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Volume-04 ISSN: 2455-3085 (Online)

Issue-01 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

January -2019 www.rrjournals.com [UGC Listed Journal]

Easterine Kire‟s When the River Sleeps: A Perspective

Dr. T. Jeevan Kumar

Assistant Professor of English, K.H. Government Degree College, Dharmavaram (India)


Article History The second half of the twentieth century witnessed a large
Published Online: 10 January 2019 scale proliferation of Indian English fiction across continents
and cultures. Today, it spread to the North-East India too.
Keywords Writers from the North-East have gained mainstream
Oral tradition, bewitching, nightmares, recognition. One such writer is Easterine Kire. Her novel
surreal, ironic, mysterious, “When the River Sleeps” wins the 2015 The Hindu Literary
ecocriticism, personification, spirits,
prize. It is a great work of art that tells the story of Vilie, an
magic realism.
Angari man in Nagaland, who is obsessed with the sleeping
Corresponding Author river and the magical stone it contains beneath the water.
Email: dr.tjeevan[at]gmail.com Viliee sets out an epic journey in the quest for the stone,
encountering men and spirits.
Kire‟s aim in the novel is not to narrate an adventure story, but
to chart a man‟s journey from ignorance to experience. What
matters more is inexplicable natural world that hovers at the edge of human experience,
where wisdom extracts its cost.
The present article is an attempt to discuss the techniques and other aspects employed by
the writer.

In the postmodern era, novel is the most suitable literary occupied a significant place in the recent years. She summed
medium to express thoughts, feelings, exploitation, agony, up her motivation behind taking up writing as a career. She
violence, and other aspects. It gained much viable and vital said in an interview, “I felt we needed to create written Naga
form, compared to drama, poetry, and prose, in world literature Literature. We have so much oral narrative but with oral dying
especially in the Indian Writing in English. out, it‟s all going to be lost.” She acknowledged that “The
„native individual‟ is my raw material and I can write with
Indian English novel has occupied a unique place in the confidence about their context because I have lived it too.”
contemporary literature. It gained much popularity with the
solid contribution made by Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan, and Born on 29 March 1959 in a conflict-plagued Nagaland,
Raja Rao, who are popularly known as the Bio Trio. Taking India, to an Angari Naga family on Easterine Kire (Iralu)
queue from them women writers like Kamala Markandaya, translator, poet, novelist, short story writer, writer of children
Nayantara Sahgal, Jai Nimbkar, Shashi Deshpande, Anita books, and the Nagaland‟s first writer. She did her schooling
Desai, Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Manju Kapur, C.B. from Kohima, graduated from Shillong followed by a course in
Divakaruni, and men writers like Salman Rushdie, Amitav journalism from Delhi. She won her doctoral scroll from
Ghosh, Vikram Seth, Manju Kapoor, Aravind Adiga, Amit Savitribai Phule Pune University. Later she actively involved
Chaudhuri, Vikram Swarup, and other literary icons have used in working to create better opportunities for the Naga youth and
the form to express the conditions and the situations of India nurturing and evangelizing the Naga folktales.
thereby keeping it in the literary canon of contemporary world
literature. Kire was a voracious reader. She was resonated by
reading African writers while pursuing at the University. She
Today, especially in this post-modern period, its influence loved the reading of the poetry of Hans Børli, Dylan Thomas,
has fallen on the North East Indian States which were absent Matthew Mouse, and the early novels of Chinua Achebe and
from any discourse on Indian literature over the years. Writers Thomas Hardy. She began her writing career as a translator
hailing from these States are coming from her native language, Tenyidie, into English. She
out with multiple aspects to bring published her first collection of poetry entitled Kelhoukevira in
awareness on the present condition that 1982 when she was at the age of 22. She then started writing
prevails in those States. They are short stories and novels. Soon, she became one of the finest
trying to trans form the oral literature to story tellers from the region. She has written six novels, three
written literature by producing it into collections of poetry, and short stories. She has translated
English so that the readers across the over 200 oral poems from Tenyidie into English. Her project
world recognize their contribution. The Easterine Kire on Narratives Silenced by War: Naga Folktales and People
English that these writers use is not the same as writers from Stories brought a new life into the literary heritage of the Naga
the mainland use. Easterine Kire is a North-East writer who people. Her works have been translated into German and
other languages.

