GIT C. percussion
Situation 1: Children have a special fascination with D. palpation
the workings of the digestive system. To fully 9. Mr. Lim verbalized pain on the right iliac region.
understand the digestive processes, Nurse Lavigña Nurse Dorina knows that the organ affected would be
must be knowledgeable of the anatomy and the:
physiology of the gastrointestinal system.
1. The alimentary canal is a continuous, coiled, A. liver
hollow muscular tube that winds through the ventral B. sigmoid colon
cavity and is open at both ends. Its solid organs C. appendix
include all of the following except: D. duodenum
10. Mr. Lim felt pain upon release of Nurse Dorina’s
A. liver hand. This can be referred as:
B. gall bladder
C. stomach A. referred pain
D. pancreas B. rebound tenderness
2. Pharynx is lined with mucous membranes and C. direct tenderness
mucous secreting glands to ease the passage of food. D. indirect tenderness
The larygngopharynx serves as passageway for: Situation 3: Mrs. Cruz was admitted in the Medical
Floor due to pyrosis, dyspepsia and difficulty of
A. air only swallowing.
B. air and water 11. Based from the symptoms presented, Nurse Yoshi
C. food, fluids and air might suspect:
D. air and food
3. Once food has been placed in the mouth, both A. Esophagitis
mechanical and chemical digestions begin. The six B. Hiatal hernia
activities of the digestive process are: C. GERD
D. Gastric Ulcer
A. ingestion, mastication, digestion, deglutition, 12. What diagnostic test would confirm the type of
absorption, egestion problem Mrs. Cruz have?
B. ingestion, mastication, deglutition, digestion,
absorption, egestion A. barium enema
C. deglutition, ingestion, mastication, egestion, B. barium swallow
absorption, defecation C. colonoscopy
D. ingestion, digestion, mastication, deglutition, D. lower GI series
absorption, defecation 13. Mrs. Cruz complained of pain and difficulty in
4. Most digestive activity occurs in the pyloric region swallowing. This term is referred as:
of the stomach. What hormone stimulates the chief
cells to produce pepsinogen?
A. Odynophagia
B. Dysphagia
A. Gastrin C. Pyrosis
B. Pepsin D. Dyspepsia
C. HCl 14. To avoid acid reflux, Nurse Yoshi should advice
D. Insulin Mrs. Cruz to avoid which type of diet?
5. What pancreatic enzyme aids in the digestion of
A. cola, coffee and tea
B. high fat, carbonated and caffeinated beverages
A. Lipase C. beer and green tea
B. Trypsin D. lechon paksiw and bicol express
C. Amylase 15. Mrs. Cruz’ body mass index (BMI) is 25. You
D. Chymotrypsin can categorized her as:
Situation 2: Nurse Dorina is going to perform an
abdominal examination to Mr. Lim who was admitted
due to on and off pain since yesterday. A. normal
6. How will you position Mr. Lim prior to procedure? B. overweight
C. underweight
D. obese
A. supine with knees flexed Situation 4: Nurse Gloria is the staff nurse assigned
B. prone at the Emergency Department. During her shift, a
C. lying on back patient was rushed – in the ED complaining of severe
D. sim’s heartburn, vomiting and pain that radiates to the
7. To identify any localized bulging, distention and flank. The doctor suspects gastric ulcer.
peristaltic waves, Nurse Dorina must perform which 16. What other symptoms will validate the diagnosis
of the following? of gastric ulcer?
23. Answer: C. Heredity. The cause is unknown decompression especially for clients suffering
but is thought to be multifactorial. Heredity, from obstruction.
infectious agents, altered immunity or 38. Answer: A. Absent bowel sounds. Post –
autoimmune and environmental are factors to operatively, no bowel sounds are present so this
be considered. Test taking skill: which does not is a normal finding. Bleeding and hemorrhage
belong? Options a, b, and d are all modifiable must be prevented to avoid
factors. complications. Bowel movement occurs only
24. Answer: B. Altered immunity. Refer to after flatus and bowel sounds are noted.
rationale for number 23. Test taking skill: 39. Answer: A. Use of natural laxatives. The use of
which does not belong? Options a, c and d are natural laxatives such as foods and fruits high in
all modifiable factors. fiber is still the best way of preventing
25. Answer: A. A demanding and stressful constipation Increasing fluid intake, taking
job. Stress is an environmental factor that is laxatives judiciously and exercise also can
thought to cause ulcerative colitis. Test taking prevent this.
skill: options b, c, and d are all healthy 40. Answer: A. Assess for signs of
lifestyles. peritonitis. Assessment precedes intervention.
26. Answer: B. A non – inflamed outpouching of Symptoms presented are signs of peritonitis.
the intestine. An increase intraluminal pressure Assessment will provide you the data for
causes the outpouching of the colon wall prompt intervention.
resulting to diverticulosis. Option a suggests 41. Answer: A. The pain is localized at a position
diverticulitis. Test taking skill: one of the halfway between the umbilicus and the right
opposite is the correct answer. iliac crest. Pain over McBurney’s point, the
27. Answer: A. Low – Fiber Diet. A lack of point halfway between the umbilicus and the
adequate blood supply and nutrients from the iliac crest, is diagnosis for appendicitis. Options
diet such as low fiber foods may contribute to b and c are common with ulcers; option d may
the development of the disease. Test taking suggest ulcerative colitis or diverticulitis.
skill: one of the opposite is the correct answer. 42. Answer: A. A fecalith. A fecalith is a hard piece
28. Answer: B. Barium enema. Barium enema is of stool which is stone like that commonly
used to diagnose diverticulosis, however, this is obstructs the lumen. Due to obstruction,
contraindicated when diverticulitis is present inflammation and bacterial invasion can occur.
because of the risk of rupturing the Tumors or foreign bodies may also cause
diverticulum. Test taking skill: options b and c obstruction.
are opposite; one may be the correct answer. 43. Answer: C. WBC 13, 000/mm3. Increase in
29. Answer: B. Increase fiber in the diet. Patient WBC counts is suggestive of appendicitis
with diverticulosis must be encouraged to because of bacterial invasion and inflammation.
increase roughage in diet such as fruits and Normal WBC count is 5, 000 – 10, 000/mm3.
vegetables rich in fiber. Increasing fluid intake Other options are normal values.
