CSE 512 Machine Learning: Homework I: Mari Wahl, Marina.w4hl at Gmail
CSE 512 Machine Learning: Homework I: Mari Wahl, Marina.w4hl at Gmail
CSE 512 Machine Learning: Homework I: Mari Wahl, Marina.w4hl at Gmail
a. Detect the hot debate topics. (Hint: a debate topic is one on which there exist many discussions, with
both positive and negative opinions.)
Each post in the forum would be an instance of our data. They could be indexed, for example, by post
message, by author, and by time. We also add an index for the topic of the post, which would
relate groups of posts. If we are using many forums, we can also add the forum name to the data,
which would not make any difference for the items below (but could give some additional statistical
information if desired).
To be able to find the hot topics, we start by adding a grade to the opinion of the post: positive,
negative, or impartial. A hot topic is defined as a topic that has many responses which must be
either positive and negative (not impartial). These response must be by many authors (although some
authors can respond more than once, they will in general maintain the same opinion). A range of time
can also be stipulated for the valid posts (some discussions lose their validity or hotness after some
1. Type of machine learning: Unsupervised learning
2. Algorithm output: The task of detecting what are the hot topics can be done with density
b. For each topic, identify the points of contention within the debate.
For each hot topic found in the item above, we find the points of contention by searching for the
features that are mentioned within the disagreement though the posts. For example, when debating
about phones, if one post says something positive about, for example, the camera of a model, and then
another point has a negative comment about this characteristic, this is a contention point. Each post
will be indexed by a different author.
1. Type of machine learning: Unsupervised learning.
2. Algorithm output: task of detecting what are the points of contention for the topics can be
done with density estimation.
c. For a given topic, recognize which stance a person is taking in an online debate posting.
After the results from the previous items, we have a set of what are the point of the contentions, and
these become the features. This time we are actually using the labels in each features to be able to
recognize the stances people are taking in each post. In other words, for each post, we can find if the
opinion for these feature are positive, negative, or impartial, then for each author, we can learn what
are their stances (note that not all the features will have a corresponding value for every post, so this
should be considered in the algorithm).
1. Type of machine learning: Supervised learning.
2. Training data: Chose some posts within the hot topics, containing the points of contention.
3. Features: Characteristics such as usability, appearance, price, operational system, etc (extracted
from the points of contention).
4. Labels: Positive, negative, and impartial.
5. Algorithm output: Depending on the majority of positive or negative labels for the features,
we can define a criteria to recognize the stance of each user as positive, negative, or impartial.
For example, the simplest case would be saying that if there are more negatives than positives,
the person’s stance is negative, or if they amount the same, the person is impartial. We could
also attribute weights for the features that seems to be more relevant or more recurring.
2 Probability [10 points]
Theoretical Introduction:
The expression P (A) denotes the probability that the event A is true, where 0 ≤ P (A) ≤ 1. Given two
events, A and B, we define the probability of A or B, as
If A and B are events that are impossible to occur at the same time, they are called disjoints,
P (A and B) = P (A ∩ B) = 0.
P (A or B) = P (A ∪ B) = P (A) + P (B).
If A and B are not disjoints, the joint probability of the joint events A and B, also called product rule,
is given by
P (A and B) = P (A ∩ B) = P (A, B) = P (A)P (B|A) = P (B)P (A|B).
P (B|A) = P (B),
If P (B) > 0 we can define the conditional probability of event A, given that event B is true, as:
P (A, B) P (A ∩ B)
P (A|B) = = .
P (B) P (B)
Given a joint distribution on two events P (A and B) = P (A, B), the marginal distribution is
P (A) = P (A, B) = P (A|B = b)P (B = b),
b∈Im(B) b
where we are summing over all possible states of B. This is called the sum rule or the rule of total
Let A, B, and C be random variables representing three different events1 . We now are going to proof the
P (A ∩ B ∩ C) = P (A|B, C)P (B|C)P (C). (1)
Let us define the random variable κ = B ∩ C. The conditional probability for events B and C in terms of κ
is given by:
P (B ∩ C) = P (B|C)P (C) = P (κ).
Now, the conditional probability for events A and κ is:
P (A ∩ κ) = P (A ∩ B ∩ C) = P (A|κ)P (κ),
which is just
Since probability multiplications are commutative (as any real-valued function in a unidimensional space),
we complete the proof of Eq. 1.
A second way to perform the same proof is by induction, using the equation for conditional probabil-
P (B ∩ C)
P (A ∩ B ∩ C) = P (A ∩ B ∩ C) ×
P (B ∩ C)
P (A ∩ B ∩ C)
= P (B ∩ C)
P (B ∩ C)
= P (B ∩ C)P (A|B ∩ C)
= P (C)P (B|C)P (A|B, C)
Suppose that I have two six-sided dice, one is fair and the other one is loaded. having:
P (x) = 21
10 x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
I will toss a coin to decide which die to roll. If the coin flip is heads I will roll the fair die, otherwise the
loaded one. The probability that the coin flip is heads is p ∈ (0, 1).
1. What is the expectation of the die roll (in terms of p)?
2. What is the variance of the die roll (in terms of p)?
1 A random variable is a numerical outcome of the experiment, i.e., a real-valued function whose domain is the sample
Theoretical Introduction:
A function of a discrete random variable defines another discrete random variable, whose pfm can be obtained
from the pfm of the original random variables. Therefore, we have:
p × 6 ,
if x = 6 and c = head
(1 − p) × 1 , if x = 6 and c = tail
pcoin−dice (x, c) = 2
p × 16 ,
if x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and c = head
(1 − p) × 10 , if x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and c = tail
Note that
X p (1 − p) (1 − p)
pcoin−dice (x) = 6 × +5× + = p + (1 − p) = 1.
