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Cancer Control
Knowledge into Action
WHO Guide for Effective Programmes
WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data
(Cancer control : knowledge into action : WHO guide for effective programmes ; module 2.)
1.Neoplasms – prevention and control. 2.Health planning. 3.National health programs – organization and administration. 4.Health policy. 5.Guidelines. I.World Health
Organization. II.Series.
ISBN 92 4 154711 1 (NLM classification: QZ 200)
The Prevention module of the Cancer Control Series is a joint effort of the following departments at WHO headquarters:
Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion; Ethics, Trade, Human Rights and Law; Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals; Immunization, Vaccines and
Research; Measurement and Health Information Systems; Mental Health and Substance Dependence; Public Health and Environment and the Tobacco Free
Initiative; and also the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France.
The Prevention module was produced under the direction of Catherine Le Galès-Camus (Assistant Director-General, Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health),
Robert Beaglehole (Director, Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion), Serge Resnikoff (Coordinator, Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management) and Cecilia Sepúlveda
(Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management, coordinator of the overall series of modules).
Andreas Ullrich (Chronic Diseases Prevention and Management) was the coordinator for this module and provided extensive editorial input.
Editorial support was provided by Anthony Miller (scientific editor), Inés Salas (technical adviser), Angela Haden (technical writer and editor) and Paul Garwood (copy editor).
Proofreading was done by Ann Morgan.
Core contributions for the module were received from the following WHO staff:
Teresa Aguado, Antero Aitio, Timothy Armstrong, Annemieke Brands, Alexander Capron, Zhanat Carr, Felicity Cutts, Poonam Dhavan, JoAnne Epping-Jordan,
Kathleen Irwin, Ivan Dimov Ivanov, Ingrid Keller, Colin Mathers, Yumiko Mochizuki, Isidore Obot, Armando Peruga, Vladimir Poznyak, Eva Rehfuss, Dag Rekve,
Heide Richter-Airijoki, Craig Shapiro, Kurt Straif (IARC), Kate Strong, Angelika Tritscher, Colin Tukuitonga, Andreas Ullrich, Emilie van Deventer, Steven Wiersma
and Hajo Zeeb.
Valuable input, help and advice were received from a number of people in WHO headquarters throughout the production of the module: Caroline Allsopp, David Bramley,
Raphaël Crettaz, Maryvonne Grisetti and Rebecca Harding.
Cancer experts worldwide, as well as technical staff in WHO headquarters and in WHO regional and country offices, also provided valuable input by making contributions
and reviewing the module, and are listed in the Acknowledgements.
Design and layout: This document’s design is based on the Chronic Diseases and Health Promotion Department Style Guide developed by Reda Sadki, Paris, France.
Further design and layout by L’IV Com Sàrl, Morges, Switzerland.
Printed in Switzerland
The production of this publication was made possible through the generous financial support of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), USA,
and the National Cancer Institute (Institut national du cancer, INCa), France. We would also like to thank the Public Health Agency of
Canada (PHAC), the National Cancer Center of Korea (NCC), the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Union
Against Cancer (UICC) for their financial support.
Series overview
Introduction to the
Cancer Control Series
Cancer is to a large extent avoidable. Many cancers
can be prevented. Others can be detected early in their
development, treated and cured. Even with late stage
cancer, the pain can be reduced, the progression of the
cancer slowed, and patients and their families helped
to cope.
But because of the wealth of available knowledge, all countries can, at some
useful level, implement the four basic components of cancer control – prevention,
early detection, diagnosis and treatment, and palliative care – and thus avoid
and cure many cancers, as well as palliating the suffering.
Cancer control: knowledge into action, WHO guide for effective programmes is
a series of six modules that provides practical advice for programme managers
and policy-makers on how to advocate, plan and implement effective cancer
control programmes, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
A series of six modules
Cancer Control
Knowledge into Action
WHO Guide for Effective Programmes PLANNING
A practical guide for programme
managers on how to plan overall The WHO guide is a response to the World Health Assembly
cancer control effectively,
resolution on cancer prevention and control (WHA58.22), adopted
according to available resources
and integrating cancer control in May 2005, which calls on Member States to intensify action
with programmes for other chronic against cancer by developing and reinforcing cancer control
diseases and related problems.
programmes. It builds on National cancer control programmes:
policies and managerial guidelines and Preventing chronic
Cancer Control diseases: a vital investment, as well as on the various WHO
Knowledge into Action
WHO Guide for Effective Programmes PREVENTION policies that have influenced efforts to control cancer.
a practical guide for programme
managers on how to implement
effective cancer prevention by Cancer control aims to reduce the incidence, morbidity and mortality
controlling major avoidable cancer of cancer and to improve the quality of life of cancer patients in
risk factors.
a defined population, through the systematic implementation
of evidence-based interventions for prevention, early detection,
Prevention diagnosis, treatment, and palliative care. Comprehensive cancer
control addresses the whole population, while seeking to respond
Cancer Control to the needs of the different subgroups at risk.
