STOAT Unit Process Descriptions
STOAT Unit Process Descriptions
STOAT Unit Process Descriptions
Copyright WRc plc
The contents of this manual and the accompanying software are the copyright
of WRc plc and all rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be
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This manual and the accompanying software are supplied in good faith. While
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WRc plc
Frankland Road
United Kingdom
2.1 Process Connections 2
2.2 Model Parameters 2
2.3 Generate a new influent data file 2
2.4 Importing Data 7
2.5 Select Profile 9
2.6 Using Measured Influent Data 10
2.6.1 Exporting from a spreadsheet 10
2.6.2 Creating a data file 11
2.7 Warm Starts 12
2.8 Additional Influent Models 12
2.8.1 Rainfall 13
2.8.2 Industrial effluent 13
2.8.3 Landfill leachate 14
4.1 Tank Connections 21
4.2 Model Parameters 21
4.3 Name And Dimensions 21
4.4 Operational Data 22
4.5 Initial Conditions 23
4.6 Model Calibration (Sewage) 24
4.7 Model Calibration (Process Unit) 25
5.1 Tank Connections 26
5.2 Model Parameters 26
5.3 Name and dimensions 27
5.4 Operational data 28
5.5 Initial conditions 28
5.6 Model calibration (Sewage) 29
5.7 Process calibration data 30
6.1 Tank Connections 32
6.2 Model Parameters 32
6.3 Name and dimensions 33
6.4 Operational Data 33
6.5 Initial conditions 34
6.6 Model Calibration (Sewage) 37
6.7 Process calibration data 39
9. WET WELL 50
9.1 Tank Connections 50
9.2 Model Parameters 50
9.3 Name and Dimensions 50
9.4 Operational Data: 51
9.5 Initial Conditions 52
This manual describes the unit processes within STOAT that are available in the processes toolbox for
use in model construction.
Tank Connections: These are the streams that must be connected to the unit process for use within
Model Parameters: This describes which of the many parameters available for each model and this
section breaks the parameters down into those that must be set by the user and those that may be set as
well as those that should be reserved for expert use only.
These sections reproduce the forms in STOAT that are used to input information and explain each term
as well as recommending values to input.
These two sections describe each calibration parameter in detail and recommend sensible values where
applicable. There are also some suggestions on which parameters are sensitive under certain
operational conditions.
This manual should be used in conjunction with the Process Model Descriptions Manual to set up new
models using processes that are unfamiliar to the user.
You must associate an influent data file with each influent. You can optionally choose to define a new
data file, or to edit an existing data file.
You can define three types of influent patterns: constant conditions, diurnal or sinusoidal. Each pattern
can then be duplicated to give you the number of days of simulation data that you require. The
procedure is thus first Edit the pattern, and then Create the sewage profile from the pattern.
We recommend that the diurnal pattern be used wherever you have access to the required data, and that
you use the sine curve where you have access only to average data, with perhaps additional
information on the expected peaks and the phase differences between the components. The constant
flow option can be left as a means of providing a template for you to type in data that does not follow a
repeating diurnal pattern, or to create a table for you to subsequently import data from a spreadsheet
using the Windows’ cut-and-paste facilities.
You are asked for potentially 25 components in defining sewage data. You do not need to enter all
these components. The list below explains what data is required under which conditions.
Component Comments
Temperature Set this to the average sewage temperature when using models that
require the input at this point.
Volatile fatty acids This should be entered as a BOD equivalent. Currently only the
mesophilic anaerobic digestion model #2 uses this parameter. WRc
will release biological P-removal models of the IAWQ Model #2
type which will make use of this component.
Soluble BOD (also used for If you are using primary tanks or storm tanks then you must
biodegradable soluble COD) differentiate between soluble and particulate BOD. If you are only
using activated sludge or the oxidation ditch, and have chosen to use
the models 1 or 5, then you can treat soluble BOD as total BOD and
leave particulate BOD as zero.
Particulate BOD (also used for If you are using the primary settling tank model, biological filter, or
biodegradable particulate activated sludge/oxidation ditch model 2 then you must differentiate
COD) between soluble and particulate BOD. If you are using only activated
sludge models 1 or 5 then all that is required is that soluble plus
particulate BOD should sum to the total BOD - the partitioning
between the two is not relevant.
Volatile solids If you are modelling digesters or the biological filter, or using the
activated sludge/oxidation ditch model 2 or 3, then you should
differentiate between volatile and non-volatile solids. Otherwise all
that is required is that the sum of volatile and non-volatile solids
should sum to the total solids.
Soluble organic nitrogen Should be used for IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2 models
Particulate inorganic nitrogen Should be used for IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2 models
Soluble phosphorus Only used if you select activated sludge/oxidation ditch model 5
PHB in viable biomass Should be used for IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2 models
PolyP in viable biomass Should be used for IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2 models
P-removing viable bacteria Should be used for IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2 models
Particulate nondegradable Not currently used
organic nitrogen
Dissolved organic carbon DAF, Chemical P-removal and Chemically assisted sedimentation
Total Dissolved solids DAF, Chemical P-removal and Chemically assisted sedimentation
Constant pattern: This requires that you specify the flowrate, temperature, and determinands. You
can set any determinand that you are not interested in, or have no data for, to zero.
Diurnal pattern: Specify the average daily data, and then the normalised variation around the mean
over a 24 hour period. If the normalised variation does not sum to 24.0 for each component you will be
given a warning as this is usually a mistake. (But you are free to enter the mean as 1.0, and enter the
normalised variation as actual values: this has the same effect, saves you having to normalise your
data, and produces the warning about non-normalised data.)
Sinusoidal pattern: The sinusoidal pattern will allow you to generate a repeating sine curve. You
should specify the mean value, phase, amplitude and frequency. The phase affects the timing of the
peak value with respect to other components. The default phase of 0 implies that the peak for all
components will take place at 06:00, with a minimum at 18:00. We anticipate the phase being used
primarily to shift the location of peaks relative to one another, rather than trying to locate the peak at a
respectable absolute time. Thus, if you want the peak flow to take place one hour before the peak
BOD, and the peak BOD to take place one hour before the peak ammonia, you would leave the
ammonia phase as 0; set the BOD phase as 1; and set the flow phase as 2. In general, if you want a
peak to occur H hours ahead of another peak, then the phase should be set to H hours greater than the
phase of that other component. If you want the sine curve to have one cycle in 24 hours then the
frequency should be specified as π/12; for a frequency of one cycle in X hours you should set the
frequency to 2 π/X.
Having defined the pattern you should then create the profile. You are then asked at what frequency
you want the data used, and for how many hours. The duration will set the maximum length of the
simulation. The timestep sets the ‘resolution’ to your data. If you are planning to use the constant
conditions as you have entered, then you can set the timestep to (say) 24 hours, while for diurnal data
you can set the timestep to (say) one hour. For sinusoidal data you should leave the timestep at the
default of one hour. The combination of timestep and duration determines how much disk space the
resulting data file will require. When you subsequently associate the data file with an influent in your
process you have the option to edit the data, so that you can superimpose storms or periods of
unusually low flow on your ‘typical’ flow profile. Having created the profile you will then be asked for
a file name under which to save the data. We recommend that you save the file with the suffix .INF.
(STOAT will save the file with the suffix .INF, but will not change the suffix that you used - you will
then have problems reading the file later, since the suffices are different.)
Having saved the profile you will then be asked if you wish to associate this profile with the influent
icon. Commonly you would select ‘Yes.’ If you do select ‘Yes’ you will then be asked if you wish to
view or edit the data. Unless you plan to edit the data - for example, to include a storm event within the
diurnal profile - we recommend that you select ‘No.’
In addition to creating data from general patterns you may import from sewerage files, typically those
produced by the sewerage models MOSQITO and HYDROWORKS QM.
If you change the directory or drive from the default when selecting the sewerage files the new drive
and directory will become the default for saving the STOAT influent file. If you are importing from a
floppy disk and do not change the defaults then STOAT will look for the resulting STOAT file also on
the floppy disk. This may affect future simulations, when you may get error messages to the effect that
the file cannot be found, does not exist, or that the disk is not available.
.HYQ: flow
.HAD: ammonia
.HBD: nonsettleable BOD
.HB1: sellable BOD
.HB2: settleable BOD
.HB3: settleable BOD
.HS1: Settleable solids
.HS2: sellable solids
.HS3: settleable solids
The files .HS1, .HS2 and .HS3 correspond roughly to fine, coarse and very coarse solids. Nonsettleable
BOD is defined as BOD left in the supernatant after 15 minutes settling, while solids are defined as
solids that have settled out after 15 minutes settling. This contrasts with the STOAT use of filterable
(‘soluble’) and nonfilterable (‘particulate’) BOD and filtered solids. Because of these differences in
definition there is a need to convert between the two. WRc experience is that the difference for solids
can be ignored, so that all that is required is to specify the split in the sewerage solids between volatile
and non-volatile solids. For BOD the requirement is to specify what fraction of the BOD found in the
nonsettleable BOD file should be treated as soluble BOD.
If STOAT finds the sediment files .HS1, .HS2 or .HS3 this menu records the number (0, 1, 2 or 3) of
sediment files found, and allows you to specify that you wish to use the results in some rather than all
files. Selecting Use ‘HYQ’ will use only HYQ, HAD and HBD - you will get an error if these three
files do not exist.
Selecting Use ‘HS1’ uses HYQ, HAD, HBD, HB1 and HS1; Use HS2 uses HYQ, HAD, HBD, HB1,
HB2, HS1 and HS2; and selecting Use ‘HS3’ will use HYQ, HAD, HBD, HB1, HB2, HB3, HS1, HS2
and HS3.
The list of hydrograph records found in the HYQ file is displayed, and you are asked to select which
hydrograph you wish to import data from. If this hydrograph does not exist in any of the associated
files then a default value of zero will be taken from that file; you will be informed of this.
STOAT uses an internal timestep of 15 minutes. The sewerage data files must therefore be in multiples
of 15 minute intervals. That is, the data in a .HYQ file may have a timestep of 15, 30, 45 minutes or
any other multiple, but not 1, 10, 27 minute intervals or similar intervals.
You can change the sewage profile data at the start of a simulation without going through Generate
profile. If you choose Select profile you can then use profile data files that you have created earlier.
You will be presented with a list of available data files, pre-supposing that they have the suffix .INF.
If you have a file that you wish to use with a different suffix you can type the file name in, or look at
all files by selecting the option from the List Files of Type selection box.
Having selected the file you will be asked if you wish to view or edit the file. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
according to your requirements. If you do edit the profile you should subsequently save the changed
data file.
In addition to using a repeating diurnal profile it is possible to enter non-repeating sewage data into
STOAT. There are three ways to do this. The first is to create a STOAT profile data file and then edit
it, retyping in the data. We do not recommend this approach. The second is to export data using a
Windows spreadsheet, and the third is to reformat your data according to the STOAT data file
specification. This section explains how to use methods two and three.
You will need data for flow in m3/h, and volatile and non-volatile solids, soluble and particulate BOD
and ammonia in mg/l. If your data is for total suspended solids and total BOD we suggest setting
volatile solids to 80% of the suspended solids and non-volatile solids to 20%; soluble BOD to 40% of
the total BOD and particulate BOD to 60% of the total BOD. The values for these ratios is sewage
dependent, so we do recommend that you characterise the ratio of soluble to total BOD if that is
You should create in your spreadsheet a grid that looks something like:
Now switch back to STOAT. This method requires that STOAT and the spreadsheet are open together.
You can switch between applications by pressing [ALT]+[TAB] together.
From STOAT select Generate profile/Create profile and select that the profile should have the same
time interval as your measured data, and cover the same elapsed time. Once the profile has been
created you should select to use it and to edit it. Now switch back to the spreadsheet. Select the entire
column marked flow (but do not include the column heading). Using [CONTROL]+[C], or Edit/Copy,
copy the selected data region. Now switch back to STOAT.
Place the cursor over the first flow cell, corresponding to time 0. Press [CONTROL]+[V}. You should
see the flow data be copied from the spreadsheet into STOAT. Repeat this procedure for soluble BOD,
particulate BOD, volatile and nonvolatile solids, and ammonia, in each case copying the data to the
relevant STOAT column. When you have finished, select ‘Save’ on the STOAT control buttons, to
save the resulting file. You can use the same filename: you will be told that this file exists, and are you
sure you wish to over-write it? Answer ‘Yes.’
The STOAT influent file is stored as a comma-separated variable text1 file. The headings are not
included but are listed below in order:
Elapsed time [the file must start from time zero, and the time interval must be uniform]
Volatile fatty acids as a BOD equivalent
Soluble BOD
Inert soluble COD
Particulate BOD
Inert particulate COD
Volatile solids
Nonvolatile solids
Nitrogen-soluble organic nitrogen
Nitrogen-particulate organic nitrogen
Phosphorus-soluble phosphorus
Dissolved oxygen
PHB in viable biomass
PHB in nonviable biomass
PolyP in viable biomass
PolyP in nonviable biomass
P-removing viable biomass
P-removing nonviable biomass
Viable autotrophs
Nonviable autotrophs
Viable heterotrophs
Nonviable heterotrophs
Viable PAOs
Variable text: some programs insist that data be in a fixed format. If the number is 0, but the format
requires that each number occupy 6 characters, then you must have the zero followed (or
sometimes led) by 5 spaces. Variable text formats allow you to use as little or as much space as the
number requires. Now the zero will take one character, with a comma to separate it from following
Nonviable PAOs
Viable G-bacteria
Nonviable G-bacteria
PHA in viable G-bacteria
PHA in nonviable G-bacteria
Glycogen in viable G-bacteria
Glycogen in nonviable G-bacteria
Glycogen in viable PAO
Glycogen in nonviable PAO
Metal Hydroxide
Metal Phosphate
Metal ion
Soluble nondegradable organic nitrogen
Particulate nondegradable organic nitrogen
Soluble nondegradable organic Phosphorus
Particulate nondegradable organic phosphorus
Dissolved Organic Carbon
Total dissolved Solids
You must therefore write your data in this format. Any components for which you do not have a value
can safely be assigned zero. Each record (e.g. all the data for time zero) must be on a single line,
separated by commas. If your data is stored in a file you can write short programs to read in your data
and manipulate it into the STOAT format. Alternatively, you can achieve the same by manipulating a
spreadsheet and copying and pasting the data into the STOAT format.
When carrying out a warm start STOAT begins the simulation at elapsed time zero, and the sewage
profile starts from the first line of data found in the influent file. If this first line starts at time zero then
this is used as the initial sewage data, and the initial sewage data from the previous run are not used. If
the influent file starts at a time other than zero then the warm start interpolates between the sewage
data at the end of the previous run and the first line of data in the influent file.
This approach to restarting simulations may affect your results. As an example, consider the following:
A simulation using repeating data with a repeat interval of 24 hours was stopped when 7 hours into a
repeat cycle. The warm start will create a discontinuity, because the initial conditions will correspond
to the results at 7 elapsed hours while the flow data will be taken as 0 elapsed hours. You will therefore
have to let the simulation run for a few days to overcome the effects of this induced discontinuity.