6 10 2
The pfm of the random variable X, given by pcoin−dice (x), provided us with several numbers, i.e., the
probabilities of all its possible outcomes. To summarize this information in a single representative number,
we calculate the expectation value or mean of X which is a weighted (in proportion to probabilities)
average of the possible values of X:
E[X] = xpX (x).
The variance of a random variable X is defined as the expected value of the random variable (X − E[X])2 ,
and it is a measure of the spread of the distribution, i.e., how much X varies around the expected
value: h i
var[X] = E (X − E[X])2 .
If we open the squares,
var[X] = E[X 2 ] − E[X]2 .
In the discrete case, we can also calculate the variance with
X 2
var[X] = x − E[X] pX (x).
We are now ready to solve our problem. Using the pmf defined above, the expected value of the dice is:
E[X] = x pcoin−dice (x)
hp (1 − p) i h p (1 − p) i
= 6× + + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5) × + ,
6 2 6 10
which results on
E[X] = 4.5 − p.
Let us analyze this result. Suppose both of the dice were fair (i.e., , each of the 6 outcome had 1/6 chance
to be seem), or we had only one die. Then the result would not depend on p. The expected value would
1 1
E 0 [X]fair−dice = (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) × × p + (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6) × × (1 − p) = 3.5.
6 6
Back to our problem, since one of the dice is loaded, the result now has a weight in p. Now, suppose the
coin is fair, i.e., p = 1/2 . In this case, the expected value for the dice is:
This makes sense because in 50% of the cases we would deal with the loaded die, which has a larger weight
(i.e., it increases the value of the expected value since in 1/4 of the cases we would be seeing 6).
Moreover, the value of p is actually bounded between p ∈ {0, 1}, so if the coin is loaded and it takes the
boundary values, we would have:
E 0 [X]p=0 = 4.5 − 0 = 4.5,
in which case, we would only use the loaded die (and 1/2 of the cases we would see 6), and
in which case, we would only use the fair die (and we would recover the first result, when both dice were
fair). Note that despite the −p in the expectation value, probabilities are never negative, and the expectation
values return what the average of the results would be asymptotically.
Now let us plug the previous result into the equation for variance of X:
hp (1 − p) i h p (1 − p) i
E[X 2 ] = 62 × + + (12 + 22 + 32 + 42 + 52 ) × +
6 2 6 10
= 6(3 − 2p) + (3 + 2p)
25p 47
= − + .
3 2
Let us analyze this result. Supposing that p = 1, we would only use the fair die. In this case, E[X] = 3.5
(as shown before) and var[X] = 32 − 1 + 13
4 = 2.92. This matches to the variance found in a fair die. For the
other boundary value, when p = 0, we find E[X] = 4.5 and var[X] = 3.25. For a fair coin, when p = 1/2,
E[X] = 4.0 and var[X] = 3.3.
Something commonly used in statistics and machine learning is so called mixture models which may
be seen as a generalization of the above scenario. For some sample space we have several distributions
Pi (X), i = 1 . . . k (e.g., the two dice from above). We also have a distribution over these “components”
P (C = i) (e.g., the coin toss, where C is a binary random variable).
1. Show the form of P (X) in terms of Pi (X) and P (C).
Theoretical Introduction:
Let {Pi (x)}i∈A be a collection of distributions for the random variable X, and let C be a discrete
random variable taking values in A. The mixture distribution of the Pi (x) with weights given by
the distribution of C is defined as: X
P (X) = PCi Pi (x).
In other words, a random variable X having probability P (X) arises first of the random variable C
and then, if C = i, it gets X from the distribution Pi (x).
For our problem, we say that a distribution P (X) is a mixture of the two dice’s distributions, Pi (X),
with mixing proportions p and 1 − p (given by the coin). In this case, A = {0, 1} and P (C) assumes
the values PC0 = 1 − p and PC1 = p:
P (X) = P (C = i)P (X|C = i) = P (C = i)Pi (X).
i∈{0,1} i∈{0,1}
Note that this distribution will result in a constant when we select one of events X = x, x ∈
{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}: X
P (X = x) = P (C = i)Pi (X = x).
2. Show the form of E(X) in terms of E(X|C).
Theoretical Introduction:
For this, let us derive the Theorem of Total Expectation. Remember that if T is an integer-value
random variable, some function L = h(T ) is another random variable, with expected value:
E(L) = h(k)P (T = k).
For our problem, the random variables X and C take values only in the set i ∈ {1, .., k}. For an event,
say C = i, the quantity E(X|C = i) is the long-run average of X, among the times when C = i occurs.
Now, we define a function g(i) = E(X|C = i) (a constant, not a random variable). The quantity
E(X|C) is defined to be a new random variable Q, which is a projection in an abstract vector space.
Since Q is a function of C, we find its expectation from the distribution of C:
E[E[X|C]] = E(Q)
= g(i)P (C = i)
= E(X|C = i)P (C = i)
" #
= jP (X = j|C = i) P (C = i)
i j
= j P (X = j|C = i)P (C = i)
j i
= jP (X = j)
= E(X).
Resulting in:
E(X) = E[E[X|C]].
For this, let us derive the Law of Total Variance. First of all, the variance of the conditional
expectation of X given C is:
var[X|C] = E[X 2 |C] − E[X|C]2 .
This has an expectation value of:
Now, knowing that E[E(X|C)] = E[C], we calculate the variance of E[X|C]:
3 Parameter Estimation [20 points]
The Poisson distribution is a useful discrete distribution which can be used to model the number of
occurrences of something per unit time. For example, in networking, packet arrival density is often modeled
with the Poisson distribution. That is, if we sit at a computer, count the number of packets arriving in each
time interval, say every minute, for 30 minutes, and plot the histogram of how many time intervals had X
number of packets, we expect to see something like a Poisson PMF curve.
