Enso 2020
Enso 2020
Enso 2020
An ecological-enactive approach
Miguel Segundo Ortin
ENSO Seminar Series
7th May 2020
“The relation between the schools of thought is one of strange
familiarity, as if their respective practitioners were staring at
each other across an uncanny valley” (Di Paolo et al., 2017, p.
In the last years, many authors have tried to articulate a complementary relationship between ecological
psychology and enactivism: McGann (2014), Baggs & Chemero (2018), Heras-Escribano (2019),
Rietveld & Kiverstein (2018), etc.
Where I want to arrive…
I aim to explore whether we can build a radical embodied theory of
agency by combining enactivism and ecological psychology
• Perceptual information does not come to the animal. The animal actively seeks
for it. Therefore, perception is goal-oriented (J. J. Gibson, 1974[1982], p. 387-
388; Mace, 2015, p. x).
• Affordances are opportunities for action, not causes of action. It means that
perception of affordances is not enough to control behavior. The organism must
act upon these affordances. (Gibson, 1975[1982], p. 411)
• Because a single object offers multiple affordances to an animal, how she
behaves is unconstrained by the affordances of the object. The animal must
select what affordance to actualize at each moment. (Cutting, 1982)
Explaining agency is an old problem for ecological psychologists:
“In any stuation, an individual’s intentions serve to select a small number of the potential affordances
available in that situation. This selection is reflected in the organization of the individual’s attention and
activity” (1993, p. 46)
He nonetheless disagrees that intentions are mental states that cause actions. Instead, he proposes:
“From an ecological point of view, intentions are not causes of action, but patterns of organization of
action’ they are not mental as opposed to physical, but are instead embodied in the kinds of performances
most likely found in cognitively capable creatures. … The development of an intention is thus the
development of the ability to nest bouts of exploratory and performatory behavior so as to achieve desired
outcomes” (p. 62)
How do intentions emerge (if not from the mind of the perceiver)?
• An intention can only emerge whenever there are multiple affordances available
for the organism.
• Reed takes inspiration from Darwinian evolutionary biology Intentions, just
like any other biological entity, emerge out of processes of variation and selection.
• The minimal units of analysis are the Perception-Action Cycles (PACs). Each PAC
is specific to an individual affordance. Then, in situations where the organism is
offered multiple affordances, the PACs enter a sort of competition, and this
competition results in a goal-oriented or intentional behavior: the actualization of
an affordance: “Intentions are thus the ‘species’ that emerge out of competition
among perceptual and action processes for utilizing afforndaces” (1993, p. 65)
But, what are the mechanisms/selection pressures that define this competition?
Two options:
(1) Affordances themselves exert selection pressures: “the relative availability (or non-
availability) of affordances create selection pressures on the behavior of the individual
organism” (1996, p. 18)
(a) Reed’s selectionist approach is purely passive/adaptationist. This goes against
current evolutionary biology and O-E Mutuality.
(b) We can think of actions that are either irrelevant (e.g., nail-biting) or harmful
(e.g., smoking).
They reject the notion of intention advanced by Reed. Instead, they claim that if
we want to understand agency in ecological terms, we must conveive of the
possibility that affordances can invite behavior:
“When actively exploring the environment, the agent is attracted and repelled
by some of its affordances, and the ensuing behavior is partly the result of
these invitations. This means that to understand how animals make their way in
the world, the inviting character of affordances should be taken central” (2012, p.
They propose a list of features that are likely to be important for affordances to invite:
• Action capabilities of an agent and the amount of effort it takes to utilize an
• Evolution
• Cultural factors (see also Rietveld & Kiverstein, 2014)
• Individual’s history of interactions
Problem 1: This approach presupposes agency: “an affordance can invite behavior if and
only if an agent perceives it. If affordances are not perceived (or even have not been
discovered) they do not have the potential to attract (or repel) the according behavior of
the agent. Hence, a prerequisite for affordances to invite is an actually present
observer that actively explores the affordances of its environment” (2012, p. 257)
Problem 2: Invitations are not causes either, so we still have to explain “the animal’s
capacity to modulate the coupling strength with these affordances” (2017, p. 14;
Bruineberg & Rietveld, 2014 use FEP)
Baggs and Chemero (2018) propose that ecological psychologists should
adopt the theory of agency of enactivists:
• Individuality
• Interactional asymmetry
• Normativity
We can find these conditions at different levels: biological, sensorimotor, social, and linguistic, etc.
