EU New MDR White Paper EMERGO
EU New MDR White Paper EMERGO
EU New MDR White Paper EMERGO
July 2018
Disclaimer: This White Paper reflects the information available to
Emergo in May 2018. This information is subject to changes and readers
should not base their regulatory policies on this document alone.
2. Emergo estimates that placing a device on the European market and keeping it there will
require 2-4 times more working hours by your staff. You will need additional budgets for staff,
outsourcing, and training. You should also start looking for software tools that enable your staff
to do their work more efficiently.
3. Consider the availability of the suppliers you currently use for outsourcing regulatory, clinical,
or certification activities. All resources (including Notified Bodies and consultants), Competent
Authorities, and the European Commission will be stretched beyond their limits. Add 50%
additional time to any plan you make.
4. The compliance of all devices will have to be assessed again, this time against the current
requirements (and the current standards). Some devices rely on past data that has not been
sufficiently updated, and may no longer be compliant or fully available. Missing data, especially
clinical data, can prevent a device from being certified. Therefore, you should have the
availability and quality of all data for your devices reviewed as soon as possible.
5. Users can claim compensation for damage caused by defective devices. Manufacturers must
have measures in place to compensate for that. In case of non-European manufacturers,
the Authorized Representative will be held liable jointly with the manufacturer. Expect the
Authorized Representative, if they are not part of your organization, to review their agreements
considerably and to exercise more due diligence on who they accept as clients.
6. These additional requirements and challenges will also be faced by your competitor.
Companies that anticipate adequately will create a better position for themselves. So, start
acting now.
7. Last but not least, consider the turnover depending on CE marked devices. Not only the
European Union – the largest single market, with a wealthy, aging population – uses the CE
marking. The CE marking can also be leveraged to other markets. This probably helps set
priorities when considering budgets for the MDR transition.
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The Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745
The European Single Market comprises However, the directives had some
28 Member States of the European Union inherent weaknesses and the changes in
(including the United Kingdom1), the European technology and medical science demanded
Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and changes in legislation. These shortcomings
Norway) and, through bilateral treaties, challenged national member states and
Switzerland and Turkey. It is the largest single the interpretation of the directives was not
market with a wealthy, aging population of consistent across all national governments.
over 500 million consumers. Directive 2007/47/EC modified the MDD
and AIMDD in an attempt to address these
Free movement of goods is one of the concerns but this amendment did not
cornerstones of the European Single achieve all goals. The scandal involving
Market. To enable this free movement defective breast implants manufactured
concept, a product allowed on the market by Poly Implant Prosthesis (PIP) in France
in one member state will also be allowed demonstrated additional structural
on the markets of other member states. weaknesses in the system.
The 2016 version of the Blue Guide on the
implementation of EU products lists three The regulations were formally published in
conditions that must be met for goods to the Official Journal of the European Union
move freely: (OJEU) in May 2017, ushering in the official
transitional period to implementation in May
1. Essential requirements for the products
involved must be defined.
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Main Themes of the Regulation
Compared to the MDD, the MDR promotes a shift from the pre-approval stage (i.e., the
path to CE Marking) to a life-cycle approach. This approach is similar to the life-cycle
view advocated by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and advanced by many
international standards.
The life-cycle approach is illustrated by the incorporation of European guidance
(MEDDEVs) into the regulation. Guidance on authorized representation, clinical evaluation,
vigilance, and post-market clinical follow-up have been integrated into the MDR. As the
MEDDEVs are not legally binding, this change reduces the flexibility in interpretation
by industry as well as the authorities and NBs. The current MEDDEVs do not apply to
the MDR, although many elements from the MEDDEVs have been incorporated in the
Regulations. The Regulations do not rule out the use of guidance documents by the
authorities. It is likely, although not formally confirmed, that the European Commission
would support guidance documents being published through the vehicle of MDCG
Working Groups.
The compliance of all devices with Essential Requirements has to be reassessed, with
reference made to current standards and state of the art. This means there will be
no grandfathering. However, devices with valid certificates issued under the current
directives can still be placed on the market until May 2024, provided no significant change
in design or intended purpose is made.
According to the current document, NBs would be placed under a strict regimen of
supervision, although it remains unclear whether intended sanctions against an NB that
violates MDR requirements could be implemented against the will of a member state. The
qualification requirements for auditing and reviewing NB staff have steeply increased.
Much greater emphasis will be placed on clinical data and clinical evaluations. Equivalence,
currently commonly used to justify references to studies done with other devices, will
be more rigorously interpreted. This will be a far more challenging way to demonstrate
clinical safety or performance for medical devices.
