Photoelectric Effect App
Photoelectric Effect App
Photoelectric Effect App
1 3 2
5 4 12 11 10 8 7
Figure 1
1. Description
The Photoelectric Effect Apparatus allows the photoelectric emission from a mixed metal cathode
in vacuum to be studied as a function of the illumination and the extraction voltage applied. It consists
of a light-tight box (1, Figure 1) connected to a control and measurement unit (2) by shielded
cables (3). The light-tight box contains a vacuum phototube (4) with a Cs/Sb cathode and a current-
controlled incandescent lamp (5) mounted on a slide (6) that is operated from outside the closed
box to vary the illumination of the phototube. The control and measurement unit contains a highly
stabilized lamp power supply adjusted by a multi-turn potentiometer (7). The current is indicated on a
three-digit display (8). A second, independent, highly stabilized voltage source, also controlled by a
multi-turn potentiometer (9), applies a precise d.c. extraction voltage to the phototube electrodes.
The applied voltage is indicated on a three-digit display (10). The resulting photocurrent is
measured by a sensitive amplifier and indicated on a 3-1/2-digit display (11) The amplifier gain
has two ranges, selected by a pair of pushbuttons (12).
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2. Specifications
Phototube: Type GD-51 Mixed metal vacuum tube (Cs/Sb), 7-pin base
Rated voltage: 24V
Integral sensitivity (white light): 100μA/Lm
Lamp: Incandescent lamp, bayonet type, 12V/5W rating
Control Unit: Lamp supply: 0—15V, 185mA—665mA, on 10-turn potentiometer
Display resolution: 1mA
Electrode voltage supply: -25.5V—+23.5V on 10-turn potentiometer
Display resolution: 0.1V
Photocurrent amplifier: Ranges: 20 μA: 0—19.99 μA x 0.01 μA
200 μA: 0—199.9 μA x 0.1 μA
Fuse: Miniature fuse, 5 x 20 mm, 250V/1.5A
Dimensions: 35 cm x 26 cm x 12 cm
Weight: 4.5 kg
Light-tight Box: Slide: Range: 0.5 cm - 40.0cm, mm scale
Dimensions: 60.5 cm x 12 cm x 15 cm
Weight: 3.8 kg
Connecting cords: 2 lamp supply cords, 75 cm long, spade lug/banana plug connectors.
2 shielded photocurrent cords, 75 cm long, BNC/banana plug connectors
1 Power cord, 2m long.
3. Safety
The control unit connects to a 110VAC outlet via a grounded plug. Observe all usual
electrical safety precautions when operating it. In particular:
Do not use the apparatus if the cord or plug are damaged.
Do not use the apparatus in a wet or damp environment.
Do not defeat the grounding, which protects the user against dangerous external
voltages in case of internal damage to the circuitry.
Make all changes to the connections with the apparatus UNPLUGGED from the
110VAC outlet.
Only operate the apparatus under responsible supervision by a technically qualified person.
To preserve the sensitivity of the phototube, always keep it in place in the light tight box
and keep the box closed to minimize the tube’s exposure to ambient light.
4. Theory
The photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons from the surface of a solid when it is illuminated
with a beam of light. The light need not be visible; any electromagnetic radiation of sufficient
energy can promote the effect. To study the photoelectric effect, the solid surface, usually metallic, is
placed in a vacuum, because in a gas such as air, the emitted electrons quickly attach themselves to
gas molecules and are difficult to control. The usual arrangement is a vacuum phototube with a
photo-emitting cathode and an anode to collect the electron stream.
Consider the energy state of the electrons in a clean piece of metal placed in a vacuum. Figure 2
shows this schematically. Taking the energy of a motionless electron in the vacuum conventionally as
zero, the electrons bound in the metal’s conduction band all have a lower energy and can be
regarded as freely mobile in a “Fermi sea” of degenerate states whose highest energy level is the
Fermi level. This is at an energy below the vacuum level. Is known as the work function. For
an electron to leave the metal surface, it must be supplied with at least this energy.