Knowledge into Action
WHO Guide for Effective Programmes EARLY DETECTION
A practical guide for programme
managers on how to implement
effective early detection of major
types of cancer that are amenable
to early diagnosis and screening. CONTROL
cancer problem, and cancer control
services or programmes.
Where are we now?
Formulate and adopt policy. This includes
PLANNING STEP 2 defining the target population, setting
goals and objectives, and deciding on
priority interventions across the cancer
Where do we want to be? continuum.
the policy.
How do we get there?
Cancer prevention is an essential component of all cancer
control plans because about 40% of all cancer deaths can
be prevented.
p Important cancer risk factors – such as tobacco use – are also risk factors
for other chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Cancer prevention should, therefore, be planned and implemented in the
context of other chronic disease prevention programmes, as well as in
the context of overall cancer control planning.
p Activities that are immediately feasible and likely to have the greatest
impact for the investment should be selected for implementation first.
This is at the heart of a stepwise approach.
Sridhar Reddy,
52 years old,
Like millions of others in 2005, K. Sridhar Reddy died from a cancer that could have been prevented. Still a young
man at the age of 52, Sridhar left behind his grieving wife and daughter, and also a substantial debt that was
incurred by his treatment costs.
Sridhar chewed tobacco since his teenage years and drank alcohol daily for more than 20 years. “Too much
stress,” Sridhar explained when the photographer came to visit him in hospital. Sridhar had a first malignant
tumour removed from his right check in 2004, and a second one from his throat in 2005. By the time of his
interview, his cancer had spread to his lungs and liver.
Despite being cared for at the renowned Chennai Cancer Institute, Sridhar’s physicians were powerless to cure him.
His cancer was simply too aggressive and sadly, Sridhar died only a short time after he was interviewed.
WHO estimates that 40% of all cancer deaths is preventable. Tobacco use and harmful alcohol use are among the
most important risk factors for the disease.
Source: adapted from Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment, World Health Organization, 2005. Photo © WHO/Chris de Bode.
Cancer prevention is an essential component of the fight
against cancer. Unfortunately, many prevention measures
that are both cost-effective and inexpensive have yet to be
widely implemented in many countries.
Cancer prevention must be considered in the context of activities to prevent other chronic
diseases, especially those with which cancer shares common risk factors, such as
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases and alcohol dependence.
Common risk factors underlying all these conditions include:
p tobacco use,
p alcohol use,
p dietary factors including low fruit and vegetable intake,
p physical inactivity,
p overweight and obesity.
Interventions aimed at reducing levels of the above risk factors in the population will not only
reduce the incidence of cancer but also that of the other conditions that share these risks.
Among the most important modifiable risk factors for cancer (Ezzati et al., 2004, Danaei et
al., 2005, Driscoll et al., 2005) are:
p tobacco use – responsible for up to 1.5 million cancer deaths per year (60% of these
deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries);
Taking action
The prevalence of known cancer risk factors varies in different parts of the world. This is
reflected in the proportion of cancer deaths attributable to different risk factors (Figure 1).
Proportion of cancer deaths
attributable risk factor (%)
Tobacco Alcohol Low fruit and Overweight and Physical Human
vegetable obesity inactivity papilloma virus
consumption infection
Source: based on data from Danaei et al., 2005.
WHO has proposed a goal of reducing global chronic disease death rates by an additional 2%
per annum, over and above projected trends, from 2006 to 2015. Achieving the goal would
avoid around 8 million cancer deaths over the next decade. The control of cancer risk factors
will have a major role in achieving this goal.
This Prevention module first describes the impact of different risk factors on the cancer burden.
It then presents the three planning steps of the WHO stepwise framework for preventing chronic
diseases (WHO, 2005a) as applied to cancer prevention. These are as follows:
Where are we now?
Prevention Planning step 1 provides guidance on:
p how to assess the extent of the cancer problem related to single risk factors and to
the combined effect of several risk factors (e.g. tobacco and alcohol);
p how to identify the risk factors of major public health relevance in a specific
p how to estimate the attributable and avoidable burden related to exposure to the
risk factors.
Where do we want to be?
Prevention Planning step 2 gives advice on:
p what can be done – on the basis of currently available knowledge about effective
interventions – to achieve a reduction in exposure to cancer risks.
How do we get there?
Prevention Planning step 3 provides:
p advice on how to translate knowledge into practice;
p guidance on how to select interventions in accordance with the resources
p examples of best practice in implementing prevention programmes.
Risk factors
Major risk factors have a huge impact on the global
cancer burden.