2 – 3 liters/day unless contraindicated rather 44. Answer: D. Lying with legs drawn
reducing. Administering antibiotics can up. Posturing by lying with legs drawn up can
decrease bowel flora and infection but this is a relax the abdominal muscle thus relieve pain.
dependent function of a nurse. 45. Answer: B. The appendix may have ruptured. If
30. Answer: B. Normal. Mr. Trinidad’s BMI is 23 a confirmed diagnosis is made and the pain
which is normal. Refer to rationale number 15. suddenly without any intervention, the appendix
31. Answer: C. passage of stool is more than 3 may have ruptured; the pain is lessened because
bowel movements per day the appendix is no longer distended thus
32. Answer: B. Altered Immunity. Diarhhea is an surgery is still needed.
intestinal disorder that is self – limiting. 46. Answer: B. Three vaginal delivery
Options a, c and d are etiological factors of pregnancies. Hemorrhoids are associated with
diarrhea. prolonged sitting, or standing, portal
33. Answer: C. Cardiac dysrhytmias. Due to hypertension, chronic constipation and
increase frequency and fluid content in the prolonged intra abdominal pressure as
stools, diarrhea may cause fluid and electrolyte associated with pregnancy and the strain of
imbalance such as hypokalemia. Once vaginal delivery. Her job as a schoolteacher
potassium is depleted, this will affect the does not require prolong sitting or standing.
contractility of the heart causing cardiac Age and leg varicosities are not related to the
arrhythmia leading to death. development of hemorrhoids.
34. Answer: B. Metabolic acidosis. In diarrhea, 47. Answer: C. Avoid strainining during
metabolic acidosis is the acid – base imbalance defecation. Straining can increase intra
that occurs while in vomiting, metabolic abdominal pressure. Health teachings also
alkalosis occur. This is a metabolic disorder include: suggest to eat high roughage diet,
that’s why eliminate options c and d. wearing of cotton undergarments and use of sitz
35. Answer: D. Oresol. In the DOH book, oresol is bath for 15 minutes.
the immediate home care management for 48. Answer: B. causes coagulation(clumping) of
diarrhea to prevent dehydration. Water may not proteins in the cells of the perianal skin or the
be enough to prevent diarrhea. lining of the anal canal. Option a are local
36. Answer: A. High pitched tinkling or rumbling anesthetics; c are antiseptics and d are
bowel sounds. Early in the bowel obstruction, keratolytics.
the bowel attempts to move the contents past 49. Answer: C. Side – lying. Positioning in the
the obstruction and this is heard as high pitched early postoperative phase should avoid stress
tinkling bowel sounds. As the obstruction and pressure on the operative site. The prone
progresses, bowel sounds will diminish and and side – lying are ideal from a comfort
may finally become absent. perspective. A high Fowler’s or supine position
37. Answer: B. Decompression of bowel. The will place pressure on the operative site and is
NGT’s primary purpose is for bowel not recommended. There is no need for
trendelenburg’s position.
D. Monitor own bowel movement pattern for D. Coughing and deep-breathing exercises
constipation 22. The nurse is providing discharge instructions to a
14. The nurse is performing an abdominal assessment male client following gastrectomy and instructs the
and inspects the skin of the abdomen. The nurse client to take which measure to assist in preventing
performs which assessment technique next? dumping syndrome?
46. You’re caring for Betty with liver cirrhosis. 54. Develop a teaching care plan for Angie who is
Which of the following assessment findings leads about to undergo a liver biopsy. Which of the
you to suspect hepatic encephalopathy in her? following points do you include?
condition. You assess her colostomy 2 days after C. Discuss the effects of hepatitis B on future
surgery. Which finding do you report to the doctor? health problems.
D. Provide avenues for financial counseling if she
A. Blanched stoma expresses the need.
B. Edematous stoma 86. Elmer is scheduled for a proctoscopy and has an
C. Reddish-pink stoma I.V. The doctor wrote an order for 5mg of I.V.
D. Brownish-black stoma diazepam(Valium). Which order is correct regarding
79. Sharon has cirrhosis of the liver and develops diazepam?
ascites. What intervention is necessary to decrease
the excessive accumulation of serous fluid in her A. Give diazepam in the I.V. port closest to the
peritoneal cavity? vein.
B. Mix diazepam with 50 ml of dextrose 5% in
A. Restrict fluids water and give over 15 minutes.
B. Encourage ambulation C. Give diazepam rapidly I.V. to prevent the
C. Increase sodium in the diet bloodstream from diluting the drug mixture.
D. Give antacids as prescribed D. Question the order because I.V. administration
80. Katrina is diagnosed with lactose intolerance. To of diazepam is contraindicated.
avoid complications with lack of calcium in the diet, 87. Annebell is being discharged with a colostomy,
which food should be included in the diet? and you’re teaching her about colostomy care. Which
statement correctly describes a healthy stoma?
A. Fruit
B. Whole grains A. “At first, the stoma may bleed slightly when
C. Milk and cheese products touched.”
D. Dark green, leafy vegetables B. “The stoma should appear dark and have a
81. Nathaniel has severe pruritus due to having bluish hue.”
hepatitis B. What is the best intervention for his C. “A burning sensation under the stoma faceplate
comfort? is normal.”
D. “The stoma should remain swollen away from
the abdomen.”
A. Give tepid baths. 88. A patient who underwent abdominal surgery now
B. Avoid lotions and creams. has a gaping incision due to delayed wound healing.
C. Use hot water to increase vasodilation. Which method is correct when you irrigate a gaping
D. Use cold water to decrease the itching. abdominal incision with sterile normal saline
82. Rob is a 46 y.o. admitted to the hospital with a solution, using a piston syringe?
suspected diagnosis of Hepatitis B. He’s jaundiced
and reports weakness. Which intervention will you
include in his care? A. Rapidly instill a stream of irrigating solution
into the wound.
B. Apply a wet-to-dry dressing to the wound after
A. Regular exercise. the irrigation.
B. A low-protein diet. C. Moisten the area around the wound with normal
C. Allow patient to select his meals. saline solution after the irrigation.
D. Rest period after small, frequent meals. D. Irrigate continuously until the solution becomes
83. You’re discharging Nathaniel with hepatitis B. clear or all of the solution is used.
Which statement suggests understanding by the 89. Hepatic encephalopathy develops when the blood
patient? level of which substance increases?
ruptures and the entire tube moves upward. If 19. Answer D. Perforation of an ulcer is a surgical
this occurs, the nurse immediately cuts all emergency and is characterized by sudden,
balloon lumens and removes the tube. An sharp, intolerable severe pain beginning in the
obturator and a Kelly clamp are kept at the midepigastric area and spreading over the
bedside of a client with a tracheostomy. An abdomen, which becomes rigid and board-like.
irrigation set may be kept at the bedside, but it Nausea and vomiting may occur. Tachycardia
is not the priority item. may occur as hypovolemic shock develops.
