Spud White
Spud White
Spud White
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M.J. Cassidy
Centre for Offshore Foundation Systems (COFS), University of Western Australia
ABSTRACT: Spudcan penetration analyses for offshore jack-up units are commonly performed in accordance
with methods described in industry guidelines. However, accurate prediction of spudcan penetration resistance is
challenging in layered soils. The topic has thus attracted considerable research efforts in recent years, especially
in “strong over weak” punch-through type soil profiles and more recently in multi-layer alternating sand/clay
profiles. This paper evaluates the performance of the current guideline methods by comparing predictions with
measurements from selected well-controlled centrifuge experiments. Large Deformation Finite Element (LDFE)
analyses are also performed and results are compared with the experimental results. The motivation is to examine
when the guideline methods provide good predictions and when more advanced analysis, for example, LDFE
analyses may be needed.
Table 1. Summary of calculation methods in SPLAT.
Single clay layer Skempton (1951) ISO (2012), average su over 0.5D below footing base is used,
dc = 1 + 0.2d/D ≤ 1.5
Brinch Hansen (1970) SNAME (2008), average su over 0.25D below the footing
base is used, dc = 1 + 0.4arctan(d/D)
Houlsby & Martin (2003) SNAME (2008) commentary, ISO (2012) main text and
INSAFE (2011), su at the spudcan base, soil heterogeneity,
conical shape, roughness, embedment explicitly considered
Hossain & Randolph (2009a, b) su at footing base, relevant mechanisms at various stages of
penetration explicitly considered
Single sand layer Brinch Hansen (1970) ϕ reduced by 5◦ from lab triaxial results for input
Vesic (1975) ϕ reduced by 5◦ from lab triaxial results for input
Martin ABC Nγ , Nq factors based on results from Martin’s ABC program,
consideration should be given to choose the appropriate ϕ
InSafeJIP (2011) Use Cassidy & Houlsby (2002) Nγ factors, unreduced ϕ as
input, a reduction factor Fmob = 0.25 − 0.5 and a
roughness = 0.5 are recommended
Two or more soil layers Pre Run Apply general shear to all layers, no treatment of conical
shape at layer interface
First Run Apply general shear to all layers, with treatment of conical
shape at layer interface
Second Run “Bottom up” approach considering layer interaction.
Squeezing: Meyerhof & Chaplin (1953). Punch-though sand
over clay: “load-spread” method. Punch-through strong over
weak clay: Brown & Meyerhof (1968).
Additional methods Hanna & Meyerhof (1980) ISO (2012)/SNAME (2008), Sand over clay
for two layers Hu et al. (2014a, b) Sand over clay, constant volume friction angle ϕcv and relative
density are inputs
jack-up units in accordance with industry guide- which analyses the interaction between the layers (i.e.
lines. It is developed for multi-layer soil conditions punch-though and squeezing) using the results from
and covers a comprehensive suite of analysis meth- the First Run. The inclusion of the Pre Run and First
ods recommended in industry guidelines ISO (2012), Run phases allows the user to identify what mecha-
SNAME (2008), and InSafeJIP (2011). The program nisms are involved in different stages of penetration.
also includes some newer methods that are developed Each layer is defined as either sand or clay and the user
from recent research using advanced centrifuge and can select the single layer methods to be used with the
numerical modelling. Table 1 provides a summary of Pre Run or the First Run phases.
available methods in the program.
enhanced immersed boundary method. In this method,
the Lagrangian elements can occupy voids inside the
Eulerian mesh, with the “general contact” algorithm
computing and tracking the interface between the
Lagrangian and the Eulerian bodies.
In the three-dimensional CEL FE analysis of a spud-
can penetrating through layered soils, the spudcan is
discretised using Lagrangian elements while the soil
is modelled with Eulerian elements. Herein, a modi-
fied Mohr-Coulomb model which assumes softening
of mobilized friction angle (ϕ ) and “cohesion” (c)
from peak to residual values according to a hyperbolic
relationship with equivalent plastic strain, was used
to described the soil behaviour. The material model
is implemented in the Abaqus/Explicit program and
described in more details in Khoa (2013). Each CEL
penetration analysis typically needs about 7 hours run Figure 1. Comparison of predicted and experimental bear-
time using 6 processors. ing pressures for case of sand over clay.