Although the work function is a well-defined concept, it is notoriously difficult to measure in practice.
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Figure 2
There are two main reasons for this. First, the value of for clean surfaces varies with crystal
orientation, so polycrystalline samples see an “average” value that varies a little depending on
the crystalline state of the sample and second, in practice, the metal surface is rarely as clean as
Figure 2 suggests, even in a good vacuum. The surface is covered with oxides, adsorbed
contaminants and gas molecules, all more or less loosely bound to the underlying metal atoms.
These modify the smooth energy vs. distance curve shown in Figure 2 and can increase or
decrease the observed value of , depending on whether they offer an electron state which is a
“stepping stone” to the vacuum level or act as an electron trap.
When a photon strikes the metal surface and is absorbed, it delivers an energy packet h to the
metal. If h ≥ , an electron can be ejected into the vacuum. For visible light in the wavelength
range of 400 - 700 nm, h is 3.10 - 1.75 eV. For each surface, there is thus a maximum wavelength of
light that can produce a photoelectron.
Table 1 shows the measured work functions, , for Element (eV) max (nm)
clean polycrystalline surfaces of some metallic elements
which have low work functions, as well as the corresponding Cs 2.14 580
maximum wavelengths, max, for the ejection of a K 2.30 540
photoelectron. Note that the longest wavelengths
quoted are in the green region of the spectrum and the Eu 2.50 496
rest range to the violet end. Although another half
dozen elements have work functions of 3.10 eV or less Na 2.75 451
and can emit photoelectrons under visible light, most Ca 2.87 432
elements have higher to much higher work functions
and can only be excited to electron emission by UV Ce 2.90 428
Gd 3.10 400
For practical photocathodes, mixtures of elements are
often used. The mixtures create a different surface Table 1
structure that can have a lower work function than either
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component alone, extending the sensitivity towards
the red end of the spectrum. The phototube used
in this apparatus contains such a mixed cathode—
Cs/Sb (work function of pure Sb: 4.55eV). Figure 3
shows the spectral sensitivity curve of the phototube
included in this apparatus. The photocurrent for
constant illumination (in arbitrary units) is plotted
against the wavelength of light used. It can be
seen that the curve is extended into the red region,
although with sharply reduced sensitivity.
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5. Operation
5.1 The Phototube
The GD-51 mixed metal cathode phototube supplied
is a diode structure in an envelope with a 7-pin base
(see Figure 6) A metal shield around the inside of
the envelope admits light only through a window in
the front. The cathode is on the inside surface of the
shield. The anode structure contains a gettering device
used during tube manufacture.
Figure 6 also shows the tube base viewed from the
bottom and identifies the anode and cathode pins.
The tube socket in the light tight box is also shown in
Figure 6. It is a 14-pin socket with alternate pin sockets
occupied and empty when the tube is in place.
The apparatus is supplied with the tube in place.
Should it be necessary to remove the tube, it should
Figure 6
be replaced with the short pin on the tube
corresponding to the pin socket facing the
lamp (1 in the diagram).
5.2 Setup
Make the electrical connections between
the control unit and the light tight box:
Figure 7 shows the rear of the control unit
Figure 8 shows the end of the light tight box.
Note: the results depend sensitively on
the stability of the lamp current and the Figure 7
amplifier. Make sure that the connections
are correctly polarized and firmly connected.
Connect the lamp supply. Using the supplied cables with a
banana plug and a spade lug, connect the jacks marked B
in Figures 7 & 8 (red) Similarly connect the jacks marked C
Connect the phototube signal to the control unit. Using the
supplied cables with the BNC connectors and the banana C D
plugs, connect the jacks marked D in Figures 7 & 8 (red). B E
Similarly connect the jacks marked E (black).
With the power switch on the off position, connect the supplied
power cable to the IEC connector (A in Figure 7) and then to
a 110VAC outlet.
Open the light tight box and check that the phototube is
properly seated in its socket. Close the light tight box as Figure 8
soon as you have checked.
Set the lamp current potentiometer (7, Figure 1) to its minimum value and the extraction voltage
potentiometer (9, Figure 1) to the approximate center of its range.