10. Answer A. Hepatitis A is transmitted by the Numbness in the legs is not an associated
fecal-oral route via contaminated food or finding.
infected food handlers. Hepatitis B, C, and D 20. Answer C. A vagotomy, or cutting of the vagus
are transmitted most commonly via infected nerve, is done to eliminate parasympathetic
blood or body fluids. stimulation of gastric secretion. Options A, B,
11. Answer B. Laboratory indicators of hepatitis and D are incorrect descriptions of a vagotomy.
include elevated liver enzyme levels, elevated 21. Answer C. In a Billroth II procedure, the
serum bilirubin levels, elevated erythrocyte proximal remnant of the stomach is
sedimentation rates, and leukopenia. An anastomosed to the proximal jejunum. Patency
elevated blood urea nitrogen level may indicate of the nasogastric tube is critical for preventing
renal dysfunction. A hemoglobin level is the retention of gastric secretions. The nurse
unrelated to this diagnosis. should never irrigate or reposition the gastric
12. Answer C. Meperidine (Demerol) rather than tube after gastric surgery, unless specifically
morphine sulfate is the medication of choice to ordered by the physician. In this situation, the
treat pain because morphine sulfate can cause nurse should clarify the order. Options A, B,
spasms in the sphincter of Oddi. Options A, B, and D are appropriate postoperative
and D are appropriate interventions for the interventions.
client with acute pancreatitis. 22. Answer C. Dumping syndrome is a term that
13. Answer A. A barium swallow is an x-ray study refers to a constellation of vasomotor symptoms
that uses a substance called barium for contrast that occurs after eating, especially following a
to highlight abnormalities in the gastrointestinal Billroth II procedure. Early manifestations
tract. The client should fast for 8 to 12 hours usually occur within 30 minutes of eating and
before the test, depending on physician include vertigo, tachycardia, syncope, sweating,
instructions. Most oral medications also are pallor, palpitations, and the desire to lie down.
withheld before the test. After the procedure, The nurse should instruct the client to decrease
the nurse must monitor for constipation, which the amount of fluid taken at meals and to avoid
can occur as a result of the presence of barium high-carbohydrate foods, including fluids such
in the gastrointestinal tract. as fruit nectars; to assume a low-Fowler’s
14. Answer C. The appropriate sequence for position during meals; to lie down for 30
abdominal examination is inspection, minutes after eating to delay gastric emptying;
auscultation, percussion, and palpation. and to take antispasmodics as prescribed.
Auscultation is performed after inspection to 23. Answer A. Early manifestations of dumping
ensure that the motility of the bowel and bowel syndrome occur 5 to 30 minutes after eating.
sounds are not altered by percussion or Symptoms include vertigo, tachycardia,
palpation. Therefore, after inspecting the skin syncope, sweating, pallor, palpitations, and the
on the abdomen, the nurse should listen for desire to lie down.
bowel sounds. 24. Answer B. Coughing is avoided following
15. Answer D. The solution GoLYTELY is a bowel umbilical hernia repair to prevent disruption of
evacuant used to prepare a client for a tissue integrity, which can occur because of the
colonoscopy by cleansing the bowel. The location of this surgical procedure. Bed rest is
solution is expected to cause a mild diarrhea not required following this surgical procedure.
and will clear the bowel in 4 to 5 hours. Options The client should take analgesics as needed and
A, B, and C are inappropriate actions. as prescribed to control pain. A drain is not
16. Answer B. Chronic gastritis causes used in this surgical procedure, although the
deterioration and atrophy of the lining of the client may be instructed in simple dressing
stomach, leading to the loss of the function of changes.
the parietal cells. The source of the intrinsic 25. Answer B. Following inguinal hernia repair, the
factor is lost, which results in the inability to client should be instructed to elevate the
absorb vitamin B12. This leads to the scrotum and apply ice packs while in bed to
development of pernicious anemia. The client is decrease pain and swelling. The nurse also
not at risk for vitamin A, C, or E deficiency. should instruct the client to apply a scrotal
17. Answer C. Indomethacin (Indocin) is a support when out of bed. Heat will increase
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug and can swelling. Limiting oral fluids and a low-fiber
cause ulceration of the esophagus, stomach, or diet can cause constipation.
small intestine. Indomethacin is contraindicated 26. Answer C. Rebound tenderness may indicate
in a client with gastrointestinal disorders. peritonitis. Bloody diarrhea is expected to occur
Furosemide (Lasix) is a loop diuretic. Digoxin in ulcerative colitis. Because of the blood loss,
is a cardiac medication. Propranolol (Inderal) is the client may be hypotensive and the
a β-adrenergic blocker. Furosemide, digoxin, hemoglobin level may be lower than normal.
and propranolol are not contraindicated in Signs of peritonitis must be reported to the
clients with gastric disorders. physician.
18. Answer D. Following cholecystectomy, 27. Answer B. Body image, disturbed relates to loss
drainage from the T tube is initially bloody and of bowel control, the presence of a stoma, the
then turns to a greenish-brown color. The release of fecal material onto the abdomen, the
drainage is measured as output. The amount of passage of flatus, odor, and the need for an
expected drainage will range from 500 to 1000 appliance (external pouch). No data in the
mL/day. The nurse would document the output. question support options A and C. Nutrition:
less than body requirements, imbalanced is the meal. A diet low in carbs and high in fat &
more likely nursing diagnosis. protein is recommended to treat dumping
28. Answer A. Crohn’s disease is characterized by syndrome.
nonbloody diarrhea of usually not more than 43. Answer B. Ascites puts pressure on the
four to five stools daily. Over time, the diarrhea diaphragm. Paracentesis is done to remove fluid
episodes increase in frequency, duration, and and reducing pressure on the diaphragm. The
severity. Options B, C, and D are not goal is to improve the patient’s breathing. The
characteristics of Crohn’s disease. others are signs of cirrhosis that aren’t relieved
29. Answer B. If cramping occurs during a by paracentesis.
colostomy irrigation, the irrigation flow is 44. Answer A. A full bladder can interfere with
stopped temporarily and the client is allowed to paracentesis and be punctured inadvertently.
rest. Cramping may occur from an infusion that 45. Answer B. Cover the organs with a sterile,
is too rapid or is causing too much pressure. nonadherent dressing moistened with normal
The physician does not need to be notified. saline. Do this to prevent infection and to keep
Increasing the height of the irrigation will cause the organs from drying out.
further discomfort. Medicating the client for 46. Answer A. Asterixis is an early neurologic sign
pain is not the appropriate action in this of hepatic encephalopathy elicited by asking the
situation. patient to hold her arms stretched out. Asterixis
30. Answer A. To enhance effectiveness of the is present if the hands rapidly extend and flex.
irrigation and fecal returns, the client is 47. Answer A. You may administer the laxative
instructed to increase fluid intake and to take lactulose to reduce ammonia levels in the colon.
other measures to prevent constipation. Options 48. Answer A. Achalasia is characterized by
B, C and D will not enhance the effectiveness incomplete relaxation of the LES, dilation of
of this procedure. the lower esophagus, and a lack of esophageal
31. Answer A. Blood pressure decreases as the peristalsis. Because nitrates relax the lower
body is unable to maintain normal oncotic esophageal sphincter, expect to give Isordil
pressure with liver failure, so patients with liver orally or sublingually.
failure require close blood pressure monitoring. 49. Answer C. Eating in the upright position aids in
Increased capillary permeability, abnormal emptying the esophagus. Doing the opposite of
peripheral vasodilation, and excess rennin the other three also may be helpful.
released from the kidney’s aren’t direct 50. Answer C. Pancreatitis involves activation of
ramifications of liver failure. pancreatic enzymes, such as amylase and lipase.