If X (e.g. packet arrival density) is Poisson distributed, then it has PMF:
λX e−λ
P (X|λ) := ,
where λ > 0 is the parameter of the distribution and X ∈ {0, 1, 2, . . .} is the discrete random variable
modeling the number of events encountered per unit time.
It can be shown that the parameter λ is the mean of the Poisson distribution. In this part, we will estimate
this parameter from the number of packets observed per unit time X1 , ..., Xn which we assume are drawn
i.i.d from P oisson(λ).
Theoretical Introduction:
yi ∼ f (θ, yi ),
where θ is a vector of parameters and f is some specific functional form (probability density or mass function).
In this example we are using the Poisson distribution :
e−λ λXi
yi ∼ f (λ, Xi ) = ,
Xi !
which have only one parameter to estimate, θ = λ.
In general, we have some observations on X and we want to estimate the mean and the variance from the
data. The idea of maximum likelihood is to find the estimate of the parameter(s) of the chosen
distribution that maximize the probability of observing the data we observe.
In other words, given yi ∼ f (θ, yi ) we would like to make inferences about the value of θ. This is the
inverse of a typical probability problem, where we want to know something about the distribution of y given
the parameters of our model, θ, i.e., P (y|θ) or P (data|model). Here, we have the data by we want to learn
about the model, specifically, the model’s parameters, i.e., P (model|data) or P (θ|y).
From the probability identities we can derive the Bayes’ Theorem,
The denominator, P (y), is just a function of the data. Since it only makes sense to compare these conditional
densities from the same data, we can ignore the denominator (for instance, 1/P (y) is called the constant of
proportionality). Rewriting the above equation gives:
where P (θ) is the prior density of θ, P (y|θ) is the likelihood, and P (θ|y) is the posterior density of θ.
In other words, the likelihood is the sample information that transform the prior to the posterior density of
θ. The prior is fixed before the observations.
Without knowing the prior, we would not be able to calculate the inverse probability described above. In
this case, we introduce the notion of likelihood, and the Likelihood Axiom defines:
L(θ|y) ∝ P (y|θ).
The likelihood is proportional to the probability of observing the data, treating the parameters of the
distribution as variables and the data as fixed. The advantage of likelihood is that it can be calculated from
a traditional probability, P (y|θ). We can only compare likelihoods for the same set of data and the same
prior. The best estimator, θ̂, is the value of θ that maximizes
L(θ|y) = P (y|θ),
i.e., we are looking for the θ̂ that maximizes the likelihood of observing our sample, and this will maximize
P (θ|y) (the probability of observing the data).
If the yi are all independent (or conditionally independent), then the likelihood of the whole sample is the
product of the individual likelihoods over all the observations:
L = L1 × L2 × ... × LN
= L
= P (y1 |θ) × P (y2 |θ) × ... × P (yN |θ)
= P (yi |θ).
The negative log of the likelihood function is called error function. Because the negative logarithm is a
monotonically decreasing function, maximizing the likelihood is equivalent to minimizing the error:
ln L = P (yi |θ̂).
From the log-likelihood, we find θ̂M L , which can sometimes be obtained analytically by differentiating the
function with respect to the parameter vector, and setting the resulting gradient vector to zero. Mostly
commonly these calculations are done numerically.
1. [3 pts] Recall that the bias of an estimator of a parameter θ is defined to be the difference between the
expected value of the estimator and θ.
(a) Show that λ̂ = n1 i Xi is the maximum likelihood estimate of λ.
For our network example, we derive θ̂M L analytically using the Poisson distribution as the underlying
distribution for a count model:
e−λ λX
yi ∼ f (θ, yi ) = .
Since the N samples are i.i.d., the likelihood function is:
Y e−λ λXi
L = P (D|λ) =
Xi !
i=1 e λ i=1 λXi
= QN
i=1 i !
−N λ i=1 Xi
e λ
= QN .
i=1 Xi !
In other words,
λ̂ = arg maxλ P (D|λ) = arg maxλ ln P (D|λ),
which can be found by taking the derivative with respect to θML = λ̂:
∂ ln L 1X
= −N + Xi ,
∂ λ̂ λ̂ i=1
(b) Show that it is unbiased (that is, show that E[λ̂] − λ = 0). Recall that E[a + b] = E[a] + E[b]
(linearity of expectations).
Theoretical Introduction:
Let θ be a parameter of interest and θ̂ be an estimator of θ based on a sample of size N . The bias
of θ̂ is the difference between θ and the long run average of the estimates given by θ̂, based on
different samples of size N :
bias(θ̂) = E[θ̂] − θ.
The estimator of the parameter θ is taking over X. We have shown that the standard estimator for
a Poisson population mean is the maximum likelihood estimator:
1 X
X̄ = Xi = λ̂,
N i=1
h1 X N i
E[λ̂] = E Xi
N i=1
i=1 E[Xi ]
i1 λ
= λ,
where we have used the fact that:
E[X] = xP (X = x)
X λxi e−λ
= xi
xi !
X λxi −1
= λe−λ
(xi − 1)!
X λj
= λe−λ
= λe−λ eλ
= λ.
Note that in the last step we have used the Taylor expansion for the exponential, assuming that the
P∞ i
number of samples, N , can be taken asymptotically to be infinity: ex = i=0 xi! . Plugging the result
of E[λ̂] back into the bias equation, we show that the Poisson distribution is unbiased:
bias(λ̂) = E[λ̂] − λ = λ − λ = 0.
1. [3 pts] Recall that the bias of an estimator of a parameter θ is defined to be the difference between the
expected value of the estimator and θ.
