Roll Coating
Roll Coating
Roll Coating
Abstract−− the aim of this work is the study of the Among many different roll configurations, we will
problems that arise during roll coating application of focus our attention on the two-roll forward roll coater
paints on steel sheets. We put in evidence the par- (Fig. 1). Pick-up roll is made of steel and it is partially
ticular effects due to the non-Newtonian properties submerged in a pan filled with paint. As it moves it
of these fluids. At speeds above a certain critical feeds with paint the nip between this and applicator roll.
value, the flow of paint through the applicator suf- The amount of paint raised by pick-up roll is a function
fers a hydrodynamical instability called ribbing, of roller speed, immersion depth and rheological and
which generates a patterned interface on the film interfacial properties of paint. This process is well de-
applied. Threshold of instability as well as waveform scribed by Benjamin et al. (1995). After paint is lifted,
of the pattern is function of rheological properties of is forced to pass through the nip between rollers, where
paints as well as surface tension. Thixotropy of an important shear stress is applied, and then paint flow
paints as well as shear-thinning behaviour has been is splitted into two films, one on the pick-up roll, the
determined for several industrial paints used in the other covering the applicator roll’s surface. This latter
steel industry, and correlated with levelling per- will be the one transferred to the steel sheet, forming a
formance after application. reverse meniscus during application.
Rheological properties of liquids play an important
Keywords−− coating, paint, rheology, ribbing role in this process. Greener and Middleman (1975),
introduces the effect of non-Newtonian viscosity and
I. INTRODUCTION viscoelasticity on the base flow, showing the changes on
Roll coating application is one of the most widely pressure gradients and on coated film thickness. Sinha
used technique for coating steel sheets, both in continu- and Singh (1982) also studied the base flow for this ge-
ous or batch processes (Dussing and Michalika (1989), ometry. Experimental results obtained for ribbing insta-
Samways (1989)). Since curing time must be as short as bility showed that viscoelasticity is a destabilising effect
possible, and the coated sheet must overcome conforma- (Bauman et al. (1982), Fernando and Glass (1988),
tional processes after curing, the film applied must be Dontula et al. (1996), Varela López et al. (1999, 2000)).
thin (about 20 µm) compared to the one obtained by Also changes on pattern waveform are reported (Grillet
other coating techniques such as curtain or blade coat- et al. (1999), Pauchard et al. (1999)). These particular
ing. Roll coating admits application of thin layers of features put in evidence that a correct characterisation of
paint at speeds high enough to satisfy industrial re- rheological properties of paints used in industrial con-
However, this process presents operability limits
given by hydrodynamical instabilities: above certain
threshold, the film applied is no longer uniform, due to
the presence of a cellular pattern at the surface (Pitts and
Greiller (1961), Benkreira et al. (1981), Savage (1984),
Rabaud and Hakim (1989)). This generates a stripped
film in the direction of coating, called ‘ribbing’, which
may or may not be flattened by surface tension before
curing, depending on rheological and interfacial proper-
ties of paints used. Industrial requirements usually make
necessary to operate above this threshold, and for that
reason this phenomenon is not an occasional accident
but an undesired part of the process. Fig. 1: Forward roll coating. (1) pick-up roll. (2) applicator
roll. (3) back-up roll.
Latin American Applied Research 32:247-252 (2002)
10 2
a) paint a
paint b
paint c
paint d
µ [Pa s]
µ [Pa s]
0 0.9
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 0.6
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
γ [1/s] 0.5
-2 -1 0 1 2
10 10 10 10 10
10 º
γ [1/s]
paint d
Fig. 3: Transient viscosity (paint d). Period of the loop: 210 s.
