline EMP);
viii) Social and complementary activities;
ix) Engineer’s cost estimate.
Not all projects require the same detailed surveys. Road projects fall into the following
1) A new road that follows the general alignment of an existing track or trail;
2) Upgrading a lower class of road to a higher class
Some realignment, and therefore site investigation, will almost certainly be necessary
when upgrading an existing road and considerably more will be required when converting
a track into an all-weather route. Major site investigations are usually only needed when
designing and building a completely new road. In all cases the extent and quality of any
investigation has a strong influence on the selection of the most cost-effective route and
road design.
Roads of all standards require sufficient investigation to provide enough data and
information to enable the engineer to optimise the design. In this respect, it is the job of the
design engineer to ensure that a well-designed and organised site investigation is
undertaken. The design engineer must therefore specify a programme for the site
investigation teams (survey, materials, geotechnical, socio-environmental) that will
provide adequate information and data to examine the feasibility of all the options under
Site investigation techniques encompass a large range of methods. The amount and type of
investigation that is needed for a specific road depends on the nature of the proposed project
and the environment in which it is to be built. For full details of individual site investigation
techniques the reader is referred to the appropriate manuals as follows:
Route Selection Manual (ERA). This deals with the selection of the optimal route for a new
road. It provides guidance on the appraisal of factors affecting route selection including
topography, engineering geology, hydrology, social and environmental factors, and economic
return on investment. It recommends a multi-criteria analysis for the comparison of
competing options, and the identification of the most favourable solution.
Site Investigation Manual (ERA). This deals with site investigation procedures for materials
for road construction and geotechnical factors affecting the performance of the road. It covers
subgrade soil investigations, including problem soils, selection of materials for the
construction of the pavement layers, foundation investigations for structures, and the
assessment of slope stability.
Pavement Design Manual Volume I Flexible Pavements (ERA). This manual includes
information on surveys for estimating traffic volumes and axle loads for design purposes,
information on the use of subgrade strength data and information on the required properties
of the materials for the pavement layers.
Drainage Design Manual (ERA). This includes information for assessing the size of
culverts and bridge openings based on estimates of the water flows obtained from survey
information including rainfall intensity, catchment area and catchment characteristics.
Design Manual for Low Volume Roads (ERA). This manual includes guidance on all
required survey information for the design of low volume roads. For such roads a lower
level of survey effort is acceptable in view of the lower cost of a typical LVR compared
with the cost of higher road classes.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter describes the survey requirements associated with the geometric design
process. Survey data for design purposes consist of mapping in sufficient detail for the
level of design being undertaken. In some instance a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for use
with computer design software may be required.
The survey data are dependent on project type and can be collected by aerial photography,
field topographical survey, or a combination of the two.
The following factors should be considered when determining the survey data required:
1. Size and scope of the project
2. Time requirements to move from data collection to the start of design
3. Estimated data collection cost
4. Level of accuracy and detail needed
The project designer is responsible for identifying the appropriate survey data requirements
(type of data, accuracy, area of coverage). The project designer is also responsible for
obtaining the survey data and for selecting the method of data collection.
Topographical ground survey has the capability of achieving greater accuracy than
photogrammetry. The effectiveness of aerial photography depends on location (urban or
rural), ground cover, etc.
Photogrammetry is sufficiently accurate for most applications and can be more cost
effective for all but small projects. For mapping and DTMs, photogrammetry is usually the
preferred choice. However, if a project road is short, has dense foliage, or requires only
mapping of limited features, a field survey is the logical choice. Some fieldwork will be
required for most projects to compile property lines, right-of-way (ROW) information, and
data for utilities, culverts, trees, buildings, bridges and road sign data unavailable through
aerial photography.
Elevations of photogrammetric DTM points on hard surfaces are accurate to within ±60
millimetres. If more precise vertical accuracy is required for areas of a project, the data
must be obtained through a field survey. If precise vertical accuracy is required, such as for
highway pavement elevations, or if obstructed views occur, photogrammetric data can be
supplemented with survey elevations. It is recommended that survey data be collected
before the photogrammetric data to help assure the accuracy of the DTM. Table 4-1
provides guidelines for when photogrammetry, survey, or a combination of both should be
used. It should be noted that this table is a guideline only, and that appropriate methods
also depend on factors such as project location (rural or urban), and road length.