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For implantable Class III devices, clinical investigations will be expected since NBs will effectively
no longer accept the equivalence approach (Article 61(5)), although some exceptions can be
made. Clinical investigation requirements will not always be applicable for devices lawfully placed
on the European market in accordance with the AIMDD and MDD. These devices demonstrate
conformance based on sufficient clinical data and applicable Common Specifications (CS) or are
of a specific family per Article 61(6). (CS will be developed by the European Commission after
consulting the MDCG and stakeholders. CS will be published as implementing act by 26 May 2020
and will become effective six months later or six months after their date of publication, whichever
comes last. NBs will require a high level of quality with regard to investigations and clinical
evidence in general.)
The MDR attempts to make the time frames for review by various parties for different activities
more transparent. In general, the regulations provide greater details and codify information from
guidance and standards. Finally, the MDR concentrates the harmonization efforts between
European member states by means of a new regulatory body called the Medical Device
Coordination Group (MDCG). The objective of the MDCG is to foster cooperation between the
member states while increasing the Commission’s power to act as needed in acute cases. The
MDCG is in the process of establishing sub-groups consisting of various stakeholders. This will
closely resemble the current Medical Device Experts Group (MDEG) structure.
The main concepts introduced in the MDR described in more detail are:
1. The complete overhaul of Eudamed. Introducing UDI and international nomenclature on medical
devices as well as on incidents (Chapter 3 and Annex VI).
2. The inclusion into the scope of products without a medical purpose (Annex XVI).
3. Supply chain regulation that obliges each entity in the supply chain to check compliance of the previous
supplier. See Chapter II.
4. The introduction of a special procedure for NBs for certain high-risk devices. See Article 54.
5. The introduction of manufacturers’ liability specific to medical devices and in line with the Liability
Directive 85/374/EEC. Authorized Representatives will be jointly and severally liable for the devices they
represent. See Articles 10(16) and 11(5) respectively.
6. Substances that are carcinogenic or that have other potential high-risk effects on the human body can
only be used together with a strictly defined justification (Annex I, Section 10.4).
7. The introduction of strict rules for clinical investigations and alignment to the Clinical Trials Regulation.
See Chapter VI, Articles 62-82.
8. The introduction of detailed rules for the execution and the results of Post-Market Surveillance and
Post-Market Clinical Follow-up.
9. Reprocessing of single-use devices is only allowed under specific conditions – permission by the
member state is one of them. See Article 17.
10. Rules for devices produced in hospitals to be used exclusively for its own patients have been added.
See Article 5(5).
11. The rules for designation of NBs have tightened. These are provided in Chapter IV, Annex VII and
Annexes IX to XII. Procedures for vigilance and post-market surveillance are described in more detail,
and the fact that they have to be used for ongoing conformity assessment of the device are given in
detail. See Chapter VII.
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Organization of the Regulation
The MDR combines legislation for medical devices and active implantable medical devices
into one document. The regulation commences with an explanatory memorandum and
with recitals that are explanatory in nature and not legally binding. One recital of particular
interest, Recital 4, acknowledges the guidance of the Global Harmonization Task Force
(GHTF) and its successor organization, the International Medical Device Regulators Forum
(IMDRF). The recital emphasizes the importance of global convergence of regulations and
Unique Device Identification (UDI) as well as other areas that would benefit from global
regulatory harmonization.
The official version of the regulation consists of 92 pages plus 83 pages of annexes. The
highest article number is 123, with Recital 101 being the last. The regulation is further
organized into ten chapters that address important concepts and identify weaknesses.
The articles reference an additional 17 annexes.
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The definition of accessory is expanded to assist and enable a device to be used for
its intended clinical use. The understanding of products that could be classified as
accessories to medical devices is broadened. The term label is defined by Article 2(13)
as the physical label on the device or package. Risk is now defined as in the EN ISO
14971:2012 standard. The consequence is that risk can be limited by controlling the
occurrence or severity of a harm. The term Common Technical Specifications (CTS) was
introduced in the EU Commission draft. The EU Council draft deleted the word Technical
and simply refers to CS. This term is borrowed from the In Vitro Diagnostic Devices
Directive (IVDD) 98/79/EC and prescribes technical specifications as a way to augment
standards. Many definitions currently found in the MEDDEVs have been added to the
regulation, such as those concerning clinical evaluation and vigilance.
There is no mention of stand-alone software as a separate regulatory concept. Software,
whether embedded or not, may have a medical purpose, in which case it falls within the
scope of the MDR. Annex VIII, Classification Rules now refers to “software that drives
a device or influences the use of a device” versus software that is “independent of any
other device.”