32. Answer B. Good circulation causes tissues to be These levels are elevated in a patient with acute
moist and red, so a healthy, well-healed stoma pancreatitis.
appears red and moist. 51. Answer D. The normal range of specific gravity
33. Answer A. A colostomy in the sigmoid colon of urine is 1.010 to 1.025; a value of 1.030 may
produces a solid, formed stool. be seen with dehydration.
34. Answer D. High-fiber foods stimulate 52. Answer C. Teach the pt to avoid activities that
peristalsis, and a result, flatus. Yogurt reduces increase intra-abdominal pressure such as
gas formation. coughing, sneezing, or straining with a bowel
35. Answer B. A proper fit protects the skin, but movement.
doesn’t impair circulation. A 1/16” should be 53. Answer C. Because obesity weakens the
cut. abdominal muscles, advise weight loss for the
36. Answer B. Observation, auscultation, patient who has had a hernia repair.
percussion, palpation 54. Answer B. After a liver biopsy, the patient is
37. Answer D. An ileoanal reservoir is created in placed on the right side to compress the liver
two stages. The two surgeries are about 2 to 3 and to reduce the risk of bleeding or bile
months apart. First, diseased intestines are leakage.
removed and a temporary loop ileostomy is 55. Answer A. Signs and Symptoms of
created. Second, the loop ileostomy is closed pneumothorax include dyspnea and decreased
and stool goes to the reservoir and out through or absent breath sounds over the affected lung
the anus. (right lung).
38. Answer C. The large intestine absorbs large 56. Answer A. An NG tube is inserted into the
amounts of water so the initial output from the patients stomach to drain fluid and gas.
ileostomy may be as much as 1500 to 2000 57. Answer A. Aspirating the stomach contents
ml/24 hours. Gradually, the small intestine confirms correct placement. If an X-ray is
absorbs more fluid and the output decreases. ordered, it should be done immediately, not in
39. Answer B. To avoid overloading the small 24 hours.
intestine, encourage the patient to eat six small, 58. Answer B. TPN is given I.V. to provide all the
regularly spaced meals. nutrients your patient needs. TPN isn’t a tube
40. Answer B. Making observations about what feeding nor is it a liquid dietary supplement.
you see or hear is a useful therapeutic 59. Answer A. Type A causes changes in parietal
technique. This way, you acknowledge that you cells.
are interested in what the patient is saying and 60. Answer B. Increasing fluids helps empty the
feeling. stomach. A high carb diet isn’t restricted and fat
41. Answer C. After a Billroth II procedure, a large intake shouldn’t be increased.
amount of hypertonic fluid enters the intestine. 61. Answer A. Diarrhea d/t an acute episode of
This causes extracellular fluid to move rapidly ulcerative colitis leads to fluid & electrolyte
into the bowel, reducing circulating blood losses so fluid replacement takes priority.
volume and producing vasomotor symptoms. 62. Answer D. Sigmoidoscopy allows direct
Vasomotor symptoms produced by dumping observation of the colon mucosa for changes,
syndrome include dizziness and sweating, and if needed, biopsy.
tachycardia, syncope, pallor, and palpitations. 63. Answer C. She needs a high-fiber diet and a
42. Answer A. Gastric emptying time can be psyllium (bulk laxative) to promote normal soft
delayed by omitting fluids from your patient’s stools.
64. Answer B. Stools from ulcerative colitis are is touched because the surgical site is still new.
often bloody and contain mucus. She should report profuse bleeding
65. Answer D. One sign of acute diverticulitis is immediately.
crampy lower left quadrant pain. A low-grade 88. Answer D. To wash away tissue debris and
fever is another common sign. drainage effectively, irrigate the wound until
66. Answer C. With acute pancreatitis, you need to the solution becomes clear or all the solution is
rest the GI tract by TPN as nutritional support. used.
67. Answer A. The gallbladder is located in the 89. Answer A. Ammonia levels increase d/t
RUQ and a frequent sign of gallstones is pain improper shunting of blood, causing ammonia
radiating to the shoulder. to enter systemic circulation, which carries it to
68. Answer D. A Jackson-Pratt drain promotes the brain.
wound healing by allowing fluid to escape from 90. Answer D. Saline solution is isotonic, or close
the wound. to body fluids in content, and is used along with
69. Answer D. After creation of a colostomy, sterile dressings to cover an eviscerated wound
expect to see a stoma that is pink, slightly and keep it moist.
edematous, with some oozing. Bright red blood, 91. Answer B. Crohn’s disease penetrates the
regardless of amount, indicates bleeding and mucosa of the colon through all layers and
should be reported to the doctor. destroys the colon in patches, which creates a
70. Answer A. Only a small amount of skin should cobblestone appearance.
be exposed and more than 1/16” of skin allows 92. Answer A. Stomach pain is often a late sign of
the excretement to irritate the skin. stomach cancer; outcomes are particularly poor
71. Answer B. Measuring abdominal girth provides when the cancer reaches that point. Surgery,
quantitative information about increases or chemotherapy, and radiation have minimal
decreases in the amount of distention. positive effects. TPN may enhance the growth
72. Answer C. Because the GI tract is functioning, of the cancer.
feeding methods involve the enteral route which 93. Answer C. Melena is the passage of dark, tarry
bypasses the mouth but allows for a major stools that contain a large amount of digested
portion of the GI tract to be used. blood. It occurs with bleeding from the upper
73. Answer B. The first step in assessing the GI tract.
abdomen is to observe its shape and contour, 94. Answer A. A patient with an acute upper GI
then auscultate, palpate, and then percuss. hemorrhage must be treated for hypovolemia
74. Answer B. Lowering the height decreases the and hemorrhagic shock. You as a nurse can’t
amount of flow, allowing him to tolerate more diagnose the problem. Controlling the bleeding
fluid. may require surgery or intensive medical
75. Answer D. Pancrelipase provides the exocrine treatment.
pancreatic enzyme necessary for proper protein, 95. Answer D. To stabilize a patient with acute
fat, and carb digestion. With increased fat bleeding, NS or LR solution is given I.V. until
digestion and absorption, stools become less BP rises and urine output returns to 30ml/hr.
frequent and normal in appearance. 96. Answer A. Initially, you should assess the
76. Answer B. Glucose level increases and diabetes patient’s knowledge about colostomies and how
mellitus may result d/t the pancreatic damage to it will affect his lifestyle.
the islets of langerhans. 97. Answer B. An inflammatory condition that
77. Answer D. After surgery, she remains NPO affects the surface of the colon, ulcerative
until peristaltic activity returns. This decreases colitis causes friability and erosions with
the risk for abdominal distention and bleeding. Patients with ulcerative colitis are at
obstruction. increased risk for bowel perforation, toxic
78. Answer D. A brownish-black color indicates megacolon, hemorrhage, cancer, and other
lack of blood flow, and maybe necrosis. anorectal and systemic complications.
