BituBOND Manual Digital

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This Publication 2

Introduction 3

Installation 5

bituBOND® Damp-Proofing

Liquid Damp-Proofing 8

Gripset C-Bed® Screed 8

Detail Drawings 9
This manual provides the technical information
necessary to correctly specify the bituBOND® damp- Four different visual icons have been created for this
proof membrane system. It has also been designed manual to draw the reader’s attention to important pieces
for use by Waterproofing Systems NZ Ltd (WPSNZ) of information.
approved applicators, for training and quality 1. QUALITY CONTROL ICON
management purposes. Information about warranties, quality
This manual may also be used by main contractors control checks and related information.
and Building Consent Authorities (BCA’s) for quality
management and inspection purposes. 2. USEFUL TIPS ICON
Helpful advice to make the applicator’s
NOTE TO APPLICATORS job easier and successful installation more
As a WPSNZ approved applicator you are required to
comply fully with the contents of this manual. Where 3. CRITICAL ICON
a specific situation arises on a particular project that Vital information about the system and
makes it difficult for you to follow the published installation methodology. It is crucial that
procedure or comply with a particular detail drawing, the specifier and/or applicator are aware
you are required to communicate this to WPSNZ for of these facts.
an approved solution.
Information about the importance of
TRADEMARKS safety checks and ensuring that the work
bituFLAME®, bituBOND®, duroTUF TPO® and environment is always safe with potential
epiROOF® are registered trademarks of hazards identified and minimised.
Waterproofing Systems NZ Ltd. Waterproofing
Systems NZ Ltd are also distributors of Gripset and
rawMAT products and systems.

Copyright © 2005-2012 Waterproofing Systems NZ
Ltd. All rights reserved. No part of this publication BRANZ APPRAISED
may be copied, reproduced by any means, or
amended in any way without prior written permission The bituBOND® system has
from Waterproofing Systems NZ Ltd. been BRANZ appraised as a
Damp Proofing Membrane in
terms of NZ Building Code
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT: compliance and the products
4 Malvern Road Onehunga Auckland 1061 Solution E2/AS1 Paragraph 12.2
P: 09 579 1460
F: 09 579 1461 These products are also
E: appraised as an Alternative
W: Solution on buildings subject to
specific design.
John Stallard
M: 021 457 953 Please contact Waterproofing
E: Systems NZ Ltd for a copy of this
BRANZ Appraisal Certificate.
Jeff Perrett
M: 021 917 773 You can also download the
E: certificate on our website

Page 1
bituBOND® is a self-adhesive SBS modified bitumen damp-
proof membrane (DPM) designed to protect concrete Membrane Thickness 1.5mm
foundations and vertical walls from aggressive soil attack, Roll Width 1m
dampness and vapour transmission.
Roll Length 20m

bituBOND® is a flexible laminated sheet, comprised of a Carrier cross laminated

multi-layer high density cross laminated polyethylene film
Softening Point (ASTM D-36) 95°C
with a backing of self-adhesive rubber modified bitumen,
Cold Flexibility (UEA tc 31) -25°C
protected with a silicon coated release film.
Water Absorption (ASTM D570) 0.14% after 24 hours
WHY BITUBOND® 0.16% after 35 days
Water Vapour Transmission (ASTM E96:95) less than 0.2g/hr/m²
The bituBOND® membrane has extensive usage and a
Tensile Strength (ASTM D882:97) 40N/mm²
proven reputation in waterproofing. bituBOND® has
Elongation (ASTM D882:97) 490%
excellent puncture resistance and adhesion properties.
Puncture Resistance (ASTM E154:99) 370N

bituBOND® is one of the few self-adhesive membranes that Adhesion Strength (ASTM 1000:93) 55N/25mm

comes with a selvedge edge protected by a release paper.