Show that λ̂ = n1 i Xi is the maximum likelihood estimate of λ and that it is unbiased (that is, show
that E[λ̂] − λ = 0). Recall that E[a + b] = E[a] + E[b] (linearity of expectations).
2. [5 pts] Now let’s be Bayesian and put a prior distribution over the parameter λ.
Your friend in networking hands you a typical plot showing the counts of computers at a university
cluster with different average packet arrival densities (Figure 1). Your extensive experience in statistics
tells you that the plot resembles a Gamma distribution pdf. So you believe a good prior distribution
2. [5 pts] λ may be be
let’s a Gamma
and put a prior distribution over the parameter λ.
Number of Computers
0 5 10 15 20 25
Average Number of Packets per Unit Time
Figure 1: Just
Figure giving
1: Just givingyou
somemotivation. Don’t take
motivation. Don’t takeititsososeriously.
Your friend in networking hands you a typical plot showing the counts of computers at a university
cluster withthat the Gamma
different distribution
average has pdf:
packet arrival densities (Figure 1). Your extensive experience in statistics
tells you that the plot resembles a Gamma distribution pdf. So you believe a good prior distribution
β α α−1 −βλ
for λ may be a Gamma distribution. p(λ|α, β) =that the
Recall λ Gamma
e , distribution
λ>0 has pdf:
Also, if λ ∼ Γ(α, β), then it has mean α/β and the mode is (α − 1)/β for α > 1.
β α α−1 −βλ
Assuming that λ is distributed P
according = Γ(λ|α,λβ),
(λ|α, β) to e , λthe
compute > posterior
0 distribution over λ.
Xi +α−1 −λ(n+β)
λ e
Also, if λ ∼ Γ(α, β), then it has mean α/β and the mode is (α − 1)/β for α > 1.2
looks like a Gamma distribution! Is the rest of the expression constant with respect to λ? Working
Assuming that λintegral
out a messy is distributed
can lead according to Γ(λ|α,
to the answer β), compute
but shouldn’t the posterior distribution over λ.
be necessary.
3. [2 pts] Derive an analytic expression for the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of λ under a Γ(α, β)
Xi +α−1 −λ(n+β)
λ e
3.2 Estimator Bias/Variance
In class,like
Gamma distribution!
that the maximumIs the rest ofestimator
likelihood the expression constant
is not always with respect
unbiased. to λ? we saw
For example,
that the maximum likelihood estimator for the variance of a Normal distribution,
1 "
σˆ2 MLE = (xi − µ̂)2
Solution: N i=1
4 Γ(α) refers to the Gamma function, but don’t worry if you don’t know what this is - it will not be important for this
We have shown above that the Bayesian formulation requires:
Now assuming that the prior distribution of λ is a Gamma function,
β α α−1 −βλ
P (λ|α, β) = λ e , λ > 0,
It is clear that the function inside of the first parenthesis is a constant over λ and the data,
P and the
function inside the second parenthesis is a Gamma distribution with parameters α̂ = α + i Xi and
β̂ = β + N . We can rewrite this result as:
P (λ|y) ∝ λα̂−1 e−β̂λ = λ|α + Xi , β + N = Γ(α̂, β̂).
Finally, from the Law of probability, we can calculate the normalizing constant:
constant × λα+ i Xi e−(β+N )λ = 1.
3. [2 pts] Derive an analytic expression for the maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate of λ under a Γ(α, β)
Theoretical Introduction:
The maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimate can be computed in several ways. Analytically, it
can be calculated when the mode of the posterior distribution can be given in a closed form3 . In
this case, the conjugate priors are used, as for example, for the Poisson distribution, which has the
Gamma distribution as its conjugate prior.
The mode is the point where the probability distribution has the highest probability, and in the case
of a Gamma function it is given by:
Γ(α, β) = ,
for α > 1.
For our problem, we see that if α was greater than 1, α̂ = α+ x=1 Xi would also be greater
P than 1. The
MAP estimation is then the mode of the posterior distribution, i.e., the mode of Γ( i Xi + α, N + β) :
α−1 Xi + α − 1
mode = = i .
β N +β
3 A closed-form expression is an expression that can be written analytically in terms of a finite number of certain well-known
3.2 Estimator Bias/Variance [10 points]
The maximum likelihood estimator is not always unbiased. For example, the maximum likelihood estimator
for the variance of a Normal distribution,
1 X
σˆ2 M LE = (xi − µ̂)2
N i=1
1 X
σˆ2 unbiased = (xi − µ̂)2
N − 1 i=1
For the Normal distribution, these estimators give similar results for large enough N , and it is unclear
whether one estimator is preferable to the other. In this problem, we will explore an example in which the
maximum likelihood estimate is dramatically superior to any unbiased estimator.
We will again be interested in the Poisson distribution, but instead of estimating the parameter λ, we will
estimate a nonlinear function of λ, namely η = e−2λ from a single sample X ∼ P oisson(λ).
We calculate the MLE estimation in the same way we did in the previous item, but now setting X the
distribution parameter to λ(η):
e−2λ → η
e 2λ
= η −1
2λ = − ln η
λ(η) = − ln η.
Plugging λ(η) back to the Poisson distribution equation:
λ(η)X e−λ(η)
P (X|λ(η)) =
1 1 X 1
= − ln η e 2 ln η .
X! 2
We take the log:
1 1
ln P (X|λ(η)) = X ln(− ln η) + ln η − ln(X!),
2 2
and then we find the minimum by setting the first derivative (with respect of η) to zero:
∂ ln P (X|η̂)
= 0
∂ η̂
1 −1 1
X 1 + = 0
− 2 ln η̂ 2η̂ 2η̂
X 1
= −
η̂ ln η̂ 2η̂
−2X = ln η̂
η̂ = e−2X .