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Volume-04, Issue-01, January-2019 RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary

Kire‟s works reflect the realities of Naga people and the He tells them that he is constantly awakened by dreams of a
complexities around the colonial atrocities and discrimination. certain river which a seer had mentioned to him. The river has
They have changed the lives of Naga women. They unveil the a particular stone which has the power to grant its owner any
fascinating and vibrant Naga culture to the rest of the world. wish. Some do not believe but Rokolhoulie believes that the
They evoke “a raw appeal of the old age traditions and story of the sleeping river is true. He says that “if you can
scintillating folklore from the deepest corners of the mystic wrest a stone from the heart of the sleeping river and take it
state of Nagaland.” Her prose is hauntingly beautiful, lyrical, home, it will grant you whatever it is empowered to grant you.
and an example of her effortless hold over words and stories. It could be cattle, women, prowess in war, or success in the
She was awarded the Governor‟s Medal (2011), the Catalan hunt.” He also tells them that he has been getting dreams and
PEN International Voice Award (2013), and The Hindu Prize nightmares almost every month for the last two years, ever
for Best Fiction (2016) for excellent contribution to Naga since he had heard about this sleeping river.
The journey is almost surreal becauses Vilie makes his
Kirs‟s first novel A Naga Village Remembered (2003) is way through the hills of Nagaland. It also has an aura of
about a battle between the British forces and a Naga hamlet. It supernaturalism as Vilie encounter weretigers, widow-spirits,
“tells the socio-cultural rituals and heroic deeds of a warrior and demons in his quest of the river of his dreams. As he
village. It is a historical story of a true village society of travels on foot, he seeks shelter every now and then and this
Khonoma, wherein ordinary people meddle in everyday affairs brings him into contact with the villagers who are kind and also
of life.” A Terrible Matriarchy (2007), Kire‟s second novel ruthless men who try to blame him on a murder that he
highlights the internal and social strife that grips Nagaland as a happened to witness.
state in India. It is a bildungsroman, which follows the growth,
emotions and experience of a female child. It exposes the In chapter 22 only, Vilie comes to know about the real
perplexed tribal identity through the story of „Dielieno‟ in her existence of the sleeping river from Kani, Subale‟s husband.
quest to overthrow patriarchal position. Her third novel Mari Kani tells him that the river is just beyond the Barak. He
(2010) is based on the Japanese invasion of India in 1944 via further tells him that the sleeping river is guarded by the
Nagaland. It is a true story of a mother, who lost her fiancé in widow-woman spirits. If Vilie is protected, there would be no
the war and made the decision to move ahead and lives her harm from them; if not they would tear him into pieces. Kani
life. It tries to bring to the fore the everyday lives of the people tells him that the protection is nothing but a good heart and a
of Nagaland. good conscience. Subale also tells him about the interval
between the time and widow-woman who disappear behind the
Kire‟s fourth novel Bitter Wormwood (2011) spans from hills. The river would stop flowing and go to sleep when they
tumultuous period of the 1950s and 60s to the present day. disappear. Vilie has to use it correctly. He has to plunge into
The story revolves around the life and experiences of Mose, the river when it would go to sleep and get the heart-stone.
whose life spares the entire history of Naga struggle for self-
determination. Life on Hold (2011), Kire‟s fifth novel concerns Through his courage and will power, Vilie finally succeeds
itself with the theme of self-sacrificing love that is central to the and takes possession of the stone that he has dreamed about.
emotional relationship between the protagonists of the novel. On his way home, he meets a kind-hearted young woman
Apart from bringing a focus on the vibrant Naga culture, the named Ate, who has settled in a village to encourage women.
novel discusses the realities which have changed the lives of It is believed that she has magical powers that can bring a
Naga women. curse on anyone by just pointing a finger. Convinced that Ate
is harmless and also because all the inhabitants of that village
When the River Sleeps (2014), Kire‟s latest novel runs like had suddenly fled the village due to some unknown reason,
a fable, without embellishments, deals with the existence of the Vilie brings Ate home along with him. Knowing that the forest
novel‟s mythical hero. Set in the beautiful hills of Nagaland, it is unsafe for her, she settles in his ancestral village with his
narrates the story of Vilie, a forty-eight-year-old lone Anagari aunts and gives her the heart-stone. Back in his home at the
hunter, who has made forest his home. Kire narrates Vilie‟s heart of the forest, Vilie is brutally murdered by a man who
past and present life. In the past, when he was eighteen years coveted the stone to attain worldly possessions. Ate who is
old, he was in love with a bewitching girl named Mechusen and now married with Asakho visits Vilie‟s home every quarter of
the girl also liked him. Everyone in his village believed that the year and claims to feel his presence there. Ate tells
both of them would get married. But a mysterious fever killed Asakho that heart-stone gives Vilie spiritual knowledge but not
her. She got fever when she went to the forest to collect the the wealth as others have taken it wrongly. The wisdom of the
herbs along with the two of her friends. When she climbed stone is more spiritual than physical. Thus, the novel is a book
down a tree after plucking a beautiful orchid, she could see a of legend and myths. It also documents the conflicts that arise
tall, dark man following her but her two friends could not see when an alien ideology is introduced to an indigenous culture.
anything. On that evening, she got fever and soon died. Vilie, Vilie, like Ulysses who plunges into adventure, leaves us with
after her death, lost interest in his life and left village to make mysterious at every time.
her forest his abode.
The title of the novel is highly ironic in the sense that the
In the present, Vilie lives in the forest and hunters visit to river never sleeps. It appears to fall into sleep but at once
stay with him. Even Rokolhoulie, a small boy, visits him along when Vilie gets into it, it becomes alive and active and takes
with his uncle and listens his story about the „sleeping river.‟ him with its water. The word „river‟ symbolically suggests

