Frost Protection
Frost Protection
Frost Protection
Frost-protection measures in
energy recuperation with multiple
counterflow heat exchangers
Raffael Ahmed Julian Appelhoff
Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Ing., FH
Product Development Engineer Product Development Engineer
GEA Air Treatment GmbH GEA Air Treatment GmbH
anufacturers of air handling units (AHUs)
continuously improve the electrical and ther-
mal efficiency of their systems. These efforts
include the optimization of energy recovery. The new
GEA multiple counterflow principle is intended to
achieve high energy-recovery coefficients in conjunc-
tion with low pressure drop. Additionally, the new sys-
tem allows a bypass cycle that prevents pressure drop in
the energy-recovery system with free cooling – and of-
fers various possibilities for frost protection. The authors
describe the energy costs of several frost protection solu-
tions, in accordance with various climate conditions.
The GEA multiple counterflow heat exchanger is based 3. Preheating of the outside air, without re-heater.
on a solution with several layers or levels, and with a mod- Before its entry into the multiple counterflow
ular-configured counterflow principle (see Figure 1). heat exchanger, the outside air is pre-heated to
−2°C. (Figure 2).
If use of the energy-recovery system is not essential, the 4. Preheating of the extract air, to prevent the out-
bypass flaps open on the supply-air and on the extract-air going air temperature from falling below 2°C.
side, and the air flows unimpeded pass the energy-recovery (Figure 3)
heat exchanger – for example, in free cooling mode. During 5. Recirculation of outside air for preheating of this
operation of the energy-recovery system, typical pressure air to −2°C before entry into the multiple coun-
drop can be expected at the order of magnitude of Δp = 80 terflow heat exchanger, by admixture of supply
– 140 Pa (at an AHU face velocity of 1.5–2 m/s). air (Figure 4).
One energy-recovery system but The selection of the most effective frost-protection strat-
many possible frost-protection egies to be used will depend in good part on the climate
measures conditions of the installation location. The following
Multiple counterflow technology offers a selection from will illustrate these interrelationships by describing sim-
various feasible continuous frost-protection variants. ulation of the various frost-protection strategies for dif-
Alternatives 1–5 are described and illustrated below. ferent climate conditions. Simulations are based on the
following data:
1. Opening of the outside-air bypass (Figure 1),
in accordance with the value given by a surface- • GEA CAIRplus® SX 096.064 AHU
temperature sensor, with setpoint value ≥ 0°C. o Maximum air flow: 4,000 m³/h
2. Configuration as shown in Figure 1; but instead o Air velocity in free cross-section: approx.
of a fixed setpoint ≥ 0°C, the system takes the 1.8 m/s
dewpoint temperature of the extract air into ac- o Energy recovery system: GEA multiple
count. If there is no risk of condensation in the ex- counterflow; heat-recovery coefficient 0.807
tract air, frost protection remains out of operation. at balanced air flows
air Outside air
air Outside air
air Outside air
air Outside
Operational Costs per Year [€]
Outside Air Bypass
Outside Air Bypass
Concerning Dew-Point
Concerning Temperature Outside Air Preheating Extract Air Preheating Outside Air Recirculation
Temperature of PHE
of PHE Surface
Auxiliary Energy 0 0 26 98 0
Heating 2821 1184 1339 4958 612
Fans 3261 3292 3320 3428 3527
Figure 5. The operational cost (heat and electricity) of frost protection in the case study with an air handling unit of
4 000 m³/h.
frost protection via outside-air bypass are advisable; with For the case of frost protection by outside-air pre-
respect to operating costs, however, variant no. 3 applied heating, the operating expenses would not be even
without re-heater is the most favorable. 5% more expensive than variation no. 2. Despite the
disadvantage of only being able to provide supply air
Moscow, Russian Federation temperatures below the exhaust air temperature if no
The exclusion criteria applied for Frankfurt am Main additional re-heater is applied, a factor in favor of
also apply to Moscow, which is much colder in win- outside-air preheating is the fact that the outcome of
ter (daily low outside temperatures of down to −24°C, energy consumption is independent of extract-air hu-
according to weather statistics). Variants 1 to 3 would midity. For this reason, this variant is likewise advis-
be feasible for selection here as well. Of these three op- able – or in cases with humidification – even superior.
tions, the purely temperature-controlled outside-air by- This solution is also supported in terms of investments
pass (variant 1) would represent by far the most expen- by the fact that the heating coil and the heat genera-
sive. The air heater in this case would necessarily provide tor can be dimensioned at 30 kW, which is 46% less
heating duty of 56 kW to raise the air temperature to than required for variant 1 or 2. A detailed consider-
17.7°C, due to heat recovery being completely bypassed ation of the individual case may lead either to the most
under extreme winter conditions. economic variant of dewpoint controlled bypass, or to
outside-air preheating.
If surface dewpoint temperatures were used to control the
bypass (variant no. 2), the operating costs would be 26% Conclusion
lower compared to the purely temperature-controlled These simulations reveal that one preferable frost-pro-
outside-air bypass (variant no. 1) – and would moreover tection strategy for all of Europe is not possible. Only
represent the strategy with minimal expenses. The bypass extract-air preheating and outside-air recirculation do
would be in operation 500 h/a less, and the flap would not come into consideration at all. The multiple coun-
never have to be opened 100%. This is because a temper- terflow solution enables the possibility of implement-
ature drop below the dewpoint could hardly be expected, ing two cost-effective frost-protection strategies, high
owing to the dry cold in conjunction with the assumed heat-recovery coefficients, and low-loss free cooling.
humidity load of only 1.5 g/kg. For cases with higher hu- Product launch of the new GEA multiple counterflow
midity load or AHUs with humidifiers, the results would system is scheduled for late 2013.
be worse and tend more to those of variant 1.