Tunnel-Ground Interaction Analysis: Discrete Beam-Spring vs. Continuous Fe Model
Tunnel-Ground Interaction Analysis: Discrete Beam-Spring vs. Continuous Fe Model
Tunnel-Ground Interaction Analysis: Discrete Beam-Spring vs. Continuous Fe Model
Analiza interakcije tunela i tla: diskretni model s oprugama nasuprot kontinuiranom modelu s konačnim elementima
Elefterija Zlatanović, Vlatko Šešov, Dragan Č. Lukić, Aleksandar Prokić, Marina Trajković-Milenković
Original scientific paper
For the purpose of studying the soil–tunnel structure interaction, a number of two-dimensional linear numerical analyses has been performed with the aid
of the software package ANSYS. The present study employs both discrete beam–spring and continuous FE models, in order to estimate their ability to
simulate the soil–structure interaction effects. Since these effects are particularly pronounced during seismic events, the main attention has been focused
on dynamic analyses. The earthquake loading is simulated under pure shear conditions and determined by the one-dimensional free-field ground response
analysis using the code EERA. Results obtained by simplified dynamic analyses are compared with state-of-practice closed-form elastic solutions and
significant factors influencing the tunnel–ground interaction are evaluated. In addition, with the author’s aim to develop more realistic and relevant
models, effects of initial static conditions are also considered in the analyses.
Keywords: circular tunnel; continuous FE model; discrete beam–spring model; soil–structure interaction; static and dynamic loads
Analiza interakcije tunela i tla: diskretni model s oprugama nasuprot kontinuiranom modelu s konačnim elementima
Ključne riječi: diskretni model s oprugama; interakcija tunela i tla; kontinuirani model s konačnim elementima; kružni tunel; statičko i dinamičko
compressive static stresses, thus inducing the occurrence 2 Ground conditions and tunnel characteristics
of the tensile stresses in the lining.
There are various simplified methods for evaluation A circular tunnel structure, with the external tunnel
of the seismically induced ovaling deformation of circular radius of 3,0 m and the thickness of the liner of 0,3 m, is
tunnel tubes, which are developed under the assumption placed at the depth of 15 m in a dense sandy soil layer
of two-dimensional plane-strain condition. The most with the thickness of 30 m, which lies over a relatively
simple free-field deformation approach, proposed by stiff bedrock. The material properties of the liner and the
Newmark in 1968 [4] and further developed by St. John ground are given in Fig. 1. The shear wave velocity
and Zahrah in 1987 [5], is based on the theory of wave profile Vs(z) is also presented in the given figure, where
propagation in an infinite, homogeneous, isotropic, elastic the dashed line denotes an average value of the shear
medium, and it does not account for any kind of soil– wave velocity within the soil layer. This value was
structure interaction. On the other hand, there are required for the purpose of performing a one-dimensional
analytical expressions after various authors, such as: linear analysis of the seismic response of the ground.
Burns and Richard in 1964 [6], Hoeg in 1968 [7], Peck et
al. in 1972 [8], Schwartz and Einstein in 1980 [9], Wang 3 Description of the numerical models
in 1993 [10], Penzien and Wu in 1998 [11], and Penzien
in 2000 [12], that represent the so-called soil–structure In developing the analyses, the following
interaction approach, based on the theory of an elastic assumptions are adopted:
beam on an elastic foundation, which takes into - A region of the surrounding ground is considered as a
consideration the kinematic interaction effects in quasi- homogeneous and isotropic half-space;
static conditions, but neglects the effects of dynamic - Both the soil and the tunnel lining are treated as
interaction. A comprehensive review on all of these materials with elastic behaviour;
methods is given by Hashash et al. [13]. - Assuming uniform properties of the tunnel structure,
Considering that the dynamic FE analyses are quite the ground, and the loading along the tunnel’s length,
complex and they require large computer capacities, the two-dimensional plane-strain analyses were conducted.
present study employs simplified dynamic analyses for During an earthquake excitation, considerable static
both discrete and continuous models, performed with a stresses, attributed to the overburden pressure and the
view toward investigating the seismic response of tunnels. construction process, are acting on the tunnel structure.
