Ecture March
Ecture March
Ecture March
• Anything that satisfy the need of human – solution to the needs and wants of the consumer
• Need mean deficiency
• Need gives birth to want
o Want depends upon culture
• Want to desire
o Want is the desire for products or services that are not necessary, but which
consumers wish for.
• Desire to demand
• Demand want product
o Describes a consumer’s desire, willingness and ability to pay a price for a specific
good or service.
o calculate the deficiency in terms of money, suppose you have less money as per
your desire, so you will change your desire, that you afford
• Consume product
• This gives satisfaction
• You can be customer, or consumer(consumer need to be customer, but not conversely)
• Products keeps on producing
• Two types of product
o Tangible – that does have physical existence, can be consume in future, product can
be store
o Intangibles – that doesn’t have physical existence, consume real time, product cant
Concepts on product
• Product neither follow quality not quantity, your marketing should be enough
1. Business
a. Looks for product, and pick up any from universe, prepare it, and may took
economic benefits
b. There are three types of business
i. Manufacturing business
• Picks raw material from market
• Labor on it (skilled and unskilled), that will refine raw material
• Then you’ll get finish product(that is complete and you can use it or
sale it)
ii. Trading
• First purchase readymade product in low price
• then sell it
• And earn profit or loss
iii. Services
• Intangible product
• Business that generates income by providing services instead of
selling physical products.
c. We can start a business in three ways
i. Sole proprietorship (one person owner)
• Owned and run by one person
• One person is will get profit or loss
• Unlimited liability
ii. Partnership
• Need bigger capital, you don’t have enough, you may do partnership
• Agreed proportion of investment and profit, on a legal product
• Collectively all partner called firm
• Partnership forms after agreement, mean based on agreement
• There are three types of agreements
1. Verbal
▪ Verbal need witness to prove
2. Written
▪ Written already proved
▪ Partnership deal
3. Implied
▪ Understood, no need to do verbal or written, like if
we do services from anyone, we have to pay
• Types of partner
• There are five types of partners
1. Active
▪ Capital, as well as administration
▪ Profit and loss both
2. Nominal
▪ Doesn’t gave capital, give administration or name,
mostly famous person(behria town)
▪ Has only share in profit, not in loss
3. Sleeping
▪ Gives capital, does not participate in administration
4. Minor
▪ Age less than 18
▪ Cannot enter into a contract
▪ If court gave permission, to guardian, shareholder in
profit, not in loss
5. Major
▪ Age greater than 18
▪ Agreement can only be done with major
• No of partner as per 1932 act
1. 10 if banking nature
2. 20 if no of banking nature
Accounting in action
1. What is accounting
2. The building block of accounting
3. The basic accounting equation
4. Using the basic accounting equation
5. Financial statements
What is accounting
• Purpose
o Identify (first), record communicate economic events of an
o Organization to
o Interested users
• Record
o Voucher— evidence of transaction
o Journal – book that records, at least two accounts
o Ledgers – has accounts of each
• Communicate
o Generate report
• Economics activity
• Organization
o Deliberately arrangement of people to achieve some (common)goal
• Interested users
o Internal user – Inside business
1. Managements
▪ Manager on different dept
▪ Task
1. Planning
▪ Future goals
2. Organizing
▪ Need things to achieve
3. Leading
▪ goal has been set, resources has been arrange, now
insert effort to achieve goals
4. Controlling
▪ Meet the Standard
▪ Check the product, deviation
2. HRM
▪ Hiring/firing labor – Skilled and unskilled
▪ Hire more if profit
▪ Fire if in loss
3. Finance
▪ Management of money
▪ Utilization of money
▪ If utility bill to pay, they will pay on last date, or even after that, they
will invest money on short term business, and may get profit
4. Marketing
▪ Goes to market, and acknowledge them about product
5. Investor
▪ Does investment – Process of incremental wealth
▪ Owner’s equity/capital – investment that owner did
▪ He need to know how much profit earned
6. Labor unions
▪ Reports if important for union
▪ Leader will go to owner, may demand of bonus,
▪ Loss if they strikes
1. Fix cost
▪ It has to pay, doesn’t matter you used or not
2. Variable cost
▪ Depends upon use
7. Creditor/accounts payable
▪ To hawker for creditor – Account receivable/debtors
▪ If profitable – creditor will gave you more credit
▪ Sale
1. Cash sale
▪ Cash to goods to cash
2. Credit sale
▪ Cash to goods, to cash(future)
8. SEC(security and exchange commission)
▪ Rules and regulation
9. Customers
10. IRS
▪ Price charge
▪ Primary revenue
▪ Secondary revenue(minor revenue)
▪ How to increase these revenues
1. Cost principle
a. Assets to record on cost
b. Asset
i. Profit to taken so far(like filled pin)
c. Expense
i. Expired cost
2. Monitory unit concept
a. Local currency
3. Separate entity concept
a. Separate business and owner transaction
• Internal
• External
Financial statement
• Income statement
• Balance sheet
o Both sides are balanced
1. Assets side
▪ Unexpired cost of business
2. Liability + owner’s equity
• Owner’s equity
o Owner’s capital
• Cash flow
5 LECTURE 5, 29 MARCH, 2019
To check financial condition of business → balance sheet
• Record
o Voucher— evidence of transaction
o Journal – book that records, at least two accounts
o Ledgers(account) – has account of each
o Try balance
1. To balance
Other than bank no one can deal with interest in Pakistan, is crime
• Bearer check
o Anyone can cash
• Order check
o Only respective person can cash
• Cross check
o Only deposit in account
1. Ordinary crossing
2. Specific crossing
Discount –