Rainfall, Industrial effluent and Landfill leachate are all special versions of the standard sewage
influent process.
Industrial effluent and Landfill leachate are currently identical to the sewage influent process. In
later versions of STOAT they will support the ability to import data from chemical process or landfill
simulation programs.
Rainfall has two changes to the sewage influent. In place of flow in m3/h there is rainfall in mm/h, and
in place of volatile fatty acids there is UCWI (Urban Catchment Wetness Index), which is
dimensionless. The Urban Catchment Wetness Index is defined as part of the Wallingford Procedure
and this should be consulted for appropriate material. A rainfall stream may be connected only to the
rainfall influent of a surface catchment model. The rainfall model is provided as part of the SIMPOL
suite of models that has been added to STOAT. SIMPOL provides a simplified sewerage modelling
capability to STOAT; the SIMPOL models are normally calibrated against equivalent catchment
models built in MOSQITO/HydroWorks-QM (Wallingford Software) or MouseTrap (Danish
Hydraulics Institute). Further information on SIMPOL can be found in the Urban Pollution
Management Manual published by the UK Foundation for Water Research.
Using these three processes is identical to using the sewage influent. In each case you may change the
default name to a more meaningful name, and you must associate a datafile to the process. When
generating a profile the profile database will allow you to access rainfall, sewage, leachate and
industrial effluent: you have responsibility for selecting the appropriate profile.
2.8.1 Rainfall
Industrial Effluent
2.8.3 Landfill leachate
There are two storm tank process units, one is a throughflow storm tank where sewage that continues
to spill after the storm tank is full, mixes with the storm tank contents before passing out of the tank to
the effluent. The other type of tank that can be modelled is a blind tank that will direct any sewage that
continues to spill after the tank is full either to another tank or straight to effluent without mixing with
the tank contents - there is no additional mixing effect caused by flow through the tank.
Storm Tank
Influent Overflow
Bypass flow
Storm tank return
The parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Surface Area:
Control flowstream:
Pumping rate:
Return Stream Flow:
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
The Initial conditions may also be left at the default values.
Although the settling velocity, mixing fractions and scouring parameter and particulate removal rates
can be adjusted and the effect on the effluent quality readily evaluated these parameters should still be
treated as requiring expertise in their use.
Name: A descriptive name for the storm tank. The default is 'Storm tank N' or ‘Blind Tank N’, where
N is the number of storm tanks on the flowsheet. You can replace this with, for example, 'South side
storm tank 1.'
Model: Select from BOD or COD depending on whether you want to model the primary tank in BOD
or COD.
Volume: The working volume of the storm tank. When the sewage volume within the tank reaches the
working volume any further sewage flowing into the tank will leave through the storm overflow.
Control flowstream: You are able to list all the streams that have been defined within the sewage
works. One of these streams must be selected as the control flowstream. In the 'Operations' part of the
storm tank you define the flowrate of the control flowstream below which the storm tank contents are
returned to the rest of the sewage works. The commonly chosen streams are the influent sewage or the
sewage stream after the overflow point for the storm tank. You are not limited to these, and you are
responsible for ensuring that a suitable control stream has been selected.
3.4 Operational Data
Pump rate: The storm tank is assumed to be emptied by a constant-flow pump. You specify the flow
rate here. The flow rate can be set to vary at defined times. This allows you to simulate the effect of
having some pumps out of operation at various times during the simulation. Return of the storm tank
contents by gravity flow is not explicitly handled by the storm tank, but is normally modelled by
setting the return flowrate to be the average gravity flowrate or the flowrate at the point when the tank
is half empty.
Control stream flow: The storm tank contents are only returned when there is sewage within the storm
tank, and the flow rate in the control stream is below the value you specify here. You can simulate
manual return of the storm tank by setting the control stream flow to a higher flow rate than any storm
when you wish to ensure that the storm tank contents are returned to the sewage works, and then
setting the control stream flow to zero over the period when you do not want the storm tank to be
The starting point for the simulation can be specified. We recommend that the initial conditions be
specified as those found in the crude sewage at the start of the simulation if the tank is known to
contain sewage, and zero otherwise. For the BOD model you need only supply data for the following:
Soluble BOD; Ammonia; Nitrate; Dissolved oxygen; Settleable particulate BOD; Nonsettleable
particulate BOD; Settleable volatile solids; Nonsettleable volatile solids; Settleable non-volatile solids;
Nonsettleable non-volatile solids; Temperature and Volume.
You can also choose to leave the initial conditions as the default values of zero, and treat your first
simulation as establishing a set of initial conditions. All your subsequent simulations will take the
initial conditions as the conditions found at the end of the previous simulation.
The COD storm and blind tank models use COD to model the tank. BOD must be treated as degradable
COD, and inert COD as nondegradable COD.
3.7 Model Calibration (Sewage)
All these settleable fractions are used to partition the solids components in sewage into settleable and
nonsettleable parts. The nonsettleable solids can be assumed to be the solids left in suspension after a
sewage sample has been left to stand for 30 minutes in a settling cylinder or similar. STOAT assumes
that the settleable fraction is always a constant ratio in the incoming sewage. Unless there are data to
the contrary the settleable fractions for volatile and non-volatile solids and for particulate organic
nitrogen are all assumed equal to that for total filterable solids.
The settling velocity of settleable material is assumed to be constant for each of the solids' classes –
BOD, volatile and non-volatile solids and organic nitrogen. The settling velocity is normally taken to
be the same for volatile and non-volatile solids and particulate organic nitrogen, and measured using
total filterable solids. Methods to estimate these settling velocities are described in the Process Model
Descriptions Manual in Section 2.3.
While the storm tank is being filled the solids settle in a different manner compared to a full storm tank
with sewage overflowing from the tank. This is reflected in using different settling parameters for the
two cases. The removal rate describes solids removal while the storm tank is being filled. The
removal rates are not readily measured and are best inferred from the effluent quality of the tank
overflow during its first spill. Because there is little information normally taken during this part of the
storm tank cycle, and because the storm tank is normally left quiescent before the tank contents are
returned to the sewage works, these parameters can be left at their default values – the effect of
modelling errors here does not have a prolonged effect on effluent quality. The same cannot be said of
the settling velocities, which can have a strong effect on the quality of the overflow spill.
While the storm tank is filling there may be a plunging stream of sewage entering the tank. This
'waterfall' can stir up any settled sludge, preventing a sludge blanket being formed. As the tank fills up
this 'waterfall' is dissipated before it reaches the sludge blanket. The mixing fraction during filling sets
the point at which the turbulence caused by filling will no longer prevent sludge from settling out. A
low value of the mixing fraction implies that the 'waterfall' effect quickly vanishes, and is typical of a
large tank. A high value is typical of a small tank.
As the storm tank is emptied ('draw-down') the settled sludge may be disturbed. This can be deliberate,
caused by operating sludge scrapers to remove the sludge, or accidental, caused by the sludge being
scoured as the sewage level approaches the tank floor. If the mixing fraction is set to zero then the
settled sludge is never removed. Using the sludge divider process with the storm tank allows you to
simulate desludging, with sewage sent to one part of the works and sludge to another.
Scouring parameter: This reflects the extent to which the sludge blanket is disturbed by the sewage
flowing over it. This is not normally significant and the default value of zero is recommended.
Sludge outlet
Surface area
Sludge solids (%)
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Number of stages
Settleable fraction of particulate BOD
Settleable fraction of volatile solids
Settleable fraction of non-volatile solids
Settleable fraction of particulate organic nitrogen
Settling coefficient ‘K’
Settling coefficient ‘h’
Scouring parameter
Sludge specific gravity
Name: A descriptive name for the primary tank. The default is 'Primary tank N', where N is the number
of primary tanks on the flowsheet. You can replace this with, for example, 'South side primary tank 1.'
Model: Select from BOD or COD depending on whether you want to model the primary tank in BOD
or COD.
Number of stages: The primary tank is modelled as a series of equal-sized mixed compartments in
series. The number of stages determines the degree of plug flow in the tank (i.e. the number of mixed
tanks in series). At present there are no correlations to calculate the number of stages, but you can
estimate this from tracer studies. One recommended method is to use the ammonia in the sewage as a
tracer, and adjust the number of stages to get the best match between the model predictions and your
measurements. Where you have no data to estimate the number of stages we recommend a value of
either two or three.
Volume: The volume should be the tank working volume. If short-circuiting occurs in your tank you
may find that you get better results with a smaller volume than the working volume, but this correction
should not normally be needed.
Surface area: The surface area should be the available settling tank area. For a circular tank the
surface area should exclude the area occupied by the central diffuser drum. As with the tank volume
you may get better model predictions with less surface area than is available in the tank – this is a sign
that short-circuiting is occurring. This correction should not normally be needed.
Sludge solids (%): The primary tank model predicts the production of sludge solids, but not the
concentration. You must specify the sludge thickness that you expect to get from the primary tank.
This is used with the calculated sludge mass production to calculate the sludge flowrate. You can set
this value to be changed at specified times during the simulation, simulating expected changes in
operational practice.
Changing the sludge solids concentration does not normally affect the performance of the primary
tank. The sludge flowrate is usually less than 1% of the total works flow, so that halving the sludge
thickness would increase the settled sewage flow from 99% to 99.5% of the total flow. In other words,
changing the sludge solids concentration has little effect on the effluent quality, unless an unusually
thin sludge is being produced.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours, reporting the results; at 10 hours the
change was made, but this change does not get reported until the next reporting time. This is a problem
with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results, because
STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take place until
11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting the results
of STOAT output.
The starting point for the simulation can be specified. We recommend that the initial conditions be
specified as those found in the crude sewage at the start of the simulation. For the BOD model you
need only supply data for the following: Soluble BOD; Ammonia; Nitrate; Dissolved oxygen;
Settleable particulate BOD; Nonsettleable particulate BOD; Settleable volatile solids; Nonsettleable
volatile solids; Settleable non-volatile solids; Nonsettleable non-volatile solids; and Temperature.
If you are using the COD Model all the determinands in the initial conditions table must be specified.
It is recommended that you start by using the initial conditions at the default values of zero, and treat
your first simulation as establishing a set of initial conditions. All your subsequent simulations will
take the initial conditions as the conditions found at the end of the previous simulation.
The COD primary tank model uses COD to model the tank. However, in the influent file the columns
labelled soluble BOD and particulate BOD contains the soluble degradable COD and particulate
degradable COD data respectively, and the columns labelled inert COD contains the nondegradable
COD data.
4.6 Model Calibration (Sewage)
All these settleable fractions are used to partition the solids components in sewage into settleable and
nonsettleable parts. The nonsettleable solids can be assumed to be the solids left in suspension after a
sewage sample has been left to stand for 30 minutes in a settling cylinder or similar. STOAT assumes
that the settleable fraction is always a constant ratio in the incoming sewage. Unless there are data to
the contrary the settleable fractions for volatile and non-volatile solids and for particulate organic
nitrogen are all assumed equal to that for total filterable solids.
If you assume (for example) that 60% of the BOD is particulate, and that 60% of the particulate BOD
is settleable, then you can never remove more than 36% (0.6 x 0.6) of the total BOD in the settling
tank. You can therefore alter the performance of the settling tank by altering the settleable fractions of
the particulate material.
Settling coefficient K:
Settling coefficient h:
The solids settling velocity uses the correlation V = K Ch, where V is the settling velocity in m/h and C
is the settleable solids concentration in kg/m3. The process performance is normally insensitive to these
values under average flow conditions, because the settling velocity is typically greater than the
overflow rate. Storm flow or overloaded primary tanks are usually the conditions where calibration is
Increasing the settling velocity V increases the settlement. Therefore increasing K always increases the
removal of settleable solids. Because the solids concentration is measured in kg/m3 the concentration
for sewage is usually less than 1.0. This means that the effect of increasing h is to reduce the settling
velocity. A guide to altering h is shown in the following figure. From this figure, if the predicted curve
is ‘peakier’ than the measured values reducing h will flatten out the curve; while increasing h will
increase the amplitude of the curve. If you change the value of h you may also need to change K.
Methods to estimate these parameters can be found in the Process Model Descriptions Manual
(Section 3.3).
Concentration (mg/l)
Elapsed time
Scouring parameter: This reflects the extent to which the sludge blanket is disturbed by the sewage
flowing over it. This is not normally significant and the default value of zero is recommended.
Sludge specific gravity: The specific gravity is used to calculate the sludge flowrate. There are several
methods of estimating this. One method is to assume that a sludge containing X% solids will have a
specific gravity of 1 + 0.5 X/100. The default value is also recommended here.
Influent Effluent
Sludge Outlet
Tank surface area
Tank Length
Plate surface area
Plate length
Plate submergence
Plate spacing
Plate angle
Sludge solids (%)
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Number of stages
Settleable fraction of particulate BOD
Settleable fraction of volatile solids
Settleable fraction of non-volatile solids
Settleable fraction of particulate organic nitrogen
Settling coefficient ‘K’
Settling coefficient ‘h’
Scouring parameter
Sludge specific gravity
5.3 Name and dimensions
Name: A descriptive name for the lamella separator. The default is Lamella Tank N, where N is the
number of lamella separators on the flowsheet. You can replace this with any meaningful name you
Model: Select from BOD or COD. BOD is the recommended model, which includes the common
sewage determinands. COD must be used when using the COD-based models IAWQ #1 and IAWQ #2
in activated sludge or SBRs.
Number of stages: The lamella settler is modelled as a series of equal-sized mixed compartments in
series. The number of stages determines how many. At present there are no correlations to calculate the
number of stages, but you can estimate this from tracer studies. One simple method is to use the
ammonia in the sewage as a tracer, and adjust the number of stages to get the best match between the
model predictions and your measurements. Where you have no data to estimate the number of stages
we recommend a value of either two or three.
Volume: The volume should be the tank working volume. If short-circuiting occurs in your tank you
may find that you get better calibration with a smaller volume than the working volume, but this
correction should not normally be needed.
Tank surface area: The surface area should be the available settling tank area
Tank length
Plate surface area
Plate length
Plate submergence
Plate spacing
Plate angle
These parameters define the amount of settling area contributed to by the lamella plates.
The number of plates can be calculated approximately from:
s: Plate spacing
Sludge set point: The lamella settler model predicts the production of sludge solids, but not the
concentration. You must specify the sludge thickness that you expect to get from the lamella settler.
This is used with the calculated sludge mass production to predict the sludge flowrate. You can set this
value to be changed at specified times during the simulation, simulating expected changes in
operational practice.
The starting point for the simulation can be specified. We recommend that the initial conditions be
specified as those found in the crude sewage at the start of the simulation.
For the BOD model you need only supply data for the following: Soluble BOD; Ammonia; Nitrate;
Dissolved oxygen; Settleable particulate BOD; Nonsettleable particulate BOD; Settleable volatile
solids; Nonsettleable volatile solids; Settleable non-volatile solids; Nonsettleable non-volatile solids;
and Temperature.