This paper ensures the lap area is kept perfectly clean to DURABILITY
give an intimate bitumen-to-bitumen seal at the lap.
When fixed according to specification, the bituBOND®
IN PARTICULAR, BITUBOND®; system will meet the NZBC B2.3.1(a) requirements of 50
year durability.
• Has excellent self-adhesive qualities.
• Is tear and puncture resistant. The durability opinion given by BRANZ for the bituBOND®
• Is easy to apply. system states that when installed and maintained in
• Has protected lap selvedge. accordance with the certificate, the system is expected to
• Is BRANZ Appraised have a service life of at least 50 years, provided it is
protected from sunlight and UV radiation.
bituBOND® is an ideal membrane for damp-proofing
foundations and walls. bituBOND® can be used on both • BRANZ Appraisal Certificate No. 558 (2014)
concrete and polystyrene substrates. It is also • BRANZ Bulletin No. 397 “Waterproofing Basements”
recommended for use under composite shingles and roof published 2000.
tiles. • Compliance document for NZBC External Moisture Clause
bituBOND® can also be used where a concrete topping is E2, Department of Building and Housing, Third Edition,
applied. Contact WPSNZ for technical details. July 2005.


bituBOND®, as with any self-adhesive membrane, should Annual inspections of the membrane top termination point,
not be used for high hydrostatic pressures. back-fall capping and drainage pipe should be made to
ensure all are functioning as originally designed.
When tanking under higher hydrostatic situations, the
WPSNZ bituFLAME® torch-on or rawMAT bentonite system
should be used. Higher hydrostatic pressures are normally
present in deep site excavations near known water sources
such as ponds, lagoons, rivers, lakes and springs in coastal
regions. Page 2
BITUPRIME PRIMER A single component sealant based on bitumen and rubber.
A solvent-based, fast-drying bituminous primer designed to Cures to a plastic-elastic seal by evaporation of the
penetrate concrete surfaces and provide a bondable solvents.
surface. bituPRIME is available in a 20ltr metal pail.
bituPRIME is flammable and must be Store rolls vertically on ends on a fat surface in a dry
stored, transported and used with care.
ventilated area. For best results, rolls should not be laid fat
Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets for
until ready for installation. Rolls should be unrolled and
further information.
allowed to ‘relax’ before installation.
Rolls should be stored above 5°C for 48 hours
Water-based pressure-sensitive bitumen adhesive for use
before laying. Ensure rolls are not crushed by
on polystyrene substrates, or when installing onto concrete incorrect storage and transport. Low ambient
or block substrates in cold conditions. bituBOND® is temperatures may affect the membrane
supplied in a 10ltr plastic pail. adhesion. In this situation, use a hot air gun to
heat the membrane gently during application,
BITUBOND® MEMBRANE or use the bituBOND® priming system.

A self-adhesive elastomeric bitumen membrane with high

adhesive properties. bituBOND® has a black finish on the
top side with a polyethylene foil, and has a siliconised Unroll the material and leave to relax for 30 minutes or
release paper backing on the bottom side and along the lap more. In cooler conditions it may take some time for the
edge. material to relax adequately. If rolls are not relaxed
• Nominal thickness: 1.5mm. properly, they may wrinkle badly once installed.
• Nominal roll size: 1m x 20m. Inspect the roll carefully to ensure there are no defects, and
SEPARATION LAYERS that the material is suitable to install.

Polyethylene film at least 150 microns thick. HEALTH & SAFETY

The bituPRIME primer used in the bituBOND® system are
Protection boards must be 3mm core flute over lapped Class 3 flammable goods. Contractors should be aware of
50mm sheet joints and seal taped. the Health & Safety precautions identified in the Material

Includes a granular with 25% fines, free-draining sand or Ensure you display appropriate signage, as shown below.
natural soil, free from stones larger than 15mm in size. The Keep well away from flame and heat sources and use only
back fall material is capped with impervious clay. in ventilated areas with suitable safety equipment.
The expansion joint covering must be custom-designed to
meet the specific stresses expected, and be compatible
with bituBOND® self-adhesive membranes.
A high density sodium bentonite water stop. Installed into
preformed rebates within the concrete joint, or
nailed/glued into position. rawSEAL is available in the
following sizes;
• CJ2025 - 20mm x 25mm

Page 3
Quality control & inspection forms are downloadable from The substrate to which the membrane is attached is a
our website These must be significant factor that determines the performance of the
completed for each job and kept as a record of evidence to system, particularly adhesion. It is important that all dirt,
ensure the installation meets WPSNZ specification. loose or soft concrete and contamination are removed.
Ensure mortar fillets are formed to all up stands and that
MANAGING THE INSTALLATION the substrate is smooth with all holes filled with Gripset C-
Plug repair mortar. On block substrates the mortar must be
It is important to adequately drain water from the area
flush pointed so water cannot track behind the membrane.
where bituBOND® is being installed. To drain the area, dig a
Internal angle fillets made from Gripset 11Y DM mortar
hole next to the installation area to position the water
pump and pump out any flooding water to allow the
installation to proceed. SUBSTRATE REQUIREMENTS