Chapter I provides substantial definitions and responsibilities of the respective economic
operators (EOs). This chapter delineates a demarcation between the responsibilities
of the Authorized Representative (AR), the distributor, and the importer. The current
MEDDEV on ARs is essentially incorporated into the Regulation, which highlights the
complementary but incompatible roles of the AR and the two other EOs (distributor and
importer). There is an article that describes the process to change an AR. “Distance sales”
are regulated in such a way that devices sold to European citizens through the internet
must also comply with the Regulations. It is not clear how this will be controlled.
Chapter II also introduces the person responsible for regulatory compliance. This
role should be filled by a highly educated and experienced person and is intended to
safeguard regulatory compliance within the manufacturer or AR where he/she works.
Measures to ensure an injured patient can claim damage for defective products have also
been introduced.
Article 10(8) of Chapter II requires the manufacturer to supply CAs with all information
necessary to demonstrate conformity, as well as to share that information with patients or
their representatives claiming compensation. These requirements will obviously have an
impact on manufacturers’ technical documentation.
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The AR is made jointly and severally Article 17 of Chapter II addresses the
liable for defective devices with the reprocessing of single-use devices.
manufacturer. The importer also Reprocessing may only take place where
shares liability according to Product permitted by national law and under strict
Liability Directive 85/374/EEC. Liability conditions. Full product liability is placed
requirements may put further pressure on the re-processor while the original
on the willingness of manufacturers, ARs, manufacturer will no longer be mentioned
and importers to share information with on the label even though they will continue
CAs. The responsibilities of the importer to be on the IFU.
and distributor are laid out, but there are
no indications regarding who would be
liable in cases of non-compliance. It can be Note: The requirements for conformity
foreseen that the AR in such cases may not assessment and the technical
agree to be held fully liable. documentation that needs to be available
will effectively eliminate the position
of the Own Brand Label manufacturer.
This will have a significant impact
on companies.
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General Safety and Performance Requirements (Annex I)
Annex 1 resembles the Essential Requirements of the current MDD. This annex is now
called General Safety and Performance Requirements (GSPR). Chapter 1, Section 1
remains identical except for the important insertion of “taking into account the generally
acknowledged state of the art.” Of course, the use of current standards and published
literature facilitates addressing this requirement.
For non-medical products that are treated as medical devices and products for which
there are no sufficient standards, the CS will be applied. Reduction of risk as far as
possible is explained as reducing risk “without adversely affecting the risk benefit
ratio.” Also, the manufacturer must use a risk management system per Section 1a. The
number of Essential Requirements and the level of detail have increased. An initial count
indicates that the new GSPR Checklist would have more than 220 items to review.
Manufacturers using certificates issued under the current MDD should be aware that they
must demonstrate state of the art under the new MDR. They should monitor competitors
whose products, including devices, suddenly outdate their medical devices by introducing
new technologies.
Chapter 2 retains many of the Essential Requirements from the MDD, Requirements
regarding design and manufacture, and adds the following sections:
• Devices incorporating a medicinal product and devices composed of substances or
combinations of substances intended to be absorbed or locally dispersed in the human body
Devices that contain more than 0.1% in weight of a carcinogenic, mutagenic, toxic
substance, or substances having endocrine disrupting properties need to have a
justification for their presence. Unauthorized access to active devices must be avoided.
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Chapter 3, Requirements regarding the information supplied with the device, covers
labeling and instructions for use. Another addition by the Council, Section 23.2 (q),
states that there should be an indication on the label that the product is a medical device,
similar to the current identification of an IVD. This may lead to the introduction of a new
‘MD’ symbol.
The challenge of how to keep track of devices placed on Europe’s borderless yet fiercely
sovereign markets is addressed by a combination of mandatory inputs by NBs, EOs, and
member states into EUDAMED. Eudamed consists of seven databases (see below) that are
working together. Part of Eudamed will be publicly accessible. The European Commission
is responsible for Eudamed, but users will all be responsible for their own content. There
will be an extensive amount of information collected and transmitted electronically as well
as a mandate to use UDI.
Class III and implantable medical device manufacturers must generate a summary of safety
and clinical performance (SSCP) in language that can be understood by the intended patient
in Article 32. The SSCP will be assessed by the NB who uploads it into EUDAMED. There,
it will be publicly accessible. It must be clear in EUDAMED who the EOs are, where they
are based, and their relationship with each other in terms of who supplied what to whom.
Distributors and importers must work together with the manufacturer or AR regarding
traceability of devices. This will limit, if not eradicate, parallel imports into the EU and all
these details will be registered.
Note: Mandatory Unique Device Identification (UDI) is introduced with the intention
to facilitate the traceability of devices. Devices will be allocated a device identifier (DI)
and production series or batches will be identified with a production identifier (PI). The
Basic UDI-DI must also be referenced in the Declaration of Conformity (DoC). Various
databases for clinical investigations, product registration, and vigilance are introduced
under the aegis of the EU Commission. Member States will have to issue a Single
Registration Number to each EUDAMED user. As this is the gateway into EUDAMED,
this is expected to be a complex and demanding process, which may take more time
than anticipated.