Biological agency
Autonomy (organizational closure) is a necessary and sufficient
conditions for individuality. The most basic form of autonomy can be
seen in autopoietic systems
The idea that justifies the extension of agency beyond the biological realm
is that we can find an autonomous entity at the level of perception and
Sensorimotor schemes Organized, mutually
adjusted, sequences of sensorimotor coordination
patterns the individual deploys in carrying out a
specific task, and that have been established as
preferable in light of some normative framework (e.g.,
considerations of efficacy, timing, precision, and so on)
SM Schemes can turn into habits: “self-sustaining
precarious SM schemes” (Di Paolo et al., 2017, p. 144)
“It is literally a case of explaining who you are by referring to what you do, and
explaining what you do but referring to who you are” (Di Paolo et al., 2017, p.
Towards a productive
An “ecological plot twist”
SM schemes (and networks of these) are grounded in complex dynamical
arrangements of properties within the agent (e.g., muscle-skeletal structures, neural
networks, etc.) that in turn give rise to specific perception-action dispositions.
However, SM schemes are not something a body possess, but “modes in which
structures in the agent and structures in the environment meet and mutually stabilize”
(Di Paolo et al. 2017, p. 152). Therefore, SM schemes “constitutively involve both
the organismic body and the environment” (ibid.)
“Having powers and sensitivities required for action, in other words, is only half
of the story. The other half is access to suitable accompanying conditions
surrounding the agent” (Di Paolo, 2019, p. 212)
• Enactivists focus primarily on describing how our acquired sensorimotor schemes and habits
mutually equilibrate, affecting our tendency to act upon some affordances instead of others,
• Ecological psychologists focus on studying how perceptual information contributes to the
actualization of sensorimotor habits without mediating representations, inferences, and
Agency is a property of the relation between the organism and its environment, where
this coupling is made possible by the existence of specific (unambiguous) task-related
perceptual information
Besides, ecological psychologists can contribute to enactivism in the following
(1) EP provides well-tested theoretical and empirical methods that allow for the
identification of the informational variables that need to be detected to enact a
particular scheme, carrying out its associated task (e.g., time-to-contact)
“For Gibson, these optical invariances, as well as the environmental properties they
specify, do not depend in any way upon the perceptually guided activity of the animal …
whereas Gibson claims that the environment is independent, we claim that it is enacted
… Thus the resulting research strategies are also fundamentally different: Gibsonians
treat perception in largely optical (albeit ecological) terms and so attempt to build
up the theory of perception almost entirely from the environment. Our approach,
however, proceeds by specifying the sensorimotor patterns that enable action to be
perceptually guided, and so we build up the theory of perception from the structural
coupling of the animal” (Varela et al., 1991[2016], p. 204)
“We agree with ecological psychologists when they highlight that real environments are
rich enough to access directly their relevant meaningful aspects. We think they are in
fact too rich, and that sense-making always involves a massive reduction of all the
environmental energies that might affect the agent” (Di Paolo et al., 2017, p. 227)
(1) The affordances of the environment are perceiver-relative They depend on body-scale properties, but also
on the perceiver’s action capabilities
(2) J. J. Gibson (1979[2015], p. 4) distinguishes between the world and the (animal-relative) environment
Information is a property of the environment, not the world (Michaels & Carello, 1981; Segundo-Ortin et al.,
(3) Perception is an active process (something that the animal does) It requires that the animal actively forages
for information by (i) focusing attention and (ii)moving in order to give rise to the required informational
patters (sometimes).
So, it is not true that EP denies the role of the perceiver in bringing about its own perceptual world.
2. EP vindicates functionalism and information-processing
For Hutto & Myin (2017), the use of concepts such as “pick up” and “use’ of
information “suggests an underlying commitment to an information
processing story that is certainly inconsistent with [the radical embodied
cognitive sciences]” (p. 86).
Ecological psychology explicitly rejects that “picking up” information involves gathering,
internalizing, and processing:
“[Perceptual information] could not be transmitted at all. But then I do not believe that the visual
system is a channel for transmitting signals from the retina to the brain. I believe it is a system for
sampling the ambient array. […] And that means that the observer’s brain cannot be compared
to a computer, or to a processor of information delivered to the brain” (J. J. Gibson,
1970/1982, p. 86)
“Ecological information cannot be transmitted: it is ambient and available, not something to put
over a channel; it is something to be detected or used (or not) in regulating action. […]
Information pick up is not a process of “internalizing” information” (Reed, 1996, p. 155)
Perception depends on tracking specific patterns in the sensory array and exploiting
them to coordinate action.
3. Enactivim’s notion of “sense-making” vindicates constructivism
and representationalism
The same criticism can be found in: Hutto & Myin (2017), De Jesus (2016),
Oyama (2011), Riegler (2015)
Thank you!
Miguel Segundo Ortin