This result also can be proved by using the fact that the MLE is invariant under functional transfor-
mations. That is, if λ̂ is the MLE of λ and if η(λ) is a function of λ, then η(λ̂) is the MLE of η(λ).
2. [4 pts] Show that the bias of η̂ is e−2λ − eλ(1/e −1)
The following identity from Taylor expansion may be useful:
X∞ n
et =
Recalling that bias(η̂) = E[η̂] − η, we calculate E[η̂] as we did before(i.e., using Taylor series for the
E[η̂] = η̂P (X)
X λX e−λ
= e−2X
X (λe−2 )X
= e−λ
−λ λe−2
= e e
(e−2 −1)λ
= e .
3. [3 pts] It turns out that (−1)X is the only unbiased estimate of η. Prove that it is indeed unbiased
and briefly explain why this is a bad estimator to use. It may be instructive to plot the values of the
MLE and unbiased estimate for X = 1, ..., 10.
The bias is zero: The main characteristic of this estimator is that it will oscillate between negative and
positive values, depending on whether X is even or odd, i.e., it is extremely dependent of the data.
Second, since we are dealing with probabilities, every time X is odd and η̂ takes negative values, the
probability can be ill-defined.
4 Regression [20 points]
Suppose that you have a software package for linear regression. The linear regression package takes as input
a vector of responses (Y ) and a matrix of features (X), where the entry Xi,j corresponds to the ith data
point and the jth feature for that data point and Yi is the ith response of the function. The linear regression
package returns a vector of weights w that minimizes the sum of squared residual errors. The jth entry of
the vector, wj is the weight applied to the jth feature.
For the following functions Gi of the input vector Ci , you should
• specify how the response and features (Yi and Xi,j ) are calculated for the regression software package
• specify how parameters α can be obtained from the values returned by the regression software package
w so that α is the maximum likelihood estimate
• provide your reasoning for why the software can not be employed
P3 j 2 3
Example. Given the function Gi = j=0 αj Ci,1 + i = α0 + α1 Ci,1 + α2 Ci,1 + α3 Ci,1 + i where Ci,1
is the first component of Ci and i ∼ N (0, σ 2 ), by setting: Xi,j ← Ci,1 for j = {0, 1, 2, 3} and Yi ← Gi
for each i, the software package then returns w = argmin i (yi − w0 − w1 xi,1 − w2 xi,2 − w3 xi,3 )2 =
P P3 j 2
argmin i (Gi − j=0 wj Ci,1 ) . αj ← wj then is the MLE for each αj for j = {0, 1, 2, 3}.
Theoretical Introduction:
In linear regression, we have a training set of N observations, x = (x1 , .., xN )T , together with the
corresponding values of the target vector, t = (t1 , ..., tN )T . The goal is to exploit this training set to
make predictions of the value t̂ of the target variable for some new x̂ of the input variable. The data is also
corrupted with noise.
We solve the curve fitting problem choosing the value of w for which E(w) is small as possible. The
error function is a quadratic function on w, having derivatives linear in w, so that the minimization of the
error function has a unique solution, denoted by w∗ (which can be found in closed form). The resulting
polynomial is given by y(x, w∗ ).
2 Ci,2
1. [2 pts] Gi = α1 Ci,1 e + i where Ci,2 is the second component of Ci and i ∼ N (0, σ 2 ).
Yi ← Gi ,
for each i, where Ci,1 and Ci,2 are the first and second components of the input vector Ci , respectively.
The software will return X
w∗ = argmin (yi − w1 xi,1 ),
α1 ← w1 .
2 Ci,2
2. [2 pts] Gi = α1 Ci,1 e + i + γi where i ∼ N (0, σ12 ) and γi ∼ N (µ, σ22 ). Here µ is the unknown bias
and must be estimated.
We now have the unknown bias to be estimated. Using the theory from the next exercise for Gaussians
with different variances, we will use the first weight, w0 , assuming that Xi,0 ← 1. In this case we set
the response to
Yi ← Gi ,
and the features to
2 Ci ,2
Xi,0 ← 1, Xi,1 ← Ci,1 e ,
for each i, where Ci,1 and Ci,2 are the first and second components of the input vector Ci , respectively.
The software will return X
w∗ = argmin (yi − w0 xi,0 − w1 xi,1 ),
µ ← w0 ,
α1 ← w1 .
3. [2 pts] Gi = j αj fj (Ci ) + i where fj (Ci ) are known basis functions calculated using the input vector
Ci and i ∼ N (0, σ 2 )
This case is similar to the example, except that now fj (Ci ) are basis functions and the dimension of
the data is not given. In this case, the response is set to
Yi ← Gi ,
so the maximum likelihood estimates are
αj ← wj .
4. [2 pts] Gi = j α(j%5) fj (Ci ) + i where “%” is the modulo operator and i ∼ N (0, σ 2 )
In this example we also have basis functions to the input vectors. First, the response is set to
Yi ← Gi .
This time the parameters αj are divide in five sets, for all possible values returned in the j%5 operation,
i.e., j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. To use them for the maximum likelihood estimates, we incorporate these sets into
the basis functions so the features are
Xi,j ← fj%5 (Ci ).
5. [2 pts] Gi = j αj fj (Ci |θ) + i where θ is a real valued unknown parameter in the basis functions and
i ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). You need to estimate both α and θ.
In this case the software should not be employed. Since this is a linear regression software, it only
works for models that are a linear combination of their parameters (i.e., linear in θ and α). Since we
do not know the form of the basis functions, they could be non-linear in θ.