For the COD Model all the determinands must be specified in the initial conditions table. You can also
choose to leave the initial conditions as the default values of zero, and treat your first simulation as
establishing a set of initial conditions. All your subsequent simulations will take the initial conditions
as the conditions found at the end of the previous simulation if the warm start option is chosen.
The COD primary tank model uses COD to model the tank. However, in the influent file the columns
labelled soluble BOD and particulate BOD contains the soluble degradable COD and particulate
degradable COD data respectively, and the columns labelled inert COD contains the nondegradable
COD data.
All these settleable fractions are used to partition the solids components in sewage into settleable and
nonsettleable parts. The nonsettleable solids can be assumed to be the solids left in suspension after a
sewage sample has been left to stand for 30 minutes in a settling cylinder or similar. STOAT assumes
that the settleable fraction is always a constant ratio in the incoming sewage. Unless there are data to
the contrary the settleable fractions for volatile and non-volatile solids and for particulate organic
nitrogen are all assumed equal to that for total filterable solids.
If you assume (for example) that 60% of the BOD is particulate, and that 60% of the particulate BOD
is settleable, then you can never remove more than 36% (0.6 x 0.6) of the total BOD in the settling
tank. You can therefore alter the performance of the settling tank by altering the settleable fractions of
the particulate material.
Settling coefficient K:
Settling coefficient h:
The solids settling velocity uses the correlation V = K Ch, where V is the settling velocity in m/h and C
is the settleable solids concentration in mg/l. The process performance is normally insensitive to these
values under average flow conditions, because the settling velocity is typically greater than the
overflow rate. Storm flow or overloaded lamella settlers are usually the conditions where calibration is
Increasing the settling velocity V increases the settlement. Therefore increasing K always increases the
removal of settleable solids. Because the solids concentration is measured in kg/m3 the concentration
for sewage is usually less than 1.0. This means that the effect of increasing h is to reduce the settling
velocity. A guide to altering h is shown in the following figure. From this figure, if the predicted curve
is ‘peakier’ than the measured values reducing h will flatten out the curve; while increasing h will
increase the amplitude of the curve. If you change the value of h you may also need to change K.
Methods to estimate these parameters can be found in the Process Model Descriptions Manual (Section
Concentration (mg/l)
Elapsed time
Scouring parameter: This reflects the extent to which the sludge blanket is disturbed by the sewage
flowing over it. This is not normally significant and the default value of zero is recommended.
Sludge specific gravity: The specific gravity is used to calculate the sludge flowrate. There are several
methods of estimating this. One method is to assume that a sludge containing X% solids will have a
specific gravity of 1 + 0.5 X/100. The default value is also recommended here.
This model is based on the floc blanket clarifier in WRc’s clean water process modelling program,
Sludge Outlet
Sludge takeoff depth
Coagulant Type
Coagulant dose
Use Polymers?
Polymer dose
Use pH control?
pH chemical
pH control method
pH control tolerance
Target pH
pH adjuster chemical dose
Maximum pH dose
Desludge Method
Desludge Rate
Number of stages
Initial conditions
Sewage Calibration data
6.3 Name and dimensions
Name: A unique identifier for the process. The default name is Chemical Sed Tank N, where N is the
number of Chemically-assisted sedimentation tanks on the flowsheet. You can change it to any name
you think suitable for purpose.
Number of stages: This sets the vertical resolution of the sludge blanket. We recommend leaving this
value within the range 8 to 10. In the above screenshot the tank is 2 m deep with 10 stages, therefore
you will be able to predict the position of the sludge blanket to 0.2 m accuracy.
Area: The total surface area for the tank where the chemically assisted sedimentation is being carried
Depth: The tank depth such that the depth x area is the actual working volume of the tank.
Sludge takeoff depth: The depth at which sludge is removed from the tank, measured from the base of
the tank. This must obviously be less than the depth of the tank.
Coagulant dose: The concentration of coagulant in the dosing flow.
Target pH: If pH control has been enabled under Model calibration (process unit) then this parameter
describes the pH setpoint.
pH adjuster chemical dose: The concentration of acid or alkali in the dosing flow to adjust the pH as
Maximum pH dose This is used to set an upper limit to the quantity of pH adjusting chemicals that can
be added, and is a safety precaution for pH control where the sewage may have a very high alkalinity.
Desludge rate (%) The percentage of the current inflow to the tank that is taken off in the sludge. The
actual flowrate will vary with the inflow to the tank.
The above eight screen shots show you how many parameters are required to specify the initial
conditions for a chemically-assisted sedimentation process. These initial values are commonly left at
the default.
If you do not specify initial conditions for the sludge blanket STOAT will assume a value of zero for
the primary solids and 0.000001 for the secondary solids. The secondary solids concentration must
be greater than 0 for flocculation to take place. The effect of setting primary solids to zero and
secondary solids to just greater than zero is that for the first simulation, for a short period of time,
small negative solids concentrations may be calculated. By your second simulation this will not be a
problem. It is therefore recommended that you run the simulation from a cold start and then
continue with a warm start and use the second simulation to look at the results.
The minimum dose required to achieve solids removal is given by the equation:
Methods of estimating these parameters are available in the Process Models Descriptions Manual
(Section 5.2.6).
Methods of estimating these parameters are available in the Process Models Descriptions Manual
(Section 5.2.6).
If the dose is above the minimum then the coagulation factor (K) is given by the correlation:
The effluent DOC is then given by:
C = Cin / (1 + K (D - Dmin))
D is the applied dose, and must be greater than Dmin before the chemical addition has any effect on
The removal of BOD and COD is assumed to be directly proportional to the removal of DOC.
Nonsettleable fraction of suspended solids: The fraction of suspended solids that will not settle out on
leaving a sample to stand for 24 hours.
The maximum settling velocity and exponent factor are terms in the Richardson-Zaki correlation for
solids settlement. These parameters can be adjusted to match the effluent quality to data measurements.
Reference temperature: The reference temperature is the temperature at which these parameters were
evaluated, and is used to provide a water viscosity correction with temperature.
Flocculation factor: The flocculation factor affects the rate at which primary solids accumulate to
form flocs (the secondary particles). This parameter can be adjusted to match the effluent quality to
data measurements.
Shape factor: The shape factor reflects the difference between the solid particles in sewage and a
sphere. The shape factor is often calculated as the ratio of the surface area to the volume of the sewage
particle, compared to that of a sphere.
Floc density: The floc density is the average density of the flocs. Because flocs contain a lot of water
this value is usually close to that of water.
Wet to dry solids ratio: This is the ratio of the blanket concentration, measured as %v/v after
30 minutes settlement, to the concentration of solids in the blanket in mg/l.
At concentrations less than the minimum blanket concentration the settling velocity is equal to the
maximum settling velocity. Only at higher concentrations does hindered settlement take place.
6.7 Process calibration data
Coagulant type Select the type of coagulant chemical to be used. there is a choice of five chemicals;
Aluminium sulphate, ferric sulphate, poly alum, ferric chloride and poly ferric. The coagulant that you
choose will affect subsequent pH calculations.
Use Polymer?: This switch enables you to decide if you want to use polymer in the process.
pH chemical: This allows you to select the pH control chemical to be used. There are eight choices
available; None, lime, carbon dioxide, sodium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate,
hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid. Again this chemical will affect subsequent pH calculations.
Use pH control?: This switch allows you to decide if you wish to use pH control. If No, then the pH
agent is added at the maximum dose specified under the operations menu.
pH control method:
Controller gain:
Controller integral time:
The pH control method can be set to Simple or PI. The Simple algorithm increases the dose of pH
adjusting chemicals until there is an overshoot on pH, and then reduces the dose. The PI method
attempts to adjust the dose based on the magnitude of the error. If you choose PI control, you must set
the controller gain and the integral time to a positive number.
Desludge method: This parameter gives you a choice of three methods of desludging; continuous, via
Blanket depth or Timed.
Desludge frequency: The frequency that the tank is desludged in removals per day (1 = desludge daily,
2 = desludged twice daily, etc.) - the sludge removal will be equally spaced during the day.
Desludge duration: The duration of each desludge event is specified by this parameter.
Tank Volume
Tank Depth
Desludge Rate (%)
Recycle Flow (%)
Saturator Pressure
Saturator efficiency
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Number of stages
Floc Size
Bubble Size
Attachment Efficiency
Name: A descriptive name for the DAF tank. The default is DAF tank N, where N is the number of
DAF tanks on the flowsheet. You can replace this with, for example, East DAF tank 1.
Number of stages: This is used to model the effect of mixing. The DAF does not calculate a ‘float
blanket’ profile. The number of stages can be determined by calibration using ammonia or phosphorus
as a tracer.
Desludge rate: This is the flowrate at which sludge is removed from the tank. This flowrate is always a
fraction of the current inflow and therefore will normally vary with time. The concentration of solids in
the float is calculated from the removal of solids in the effluent and the flow in the desludge stream.
Recycle flow: The recycle flow is where air (or another gas) is injected into the DAF and used to
provide the driving force for the flotation process.
7.5 Initial conditions
Specify the initial conditions for the start of a simulation. This is normally left at the defaults and the
model is then run for long enough to reach dynamic equilibrium.
Floc size: This should be treated as a calibration issue. The larger the floc size, the better the removal.
A typical floc size would be between 500 and 1000 microns.
7.7 Process calibration data
Saturator pressure:
Saturator efficiency:
Bubble size:
The saturator pressure and efficiency and the bubble size created by the saturator are normally
available from the DAF supplier.
Attachment efficiency
The attachment efficiency is affected by the nature of the sewage and should be treated as a calibration
issue. It refers to the extent to which the bubbles adhere to flocs and the higher the attachment
efficiency, the greater the solids removal.
Influent Effluent
Metal concentration
Metal flowrate
Metal type (if using Equilibrium model)
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
The Alkalinity and pH of the incoming sewage MUST be specified in the INFLUENT PROFILE.
Name: A descriptive name for the chemical dosing tank. The default is ‘ChemRem tank N', where N is
the number of chemical dosing tanks on the flowsheet. You can replace this with, for example,
‘Chemical P removal dosing tank #1.'
Model: There are two models available. The IAWQ #2 model uses the chemical removal equations
developed for the IAWQ activated sludge model #2, and is therefore a dynamic model of phosphorus
precipitation and redissolution. The alternative model is the Equilibrium model, and this uses equations
for carbonate chemistry to calculate the equilibrium distribution between solid and dissolved phases for
the various metal and phosphate combinations.
Metal concentration:
Metal flowrate:
It is recommended that you start with the default values of zero, and treat your first simulation as
establishing a set of initial conditions. All your subsequent simulations will take the initial conditions
as the conditions found at the end of your previous simulation.
8.6 Sewage calibration data (IAWQ #2 model)
Precipitation and dissolution are both modelled as first-order processes. This is known to be an
idealisation and while the 'true' model of ionic equilibria may have constant rates this first-order model
may require that the parameters be adjusted on a site-by-site and operational condition-by-operational
condition basis. The IAWQ Model #2 is recently released and there has been little information
published about its performance.
Metal hydroxides and phosphates concentrations are specified on a mg/l of metal ion basis. To convert
this to a solids concentration you must enter the appropriate ratio. The defaults are set up for Iron (III).
8.7 Sewage Calibration Data (Equilibrium model)
Metal Type
Specify the metal salt being used: either iron (III) or aluminium (III).
The wet well takes in a sewage flow, and pumps the sewage out based on the sewage volume within
the wet well. Two pumping rates can be specified, assumed to be provided by two pumps. When the
sewage volume is greater than a volume V1 the first pump starts, and continues pumping at a flowrate
Q1 until the sewage volume in the wetwell drops below a volume V2. The second pump operates at
flowrate of Q2 once the volume exceeds V3, and continues pumping until the volume drops below V4.
Inlet O utlet
Name: You can give the wet well a unique name of your own. Name is available under the option
'Name and Dimensions’ – this menu is not shown here.
9.4 Operational Data:
The values for Q1, V1 and V2 are entered here. You can program STOAT to change these values
during the course of the simulation. You should set V1 to be greater than V2, and the pump flowrate
greater than or equal to zero. Although you can enter a zero flowrate this would mean that you do not
want the first pump to operate.
The values for Q2, V3 and V4. You should set V3 to be greater than V4. The pump flowrate can be set
to zero, which means that the wet well is served with only one pump.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
conditions. This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours, reporting the results; at 10
hours the change was made, but this change does not get reported until the next reporting time. This is
a problem with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results,
because STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take
place until 11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting
the results of STOAT output.
9.5 Initial Conditions
If the sewage volume within the wet well is between volume 'Volume to stop pump 1' and 'Volume to
start pump 1' then we cannot tell whether pump 1 is on or off. Pump 1 is on if the volume had exceeded
'Volume to start pump 1' and is now coming down; the pump is off if the volume has not yet exceeded
'Volume to start pump 1’, so that the wet well is filling up. You therefore need to specify the pump
history, by indicating if the pump is on or off. You need to do this for pumps 1 and 2. If the volume
within the wet well is less than 'Volume to stop pump 1' then whatever value you give for the pump
status is ignored – STOAT will recognise that the pump must be off. Similarly, if the volume within
the wet well is greater than 'Volume to start pump 1', STOAT will recognise that the pump must be on,
and will ignore the status setting.
The other conditions within the tank set the initial conditions. If the volume is zero then you should set
the concentrations to zero. If you do not have any data for any of the determinands then set them to
The balancing tank differs from the wet well in that it is intended to provide more or less constant
outflow, with the volume fluctuating to reflect the difference between inflow and outflow. Note that if
the inflow and outflow are almost identical, and the tank volume reaches either its upper or lower limit,
then the simulation may proceed slowly. This is caused by the program being forced to proceed with
small time steps to ensure that it does not calculate a volume less than the minimum specified, nor
greater than the maximum. We recommend beginning simulations with a constant volume balancing
tank and then experimenting with the other options.
Mode of operation
Maximum Volume (Constant and Variable Volume operation)
Minimum Volume (Infinite and Variable Volume operation)
Pumping Rate
If the mode of operation is Constant volume then you should specify the maximum volume, and you
should ensure that the tank volume under Initial conditions has the same value.
If you specify Infinite volume then you should ensure that you specify a minimum volume and a
pumping rate.
If you specify Variable volume then you should ensure that you specify a minimum and maximum
volume, a pumping rate, and that you ensure that the tank volume under Initial conditions is not greater
than the maximum volume.
Name: A descriptive name for the Balancing tank. The default is ‘Balance tank N', where N is the
number of Balance tanks on the flowsheet. You can replace this with, for example, ‘Balance tank
Northern Plant.'
Model: There are two models available; Version 2 and Version 3. If you are using STOAT 2 use
Version 2, otherwise use Version 3.
Mode of Operation: Select from constant volume (outflow always equals inflow and the overflow will
never operate), infinite volume (the overflow will never operate) or variable volume (the overflow will
spill if the tank is full and the flow in exceeds the flow out).
Maximum volume: Specify this if you have chosen Constant volume or Variable volume operation.
