Condenser Kettle
Condenser Kettle
Condenser Kettle
Abstract: Steam is produced on boiling. This steam is referred to as (water) vapour. If the vapour is
allowed to escape unhindered from the chimney, people in the neighbourhood can smell that the brewery
has cast out wort again. This can be considered to be odour pollution. Moreover the evaporated water
mass contains a great deal of energy which in the casa escapes through the chimney. To convert 1 kg of
water at 1000C into 1kg of stream at 1000C, about 2260 kJ = 90 psi, are required. If the stream condenses
again in the surroundings, this heat energy is released again and completely lost to the brewery.
Keywords: steam, energy, vapour compression, boiling,, energy saver, hot water,
Energy usage during wort boiling - the wort leading to a percentage evaporation of about
kettle is the greatest energy user in the entire 12 % in the copper, theny, in conventional
wort production process. boiling for each 1 hl of cast wort about 14
Very careful consideration must therefore be kWh = 56,00 BTU/bbl are required. (1 kWh =
given to how to keep the energy usage as low 3,6MJ = 0,948 BTU)
as possible since energy is very expensive.
Energy usage is quoted in kWh or BTU or kj. 2. VAPOUR CONDESATION
Common fuels have the following thermal
values (natural gas 11,20 kWh/m3, fuel oil It is therefore useful to recover at least part of
10,14 kWh/l, heavy oil ll,l6 kWh/kg, hard the heat of evaporation.
coal 8,95kWh/kg). This is done by building in a kettle vapour
In the brewhouse an 80% efficiency can be condenser in the kettle chimney.
expected, i.e about 80 % of the energy is If the steam is condensed here the heat of
utilized in the brewhouse. evaporation is recovered. In the kettle vapour
The starting point of our considerations is the condenser (Fig.1) the steam is passed against
energy usage obtained with a conventional pipes of pockets, through which water is
copper. Energy used in conventional boiling - pumped, and the water is thereby warmed
if the wort is boiled for 90 min at 1000C whilst the steam gives up its heat of
evaporation and condenses.
Depending on the subsequent purposes for vapour condensers are built with one stage
which the heat is used,the steam is cooled in cooling (Fig. 2.). Each hl of evaporated wort
one or two stages and hot and/or warm water produces 0.8 hl of hot water at 800C.
thereby produced. Nowadays most kettle
condenser (4) whilst the counterflow of - in the case of low pressure boiling with an
cooling water is heated to 970C. The water energy saver about 60-70 %.
heated to 970C is fed back into the upper part
of the energy storage vessel (5). The wort from CONCLUSIONS
the wort collection underback (1) or the mash
in the mash kettle (6) can be heated up by this Energy saving as a result of conversion to low
hot water from the upper part of the energy pressure boiling. With low pressure boiling the
storage reservoir. Other hot water energy total boiling time is reduced considerably
sources can also be stored - care must be because of the higher temperature and the
taken, however, that the temperature of the consequently accelerated dissolving and
stored hot water is not greatly reduced thereby. conversion processes. If, instead of the
The hot water is stored in a well insulated previous 12 % (10 to 15 %) only 5 to 7 % is
energy storage vessel. In it the boundary now evaporated, 6 kWh/hl cast wort is spared
between very hot water and hot water is in comparison with conventional boiling so
displaced depending on requirements. The that in low pressure boiling/or each 1 hl of cast
mixing zone depends on the design of the wort about 9 kWh = 36,000 BTU/bbI are
storage vessel and is only 10-20 cm in the case required. That is a large saving which arises
of narrow reservoirs. With such a storage simply from the reduction of the boiling time.
system waste heat can be stored for long times
and can be called upon at any time. It is REFERENCES
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