6. [2 pts] eGi = γi [ fj (Ci )αj ] where γi ∼ logN ormal(0, σ 2 ) and the range of fj is positive.4
To solve this problem, we apply the log function for both sides:
" #
Gi αj
ln e = ln γi fj (Ci )
Gi = ln γi + αj ln fj (Ci ),
4 The log-Normal distribution is the distribution of a random variable whose logarithm is normally distributed.
where ln γi ∼ N (0, σ 2 ). The response is:
Yi ← Gi .
The features are
Xi,j ← ln fj (Ci ).
Given instances < xi , ti > generated from the linear regression model
t(x) = wi hi (xj ) + j ,
w∗ = (H T H)−1 H T t.
If 1 , ..., n are independent Gaussian with mean 0 and constant standard deviation, the least squares estimate
is also the MLE. In the first three questions, assume that 1 , ..., n are independent Gaussian with mean 0,
but the variances are different, i.e. Variance(i )= σi2 .
From class, models with different variances (i.e., different 1 , ..., n ), have conditional likelihood for the
data is given by:
P 2 !
Y 1 tj − i wi hi (xj )
P (D|w, σ) = √ exp − .
2π · σj 2σj2
Finally, the MLE of w is:
P 2
X tj − i wi hi (xj )
w∗ = argminw .
(a) We set Σ as the diagonal matrix, with diagonal elements σ12 , .., σN
(b) We set M as the number of basis functions.
(c) We set H as the N × M matrix, with Hji = hi (xj ) elements.
(d) We set w as the M × 1 vector, where the ith element is wi .
(e) We set t as the N × 1 vector, where the j th element is tj .
(f) Thus (as shown in class):
P 2
X tj − i wi hi (xj ) 1
= (t − Hw)T Σ−1 (t − Hw).
2σj2 2
−H T Σ−1 (t − Hw) = 0,
we set αj = 2σj2
, so that the MLE is obtained by minimizing the weighted residual squared error:
X X 2
αj tj − wi hi (xj ) .
j=1 i
4. [2 pts] If 1 , ..., n are independent Laplace with mean 0 and the same scale parameter b, i.e., the pdf
of i is fi (x) = 2b 1
exp(− |x|
b ), give the formulation for calculating the MLE for w (closed form solution
is not required).
Using the same logic as before, the conditional data likelihood is given by:
N P !
Y 1 −|tj − i wi hi (xj )|
P (D|w, σ) = exp .
2b b
|tj − i wi hi (xj )|
ln P (D|w, σ) = C − ,
|tj − i wi hi (xj )|
w∗ = argmaxw
= argmaxw |tj − wi hi (xj )|.
j=1 i
5. [1 pts] Sometimes the model in the last question is preferred because its solution tends to be more
robust to noise. Explain why this is true.
If the data has noise, this will result in large residuals. In this case, squared models (j given by a
Gaussian distribution) have larger residuals than linear models (j with Laplace distribution), therefore,
the former would be less robust.
5 Decision Trees [20 points]
Consider the following set of training examples for the unknown target function < X1 , X2 >→ Y . Each row
indicates the values observed, and how many times that set of values was observed. For example, (+, T, T )
was observed 3 times, while (−, T, T ) was never observed.
Y X1 X2 Count
+ T T 3
+ T F 4
+ F T 4
+ F F 1
- T T 0
- T F 1
- F T 3
- F F 5
1. [2 pts] Compute the sample entropy H(Y ) for this training data (with logarithms base 2)?
Theoretical Introduction:
represented by lg.
2. [3 pts] What are the information gains IG(X1 ) and IG(X2 ) for this sample of training data?
Theoretical Introduction:
Given entropy as a measure of the impurity in a collection of training examples, we define a measure
of the effectiveness of an attribute in classifying the training data. The measure is called information
gain and is the expected reduction in entropy caused by partitioning the examples according to this
X Sv
Gain(S, A) ≡ Entropy(S) − Entropy(Sv ).
For this case we can express the information gain based on X1 by computing the entropy of Y after a
split on X1 , given by H(Y |X1 ):
Since H(Y ) was already calculated in the item above, we need to find H(Y |X1 ) and H(Y |X2 ). For
this, we first calculate all the probabilities:
p(X1 = T ) =
p(X1 = F ) =
p(Y = +|X1 = T ) =
p(Y = +|X1 = F ) =
p(Y = −|X1 = T ) =
p(Y = −|X1 = F ) =
p(X2 = T ) =
p(X2 = F ) =
p(Y = +|X2 = T ) =
p(Y = +|X2 = F ) =
p(Y = −|X2 = T ) =
p(Y = −|X2 = F ) =
Resulting in:
IG(X2 ) < IG(X1 ).
3. [2 pts] Draw the decision tree that would be learned by ID3 (without postpruning) from this sample
of training data.
To build the decision tree we start by finding the attribute X with highest information gain. In this
case, it is IG(X1 ) ≈ 0.1831, so our first split will be on feature X1 .
Now we need to look to the left and right branches. Since splitting on X2 results in two nodes with
non-zero values, we split both branches. The final decision tree can bee seen in Fig. 3.
When we discussed learning decision trees in class, we chose the next attribute to split on by choosing the
one with maximum information gain, which was defined in terms of entropy. To further our understanding
of information gain, we will explore its connection to KL-divergence, an important concept in information
theory and machine learning. For more on these concepts, refer to Section 1.6 in Bishop.
The KL-divergence from a distribution p(x) to a distribution q(x) can be thought of as a measure of dissim-
ilarity from P to Q:
X q(x)
KL(p||q) = − p(x) log2
We can define information gain as the KL-divergence from the observed joint distribution of X and Y to the
product of their observed marginals.