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On legal grounds, the formal designation
Note: EUDAMED will be part of a system and assessment of NBs is left to member
of several databases, closely interacting states in practice. However, the power to
with each other: notify, manage the scope and notification,
1. Economic operators and prescribe corrective measures is
transferred from the CAs to peer-reviews by
2. Devices multi-national Joint Assessment Teams. NBs
3. UDI are monitored to ensure they are competent
and ethical.
4. Certificates (issued, suspended,
withdrawn etc.) For Class III implantable devices, as well
as Class IIb devices intended to administer
5. Clinical Investigations and/or remove a medicinal product, the NB
6. Vigilance (incident reports and Field will be obliged to send its clinical evaluation
Safety Corrective Actions, but also assessment report to the relevant expert
Periodic Safety Update Reports) panel through the EU Commission per
Annex IX, Chapter II, Section 5.1. The expert
7. Market Surveillance
panel may decide to issue an opinion on
Closely linked to Eudamed are the the application, in which case the panel will
databases with nomenclature for medical do so within 60 days. After that, or after
devices and for incident reporting. the expert panel has declined providing
Lastly, the database with Notified Body an opinion, the NB can certify the device.
information, NANDO, will be related These expert panels (Article 106) will be
to Eudamed although it will remain appointed by the Commission as considered
independent and controlled by the necessary in relevant fields of expertise or
European Commission. specific risks.
Costs related to these expert panels may
be covered by fees paid to the Commission
Apart from the general public, EUDAMED by the manufacturer. The size of the
will be accessible for EOs, NBs, CAs, manufacturer will be considered when
and Commission. These stakeholders setting the fee.
will also upload their information directly
into EUDAMED. They will each have Under the proposed conditions, a major
different levels of access to information. challenge for most NBs will be to gain
For EUDAMED to properly function, and retain highly qualified staff with the
access to international medical devices education and experience mandated in
nomenclature will be provided free of Annex VII. Both Chapter IV and Annex
charge. It is expected that around the end VII describe the demise of NBs and
of December 2018 the nomenclature for how to monitor the competence of the
devices in Eudamed will be announced. The remaining ones.
nomenclature for incidents will be based on NBs are required to take out liability
the terms proposed by IMDRF. insurance to cover cases where they may
By far the greatest change brought by be obliged to withdraw, restrict, or suspend
the MDR is the metamorphosis of the role certificates as stated in Annex VII, section
of NBs from an industry partner into a 1.4. NBs will also have to make public a
police-like extension of the CAs’ market list of standard fees for their conformity
surveillance apparatus. assessment activities.
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NBs will be accredited by the authority There are 22 classification rules in
responsible for Notified Bodies (which Annex VIII, some of which are new and
may be the national CA) in the member some have changed. Rule 3 now places
state where they are based. This authority substances in contact with cells, tissues
will do a review of such a request or organs before administering in the
and pass their conclusions on to the body into Class III. Rule 4 also applies to
Commission, which then transmits the invasive devices that come into contact
decision to the MDCG. The MDCG will with injured mucous membranes. Rule 6
assign joint assessment teams consisting keeps the reusable surgical instruments in
of at least three experts, who will review Class I, but at the same time these devices
the application documentation. This get a similar status as sterile or measuring
joint assessment team, together with devices, and NB involvement is required.
the national authority responsible for A new classification, Class Ir, applies to
Notified Bodies, will perform an on- these devices as well.
site assessment, including sites in other
member states or outside the Union. The Additional classification changes under
process entails strict timelines, but there the MDR include the following:
are no consequences for the authority • The MDR considers surgical meshes
responsible for Notified Bodies or the Class III
MDCG if they do not meet these timelines.
• Rule 11 – A new rule for classification of
software. Software can fall under any risk
class, with Class I now being the exception
Note: As Notified Bodies are required • Rule 18 states that non-viable tissue of
to have similarly competent staff human or animal cells will be considered
for Technical File/Design Dossier Class III
reviews and audits, it is easy to • Rule 19 classifies nano-materials
foresee a shortage in the availability depending on their potential for
of qualified personnel. This may lead internal exposure
to significant delays and higher costs
for manufacturers. • Rule 20 places devices intended for
inhalation of medicinal substances in risk
Classes IIa or IIb
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The MDCG is expected to provide expeditious judgments of difficult classification
cases (Article 51). The choice of conformity assessment route has been simplified by
conformity assessment Annexes IX through XI, with many instances for mandatory Quality
Management Systems. There is better correlation between risk and data requirements.