Such simplified methods cannot adequately simulate the For that reason, prior to the simplified dynamic analyses
earthquake-induced changes in ground stiffness and presented in this study, corresponding static analyses have
strength, and they ignore the inertial soil–structure also been performed, in order to check the models for
interaction effects. Yet, these methods give a reasonable static conditions as well.
estimation of the seismic loads regarding an initial
evaluation of strains and deformations in a tunnel [14]. 3.1 Discrete coupled beam–spring model (ANSYS)
In the examined study, two-dimensional coupled
beam–spring as well as finite element models have been The ANSYS 2D discrete model consists of 36 two-
employed using the ANSYS software [15], to investigate nodded Timoshenko beam elements for the tunnel lining
the tunnel–ground interaction effects. The models have and two-nodded linear spring elements for the soil, placed
been subjected to the seismic load under simple shear in the radial (36 elements) and tangential directions (36
conditions obtained by a one-dimensional seismic site elements). At each node there are three DOF (Ux, Uy,
response (SSR) analysis, which ignores the effects of the ROTz) for the beam and one DOF for the spring elements.
tunnel shape and stiffness on the seismic behaviour of the The main purpose of the spring elements is to model
ground. In addition, the SSR analysis ignores the effects the soil–tunnel structure interaction by elastic supports as
of compressional P-waves, since only shear S-waves, a discrete contact, simulated by a coupled-type interaction
which propagate in vertical planes inducing soil shear spring consisting of a radial ground spring and a
strain, are considered. Taking advantage of two different tangential ground spring.
modelling approaches – discrete and continuous – the SSI
phenomenon has been analysed and the obtained results
concerning both models are compared.
dimensions of a structure, and the value of active loading. diameter R, in order to minimise the boundary effects.
In practice, active loads are divided in vertical and The width of the model is selected to be 54 m
horizontal direction (Fig. 2(a)). Yet, in reality, they act (4R+R+4R). The height of the model is 30 m, which is in
radially and tangentially on the curved shape of the line with the thickness of the soil deposit over the
circular tunnel surface. Therefore, in the given analyses, bedrock. The ANSYS free-meshing algorithm was
the active earth pressures have been calculated both in the applied to obtain a high quality spatial discretisation. The
radial and tangential directions. mesh was refined around the tunnel, in areas of high
The soil in the contact area could not be imposed to stress concentration, in order to increase the accuracy of
tension (in that case, there is no contact between the soil the analysis (Fig. 3).
and the structure, and by that, no soil–structure interaction
exists). This drawback has been overcome by elimination
of the tensioned zone (i.e., tensioned soil springs) from
the model (the area above the tunnel crown), along with
the repetition of the calculating process.
The Seismic Deformation Method, which explicitly
considers the seismic deformation of the ground, is based
on the concept that seismic forces acting on the beam–
Figure 3 Continuous FE model for static and dynamic analysis
spring model are assumed to be the result of earthquake
induced ground displacements, ground shear stress, and
The ground was modelled by plane strain solid
inertial force [16], as illustrated in Fig. 2(b). The
elements and the tunnel was modelled by beam elements.
maximum relative displacement between the top and the
At each node there are two DOF (Ux, Uy) for the plane
bottom of the tunnel cross-section was considered
elements, and three DOF (Ux, Uy, ROTz) for the beam
throughout the analysis. The ground displacements
elements. The FE mesh consists of 368 six-nodded
obtained by 1D linear SSR analysis are applied through
triangular solid elements and 36 two-nodded beam
soil springs placed radially and tangentially to the tunnel
elements, without using any interface elements. The tied
section of the ANSYS’s beam–spring model in a pure
degrees of freedom boundary condition was applied along
shear condition. The ground shear stress τave in the range
the conjunctive surface of the tunnel and the ground. This
of depths between the tunnel crown and invert, computed
boundary condition constrains nodes on the two sides of
also by 1D SSR analysis, has been applied directly to the
dissimilar meshes to deform identically assuming
lining. This method accounts for the behaviour of both
compatible displacements of the lining and the ground,
soil and structure, and takes into consideration the
for the purpose of the no-slip condition simulation.
kinematic tunnel–soil interaction effects approximately.
