Generator Excitation
Generator Excitation
Generator Excitation
compressor drives in liquid natural gas (LNG) the field coil with a negative field voltage to
plants. reduce the field current in the case of an over-
Fig. 1 shows the brushless excitation systems excitation. It has the disadvantage that it de-
(green) typically used for large drives. pends on using brushes and may cause shaft
voltages [6], [7].
2. System under investigation
Switching operations in the grid or grid faults
can cause oscillating shaft torques, which can
damage the power system and lead to mechan-
ical failures. Thus, the excitation system has to
attenuate those resonances between the rotat-
ing system and the grid. In order to verify the
applicability of the induction machine exciter
(IM exciter) for turbine generators, a detailed
power system simulation is performed. The
control performance of the IM exciter is com-
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of an induction ma- pared with a static excitation system. The de-
chine based excitation system (a) and a static tailed equivalent circuit of the static excitation
excitation system (b) for turbine generators system is modeled and the controls are taken
The induction machine stator winding is con- from the ST1A standard excitation system [8].
nected to an AC power controller. The rotary Both excitation systems are equipped with the
field, generated by the 3-phase stator winding same power system stabilizer (PSS1A) [8].
of the exciter, turns in the opposite direction of The stabilizer modifies the input signal of the
the rotating direction of the shaft. Thus, the voltage controller in order to suppress shaft
operational slip of the induction machine is at oscillations in consequence of grid faults or
s = 1 during standstill and at s = 5 during rated resonance excitation. It uses the shaft accelera-
operation. This system is brushless and it is tion as input signal.
able to feed the generator’s field coil with a The simulation is performed by using a typical
DC current at standstill. Its effects on the gen- benchmark model. As depicted in Fig. 2, the
erator performance are unknown, since it is generator is connected to 2 equivalent grids.
only used as an excitation system for large Hence, they have the same short circuit capac-
drives. Those drives do not have to regulate ity (SCC) of 1500 MVA. Furthermore, both
reactive power or have to stabilize the grid lines have a length of 50 km with the same
during faults. values for resistance and reactance.
Fig. 1 also shows a typical static excitation Both excitation systems are fed by the on-site
system (orange dashed). It consists of a con- power. The on-site power is supplied by a
trolled 6-pulse rectifier, which is directly con- transformer connected to the generator’s ter-
nected to the rotating field coil by using minals. Thus, both systems get affected by
brushes and slip rings. The static excitation voltage drops on the transmission line.
system has the advantage of being able to feed
Fig. 2. Simulation model for the performance analysis of the excitation systems
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Two scenarios are chosen to prove the ap- This second simulation is called unsuccessful
plicability of the IM exciter for power genera- reclosing. The reclosing fault is cleared after
tion systems. First, a 185 ms 3-phase fault is additional 185 ms.
simulated in the middle of one transmission For both scenarios it is assumed that the tur-
line. At the beginning of the simulation the bine torque keeps constant to simplify the
system runs at rated operation and at the time comparison. The fast travel mode of the tur-
of t = 0 s the switch S1 is closed. After 185 ms bine valves may be activated at real power
the fault is cleared by opening the switch S2. plants due to the fault, in order to reduce the
Following it is assumed that the fault is overspeed of the shaft [9].
cleared and the switch S2 recloses successful-
ly. 3. Simulation and results
Secondly, the 3-phase fault is simulated once 3.1 Successful reclosing
again. The switch S1 is closed similar to the Fig. 3 shows the most important generator
successful reclosing simulation. After 185 ms values during the 3-phase fault on the trans-
the switch S2 opens and the generator gets mission line. The values are expressed in the
separated from the 3-phase fault. per unit system, which brings benefit to the
37 periods or 740 ms after S2 was opened, it comparability of the presented figures.
closes again. In this case the generator is con-
nected to the 3-phase fault once again.
Fig. 3. Most important generator values for both excitation systems during the successful reclosing
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The generator operates under rated conditions ic excitation system offers the possibility to
at 3000 rpm. At the time of t = 0 s the switch S1 reverse the field voltage. The negative field
is closed. The sudden short circuit leads to voltage values lead to lower field current val-
high transient generator currents. Since the ues after fault clearance. Thus, the oscillating
turbine torque is constant during the whole air gap torque of the generator has lower am-
simulation, the generator starts to accelerate. plitudes after fault clearance. Nevertheless,
Both excitation systems have no visible influ- both excitation systems return the generator
ence on the transient values during the short into rated operation within a time period of 3
circuit. Generator currents and the air gap seconds. The generator stator currents have the
torque have the same behavior. same maxima for both excitation systems.
After 185 ms the switch S2 opens and the gen-
3.2 Unsuccessful reclosing
erator returns into rated operation. The recov-
ery time for the rotor angle ϑ and the speed ω Fig. 4 shows the most important generator
is similar. values for the unsuccessful reclosing simula-
The generator field current if shows a big dif- tion. The generator runs at rated operation and
ference. By using the IM exciter, the field cur- at the time of t = 0 s the switch S1 is closed.
rent is about 1.5-2 pu greater than the field cur- 185 ms after S1 is closed, the switch S2 opens.
rent with the static excitation system. The stat-
Fig. 4. Most important generator values for both excitation systems during the unsuccessful reclos-
ing simulation
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