Site 1: Yes, The Content Is Relevant To The Bikes and Was Appropriate
Site 1: Yes, The Content Is Relevant To The Bikes and Was Appropriate
Site 1: Yes, The Content Is Relevant To The Bikes and Was Appropriate
ii. Describe the GUI. What The GUI is very user friendly and very
navigational elements does it attractive. It contains simple contents.
have? It contains categories with simple text.
It also contains a simple navigation
iv. Is it cluttered? No
Site 2
i. URL (
ii. Describe the GUI. What The GUI is user friendly and attractive.
navigational elements does it It has a search bar for the users, which
have? provides convenient search facility
their needs. Categories are shown on
top of the form.
iv. Is it cluttered? No
Site 3
i. URL (
ii. Describe the GUI. What The GUI is user friendly and very
navigational elements does it attractive. It has a search bar which
have? provides convenient search facility for
any user according to his/her needs.
Categories are shown from a side.
And also products price is given with
iii. What colors does it use? White, yellow
iv. Is it cluttered? No
ii. Describe the GUI. What The GUI is user friendly and attractive.
navigational elements does it It has a search bar which provides
have? convenient search facility for any user
according to his/her needs. Categories
are shown from a side.
iv. Is it cluttered? No