The technical documentation elements specified in Annex II are largely based upon the
GHTF STED guidance. (The STED document can be found on the IMDRF website.) Annex
III describes the technical documentation on post-market surveillance. This consists of
the post-market surveillance plan, the post-market performance follow-up plan, and the
periodic safety report. Annex IV describes the Declaration of Conformity (DoC).
Class I self-certified medical devices must set up a quality system “in the most effective
manner and in a manner that is proportionate to the risk class,” according to Article 10(9).
They must then compile the technical documentation according to Annexes II and III and
sign the DoC.
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Annex IX, Conformity Full Quality Assurance and
Assessment of Technical Documentation
This is the equivalent of MDD, Annex To avoid having to perform clinical
II, Section 3.3 Audits, and Section 4, investigations on devices that are currently
Examination of the design of the product. considered compliant and that have been
used for years without major incidents,
Section 3.3 states that NB audits and an exception is made for implantable
assessments of quality management and Class III devices currently placed on
systems and post-market surveillance the market. These devices must comply
processes should occur at least yearly. with the current requirements for clinical
Section 3.4 adds that the NB is to data and with possible future CS. Data
perform unannounced inspections of the concerning clinical investigations needs to
manufacturer and of the manufacturer’s be entered into EUDAMED, as well. The
suppliers or subcontractors at least once electronic system must also be used for
every five years. The NB will be mandated PMCF studies. The design, execution, and
to test samples from the production or requirements for documentation of a PMCF
manufacturing process. NBs are also study have to meet many requirements
encouraged to analyze samples from the applicable to clinical investigations.
market. Nevertheless, it is unclear who will
pay for testing of these samples.
As expected, the roles of clinical evaluation
and clinical investigation become far more
prominent under the MDR. Inclusion of
MEDDEV 2.7/1 and parts of ISO 14155
into the MDR is to be applauded. Informed
consent and the protection of incapacitated
subjects get special attention.
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Article 83
PMS is explicitly intended for gathering and analyzing information with the aim of deciding
about preventive and corrective actions. This implies that information must be collected
and analyzed about incidents and adverse events, trend reporting, relevant literature,
information from users and publicly available information about similar devices.
Also, the manufacturer’s Periodic Safety Update Report (PSUR) and Field Safety
Corrective Actions (FSCA) are sources of information. The PMS system may result in
preventive or corrective actions, changes in the Clinical Evaluation Report (CER), changes
in the Periodic Safety Update Report, reports for the NB and/or the CA and alterations in
EUDAMED. The Summary of Safety and Clinical Performance, required for implantable and
Class III devices and written in language for lay users, may also have to be updated as a
result of PMS. PSURs of Class III and implantable devices must be uploaded to EUDAMED
for review by the NB and then be available to the CAs together with the comments made
by the NB.
Manufacturers are required to report a serious incident or Field Safety Corrective Action
(FSCA), to the relevant CAs by using EUDAMED within 15 days. In case of death or
unanticipated serious health deterioration, the maximum time allowed is 10 days. In case
of a serious public health threat, this timeframe is limited to two days per Article 87.
Based on Article 92, the EU database will be used to share these vigilance reports to the
following member state where the incident occurred, member state(s) where the FSCA
is undertaken, the Member State where the manufacturer or their AR is based, and for
all vigilance reports to the NB. It is expected that FSCAs and Field Safety Notices (FSNs)
will be made publicly available and this may also apply to reports on serious incidents. It
is anticipated that other authorities or international organizations will also have access to
this database.
The draft FSN needs to be submitted for review “except in case of urgency (Article 89(8)).”
In practice, our experience has been that currently all manufacturers treat the release of
the FSN as urgent and have not shared the draft for review.
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Article 109 ensures confidentiality of
certain information, but patients seeking
compensation will likely get access to
detailed information about the device
through Article 10(14). For non-European
manufacturers, their ARs will have to supply
this information. Also, Article 1(16) ensures
freedom of information for the press as
dealt within any individual member state.
It is currently not clear how this potential
conflict of interest and possible misuse may
be resolved. Confidentiality of information
provided to any database as part of this
regulation is respected as far as this concerns
personal data or commercially confidential
information, unless disclosure is in the
public interest. This disclaimer appears to
be in slight conflict with the intention to
safeguard confidentiality in order to promote
effective implementation of this Regulation,
as the results of inspections, investigations,
and/or audits may be considered to be of
public interest.
Article 103-106
The MDCG seems intended to replace the
proliferating member state-only bodies
(CMC, COEN, MSOG) and the structures
that are trying to coordinate the CAs. Apart
from the fact that it has proven impossible
to find even a 75% consensus in all but a
few MDEG meetings, the difficulty to find
truly independent experts - as witnessed
by the FDA in its expert panels and the
lack of sanctions for exceeding the review
periods - does not bode well. In any case,
an appeal procedure is sorely missing. The
MDCG may be assisted by expert panels and
expert laboratories. These experts have to
be independent from NBs or manufacturers
when providing their scientific opinion.
