Modelling PM-BPSK Signals For Coherent Optical Transmission Over Single-Mode Fiber

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2013 European Modelling Symposium

Modelling PM-BPSK Signals for Coherent Optical Transmission over Single-Mode


Navya Yelloji, Navnith Ravindran, Anand Kumar Arun Bera, Vijay Mehra
Electrical and Electronics Engineering iCoreTec
BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus Bangalore, India
Dubai, UAE {arun, vijay},

Abstract— Fiber optics has long been a successful mode of dependent attenuation due to absorption and wavelength
telecommunication due to its high transmission speed with very dependent transmission capacity affect the transmission [9].
low losses compared to electrical cables. Using light to transmit Fiber modes and light modulation methods impact the overall
data is much more efficient than electrical signals. Light performance of the system [10][11][7]. Effects can be
polarized at a particular angle travels faster; this polarized
categorized into Linear and Non Linear effects: Attenuation
light can then be modulated with the required data that needs
to be transmitted using various modulation schemes. This and Chromatic Dispersion come under Linear Effects
report deals with the modeling of such a fiber optic network in whereas Brillouin diffusion, Raman diffusion, fluctuations of
Optiwave and studying the effects of transmission at high data the refraction index comes under Non-linear Effects
rates on a single mode fiber. Using Optiwave a BPSK Signal has In Fiber Optic Communication, the electrical information is
been modulated onto the carrier laser beam using Mach- passed through an encoder, which converts the signal into
Zehnder Interferometer modeled as a modulator. The Bit Error light pulses and then transmits it through the fiber. At the
rate Q factor and Eye diagram has been analyzed for the best decoder, these received light pulses are then converted back
signal quality in three different cases of no polarization, linear into electrical signals. As the constellation size increases, the
polarization and circular polarization. The eye diagram
launch power for the laser beam also increases. The
provides details on best time to sample the signal, Signal to
Noise Ratio and the transmission capacity of the system. constellation sizes for BPSK, QPSK and 16 QAM
(Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) are 2, 4 and 16
Keywords-Single mode Fiber; Polarization Modulation; respectively. In denser constellations, noise is added due to
Phase Shift Keying; Eye Diagram; Bit Error Rate; Q Factor Interference. And also, for denser constellations, there is a
trade-off between Reach and Capacity. BPSK will have a
I. INTRODUCTION longer reach using lower launch power and have a lower
Fiber optic communication employs the method of using information carrying capacity, whereas on the other hand, 16
light as carrier wave for the information to be received and QAM will have a Larger Capacity for a smaller Reach which
transmitted over longer distances at higher data transfer rates implies that the fiber length will be smaller too. In N-WDM
(or Bandwidths) with low losses through optical fibers which (Nyquist – Wavelength Division Multiplexing) systems using
acts as a waveguide. Optical Fiber is made with glass (silica) PM – BPSK, QPSK and QAM Modulation schemes with Non
or with plastics and is thinner than human hair (< 0.50 mm). Return to zero (NRZ Signal) using a Single mode fiber (SMF)
Single mode Fiber’s (SMF) use a single ray of light to with a 25 dB span Loss, it was found that PM – BPSK can
transmit or receive information. Single Mode Fiber is reach 6480 km at a net capacity of 4Terra Bits/ sec whereas
preferred over Multi Mode Fiber for Long Haul Distances as PM- 16 QAM reaches 270 km with a net capacity of 27 Terra
they show narrow modal dispersion and also have higher Bits/ sec [15].The functioning of basic optical network is
bandwidths. described in the following steps:
Glass fiber to transmit an optical signal was thought of by • A serial input in the form of electrical signals is fed
Alexander Graham Bell. The first steps in optical into the modulator. The modulator encodes the data
communications began in the 1960s and is developing with and feeds to the fiber for transmission. The type of
time gaining higher speeds and bandwidths. Various digital modulations may be BPSK, QPSK, QAM,
inventions like LASERs, low loss optical fibers, optical fiber OFDM, Polarization Division Modulation, and
amplifier, and in-fiber Bragg grating contributed to better Intensity Modulation.
optical communication networks. Also with advancement in • A light source usually LASERs or LEDs are powered
semiconductors, it contributed to the electronic parts of the by the modulator and the light is focused into the
communication networks. transmitting fiber.
The following parameters impact optical communication • The light traverses through fiber optic cable. During
over fiber: attenuation, upper limit on power to ensure the transmission the signal may experience
linearity, polarization [3], dispersion (chromatic, modal and Chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion
waveguide), and transmitter and receiver noise due to or loss of signal strength.
electronic components. Glass characteristics like wavelength