Table 3. Additional material parameters used in CEL Table 5. Soil parameters for multi-layer scenario FS5.
Thickness γ su,intact Dr ϕ
ϕpeak ψpeak ψresidual su,residual Bp or Layer (m) (kN/m3 ) (kPa) (%) (◦ )
Layer (◦ ) (◦ ) (◦ ) (kPa) B∗c
1. Soft clay 5.2 6.5 8.5 – –
Sand 42.3 11.0 0 – 0.1 2. Stiff clay 4.4 7.0 35.5 – –
Clay – – – 0.85su,intact 0.1 3. Clay 5.2 6.5 21 – –
4. Sand 11.2 9 – 44 30∗
*: Bp and Bc : equivalent plastic strains at which half of
the softening on mobilized friction angle and “cohesion” : The friction angle is after reduction of 5◦ for SPLAT input.
respectively occurs.
Figure 3. (a) Comparison of predicted and experimental
Figure 4. (a) Comparison of predicted and experimental
bearing pressures, (b) soil failure mechanisms for multi-layer
bearing pressures, (b) soil failure mechanisms for multi-layer
scenario FS5.
scenario FS6 (ns = 3 in SPLAT prediction).
Table 7. Soil parameters for multi-layer scenario FS6.
3. A limitation with the guideline methods is the gen- International Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotech-
eral lack of consideration of the plug of soil trapped nics, 11(3), pp. 100–115.
beneath the spudcan during penetration in layer Hossain, M.S. 2014. Experimental investigation of spudcan
soils. This can lead to significant underestimation penetration in multi-layer clays with interbedded sand
layers. Geìotechnique, 64(4), pp. 258–277.
of the bearing capacity. This effect may be greatest Houlsby, G.T. & Martin, C.M. 2003. Undrained bearing
where alternating sand and clay layers are present. capacity factors for conical footings on clay. Géotech-
This study highlights the need to develop meth- nique, 53(5), pp. 513–520.
ods that take the actual penetration process into Hu, P., Stanier, S.A., Cassidy, M.J. & Wang D. 2014a. Pre-
account, for example the punch-through method dicting peak resistance of spudcan penetrating sand over-
proposed by Hu et al. (2014) which demonstrated lying clay. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenviromental
a much improved prediction for the sand over clay Engineering (ASCE), 04013009.
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4. The CEL FE method presents very good prediction ing the resistance profile of a spudcan penetrating sand
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of the reported experimental responses, highlight- pp. 1151–1164.
ing the potential benefit of using this method with ISO 2012. Petroleum and natural gas industries – Site-
complex soil profiles. It is essential to account for specific assessment of mobile offshore units – Part 1:
potential effects of strain softening and strain rate Jack-ups, 19905-1. International Organization for Stan-
in the soil during large penetration of spudcan. dardization.
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International Symposium on Computational Geomechan-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ics. pp. 570–585.
InSafeJIP. 2011 Improved guidelines for the prediction of
The development of SPLAT has been a joint collab- geotechnical performance of spudcan foundations during
oration between NGI and the Centre for Offshore installation and removal of jack-up units.
Foundation Systems (COFS). COFS is supported as Lee, K.K., Randolph, M.F. & Cassidy, M.J. 2013. Bear-
a node of the Australian Research Council Centre of ing capacity on sand overlying clay soils: a simplified
Excellence for Geotechnical Science and Engineering. conceptual model. Géotechnique, 63(15), pp. 1285–1297.
Menzies, D. & Roper, R. 2008. Comparison of Jackup rig
spudcan penetration methods in clay. Proc., Offshore
Technology Conference, OTC 19545.
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