While survey data requests will typically originate from the unit responsible for the design,
they should also serve the requirements of construction. Thus the project designer has the
responsibility to ensure that survey data obtained for design meets construction needs,
eliminating the need for additional pre-construction ground data.
Mapping used for design development and right-of-way is generally provided at 1:2000
scale. In addition, 1:500 scale mapping can be provided for highly complex projects or
bridge sites.
If vertical data is required, it is provided as DTMs that have replaced contours and cross
sections. DTMs allow more flexibility for the designer and potential follow-up use in
construction. Using the DTM approach, earthwork quantities for payment purposes can be
calculated based on the final design centreline. With DTM data, cross sections for stakeout
purposes can be generated at any desired interval and with any desired station numbering.
DTMs should be requested if the project will be designed using CADD design software, if
cross sections along multiple alignments are required, or if construction needs require
centreline cross section data.
Photogrammetric mapping products consist of 2D graphic files and 3D DTM surfaces (i.e.
*.ttn or *. dtm files) for use in the CADD system.
Field survey data must be obtained using Total Stations or GPS, the output from which
should be compatible with the CADD system to be used.
Table 4.1 shows the amount and type of survey data that is generally required and the
method of data collection for each project type. Some projects may require a combination
of products.
Bridge rehabilitation projects generally do not require any terrain data unless necessary for
major rehabilitation. When terrain data is necessary, use the same terrain guidelines used
for new bridges and bridge replacement projects.
Resurfacing and rehabilitation projects usually do not require project wide mapping.
However, limited data may be required such as pavement elevations where super-elevation
adjustments are anticipated. Other projects may require very limited data such as pavement
and shoulder edges. If only limited data is needed then a field survey is preferred.
Detailed ground surveys along the length of the proposed project roads should use the most
up-to-date surveying equipment such as Total Stations or GPS to examine the road
alignment and cross sections and any bridge sites and culvert sites that are considered
necessary to complete the detailed design and the estimation of quantities.
A controlled traverse should be established using GPS, coordinated and tied into the
national grid system. These points shall be referenced in the field in permanent concrete
posts and shall be shown on the plan and profile drawings. Since projects are to be carried
out using CADD it is essential to organize the topographic surveys as the first step of a
coherent data collection - design chain. Therefore the whole topographic survey should be
made using Total Stations which will directly record the alignment, profile, and cross
section data on computer files which will be retrieved by the CADD system during the
design stage.
The existing road centreline should be identified and staked every 20 metres. The
coordinates are recorded automatically using the Total Station.
The start and end of horizontal curves, and roadway cross sections are also recorded.
The following methodology is used to establish the original setting out data for the
reestablishment of the centreline:
i) The control traverse is established, monumented, and the coordinates in X, Y, Z
accurately measured and tied in to the National Grid System. Concrete beacons
are established at intervals of 150 - 300 metres. These beacons are located as close
as possible to the limit of the road reserve and where one beacon is visible from
the other along the road.
ii) Using the established polygon network of beacons, each of the centreline points is
iii) Using the method of least squares, the best-fit horizontal alignment through the
coordinated points is established.
Cross sections are levelled for each centreline point to a minimum of 25 metres distance
from the centreline. Road edges, cuts, ditch edges, culverts, hilltops, water crossings and
Each cross section comprises such numbers of points as to enable it to properly define the
existing road and such other spots as are required to define the ground shape for an
adequate distance beyond the existing construction width. The data are used to generate a
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) for the whole road. All pertinent features including
buildings, drainage structures details, built up areas, etc. should be recorded for inclusion
on the design drawings.
New alignments are recommended where inadequate horizontal sight distances and sharp
curves exist and wherever the existing route is not to the standards. Therefore, the vertical
and horizontal alignments should be given due attention with respect to sight distance,
maximum grade, maximum length of grade criteria, and safety. In introducing new
alignments, major bridges and drainage structures should be retained as control points or as
node points on the new centreline wherever they are in good condition. Should there be a
need for realignment of the existing road, topographic surveys along the chosen
realignment should be established. The centreline of the road is defined at every 20 metre
interval. Topographical cross-sections, extending at least 25 metres either side of the
centreline, are taken at each of the centreline reference points.
