UniGear ZS2 Catalogue V1 MED

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UniGear type ZS2

Medium voltage, arc-proof, air-insulated,

metal-clad switchgear
UniGear type ZS2 is the new name of well-established UniSafe 36 switchgear.

The product is identical to Unisafe 36 without any technical difference.

Therefore all related technical documentation under the name of UniSafe 36 will
be valid and applicable to the product with the name of UniGear type ZS2.

Name change was done because of product portfolio and classification reasons.

Supplementary official acclaimer letter from ABB, could be submitted along with
the product and technical documentation, upon request.











UniGear type ZS2 characteristics • Mechanical safety interlocks

• Metal-clad air insulated switchboard • Compartments made of AluZinc coated steel
• Designed for medium voltage distribution sheets
• Factory-tested for indoor installations • Front access for installation, maintenance and
routine operations
• Arc-proof switchboard
• Conventional instrument transformers
• Earthed metallic partitions between
compartments • Wide range of functional units for any installation
• Easy-to-assemble modular structure.


• Airports
• Ports
• Railways
• Underground transport.
• Light Rail Transport

• Shopping Centres
• Supermarkets
• Hospitals
• Infrastructures and civil works.

Utilities and Power Plants
• Power stations
• Transformer stations
• Switching stations
• Main and auxiliary switch-

• Pulp and Paper
• Textile
• Chemical
• Food
• Automotive
• Petrochemical.


UniGear type ZS2 is the switchboard version made

for applications over 24kV and up to 36 kV.

UniGear can be used for higher altitudes above

1000 m a.s.l. for rated voltage below 36 kV.
The main characteristics of the UniGear switch-
board remain the same.

Thanks to compactness, reduced footprint and the

possibility of placing the switchboard against the
installation room walls of UniGear.

All the operations can be carried out from the front

of the switchboard.

The switchboard is also available in the Back to

Back arrangement version for carrying out double
busbar system configurations. Standard colour
The entire busbar system (main and branches) is
made with insulated round bars. Protection degrees
The protection degrees in compliance with IEC
Apart from making the main busbar system
60529 Standards are the following:
installation operations extremely simple, these
• IP4X on the external housing
characteristics help to guarantee the performances
• IP2X inside the compartments.
required by a 36 kV air insulated switchboard.
Cubicles with higher protection degrees (up to a
maximum of IP52) can be manufactured upon
In order to ensure easy access to the feeder
compartment and, at the same time, not to in-
crease the switchboard dimensions, the transform-
ers for current measurement are specially posi-
tioned with a particular triangular shape.

This special layout of the transformers allows all

the electrical parameters of the switchboard and
ensures more space for the operators during
erection and maintenance procedures.

Metal sheets segregate each compartment and the

energised components are air insulated.

The arc-proof units have been tested in compliance

with IEC 60298 Standards.

The installation requires very simple civil works.

The switchboard can be wall-mounted.

The power cables terminals are accessible from

the front.


Compliance with Standards Ambient conditions

The switchboard and its components comply with the The switchboard ratings are guaranteed under the
following International and European Standards: following ambient conditions:

IEC Minimum ambient temperature – 5 °C

Switchboard 60694 Maximum ambient temperature + 40 °C
Maximum relative humidity 95 %
Circuit breakers 62271
SF6 gas 60376 Maximum altitude 1000 m a.s.l.
Earthing switches 60129 In presence of unpolluted and not corrosive

Main electrical characteristics

The electrical characteristics can change depending on different ambient
Rated voltage 36 kV conditions or on protection degrees higher than the standard values.
Rated current ... 2500 A
* Please contact ABB for 31.5kA (1sec) solution.
Rated short time
withstand current ... 25 kA*

1 Circuit breaker compartment 5 Arc channel

2 Busbar compartment 6 Current transformers
3 Cable compartment 7 Voltage transformers
4 Low voltage compartment 8 Earthing switch

Above illustration represents 1000 mm wide panel. In case of 1200 mm wide panel, all current transformers and voltage transformers are
mounted side by side on a seperate plate at the back of the panel in the cable compartment. Please contact ABB for detailed design drawing.