TOBACCO, through its various forms of exposure, constitutes the main cause of cancer-
related deaths worldwide among men, and increasingly among women. Forms of exposure
include active smoking, breathing secondhand tobacco smoke (passive or involuntary smoking)
and smokeless tobacco. Tobacco causes a variety of cancer types, such as lung, oesophageal,
laryngeal, oral, bladder, kidney, stomach, cervical and colorectal. The total death toll in 2005
from tobacco use was estimated at 5.4 million people (Mathers & Loncar, 2006), including
about 1.5 million cancer deaths. If present usage patterns continue, the overall number of
tobacco-related deaths is projected to rise to about 6.4 million in 2015, including 2.1 million
cancer deaths. In 2030, the projected overall death toll will amount to 8.3 million. In low- and
middle-income countries, tobacco attributable deaths have been projected to double between
2002 and 2030.
Overweight and obesity are causally associated with several common cancer types, including
cancers of the oesophagus, colorectum, breast in postmenopausal women, endometrium and
kidney (WHO, 2003a).
Physical inactivity is a major contributor to the rise in rates of overweight and obesity in many
parts of the world, and independently increases the risk of some cancers. Taken together, raised
body mass index and physical inactivity account for an attributable fraction of 19% of breast
cancer mortality, and 26% of colorectal cancer mortality (Danaei et al., 2005). Overweight and
obesity alone account for 40% of endometrial (uterus) cancer. Overweight, obesity and physical
inactivity collectively account for an estimated 159 000 colon and rectum cancer deaths per
year, and 88 000 breast cancer deaths per year.
ALCOHOL USE is a risk factor for many cancer types including cancer of the oral cavity,
pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colorectum and breast. Risk of cancer increases with the
amount of alcohol consumed. The risk from heavy drinking for several cancer types (e.g.
oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and oesophagus) substantially increases if the person is also
a heavy smoker. Attributable fractions vary between men and women for certain types of
alcohol-related cancer, mainly because of differences in average levels of consumption. For
example, 22% of mouth and oropharynx cancers in men are attributable to alcohol whereas
in women the attributable burden drops to 9%. A similar sex difference exists for oesophageal
and liver cancers (Rehm et al., 2004).
Chronic HEPATITIS B VIRUS (HBV) infection (chronic hepatitis) causes about 52% of the
world’s hepatocellular carcinomas, resulting in nearly 340 000 deaths per year (Perz et al
2006). Another 20% of hepatocellular cancers (124 000 deaths) are caused by hepatitis C
virus (HCV) infection. HBV infections interact with exposure to aflatoxin (through consumption
of contaminated food) in increasing the risk of liver cancer. Both HBV infections and exposure
to aflatoxin are particularly common in sub-Saharan Africa and some parts of south-east
Asia, and are believed to be the cause of up to 80% of liver cancer cases that occur in these
regions (IARC/WHO, 2003).
HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) is the world’s most common sexually transmitted
viral infection of the reproductive tract, infecting an estimated 660 million people per year.
It is also estimated to cause almost all cases of cervical cancer, 90% of anal cancers and
40% of cancers of the external genitalia. HPV also causes cancer of the oral cavity and the
oropharynx. Of the many HPV genotypes, types 16, 18 and more than 10 other types are
causal for cervical cancer. The most common high-risk genotypes, 16 and 18, account for
about 70% of cervical cancer cases worldwide. There is, however, some regional variation,
mainly resulting from differences in prevalence of HPV type 18 (WHO, 2006a).
Risk factors
More than 40 agents, mixtures and exposure circumstances in the working environment are
carcinogenic to humans and are classified as OCCUPATIONAL CARCINOGENS (Siemiatycki et
al., 2004). That occupational carcinogens are causally related to cancer of the lung, bladder, larynx and
skin, leukaemia and nasopharyngeal cancer is well documented. Mesothelioma (cancer of the outer
lining of the lung or chest cavity) is to a large extent caused by work-related exposure to asbestos.
Occupational cancers are concentrated among specific groups of the working population,
for whom the risk of developing a particular form of cancer may be much higher than for
the general population. About 20–30% of the male and 5–20% of the female working-age
population (people aged 15–64 years) may have been exposed to lung carcinogens during
their working lives, accounting for about 10% of lung cancers worldwide. About 2% of
leukaemia cases worldwide are attributable to occupational exposures.
RADIATION is energy emitted in the form of waves or rays. Ionizing radiation removes
electrons from material (called ionization) when passing through cells and tissue, leading
to cell or tissue injury. Medical X-rays and radiation emitted from natural sources, such as
radon gas and radioactive materials, are examples of ionizing radiation.
Ionizing radiation can cause almost any type of cancer, but particularly leukaemia, lung,
thyroid and breast cancer. Exposure to natural radiation is largely a result of radon gas in
homes, which increases the risk of lung cancer (Darby et al., 2005).
Non-ionizing radiation comprises electromagnetic fields like those emitted by mobile phones or
power lines and ultraviolet radiation (mainly from the sun), the latter causing chromosomal damages.
Ultraviolet radiation is a recognized cause of skin cancer including malignant melanomas.