The displacements in both directions are fixed at the
The analyses presented here were performed only for
bottom of the model, thus simulating the rigid bedrock
the no-slip condition, as it results in the extreme values of
under the soil layer. The upper horizontal boundary of the
the thrust in the tunnel lining. The tied degrees of freedom
FE model is considered to be free, as it simulates the
boundary condition was applied at the contact between
ground surface. In the static analyses, roller supports
the tunnel lining and the surrounding ground-springs [17],
along the vertical boundaries have been used to restrict
in order to constrain the nodes of both beam and spring
horizontal displacements, whereas in the dynamic
elements to deform identically for the purpose of no-slip
analyses vertical displacements were restricted along the
condition simulation, assuming compatible displacements
side boundaries. In the full FE analyses (with
of the lining and the ground.
simultaneously combined static and dynamic influences),
For the purpose of the given analyses, properties of
both vertical and horizontal displacements were allowed
soil springs have been determined after solutions given by
at the vertical boundaries of the model.
a number of authors: St. John and Zahrah, 1987 [5],
Matsubara and Hoshiya, 2000 [18], ALA-ASCE, 2001
[19], Verruijt, 2005 [20]. After conducting a series of 3.3 One-dimensional SSR analysis (code EERA)
numerical tests, the value of the soil spring stiffness,
which was finally adopted in the analyses, was according The one-dimensional site response analyses have
to ALA-ASCE [19] (K = 20.567.820 N/m). It was the been carried out by means of the code EERA [21], in
smallest obtained value for the soil spring constants, and which the solution of wave propagation equations is done
the only one for which it was possible to successfully in the frequency domain.
simulate the elastic subgrade reaction in the static
analysis. In this way, the flexible surrounding medium
was modelled, in which case the soil–tunnel interaction is
the most pronounced and applying the springs in the
model is meaningful. Thus, the chosen spring coefficient
simulates the soil properly not only in static, but under
dynamic conditions as well. The same spring stiffness is
applied in the radial and tangential directions.
are calculated by assuming a linear elastic behaviour of effects. These expressions are given in terms of the design
the soil, which implicates that the soil shear modulus and shear strain field γave [24], which is the cause of the
damping coefficient are constant throughout the analysis ovalisation of the circular tunnel cross-section.
and do not depend on a level of shear strains.
Fig. 4 illustrates the acceleration time history of the 4 Discussion on the results
1995 Kobe Earthquake in Japan, employed in all dynamic 4.1 Comparison of the numerical dynamic analysis results
SSR analyses. These earthquake data were used, since this and closed-form elastic solutions
earthquake event was the most devastating to civil
infrastructure in recorded history. Due to the scarcity of In order to compare the obtained numerical results
bedrock strong motion records in the vicinity of tunnels, regarding the simplified dynamic linear analyses, the
the surface accelerogram was scaled to 0,25∙g (2,46 m/s2) analytical solutions after Wang, 1993 [10] and Penzien,
to account for strong motion attenuation with depth [22]. 2000 [12] have been used. The internal forces in the
The peak value of the input acceleration time history lining have been calculated from the free-field shear strain
appears approximately 7,3 s after the onset of the obtained by the code EERA. Under the assumption of the
excitation. The acceleration input is applied to the bottom perfect contact between the tunnel and the ground (i.e.,
boundary of the soil column model (rigid bedrock). compatible displacements of the lining and the soil), the
Earthquake-induced acceleration, shear stress, and variation of accumulated thrust (N), shear force (T), and
strain at the tunnel depth were calculated by a free-field bending moment (M) in terms of the angle θ is calculated
one-dimensional SSR analysis (Fig. 5). As the bedrock is according to expressions given by the aforementioned
rigid, it acts as a fixed end boundary, by which all authors, whereby the angle θ is measured counter
downward-travelling waves in the soil layer overlying the clockwise with respect to the horizontal axis.