HD4 SF6 Circuit breaker HD4 medium voltage circuit breakers use sulphur
UniGear type ZS2 switchboard is hexafluoride (SF6) for arc quenching and as an insulating
equipped with SF6 HD4 circuit medium.
HD4 breaking principle relies on compression and self-blast
The circuit breaker is fitted with a techniques in order to achieve the best performances at all
truck for the racking in and out with service current values with minimum arc times and gradual
closed door. arc extinction without chopping, restriking and operating
The light and compact structure of
UniGear guarantees sturdiness and These features guarantee a long electrical life for the circuit
high mechanical reliability. The stored breaker and limited dynamic, dielectric and thermal stresses
energy, free-release mechanical on the network.
operating mechanism allows opening
and closing without the operator’s The poles, which form the breaking part, are maintenance-
intervention. free, life-long sealed pressure systems in compliance with
IEC 62271 Standards.
The operating mechanism and the
poles are fixed to the metal structure,
which acts also as a support for the
kinematics automation of the moving


Each unit consists of three power compartments;
busbars, feeder, circuit breaker and low voltage
compartment for instruments,auxiliary circuit
Main busbars
The busbar compartment
houses the main busbar
system, which is
connected to the circuit
breaker fixed insulating
contacts by means of
branches. The main
busbars are made of
insulated electrolytic
The system is air-
insulated and busbars are
insulated tubular bars.

Branch connectors
The feeder compartment houses the branch system
for connecting the power cables to the circuit
breaker fixed insulating contacts.
The branch connectors are made of electrolytic
insulated round copper.

compartment :
Lower bushings,
transformers and

Earthing switch
Each feeder unit can be
equipped with an earthing switch
for the earthing of the power
The same device can also be
used for the earthing of the
busbar system (measuring, bus
tie and rise units). The device
has short circuit current making Cables
capacity. The cable compartment is easily accessible from the front thus
On request, its opening and making it possible to have a wall-standing installation. The units
closing operations can be equipped with single or three core cables depending on
can be prevented by means of the current rating and the cable cross-section.
key or padlocks.
The earthing switch is properly
mechanicaly interlocked with
circuit breaker and manually
operated from the front


Earthing busbar
The earthing busbar is made of electrolytic copper.
It runs through the whole switchboard length thus
guaranteing a high safety degree both for the personnel
and the installation.

Bushings and shutters

The bushings consist of insulating monoblocs, which house
the power contacts for the connection between circuit
breaker and feeder / busbar compartments.
The shutters are automatically operated when the circuit
breaker is drawn from test to service position and vice
On request, two independent padlocks can lock each
shutter seperately.

Automatic shutters

Access to the cable compartment is

achieved either from front or from side
during the installation of the cubicles at site


Safety interlocks
The UniGear switchboard is fitted with all the
interlocks and accessories needed to guarantee the
high level of safety and reliability both for the
installation and operators.

The Safety interlocks can either be the standard ones

(1-2-3) or those available on request (4-5). The former
are foreseen by the standards and are therefore
necessary to guarantee the correct operation
sequence. The latter can be supplied on request and
they must be foreseen by the installation service and
maintenance procedures. Their presence guarantees Interlocks on earthing switch
the highest level of reliability even in the case of operating mechanism
accidental error and allows what ABB defines as an
“error-free” system of interlocks.

The use of key interlocks is very important in realising
the interlocking logics between units of the same
switchboard, or of other medium , low and high
voltage switchboards. The logics are realised by
means of distributors or by ringing the keys.