While REPRODUCTIVE FACTORS, such as mother’s age when she first gives birth, and number
of births, affect cancer risk, they are not considered in this module. Decisions on childbirth are
usually made in a complex context of societal, familial, and individual perspectives and are not
primarily driven by the desire to reduce cancer risk.
The longer women breastfeed the more they are protected against breast cancer (Collaborative Group
on Hormonal Factors in Breast Cancer, 2002). WHO is promoting breastfeeding by means of the global
strategy for infant and young child feeding (
en/index.html <> ).
Combined hormonal contraception modifies slightly the risk of some cancers. However, recent
reviews have shown that for most healthy women the health benefit clearly exceed the health
risk. Some combined hormonal menopausal regimens have been shown to increase cancer
risk ( health/family_planning/cocs_hrt.html <http://www.>).
Where are we now?
The first step in cancer prevention planning is to perform a
systematic assessment of cancer risk factors at the country
level. The objective of the assessment is to obtain good
quality and comparable country-level data. These data are
needed to set priorities for evidence-based allocation of
scarce resources.
Planning step 1
Information is needed about the prevalence of tobacco use, as well as disability and deaths
related to tobacco use. This can be compiled from existing national health surveys or by
building tobacco surveillance systems, such as the WHO/United States Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) Global Tobacco Surveillance System (see http://www.cdc.
Data about overweight, obesity, and fruit and vegetable consumption are available from
the WHO Global InfoBase Online for many countries. If there are no such national data,
information on dietary factors can be obtained through surveys that assess the situation.
WHO has produced comprehensive guidance on standard assessment methods (WHO, 1995;
WHO, 2000).
Physical activity levels can be measured by using standardized tools. WHO has promoted the
development of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) (Armstrong & Bull, 2006).
Although the level of physical inactivity is difficult to assess in populations, the GPAQ enables
estimates to be made within countries. It also allows for comparisons between countries.
Alcohol consumption is usually assessed in terms of volume (per capita consumption) and
consumption patterns. In many countries, official alcohol consumption records are not
comprehensive, and therefore estimates of per capita consumption need to take account of
both recorded and unrecorded consumption (Babor et al., 2003). It is important to take into
consideration home brews and other locally-produced beverages.
Drinking patterns are an important way of assessing the extent of alcohol consumed by
individuals or a population. They are also useful in projecting the health and social problems
associated with alcohol in that population (Rehm et al., 2004).
Information about the prevalence of HBV is usually available from in-country sources.
Planning step 1
The assessment of environmental carcinogens in a country should start with identifying
potential cancer-inducing agents, by reviewing imported, produced and marketed chemicals.
Direct exposure to the identified chemicals can then be estimated by examining patterns of
use by the population at the source of exposure (i.e. water, air, food). The exposure of women
to indoor air pollution should also be assessed. Indirect exposure assessments can be made
through measurements of sources of environmental pollution, including specific industries and
waste incineration, which release chemicals that pollute the environment (water, air, food).
Assessment of occupational carcinogens includes:
p determining the use of industrial and agricultural carcinogenic substances in the formal
and informal workplace;
p estimating the number of workers who come into contact with such substances and are
employed in occupations and industries with increased carcinogenic risk.
Radiation exposure is of concern:
p in occupational environments (for example, for medical personnel and nuclear industry
p in home environments (for example, radon gas in homes);
p with regard to individual behaviour (for example, UV exposure during extensive outdoor
activities or use of sun beds).
It is important to consider how the cancer burden may change with simultaneous variations
of multiple risk factors in a population.
Planning step 1
p how much of the observed cancer burden is attributable to known, modifiable risk
p how much of the future cancer burden could be avoided through reducing exposure to
these risk factors.
The attributable burden can be estimated if the past prevalence of population exposure to the
risk factor and the relative risk of association with a disease (i.e. a cancer type) are known.
The avoidable burden is the burden of disease averted as a result of a reduction in exposure
to a risk factor beyond its expected trends. The data inputs required are two exposure
p the future burden attributable to risk factor exposure if current trends, health policies,
interventions and technological advances remain the same;
p the reduction in burden that could be achieved if risk factor levels were reduced to a
lower population distribution.
Decision-making in cancer prevention needs to take into account the fact that risk factors have
joint effects in causing cancer and that single risk factors have multiple health consequences
beyond cancer, for instance cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The comparative risk
assessment project coordinated by WHO in 2000–2001 has produced estimates of the
attributable burden of various diseases (including cancer) worldwide and by WHO regions.
The estimates give the burden attributable to selected risk factors, taking into account both
the joint effects and multiple health outcomes (WHO, 2002; Ezzati et al., 2004).
Where do we want to be?
This section gives an overview of what works in cancer
prevention. To prioritize actions, knowledge is needed
p the extent of the problem (exposure to risk factors and proportion of cancer
burden attributable to the risk factors, see pages 11-15);
p the avoidable portion of the future cancer burden (see page 15);
p the financial resources and political support likely to be available for the
planning and implementation of the interventions.