Recommended bridge and major culvert sites are surveyed and mapped at a scale of 1:500
with contours at 0.5 metres intervals or greater in the more severe sections. Each of the site
surveys is tied to the elevation of the primary traverse.
Topographic data are processed using the project computer as work progress.
Detailed site investigation and surveys should be carried out for areas susceptible to
flooding or landslide and at all recommended new or replacement drainage structure
locations including a sufficient length upstream and downstream to the structure. The full
requirements for survey data for drainage structures are provided in the ERA Drainage
Design Manual.
Each survey crew shall be equipped with an electronic Total Station, a three-prism line
road, and an electronic field book. The Total Station will have unlimited on-board data
storage by utilizing integrated circuit data storage cards. Each card should be capable of
storing 500 points. The use of an electronic field book allows the Total Station operator to
code in descriptions and other important information for each data point.
Survey teams can carry out the topographic field work requirements as follows:
i) One team for the location of the control points, whether GPS or National Grid;
ii) One team to survey the centre line and the longitudinal profile,
iii) One team to survey the cross sections, and
iv) One team for the land acquisition survey.
The output from the Total Station and data collection is a computer file which contains
horizontal coordinate points, vertical elevations, and a description of all points needed to
develop a full topographic map of the area. The computer file must be capable of being
downloaded directly into a computerized design and drafting program. These programs
4.6 Topography
All points of detail are located by a right-angle offset wherever possible, with chainage and
offset being recorded. Only when this method is not possible are other techniques such as
bearing and distance, to be used. Structures (buildings, bridges, culverts, etc.) are checked
by detailed face measurements. All physical features adjacent to the line, whether natural
or artificial, are recorded within a range of 25 metres either side of the centreline in open
country and in small villages (market centres) and towns.
Where C = maximum permissible error of closure in centimetres,
K = distance between bench marks in kilometres
Profile and cross-section levelling can be run simultaneously. All profiling is done by
direct levelling to two decimal places of a metre, and wherever practicable the cross
section levels are to be obtained in the same manner. Where impracticable, direct levelling
may be replaced or extended by the use of either a hand level or Rhodes arc for cross-
section work.
Where it is not possible to close a day's work on a permanent benchmark e.g. because of
failing light, a sudden storm, etc. a Temporary Benchmark (TBM) shall be established
from which the work may be resumed.
The disclosure on each previously established benchmark shall not exceed 3.2 centimetres.
The surveyor should check that closure on each successive benchmark is within the
prescribed tolerance. Where the difference is outside this limit the run must be repeated.
4.9 Photogrammetry
The processes of detailed survey, alignment design and setting out are time consuming,
especially if changes to the alignment are made later owing to unforeseen ground
conditions or changing design criteria. The use of photogrammetry can speed up these
procedures and provide the flexibility to allow additional off-site engineering works such
as access to borrow pits, spoil disposal sites and slope drainage works to be designed at a
later date.
The scale of photography is an important factor to consider in the reliability and ground
resolution of the interpretation. Table 4.3 indicates the optimum scales of photography
required to perform various desk study and design tasks.
With the route corridor confirmed, the alignment engineer, with a survey team, will flag
the approximate centreline. An approximate alignment should first be drawn onto
photogrammetrically plotted contour maps and enlarged prints of aerial photographs in the
office prior to embarking on detailed fieldwork.
With the alignment confirmed, detailed design of all subsequent works can proceed.
Design of the detailed vertical and horizontal alignments requires topographical mapping
at a scale of 1:1,000 with contour intervals at a maximum of 2 metres, using ground
survey, photogrammetry or a combination of the two. Ground survey may be preferable at
this stage due to the greater survey accuracy required. The use of photogrammetry requires
the establishment of a base line traverse and the commissioning of air photography at a
scale of between 1:5,000 and 1:10,000. Plan and profile drawings and schedules of
earthwork and retaining wall designs and quantities can then be produced for contract