Bsi Smart Support Post Market Surveillance
Bsi Smart Support Post Market Surveillance
Bsi Smart Support Post Market Surveillance
Background to changes
The Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) (Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and In Vitro Medical Device
Regulation (IVDR) (Regulation (EU) 2017/746) are significant changes to European legislation for
medical devices. Understanding the requirements is essential to your ability to provide the European
Union market with safe medical devices that perform as intended and comply with the Regulations.
One of the areas that has been changed substantially in the new Regulations relates to the ongoing
oversight by the manufacturer of devices once they are on the market. This is consistent with the
gathering of information from the post-production phase referred to in EN ISO 14971:2012, the
international and European standard for risk management. EN ISO 13485:2016, the standard for
quality management systems (QMS) for medical devices, also references using data from
post-production activities in feedback processes as well as requiring that post-market surveillance
(PMS) is used to maintain the safety and performance of medical devices.
The current Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (AIMDD) (90/385/EEC), Medical Devices
Directives (MDD) (93/42/EEC) and In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Directive (IVDD) (98/79/EC) are
repealed on the date of application of the MDR and IVDR, unless any provisions are specifically
identified otherwise. Article 120 of the MDR and Article 110 of the IVDR, Transitional provisions, allow
that a device with a valid certificate that was issued in accordance with the MDD, AIMD or IVDDD can
be placed on the market or put into service for a defined period after the date of application of the
Regulations, provided the device continues to comply with those Directives and there are no significant
changes in the design and intended purpose. However, the requirements of the Regulations relating to
(1) post-market surveillance, (2) market surveillance, (3) vigilance, (4) registration of economic
operators1 and (5) registration of devices1, apply in place of the corresponding requirements in the Directives
from the date of application.
For the MDR, the transition period is three years. The transition period of the MDR ends on the date of
application, 26th May 2020.
For the IVDR, the transition period is five years and so the date of application for the IVDR, and the end
of its transition period, is 26th May 2022.
Therefore, the vigilance and PMS requirements in the MDR and IVDR apply to:
1 all devices from the date that they are CE marked under the MDR or IVDR, whether applied during the
transition period or after the entry into force; and
2 any devices CE marked and legally marketed under the Medical Devices Directive or In Vitro Diagnostic
Medical Devices Directive after the date of application of the Regulations.
In many aspects, the requirements of the IVDR parallel the MDR; this guidance is intended to be as generic
as possible and apply to both Regulations unless specifically indicated as applicable to medical devices or
in vitro diagnostic (IVD) devices specifically.
This will not apply until Eudamed becomes available which may not be on the date of application of the Regulation.
Element of the
Description MDR IVDR
system Proactive and systematic
IVDR Article 78:
Post-market Fulfils minimum conditions of qualification
system of the Person Within the manufacturer’s organization, except small
manufacturer responsible manufacturers
for regulatory
IVDR Article 15: compliance Permanently and continuously available to the authorized
Person representative
responsible for
regulatory Ensures the requirements for PMS and vigilance are met
Element of the
Description MDR IVDR
surveillance Includes rationale for, and description of, any preventive
report action or corrective actions taken
Summarizes the
MDR Article 85: results and
Updated when necessary and made available to the
Post-market conclusions of
competent authority upon request
surveillance analysis of the
report PMS data
IVDR Article 80:
Post-market Applicable to class I devices Applicable to class A
surveillance and B devices
Element of the
Description MDR IVDR
Includes –
Element of the
Description MDR IVDR
Submitted electronically
by means of Eudamed2 to
notified body
This will not apply until Eudamed becomes available which may not be on the date of application of the Regulation.
Element of the
Description MDR IVDR
MDR Article 87:
Reporting of
incidents and
field safety
Exemption rules reduced
MDR Article 88:
Trend reporting Temporary serious deterioration in health reportable
IVDR Article 84:
Analysis of
incidents and
field safety
All the above points mean that you need to review your existing processes and improve their efficiency
and effectiveness, as well as look at resource needs to implement the changes and then sustain
compliance. You need to develop an effective implementation plan for these changes that are integrated
within your overall programme to move to compliance with all the aspects of the Regulations.
Get in Touch
Smart Support is designed to outline the impact of the new regulatory changes, in order for your
business to prepare to navigate the transition and implement the new requirements.
Each Smart Support topic is written by an industry expert and reviewed by a topic expert and advisory
panel, providing you with:
Detailed practical guidance on what has changed and what this means for your organization
To access the full text of the MDR/IVDR Smart Support and find
out more about Compliance Navigator, contact us today.