Planning step 2
p to focus interventions on the people most likely to benefit from them because they are
at highest risk;
p to try to reduce risks across the entire population, regardless of each individual’s risk or
potential benefit.
There are many cost-effective interventions for tobacco control (World Bank, 1999; WHO,
2004) that can be used in different settings and that will significantly reduce tobacco
consumption. The most cost-effective are population-wide policies, including:
p tobacco price increases achieved through raising taxes;
p creating 100% smoke-free environments in all public spaces and workplaces;
p banning direct and indirect tobacco advertising;
p large, clear, explicit health warnings on tobacco packaging.
At the individual level, tobacco cessation is a key element of any tobacco control programme.
Working with individual tobacco users to change their behaviour is an important goal, but this
will only have a limited impact if environmental factors that promote and support tobacco
use are not also addressed.
All these interventions are included in the provisions of the WHO Framework Convention
on Tobacco Control, which is an international, legally-binding treaty. As of December 2006,
141 countries and the European Union had ratified the treaty, committing themselves to
implementing it nationally. Countries that have not yet ratified the treaty should be encouraged
to do so through advocacy aimed at national parliaments and other organizations.
Planning step 2
Effective ways to promote a healthy diet at population and individual levels include:
p financial incentives to buy fruit and vegetables;
p clear nutritional labels on food products;
p providing healthy meals in schools, workplaces and other institutions;
p access to personalized nutritional advice as part of health-care services.
Activities promoting a healthy diet are most likely to be effective if they use a multi-stakeholder
approach, are culturally appropriate and provide information about energy balance and the
important role of physical activity.
The WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health (WHA57.17) provides a
comprehensive set of policy recommendations:
p concerning the environment;
p aimed at individual behavioural changes;
p addressing the food and non-alcoholic beverage industries;
p encouraging environmental planning to promote increased physical activity.
When planning cities and residential areas, national and provincial governments need to
ensure that facilities and services are available for physical activity. Transport policies should
encourage walking and cycling, and discourage the use of cars.
Changing the built environment can lead to increased levels of physical activity. Rates of
walking and cycling are increased in communities with high population densities, mixed
land use and well-constructed interconnected footpaths, relative to those in low density
neighbourhoods, typical of urban sprawl. Programmes promoting car-free days and
encouraging walking and cycling by closing city streets to traffic have shown good public
participation. Transit-type transport systems involving walking and a train or bus ride support
increased physical activity levels more so than transport systems that are heavily reliant on
motor cars.
In some cultures, it may be necessary to have gender-sensitive policies and provide places
where women can exercise in a “sheltered” environment. In many cities, there may also be a
need to improve security (e.g. better lighting, properly maintained footpaths and cycle tracks)
so people can walk or cycle to work in safety.
WHO Member States have agreed to celebrate “Move for Health” Day annually to promote
physical activity. This campaign aims to increase regular physical activity among men and
women of all ages and conditions, in all domains (leisure, transport, work) and in all settings
(school, community, home, workplace).
Planning step 2
No country has yet been able to slow down or stop the epidemic of overweight and obesity.
Evidence to date supports preventive interventions encouraging physical activity and a healthy
diet while restricting sedentary activities and offering behavioural support. These interventions
should involve the whole family, schools and the wider community (Doak, 2002).
Preventing obesity in children and young people is an important priority. Evidence exists
that school-based interventions to promote physical activity and improve diet are effective
in controlling weight gain among schoolchildren (Doak et al., 2006).
Effective individual approaches include screening and brief interventions for people using
alcohol at hazardous or harmful levels.
Vaccines against HPV infections represent another tool to reduce the incidence of cervical
cancer. HPV vaccines have shown excellent protection against new and persistent HPV
infections and against moderate and severe precancerous cervical lesions attributable to the
HPV genotypes (HPV 16 and 18) that cause about 70% of all cervical cancers.
By early 2007, one HPV vaccine was licensed in more than 70 countries and a second vaccine
was submitted for review by vaccine regulatory authorities in the United States and Europe.
Many countries may choose young pre-adolescent girls as the primary target group for
vaccination, but decisions of this nature may vary according to local epidemiology and
sociocultural settings. The upper age range to include in the programme would depend on
the local age-specific infection rates (WHO, 2006; WHO, 2007).
Planning step 2
The following strategies for reducing exposure to carcinogens are known to be effective:
p establishing a legislative framework for identifying chemically-induced cancer and
eliminating or reducing exposure to carcinogenic chemicals, including the phasing out of
replaceable processes or chemicals, decreasing concentration of carcinogenic impurities
in products, and regulating drinking water quality;
In countries where aflatoxins contaminate food (mainly via groundnuts and maize), agricultural
interventions are required to modify harvesting and storage methods (Turner et al., 2005).
p Finally, when it is not possible to ensure that exposure is within the acceptable limits,
workers must be provided with personal protective equipment for carrying out work
associated with increased risk.