10 Carreau model
measurements are well fitted by Carreau model over a
160 s
wide range of shear rates (Byrd et. al. 1987):
µ∞ 0.52 Pa s
µ ( γ ) = µ ∞ + (µ 0 − µ∞ ) (1 + λ 2 γ 2 )
µ0 4.1 Pa s
2 (4)
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
º Where µ∞ and µ0 are the high and low shear rate vis-
γ [1/s]
Fig. 2. (a) Shear-dependent viscosity of various roll coating cosities respectively, λ a characteristic time scale and n
paints. (b) Fit using Carreau’s model (paint d). and exponent that describes the power-law region at
intermediate shear rates. Figure 2a show the shear-
text is necessary to understand its performance in this dependent viscosity of several paints used in the steel
process. In the next sections we will describe some industry. Figure 2b shows the fit obtained for one sam-
rheological properties of paints as well as the influence ple (paint d) with Carreau model. Exponent n is always
of these on the process of roll coating application. less that unity in the case of paints. For that reason, vis-
cosity is reduced by shear, and is said to be shear thin-
ning. This behaviour is shared by most polymeric sys-
tems, regardless of its elastic properties. Relatively ine-
A. Shear-dependent viscosity lastic polymer solutions show strong shear thinning ef-
fects even al low concentrations (Zyrnsak et al. 1999).
Paint flow through the applicator consists of several
regions of relatively low shear rates and others of ex- B. Thixotropy
tremely high shear rates. In the case of having a Newto- Paints are suspensions of solids on a polymeric network,
nian fluid, a linear relationship between shear stress and forming structures that are highly affected by shear.
shear rate is satisfied (Acheson 1990): When a shear stress is applied, the structure is rapidly
τij = 2 µ dij (1) affected and viscosity is significantly reduced. After
cessation of shear, the structure is rebuild, but this proc-
Where τij is the stress tensor, µ is the viscosity and dij is ess occurs in a time scale that depends on the structural
the deformation rate tensor, defined as properties of the system. If the application process is
fast compared to this ‘rebuilding time’, a memory effect
1 ∂u ∂u j on viscosity will be observable, and it will be no longer
dij = i + (2) a local property but a function of the history of deforma-
2 ∂x j ∂xi
Thixotropic effects have been observed in the paints
For such a fluid, the relation between stress and rate of
we studied (Fig. 3). Transient viscosity has been meas-
deformation will be the same, regardless of the intensity
ured using a cone-plate rheometer, making closed loops
of the stress applied.
between two shear rates, and varying the period of
However, paints are known to be non-Newtonian measurement. The memory of deformation is put in
fluids, i.e., that the relation between stress and deforma- evidence comparing the viscosities obtained on the up-
tion velocity is non linear per and the lower part of the loop. Recovery times are
τij = 2µ ( γ ) dij significant in these systems, and thixotropic effects are
(3) noticed in the post-application process, during levelling
γ = d kl d kl and curing. Rather than being a problem, thixotropy
-4 -3 -2
10 10 10
Fig. 5: critical capillary number Ca* vs. aspect ratio Γ = h0/R,
for Glycerol (dark circles), xanthan (triangles) and PAAm
(open circles).
Fig. 4: Free surface flow at the nip between rollers. The line
across free surface (y-direction) is where ribbing instability dimensional form via capillary number Ca, the ratio
develops. Flow at the nip is parallel to the x-direction. between bulk (viscous) forces and interfacial effects due
to surface tension:
allows having a low viscosity even after cessation of µV
Ca = (7)
shear, improving levelling and overall coating quality. σ
From the theoretical viewpoint, thixotropy can be V is roller speed, µ the viscosity and σ surface tension.
treated as an order-disorder phase transition induced by Ca is the control parameter of this instability.
shear. There exist different approaches in order to ana- If Ca high enough, the uniform solution loses stabil-
lyse thixotropy: from continuum mechanics, from ity and a pattern appear with a definite wavelength.
polymer dynamics, and a thermodynamical approach, Amplitude a satisfies a single mode Guinzburg-Landau
among others. A good review can be found in Huang equation (Rabaud et al. (1990), Bellon et al. (1998),
(1988). Huang model is well suited for the study of Drazin and Reid (1984)):
thixotropy in paints and inks (Huang et al. 1976). It pr e- 1
da 2
dicts a contribution to entropy change due to molecular = ε a − a a a ∝ (Ca − Ca*) 2 (8)
rearrangement: dt
1 dS R 1 d ε is the reduced critical parameter, and A is the asymp-
= − τij βij ( γ ) (5) totic value of amplitude of the pattern. Figure 6 shows
ρ dt T dt
the evolution of A with Ca, above and below threshold
βij is a molecular rearrangement parameter, which is Ca*. The transition is supercritical.