Locking magnets
The locking magnets are used to make automatic
interlock logics without human intervation. The Withdrawable circuit breaker
magnets operate with active logics and therefore the control wiring plug&socket
lack of auxiliary voltage makes the lock become non-


Standard safety interlocks (mandatory)

Mechanical /
Lock Condition Interlock
A Circuit breaker racking-in/out Closed Circuit breaker M S
B Circuit breaker closing Undefined truck position M S
A Circuit breaker racking-in Unplugged Circuit breaker multi contact plug E S
B Circuit breaker multi contact plug unplugging Truck in service or undefined position M S
A Earthing switch closing Truck in service or undefined position M S
B Circuit breaker racking-in Closed earthing switch M S

Additional safety interlocks

Lock Condition
A Circuit breaker compartment door opening Truck in service or undefined position E O
B Circuit breaker racking-in Open circuit breaker compartment door M O
A Feeder compartment door opening Open earthing switch M O
B Earthing switch opening Open feeder compartment door M O


6 Circuit breaker racking-in lock Can only be removed with the truck in the racked-out position M O
7 Earthing switch closing lock Can only be removed with the earthing switch open M O
8 Earthing switch opening lock Can only be removed with the earthing switch closed M S
9 Insertation of the earthing switch operating lever Can always be removed M S

10 Circuit breaker compartment door opening M O
11 Feeder compartment door opening M O
12 Insertation of the Circuit breaker racking-in/out crank lever M O
13 Insertation of the earthing switch operating lever M O
14 Shutters opening or closing M O

Locking magnets

15 Circuit breaker racking-in/out E S

16 Earthing switch opening and closing E O
17 Circuit breaker compartment door opening E O

Optional Accessory devices

The Circuit breaker multi-contact plug and relative switchboard unit socket are equipped
18 Circuit breaker-switchboard unit compatibility matrix with a mechanical matrix, that disables circuit breaker racking-in into switchboard unit with
an inappropriate rated current

The Circuit breaker compartment is equipped with a mechanical device, that enables circuit
breaker closing and/or opening directly by means of the front operating mechanism
19 Circuit breaker mechanical operating mechanism
pushbuttons, keeping the door closed. The controls can be operated with the circuit
breakers in the service and racked-out position.


The REF542plus unit integrates all All the apparatus control operations, readout of
the secondary functions relevant to a measurements, detection of signals and
switchgear unit in a single module parameterisation of the functions can be carried out
fitted with watchdog. directly from the front of the unit or by means of a
Thanks to the flexibility of its software, laptop computer connected to the optic communi-
the unit is able to satisfy a vast range cation gate located on the front.
of installation requirements.
The high level of functionality of the Central unit
REF542plus unit is supported by a The central unit consists of modular electronic
simple and easy-to-use user inter- modules with the functions described below.
• Feeder. The apparatus is fitted with a
Thanks to the use of the REF542plus unit, each
multivoltage internal feeder and can operate from
medium voltage UniGear panel becomes an
48 to 220 Volt d.c. Thanks to its digital
integrated and independent unit able to carry out all
technology, consumption is very low.
the required functions.
• Integration of all the functions in a single • Digital inputs. Each unit is fitted with a minimum
instrument: protection, measurement, controls, of 14 digital inputs to interface the apparatus
signalling, interlocking, automation and commu- contained in the switchboard, such as the circuit-
nication. breaker and the earthing switch. These can be
increased up to a maximum of 42. They operate
• Single interface between switchboard and
between 20 and 250 Volt d.c. and are freely
operator for all the installation panels: feeder,
transformer, motor, generator, power correction
banks, bus-tie and measurements units. • Digital outputs. The digital outputs consist of
free contacts made available by bistable relays.
• Single type of spares parts and accessories: a
Each unit is provided with at least 8 outputs to
single hardware unit.
operate the switchgear apparatus and the
• Reduced maintenance: drastic reduction in minimum signals required. These can be
preventive maintenance, great limitation of the increased up to a maximum of 24. They operate
faults caused by tampering and errors. up to 250 Volt d.c./a.c. and are freely program-
• Easy modification and upgrading of the functions: mable.
by means of the unit configuration software, even The output dedicated to the circuit-breaker
with the switchboard in service. opening control can carry out control of circuit
Hardware By means of the static outputs with which it is
The device consists of a central unit housed inside fitted (from 1 to a maximum of 3), it is possible to
the auxiliary compartment of the switchgear and of interface conventional supervision systems by
a user interface located on the door of this com- means of active and reactive power measure-
partment. ment with impulse emitter.
The two pieces of apparatus are connected • Analogue inputs. Each unit is fitted with 8
together by means of a simple communication analogue inputs to carry out measurements and
cable. The user interface can be replaced keeping protections.
the central unit in service and guaranteeing all the The signals coming from conventional current
measurement, control and protection functions (/1 and /5A) and voltage (/100 and /110V)
during maintenance work. transformers, or from measurement sensors
All the connections are made by means of plug- (Rogowski coil and resistive divider) can be
socket connectors to optimise service and mainte- acquired.
nance operations. • Analogue outputs. The 4 analogue outputs the
unit can be provided with make it possible to
Machine-user interface interface conventional supervision systems by
The UniGear switchboard becomes extremely means of the integrated measurement functions.
simple to operate by means of the user interface Each output can be freely programmed as
made available by the REF542plus unit. 0...20mA or 4...20mA.