79. Answer A. Restricting fluids decrease the 98. Answer C. Medications to control inflammation
amount of body fluid and the accumulation of such as corticosteroids are used for long-term
fluid in the peritoneal space. treatment.
80. Answer D. Dark green, leafy vegetables are rich 99. Answer A. Meats and beans are high-protein
in calcium. foods. In liver failure, the liver is unable to
81. Answer A. For pruritus, care should include metabolize protein adequately, causing protein
tepid sponge baths and use of emollient creams by-products to build up in the body rather than
and lotions. be excreted.
82. Answer D. Rest periods and small frequent 100. Answer B. A gastric residual greater than 2
meals is indicated during the acute phase of hours worth of feeding or 100-150ml is
hepatitis B. considered too high. The feeding should be
83. Answer D. Hepatitis B can recur. Patients who stopped; NG tube clamped, and then allow time
have had hepatitis are permanently barred from for the stomach to empty before additional
donating blood. Alcohol is metabolized by the feeding is added.
liver and should be avoided by those who have
or had hepatitis B. Endocrine
84. Answer A. To prevent venous stasis and
improve muscle tone, circulation, and 1. Which of the following hormones causes increased
respiratory function, encourage her to move atrial pressure and decreases sodium reabsorption in
after surgery. the kidneys?
85. Answer A. Telling her not to worry minimizes
her feelings. A. Atrial natriuretic peptide
86. Answer A. Diazepam is absorbed by the plastic B. PTH
I.V. tubing and should be given in the port C. Aldosterone
closest to the vein. D. Vasopressin
87. Answer A. For the first few days to a week, 2. Angiotensin I is changed by which of the following
slight bleeding normally occurs when the stoma into Angiotensin II?
A. “If I have hypoglycemia, I should eat some D. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body
sugar, not dextrose.” requirements related to thyroid hormone excess
B. “The drug makes my pancreas release more 20. A male client with a tentative diagnosis of
insulin.” hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome
C. “I should never take insulin while I’m taking (HHNS) has a history of type 2 diabetes that is being
this drug.” controlled with an oral diabetic agent, tolazamide
D. “It’s best if I take the drug with the first bite of (Tolinase). Which of the following is the most
a meal.” important laboratory test for confirming this
15. A female client whose physical findings suggest a disorder?
hyperpituitary condition undergoes an extensive
diagnostic workup. Test results reveal a pituitary A. Serum potassium level
tumor, which necessitates a transphenoidal B. Serum sodium level
hypophysectomy. The evening before the surgery, C. Arterial blood gas (ABG) values
nurse Jacob reviews preoperative and postoperative D. Serum osmolarity
instructions given to the client earlier. Which 21. A male client has just been diagnosed with type 1
postoperative instruction should the nurse diabetes mellitus. When teaching the client and
emphasize? family how diet and exercise affect insulin
requirements, Nurse Joy should include which
A. “You must lie flat for 24 hours after surgery.” guideline?
B. “You must avoid coughing, sneezing, and
blowing your nose.” A. “You’ll need more insulin when you exercise or
C. “You must restrict your fluid intake.” increase your food intake.”
D. “You must report ringing in your ears B. “You’ll need less insulin when you exercise or
immediately.” reduce your food intake.”
16. Dr. Kennedy prescribes glipizide (Glucotrol), an C. “You’ll need less insulin when you increase
oral antidiabetic agent, for a male client with type 2 your food intake.”
diabetes mellitus who has been having trouble D. “You’ll need more insulin when you exercise or
controlling the blood glucose level through diet and decrease your food intake.”
exercise. Which medication instruction should the 22. Nurse Noemi administers glucagon to her diabetic
nurse provide? client, then monitors the client for adverse drug
reactions and interactions. Which type of drug
A. “Be sure to take glipizide 30 minutes before interacts adversely with glucagon?
B. “Glipizide may cause a low serum sodium A. Oral anticoagulants
level, so make sure you have your sodium level B. Anabolic steroids
checked monthly.” C. Beta-adrenergic blockers
C. “You won’t need to check your blood glucose D. Thiazide diuretics
level after you start taking glipizide.” 23. Which instruction about insulin administration
D. “Take glipizide after a meal to prevent should nurse Kate give to a client?
17. For a diabetic male client with a foot ulcer, the
physician orders bed rest, a wet-to-dry dressing A. “Always follow the same order when drawing
change every shift, and blood glucose monitoring the different insulins into the syringe.”
before meals and bedtime. Why are wet-to-dry B. “Shake the vials before withdrawing the
dressings used for this client? insulin.”
C. “Store unopened vials of insulin in the freezer
at temperatures well below freezing.”
A. They contain exudate and provide a moist D. “Discard the intermediate-acting insulin if it
wound environment. appears cloudy.”
B. They protect the wound from mechanical 24. Nurse Perry is caring for a female client with type
trauma and promote healing. 1 diabetes mellitus who exhibits confusion, light-
C. They debride the wound and promote healing headedness, and aberrant behavior. The client is still
by secondary intention. conscious. The nurse should first administer:
D. They prevent the entrance of microorganisms
and minimize wound discomfort.
18. When instructing the female client diagnosed A. I.M. or subcutaneous glucagon.
with hyperparathyroidism about diet, nurse Gina B. I.V. bolus of dextrose 50%.
should stress the importance of which of the C. 15 to 20 g of a fast-acting carbohydrate such as
following? orange juice.
D. 10 U of fast-acting insulin.
25. For the first 72 hours after thyroidectomy surgery,
A. Restricting fluids nurse Jamie would assess the female client for
B. Restricting sodium Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign because they
C. Forcing fluids indicate which of the following?
D. Restricting potassium
19. Which nursing diagnosis takes highest priority for
a female client with hyperthyroidism? A. Hypocalcemia
B. Hypercalcemia
C. Hypokalemia
A. Risk for imbalanced nutrition: More than body D. Hyperkalemia
requirements related to thyroid hormone excess Answers and Rationales
B. Risk for impaired skin integrity related to
edema, skin fragility, and poor wound healing 1. Answer C. Because of changes in fat
C. Body image disturbance related to weight gain distribution, adipose tissue accumulates in the
and edema trunk, face (moonface), and dorsocervical areas
(buffalo hump). Hypertension is caused by fluid
retention. Skin becomes thin and bruises easily hypothyroidism. It is contraindicated in Graves’
because of a loss of collagen. Muscle wasting disease and thyrotoxicosis because these
causes muscle atrophy and thin extremities. conditions are forms of hyperthyroidism.