Select the 20μA range for the photocurrent display (12, Figure 1).
Pull out the lamp slide (6, Figure 1) until the 10 cm mark is visible at the end of the light tight
Turn on the control unit at the switch and adjust the extraction voltage potentiometer to read
“00.0” volts. The apparatus is ready for measurements.
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5.3 Calibrating the Slide
One investigation requires the distance r Baffle
between the lamp filament and the tube’s
photocathode to be measured. The scale on
the slide (6, Figure 1) is used for this purpose.
Because of the geometry of the phototube and
manufacturing tolerances in the socket bracket
and the lamp, the position indicated on the slide
scale differs from the distance r by a constant
amount, and a correction is required. d1 d2
To correct for manufacturing tolerances, proceed
as follows: Figure 9
Open the light tight box. There is a fixed
baffle in front of the phototube to eliminate unwanted reflections from the inside walls
of the light tight box (see Figure 9). Move the slide out until the lamp is well clear of the
Use a short metric ruler to measure the distance d1 between the front of the phototube
and the center of the baffle.
Turn on the control unit and adjust the lamp current to its minimum value. The lamp filament
will glow dimly. Move the slide in until the filament is exactly in the center of the baffle
and read the position d indicated on the slide scale. The tolerance correction is the
difference between d and d1 (usually a small positive addition to d).
Close the light tight box as soon as these measurements are finished.
The illuminated cathode area is a partial cylinder inside the rear part of the phototube. Its
effective average distance from the front surface of the tube, d2, is approximately 25 mm.
This quantity should also be added to each slide scale reading to obtain an accurate value of r.
5.4 Measurements
5.4.1 Measuring the Characteristic Curves of the Phototube.
The photocurrent generated by the tube is measured as a function of the applied voltage for
several different levels of illumination, characterized by the lamp current.
Phototubes frequently exhibit a “dark current” - a current flow in the absence of illumination.
Such currents arise from a variety of sources, but not from photoemission, so any observable
dark current should be subtracted from the measured currents to give an accurate measure
of the true photocurrent. The GD-51 phototube used in this apparatus has a very small dark
current at all applied voltages, too small to be detected by the photocurrent amplifier, so no
dark current adjustments are needed.
Adjust the slide position so that the filament-cathode distance r is 20 cm.
Turn on the control unit and set the lamp current to 400mA
Select the 20A range of the photocurrent amplifier.
Starting at 0.0V applied voltage, measure and record the photocurrent as the applied voltage
is increased to its maximum value of 23.8V. It is suggested to use steps of 0.1V initially,
increasing the steps progressively to 0.5V, 1.0V, and 2.5V as saturation sets in and the
photocurrent increases more slowly.
Graph the resulting current-voltage relationship and identify the space charge and saturation
regions as well as the saturation voltage Vs described in Section 4.
Repeat the procedure for higher lamp currents at intervals of 50mA up to 600mA.
Compare your estimates of V s at the various lamp current levels to verify its increase
with increasing illumination.
5.4.2 Measuring the Suppression Voltage of the Phototube.
It was pointed out in Section 4 that there is a small photocurrent at zero imposed voltage due
to the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons. The suppression voltage of the tube is that
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imposed negative voltage required to reduce the photocurrent to zero. The photocurrent amplifier
and display can indicate a current greater than 5nA, so the apparatus can determine a
suppression voltage to this level. (Note: This is not sufficient for an accurate determination of
Planck’s constant using color filters.)
Set the filament-cathode distance to 20 cm and the lamp current to 400mA.
Set the voltage to 00.0 V and record the photocurrent.
Reduce the voltage in steps of 0.1V, recording the photocurrent each time, until the photocurrent
is shown as zero.
Repeat the process for higher lamp currents, increasing the current in steps of 50mA to
Compare the suppression voltages found for the various illumination levels.
