AC Motor
AC Motor
AC Motor
R. R. Madhumithaa
E. Akshaya Vidhya
Department of Electricals and Electronics Engineering
Valliammai Engineeering College, kattankulathur, Kancheepuram-603203
In this paper, we have bought about the achieve high power. Moreover, the high
various types of speed control methods of quality the output voltage waveforms of
AC motors being described. An important inverter also makes them very attractive
factor in the industrial progress during the for both official and academic purposes.
past few years has been the increasing Power electronics and drive applications
demands of the factory automation that has are going to be spread even for the
improved productivity myriad. The electrification.
adjustable speed AC motor drives have
Prior to the 1950s all the applications
been used extensively in all of the modern
required the use of a DC motor drive since
industry and even the transportation which
AC motors were not capable of smoothly
calls for the electrical and mechanical
varying speed since they inherently
energy conversion with a wide output
operated synchronously or nearly
power range of applications. This is all due
synchronously with the frequency of
to its modularity and scalability, the drive
electrical input. To a large extent, these
system can be extended to any different
applications are now serviced by what can
application fields.
be called general-purpose AC drives. In
The numerous drive types associated general, such AC drives often feature a
with each category is more extensive. cost advantage over their DC counterpart
More demanding drives used in the and, in addition, offer lower maintenance,
machine tools, spindles, etc have much small motor size, and improved reliability.
more sophisticated requirements and must
The actual concordance of the topic is
afford the flexibility to allow the
to summarize the history of the adjustable
regulation of a number of variables too.
speed AC motor drives and applications,
Most recently, adjustable speed AC the main issues of AC drive technologies
motor drive applications are spreading not are reviewed and included. The technical
only in industries, but also in the aero and issues of adjustable speed AC motor drives
marine areas. Although the developments including its standardization are surveyed
of high-voltage and high-current power and analysed for more advancement.
switching devices make the converter Finally, it provides the latest technical
topologies and many motor control trends on adjustable speed AC motor
methodologies still provide great drives technologies, and the development
advantages due to the fact that they can of high speed high power motor.
A large number of motors are being used motors mostly used in process plants due
for general purposes in our surroundings to its ruggedness and maintenance free
from house-hold equipment to machine long life.
tools in industrial facilities. The electric 2. AC drive control speed of ac motor
motor is now a necessary and by varying output voltage and frequency
indispensable source of power in many
through sophisticated microprocessor
industries. The function and the
controlled electronics device.
performance required for these motors
3. AC drive consists of Rectifier and
are wide-ranging. When focusing
inverter units. Rectifier converts AC in DC
attention on the speed control segment of
the motor market, servo and stepper voltage and inverter converts DC voltage
motors control their speed with a pulse back in AC voltage.
train, while the induction motor and the
brushless DC motor control speed with How AC Drive Controls Motor Speed
an external resistor and/or DC voltage. As the AC drive provides the frequency
This article explains the structure, the and voltage of output necessary to control
speed control principle, and the features the speed of an AC motor, this is done
of the following three product groups through PWM VFDs. PWM drives
that can control the speed relatively produce pulses of varying widths which
easily by using an Analog input. are combined to build the required
waveform. A diode bridge is used in some
converters to reduce harmonics. PWM
AC speed control motor & gear
drives produce a current waveform that
more closely matches a line
source, which reduces undesired heating.
Brushless DC motor & gear motors
PWM VFD have almost constant power
factor at all speeds which is closely to
Inverter unit unity. PWM drive also operate multiple
The AC drive industry is growing rapidly drive motors.
and it is now more important than ever for
technicians and maintenance personnel to
keep AC drive installations running
smoothly. AC drives change the speed of
ac motor by changing voltage and
frequency of the power supplied to the ac
motor. In order to maintain proper power
factor and reduce excessive heating of the
motor, the name plate volts/hertz ratio
must be maintained. This is the main task
of VFD. AC drives basic working