The hole should be deeper than the area to be drained. CONCRETE SHOULD:
• Be sound, smooth, clean and dry.
Co-ordination between the membrane installers, steel- • Have mortar fillets installed to internal junctions and all
fixers and concrete contractors is important to minimise sharp edges chamfered to 5mm radius.
the likelihood of damage to the membrane. • Have any cracks or surface defects repaired with Gripset
C-Plug repair mortar.
WEATHER • Have surface free from contamination or chalking to
ensure adhesion.
The bituBOND® system can only be applied in dry • Be smooth to prevent water from tracking behind the
conditions. Note that a temperature of at least 5 C is membrane.
required before installation of the membrane.
TOOLS REQUIRED • The mortar should be pointed flush to give a smooth
surface finish where the bituBOND® membrane will be
• Measuring tape.
subsequently applied.
• Stanley knife.
• Where the substrate is polystyrene blocks, factory
• Large stainless steel scissors.
production recesses in the blocks must be flush
• Stiff bristle broom.
pointed with Gripset DM providing a smooth continuous
• Hot air gun.
surface for the bituBOND application. Leave clean and
• Chalk line.
sound and ready to receive the bituBOND® primer.
• Paint roller & brush.
• Have mortar fillets installed to internal junctions and all
• Kerosene for clean-up.
sharp edges chamfered to 5mm radius.
• Lap roller.
• Gloves.
• First aid kit. PRIMING
• Sealant gun. Stir the bituPRIME then apply by brush or roller. Apply a full
coat of bituPRIME at a rate of 0.2-0.3ltr/m² (70 -100m²pail)
ensuring full coverage and absorption into the substrate.
Alternatively, bituBOND® may be used as the priming
Block Wall Mortar must be flush pointed where
system, applied at a rate of 3m²/ltr.
the bituBOND membrane is to be installed.
For polystyrene blocks, prime by applying one coat of
bituBOND® at a rate of 3m²/ltr.
You may have to re-prime substrates if there is a delay in
Only prime what you can cover in day. If
you prime too far, then re-prime before installing the membrane. These delays increase the
installing the bituBOND. likelihood of adhesion problems due to contamination of
the primer. Page 4
Drawings: Page 9
Ensure that all internal and external corners, up stands and
penetrations have a bituBOND® underflashing membrane
installed prior to installing the membrane system.
Underflash the junctions between the footing and wall by
installing a 150mm wide strip of bituBOND®.

All side laps to be 100mm End laps to be 150mm

The slab membrane should extend 150mm

beyond the footing, and be protected from
damage. Once the walls have been struck, this is
adhered to the wall so when the wall membrane
is installed a sound seal is formed.
Cutting Pattern For Corners

INSTALLING BITUBOND® Use a hot air gun to seal and patch any cuts, and if required
Pre-cut the required quantity of bituBOND® to length and to seal any creases, or when installing in very cold
lay out close to the installation area. This will allow the conditions.
bituBOND® to relax. Do not install bituBOND® when
temperatures are below 5°. WATERSTOPS
Pull the release paper back approximately 200mm and For added protection, rawSEAL water stops can be installed
apply one of the top corners to the substrate. Plumb the at construction joints in the floor slab and at floor-to-wall
bituBOND® and rub across the top edge sticking the junctions.
bituBOND® to the substrate. Water stops should be installed into a preformed rebate.
Carefully pull the release paper downwards rubbing the Where no rebate has been formed, nail them into position
bituBOND® into place, continuing until the bituBOND® drop so that the water stops cannot be dislodged.
is completely installed. Roll or broom over the bituBOND® Locate the water stop at least 50mm from the rebar to
surface to ensure good contact with the substrate. Ensure ensure there will be at least 50mm cover of concrete over
there are no creases. the water stop.
Butt join the lengths of water stop, wetting if necessary,
Remove the selvedge release paper on the bituBOND® just and thumb together making a continuous strip.
installed, to get ready for the next sheet. Install the next
sheet by removing 200mm of the release paper and place
on the exposed selvedge. Use the selvedge as a guide to
ensure subsequent sheets are plumb. Over-roll with the lap
area with a hand roller to ensure a good seal. WPSNZ recommend that all construction joints
have a rawSEAL® CJ2025 water stop installed,
bituBOND® must be fully bonded onto the concrete with particularly where hydrostatic pressure is
100mm side laps and 150mm end laps, and seamed by a expected.
roller. Make sure that foreign matter does not contaminate
these laps.