A large part of the population exposure to ionizing radiation comes from medical radiation.
Ensuring the proper justification for all exposures, as well as high technical standards of
medical radiation equipment, are important steps in controlling medical radiation.
Various interventions to decrease indoor radon levels are available (Groves-Kirkby et al.,
2006). Approaches aimed at lowering exposures to levels as low as reasonably achievable
have been successful in reducing individual and average doses in monitored working
populations (UNSCEAR, 2000).
The Sievert (Sv) is a unit of radiation dose that includes information on biological damage caused by radiation.
Planning step 2
Cancer prevention is possible immediately after radiation accidents by swift action to limit
or prevent radiation exposure. Prophylactic iodine tablets can protect against thyroid cancer
induced by radioactive iodine. Other emergency preventive measures may include nutritional
restrictions and relocation.
Skin cancer risks from UV radiation can be prevented through sunlight protection measures,
such as education programmes focused on vulnerable populations (e.g. children, fair-
skinned individuals) which aim to raise awareness about unsafe levels of sunlight exposure
and encourage changes in behavioural patterns (WHO, 2003b). WHO recommends that UV
protection messages for the public include:
p limiting exposure to the midday sun;
p importance of seeking shade;
p using protective clothing and sunscreen;
p using the UV index to estimate UV radiation levels and increase awareness of hazards
especially to children, who are more vulnerable than adults to UV radiation.
How do we get there?
This section gives practical advice on implementing
strategies in cancer prevention following a stepwise
approach. The designation of interventions as “core”,
“expanded” or “desirable” by risk factor will depend on
the feasibility and likely impact of the chosen interventions
in local conditions. Decision-making should also take into
account potential constraints and barriers.
Key guiding principles for action are as follows:
p National governments should provide the unifying framework so actions at all levels and
by all stakeholders are mutually supportive.
p Multisectoral action is necessary at all stages because many cancer risk factors lie
outside the health sector’s direct influence.
p Interventions should be integrated as far as possible within existing national health
policies, health sector strategies and intersectoral programmes. They should be integral
components of both the national cancer control programme and the chronic disease
control strategy.
p appointment of a focal point;
p selection of:
• core risk factors;
• core interventions for each risk factor.
Additional risk factors to be included in the cancer prevention programme will depend on
the national burden and priorities.
A comprehensive approach to cancer prevention requires a range of interventions – from
individual to population level – to be implemented in a stepwise manner:
p core,
p expanded,
p desirable.
Activities that are immediately feasible and likely to have the greatest impact for the
investment should be selected for implementation first. This is the heart of the stepwise
approach. The next step involves expanding the set of interventions. Ultimately, the goal is
to add all other desirable interventions.
The recommendations below are not prescriptive because each country must consider a
range of factors when deciding on the package of interventions that constitute the first
(core) implementation step, including the capacity for implementation, the acceptability of
the intervention and the level of political support. Selecting a smaller number of activities
and doing them well will likely have more effect than tackling a large number and doing
them haphazardly.
Recommended core interventions for each risk factor are summarized in Table 1.
Planning step 3
• Provide information about sources and effects of all types of radiation.
• Establish national radiation protection standards (using internationally available guidelines).
• Ensure regular safety training of radiation workers.
• Establish technical guidelines for radiation sources, medical and industrial equipment.
• Promote UV risk awareness and UV protection actions (including for industrial applications).
If the country has not ratified the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, every
effort should be made to incorporate strategies for its ratification in the action plan. WHO
strongly urges its Member States not to engage with the tobacco industry when designing,
implementing and evaluating tobacco control action plans.
Planning step 3
accessed 1 March 2007.
Prevention in action: In low- and middle-income countries, the consumption
of traditional micronutrient-rich food items and food
partnerships for consumption sources should be encouraged to avoid replacement
of five portions of fruit and with salty foods and beverages, or foods rich in sugar
vegetables a day and fats.
Programmes promoting the consumption of five or more
portions of fruit and vegetables per day have emerged in many In implementing dietary interventions, partnerships
countries with support from ministries of health and ministries between the public and private sectors (especially
of agriculture. Activities include providing information through
food and non-alcoholic beverage industries) are
electronic and other media, point-of-sales promotions,
education about fruit and vegetables, providing fruit to crucial in ensuring that affordable and healthy food
schoolchildren, and broad social marketing campaigns. choices are available. Partnerships need to include
Source: Pomerleau J et al. (2005). Effectiveness of interventions and parents, community groups, nongovernmental
programmes promoting fruit and vegetable intake. Background paper for organizations, industry and the media.
the WHO/FAO workshop on fruit and vegetable promotion (http://www.
pdf, accessed 1 March 2007). A set of interventions to promote the consumption of
a healthy diet is listed in Table 3.