IG(x, y) ≡ KL (p(x, y)||p(x)p(y)) = − p(x, y) log2
x y
p(x, y)
When the information gain is high, it indicates that adding a split to the decision tree will give a more
accurate model.
Figure 3: Learned decision tree.
1. [3 pts] Show that definition of information gain above is equivalent to the one given in class. That
is, show that IG(x, y) = H[x] − H[x|y] = H[y] − H[y|x], starting from the definition in terms of
Using the definitions above, the formula for conditional probability, and the fact that the sum of the
probabilities of all the outcomes in a sample space is equal to one, we have:
XX p(x)p(y)
KL(p(x, y)||p(x)p(y)) = p(x, y) lg
x y
p(x, y)
= p(x, y) lg p(x) + lg p(y) − lg p(x, y)
x y
= p(x, y) lg p(x) + lg p(y) − lg p(y|x) − lg p(x)
x y
= p(x|Y ) p(y) lg p(y) + p(x) p(y|x) lg p(y|x)
x y x y
= H(y) − H(y|x)
The same derivation can be used to prove that H(x) − H(x|y), using the fact that p(x)p(y|x) =
2. [2 pts] In light of this observation, how can we interpret information gain in terms of dependencies
between random variables? A brief answer will suffice.
We know that a tree with lower complexity will tend to have better generalization properties. So one (rather
simplistic) option to help avoid overfitting is to find the simplest tree that fits the data. This follows the
principle known as Occam’s Razor. One simple way to define “simplest” is based on the depth of the tree.
Specifically, the depth is the number of nodes along the longest root-to-leaf path. For example, the tree from
part 1 would have depth 2. In this problem, we will be interested in learning the tree of least depth that fits
the data.
Suppose the training examples are n-dimensional boolean vectors, where n > 2 is some constant integer.
(For example (T, F, F, T, T ) is a 5 dimensional boolean vector). We know that the ID3 decision tree learning
algorithm is guaranteed to find a decision tree consistent6 with any set of (not self-contradicting) training
examples, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will find a short tree.
1. [4 pts] For n = 3, does ID3 always find a consistent decision tree of depth ≤ 2 if one exists? If so,
prove it. If not, provide a counterexample (a set of examples, similar to Table 1 above, but with 3
variables), with an explanation.
We do not always find a consistent decision tree of smaller depth. For example, let’s look to the table
below, which adds a third feature to the Table 2:
We show two possible decision trees in the Figs. 4. In the first case, the tree splits on X3 as the root,
and since we need both X1 and X2 , the tree has depth 3. In the second case, the tree splits on X1 as
the root split, and since X3 does not add any additional information (the predictions do not change if
we add a rule on X3 ), we only need X2 to be have a consistent tree.
Y X1 X2 X3 Count
+ T T T 2
+ T T F 0
+ T F T 1
+ T F F 1
+ F T T 1
+ F T F 1
+ F F T 2
+ F F F 0
- T T T 4
- T T F 0
- T F T 0
- T F F 0
- F T T 0
- F T F 0
- F F T 4
- F F F 0
2. [4 pts] Propose your own learning algorithm that finds a shortest decision tree consistent with any set
of training examples (your algorithm can have running time exponential in the depth of the shortest
tree). Give the pseudocode and a brief explanation.
We suppose the data is given as an array of the rows of the above training data:
i.e., data[0] is the first row, data[1] is the second row, data[15] is the last row. Also, data[0][0] = +,
data[0][1] = T (X1 in the first row), and data[0][4] = 2 (the number of counts). The algorithm bellow
has two recursive calls and only two loops, so the recurrence is bellow super-exponential (in case we
had to search for all the depths of the tree):
# find number of attributes
nX = len(data[0])-2
m = 0
while m < = nX:
tree = findShortest(data, m, nX)
if != tree:
m += 1
return tree or False
findShortest(data, m, nX):
# Base case:
if m == 0:
Inspect all data subsets, if labels are equal, return leaf with label
return False
Figure 4: An ID3 tree with three features. (Left) The training data in a depth 3 ID3, with X3 as the root.
(Right) Shows the same training data, in a consistent ID3 tree, with depth 2 by splitting on X1 .
6 Naive Bayes vs Logistic Regression [20 points]
In this problem you will implement Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression, then compare their performance
on a document classification task. The data for this task is taken from the 20 Newsgroups data set7 , and
is available at http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~leman/courses/14CSE512/hws/hw1-data.tar.gz. The
included README.txt describes the data set and file format.
Our Naive Bayes model will use the bag-of-words assumption. This model assumes that each word in a
document is drawn independently from a multinomial distribution over possible words. (A multinomial
distribution is a generalization of a Bernoulli distribution to multiple values.) Although this model ignores
the ordering of words in a document, it works surprisingly well for a number of tasks. We number the words
in our vocabulary from 1 to m, where m is the total number of distinct words in all of the documents.
Documents from class y are drawn from a class-specific multinomial
Pm distribution parameterized by θy . θy is
a vector, where θy,i is the probability of drawing word i and i=1 θy,i = 1. Therefore, the class-conditional
probability of drawing document x from our Naive Bayes model is P (X = x|Y = y) = i=1 (θy,i )counti (x) ,
where counti (x) is the number of times word i appears in x.
1. [5 pts] Provide high-level descriptions of the Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression algorithms. Be sure
to describe how to estimate the model parameters and how to classify a new example.
Naive Bayes
The Naive Bayes algorithm is a classification algorithm based on the Bayes rule, that assume the
attributes X1 ...Xn to be all conditionally independent of each other given Y . Assuming that Y is
any discrete-valued variable, and the attributes X1 ...Xn are any discrete or real-valued attributes, the
algorithm to train a classifier that will output the probability distribution over possible values of Y ,
for each new instance X, is:
P (Y = yk ) i P (Xi |Y = yk )
P (Y = yk |X1 ...Xn ) = P Q .
j P (Y = yj ) i P (Xi |Y = yj )
In other words, given a new X new , this equation will calculate the probability that Y will take on
any given value, given the observed attribute values of X new and the given distributions P (Y ) and
P (Xi |Y ).