Make sure that the volume under initial conditions is the same as this if you have chosen Constant
volume, or less than or equal to this if you have chosen Variable volume.
Minimum volume: Specify this if you have chosen Infinite volume or Variable volume.
This menu is only available if you have specified that the mode of operation is either Infinite volume or
Variable volume. You must then specify the pump rate. If you set a pump rate of zero with the Infinite
volume option, then at some stage STOAT will crash having attempted to calculate a volume greater
than the largest number that can be represented on the computer.
The only essential component that should be specified is the tank volume, and this should be set to
represent the conditions on volume defined by the mode of operation. All other parameters are
normally left at the defaults and the model is then run for long enough to reach dynamic equilibrium.
The oxidation ditch is a variant on activated sludge and the two models are related.
There is a separate oxidation ditch process in STOAT so that the unique configuration is automatically
set up for you.
The menu for activated sludge is shown below. You can see that you can specify the flow distribution
into the aeration tank, allowing you to simulate processes such as contact stabilisation and step feed,
and also MLSS recycle streams, allowing you to model nitrogen-removal and phosphorus removal
processes such as AO, A2O, UCT and Bardenpho. The alternating ditch configurations, such as
Biodenitro and Biodenipho, can also be modelled using a combination of the oxidation ditch and
alternating splitter models.
Number of stages
Number of mixed liquor recycles (activated sludge only)
Stage from where MLSS recycle leaves
Stage to where MLSS recycle enters
MLSS recycle flowrate
Wastage method
Tank from which MLSS is wasted
Tank in which MLSS is measured
MLSS set point
Max wastage flowrate
Max pumping time per wastage event
Period between wastage events
Recirculation flow (oxidation ditch only)
Volume distribution
Feed distribution
Return Activated Sludge distribution
Minimum KLa
Maximum KLa
Dissolved Oxygen set point
Stage where DO is to be measured
There are many other parameters that you can change if you need to, depending on which model you
are using. These calibration parameters will be discussed at length in the following sections.
Model: The BOD activated sludge models available in STOAT are ASAL1/1A/2/2A/3/3A/5 and 5A.
The COD activated sludge models available are IAWQ#1 and IAWQ#2. These models vary from the
simple to use (Model 1/1A) to the extremely difficult to calibrate (IAWQ#2). You should be aware of
the difficulties in calibrating some of the more complicated models and choose wisely. It is
recommended to start with a simpler model and if necessary move to a more complicated model for
better results.
ASAL1: This is the standard activated sludge model. It incorporates oxidation, nitrification and
denitrification, but not solubilisation of BOD. Instead, the simplifying assumption is made
that particulate BOD is hydrolysed 'rapidly.' An additional simplification is introduced in
that denitrification is only permitted where the dissolved oxygen is zero. This means that
denitrification takes place only in deliberately-created anoxic zones, and that simultaneous
nitrification-denitrification cannot be modelled. The effect of the simplification is that
where low dissolved oxygen does occur the simulation proceeds much faster. At common
sewage levels of nitrogen the effect of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification is a
marginal reduction in nitrate, but the increase in computing time is large. We recommend
that you use model No. 1A where ammonia levels are high and there is a possibility of
nitrification occurring, typically the average in excess of 100 mg/l, or where you are
modelling denitrification systems and wish to rigorously include the effect of oxygen
being carried in MLSS recycles.
ASAL1A: This model permits simultaneous nitrification/denitrification processes to take place. Bulk
DO transport between aerobic and anoxic stages occurs.
ASAL2: Model No. 2 builds on model No. 1 by adding the hydrolysis of particulate BOD to soluble
BOD. Where the sewage retention is greater than about 2-4 hours, and the modelling effort
is directed at effluent quality or total oxygen demand within the aeration tank, we
recommend you use ASAL1. ASAL2 should be used when the sewage retention time
drops below 2 hours, and should be considered where the sewage retention time is less
than 4 hours, or where the modelling effort is concerned with the detailed spatial variation
of oxygen demand within the aeration tank.
ASAL2A: Model No. 2A uses the same extension to model No. 2 as model No. 1A does to model
No. 1. The choice between models 2 and 2A should be made on the same criteria as that
for Models 1 and 1A.
ASAL3: This model is an 'open' version of the ASAL2 model. The user has access to all the kinetic
parameters and can change them as required. The other activated sludge models calculated
sludge viability using a difference equation, while this model uses a differential equation.
The effect of this discrepancy should normally be marginal.
ASAL3A: Model No. 3A uses the same extension to model No. 3 as model No. 1A does to model
No. 1. The choice between models 3 and 3A should be made on the same criteria as that
for Models 1 and 1A.
ASAL5: Model No. 5 builds on model No. 1 by adding a simple model of biological phosphorus
removal. This model assumes that phosphorus is removed proportional to the biomass
growth. Although this is a simplification of the biological processes taking place in luxury
phosphorus removal it is a good model for engineering predictions of phosphorus removal
systems. The model does not apply at short retention times. The IAWQ#2 model should be
used for a rigorous examination of the mechanics of biological phosphorus removal.
ASAL5A: Model No. 5A is an extension of model No. 5, on the same principles as models No. 1 and
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. We recommend that
this model be used as the standard model when the data is supplied as COD.
IAWQ #2: This is a COD-based model for biological and chemical phosphorus removal. Unless you
are intending to model these processes we do not recommend that you use this model. The
IAWQ group responsible for this model have stated that it is not currently realistic to use
the model for design, and so its use should be restricted to existing works for trouble-
shooting. It is extremely difficult to calibrate due to the large quantity of parameters, some
of which are not possible to actually measure.
Volume: The aeration tank working volume, including any anoxic or anaerobic zone volume.
Number of stages: The number of stages reflects the internal mixing within the aeration tank. A single
stage is a well-mixed tank; 12 stages is a plug-flow tank.
The number of stages for surface-aerated tanks can be taken to be the number of surface-aerators.
The number of stages for diffused air systems can be estimated to the nearest integer value from the
following correlation:
7. 4 ⋅ Q ⋅ (1 + R ) ⋅ L
If N is calculated at a value greater than 12, you should set the Number of Stages to 12 for modelling
For a multi-pass aeration basin, where the basin is internally baffled so that the flow path is increased,
the length and width should relate to the individual passes, rather than the external dimensions. The
following figure should help. There are 4 passes, with the tank having a length of L and a width of W.
But the length and width that should be used in the equation relate to the sewage flowpath, where the
length is 4 L and the width W/4.
Number of MLSS recycles: The number of MLSS recycles is set by your chosen process
configuration. This does not include the return activated sludge stream that all activated sludge possess.
It is normally only the N- and P-removal plants that have mixed liquor recycles. If there are N stages
the maximum number of MLSS recycles is N (N -1), but the number is more usually 2-4.
Wastage method: If you set wastage conditions here to anything other than ‘None’, you will be
wasting sludge from the mixed liquor aeration tank. If you want to waste from the return sludge line
(as is normally the case) you should set the wastage method to 'None', and set the wastage options that
you want from the secondary settling process.
The wastage methods are None, Constant, Variable flow and Variable time.
‘None’ means that there is no wastage taking place from the aeration tank, take care to set a wastage
option from the final settlement tank.
'Constant' sets the wastage flow to that specified in the Operation section of the activated sludge
'Variable flow' adjusts the wastage flow to control the MLSS at your specified setpoint. The value that
you enter for the wastage flow in the Operation form sets the upper limit for the wastage flow. Sludge
will be wasted during the periods that you specify for wastage pump run.
'Variable time' adjusts the wastage pump run to control the MLSS at your specified set point. The
value that you enter for the wastage pump run in the Operation form sets the upper limit for the
wastage pump run. Sludge will be wasted at the flow and repeat interval that you specify.
In summary: ‘Constant’ operates with your specified flowrate and pumping cycle. ‘Variable flowrate’
operates with your specified pumping cycle, and will adjust the wastage flow between 0 m3/h and the
specified sludge wastage flow (this acts as the upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your specified set-
point value. ‘Variable time’ operates with your specified sludge wastage flow and will vary the
wastage pump run time between 0 h per cycle and the specified wastage pump run time (this acts as the
upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your specified value.
Tank from which MLSS is wasted: You can specify from what stage within the aeration basin you
wish MLSS to be wasted.
Tank in which MLSS is measured: If you wish to control the MLSS, setting the wastage option to
either 'Variable flow' or 'Variable time', then you must specify not only what MLSS value you want to
operate at, but also what stage in the aeration tank you want to measure it.
11.4 Oxidation Ditch Name and Dimensions
Model: As with activated sludge there are six models, four BOD models called OXID1/2/3 and 5 and
two COD models IAWQ#1 and #2. The BOD models are the oxidation ditch equivalents of the
activated sludge models ASAL1A/2A/3A/5A. There is no equivalent of the activated sludge models
ASAL1/2/3/5 because in oxidation ditches internal anoxic zones cannot be exactly controlled, and so
the possibility of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification, or denitrification at low but non-zero
dissolved oxygen, must be modelled at all points.
Number of stages: The number of stages reflects the internal mixing within the aeration tank. A single
stage is a well-mixed tank; 12 stages is a plug-flow tank. The following correlation may be used:
7. 4 ⋅ Q ⋅ (1 + R ) ⋅ L
For an oxidation ditch we do not recommend using less than 2 A stages, where 'A' is the number of
aeration points, and we prefer using at least 3 A stages. An oxidation ditch is typically modelled using
between 10 - 12 stages.
Wastage method: The wastage methods are None, Constant, Variable flow and Variable time. Note
that if you set wastage conditions here you will be wasting from the mixed liquor. If you want to waste
from the return sludge line you should set the wastage method to 'None', and set the wastage options
that you want from the secondary settling process.
‘None’ means that there is no wastage taking place from the aeration tank, Take care to set a wastage
option from the final settlement tank.
'Constant' sets the wastage flow to that specified in the Operation section of the oxidation ditch.
'Variable flow' adjusts the wastage flow to control the MLSS at your specified setpoint. The value that
you enter for the wastage flow in the Operation form sets the upper limit for the wastage flow. Sludge
will be wasted during the periods that you specify for wastage pump run.
'Variable time' adjusts the wastage pump run to control the MLSS at your specified set point. The
value that you enter for the wastage pump run in the Operation form sets the upper limit for the
wastage pump run. Sludge will be wasted at the flow and repeat interval that you specify.
In summary: ‘Constant’ operates with your specified flowrate and pumping cycle. ‘Variable flowrate’
operates with your specified pumping cycle, and will adjust the wastage flow between 0 m3/h and the
specified sludge wastage flow (this acts as the upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your specified set-
point value. ‘Variable time’ operates with your specified sludge wastage flow and will vary the
wastage pump run time between 0 h per cycle and the specified wastage pump run time (this acts as the
upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your specified value.
Tank from which MLSS is wasted: You can specify from where within the aeration basin you wish
MLSS to be wasted.
Tank in which MLSS is measured: If you wish to control the MLSS, setting the wastage option to
either 'Variable flow' or 'Variable time', then you must specify not only what MLSS value you want to
operate at, but also where in the aeration tank you want to measure it.
Recirculation flow: The recirculation flow is the flow going around the oxidation ditch. Oxidation
ditches are commonly designed around the criterion that the average velocity in the ditch must be
0.3 m/s (1 fps). Based on this and a knowledge of the cross-sectional area it is possible to calculate the
recirculation flow. Another method is to use the fact that the recirculation time in a ditch is typically 10
- 15 minutes, therefore the recirculation flow is 4 to 5 times the aeration volume.
Volume distribution: The volume distribution is the fractional distribution of the aeration tank volume
between the stages. The sum of the fractions must be 1.0, and no stage may have zero volume.
Feed distribution: The feed distribution must sum to 1.0. The most common configuration is for all the
flow to enter at the head of the tank, in which case the feed distribution is 1.0 to stage 1, and 0.0 to any
further stages. Step feed can be modelled by having non-zero values for some of the other stages.
Return activated sludge distribution: The return activated sludge distribution must sum to 1.0. The
most common configuration is for the return activated sludge to enter at the head of the tank, in which
case the return activated sludge distribution is 1.0 to stage 1 and 0.0 to any further stages. Step sludge
returns can be modelled by having non-zero values for some of the other stages.
Minimum KLa: The minimum KLa is set to 0.0 in anoxic or anaerobic stages, and to a small value in
other stages. This minimum value represents the turn-down of the aerator, or the minimum energy
input required to sustain the solids in suspension.
A typical 'minimum energy input' is 5 W/m3, and a typical aerator efficiency 2 kg O2/kWh. For this
situation the minimum KLa should be
where Csat is the saturation oxygen DO and C is the desired oxygen concentration, in mg/l. Generally,
with an aerator efficiency of E kg O2/kWh and an energy input of P W/m3 the minimum KLa value
should be
KLa = E x P / [Csat – C]
The default value for this parameter is 2 h-1 and this is an accurate value for most simulations
Maximum KLa:
The maximum rate at which oxygen can be dissolved by an aerator is given by
The maximum oxygen transfer rate calculated using the above equation is then given in kg/h.
Therefore if you know the aerator's oxygenation capacity you can calculate the KLa value. The KLa
value used in STOAT should be the value in sewage, not clean water. Most oxygenation capacities
are quoted for clean water and the KLa value will therefore be calculated for clean water.
If you have a clean-water KLa and an estimate of the α-factor, the sewage KLa value is given as
α x KLa clean water. In sewage treatment the maximum KLa value rarely exceeds 25 h-1.
If the stage is anoxic then you should set the maximum KLa to zero. STOAT operates with DO control,
so that the KLa is adjusted to maintain the DO you specify.
Dissolved oxygen set point: This is the desired dissolved oxygen value in the stage. If the stage is
anoxic then you should set the dissolved oxygen setpoint to zero. STOAT manipulates the KLa value
between the maximum and minimum specified to achieve the DO setpoint.
Stage where DO is to be measured: Normally the DO for control is measured in the same stage as the
aerator. You can simulate group control by assigning a different stage. For example, if the aerators in
stages 1-4 are all controlled by a DO probe in stage 3, you can set the 'Stage where DO is to be
measured' to stage 3 for stages 1-4. You can operate each stage with a different DO setpoint, but if
range control is enabled it is normal to use the same DO setpoint for each stage in the range.
The screen shot on the previous page shows an example aeration tank that has six equal size
stages (volume distribution = 0.167 - only four stages are shown), with all the sewage entering the
tank at stage 1 (feed distribution for stage 1 = 1.0 and other stages - 0.0) and all the return
activated sludge entering the tank at stage 1 also (RAS distribution for stage 1 = 1.0 and other
stages - 0.0). All the stages are aerated with a target DO across the tank of 2 mg/l. The KLa value
can be varied between 2 and 10 /h to achieve this DO setpoint.
11.6 Flow Distribution... (ASAL3/3A, OXID3 and IAWQ#1/#2)
Volume fraction: The volume fraction is the fractional distribution of the aeration tank volume
between the stages. The sum of the fractions must be 1.0, and no stage may have zero volume.