978-1-4799-2578-0/13 $31.00 © 2013 IEEE 660

DOI 10.1109/EMS.2013.118
• At the receiving side the light signal is fed to a phases. When the received information is passed through a
detector like a photodiode and is converted to demodulator, each phase is mapped to its symbol, and that is
electrical signal. how the original data is obtained.
• The received signal is then fed to an amplifier and In Wavelength Division Multiplexing, multiple signals are
followed by a detector; the detector then identifies the multiplexed on laser beams at different wavelengths onto a
signal and its corresponding time frame. Once the single fiber. With this technique, bidirectional/duplex
signal gets decoded, the signal stream is communication is possible using a SMF. WDM can multiply
reconstructed. the effective bandwidth of fiber optic communication using
In many contexts light can be taken to behave like quantum optical amplifiers such as EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber
particles called “photons”. Light may be regarded on as Amplifiers). For a long-haul fiber Amplifiers are placed
waves when studying transmission or propagation. It can also periodically at repeated intervals to boost signal power. Each
be taken as a particle when we study its interactions with amplifier stage adds amplified spontaneous emission (ASE)
matter. In the optical communication networks, the best way noise and degrades the OSNR. In the presence of High
of regarding light is to treat it as an electromagnetic wave. OSNR, the Q values are more reliable. Frequency Division
Electromagnetic waves are similar to radio waves except that Multiplexing (FDM) and Wavelength Division Multiplexing
they have a smaller wavelength. Electromagnetic waves have essentially explain the same concept. In FDM, a carrier is
orthogonal electrical fields and magnetic fields. The axes can identified by it frequency whereas in WDM, a carrier is
be oriented arbitrarily and this orientation is called identified by its Wavelength.
polarization. Optical amplifiers directly amplify light without the need
for converting to electrical medium. EDFA is a class of
II. MODULATION SCHEMES optical amplifiers which uses Erbium Doped Silica Fiber.
In polarization multiplexing, optical signals are transmitted When Erbium is excited with light of wavelengths either
through fibers using polarization of light [3][4][12][13] 980nm or 1480nm (called pump wavelengths), it stays in a
through which the capacity of the channel can be increased. quasi-stable intermediate state before decaying to ground
Angle of rotation of light acts an identifier of the signal, state to emit light between 1525 nm to 1565nm. EDFA has a
which means even if the information is carried using same carrier lifetime in the order of milliseconds which implies for
wavelength, due to polarization the signals can be large data transfer rate, there will be less interference. It is
differentiated at the ends of the fiber. also polarization insensitive and has high saturation power.
In Intensity Modulation, The power of the incoming signal [16]
is varied and then transmitted into the optical fiber. At both
ends, transmitter and receiver, the amplitude of the signal can
be measured and mapped (Power is proportional to the square Two optical models are designed with linear polarization of
of the amplitude). Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a digital 45 degrees and Circular polarization of 45 degrees using
modulation scheme that conveys data by modulating the Optiwave software which is the emerging leader in the
phase of the message signal with respect to the carrier wave. development of innovative software tools for the design,
It uses finite number of different symbols to represent the simulation, and optimization of components, links, systems
digital data to be conveyed. Each phase encodes equal and networks for the dynamically growing fields in photonics
number of bits in different patterns to represent distinct nanotechnology, optoelectronics, optical networks and other