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human mind. Vilie‟s mind is always active. It never goes to grant wishes. The river mentioned in the title of the novel itself
sleep as he is a born hunter. However, he goes to sleep at the is a good example. Nature is Vilie‟s protector and he is
end of the novel for no reason at all. His sleep (death) remains nature‟s protector. The forest is home to Vilie and he is in turn
a mysterious one to the readers. Hence, the title „When the the „guardian of the forest.‟ The forest department of Nagaland
River Sleeps‟ is more apt and more relevant. It suggests a has declared him the “official protector of the rare tragopan”
movement rather than stillness. (36) which nested in Vilie‟s part of the forest. Vilie‟s death is
significant because he dies protecting the heart-stone which is
Much of the novel takes place inside the forest as the sacred and precious.
readers travel along with Vilie who undertakes the epic journey
in search of the river of his dreams. When Vilie takes shelter in Nature provides an antidote and cure for all ailments and
the villages, the readers are also transported to take a glimpse the people rely on it heavily for treatment of any kind. When
of the lives of village people. Vilie‟s journey is to find the Vilie is stung by nettle plants, Idele, an old woman in the forest
sleeping river and to extract the heart-stone from the heart, plucks the leaves of a small bitten worm wood plant and
river bed, involves narrative recursion. The novelist blends kneads it to a pulp in her hand. She also gives him rock bee
facts and fantasy and makes use of magic spells. There are honey stating that it is a „cure-all‟ (38). For injuries and open
sudden incursions of fantastic elements. Especially in the wounds, Vilie males paster of Ciena plant. For bigger wounds,
beginning of the novel, the novelist narrates Vilie‟s efforts to he uses pungent „Japan nha‟ (a kind of weed) and rock bee
extract the heart-stone from the bed of sleeping river as a real honey.
one but later it is revealed that it is a dream that persists in the
mind of Vilie for the past two years. Secondly, Vilie‟s love for Natures helps Vilie to conquer fear. When he witnesses
Mechuseno is a real one but her death is blended with an the murder in a shelter that he took refuge in the night, his first
element of fantasy as she has been haunted by a spirit of a instinct was torn. He fled for his life and little did he think that
man and has to die in the end. Thirdly, Vilie‟s encounter with a there was a chance for culprits to blame him for the murder.
Weretiger on three instances has a tinge of magic realism. He He sought refuge in the forest to escape from the many people
uttered the names like “kuovil, Menuohoulie, Wetsho”. Then who were after him. The serenity of nature in the forest helps
the Weretiger fled away. Fourthly, the spirits in “Rahuria”, Vilie to think clearly and take the right decision which is to walk
forest spirits, the spirits in the form of beautiful girls in Tuesday to the ancestral village and to try to attain justice. Nature helps
Market, and widow-women spirits, who guard the sleep river him not just to conquer the fear of the people but also the fear
are the embodiments of magic realism. They appear, threaten, of spirits too. He conquers the fear of gushing water spirit of
brighten Vilie in his adventure. Fifthly, the story of Ate and her the river simply by invoking nature as he said, „sky is my father,
sister, Zote has an element of fantasy. Their power to destroy earth is my mother, stand aside death!‟ Heart-stone which
things in their fingers is an illustration of magic realism. belongs to Vilie at the end is the greatest spirit.
Sixthly, in the end, Vilie‟s death remains a mysterious one. It
has a blend of magic realism. On the whole, the novel, true to Personification of nature is done in When the River Sleep.
