Lesson Plan Assignment
Lesson Plan Assignment
Lesson Plan Assignment
Assign writing prompt: “What is one time in your life you did something and
instantly wondered why you did it?” to provide basis of analysis for students’
thought process.
1. Assign prompt
2. Provide open class discussion to share and ponder prompt. Ask the class “why
might this prompt relate?” and continue discussion.
3. Conclude discussion. Initiate exercise 1, share, then exercise 2.
4. After above exercises, share with classes result and introduce the term
“metacognition”. Explain meaning, formal and informal, then open classroom
for discussion again to allow students to explore MC.
5. Guide discussion with personal experience and “devil’s advocate”.
6. Ask students (individually) how they believe this pertains, and why it is
important to creative writing (and general life).
7. Exercise 3.
8. Collect for grades.
Writing utensils
Enough paper to write on
Differentiated Instruction:
Step aside w/ applicable students during discussion and attempt
personalization and mentor-like discussion to assist in imparting the lesson
“big idea”.
If any accommodations are necessary, I will ask the student in private what
he/she needs and do my best to comply. If their request conflicts with the
‘point’ of the assignment, and there is no way to resolve this, judgement will
dictate an appropriate grade (since this is a sharing of intellectual, deep inner
workings assignment).
Show dictionary definitions, any related articles, pictures, and/or privacy-
accommodating social media examples to further create or plant the ‘seed’.
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