Communication Synchronisation
The REF542plus unit can be connected with By means of a dedicated optic input, the
supervision and process systems by means of the REF542plus unit can be connected to an external
integrated communication function. master clock (typically a GPS) for synchronisation.
This means the apparatus becomes the window When synchronised using this method, the
through which the system accesses all the REF542plus units guarantee a precision in
switchgear information and makes the following chronological recording of the events of one
functions possible: millisecond or better.
• Monitoring • Dedicated optic input for synchronisation.
• Control • Recording of events with a precision of one
• Parameterisation of the protection functions millisecond or better.
• Measurements • Protocol accepted: IRIG-B.
• Storage of events
• Monitoring of all operating apparatus
• Disturbance oscillography.
The following protocols are available for connection
to the supervision and automation systems:
• ABB SPA-bus
Supervision and
• LON-bus in accordance with ABB Lon Application control station
Guide (LAG 1.4);
• IEC 60870-5-103 (in accordance with VDEW
Use of the LON-bus protocol and relative LIB542
library allows integration of the REF542plus unit in
ABB supervision systems.
Using the hardware configuration with two gates
with the MODBUS RTU protocol, it is possible to GPS signal
realise redundant type system architectures, or receiving
independent connections to two different systems
(for example, a supervision SCADA and a process


Concentrator and

REF542plus REF542plus


Voltage transformers The current transformers can be equipped also

The resin-insulated voltage transformers are used with a capacitive socket for being connected to
for the feeding of measuring instruments and voltage indicator lamps.
protections. They are suitable either for fixed
installation or mounted on withdrawable trucks.
They comply with IEC 60044-2 Standards. Toroidal current transformers
The withdrawable version equipped with fuses is The toroidal current transformers are resin-
custom-made. insulated and suitable for the feeding of measuring
The voltage transformers can be fitted either with instruments and protections.
one or two poles. Their performances and accuracy These transformers can have a ring or a split core.
classes comply with the functional requirements of Their performances and accuracy classes comply
the apparatus they are connected to. with the apparatus requirements.
The withdrawable version is equipped with medium They are suitable both for measuring phase
voltage protection fuses, their replacement can be currents and determining earth fault currents. They
carried out while the switchboard is in service. meet the requirements of IEC 60044-1 Standards.

Current transformers
The current transformers are resin-insulated and
suitable for the feeding of measuring instruments
and protections.

These transformers can have a wound core or a

bushing bar with one or more cores. Their perform-
ances and accuracy classes comply with the
apparatus requirements.
The current transformers comply with IEC 60044-1
The switchboard units can be equipped with one or Current transformers block type
two transformer sets, in accordance with the
Dimensions according to DIN standards
following combinations:
Optionally Toroidal CT’s available