5.4.3 Measuring the Photocurrent Variation with Lamp Distance.
Since the light flux produced by the lamp is not a linear function of the lamp current, the
investigation of the variation of the photocurrent with the intensity of illumination of the
photocathode is accomplished by using a fixed lamp current and varying the filament-
photocathode distance, then using the Inverse Square Law to plot the form of the photocurrent as
a function of the intensity of illumination.
To ensure that all the photoelectrons produced reach the anode and contribute to the measured
photocurrent, the tube is operated in the far saturation region. Set the applied voltage to its
maximum value (23.8V)
Set the lamp current to 500mA
Adjust the slide so that the filament-cathode distance r is 10 cm (Remember to take account
of the corrections described in Section 5.1) and record the photocurrent.
Increase the filament-cathode distance r in increments of 5 cm to 40 cm, recording the
photocurrent each time.
Calculate the values of 1/r2 and draw the graph of photocurrent vs. 1/r2.
Optionally, repeat the procedure for other values of the lamp current between 400 mA and
600 mA.
6. Discussion
6.1 The Characteristic Curve
A typical characteristic curve is shown in 2.5
Figure 10. It is clear from the form of the
curve that the saturation voltage is not 2.0
well defined. However, a space charge-
Photocurrent (μA)
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6.2 The Suppression Voltage
The suppression voltage for a phototube illuminated by a broad spectrum lamp is also not
well defined. As the temperature of the lamp filament is increased, more light of shorter
wavelength is included in the mix of photons emitted and a larger number of electrons with
greater kinetic energy will be released. The measured suppression voltage will therefore
move to more negative values. This effect should be observable in this apparatus with careful
The actual values obtained for the suppression voltage (a few tenths of a volt) are largely
determined by the sensitivity of the photocurrent measuring arrangement. In this apparatus, a
current change of about 5nA can be detected by a change of one unit in the last dig it
displayed. This therefore represents the lower limit for determining when the photocurrent
becomes “zero.” A more sensitive detection system would find a more negative suppression
The conclusion can be drawn that the kinetic energy spectrum of the emitted electrons
reaches at least to 0.2eV.
6.3 Variation of the Photocurrent with Illumination
The photocurrent is expected to vary linearly
with the intensity of the illumination. 8
Figure 11 is a typical plot of the measured
photocurrent against the inverse square
of the distance between the lamp filament Photocurrent (μA)
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7.2 Troubleshooting
The apparatus is robust and the electronics are very stable, so no trouble should be encountered
in normal operation, provided that attention is paid to correct connection of the light-tight box
to the control unit.
The lamp current is stabilized to less than 0.5 mA. This is necessary because of the high
sensitivity of the photoemission to the illumination intensity and its rapid reaction to changes.
To maintain this stability, it is necessary to have very good contact at all the connection
points in the circuit so as to avoid random load changes due to unreliable contact resistances. If
flickering of the digits of the lamp current display is observed, check the following connections:
The current input spade lug connectors on the light-tight box should be clean, properly
seated and tight;
The current output plugs/sockets on the control unit rear should be clean and properly
and firmly mated;
The bayonet connection of the lamp can become unreliable after prolonged operation
due to oxidation and creep of the soft metal contacts at the warm operating temperatures.
Remove the lamp, clean the contacts and replace the lamp in its socket.
The photocurrent amplifier and display are sensitive to current changes of 5nA. To retain
reasonable stability at this sensitivity, all the connection points in the circuit should be reliable.
Some small variation of the photocurrent over time is normal, especially at lower extraction
voltages. However, last digit flicker of more than one unit in the display indicates a poor
connection. Check both ends of the shielded photocurrent connecting cables for dirt or loose
Check that the tube is correctly seated in its socket (see Figure 6, Section 5.1)
Pay particular attention to the correct polarity of the photocurrent connections to avoid
misleading readouts.
9. Copyright Notice
This PEEA01 Photoelectric Effect Apparatus Operation and Activity Guide is copyrighted and all rights
are reserved. Permission is granted to all non-profit educational institutions to make as many copies of this
work as they need as long as it is for the sole purpose of teaching students. Reproduction of this work by
anyone for any other purpose is prohibited.
© United Scientific Supplies, Inc., 2011
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