During very cold climate conditions,

Ensure contaminants do not get into the laps.
mechanically fix the sheet top edges onto the
Roll the laps fully to ensure full lap integrity.
termination bar installed, to ensure the vertical
Over flash if in doubt.
cold weight remains firmly in place

Page 5
In critical areas, or anywhere you have concerns about lap Install 3mm corflute protection boards, next to the
integrity due to contamination, ensure these areas are bituBOND® damp-proofing tanking system. A certified
overflashed by installing a 200mm wide bituBOND® strip. drainage system should be installed 200mm below the
Overflash any areas where you have concerns about footing to remove water from the building perimeter. The
damage to the membrane. Use WPSNZ bitumen sealant to drainage system should be able to cope with the
seal any cut edges. anticipated volumes of water likely on site and be covered
with a geotextile filter fabric to prevent it from blocking
FLOOR-TO-WALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS with fines. Drainage should be placed 150mm from the
Detail Drawings: Page 13 membrane, and have a minimum 1:200 falls to a drainage
Pay special attention to the completion of the horizontal / discharge outlet.
vertical connection of the bituBOND® system. Ensure that
the underfloor slab membrane skirt is folded up the vertical
wall and that the bituBOND® membrane is brought down Once the free draining backfill has been placed, this should
over the top and sealed. Ensure that the wall-to-floor be capped with impervious clay and sloped to a minimum
membrane join is sound and that there is good adhesion. 1:30 fall away from the wall. Top soil can be placed on the
Where polythene is the underfloor slab membrane, bring clay if required.
the 150mm overlap up over the face of the installed
bituBOND® wall membrane, and seal with polythene tape. PATCHING AND REPAIR
Alternatively, bring the under slab polythene 150mm up
Should the bituBOND® membrane get damaged before
the face of the foundation slab, glue into place. Bring the
pouring the floor or backfilling, the membrane should be
bituBOND® wall membrane sheet over the face of the
repaired by patching. All cut edges of the bituBOND® patch
polythene to the base of the footing. (Refer to “floor-to-
repair are to be sealed with bituBOND sealant. The patch
block wall details 1 & 2” on page 14)
must be 100mm wider than the area being repaired.
Detail Drawings: Page 11 COMPLETION INSPECTION

It is important that consideration is given to the potential During the installation, the QC sheet which can be
for substrate movement. All construction joints should be downloaded from our website, is to be used by the installer
underflashed with bituBOND®. Expansion joints allowing for to ensure that the work complies with WPSNZ
significant movement should be specifically designed by an specifications.
engineer. Examples of typical movement joints are given
on Page 15. On completion, and prior to covering, inspect all work
making good as required. Pay particular attention to
MEMBRANE TERMINATION penetrations, floor-to-wall junctions and other critical
Detail Drawings: Page 15 details and laps. Ensure that the QC sheets are completed
and signed off, preferably with the main contractor.
Terminate the bituBOND® membrane by a compression or
chase flashing 50mm below finished ground level, ensuring
a watertight seal. Alternatively the membrane can be
dressed into a 20mm x 10mm chase. Seal the bituBOND® Before covering the bituBOND® membrane,
membrane termination into the chase with WPSNZ ensure you undertake a thorough QC check,
Bitumen sealant. Apply protection boards onto the damp- preferably with the main contractor. Fill in the
proofing system and install drainage to remove water from QC sheet fully (this can be downloaded from our
the building perimeter. Gripset 2P can be used as a website.

transition of the tanking system to above ground level.