Feed distribution: The feed distribution must sum to 1.0. The most common configuration is for all the
flow to enter at the head of the tank, in which case the feed distribution is 1.0 to stage 1, and 0.0 to any
further stages. Step feed can be modelled by having non-zero values for some of the other stages.
RAS distribution: The RAS distribution must sum to 1.0. The most common configuration is for the
return activated sludge to enter at the head of the tank, in which case the RAS distribution is 1.0 to
stage 1 and 0.0 to any further stages. Step sludge returns can be modelled by having non-zero values
for some of the other stages.
DO Control: There are seven different types of DO control supported by STOAT. These are Fixed
KLa, on-off, Proportional, PI, Nitrate on-off, Range and Timed. Depending on which control option is
chosen, the remaining parameters in the table are used to specify the setup.
Fixed KLa:
If DO control is Constant then you specify a single KLa value. This value can be estimated from the
declared maximum oxygenation capacity of your aerator, as
On-Off Control:
If the DO drops below the ‘DO on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum KLa; if the DO rises
above the ‘DO off’ value then the aerator setting is the minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not
changed from its current setting.
Proportional or PI Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, Minimum KLa, DO setpoint, Gain, Integral Time
You must specify the maximum and minimum KLa values. The KLa will be adjusted within these limits
to keep the aeration stage at the specified DO setpoint. You must specify the gain and integral time.
Both must be greater than zero.
If the nitrate concentration drops below the ‘Nitrate on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum
KLa; if the nitrate concentration rises above the ‘Nitrate off’ value then the aerator setting is the
minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not changed from its current setting.
Range Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, KLa setting 1, KLa setting 2, Minimum KLa, DO on 1,
DO on 2, DO on 3
Timed Control:
Set these values for timed aeration control. The aeration on-time defines how long the aerators are on
for and the aeration cycle time defines how long the aerators are on and off.
11.7 Mixed Liquor Recycles (Activated Sludge only)
Where mixed liquor recycles are present you must specify, for each recycle, the stages that the recycle
passes from and to as well as the flowrate. You must set the ‘number of MLSS recycles’ to a value
greater than 0 under the Name and Dimensions’ menu to see this menu, otherwise you get the
following error message.
It is recommended that you use the A variants of the models when modelling MLSS recycles to ensure
DO transport from the aerobic stages to the anoxic stages is enabled.
11.8 Operation
MLSS setpoint
Max. wastage flowrate
Max. pumping time per wastage event
Period between wastage events
These parameters specify the sludge wastage regime if you are wasting from the aeration tank. This
was defined under the Name and Dimensions menu described under section 11.1 for activated sludge
plants and 11.2 for oxidation ditches.
Parameters used:
This menu will not be enabled since you are not wasting from the aeration tank.
Parameters used: Maximum wastage flowrate, maximum pumping time per wastage,
period between wastage events
As an example, if the wastage rate is set to 1 m3/h, the pumping time to 4 h and the period between
wastage events to 24 h then at daily intervals mixed liquor is wasted for 4 hours at a rate of 1 m3/h.
Parameters used: MLSS Setpoint, maximum wastage flowrate, maximum pumping time
per wastage, Period between wastage events
With this option, MLSS control has been enabled. The required MLSS value is set as the MLSS
setpoint. The wastage flow will be automatically varied between 0 and the maximum wastage flowrate,
and wastage will only take place over the maximum pumping time per wastage, after which wastage
flow will be set to zero, to resume again after the period between wastage events. The period between
the wastage events is the time from the start of one wastage event to the start of the next.
Parameters used: MLSS Setpoint, maximum wastage flowrate, maximum pumping time
per wastage, Period between wastage events
With this option, MLSS control has been enabled. The required MLSS value is set as the MLSS
setpoint. The wastage time will be automatically varied between 0 and the maximum pumping time per
wastage, at a flowrate specified by the maximum wastage flowrate. Once the program-calculated
wastage time has been reached the wastage flow will be set to zero, to resume again after the period
between wastage events. The period between the wastage events is the time from the start of one
wastage event to the start of the next.
11.9 Operation (IAWQ#2)
If you use this model you have a new set of operating conditions which control the addition of
chemicals for phosphorus removal:
These three parameters define the chemical dosing regime. You specify the appropriate stage where the
salt is dosed (metal salt dosing tank). Note that you can change the stage with time. The concentration
of metal salt must also be specified as does the flowrate of the metal salt. Also note that the ladder
logic controller (but not the PID controller) allows you to change the dosing stage as a controlled
Soluble BOD; Ammonia; Nitrate; Soluble phosphate; Dissolved oxygen; Total solids; Viable
autotrophs; Nonviable autotrophs; Viable heterotrophs; Nonviable heterotrophs.
Of these parameters, only the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs.
Subsequent runs will use the values from the previous simulation, and the values should not normally
be changed. For the first run the other determinands can be left as zero, or you can choose to set them
to concentrations typical of the sewage. The choice of initial conditions will affect the effluent quality
for around 3 sewage retention times, and the solids inventory for around 3 sludge ages.
All the parameters that need specifying for the other BOD models also must be specified for
ASAL3/3A and OXID3 but you must also specify Particulate BOD (as for ASAL2/2A and OXID2)
and Temperature.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs.
The default temperature of 15oC must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a
different temperature. Only the values entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current sewage temperature. Important: ASAL3/3A and OXID3 take their temperature from the
values specified for the flow stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Subsequent runs will use the values from the previous simulation, and the values should not normally
be changed. For the first run the other determinands can be left as zero, or you can choose to set them
to concentrations typical of the sewage. The choice of initial conditions will affect the effluent quality
for around 3 sewage retention times, and the solids inventory for around 3 sludge ages.
11.12 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#1)
Of these parameters, the autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a default of
1 mg/l and 50 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater than the sum
of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC must also be
changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values entered for
Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: The IAWQ#1 model takes its temperature from the values specified for the flow
stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Again the user can let STOAT calculate most of the values when dynamic equilibrium has been
11.13 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#2)
Of these parameters, the autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a default of
1 mg/l and 50 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater than the sum
of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC must also be
changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values entered for
Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: The IAWQ#2 model takes its temperature from the values specified for the flow
stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
This model is intended to model biological phosphate uptake. There are three components to the P-
removing bacteria (called PAO - Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms). These three components are
Biomass (PAO); Stored phosphorus (polyphosphate); Stored COD (poly hyxroyl alkanoate - PHA).
These three items must all be non-zero. If any of the three are zero then the PAOs will fail to grow.
Note that it is a mass-balance error to specify a zero value for PAO and a non-zero value for either
polyphosphate or PHA. The effect of this modelling error will be 'washed out' during the course of a
Again the user can let STOAT calculate most of the values when dynamic equilibrium has been
11.14 Model Calibration (Sewage) - (ASAL1/1A/2/2A/5/5A and OXID1/2/5)
Nitrification rate: The Nitrification rate must be set for all models, and takes the value of 'Low',
'Average', or 'High.' If the activated sludge system will achieve complete nitrification when the
nitrification rate is set to 'Low', changing the rate to 'High' will not change the results. For normal use
the nitrification rate should be 'Average'; where inhibitory materials are expected in the sewage the rate
should be 'Low'; and where there is existing evidence of high nitrification ability the rate should be set
to 'High.' Although 'Low' is recommended where inhibition is expected this adjusts the nitrification rate
to a value suitable for mainly-domestic sewage. If there is a large industrial component in the sewage
the inhibition effect may be under-estimated, in this situation switch to ASAL3/3A.
If Model 2 or 2A is selected then the effect of particulate BOD hydrolysis is included in the model. The
hydrolysis rate is calculated from the equation
Rhyd ⋅ X BOD
R= ⋅ XV , H
K hyd ⋅ XT + X BOD
where Rhyd is the particulate BOD hydrolysis rate, Khyd the half-rate constant, XT the total solids
concentration, XBOD concentration of particulate BOD, and XV,H the concentration of active bacteria.
Selection of suitable values requires laboratory tests or extensive data about the distribution of BOD
and oxygen demand within the aeration system. These parameters should not be adjusted without
seeking expert advice.
If Model 5 or 5A is selected then biological phosphorus removal is considered. The model assumes
that the bacteria accumulate phosphorus at the value specified by this parameter. You adjust this value
to achieve more or less phosphorus uptake in the sludge as required.
11.15 Model Calibration (Sewage) - (ASAL3/3A and OXID3)
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('BOD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation:
These are the half-rate saturation constants in the Monod growth rate equations for heterotrophs
(growth on BOD and oxygen) and autotrophs (growth on ammonia and oxygen).
The yields are the sludge production per unit of BOD or ammonia removed. Under anoxic conditions
the sludge yield is usually less than under aerobic.
The oxygen consumption is calculated as a multiplier of the BOD removal. This value is normally 1.0.
You may wish to change it, in the range 1-1.3, to reflect the possibility of BOD5 being an
underestimate of the ultimate available BOD - this is possible for an extended aeration system.
We do not recommend that you change this value. If you do have a need to increase the oxygen
consumption per BOD removed, to calibrate the model, we recommend that you first examine
changing the maintenance energy requirements.
The loss of viability parameter is the fraction of the maximum growth rate below which the bacteria are
assumed to lose viability. By default this is 10% of the maximum growth rate. The limiting viability
sets the maximum rate of loss of viability that the bacteria will undergo. We do not recommend that
these parameters be changed.
The death rate is calculated using the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
Tref : Reference temperature (same as that specified for the growth rates)
T: Sewage Temperature
Maintenance energy
The WRc activated sludge model incorporates the concept of maintenance energy, rather than
endogenous decay. This implies that cells consume themselves internally, rather than feed on the
contents of (other) ruptured cells. The difference between these two physical concepts is difficult to
demonstrate experimentally, so that the modelling literature accepts that either approach is a reasonable
procedure. The WRc model uses maintenance energy; the IAWQ models use growth on cell lysis
Hydrolysis rate
Hydrolysis temperature coefficient
Hydrolysis saturation constant
The effect of particulate BOD hydrolysis is included in the model. The hydrolysis rate is calculated
from the equation
Selection of suitable values requires laboratory tests or extensive data about the distribution of BOD
and oxygen demand within the aeration system. These parameters should not be adjusted without
seeking expert advice.
An essential component of the WRc model is that nonviable bacteria exert biological activity through
their enzymes. Because BOD or ammonia transport through the cells relies on passive diffusion, while
viable cells have active transport mechanisms, the enzyme activity is less than 1.0. BOD is generally a
larger 'molecule' than the ammonium ion, so that the activity of nonviable heterotrophic bacteria is less
than that of autotrophs.
This defines the stoichiometry of nitrate oxidation for anoxic BOD removal.
N uptake in cells
The commonly quoted figures for cell nitrogen are in the range 5-9%. The WRc model has historically
used a value of 0% and compensated for this by assuming that the organic nitrogen content of the
sewage will supply the nitrogen requirements for cell synthesis. The ammonia content is therefore
totally oxidised. This version of the model allows you to alter that assumption - it is essential that you
specify the total Kjeldahl nitrogen as an ammonia equivalent when using this model with a non-zero
nitrogen biomass.
11.16 Model Calibration (Sewage) - (IAWQ#1)
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation.
The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage temperature from the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ammonification is the process of converting soluble organic nitrogen into free ammonia or
ammonium. The rate constant is calculated using the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Hydrolysis is the breaking down of particulate BOD to soluble BOD, and of particulate organic
nitrogen to soluble organic nitrogen. The rate constant is calculated by the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally
identified these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by
standard methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is
clear that the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are
to be chosen to make the model fit your data.
You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for further information.
Heterotroph yield
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
These anoxic factors derate the biological growth and hydrolysis activity under anoxic conditions.
They should have a value in the range of 0 - 1, and most commonly in the range 0.6 - 1.0.
11.17 Model Calibration (Sewage) - (IAWQ#2)
Heterotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Heterotroph temperature coefficient
PAO growth rate @ 15oC
PAO temperature coefficient
Autotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Autotroph temperature coefficient
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users'), polyphosphate accumulating organisms
(‘PAOs) and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum
specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage temperature from the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
The hydrolysis half-rate constant is 'dimensionless', with the units of mg degradable particulate COD
per mg of heterotroph biomass as COD. Although STOAT treats this parameter as a half-saturation
coefficient a strict reading of the IAWQ Technical Report regards this parameter as a switching
coefficient and that it has whatever value is necessary to force the model to match calibration data -
there are no limits imposed by biological considerations.
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Precipitation and dissolution are both modelled as first-order processes. This is known to be an
idealisation and while the 'true' model of ionic equilibria may have constant rates this first-order model
may require that the parameters be adjusted on a site-by-site and operational condition-by-operational
condition basis. The IAWQ Model #2 is recently released and there has been little information
published about its performance.
11.18 IAWQ#2 Switching Functions
Ammonia half-rate constant for autotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for fermentation
VFA half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
VFA half-rate constant for PAO growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for polyphosphate uptake
Phosphorus half-rate constant for autotroph growth
polyphosphate half-rate constant for PAO growth
PHA half-rate constant for PAO growth
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally identified
these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by standard
methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is clear that
the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are to be
chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for further
The maximum phosphorus storage sets an ultimate limit to the phosphorus that can be removed by
biological phosphorus removal. The inhibition coefficient is used to provide a further switching
function to adjust the rate of phosphorus uptake.
11.19 IAWQ#2 Stoichiometry
These parameters have values in the range 0 - 1, and typically in the range 0.6 - 1. They reflect the fact
that aerobic bacteria have reduced activity under anoxic and anaerobic conditions.
Heterotroph yield
Yield coefficient on PAO
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
Following the death of bacteria they break up into two fractions - degradable and inert particulate
COD. These factors specify the inert fractions.
This parameter is provided for completeness with the published IAWQ model. It is not used in
STOAT. STOAT divides particulate COD into inert and degradable fractions, and this is used within
the model.
The uptake of PHA in the anaerobic stage requires the release of polyphosphate to provide the energy
for this uptake; the uptake of phosphorus in the aerobic zone requires the consumption of PHA for
non-growth related purposes. The rates are specified for these reactions, and these parameters produce
the estimates required for PHA/phosphate release.
N content of biomass
P content of biomass
N content of inert soluble COD
N content of soluble degradable COD
N content of inert particulate COD
N content of particulate degradable COD
P content of inert soluble COD
P content of soluble degradable COD
P content of inert particulate COD
P content of degradable particulate COD
These parameters specify the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the biomass.
Nondegradable fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus can be associated with the COD. STOAT allows
you to specify directly the degradable organic nitrogen and soluble phosphorus. These parameters
allow you to complete the characterisation of the waste. Note that STOAT does not include the
nondegradable fractions in the flowstream connecting different processes, and that therefore the results
of inert nitrogen and phosphorus are strictly local to the aeration tank.
Solids to degradable COD ratio is the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu, where you
specify VSS to BOD ratio. Remember that for COD modelling BOD should be treated as a shorthand
for bCOD - Biologically degradable COD.