function of deformation rate, T the temperature, ρ the The stability criterion in the case of Newtonian flu-
density and SR the contribution to entropy due to mo- ids follows from the linear analysis of the growth rate of
lecular rearrangement. Considering the total entropy sinusoidal perturbations. A complete treatment of this
change, and assuming a power-law dependence of βij problem can be found in Savage (1984) and in
with deformation rate, an expression for viscosity can Michalland (1992). In a qualitative point of view, a
be derived: more simple stability criterion is the one postulated by
C γ n ( t ) dt Pitts and Greiller (1961):
µ ( γ ) = µ ∞ + k γ n −1e 0
(6) h
Ca* = 31 0 (9)
k is related to the Equilibrium State and C to the struc- R
tural breakdown rate of the system. When the recovery h0 is minimum gap and R is roll radius.
time occurs rapidly, the expression is simplified to a While most of the features of this instability are pre-
shear-dependent viscosity constant in time. sent in the non-Newtonian case, a series of significant
differences has been observed in the case of polymeric
III. RIBBING INSTABILITY liquids, as a function of its elasticity. Figure 5 shows the
instability threshold for different polymeric liquids: xan-
Paint flow at the exit of the nip presents a free surface than in glycerol solvent, and polyacrilamide (PAAm).
whose position and shape are function of bulk forces
This one present strong viscoelastic effects at concentra-
and capillary effects (Fig. 4). At speeds below a certain
tions studied (0.1%). In both cases, however, the (time-
threshold, the meniscus is uniform in the y-direction
independent) viscosity measured as a function of shear
(except near the edges of the rollers) and paint transfer
rate present qualitatively the same behaviour and is
produces a smooth film over the steel sheet. This critical
comparable to most commercial paints. For that reason,
condition on speed is dependent of rheological and in-
the results obtained for these polymeric solutions are
terfacial properties of liquids, and can be stated in non-
Latin American Applied Research 32:247-252 (2002)
Fig. 6: Pictures of the interface below and above threshold (increasing Ca from up to down). On each picture, air is on the upper
side. Minimum gap h0 is exactly located at the lower boundary of each frame. (a) Glycerol (Ca = 0.210, 0.226, 0.262, 0.425);
(b) Xanthan 1000ppm (Ca = 0.076, 0.123, 0.155, 0.338); (c) PAAm 1000ppm (Ca = 0.110, 0.124, 0.154, 0.165).
directly related to the paint response in this process. ently towards peaked fingers (xanthan) and saw-toothed
As can be observed, the presence of elastic effects fingers (PAAm)
on the fluid generates a strong reduction of critical Ca
with respect to the Newtonian case, while inelastic xan- IV. LEVELING
than solutions doesn’t change threshold significantly.
This permit concludes that elastic effects are responsible As it has been stated, under normal operational con-
for this drop on critical conditions. A more general dis- ditions, the surface of the film is not uniform but
cussion can be found in Varela López et al (2000). stripped. A few seconds after paint is applied, it enters
to the oven where curing process begin. For that reason,
Shape of the pattern above threshold also presents a
levelling is expected to occur under this time scale. Fol-
dependence on rheological properties of fluids. In Fig. 6
lowing Patton (1964), an estimate of levelling time for a
we also show the evolution of pattern for three different
stripped pattern can be derived:
systems: a Newtonian fluid (Glycerol), xanthan (0.1%)
and PAAm (0.1%). The first frame represents meniscus µΛ 4
t = 0.036 3 (10)
position at threshold, and can be noticed the difference δσ
between the elastic solution (c) and the others. This put Where Λ is the wavelength of the stripped pattern and δ
in evidence that film thickness will be strongly affected the mean film thickness. t measures the time necessary
by elasticity. Just above threshold, in all cases a sinu-
soidal pattern appears, according to the Guinzburg- for a stripped pattern of given amplitude to flatten to a
Landau prediction. However, the pattern evolves differ- 10% of its original value. Note that not only geometrical
film parameters are involved in this expression, but also High coating speed makes the presence of ribbing
physical properties of paint play an important role. unavoidable in many cases, and getting a product of
Paints with relatively low surface tension and high vis- good finishing or not depends on the levelling properties
cosity will be harder to level than other which its viscos- of each coating. For that reason, to have a low viscosity,
ity is lower and its interfacial properties are more high surface tension liquid favours levelling. Rheology,
important. via shear-thinning viscosity and thixotropy, combined to
While interfacial properties are more or less constant an efficient shear process, must generate the optimal
during application, viscosity is very dependent on shear conditions for levelling. In order to make this possible, a
rate in most industrial liquid coatings. Paint formulation detailed knowledge of paint properties is necessary,
makes good use of this property in order to improve added to a complete description of the flow along the
quality. Viscosity of paints at low shear rate must be process.