2. Answer C. Desmopressin may not be absorbed Euthyroidism, a term used to describe normal
if the intranasal route is compromised. thyroid function, wouldn’t require any thyroid
Although diabetes insipidus is treatable, the preparation.
client should wear medical identification and 10. Answer B. SIADH secretion causes
carry medication at all times to alert medical antidiuretic hormone overproduction, which
personnel in an emergency and ensure proper leads to fluid retention. Severe SIADH can
treatment. The client must continue to monitor cause such complications as vascular fluid
fluid intake and output and receive adequate overload, signaled by neck vein distention. This
fluid replacement. syndrome isn’t associated with tetanic
3. Answer A. Chvostek’s sign is elicited by contractions. It may cause weight gain and fluid
tapping the client’s face lightly over the facial retention (secondary to oliguria).
nerve, just below the temple. If the client’s 11. Answer A. Pheochromocytoma causes
facial muscles twitch, it indicates excessive production of epinephrine and
hypocalcemia. Hyponatremia is indicated by norepinephrine, natural catecholamines that
weight loss, abdominal cramping, muscle raise the blood pressure. Phentolamine, an
weakness, headache, and postural hypotension. alpha-adrenergic blocking agent given by I.V.
Hypokalemia causes paralytic ileus and muscle bolus or drip, antagonizes the body’s response
weakness. Clients with hypermagnesemia to circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine,
exhibit a loss of deep tendon reflexes, coma, or reducing blood pressure quickly and effectively.
cardiac arrest. Although methyldopa is an antihypertensive
4. Answer A. Hyperglycemia, which develops agent available in parenteral form, it isn’t
from glucocorticoid excess, is a manifestation effective in treating hypertensive emergencies.
of Cushing’s syndrome. With successful Mannitol, a diuretic, isn’t used to treat
treatment of the disorder, serum glucose levels hypertensive emergencies. Felodipine, an
decline. Hirsutism is common in Cushing’s antihypertensive agent, is available only in
syndrome; therefore, with successful treatment, extended-release tablets and therefore doesn’t
abnormal hair growth also declines. reduce blood pressure quickly enough to correct
Osteoporosis occurs in Cushing’s syndrome; hypertensive crisis.
therefore, with successful treatment, bone 12. Answer A. Excessive secretion of aldosterone
mineralization increases. Amenorrhea develops in the adrenal cortex is responsible for the
in Cushing’s syndrome. With successful client’s hypertension. This hormone acts on the
treatment, the client experiences a return of renal tubule, where it promotes reabsorption of
menstrual flow, not a decline in it. sodium and excretion of potassium and
5. Answer C. Corticotropin interacts with plasma hydrogen ions. The pancreas mainly secretes
membrane receptors to produce enzymatic hormones involved in fuel metabolism. The
actions that affect protein, fat, and carbohydrate adrenal medulla secretes the catecholamines —
metabolism. It doesn’t decrease cAMP epinephrine and norepinephrine. The
production. The posterior pituitary hormone, parathyroids secrete parathyroid hormone.
antidiuretic hormone, regulates the threshold for 13. Answer A. Addison’s disease decreases the
water resorption in the kidneys. production of all adrenal hormones,
6. Answer C. Regular insulin, which is a short- compromising the body’s normal stress
acting insulin, has an onset of 15 to 30 minutes response and increasing the risk of infection.
and a peak of 2 to 4 hours. Because the nurse Other appropriate nursing diagnoses for a client
gave the insulin at 2 p.m., the expected onset with Addison’s disease include Deficient fluid
would be from 2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. and the volume and Hyperthermia. Urinary retention
peak from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. isn’t appropriate because Addison’s disease
7. Answer A. Agitation, irritability, poor memory, causes polyuria.
loss of appetite, and neglect of one’s 14. Answer A. Acarbose delays glucose absorption,
appearance may signal depression, which is so the client should take an oral form of
common in clients with Cushing’s syndrome. dextrose rather than a product containing table
Neuropathy affects clients with diabetes sugar when treating hypoglycemia. The alpha-
mellitus — not Cushing’s syndrome. Although glucosidase inhibitors work by delaying the
hypoglycemia can cause irritability, it also carbohydrate digestion and glucose absorption.
produces increased appetite, rather than loss of It’s safe to be on a regimen that includes insulin
appetite. Hyperthyroidism typically causes such and an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor. The client
signs as goiter, nervousness, heat intolerance, should take the drug at the start of a meal, not
and weight loss despite increased appetite. 30 minutes to an hour before.
8. Answer A. Tetany may result if the parathyroid 15. Answer B. After a transsphenoidal
glands are excised or damaged during thyroid hypophysectomy, the client must refrain from
surgery. Hemorrhage is a potential complication coughing, sneezing, and blowing the nose for
after thyroid surgery but is characterized by several days to avoid disturbing the surgical
tachycardia, hypotension, frequent swallowing, graft used to close the wound. The head of the
feelings of fullness at the incision site, choking, bed must be elevated, not kept flat, to prevent
and bleeding. Thyroid storm is another term for tension or pressure on the suture line. Within 24
severe hyperthyroidism — not a complication hours after a hypophysectomy, transient
of thyroidectomy. Laryngeal nerve damage may diabetes insipidus commonly occurs; this calls
occur postoperatively, but its signs include a for increased, not restricted, fluid intake.
hoarse voice and, possibly, acute airway Visual, not auditory, changes are a potential
obstruction. complication of hypophysectomy.
9. Answer A. Levothyroxine is the preferred agent 16. Answer A. The client should take glipizide
to treat primary hypothyroidism and cretinism, twice a day, 30 minutes before a meal, because
although it also may be used to treat secondary food decreases its absorption. The drug doesn’t
5. Nurse Oliver should expect a client with 13. Early this morning, a female client had a subtotal
hypothyroidism to report which health concerns? thyroidectomy. During evening rounds, nurse Tina
assesses the client, who now has nausea, a
A. Increased appetite and weight loss temperature of 105° F (40.5° C), tachycardia, and
B. Puffiness of the face and hands extreme restlessness. What is the most likely cause of
C. Nervousness and tremors these signs?
D. Thyroid gland swelling
6. A female client with hypothyroidism (myxedema) A. Diabetic ketoacidosis
is receiving levothyroxine (Synthroid), 25 mcg P.O. B. Thyroid crisis
daily. Which finding should nurse Hans recognize as C. Hypoglycemia
an adverse drug effect? D. Tetany
14. For a male client with hyperglycemia, which
A. Dysuria assessment finding best supports a nursing diagnosis
B. Leg cramps of Deficient fluid volume?
C. Tachycardia
D. Blurred vision A. Cool, clammy skin
7. A 67-year-old male client has been complaining of B. Distended neck veins
sleeping more, increased urination, anorexia, C. Increased urine osmolarity
weakness, irritability, depression, and bone pain that D. Decreased serum sodium level
interferes with her going outdoors. Based on these 15. When assessing a male client with
assessment findings, nurse Richard would suspect pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the adrenal medulla
which of the following disorders? that secretes excessive catecholamine, nurse April is
most likely to detect:
A. Diabetes mellitus
B. Diabetes insipidus A. a blood pressure of 130/70 mm Hg.
C. Hypoparathyroidism B. a blood glucose level of 130 mg/dl.
D. Hyperparathyroidism C. bradycardia.
8. When caring for a male client with diabetes D. a blood pressure of 176/88 mm Hg.
insipidus, nurse Juliet expects to administer: 16. A male client is admitted for treatment of the
syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone
A. vasopressin (Pitressin Synthetic). (SIADH). Which nursing intervention is appropriate?
B. furosemide (Lasix).
C. regular insulin. A. Infusing I.V. fluids rapidly as ordered
D. 10% dextrose. B. Encouraging increased oral intake
9. The nurse is aware that the following is the most C. Restricting fluids
common cause of hyperaldosteronism? D. Administering glucose-containing I.V. fluids as
A. Excessive sodium intake 17. A female client has a serum calcium level of 7.2
B. A pituitary adenoma mg/dl. During the physical examination, nurse Noah
C. Deficient potassium intake expects to assess:
D. An adrenal adenoma
10. A male client with type 1 diabetes mellitus has a A. Trousseau’s sign.
highly elevated glycosylated hemoglobin (Hb) test B. Homans’ sign.
result. In discussing the result with the client, nurse C. Hegar’s sign.
Sharmaine would be most accurate in stating: D. Goodell’s sign.
18. Which outcome indicates that treatment of a male
A. “The test needs to be repeated following a 12- client with diabetes insipidus has been effective?
hour fast.”
B. “It looks like you aren’t following the A. Fluid intake is less than 2,500 ml/day.
prescribed diabetic diet.” B. Urine output measures more than 200 ml/hour.
C. “It tells us about your sugar control for the last C. Blood pressure is 90/50 mm Hg.
3 months.” D. The heart rate is 126 beats/minute.
D. “Your insulin regimen needs to be altered 19. Jemma, who weighs 210 lb (95 kg) and has been
significantly.” diagnosed with hyperglycemia tells the nurse that her
11. Following a unilateral adrenalectomy, nurse Betty husband sleeps in another room because her snoring
would assess for hyperkalemia shown by which of keeps him awake. The nurse notices that she has large
the following? hands and a hoarse voice. Which of the following
would the nurse suspect as a possible cause of the
A. Muscle weakness client’s hyperglycemia?
B. Tremors
C. Diaphoresis A. Acromegaly
D. Constipation B. Type 1 diabetes mellitus
12. Nurse Louie is developing a teaching plan for a C. Hypothyroidism
male client diagnosed with diabetes insipidus. The D. Deficient growth hormone
nurse should include information about which 20. Nurse Kate is providing dietary instructions to a
hormone lacking in clients with diabetes insipidus? male client with hypoglycemia. To control
hypoglycemic episodes, the nurse should
A. antidiuretic hormone (ADH). recommend:
B. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).
C. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). A. Increasing saturated fat intake and fasting in
D. luteinizing hormone (LH). the afternoon.
B. Increasing intake of vitamins B and D and than 15 g may raise it above normal, causing
taking iron supplements. hyperglycemia.
C. Eating a candy bar if light-headedness occurs. 2. Answer A. Poorly controlled
D. Consuming a low-carbohydrate, high-protein hyperparathyroidism may cause an elevated
diet and avoiding fasting. serum calcium level. This, in turn, may
21. An incoherent female client with a history of diminish calcium stores in the bone, causing
hypothyroidism is brought to the emergency bone demineralization and setting the stage for
department by the rescue squad. Physical and pathologic fractures and a risk for injury.
laboratory findings reveal hypothermia, Hyperparathyroidism doesn’t accelerate the
hypoventilation, respiratory acidosis, bradycardia, metabolic rate. A decreased thyroid hormone
hypotension, and nonpitting edema of the face and level, not an increased parathyroid hormone
pretibial area. Knowing that these findings suggest level, may cause edema and dry skin secondary
severe hypothyroidism, nurse Libby prepares to take to fluid infiltration into the interstitial spaces.
emergency action to prevent the potential Hyperparathyroidism causes hypercalcemia, not
complication of: hypocalcemia; therefore, it isn’t associated with
A. Thyroid storm. 3. Answer D. The nurse should refer this client to
B. Cretinism. a sex counselor or other professional. Making
C. myxedema coma. appropriate referrals is a valid part of planning
D. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. the client’s care. The nurse doesn’t normally
22. A male client with type 1 diabetes mellitus asks provide sex counseling.
the nurse about taking an oral antidiabetic agent. 4. Answer B. Diabetic clients must exercise at
Nurse Jack explains that these medications are only least three times a week to meet the goals of
effective if the client: planned exercise — lowering the blood glucose
level, reducing or maintaining the proper
weight, increasing the serum high-density
A. prefers to take insulin orally. lipoprotein level, decreasing serum triglyceride
B. has type 2 diabetes. levels, reducing blood pressure, and minimizing
C. has type 1 diabetes. stress. Exercising once a week wouldn’t
D. is pregnant and has type 2 diabetes. achieve these goals. Exercising more than three
23. When caring for a female client with a history of times a week, although beneficial, would
hypoglycemia, nurse Ruby should avoid exceed the minimum requirement.
administering a drug that may potentiate 5. Answer B. Hypothyroidism (myxedema) causes
hypoglycemia. Which drug fits this description? facial puffiness, extremity edema, and weight
gain. Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism
A. sulfisoxazole (Gantrisin) (Graves’ disease) include an increased appetite,
B. mexiletine (Mexitil) weight loss, nervousness, tremors, and thyroid
C. prednisone (Orasone) gland enlargement (goiter).
D. lithium carbonate (Lithobid) 6. Answer C. Levothyroxine, a synthetic thyroid
24. After taking glipizide (Glucotrol) for 9 months, a hormone, is given to a client with
male client experiences secondary failure. Which of hypothyroidism to simulate the effects of
the following would the nurse expect the physician to thyroxine. Adverse effects of this agent include
do? tachycardia. The other options aren’t associated
with levothyroxine.
A. Initiate insulin therapy. 7. Answer D. Hyperparathyroidism is most
B. Switch the client to a different oral antidiabetic common in older women and is characterized
agent. by bone pain and weakness from excess
C. Prescribe an additional oral antidiabetic agent. parathyroid hormone (PTH). Clients also
D. Restrict carbohydrate intake to less than 30% of exhibit hypercaliuria-causing polyuria. While
the total caloric intake. clients with diabetes mellitus and diabetes
25. During preoperative teaching for a female client insipidus also have polyuria, they don’t have
who will undergo subtotal thyroidectomy, the nurse bone pain and increased sleeping.
should include which statement? Hypoparathyroidism is characterized by urinary
frequency rather than polyuria.