Solids to biomass COD ratio is also the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu. For
completeness with the IAWQ #2 model you must specify these ratios here - they are never picked
up from the values entered at the Run menu.
Metal hydroxides and phosphates concentrations are specified on a mg/l of metal ion basis. To convert
this to a solids concentration you must enter the appropriate ratio. The defaults are set up for Iron (III).
Saturation dissolved oxygen: The default value is calculated within the program for clean water at sea
level. If you wish to derate this to allow for the β value, or for the effect of using an oxygen-rich
source (such as pure oxygen in VITOX or UNOX systems), or for the effect of lower pressures when
the sewage works is above sea-level, then you can set your own value.
These values are those used for models ASAL1/2/5. Note that wastage gain and integral time for
ASAL1/2/5 and OXID1/2/5 are not affected by any values you enter here.
The process calibration data for models IAWQ 1, IAWQ 2 and ASAL3/3A now allow you to specify
the sludge wastage control gain and integral time. If you choose to waste from the aeration lane you
must specify these values and you must set them to values greater than zero.
11.21 Output From The Activated Sludge And Oxidation Ditch Models
If you are using models 1 or 5 and look at the volatile solids leaving the aeration tank you will notice
that the volatile solids are taken as being equal to the sum of the viable and nonviable biomass. This is
usually an underestimate of the true volatile solids, because there is additional volatile solids present
from dead biomass. You should therefore only attempt to evaluate these models on total solids. If the
volatile solids ratio is important to you then you should consider using models 2 or 3, where volatile
solids are included in the mass balance within the aeration tank. Please consult the Process Model
Descriptions for a full description of the mass balances used for all the models.
The effluent BOD is the sum of soluble BOD (this is the BOD reported within the process) and
biomass BOD. Solids other than biomass are assumed to have zero BOD. You can adjust predictions of
the effluent BOD by changing the ratio of BOD to biomass, found in the run definition menu.
Surface area
Depth of tank
Feed depth
Wastage method
Sludge wastage flow
Sludge wastage pump run time
Interval between wastage events
MLSS set-point
RAS flow Option(Recycle flow or Recycle ratio)
Wastage method
RAS flow or RAS ratio
Number of stages
Control aeration tank
Control aeration stage
Wastage control proportional gain
Wastage control integral time
12.3 Name and Dimensions
Name: A unique identifier. The default is secondary tank N, where N is the number of secondary
settlement tanks on the worksheet.
Model: Select from SSED1, SSED2, SSED5, Generic and Version 3. You should match the secondary
tank model to the activated sludge/oxidation ditch model as follows:
If the secondary settlement model is to be used to model a Sludge Thickener, Use the Generic model
and set the RAS flow to zero.
The difference between the secondary settling tank models is that the determinands that they use have
been chosen to correspond to the associated activated sludge and oxidation ditch models.
Number of stages: The number of stages affects the resolution with which you can track the sludge
blanket, and the hydraulic behaviour of the settling tank. We recommend that you use between 8 and
10 stages. If you have a 3 m deep tank and 10 stages, you can predict the sludge blanket to the nearest
0.3 m. If you have only 5 stages, the prediction accuracy falls to 0.6 m.
Surface area: The settling tank area. For a circular tank this is the total area less the area of the central
diffuser drum.
Depth of tank: The tank depth should be chosen so that the product of settling tank area and depth is
the tank volume.
Depth of feed: The feed depth should be chosen so that the volume above and below the feed match in
the model and the real tank. If you do not have any data on the feed depth then assume that feed enters
the tank at mid-depth.
RAS Flow: Under the Operations menu you can specify the RAS rate and RAS ratio. You select which
value should be used here.
Wastage method: The wastage methods are No Wastage, Constant Rate, Variable rate over fixed time,
Fixed rate over variable time and Divert all sludge recycle to waste. Note that if you set wastage
conditions here you will be wasting from the return activated sludge. If you want to waste from the
mixed liquor you should set the wastage method to 'None', and set the wastage options that you want
from the activated sludge or oxidation ditch process. Also note that all of the processes require that all
the process connections be attached to a stream.
‘No Wastage’ means that there is no wastage taking place from the final settlement tank. Take care to
set a wastage option from the aeration tank.
'Constant Rate' sets the wastage flow to that specified in the Operation section.
‘Variable rate over fixed time’ adjusts the wastage flow to control the MLSS at your specified setpoint.
The value that you enter for the wastage flow in the Operations section sets the upper limit for the
wastage flow. Sludge will be wasted during the periods that you specify for wastage pump run time.
‘Fixed rate over variable time’ adjusts the wastage pump run to control the MLSS at your specified set
point. The value that you enter for the wastage pump run in the Operation form sets the upper limit for
the wastage pump run. Sludge will be wasted at the flow and repeat interval that you specify.
‘Divert all sludge recycle to waste’ is used for some small sewage works, where sludge wastage is
achieved by intermittently diverting all the return sludge to the waste sludge line.
In summary: ‘Constant Rate’ operates with your specified flowrate and pumping cycle. ‘Variable rate
over fixed time’ operates with your specified pumping cycle, and will adjust the wastage flow between
0 m3/h and the specified sludge wastage flow (this acts as the upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your
specified set-point value. Fixed rate over variable time operates with your specified sludge wastage
flow and will vary the wastage pump run time between 0 h per cycle and the specified wastage pump
run time (this acts as the upper limit) to keep the MLSS at your specified value. ‘‘Divert all sludge
recycle to waste’ ignores the setting of the wastage flow, and will stop return sludge flow to the
aeration tank, sending all the return sludge to the waste line, varying the time that this diversion takes
place between 0 h per cycle and the specified wastage pump run time (this acts as the upper limit) to
keep the MLSS at your specified value.
Control Aeration tank: If you have selected the control options ‘Variable rate over fixed time’ or
‘Fixed rate over variable time’ then you have also selected MLSS control. You must identify which
aeration tank you wish to use to measure the MLSS in. You will have a list of legal names to choose
from. This must be set to a legal value even if you not intend to use the wastage options ‘‘Variable rate
over fixed time’, ‘Fixed rate over variable time, or ‘Divert recycle sludge.’
Aeration stage: If you wish to control the MLSS, setting the wastage option to either ‘Variable rate
over fixed time’ or Fixed rate over variable time, then you must specify not only what MLSS value
you want to operate at, but also where in the aeration tank you want to measure it. This must be set to a
legal value even if you not intend to use the wastage options ‘Variable flow’, ‘Variable time’, or
‘Divert recycle sludge.’
12.4 Process Operation
RAS flow: If sludge is returned to the aeration basin at a constant flowrate, enter the flowrate here.
RAS ratio: If sludge is returned to the aeration basin at a constant ratio of the influent flowrate, enter
the ratio here. The ratio is applied not to the sewage flowrate entering the activated sludge tank but to
the flowrate entering the settling tank.
Only one of the above two options will be available depending on your choice under RAS flow in the
Name and Dimensions menu.
If the Wastage method was chosen as 'No Wastage' then you will not enter any of these four
parameters, they will be greyed out and unavailable.
If the Wastage method was chosen as 'Constant rate' then the Sludge wastage flow defines the wastage
rate. Sludge will be wasted over the interval defined by the Wastage pump run time, and the period
between the start of one wastage event and the start of the next is set by the 'Interval between wastage
events.' You do not need to set a value for the MLSS set-point.
If Wastage Control has been set to ‘Variable rate over fixed time’ then MLSS control has been
enabled. The required MLSS value is set as the MLSS setpoint. The wastage flow will be
automatically varied between 0 and the Sludge wastage flow, and wastage will only take place over the
Wastage pump run time, after which wastage flow will be set to zero, to resume again after the
Interval between wastage events. The period between the wastage events is the time from the start of
one wastage event to the start of the next.
If Wastage Control has been set to ‘Fixed rate over variable time’ then MLSS control has been
enabled. The required MLSS value is set as the MLSS setpoint. The wastage time will be automatically
varied between 0 and the Wastage pump run time, at a flowrate specified by the Sludge wastage flow.
Once the program-calculated wastage time has been reached the wastage flow will be set to zero, to
resume again after the Interval between wastage events. The period between the wastage events is the
time from the start of one wastage event to the start of the next.
12.5 Initial Conditions (SSED1, SSED2 and SSED5)
The settling tank should be set up so that the stages above the feed point are effectively clear, with a
sludge blanket developing in the lower stages. The clarified effluent leaves from stage 1, thickened
sludge from stage N (if you specified that there are N stages – stage 10 if you specified 10 stages). As a
default you could set the concentrations to be the crude sewage values, and ignore the first hours of the
simulation predictions while the correct tank conditions are established.
When starting a run from a previous run the correct initial conditions will be taken from the previous
12.6 Initial Conditions (Generic and Version 3)
The settling tank should be set up so that the stages above the feed point are effectively clear, with a
sludge blanket developing in the lower stages. The clarified effluent leaves from stage 1, thickened
sludge from stage N (if you specified that there are N stages – stage 10 if you specified 10 stages). As a
default you could set the concentrations to be the crude sewage values, and ignore the first hours of the
simulation predictions while the correct tank conditions are established.
When starting a run from a previous run the correct initial conditions will be taken from the previous
Note that STOAT treats soluble degradable COD as the sum of VFA COD and fermentable
COD; therefore the VFA COD is double-counted.
12.7 Model Calibration (Sewage)
Vesilind settling velocity: The Vesilind settling velocity (V) can be calculated from the correlation
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the Vesilind settling velocity are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Maximum settling velocity: This parameter should be measured. If no data are available then set it to
equal to the Vesilind settling velocity.
The maximum settling velocity can be estimated from the settling test given in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
Hindered settling parameter: The hindered settling parameter can be calculated from the correlation
The hindered settling parameter has the units of l/mg, and the SSVI ml/g.
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the hindered settling parameter are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Discrete parameter : This is normally in the range 10-100 times the hindered settling parameter. At
present it is normally evaluated by trial-and-error procedures, fitting model predictions to known
effluent quality.
Onset of flocculation: The 'Onset of flocculation’ is not normally a sensitive parameter. It can be
estimated using the settling test described in the Process Model Descriptions guide, but with the typical
value around 250 mg/l it has little effect on the model predictions.
Non-settleable fraction: The non-settleable fraction should have a value in the range 0-2x10-3. The
non-settleable fraction can be calculated from the settling test described in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
Integral Time
These values need be specified only for the GENERIC settler model. If sludge wastage is taking place
from the settling tank these values must be specified and must be greater than zero.
If you are using models 1 or 5 and look at the volatile solids leaving the settling tank you will notice
that the volatile solids are taken as being equal to the sum of the viable and nonviable biomass. This is
usually an underestimate of the true volatile solids, because there is additional volatile solids present
from dead biomass. You should therefore only attempt to evaluate these models on total solids. If the
volatile solids ratio is important to you then you should consider using model 2, where volatile solids
are included in the mass balance within the aeration tank. Please consult the Process Model
Descriptions for a full description of the mass balances used for all the models.
The effluent BOD is the sum of soluble BOD (this is the BOD reported within the process) and
biomass BOD. Solids other than biomass are assumed to have zero BOD. You can adjust predictions of
the effluent BOD by changing the ratio of BOD to biomass, found in the run definition menu.
Inflow Effluent
Process Model
Shaft depth
Downcomer air injection depth
Riser air injection point
Cross-sectional area of downcomer
Cross-sectional area of riser
Cross-sectional area of base
Hydraulic diameter of downcomer
Hydraulic diameter of riser
Hydraulic diameter of base
Max wastage flowrate
Max pumping time per wastage events
Downcomer air flow
Riser air flow
13.3 Name and dimensions
Name: A unique name for the Tower Reactor. The default name is ‘Tower Reactor N’, where N is the
number of Tower Reactors on the flowsheet.
Model: There are three Tower Reactor models available, one BOD model and two COD models. You
should be aware of the difficulties in calibrating some of the more complicated models and choose
wisely. It is recommended to start with a simpler model and if necessary move to a more complicated
model for better results.
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the activated
sludge and oxidation ditch processes.
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. We recommend that
WRc and IAWQ #1 be used as the standard models. You should use WRc when your data
is in BOD units, and IAWQ #1 when the data is supplied as COD.
IAWQ #2: This is a COD-based model for biological and chemical phosphorus removal. Unless you
are intending to model these processes we do not recommend that you use this model. The
IAWQ group responsible for this model have stated that it is not currently realistic to use
the model for design, and so its use should be restricted to existing works for trouble-
shooting. It is extremely difficult to calibrate due to the large quantity of parameters, some
of which are not possible to actually measure.
Downcomer air injection depth: The downcomer air injection point, measured from the liquid surface.
Riser air injection point: The riser air injection point, measured from the liquid surface.
Cross-sectional area of downcomer
Cross-sectional area of riser
Cross-sectional area of base
This is the cross-sectional area normal to the direction of flow. The base area is defined as the area
available for flow, in the vertical plane, between the downcomer and the riser. Flow across the base is
assumed to be horizontal, and the characteristic dimensions of the base are measured in the vertical
The hydraulic diameter is the same as the diameter for flow through a full cylindrical pipe. Because
tower and shaft systems frequently use double-tube geometries the hydraulic diameter must be
calculated. The hydraulic diameter is defined as the ratio of four times the wetted cross-sectional area
to the wetted perimeter.
13.4 Operation
Maximum wastage flow rate: The maximum sludge wastage pump flowrate.
Maximum pumping time per wastage event: The length of time that the pumps are available for
wasting sludge.
Period between wastage events: The period of time which includes both pumping time and idle time.
As an example, if the wastage rate is set to 1 m3/h, the pumping time to 4 h and the period between
wastage events to 24 h then at daily intervals mixed liquor is wasted for 4 hours at a rate of 1 m3/h.
Downcomer air flow
Riser air flow
The downcomer and riser air flowrates at standard temperature and pressure (STP) are specified here.
All the above parameters need specifying for the BOD model including temperature and volume.
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the tower reactor and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under
Name and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition.
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: All the tower reactor models take their temperature from the values specified for the
flow stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Subsequent runs will use the values from the previous simulation, and the values should not normally
be changed. For the first run the other determinands can be left as zero, or you can choose to set them
to concentrations typical of the sewage. The choice of initial conditions will affect the effluent quality
for around 3 sewage retention times, and the solids inventory for around 3 sludge ages.
13.6 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#1 Model)
All the above parameters need specifying for the IAWQ#1 COD model including temperature and
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the SBR and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under Name
and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached. Once this has occurred, you can carry out any simulations that are required.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: All the tower reactor models take their temperature from the values specified for the
flow stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Again the user can let STOAT calculate most of the values when dynamic equilibrium has been
reached. Once this has occurred, you can carry out any simulations that are required.
13.7 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#2 Model)
All the above parameters need specifying for the IAWQ#2 COD model including temperature and
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the tower reactor and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under
Name and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition.
Biomass (PAO)
Stored phosphorus (Polyphosphate)
Stored COD (PHA)
This Model is intended to model biological phosphate uptake. There are three components to the P-
removing bacteria (called PAO - Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms). These three components are:
These three items must all be non-zero. If any of the three are zero then the PAOs will fail to grow.