Planning step 3
The promotion of physical activity should focus on encouraging appropriate transport options,
traditional sports, recreational activities and cultural events, as well as activities at home.
There are many opportunities for people to be physically active at work (either at their place
of employment or at home), in transit and during leisure time. Policies and initiatives must
create environments that help people be more physically active. At least 30 minutes of
moderate intensity activity each day is recommended to reduce the risk of heart disease,
stroke, type II diabetes, and colon and breast cancer.
Planning step 3
the effectiveness of policy recommendations at national, regional and global levels can be
properly measured and assessed.
Various efforts have been made to monitor the implementation of alcohol policy
recommendations, for instance:
Planning step 3
New delivery strategies must be developed because current WHO routine vaccine programmes
mainly target infants aged less than one year (WHO, 2006). Planning and sustainable financing
of HPV vaccine programmes need to be considered within the context of comprehensive
cervical cancer prevention and control, including screening.
The HPV vaccines are not yet widely available. Where they have been licensed, their current
private sector cost is more than US$ 100 per dose (three doses are required to achieve full
protection). Manufacturers have declared their willingness to tier prices for countries of
different economic settings. Negotiations for tiered pricing and funding sources are needed
to make the vaccine affordable in countries of greatest need.
example by:
• phasing out replaceable processes or chemicals, including removing all forms of asbestos
and replacing chlorine-bleaching technology in paper and pulp-production (to avoid dioxin
formation and water contamination);
• decreasing the concentration of carcinogenic impurities in products such as benzene in
petrol and formaldehyde in particle-board;
• changing processes, for example the destruction of wastes, in such a way so as to prevent
the generation of dioxins and furans.
Prevention in action:
The Chinese Improved Stoves Programme
The Chinese National Improved Stoves Programme is one of the big household energy success stories. In the 1980s
and 1990s, the Chinese government implemented the programme in a decentralized fashion, reducing bureaucratic
hurdles and speeding up financial payments. A commercialization strategy helped to set up rural energy
enterprises; national-level stove challenges generated healthy competition. On the one hand, the central production
of critical stove components, such as parts of the combustion chamber, enforced quality control. On the other hand,
the modification of general designs ensured that the stove would meet the needs of local users. The programme
thus managed to shift societal norms: most biomass stoves now for sale in China are improved stoves. Better stove
designs or a switch to liquid fuels could even further reduce indoor air pollution levels and associated cancer risks.
Source: Sinton JE et al. (2004). An assessment of programs to promote improved household stoves in China. Energy for Sustainable
Development, 8:33–52.
Planning step 3
Legal measures should be introduced to control the importation and domestic use of
carcinogenic industrial and agricultural substances, preparations, technologies and industrial
processes (Table 7). Use of carcinogenic substances and technologies is gradually becoming
restricted in high-income countries. Such substances and technologies are tending to
be transferred to low- and middle-income countries where national legislation and its
enforcement are weak or non-existent. Therefore, national efforts to prevent occupational
cancer in low- or middle-income countries should aim to avoid importing carcinogenic
substances and technologies by introducing legal measures to reduce carcinogenic risks
in domestic workplaces. Such regulations should stimulate identification of carcinogenic
Planning step 3
p in countries with elevated sunlight intensity and with populations of predominantly fair
skin type, educational and information campaigns focusing on UV exposure prevention
(targeting either the general population or specific subgroups, such as young children
and adolescents, outdoor workers or other susceptible populations);
Monitoring should include assessing the extent to which interventions were implemented,
and to what extent exposure reductions were achieved.
p Ionizing radiation (medical and occupational). The existence and application of safety
regulations for ionizing radiation, both in the occupational and medical field, should be
assessed and updated, if necessary. Dose registries provide the necessary information
on numbers of monitored personnel and trends in annual doses.
p Radon gas. Various aspects of radon programmes can be monitored, such as the number
of houses mitigated. Regular surveys are needed to monitor trends in indoor radon
About 40% of all cancers are preventable, which means that cancer prevention
should be an essential component of all comprehensive cancer control plans. Cancer
prevention should also be considered in the context of other prevention programmes
because important cancer risk factors – such as tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical
inactivity and obesity – are risks for other chronic diseases.
The stepwise approach recognizes that countries have limited resources and that
public health should be chosen on the basis of maximizing the health benefits for the
population as a whole. To make sure that resources are used in the most effective
way, monitoring is essential both to evaluate the impact of current interventions, and
to plan for further expansion.