Expert panels must take into account relevant
information from stakeholders. The CAMD
will provide guidance and harmonization
between Member States.
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The role of standards seems to be maintained. Articles 8(1) and 9(2) state that if there are
standards and CS, and the manufacturer complies with them, the manufacturer is presumed
to be compliant to the relevant aspects of the Regulation. The MDCG will play an important
role in developing CS and scientific guidelines. However, it should be noted that this will
introduce a system where the MDCG is empowered with significant responsibilities, without
the necessary accountability for their actions to anyone. However, Member States do not
currently agree on the scope of the harmonization mandate in relation to the MDR. Some
Member States only want to see a few horizontal standards, where others would like to see
many vertical, device group-related standards.
Article 113 defines the need for penalties but not against whom, nor does it define the
penalty for member states if they transgress their powers or violate their obligations. This
would be a good addition because several steps in placing devices on the market depend
on actions done by CAs. If they do not have the resources to perform these processes,
the manufacturer may suffer damage. Or worse, patients may not receive the treatment
they need.
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What to Do and When to Be in Line
with the MDR
Consider two timelines when planning your transition from
the MDD or the AIMDD to the MDR. One, the implementation
of the MDR and two, the implementation of EN ISO
13485:2016. You can plan these transitions once you
understand the timelines within which you have to work.
However, there are no easy answers. Manufacturers need to
analyze many complex factors they have not seen before. For
most devices placed on the Canadian market after 1 January
2019, certification according to MDSAP is required, though
Health Canada has announced some leniency. This aspect is
not discussed here, as manufacturers will have to deal with
that before January 2019, or for new devices, together with
their MDR certification.
Another point left out of this white paper is Brexit. Depending
on the outcome of negotiations and voting in the British
parliament and/or House of Lords, Brexit could be ‘hard,’
‘soft,’ or canceled completely. This could happen as early as
March 2019. It is not possible to provide any guidance based
on hard evidence. The European Commission is negotiating
with the United Kingdom and can be expected to inform
European citizens about any relevant developments.
For Self-Certified devices, the timing issue is less complex.
Manufacturers of these devices must comply at the date of
application, but they can start supplying MDR compliant
devices before that date. Although this may look simple,
clinical data issues may still lead to problems. An early
assessment of the availability, accessibility, and validity of
your clinical data is highly recommended.
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Important Dates
April 2018 • First Joint Assessment Audits for Notified Body designation performed
• MDSAP certification of the QMS for manufacturers of Class II, III, and IV medical devices required
January 2019
for Canada2
March 2020 • Eudamed goes live (however, there are provisions for delay)
May 2021 • UDI must be placed on the label of Class III devices that are MDR certified
• Certificates issued in accordance with Annex 4 of AIMDD and Annex IV of MDD that have not yet
May 2022
expired will become void
May 2023 • UDI must be placed on the label of Class lla and Class llb devices that are MDR certified
May 2024 • Other certificates issued under current Directives that have not yet expired will become void
• Devices that were CE marked under the MDD or AIMDD may no longer be marketed or put into
May 2025 service in Europe
• UDI must be placed on the label of Class I devices
Health Canada has announced (18-104451-938, April 2018) some accepted delays for MDSAP.
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ISO 13485:2016 -
Transition by March 2019
All ISO standards typically have a three-
year transition period. This would normally
allow manufacturers to update their quality
systems as part of the normal maintenance
of their certificates and would imply that all
manufacturers who elect to demonstrate
compliance with the standard must switch
to ISO 13485:2016 by 1 March 2019.
However, this transition is slightly
different for CE marking. Sections 1 and
2 of the General Safety and Performance
Requirements, currently known as the
Essential Requirements, require conformity
with the generally acknowledged state-
of-the-art technology, which would
include any harmonized standard used.
In November of 2017 the 2016 version of
ISO 13485 was published in the Official
Journal of the European Union (OJEU). This
means it is now the harmonized standard
and has become the new state of the art.
If a manufacturer chooses to certify their
QMS to this standard, they must comply
with the new version by the March 2019
date. In practice, manufacturers are given
some time by NBs. However, certificate
renewal will now require updating to the
2016 version.
There is a very small gap in the timeline to
have the EN ISO 13485:2016 certification
synchronized with the MDR transition
in only one step; however, based on the
timing for Notified Body designation to the
MDR, it is probably best to synchronize
the EN ISO 13485:2016 certification with
recertification under the MDD/AIMDD.