Fig 1 Optiwave Fiber Optic Model with Circular Polarization at 45 degrees

photonic applications. An eye diagram gives an idea of the
ability of the system, as to how much data it can handle. The
measurements are conducted in time domain and it shows the
effect of distortion in the wave and gives Bit error rate. The
received signal can be sampled at its best in the widest
opening of the eye diagram and correspondingly gives the
highest Q factor for the BER and the lowest error probability.
When the eye opening is large, it’s the ideal time to sample
the signal with little to no error. The opening of eye also gives
the noise level, the signal to noise ratio at the sampling point.
The upper area shows the amount of distortion that is set by
the signal to noise ratio. [13].
Continuous Wave laser at a wavelength of 1550nm and a
power rating of 1.25 mW is used as a carrier beam onto
which data is modulated in BPSK format .The laser input is
given with Linear Polarizer and Circular Polarizer. Fig 1
shows the block diagram of the system with circular
polarizer. The PSK pulse generator is programmed to give 1
bit per symbol with a 180 degree phase shift. The modulator Fig 3 Output BER Q Factor and eye diagram for Circular Polarization at
is modeled using a Mach Zehnder interferometer. Mach 45 degrees
Zehnder interferometer splits the carrier into two beams of After the signal amplification, it is passed onto a Bessel
equal intensity using a splitter and then passing it through a optical filter and then a photodiode detects the optical signal
waveguide where electrodes around it manipulate the phase pulses and converts them to electrical signals. The photodiode
of the carrier beams depending on the applied potential. is modeled such that it only triggers when a certain threshold
These are then recombined at the other end. When there is a is attained. This reduces further noise in the resulting signal.
180 degree phase shift between the signals, the resultant The final signal is passed through a low pass Bessel filter.
intensity is zero. Depending on the extent of overlap the The signal obtained after filtering is the final output. The final
intensity varies and thus producing a modulated optical output is compared to the actual input using a Bit Error rate
signal. This optical signal is then transmitted onto a glass analyzer tool. BER analyzer gives us the Q factor of the
optical fiber. EDFA’s are placed along the fiber to amplify signal, Minimum Bit error rate. The Q factor of the signal is
the signal strength. The optical signal at the receiving end is the representation of the best time period in which the signal
weak in signal strength, and hence again amplified. This can be sampled without an error. At the peak of the Q factor,
amplified signal is viewed on the optical time domain the signal can be sampled with the least error.
visualizer in the visualizer library in Optiwave. Fig 2 is the plot of eye diagram with the BER Q factor for
linear polarization. Here the BER Q factor has a single peak
at about 0.45 time in the bit period. The maximum Q factor
obtained for this system is 8.04034. The eye diagram has a
narrower opening and hence the Q factor peaks at the point of
maximum opening. Fig 3 is the plot of eye diagram with the
BER Q factor for circular polarization. In this system, the eye
opening is similar to that of linear polarization. The BER Q
factor peaks at time period of 0.45 with a peak value of
7.86352. For the case with no polarization, the observed
maximum Q Factor was 23.6434. The Q factor has two peaks
at the time period of 0.49 and 0.61 for a bit period.
The Fiber optic communication network has been studied
in detail with the two polarizations and modulation
techniques. The final model has been made in Optiwave
software. The eye diagram studied for different polarizations.
The system modeled takes in a BPSK signal and then
transmits it over a fiber with the set in parameters of the
transmission network. At the receiver end, the output was
Fig 2 Output BER Q Factor and eye diagram for Linear Polarization observed and the Eye Diagram was plotted. The eye diagram
. at 45 degrees gives the best time period to capture a specific data bit. In real

implementation of the system, there are effects of polarization • Launch Power of the signal is important. If the signal
mode dispersion, chromatic dispersion and other influences strength is weak, the signal may be lost over
which have not been considered in this model. The SMF transmission. For a Stronger signal power, if when
chosen is also a simple model without considering the linear operated with battery, then the optical system’s
and non linear effects. The BER Q factor has two peaks for complexity will increase. A range for optimum
the system with no polarization which gives more time for the operation must be defined. Otherwise, an ideal fiber
signal to be sampled. But in the cases of polarization, the length must be defined.
sampling has to be done at a particular time for best signal • For polarization, suppose the angles of rotations are
quality. If the peak is missed, then the signal may not be chosen to be symmetrical, i.e. at a mutual angular
reliable. difference of 120 degrees then identification will be
A. Discussion difficult.
• Employing 3 forms of modulation schemes will
Utilizing the concepts of Polarization Modulation,
improve the capacity, but the complexity of the
Wavelength Division Multiplexing, Intensity modulation a
system will dramatically increase. Each signal has to
theoretical model is proposed, in order to effectively increase
be identified and mapped on 3 levels, i.e. Power,
the bandwidth. The theoretical model has modulation
Wavelength, and polarization, which means three
schemes on three different levels i.e., Intensity Modulation,
different detectors, must be used on both ends.
Wavelength Multiplexing and Polarization Modulation. The
• Effects of Dispersion on Wavelength have not been
proposed design only implements polarization modulation
scheme. Brief description of the mechanism is specified in the
following. B. Future Work
• Level -1: Intensity Modulation: Source signals will The design proposed is in its basic form employing only
be transmitted at different power levels. polarization modulation at 45 degrees. Progress will be
• Level -2: Wavelength Multiplexing: At a subsequently made by adopting the different modulation
corresponding power, signals with different schemes, different modulation format (e.g.: QPSK, QAM),
wavelengths will be transmitted. while taking into account the effects dispersions, linear and
• Level -3: Polarization Modulation: Each wavelength non linear effects on the SMF [14].
signal’s angle of rotation will be modified.
For example, as shown in Fig 4, two wavelengths are ACKNOWLEDGMENT
modified on 2 Intensity Levels and 3 Polarization levels, This research was done as part of Navnith’s dissertation for
which results in 12 unique channels. The channel capacity of his Master’s in Microelectronics and Navya’s capstone
a two wavelength channel with no modulation schemes project at BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus. The research was done
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