Note that it is a mass-balance error to specify a zero value for PAO and a non-zero value for either
Polyphosphate or PHA. The effect of this modelling error will be 'washed out' during the course of a
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached. Once this has occurred, you can carry out any simulations that are required.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Autotroph growth rate
Autotroph temperature coefficient
Reference temperature
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('BOD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation:
These are the half-rate saturation constants in the Monod growth rate equations for heterotrophs
(growth on BOD and oxygen) and autotrophs (growth on ammonia and oxygen).
The yields are the sludge production per unit of BOD or ammonia removed. Under anoxic conditions
the sludge yield is usually less than under aerobic.
The oxygen consumption is calculated as a multiplier of the BOD removal. This value is normally 1.0.
You may wish to change it, in the range 1-1.3, to reflect the possibility of BOD5 being an
underestimate of the ultimate available BOD - this is possible for an extended aeration system.
We do not recommend that you change this value. If you do have a need to increase the oxygen
consumption per BOD removed, to calibrate the model, we recommend that you first examine
changing the maintenance energy requirements.
The loss of viability parameter is the fraction of the maximum growth rate below which the bacteria are
assumed to lose viability. By default this is 10% of the maximum growth rate. The limiting viability
sets the maximum rate of loss of viability that the bacteria will undergo. We do not recommend that
these parameters be changed.
Heterotroph death rate
Death rate temp coeff
Autotroph death rate
Death rate temp coeff
Ø: Temperature coefficient
Tref : Reference temperature (same as that specified for the growth rates)
T: Sewage Temperature
Maintenance energy
The WRc activated sludge model incorporates the concept of maintenance energy, rather than
endogenous decay. This implies that cells consume themselves internally, rather than feed on the
contents of (other) ruptured cells. The difference between these two physical concepts is difficult to
demonstrate experimentally, so that the modelling literature accepts that either approach is a reasonable
procedure. The WRc model uses maintenance energy; the IAWQ models use growth on cell lysis
Hydrolysis rate
Hydrolysis temperature coefficient
Hydrolysis saturation constant
The effect of particulate BOD hydrolysis is included in the model. The hydrolysis rate is calculated
from the equation
Selection of suitable values requires laboratory tests or extensive data about the distribution of BOD
and oxygen demand within the aeration system. These parameters should not be adjusted without
seeking expert advice.
An essential component of the WRc model is that nonviable bacteria exert biological activity through
their enzymes. Because BOD or ammonia transport through the cells relies on passive diffusion, while
viable cells have active transport mechanisms, the enzyme activity is less than 1.0. BOD is generally a
larger 'molecule' than the ammonium ion, so that the activity of nonviable heterotrophic bacteria is less
than that of autotrophs.
This defines the stoichiometry of nitrate oxidation for anoxic BOD removal.
N uptake in cells
The commonly quoted figures for cell nitrogen are in the range 5-9%. The WRc model has historically
used a value of 0% and compensated for this by assuming that the organic nitrogen content of the
sewage will supply the nitrogen requirements for cell synthesis. The ammonia content is therefore
totally oxidised. This version of the model allows you to alter that assumption - it is essential that you
specify the total Kjeldahl nitrogen as an ammonia equivalent when using this model with a non-zero
nitrogen biomass.
Heterotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Heterotroph temperature coefficient
Autotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Autotroph temperature coefficient
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ammonification rate @ 15°C
Ammonification temperature coefficient
Ammonification is the process of converting soluble organic nitrogen into free ammonia or
ammonium. The rate constant is calculated using the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Hydrolysis is the breaking down of particulate BOD to soluble BOD, and of particulate organic
nitrogen to soluble organic nitrogen. The rate constant is calculated by the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally
identified these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by
standard methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is
clear that the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are
to be chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for
further information.
Heterotroph yield
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
These anoxic factors derate the biological growth and hydrolysis activity under anoxic conditions.
They should have a value in the range of 0 - 1, and most commonly in the range 0.6 - 1.0.
13.10 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#2 COD model
Heterotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Heterotroph temperature coefficient
PAO growth rate @ 15oC
PAO temperature coefficient
Autotroph growth rate @ 15oC
Autotroph temperature coefficient
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users'), polyphosphate accumulating organisms
(‘PAOs) and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum
specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage temperature from the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
The hydrolysis half-rate constant is 'dimensionless', with the units of mg degradable particulate COD
per mg of heterotroph biomass as COD. Although STOAT treats this parameter as a half-saturation
coefficient a strict reading of the IAWQ Technical Report regards this parameter as a switching
coefficient and that it has whatever value is necessary to force the model to match calibration data -
there are no limits imposed by biological considerations.
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Precipitation and dissolution are both modelled as first-order processes. This is known to be an
idealisation and while the 'true' model of ionic equilibria may have constant rates this first-order model
may require that the parameters be adjusted on a site-by-site and operational condition-by-operational
condition basis. The IAWQ Model #2 is recently released and there has been little information
published about its performance.
13.11 Model IAWQ #2 Switching Function Constants
Oxygen half-rate constant for hydrolysis
Oxygen half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Oxygen half-rate constant for PAO growth
Oxygen half-rate constant for autotroph growth
Nitrate half-rate constant for hydrolysis
Nitrate half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for PAO growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for autotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for fermentation
VFA half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
VFA half-rate constant for PAO growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for polyphosphate uptake
Phosphorus half-rate constant for autotroph growth
polyphosphate half-rate constant for PAO growth
PHA half-rate constant for PAO growth
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally identified
these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by standard
methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is clear that
the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are to be
chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for further
The maximum phosphorus storage sets an ultimate limit to the phosphorus that can be removed by
biological phosphorus removal. The inhibition coefficient is used to provide a further switching
function to adjust the rate of phosphorus uptake.
13.12 Model IAWQ #2 Stoichiometry
These parameters have values in the range 0 - 1, and typically in the range 0.6 - 1. They reflect the fact
that aerobic bacteria have reduced activity under anoxic and anaerobic conditions.
Heterotroph yield
Yield coefficient on PAO
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
Following the death of bacteria they break up into two fractions - degradable and inert particulate
COD. These factors specify the inert fractions.
This parameter is provided for completeness with the published IAWQ model. It is not used in
STOAT. STOAT divides particulate COD into inert and degradable fractions, and this is used within
the model.
The uptake of PHA in the anaerobic stage requires the release of polyphosphate to provide the energy
for this uptake; the uptake of phosphorus in the aerobic zone requires the consumption of PHA for
non-growth related purposes. The rates are specified for these reactions, and these parameters produce
the estimates required for PHA/phosphate release.
N content of biomass
P content of biomass
N content of inert soluble COD
N content of soluble degradable COD
N content of inert particulate COD
N content of particulate degradable COD
P content of inert soluble COD
P content of soluble degradable COD
P content of inert particulate COD
P content of degradable particulate COD
These parameters specify the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the biomass.
Nondegradable fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus can be associated with the COD. STOAT allows
you to specify directly the degradable organic nitrogen and soluble phosphorus. These parameters
allow you to complete the characterisation of the waste. Note that STOAT does not include the
nondegradable fractions in the flowstream connecting different processes, and that therefore the results
of inert nitrogen and phosphorus are strictly local to the aeration tank.
Solids to degradable COD ratio is the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu, where you
specify VSS to BOD ratio. Remember that for COD modelling BOD should be treated as a shorthand
for bCOD - Biologically degradable COD.
Solids to biomass COD ratio is also the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu. For
completeness with the IAWQ #2 model you must specify these ratios here - they are never picked
up from the values entered at the Run menu.
Metal hydroxides and phosphates concentrations are specified on a mg/l of metal ion basis. To convert
this to a solids concentration you must enter the appropriate ratio. The defaults are set up for Iron (III).
Oxygen mole fraction: This parameter specifies the oxygen mole fraction of the gas used in the
reactor. The default assumes that air is used for aeration. If you are using oxygen-enriched air then you
should increase the value accordingly.
Operating pressure: This is the pressure at the top of the tower. The pressure increases with depth,
because of the hydrostatic head. A shaft reactor will commonly have an operating pressure of
atmospheric pressure. You should not generally have to change the value of this parameter.
Wall roughness: The wall roughness is used to calculate the frictional pressure drop, used in
calculating the recirculation flow within the tower system.
Bubble diameter: This is the bubble diameter created at the aeration point. STOAT assumes that the
riser and downcomer have the same bubble diameter.
The degasser is a steady-state process model for use with the tower reactor systems (Section 12).
These tend to produce an effluent super-saturated in dissolved oxygen, which is driven off in a vacuum
degasser tower.
Influent Effluent
Name: A unique name for the degasser unit. The default name is Degasser N, where N is the number
of degassers on the flowsheet. There should be one degasser present for each tower reactor process on
the flowsheet
14.4 Operational data
The operating pressure is used to calculate the saturation dissolved oxygen concentration, assuming
that the headspace is air. The pressure is normally less than 760 mm Hg.
Decanted effluent
Waste sludge
Maximum operating volume
Minimum operating volume
Operating conditions
There are many other parameters that you can change if you need to, depending on which model you
are using. These calibration parameters will be discussed at length in the following sections.
Initial conditions
Settling parameters in sewage calibration data
15.3 Name and Dimensions
Name: A unique name for the Sequencing Batch Reactor. The default name is SBR tank N, where N is
the number of SBRs on the flowsheet.
Model: There are three SBR models available, one BOD model and two COD models. You should be
aware of the difficulties in calibrating some of the more complicated models and choose wisely. It is
recommended to start with a simpler model and if necessary move to a more complicated model for
better results.
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the activated
sludge and oxidation ditch processes.
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. We recommend that
WRc and IAWQ #1 be used as the standard models. You should use WRc when your data
is in BOD units, and IAWQ #1 when the data is supplied as COD.
IAWQ #2: This is a COD-based model for biological and chemical phosphorus removal. Unless you
are intending to model these processes we do not recommend that you use this model. The
IAWQ group responsible for this model have stated that it is not currently realistic to use
the model for design, and so its use should be restricted to existing works for trouble-
shooting. It is extremely difficult to calibrate due to the large quantity of parameters, some
of which are not possible to actually measure.
Number of layers: The number of layers specifies the vertical resolution of the SBR tank. This is
relevant only during the settling and decant phases of SBR operation. As an example, a 4 m high tank
with 10 layers can predict the sludge blanket depth to an accuracy of 0.4 m.
Minimum volume: The minimum operating volume of the SBR. The minimum volume is typically
around 50-80% of the maximum volume, as this volume provides sludge storage during settlement and
Wastage stage: The level in the tank at which sludge is taken off. The tank layers are treated as layer 1
being at the top, and the last layer at the base of the tank is layer N, if there are N layers in the tank.
The default is normally to waste from the bottom of the tank (layer N).
This section allows you to set up the process depending on your choice of DO control.
For the SBR, the method of DO control is set under the Model Calibration (Process Unit) menu
described in Section 15.13.
There are several variations on DO control. Depending on your choice of control algorithm different
KLa and setpoint options will be enabled. This section discusses the data entry requirements grouped
by the different control options.
Constant KLa:
If DO control is Constant then you specify a single KLa value. This value can be estimated from the
declared maximum oxygenation capacity of your aerator, as
KLa(h-1) * V (l) * SaturationDO (mg/l) / 1,000,000 = Oxygenation Capacity (kg/h).
On-Off Control:
If the DO drops below the ‘DO on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum KLa; if the DO rises
above the ‘DO off’ value then the aerator setting is the minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not
changed from its current setting.
Proportional or PI Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, Minimum KLa, DO setpoint, Gain, Integral Time
You must specify the maximum and minimum KLa values. The KLa will be adjusted within these limits
to keep the aeration stage at the specified DO setpoint. You must specify the gain and integral time.
Both must be greater than zero.
Nitrate Control:
If the nitrate concentration drops below the ‘Nitrate on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum
KLa; if the nitrate concentration rises above the ‘Nitrate off’ value then the aerator setting is the
minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not changed from its current setting.
Range Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, KLa setting 1, KLa setting 2, Minimum KLa, DO on 1,
DO on 2, DO on 3
During the fill cycle the KLa for the 'anoxic' and 'aerobic' periods are defined here.
Decant flow 1
Wastage flow 1
Decant flow 2
Wastage flow 2
These parameters are used to define the wastage flowrates and decant flowrates at the appropriate times
in the operating cycle.
These parameters are enabled if you are using the IAWQ#2 model. They define the chemical dosing
required for phosphorus removal, it concentration and flowrate as well as the length of time that dosing
takes place during the operating cycle.
All the above parameters need specifying for the BOD model including temperature and volume.
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the SBR and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under Name
and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition.
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: All the SBR models take their temperature from the values specified for the flow
stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Subsequent runs will use the values from the previous simulation, and the values should not normally
be changed. For the first run the other determinands can be left as zero, or you can choose to set them
to concentrations typical of the sewage. The choice of initial conditions will affect the effluent quality
for around 3 sewage retention times, and the solids inventory for around 3 sludge ages.
15.6 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#1 Model)
All the above parameters need specifying for the IAWQ#1 COD model including temperature and
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the SBR and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under Name
and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: All the SBR models take their temperature from the values specified for the flow
stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Again the user can let STOAT calculate most of the values when dynamic equilibrium has been
15.7 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#2 Model)
All the above parameters need specifying for the IAWQ#2 COD model including temperature and
Only the values for the two parameters entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the
current volume in the SBR and its temperature. By default STOAT enters the value used under Name
and Dimensions for the minimum volume as the initial condition.
Biomass (PAO)
Stored phosphorus (Polyphosphate)
Stored COD (PHA)
This Model is intended to model biological phosphate uptake. There are three components to the P-
removing bacteria (called PAO - Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms).
These three parameters must all be non-zero. If any of the three are zero then the PAOs will fail to
grow. Note that it is a mass-balance error to specify a zero value for PAO and a non-zero value for
either Polyphosphate or PHA. The effect of this modelling error will be 'washed out' during the course
of a simulation.
These can be specified for each stage, or STOAT can be left to calculate them until a dynamic
equilibrium is reached.
Of these parameters, the viable autotrophs and heterotrophs must be specified. We recommend a
default of 1 mg/l and 100 mg/l for the first simulation. You must also ensure that the MLSS is greater
than the sum of viable and nonviable autotrophs and heterotrophs. The default temperature of 15oC
must also be changed if the simulation is being carried out at a different temperature. Only the values
entered for Stage 1 are used by STOAT. These specify the current sewage temperature.
Important: All the SBR models take their temperature from the values specified for the flow
stream, not from the value specified at the Run Setup menu.
Vesilind settling velocity: The Vesilind settling velocity (V) can be calculated from the correlation
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the Vesilind settling velocity are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Maximum settling velocity : This parameter should be measured. If no data are available then set it to
equal to the Vesilind settling velocity.
The maximum settling velocity can be estimated from the settling test given in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
Hindered settling parameter : The hindered settling parameter can be calculated from the correlation
The hindered settling parameter has the units of l/mg, and the SSVI ml/g.