8. Answer A. Because diabetes insipidus results
A. “The head of your bed must remain flat for 24
from decreased antidiuretic hormone
hours after surgery.”
(vasopressin) production, the nurse should
B. “You should avoid deep breathing and
expect to administer synthetic vasopressin for
coughing after surgery.”
hormone replacement therapy. Furosemide, a
C. “You won’t be able to swallow for the first day
diuretic, is contraindicated because a client with
or two.”
diabetes insipidus experiences polyuria. Insulin
D. “You must avoid hyperextending your neck
and dextrose are used to treat diabetes mellitus
after surgery.”
and its complications, not diabetes insipidus.
Answers and Rationales
9. Answer D. An autonomous aldosterone-
1. Answer B. To reverse hypoglycemia, the producing adenoma is the most common cause
American Diabetes Association recommends of hyperaldosteronism. Hyperplasia is the
ingesting 10 to 15 g of a simple carbohydrate, second most frequent cause. Aldosterone
such as three to five pieces of hard candy, two secretion is independent of sodium and
to three packets of sugar (4 to 6 tsp), or 4 oz of potassium intake as well as of pituitary
fruit juice. If necessary, this treatment can be stimulation.
repeated in 15 minutes. Ingesting only 2 to 5 g 10. Answer C. The glycosylated Hb test provides
of a simple carbohydrate may not raise the an objective measure of glycemic control over a
blood glucose level sufficiently. Ingesting more 3-month period. The test helps identify trends
or practices that impair glycemic control, and it
doesn’t require a fasting period before blood is
drawn. The nurse can’t conclude that the result diagnosed persons are usually very ill and thin.
occurs from poor dietary management or Hypothyroidism isn’t associated with
inadequate insulin coverage. hyperglycemia, nor is growth hormone
11. Answer A. Muscle weakness, bradycardia, deficiency.
nausea, diarrhea, and paresthesia of the hands, 20. Answer D. To control hypoglycemic episodes,
feet, tongue, and face are findings associated the nurse should instruct the client to consume a
with hyperkalemia, which is transient and low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet, avoid
occurs from transient hypoaldosteronism when fasting, and avoid simple sugars. Increasing
the adenoma is removed. Tremors, diaphoresis, saturated fat intake and increasing vitamin
and constipation aren’t seen in hyperkalemia. supplementation wouldn’t help control
12. Answer A. ADH is the hormone clients with hypoglycemia.
diabetes insipidus lack. The client’s TSH, FSH, 21. Answer C. Severe hypothyroidism may result in
and LH levels won’t be affected. myxedema coma, in which a drastic drop in the
13. Answer B. Thyroid crisis usually occurs in the metabolic rate causes decreased vital signs,
first 12 hours after thyroidectomy and causes hypoventilation (possibly leading to respiratory
exaggerated signs of hyperthyroidism, such as acidosis), and nonpitting edema. Thyroid storm
high fever, tachycardia, and extreme is an acute complication of hyperthyroidism.
restlessness. Diabetic ketoacidosis is more Cretinism is a form of hypothyroidism that
likely to produce polyuria, polydipsia, and occurs in infants. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is a
polyphagia; hypoglycemia, to produce common chronic inflammatory disease of the
weakness, tremors, profuse perspiration, and thyroid gland in which autoimmune factors play
hunger. Tetany typically causes uncontrollable a prominent role.
muscle spasms, stridor, cyanosis, and possibly 22. Answer B. Oral antidiabetic agents are only
asphyxia. effective in adult clients with type 2 diabetes.
14. Answer C. In hyperglycemia, urine osmolarity Oral antidiabetic agents aren’t effective in type
(the measurement of dissolved particles in the 1 diabetes. Pregnant and lactating women aren’t
urine) increases as glucose particles move into prescribed oral antidiabetic agents because the
the urine. The client experiences glucosuria and effect on the fetus is uncertain.
polyuria, losing body fluids and experiencing 23. Answer A. Sulfisoxazole and other
fluid volume deficit. Cool, clammy skin; sulfonamides are chemically related to oral
distended neck veins; and a decreased serum antidiabetic agents and may precipitate
sodium level are signs of fluid volume excess, hypoglycemia. Mexiletine, an antiarrhythmic, is
the opposite imbalance. used to treat refractory ventricular arrhythmias;
15. Answer D. Pheochromocytoma, a tumor of the it doesn’t cause hypoglycemia. Prednisone, a
adrenal medulla that secretes excessive corticosteroid, is associated with
catecholamine, causes hypertension, hyperglycemia. Lithium may cause transient
tachycardia, hyperglycemia, hypermetabolism, hyperglycemia, not hypoglycemia.
and weight loss. It isn’t associated with the 24. Answer B. Many clients (25% to 60%) with
other options. secondary failure respond to a different oral
16. Answer C. To reduce water retention in a client antidiabetic agent. Therefore, it wouldn’t be
with the SIADH, the nurse should restrict appropriate to initiate insulin therapy at this
fluids. Administering fluids by any route would time. However, if a new oral antidiabetic agent
further increase the client’s already heightened is unsuccessful in keeping glucose levels at an
fluid load. acceptable level, insulin may be used in
17. Answer A. This client’s serum calcium level addition to the antidiabetic agent.
indicates hypocalcemia, an electrolyte
imbalance that causes Trousseau’s sign 25. Answer D. To prevent undue pressure on the
(carpopedal spasm induced by inflating the surgical incision after subtotal thyroidectomy,
blood pressure cuff above systolic pressure). the nurse should advise the client to avoid
Homans’ sign (pain on dorsiflexion of the foot) hyperextending the neck. The client may
indicates deep vein thrombosis. Hegar’s sign elevate the head of the bed as desired and
(softening of the uterine isthmus) and Goodell’s should perform deep breathing and coughing to
sign (cervical softening) are probable signs of help prevent pneumonia. Subtotal
pregnancy. thyroidectomy doesn’t affect swallowing.
18. Answer A. Diabetes insipidus is characterized
by polyuria (up to 8 L/day), constant thirst, and
an unusually high oral intake of fluids.
Treatment with the appropriate drug should
decrease both oral fluid intake and urine output.
A urine output of 200 ml/hour indicates
continuing polyuria. A blood pressure of 90/50
mm Hg and a heart rate of 126 beats/minute
indicate compensation for the continued fluid
deficit, suggesting that treatment hasn’t been
19. Answer A. Acromegaly, which is caused by a
pituitary tumor that releases excessive growth
hormone, is associated with hyperglycemia,
hypertension, diaphoresis, peripheral
neuropathy, and joint pain. Enlarged hands and
feet are related to lateral bone growth, which is
seen in adults with this disorder. The
accompanying soft tissue swelling causes
hoarseness and often sleep apnea. Type 1
diabetes is usually seen in children, and newly