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Clinical Data General Safety and
If you expect to have sufficient clinical Performance Requirements
data for the transition, you can consider
There is a major obstacle for companies
going for early certification. If it looks
aiming for an early switch to the MDR.
like you first need to conduct extensive
Annex I of the MDR contains the General
clinical investigations/post market studies,
Safety and Performance Requirements,
your transition will take longer. Under the
which are similar to the Essential
Directives, you can conduct Post-Market
Requirements of Annex I of the MDD.
Clinical Follow-up (PMCF) studies that
Currently there are no harmonized
could provide you with this vital clinical
standards or Common Specifications
evidence. In order to decide on your
available and there are no timelines as to
transition strategy, you must analyze your
when they will be published. This makes
current clinical evidence and how to close
it difficult to verify compliance with the
any gaps. It is recommended to ask your
Requirements. Whatever the manufacturer
NB for feedback to your proposal.
is planning to do, switching to the MDR has
to wait until the harmonized standards and/
or Common Specifications are published.
Until then the manufacturer can only
presume current standards published in the
OJEU to the MDD/AIMDD reflect the state
of the art.
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Notified Body Designation
European medical device market observers anticipate that there will be about 40 NBs that
will remain active once the MDR is in place. A few of these entities will operate as large
and possibly more expensive broad scope organizations while the rest will have a more
specialized focus. TEAM-NB has published a list of members and their intentions. Other
NBs may also plan to be designated under the MDR, but that information is currently
not available. The scopes for which they applied are also not publicized. In order to plan
your transition, you must also make sure you are using an NB that can assess your types
of devices. Emergo expects most NBs will remain close to their current scope, although
they may have to drop some scope codes due to staff shortages. So, until reliable data is
available, a manufacturer should analyze the current scope of the NB, but it may behoove
you to explicitly ask for the NB’s transition plan.
Designation audits have started in April 2018 and the first NB may be designated in Q1
of 2019. However, it is not certain all NBs will be designated by May 2020. Article 33(11)
of the MDR allows NBs to perform their activities only after they have been designated.
However, they may decide to perform gap analysis audits and assessments in anticipation
of their designation and perform the formal verification once they are designated. Even then,
you have to wait for your NB to be designated before your MDR certificates are issued,
which may take until close to the end of the transition period.
Notified Bodies may also present an arrangement to use current audit results for extending
or renewing current certificates to perform a gap analysis regarding the MDR. Notified
bodies designated for the new MDR can keep issuing current MDD certificates until May
2020 when the new MDR applies. However, it is expected that it will be increasingly difficult
to have new MDD certificates issued after May 2019 due to NBs being occupied by MDR
certification activities. For renewals of certificates, something similar will apply.
2. When tracking the process of getting certified under the MDR, the firm becomes aware of
serious delays that may lead to an interruption in the continuity of care
Both options are used to keep current users supplied. The first option is driven by
commercial motives while the second pertains to a public health interest. Based on
experience with manufacturers that have been confronted with their certificates suddenly
become invalid, Emergo expects that as long as there are no public health risks associated
with this strategy, CAs appear to accept this bridging solution.
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Timing Strategies
Medical device manufacturers can utilize four basic strategies for the transition:
1. Certify under the MDR as soon as possible
2. Remain certified under the MDD or AIMDD as long as possible, possibly until 2024
3. Plan this switch around the date of application
4. Go for a mixed approach with some devices certified early, others very late and the rest
somewhere in between
3 year MDR transition Notified Bodies start MDD Annex IV Only MDR CE certified
period begins issuing certificates certificates expire devices allowed
Source: EMERGO by UL
A special group of products are current There is still one uncertainty to address:
Class I, Self-Certified reusable surgical can you stay with your current NB, or do
instruments that require NB intervention you have to change? You can only know
under the MDR, and devices that are up- this after your NB has committed itself and
classified from Class I, Self-Certified. MDR you only have certainty once they obtain
certification will be required from the date designation or formally announce they
of application. Their manufacturer will will no longer be active in this field. Most
be in the first wave of certificates issued NBs have expressed their interest in being
under the MDR. It can be expected that designated in November 2017 or shortly
the first real-life experience with MDR after. None of them disclosed the scope
certification will therefore be gained in a they are aiming for.
population of companies with on average
less experience with NBs. Any evaluation Option 1 is required and/or recommended
done on the quality of documentation and if you:
quality systems should consider these • Know your device is currently Class I self-
confounding factors. certified, but will be NB-certified under
the MDR
If your NB is able to facilitate either the gap • Know your product is currently not
analysis option or a real certification, and considered a medical device, but will be an
you have sufficient clinical evidence, you NB-certified device under the MDR
can go for the as-soon-as-possible option. • Have sufficient clinical evidence for
This option is especially recommended your device
if your device design will soon change
• Have CE marking now and expect to make
significantly or you want to place a new design changes in the next few years
generation of the device on the market.