magic realism, is narrated in a dream-like mood with forest Vilie asserts every now and then that „the forest is my life.‟
spirits and their songs. It has Tolkienish touch of magic Nature consoles him when he is lonely as mother. The forest
quality. also protected him from the evil in the heart of man. Nature
has shared a close knit relationship with the text. Thus, Kire
Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship that literature has woven both natural and supernatural elements together in
shares with natural environment / nature. This novel is set in her narration of the story.
the beautiful hills of Nagaland. The forest is home to many
characters in the novel and nature is presented as an Kire has used conversational style in the novel. The blind
empowered, benevolent provider which protects all those who intermingling of superstition, rationality and compassion is a
take refuge in it. Vilie, “the guardian of the forest” (72), takes hallmark of the novel. The subplot of the novel involves the
shelter in the villages of the forest. Villages invite Vilie, a killing a migrant Nepali family which comprises Krishna and his
stranger and a weary traveller into their homes and gives him wife.
food and shelter expecting nothing in return.
Critics say that the novel adopts the technique of magic
Vilie assumes that the time is two in the noon by looking at realism as the most part of it is quite thrilling but still makes the
the Sun in the horizon. Women gather nettle from the forest to reader realize from time to time that it is not fantasy but rather
engage in bark weaving – an art passed on from generations people‟s real beliefs. Kire‟s intention is to narrate an
to make bark-cloth. Men catch fish from the nearby river to adventurous story and to chant out a man‟s journey from
make a hearty meal for the tired Vilie. People work under the ignorance to experience.
open skies chanting working songs. People fall asleep
listening to the sound of insects, owls hooting, frog calls and Few feel that the novel is confused. The writing is too
jackal in the distance. Thus, Kire, in When the River Sleeps, simple and the characters are too immature for this to be an
exalted the rural life which is untouched in modernism and adult book. There are not one but three brutal murders for this
unadulterated by technology. to be a children‟s book. Whatever the comments may be,
“When the River Sleeps is a tale of very subtle adventure set in
In the power hierarchy, nature is presented as empowered the Naga hills. It has culture background of a few of the Naga
but not oppressed. It has the power to endow blessings and tribes of Nagaland.” Its simple and picturesque story makes

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the reader travel places, brings closure to nature, discover forest and sustainable outlook of tribes and their relationship
one‟s own roots. The magic realism along with the brevity of with the forests.
narrative style used in the novel reveals the mysteries of the


1. Kire, Easterine. Interview with Kim Arora. “Big Indian 4. Patton, W. Meribeni. “The Fictional Narratives of Easterine
Publishing Houses Don‟t Think the Northeast will Sell.” Kire: A New Historicist Study.” Ars Artium, Vol.6, January
Times of India. January 9, 2012. 2018: 32.
2. Admin. “Easterine Kire Iralu.” Nagaland, People, Writers. 5. Kire, Easterine. When the River Sleeps. New Delhi:
http://reviewne. com/easterine-kire-iralu. Retrieved on 10- Zubaan, 2014. 3. Print. Subsequent page references
05-2018. appear in the body of the text are from this edition.
3. Kire, Easterine. Email interview. 2 March 2014. Quoted in 6. Singh, Bhupender. Review on When the River Sleeps.
“The Fictional Narratives of Easterine Kire: A New Historicist Posted on September 16, 2017.
Study.” Ars Artium, Vol.6, January 2018: 32. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2125940634?book
_show_action= true&from_review_page=1. Retrieved on 11-

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