bedrock are completely reflected back toward the ground
surface and all of the elastic wave energy is trapped
within the soil layer. This has resulted in somewhat higher
value of γmax in the linear analysis, and it is considered
that the rigid-bedrock approach is not applicable to real
The value γave, as the design free-field shear strain of
the soil in the seismic analysis of tunnel structures [23],
representing the average soil shear strain in the range of
Figure 6 Different ovaling deformation shapes of the circular tunnel
depths between the tunnel crown and the invert, and the cross-section: (a) beam–spring model without soil shear stress;
corresponding soil shear stress τave have been calculated. (b) beam–spring model accounting for soil shear stress
values of shear forces and bending moments in the liner. regarding the dynamic analysis and the analysis with
In the continuous FE model, however, the calculated free- superimposed effects, which is particularly evident for the
field displacements have been applied along the side case of the thrust distribution. Unlike the alternating
boundaries of the model, in which case both the soil nature of the thrust distribution under dynamic loads, the
stiffness and the tunnel structure stiffness have played an analyses with superimposed effects imply on the
important role in the coupled tunnel–ground seismic predominantly compressed tunnel lining, which is typical
behaviour: the soil shearing stiffness in transmitting the under static conditions.
seismically induced displacements from the far-field to
the tunnel section, and the flexural stiffness of the tunnel
cross-section in impeding the development of the free-
field motion, thus resulting in the lower values of shear
forces and bending moments in the tunnel lining.
Accordingly, it can be concluded that, unlike the
discrete beam–spring models, the continuous FE models
comprehensively demonstrate the importance of the
kinematic soil–structure interaction effects. Considering
the former stated remarks, as well as the fact that the
shear force and bending moment maximum values
computed by the FE model are somewhat smaller than
those obtained by the closed-form elastic solutions, it
seems that the expressions of Wang and Penzien are
better correlated to poorer soil properties with the
shearing stiffness lower than that of the dense sandy soil
considered throughout the given analyses.
Finally, it may be observed that the magnitude of
thrust has a much stronger influence than moments over
the stresses accumulated in the tunnel lining, which is in
accordance with the no-slip condition assumption.
The obtained dynamic analysis results have revealed
that the relative contribution of the tunnel section inertial
force in the total of internal lining forces is far below 1%.
This is not surprising, since the tunnel section inertia is
negligible relative to the inertia of the surrounding
ground. Therefore the inertial forces could be considered
to be negligible.
In the case of the beam–spring model it is not Figure 8 Numerical results of the lining force distributions under static,
possible to analyse both static and dynamic effects dynamic, and superimposed effects using the beam–spring model
simultaneously, in order to examine a relative
contribution of an initial static loading in internal lining 4.2.2 Lining force distributions under static, dynamic, and
forces under dynamic conditions. This is referred to a total loading conditions (continuous FE model)
symmetrical nature of the static loading and anti-
symmetrical fashion of the dynamic one. In developing Unlike the beam–spring model, static and dynamic
the static analyses, namely, there was a necessity to effects using the continuous FE model have not been
eliminate tensioned radial soil springs, in order to make a superimposed, but both effects have been simultaneously
model being able to simulate realistic conditions, whereas combined within the single (full) numerical analysis.
in the dynamic analyses the same radial springs have been The results reported in the attached diagrams (Fig. 9)
loaded by compression. Therefore, the only possible imply that dynamic effects completely dominate the
solution in that situation is to superimpose seismic effects lining force distributions under total loading conditions,
onto the static initial conditions. both from the aspect of the distribution pattern
As it could be seen from the superimposed static and coincidence (the cosine form of thrust and bending
dynamic analysis results regarding the beam–spring moments, and the sine form of shear forces), and from the
model (Fig. 8), superposition of the given effects shows aspect of the quite good agreement of the force signs and
that the total internal lining forces follow the distribution sections where the extreme force values appear.
pattern typical for dynamic influences, thus implying the
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