You will know about the continuity of your • Are introducing a new device
business early in the transition and, if there
is a waiting list at your NB, you will be at
the front of the line.
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Option 2 – Get Certified in the ‘Second Wave’
MDR compliance
ISO 13485:2016 required for new devices All other MDD
required or recertification certificates expire
3 year MDR transition Notified Bodies start MDD Annex IV Only MDR CE certified
period begins issuing certificates certificates expire devices allowed
Source: EMERGO by UL
3 year MDR transition Notified Bodies start MDD Annex IV Only MDR CE certified
period begins issuing certificates certificates expire devices allowed
Source: EMERGO by UL
If you do not expect any major design or production changes for your device, it is not
necessary to fully update your certificate. In this case you may choose to keep your device
under the MDD as long as possible. Your switch to the new requirements will come when
Notified Bodies, Competent Authorities, the MDCG, and all other parties have more
experience with the new regulations. It will give you a lot of time to generate clinical data for
your current devices, although this may not be useful for a new device.
Because you will need certificates that carry your device as far as possible beyond the date
of application, you need to plan your next recertification carefully. There are five risks you
should bear in mind:
1. Your recertification will have to take place shortly before the date of application, which will be a
high workload period for your Notified Body.
2. You will be at the back of the line, and NBs may be flooded with work. You may get stuck with
outdated certificates before your new certification.
3. You will know which NBs will be in business, but your current NB may stop its activities around
the date of application. In that case your MDD/AIMDD certificates may no longer be supported
and therefore become void.
4. This option does not allow for significant changes in the design of the device. This design
freeze can become a problem if a competitor introduces an innovation that implies a change in
state of the art of medical technology, or worse, if an incident requires a significant preventive
or corrective action.
Note: UDI will have to be added to the technical documentation of all devices from 26
May 2020. However, for MDD/AIMDD certified devices it is not necessary to add the
UDI on the label, even where this would be required for MDR certified devices. This label
change can therefore be synchronized with the transition to the MDR.
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Option 4 – Take a Mixed Approach
MDR compliance
ISO 13485:2016 required for new devices All other MDD
required or recertification certificates expire
3 year MDR transition Notified Bodies start MDD Annex IV Only MDR CE certified
period begins issuing certificates certificates expire devices allowed
Expect manufacturers with a wide range of devices to take a mixed approach to the MDR
transition. They can time the switch for each device or device family separately to account
for the current expiration of their certificates, expectations regarding the development of
new devices, and the risk they want to take regarding the continuity of their business.
Option 4 is recommended if you:
• Need to transition a wide variety of devices and do not have internal bandwidth to tackle them all
at once
• Have a mix of devices, some with excellent clinical evidence, others that need more data
• Are introducing new products in the next few years and working on recertification of existing
legacy devices
Note: A mixed transition strategy is likely to see MDD Annex II certified devices
manufactured in parallel with MDR Annex IX certified devices within the same company.
Emergo expects NBs will accept the use of two quality management systems in parallel,
one for the MDD, the other for the MDR compliant devices.
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Choosing Your Transition Strategy
Timing the switch to the MDR depends on a company’s
strategy, product mix, the current state of certification,
the availability of harmonized standards and/or Common
Specifications and clinical data, and the policy and
accreditation of the firm’s Notified Body. There are no simple
answers to what would be best. An early analysis, possibly
with your NB, is necessary.
This conundrum has been thrown at industry by regulators
that may not fully understand the complexity of placing
devices on the European market. However, companies that
manage to solve this riddle are more likely to be the strong
players in the next decade. The game is on in this new
playing field.
It is evident that this Regulation is vastly more legal in
nature than its predecessor, which took more of a good will
approach in many ways. This will have consequences for
staffing at CAs, NBs, and EOs.
Although the regulation may have many similarities with the
MDD, the devil is in the details. The regulation will change
the European regulatory environment as more stringent
clinical data requirements, extended data management, more
complex conformity assessment procedures (particularly for
high-risk medical devices), and product liability and penalties
will be introduced. NBs are already signaling they will not
be able to process all this extra work, which may lead to
compliant devices losing access to the European market. As
such, manufacturers should begin planning their transition
strategy as soon as possible.
It is important to note that EN ISO 13485:2016 also becomes
mandatory in early 2019, thus heralding a very busy 2018 for
all parties involved in QA/RA compliance.
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Learn More
Need help transitioning to the EU MDR? Emergo helps medical device companies with
regulatory compliance and market access in Europe and other markets worldwide. Here’s
how we can help:
• Technical File and CER compilation and review
Learn more about how we can help you with European medical device compliance at