Design Log
Design Log
Design Log
The first step in constructing the Coilgun was to design a circuit that could deliver
the power required to launch the projectile. This power supply would have to
output enough current to move the projectile at a high velocity, but due to safety
and economic reasons, the voltage would have to be kept at a safe level, under
100 volts.
The circuit required would be fairly simple, and easy enough to build
without using a printed circuit board.
2 10 000 uF, 63 V Capacitors are used to increase the power of the coil. The
capacitors work by using two plates with a dielectric (non-conductive) medium
between them. A charge difference builds up between the two plates, and when a
load, such as a coil, is put across the plates, they will release all their energy,
which causes a greater amount of energy to go flow through the coil
A 120 V neon bulb was used to indicate power was on. A neon bulb was used as
opposed to a light emitting diode, because it can handle higher voltages, and
also works with alternating current.
The two transformers in the circuit (T1 and T2) take the 120 V AC from the wall
and step it down to 42 V and 2 3 V outputs, by inducting a field from one coil to
another coil with less windings.
Since the capacitors are polarized (meaning they can only be charged if the
current is going in one direction) the Alternating current, which is current that
moves back and forth 60 times a second (60 Hz), would cause the capacitors to
overheat and explode. In order to prevent this, the Alternating current must be
forced to only go in one direction. This is known as direct current.
A bridge rectifier forces the Alternating Current (AC) into Direct Current (DC) by
the use of 4 diodes. Diodes are semiconductors which will only allow current to
flow through them in one direction.
AC wave -
The diodes have forced the wave to only go in one direction; therefore it is now
Direct Current (DC). The direct current is suitable to charge the capacitors.
The power supply circuit works by taking the voltage from the transformers,
converting it to DC by use of the Bridge Rectifier, and then charging the
capacitors with this current. The charged capacitors will then remain charged
unless a load is placed across them, such as the coil circuit. The capacitors are
charged through a 55 Ω resistor, to prevent the transformer from shorting itself
out once they are discharged.
In order to trigger the SCR, a voltage of 3 V AC was put through a half wave
rectifier (which consists of only a diode). A half wave rectifier is not as efficient as
a bridge rectifier (but since it is only used to trigger, not much power is needed.)
There is also a 91 Ω resistor(R3) in the circuit, which prevents too much current
from going to the SCR.
The coil circuit is simply a copper wound coil attached to the power supply circuit.
Safety Features
There are 2 safety features built into the circuit to assure that no one is shocked
by accidentally touching the leads from the capacitors, and to assure that the
capacitors do not build up a charge when the circuit is off.
Switch 1 (S1)
This switch is a double pole, double throw switch, meaning that when the switch
is closed, one circuit is completed, and when it is open, another circuit is
completed. Switch S1 is the main power switch, so when it is closed (on
position), it allows power from the wall outlet to flow through the circuit, and when
it is open (off position), it puts a resistor (R2) across the capacitors, forcing them
to discharge.
Switch 2 (S2)
This switch is also a double pole, double throw switch, and it is used as to control
the trigger switch, and the capacitor charging. Therefore, when the switch is in
the open position, is completes the circuit between the rectifier and the
capacitors, allowing them to be charged, and when the switch is closed (fire
position) it stops the capacitors from being charged, and completes the trigger
circuit, causing the SCR to discharge the capacitors. Aside from being a safety
feature, this switch removes any interfering magnetic fields that could be caused
by the capacitors charging while the projectile has not yet left the barrel.