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WHO thanks the following external GROUP Institute, United Republic of Tanzania
experts for reviewing draft versions of The members of the WHO Cancer D. M. Parkin, Clinical Trials Service Unit
the module. Expert reviewers do not Technical Group and participants in and Epidemiological Studies Unit,
necessarily endorse the full contents of the first and second Cancer Technical England
the final version. Group Meetings (Geneva 7–9 June and Julietta Patnick, NHS Cancer Screening
Vancouver 27–28 October 2005) provided Programmes, England
Andrew Hall, London School of Hygiene valuable technical guidance on the Paola Pisani, International Agency for
and Tropical Medicine, England framework, development, and content Research on Cancer, France
Igor Glasunov, State Research Centre for of the overall publication Cancer control: You-Lin Qiao, Cancer Institute, Chinese
Preventive Medicine, Russian Federation knowledge into action. Academy of Medical Sciences and
Charlotte Paul, University of Otago, New Peking Union Medical College, China
Zealand Baffour Awuah, Komfo Anokye Teaching Eduardo Rosenblatt, International Atomic
Rimma Potemkina, State Research Hospital, Ghana Energy Agency, Austria
Centre for Preventive Medicine, Russian Volker Beck, Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft Michael Rosenthal, International Atomic
Federation e.V, Germany Energy Agency, Austria
Inés Salas, University of Santiago, Chile Yasmin Bhurgri, Karachi Cancer Registry & Anne Lise Ryel, Norwegian Cancer Society,
Dolores Salas Trejo, Department of Health, Aga Khan University Karachi, Pakistan Norway
Regional Government of Valencia, Spain Vladimir N. Bogatyrev, Russian Oncological Inés Salas, University of Santiago, Chile
Mary-Jane Sneyd, University of Otago, Research Centre, Russian Federation Hélène Sancho-Garnier, Centre Val
New Zealand Heather Bryant, Alberta Cancer Board, d’Aurelle-Paul Lamarque, France
Division of Population Health and Hai-Rim Shin, National Cancer Center,
Information, Canada Republic of Korea
Robert Burton, WHO China Country Office, José Gomes Temporão, Ministry of Health,
China Brazil
Eduardo L. Cazap, Latin-American and
WHO regional and country offices Caribbean Society of Medical Oncology, Other Participants
Roberto Eduardo del Aguila, WHO Costa Argentina Barry D. Bultz, Tom Baker Cancer Centre
Rica Country Office Mark Clanton, National Cancer Institute, and University of Calgary, Canada
Jon Andrus, WHO Regional Office for the USA Jon F. Kerner, National Cancer Institute,
Americas Margaret Fitch, International Society of USA
Francesco Branca, Regional Office for Nurses in Cancer Care and Canada, Luiz Antônio Santini Rodrigues da Silva,
Europe Toronto Sunnybrook Regional Cancer National Cancer Institute, Brazil
Merle Lewis, WHO Regional Office for the Centre, Canada
Americas Kathleen Foley, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Observers
Silvana Luciani, WHO Regional Office for Cancer Center, USA Benjamin Anderson, Breast Health Center,
the Americas Leslie S. Given, Centers for Disease University of Washington School of
Maristela Monteiro, WHO Regional Office Control and Prevention, USA Medicine, USA
for the Americas Nabiha Gueddana, Ministry of Public Maria Stella de Sabata, International Union
Heather Selin, WHO Regional Office for the Health, Tunisia Against Cancer, Switzerland
Americas Anton G.J.M. Hanselaar, Dutch Cancer Joe Harford, National Cancer Institute, USA
Cherian Varghese, WHO India Country Society, the Netherlands Jo Kennelly, National Cancer Institute of
Office Christoffer Johansen, Danish Institute of Canada, Canada
Cancer Epidemiology, Danish Cancer Luiz Figueiredo Mathias, National Cancer
WHO headquarters Society, Denmark Institute, Brazil
Robert Beaglehole Ian Magrath, International Network Les Mery, Public Health Agency of Canada,
Nathalie Broutet for Cancer Treatment and Research, Canada
Catherine D’Arcangues Belgium Kavita Sarwal, Canadian Strategy for
Richard Lessard Anthony Miller, University of Toronto, Cancer Control, Canada
Adepeju Olukoya Canada Nina Solberg, Norwegian Cancer Society,
Serge Resnikoff M. Krishnan Nair, Regional Cancer Centre, Norway
Cecilia Sepúlveda India Cynthia Vinson, National Cancer Institute,
The World Health Organization estimates that 7.6 million people died of cancer in
2005 and 84 million people will die in the next 10 years if action is not taken.
More than 70% of all cancer deaths occur in low and middle income countries,
where resources available for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer are
limited or nonexistent.
Yet cancer is to a large extent avoidable. Over 40% of all cancers can be prevented.
Some of the most common cancers are curable if detected early and treated. Even with
late cancer, the suffering of patients can be relieved with good palliative care.
This second module, Prevention, provides practical advice for programme managers in charge
of developing or scaling up cancer prevention activities. It shows how to implement cancer
prevention by controlling major avoidable cancer risk factors. It also recommends strategies for
establishing or strengthening cancer prevention programmes.
Using this Prevention module, programme managers in every country, regardless of resource
level, can confidently take steps to curb the cancer epidemic. They can save lives and prevent
unnecessary suffering caused by cancer.
ISBN 92 4 154711 1