The membrane termination must be protected WARRANTY

from future damage and UV exposure. Water When installed by an approved applicator in accordance
must not be able to get in behind the
with WPSNZ specifications, a material warranty for up to 15
years is available. Page 6
Liquid damp-proofing is appropriate for non-hydrostatic Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen liquid will bond to concrete,
conditions, or for non-critical situations only. As with any render, masonry, fibre cement, plasterboard, timber, clay,
liquid system, obtaining the correct film thickness is critical concrete blocks, bricks, and polystyrene and bitumen
for the performance of the system. Applications include; products. Available in 15ltr pails.
planter boxes, block walls, ponds and water features.
• Mortar fillets to internal corners and external edges are
• General surface is flush and smooth.
GRIPSET 51 SBR BITUMEN • Surface is dry. PRIMING: Ensure the substrate is clean
A water-based liquid bitumen rubber membrane, used in and properly prepared, prime with Gripset GP Primer direct
non- hydrostatic damp-proofing applications such as from the pail by brush or roller. Drying time is 10-20
retaining walls, planter boxes and water features. minutes depending on weather. Gripset GP Primer can be
Available in 15ltr plastic pails. applied at a rate of 8-10m²/ltr, or on porous substrates; at
A water-based, fast-drying, two-in-one primer and INSTALLATION
waterproof bonding agent; designed for optimum adhesion
of water-based membranes to a variety of substrates. Reinforce all internal corners, junctions and construction
Available in 15ltr pails. joints using RF Fabric. Apply Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen
slightly wider than the reinforcing mesh width and lay the
SEALANTS RF Fabric embedded into the Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen.
MS60 to be used in chase terminations available in 600ml Apply further Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen over-coating the
Cartridges. bituBOND bitumen sealant is to be used in fabric. Allow 24 hours to dry. Alternatively these areas can
sealing all cut edges around penetrations and small width be flashed with butyl FLASH™ underflashing tapes.
bituBOND sheets. Available in 310ml cartridges. Apply a further two full-bodied Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen
coats to give a total application rate of 1.5ltr/m². This will
give a dry film thickness of 1.2mm. These coats are to be
A polypropylene material available in 100mm tapes for
applied in opposite directions to each other.
reinforcing joints, up stands and detailing corners and
penetrations. Available in 100m rolls.
BUTYLFLASH™ TAPE Where Gripset 51 SBR Bitumen will be exposed above
A butyl rubber-based flashing tape with a polypropylene ground level, protect the area with a reinforced Gripset
surface. Available in 80mm x 100m long rolls. C-Bed Screed (see next section). Brush over the total
exposed area. This provides a more durable finish. For
GRIPSET C-BED® below ground, Gripset C-Bed Screed must be protected
A premium cement based screed. Suitable for 80mm to with 5mm thick screed or alternatively with protection
zero screed applications. Available in 15kg bags. boards.


A high performance single component flexible polymer
cementitious membrane designed for a range of positive
Use standard mortar tools such as steel or wooden floats,
and negative waterproofing applications. Suitable for
straight edges and a large sponge for surface finish. Apply
basements, retaining walls, lift pits, immersed, and
the screed to falls using standard solid plastering methods,
subterranean situations. Available in 15kg bags.
having already set out the falls prior to application.

Have a pail of clean water handy to clean the tools during

screed application. Once the screed has been laid to falls
Areas over 20mm thick will take 48 hours to and has semi-cured, use a wet sponge to lightly sponge
cure (longer if on a nonporous substrate) over the surface to remove all screed marks, lines and

Page 7
Detail Drawings

bitu-B19 – Pipe Penetration 2

REVISION 23 June 2014 Page 8
Detail Drawings

Page 9
Detail Drawings

bitu-B05 – Expansion Joint 2


bitu-B06 – Construction Joint


bitu-B07 – Pile Cap Details

REVISION: 23 JUNE 2014 Page 10
Detail Drawings

Page 11
Detail Drawings

bitu-B10 – Wall Junction


bitu-B11 – Wall/Floor Slab Junction

REVISION: 23 JUNE 2014 Page 12
Detail Drawings

bitu-B12 – Foundation Ground Beam


bitu-B13 – Blockwall Foundation type 1


Page 13
Detail Drawings Page 14
Detail Drawings

Page 15
Waterproong Systems NZ Limited
4 Malvern Road Onehunga
Auckland 1061
P: 09 579 1460
F: 09 579 1461
John Stallard
P: 021 457 953
E: john@waterproo

Jeff Perre�
P: 021 917 773
E: jeff.perre�@waterproo

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