Withdrawable Voltage transformers for Fixed type voltage

busbar side with primary fuses transformer for cable side


The UniGear can be fitted with the service truck busbar system) for closing to earth by
required to complete the switchboard and needed means of a control.During the racking-in
in service operations and during maintenance phase, the power cables earthing truck only
work. lifts the bottomshutter and presets the
The truck has earthing with making capacity. contacts connected to the bottom branches
Earthing truck with making capacity (and therefore to the power cables) for
closing to earth by means of a control.
These trucks carry out the same function as the
These trucks can also be used in bus-tie
earthing switches with making capacity.
units.In this case, they earth the two sides
They consist of circuit-breakers only fitted with top
of the main busbar system
(main busbar earthing) or bottom (power cables
earthing) terminals. The contacts without terminals
are short-circuited by means of a copper bar and
connected to earth by means of the apparatus
They keep all the characteristics of the circuit-
breakers, such as full making capacity and opening
of the live circuits under fault conditions.
They are used to ensure extremely effective
earthing on circuits stressed by a fault. They allow
opening and closing operations to be carried out
rapidly with remote electric control.
The use of these trucks foresees removal of the
switching device from the switchboard (circuit-
breaker or contactor) and its replacement with the
truck. The units preset for use of earthing trucks
are fitted with a key lock which, if activated,
prevents their racking-in.
This truck is available in two versions:
– main busbar system earthing;
– power cables earthing. Power cables earthing truck with making capacity.
During the racking-in phase, the main
busbar earthing truck only lifts the top
shutter and presets the contacts connected
to the top branches (and therefore to the main

Main busbar system Power cables earthing

earthing truck with truck with making
making capacity. capacity.


An internal arc is extremely rare in metal-clad Fast Recovery

switchboards since the apparatus is manufactured
UniGear switchboards can be equipped with Fast
so as to prevent such an occurrence. Anyway,
Recovery, a specific protection system. This
UniGear ensures maximum personnel safety even
system is based on pressure sensors suitably
in case of internal arc. The switchboard is built to
located into the switchboard and directly connected
withstand the overpressures ensuing from the
to the opening releases. The sensors detect the
internal arc and is fitted with ducts to convey the
pressure rise at the moment of the internal arc
exhausted gases and prevent damage to operators
outburst and promptly open the circuit breaker.
and apparatus. The different units are guaranteed
Thanks to the Fast Recovery System only the part
arc-proof in compliance with IEC 60298 Standards,
involved in the fault is selectively excluded in less
enclosure AA, class accessibility A, criteria 1 to 6.
than 100 ms (including the circuit breaker opening
IEC 60298 Standards for internal arc test –
A rapid elimination of the fault along with the metal
Criteria definitions
segregation between compartments and the use of
1 The switchboard doors must remain closed self-extinguishing materials drastically reduces any
and the covering units must never open up possible damage.
2 Any component that may result hazardous
for the personnel must never be ejected
3 The outside enclosure should never get pierced
in the parts accessible to the personnel
4 Vertically arranged indicators outside the
switchboard must not get burnt
5 Horizontally arranged indicators outside
the switchboard must not get burnt
6 All the earthing connectors must remain
Fast Recovery pressure

Internal arc test indicators arrangement. Test carried out by means of an infrared camera.


Rated voltage kV 36
Rated insulation voltage kV 36
Rated power frequency withstand voltage kV (1 min) 70
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage kV 170
Rated short-time withstand current kA (3s) 25
Peak current kA 63
Internal arc withstand current kA (1s) 25
Main busbar rated current A ...2500
Branch connection rated current A ...2500

Depth (mm) 2400 2600
Height (mm) 2161 2161
Height with gas exhaust duct (mm) 2662 2662
Width (mm) 1000 1200
Branch Rated current (A) 1250 1600 2000 2500 1250 1600 2000 2500
IF Incoming/Outgoing

with Fixed Voltage Transformers

with Fixed fused Voltage Transformers

with withdrawable fused Voltage Transformers Please consult ABB for details

BT Bus-tie

R Riser

M Measurements

IFD Direct cable connection

with fixed Voltage Transformers

with fused fixed Voltage Transformers

Direct cable connection with measurement
IFDM (with withdrawable fused Voltage Transformers)

Connection suitable for power cables up to 2x630mm2 per phase
Connection suitable for power cables up to 4x630mm2 per phase
Top busbar connection Please consult ABB for details
Top cable entry Please consult ABB for details

Coloured cells indicates availability

Note: Above dimensioning is valid together with the explanations/remarks given specifically for each unit in page 17,18
and 19.