The most probable value of Y is given by:
Y ← argmax yk P (Y = yk ) P (Xi |Y = yk ).
We can summarize the Naive Bayes learning algorithm by describing the parameters to be estimated.
When the n input attributes Xi take on J possible values, and Y is a discrete variable taking on K
possible values, then the learning correspond to estimate two set of parameters:
for each input Xi , each of its possible values xij , and each of possible values yk of Y; and:
πk = P (Y = yk ),
7 Full version available from http://people.csail.mit.edu/jrennie/20Newsgroups/
the prior probability over Y . We can estimate these parameters using maximum likelihood esti-
mates for θijk given a set of training examples D:
#D(Xi = xij ∧ Y = yk )
θ̂ijk = P̂ (Xi = xij |Y = yk ) = ,
#D(Y = yk )
where #D returns the number of elements in set D with property x (without smoothing). The max-
imum likelihood estimate for π̂k is (without smoothing):
#D(Y = yk )
π̂k = P̂ (Y = yk ) = .
Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is an approach to learning functions of the form P (Y |X), in the case where
Y is discrete-valued, and X is a vector containing discrete or continuous values. Logistic Regression
assumes a parametric form for the distribution P (Y |X), then directly estimates its parameters from
the training data. The parametric model in case where Y is boolean is:
P (Y = 0|X) = Pn ,
1 + exp(w0 + i=1 wi Xi )
and Pn
exp(w0 + i=1 wi Xi )
P (Y = 1|X) = Pn .
1 + exp(w0 + i=1 wi Xi )
To classify any given X we assign the value yk that maximizes P (Y = yk |X). In other words, we assign
the label Y = 1 if the following conditions holds:
P (Y = 0|X)
1 <
P (T = 1|X)
1 < exp(w0 + wi Xi )
0 < w0 + wi Xi ,
where W is the vector of parameters to be estimated; Y l denotes the observed value of Y in the lth
training example; and X l is the observed value of X in the lth training example. The conditional
data log likelihood is then:
l(W ) = Y l ln P (Yl = 0|X l , W ) + (1 − Y l ) ln P (Y l = 1|X l , W ),
X n
X n
= Y l (w0 + wi Xil ) − ln(1 + exp(w0 + wi Xil )).
l i i
where Y can only be 0 or 1.
Since there is no closed form solution to maximizing l(W ) with respect to W , we use the gradient
ascent (vector of partial derivatives). Beginning with initial weights of zero, we can repeatedly update
the weights in the direction of the gradient, on each iteration changing every weight wi according to:
wi ← wi + η Xil Y l − P̂ (Y l = 1|X l , W ) ,
Naive Bayes, a generative classifier, directly estimates parameters for P (Y ) and P (X|Y ), i.e., it
optimizes the joint data likelihood P (X|Y ) with respect to the conditional independence assumptions.
Logistic Regression, a discriminative classifier, directly estimates the parameters of P (Y |X),
i.e., the conditional data likelihood P (Y given X). Other differences are:
• Naive Bayes makes more restrictive assumptions and has higher asymptotic error, but converge
faster than Logistic Regression (O(ln n) vs. O(n)).
• Naive Bayes is a learning algorithm with greater bias, but lower variance than Logistic Regression.
• Logistic Regression is consistent with the Naive Bayes assumption that the input features Xi
are conditionally independent given Y . However, the data can disobey this assumption. The
conditional likelihood maximization algorithm for Logistic Regression will adjust its parameters
to maximize the fit to the data.
2. [3 pts] Imagine that a certain word is never observed in the training data, but occurs in a test instance.
What will happen when our Naive Bayes classifier predicts the probability of the this test instance?
Explain why this situation is undesirable. Will logistic regression have a similar problem? Why or why
In Naive Bayes, if the training data does not contain a certain word, the maximum likelihood estimates
defined above can result in θ estimates of zero. These features will be assigned zero probability, since
they were not present in the training data but occur in the test data. However, zero probability should
not be assigned to any event in the feature space. To prevent this, we employ Laplace smoothing.
Furthermore, Logistic regression will not have the same problem because it is directly parametrized by
the logit functions, not generated by the estimates parameters for P (Y ) and P (X|Y ).
Add-one smoothing is one way to avoid this problem with our Naive Bayes classifier. This technique
pretends that every word occurs one additional time in the training data, which eliminates zero counts
in the estimated parameters of the model. For a set of documents C = x1 , ..., xn , the add-one smoothing
1+ n j=1 counti (x )
P j
parameter estimate is θ̂i = D+m , where D is the total number of words in C (i.e., D =
Pm Pn j
i=1 j=1 counti (x )). Empirically, add-one smoothing often improves classification performance
when data counts are sparse.
3. [10 pts] Implement Logistic Regression and Naive Bayes. Use add-one smoothing when estimating the
parameters of your Naive Bayes classifier. For logistic regression, we found that a step size around
.0001 worked well. Train both models on the provided training data and predict the labels of the test
data. Report the training and test error of both models.
Naive Bayes Logistic Regression
Training Accuracy 0.98 1.00
Test Accuracy 0.75 0.70
4. [2 pts] Which model performs better on this task? Why do you think this is the case?
Naive Bayes performed slightly better. Logistic Regression outperforms Naive Bayes when many
training examples are available, but Naive Bayes outperforms Logistic Regression when training data
is scarce (which is the case of this example).