high enough to prevent pigment suspension to settle
during storage before application (usually a period of AKNOWLEDGEMENTS
several months), and a lower viscosity at high shear
rates, during application, to reduce ribbing amplitude. The authors wishes to thank M. Rabaud and C. Allain
for fruitful discussions on rheological aspects of ribbing
On the other hand, during levelling, it is desirable to
have a low viscosity, in order to have a smoother film instability, and to Jorge Albertelli (SIDERAR S.A.) for
before curing. The stresses generated by surface tension important remarks concerning industrial steel coating.
during levelling are of the order of 1-10 Pa. The viscos- This work has been partially financed by SIDERAR
ity measured in paints at this level of stress is relatively S.A. and is in the frame of ECOS n° A97E03 and PICS
high with respect to the values reached at the nip be- (CNRS-CONICET) n°561. F.V.L. has a grant from
tween rollers. Replacing in Eq. 1 the value of viscosity ‘Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Na-
estimated for this process, levelling time is significantly turales’ of Argentina.
overestimated. We think that the origin of this is that the
time scales involved in this process are much shorter NOTATION
(< 20 s) than the time paint needs to regain the structure a= amplitude of pattern.
lost during application. This thixotropic effect on paints A= equilibrium value of amplitude of pattern.
is very important, with characteristic recovery times of C= thixotropic structural breakdown rate.
several minutes. For that reason, the viscosity of a paint Ca = capillary number.
during levelling is lower than the value obtained in Ca* = critical capillary number.
quasi-stationary conditions, even if the stress acting are dij = ij-component of deformation velocity tensor.
not very significant. For that reason, special care must h0 = minimum gap between rollers.
be taken for the correct determination of viscosity in k= equilibrium structural parameter.
this process. n= rheological index
Another important aspect of levelling of paint films R= roller radius
is solvent evaporation. If the fluid is evaporating, as in SR = entropy contribution of rearrangement.
our case, solvent concentration is varying with time as T= temperature.
paint dries. But since the pattern is not uniform, this t= levelling time.
process generates concentration gradients between ui = i-component of velocity field.
negative and positive curvature zones. As a conse- V = tangential roller speed
quence, a surface tension gradient appears acting on the xi = coordinate on the i-direction.
surface modifying levelling dynamics (Wilson 1993).
These effects have been observed in paints under brush- Greek letters:
ing application, and are reported by Wilson in the same β ij = molecular rearrangement parameter.
paper. However, since curing is faster in roll coating is δ = mean film thickness.
expected that solvent evaporation effects in levelling ε = reduced parameter control.
may be masked out by viscosity rise due to polymer γ = shear rate.
Γ = aspect ratio
λ =characteristic time scale.
Λ = wave length of pattern
In this work we put in evidence that roll coating applica- µ = viscosity
tion is a process where rheological and interfacial prop- µ0 = zero-shear viscosity
erties of paints play an important role on operability µ∞ = infinite-shear viscosity
conditions. Threshold of ribbing instability dynamics ρ = density
are function of viscosity, and surface tension acts as a σ = surface tension
stabilising factor for instability and is the driving force τij = ij-component of stress tensor.
for levelling.
Latin American Applied Research 32:247-252 (2002)