IF unit
Incoming/outgoing Feeder Cubicle

Rated main busbar current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500

Rated circuit current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500
Block type current transformers (1) : Yes
Cable core current transformers (2) : Optional
Fixed voltage transformers without fuses : Optional
Fixed voltage transformers with fuses (3) : Optional
Withdrawable voltage transformers with fuses (4)
: Optional
Earthing switch : Optional
Arc duct : Optional

Post insulators replace block type current transformers whenever
latter is not required
Cable connection is typically one cable per phase when cable core
current transformers (CCT) are used. Application of CCTs may effect
the overall dimensioning of the switchboard depending on the
specific configuration and requirement. In case of such requirement
please contact ABB for detailed design and information
Requires additional panel. Please contact ABB for details
Only available in 1200mm wide panel version

BT & R unit
Bus-tie and Riser Cubicle (1)

Rated main busbar current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500

Rated circuit current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500
Block type current transformers (2) : Yes
Withdrawable voltage transformers with fuses : Optional
Earthing switch : Optional
Arc duct : Optional

The width of each Bus tie and Riser cubicle is 1000 mm. Each
panel can be used seperately for various combinations
Post insulators replace block type current transformers whenever
latter is not required

Key to components
Standard components
Alternative solutions

M unit
Measuring Cubicle

Rated main busbar current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500

Rated circuit current (A) : 1250
Withdrawable voltage transformers with fuses : Yes
Earthing switch : Optional
Arc duct : Optional

Please contact ABB for busbar mounted current transformers

solution for busbar measuring.

IFD unit
Direct Cable Connection Cubicle

Rated main busbar current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500

Rated circuit current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500
Block type current transformers (1) : Yes
Cable core current transformers (2) : Optional
Fixed voltage transformers without fuses : Optional
Fixed voltage transformers with fuses (3) : Optional
Earthing switch : Optional
Arc duct : Optional

Post insulators replace block type current transformers whenever
latter is not required
Cable connection is typically one cable per phase when cable core
current transformers (CCT) are used. Application of CCTs may effect
the overall dimensioning of the switchboard depending on the
specific configuration and requirement. In case of such requirement
please contact ABB for detailed design and information

Key to components
Standard components
18 Alternative solutions

IFDM unit
Direct Cable Connection with Measurement Cubicle

Rated main busbar current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500

Rated circuit current (A) : 1250/1600/2000/2500
Block type current transformers (1) : Yes
Cable core current transformers (2) : Optional
Withdrawable voltage transformers with fuses : Yes
Earthing switch : Optional
Arc duct : Optional

Post insulators replace block type current transformers whenever
latter is not required
Cable connection is typically one cable per phase when cable core
current transformers are used. Please contact ABB for details

Duplex cubicle solutions

Dimensions :
DIF unit DIFD unit without arc duct
Incoming/outgoing feeder cubicle Direct cable incoming/outgoing feeder cubicle
(width x depth x height) (mm)
1000 x 3820 x 2161

with arc duct

(width x depth x height) (mm)
1000 x 3820 x 2671

Rated main busbar current (A)


Applicable maximum circuit current may

DM unit DBT unit vary for different configurations. In case
Measuring cubicle Bust-tie and riser cubicle of any specific application requirement,
please contact ABB for detailed
dimensioning and configuration.

References in 5 continents ...

The data and illustrations are not binding. We reserve the right to make
changes in the course of technical development of the product.
1YTS030001-en,Rev-A, 2004

ABB Elektrik Sanayi A.S.

Organize Sanayi Bölgesi
2. Cadde No. 16 Yukari Dudullu
34776 Istanbul Turkey
Phone No. : +90 216 528 22 00
Fax No. : +90 216 365 29 43
e-mail: unisafe36.mail@tr.abb.com
Web site://www.abb.com

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