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the hindered settling parameter are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Free settling parameter : This is normally in the range 10-100 times the hindered settling parameter.
At present it is normally evaluated by trial-and-error procedures, fitting model predictions to known
effluent quality.
Onset of flocculation : The 'Onset of flocculation’ is not normally a sensitive parameter. It can be
estimated using the settling test described in the Process Model Descriptions guide, but with the typical
value around 250 mg/l it has little effect on the model predictions.
Non-settleable fraction : The non-settleable fraction should have a value in the range 0-2x10-3. The
non-settleable fraction can be calculated from the settling test described in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('BOD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation:
Saturation coefficient (NH3)
Saturation coefficient (NO3)
These are the half-rate saturation constants in the Monod growth rate equations for heterotrophs
(growth on BOD and oxygen) and autotrophs (growth on ammonia and oxygen).
The yields are the sludge production per unit of BOD or ammonia removed. Under anoxic conditions
the sludge yield is usually less than under aerobic.
The oxygen consumption is calculated as a multiplier of the BOD removal. This value is normally 1.0.
You may wish to change it, in the range 1-1.3, to reflect the possibility of BOD5 being an
underestimate of the ultimate available BOD - this is possible for an extended aeration system.
We do not recommend that you change this value. If you do have a need to increase the oxygen
consumption per BOD removed, to calibrate the model, we recommend that you first examine
changing the maintenance energy requirements.
The loss of viability parameter is the fraction of the maximum growth rate below which the bacteria are
assumed to lose viability. By default this is 10% of the maximum growth rate. The limiting viability
sets the maximum rate of loss of viability that the bacteria will undergo. We do not recommend that
these parameters be changed.
Ø: Temperature coefficient
Tref: Reference temperature (same as that specified for the growth rates)
T: Sewage Temperature
Maintenance energy
The WRc activated sludge model incorporates the concept of maintenance energy, rather than
endogenous decay. This implies that cells consume themselves internally, rather than feed on the
contents of (other) ruptured cells. The difference between these two physical concepts is difficult to
demonstrate experimentally, so that the modelling literature accepts that either approach is a reasonable
procedure. The WRc model uses maintenance energy; the IAWQ models use growth on cell lysis
Hydrolysis rate
Hydrolysis temperature coefficient
Hydrolysis saturation constant
The effect of particulate BOD hydrolysis is included in the model. The hydrolysis rate is calculated
from the equation
Selection of suitable values requires laboratory tests or extensive data about the distribution of BOD
and oxygen demand within the aeration system. These parameters should not be adjusted without
seeking expert advice.
An essential component of the WRc model is that nonviable bacteria exert biological activity through
their enzymes. Because BOD or ammonia transport through the cells relies on passive diffusion, while
viable cells have active transport mechanisms, the enzyme activity is less than 1.0. BOD is generally a
larger 'molecule' than the ammonium ion, so that the activity of nonviable heterotrophic bacteria is less
than that of autotrophs.
This defines the stoichiometry of nitrate oxidation for anoxic BOD removal.
N uptake in cells
The commonly quoted figures for cell nitrogen are in the range 5-9%. The WRc model has historically
used a value of 0% and compensated for this by assuming that the organic nitrogen content of the
sewage will supply the nitrogen requirements for cell synthesis. The ammonia content is therefore
totally oxidised. This version of the model allows you to alter that assumption - it is essential that you
specify the total Kjeldahl nitrogen as an ammonia equivalent when using this model with a non-zero
nitrogen biomass.
15.9 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#1 COD model
Vesilind settling velocity: The Vesilind settling velocity (V) can be calculated from the correlation
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the Vesilind settling velocity are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Maximum settling velocity : This parameter should be measured. If no data are available then set it to
equal to the Vesilind settling velocity.
The maximum settling velocity can be estimated from the settling test given in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
Hindered settling parameter : The hindered settling parameter can be calculated from the correlation
The hindered settling parameter has the units of l/mg, and the SSVI ml/g.
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the hindered settling parameter are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Flocculant settling parameter : This is normally in the range 10-100 times the hindered settling
parameter. At present it is normally evaluated by trial-and-error procedures, fitting model predictions
to known effluent quality.
Onset of flocculation : The 'Onset of flocculation’ is not normally a sensitive parameter. It can be
estimated using the settling test described in the Process Model Descriptions guide, but with the typical
value around 250 mg/l it has little effect on the model predictions.
Non-settleable fraction : The non-settleable fraction should have a value in the range 0-2x10-3. The
non-settleable fraction can be calculated from the settling test described in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ammonification is the process of converting soluble organic nitrogen into free ammonia or
ammonium. The rate constant is calculated using the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Hydrolysis is the breaking down of particulate BOD to soluble BOD, and of particulate organic
nitrogen to soluble organic nitrogen. The rate constant is calculated by the equation
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally
identified these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by
standard methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is
clear that the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are
to be chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for
further information.
Heterotroph yield
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
These anoxic factors derate the biological growth and hydrolysis activity under anoxic conditions.
They should have a value in the range of 0 - 1, and most commonly in the range 0.6 - 1.0.
15.10 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#2 COD model
Vesilind settling velocity: The Vesilind settling velocity (V) can be calculated from the correlation
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the Vesilind settling velocity are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Maximum settling velocity: This parameter should be measured. If no data are available then set it to
equal to the Vesilind settling velocity.
The maximum settling velocity can be estimated from the settling test given in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
Hindered settling parameter: The hindered settling parameter can be calculated from the correlation
The hindered settling parameter has the units of l/mg, and the SSVI ml/g.
Additional correlations and a settling test to estimate the hindered settling parameter are given in the
Process Model Descriptions guide.
Flocculant settling parameter : This is normally in the range 10-100 times the hindered settling
parameter. At present it is normally evaluated by trial-and-error procedures, fitting model predictions
to known effluent quality.
Onset of flocculation: The 'Onset of flocculation’ is not normally a sensitive parameter. It can be
estimated using the settling test described in the Process Model Descriptions guide, but with the typical
value around 250 mg/l it has little effect on the model predictions.
Non-settleable fraction: The non-settleable fraction should have a value in the range 0-2x10-3. The
non-settleable fraction can be calculated from the settling test described in the Process Model
Descriptions guide.
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users'), polyphosphate accumulating organisms
(‘PAOs’) and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum
specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage temperature from the equation
Heterotroph death rate @ 15oC
Heterotroph temperature coefficient
PAO death rate @ 15oC
PAO temperature coefficient
Autotroph death rate @ 15oC
Autotroph temperature coefficient
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
The hydrolysis half-rate constant is 'dimensionless', with the units of mg degradable particulate COD
per mg of heterotroph biomass as COD. Although STOAT treats this parameter as a half-saturation
coefficient a strict reading of the IAWQ Technical Report regards this parameter as a switching
coefficient and that it has whatever value is necessary to force the model to match calibration data -
These rates are temperature compensated as
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Ø: Temperature coefficient
T: Sewage temperature
Precipitation and dissolution are both modelled as first-order processes. This is known to be an
idealisation and while the 'true' model of ionic equilibria may have constant rates this first-order model
may require that the parameters be adjusted on a site-by-site and operational condition-by-operational
condition basis. The IAWQ Model #2 is recently released and there has been little information
published about its performance.
15.11 Model IAWQ #2 Switching Function Constants
Oxygen half-rate constant for hydrolysis
Oxygen half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Oxygen half-rate constant for PAO growth
Oxygen half-rate constant for autotroph growth
Nitrate half-rate constant for hydrolysis
Nitrate half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for PAO growth
Ammonia half-rate constant for autotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Soluble COD half-rate constant for fermentation
VFA half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
VFA half-rate constant for PAO growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for heterotroph growth
Phosphorus half-rate constant for polyphosphate uptake
Phosphorus half-rate constant for autotroph growth
polyphosphate half-rate constant for PAO growth
PHA half-rate constant for PAO growth
These are the values for the switching functions used by the IAWQ model. We have formally identified
these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by standard
methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The IAWQ standard is clear that
the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are to be
chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for further
The maximum phosphorus storage sets an ultimate limit to the phosphorus that can be removed by
biological phosphorus removal. The inhibition coefficient is used to provide a further switching
function to adjust the rate of phosphorus uptake.
15.12 Model IAWQ #2 Stoichiometry
Fractional hydrolysis rate, anoxic conditions
Fractional hydrolysis rate, anaerobic conditions
Fractional Anoxic growth rate
These parameters have values in the range 0 - 1, and typically in the range 0.6 - 1. They reflect the fact
that aerobic bacteria have reduced activity under anoxic and anaerobic conditions.
Heterotroph yield
Yield coefficient on PAO
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
Following the death of bacteria they break up into two fractions - degradable and inert particulate
COD. These factors specify the inert fractions.
This parameter is provided for completeness with the published IAWQ model. It is not used in
STOAT. STOAT divides particulate COD into inert and degradable fractions, and this is used within
the model.
The uptake of PHA in the anaerobic stage requires the release of polyphosphate to provide the energy
for this uptake; the uptake of phosphorus in the aerobic zone requires the consumption of PHA for
non-growth related purposes. The rates are specified for these reactions, and these parameters produce
the estimates required for PHA/phosphate release.
N content of biomass
P content of biomass
N content of inert soluble COD
N content of soluble degradable COD
N content of inert particulate COD
N content of particulate degradable COD
P content of inert soluble COD
P content of soluble degradable COD
P content of inert particulate COD
P content of degradable particulate COD
These parameters specify the nitrogen and phosphorus content of the biomass.
Nondegradable fractions of nitrogen and phosphorus can be associated with the COD. STOAT allows
you to specify directly the degradable organic nitrogen and soluble phosphorus. These parameters
allow you to complete the characterisation of the waste. Note that STOAT does not include the
nondegradable fractions in the flowstream connecting different processes, and that therefore the results
of inert nitrogen and phosphorus are strictly local to the aeration tank.
TSS to inert particulate COD ratio
TSS to degradable COD ratio
TSS to biomass COD ratio
TSS to metal phosphate ratio
Solids to degradable COD ratio is the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu, where you
specify VSS to BOD ratio. Remember that for COD modelling BOD should be treated as a shorthand
for bCOD - Biologically degradable COD.
Solids to biomass COD ratio is also the reciprocal of the ratio entered at the Run menu. For
completeness with the IAWQ #2 model you must specify these ratios here - they are never picked
up from the values entered at the Run menu.
Metal hydroxides and phosphates concentrations are specified on a mg/l of metal ion basis. To convert
this to a solids concentration you must enter the appropriate ratio.
Idle time: Time spent between cycles. On the works idle time would be variable, set by the filling
requirements imposed by the incoming flow. In STOAT the idle time is constant.
Anoxic fill time: The fill cycle is divided into two periods, aerated and unaerated. By default the first
part of the cycle is unaerated and this is the 'anoxic' fill. You specify the length of time that this takes.
Aerobic fill time: The fill cycle is divided into two periods, aerated and unaerated. By default the
second part of the cycle is aerated and this is the 'aerobic' fill. You specify the length of time that this
You can alter the aerobic and anoxic fill cycles by specifying a non-zero KLa value for the
'anoxic' fill cycle and a zero KLa value for the aerobic cycle. You can choose to have only an
anoxic or aerobic fill by setting the aerobic fill time to zero (for an anoxic only fill) and vice
React time: The time after filling for reaction. During this time (and only this time) the DO control
algorithms are enabled.
Settling time: The time after reaction when the tank is left quiescent to allow solids settlement. Usually
the sludge blanket will drop rapidly, so that settling times of half-an-hour or less can be used.
Decant time
Wastage time:
The tank emptying period is divided into two stages, identified as 'decant' and 'wastage.' The tank
contents can be removed through the effluent (decant) or the wasted sludge (wastage). This can occur
together or separately. Where the two are done separately it is common for effluent to be removed and
then sludge to be wasted.
Under the Operation menu (Section 15.4) you can set the decant and wastage flows for each of these
cycles. If you wish to have simultaneous decantation and wastage you can set the time for wastage to
be zero.
During effluent decantation the action of taking off effluent can induce an upward flow, carrying
sludge from the settled sludge towards the effluent. STOAT allows you to model this by setting the
ratio of upflow to overflow. Because the upflow (if greater than the effluent flow) must be matched by
a corresponding downflow STOAT assumes that the recirculation loop will affect only the stage below
the current effluent take-off point.
DO control method Select from a range of control methods: constant aeration; proportional or PI,
controlled by the DO setpoint; on-off control; or nitrate control. We recommend that you use PI
Integral time: The control algorithm integration time when using PI control.
Saturation DO value: You can select to have the programme calculate the DO (Select ‘program
value’) or use your own value (‘User specified)
Saturation dissolved oxygen: The programme value is calculated for clean water at sea level. If you
wish to derate this to allow for the β value, or for the effect of using an
oxygen-rich source, or for the effect of lower pressures when the sewage works is above sea-level, then
you should set your own value.
Growth equations: The growth equations can be calculated for three different situations.
At all Times: For the reaction and the settling and the fill phases.
The compartmented sequencing batch reactor model is a variant of the sequencing batch reactor
(Section 15) model. The most common example of a compartmented sequencing batch reactor is CSBR.
The main differences between an SBR and a compartmented SBR are:
1. The SBR is a single tank whereas the compartmented SBR is divided into discrete sections
which allows different sections of the tank to be more tightly controlled e.g. one section can be
a permanent anoxic zone whereas another section can be a permanent aerobic zone. This allows
a greater flexibility of operation under certain circumstances.
2. The SBR is a batch type process where there is a discrete fill phase whereas the compartmented
SBR allows influent to be pumped continuously to the process.
Inflow Bypass
Decanted effluent
Waste sludge
Maximum volume
Minimum volume
Total Area
Operating conditions
Process calibration data
There are many other parameters that you can change if you need to, depending on which model you
are using. These calibration parameters will be discussed at length in the following sections.
Initial conditions
Settling parameters in sewage calibration data
16.3 Name and dimensions
Name: A unique name for the compartmented sequencing batch reactors. The default name is CSBR
tank N, where N is the number of CSBR tanks on the flowsheet.
Model: There are three CSBR models available, one BOD model and two COD models. You should be
aware of the difficulties in calibrating some of the more complicated models and choose wisely. It is
recommended to start with a simpler model and if necessary move to a more complicated model for
better results.
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the activated
sludge and oxidation ditch processes.
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. We recommend that
WRc and IAWQ #1 be used as the standard models. You should use WRc when your data
is in BOD units, and IAWQ #1 when the data is supplied as COD.
IAWQ #2: This is a COD-based model for biological and chemical phosphorus removal. The IAWQ
group responsible for this model have stated that it is not currently realistic to use the
model for design, and so its use should be restricted to existing works for trouble-shooting.
It is extremely difficult to calibrate due to the large quantity of parameters, some of which
are not possible to actually measure.
Number of stages: The total number of tanks in series that make up the CSBR. Normally this will be
the same as the number of baffled compartments.
Influent Effluent
Stage 1 Stage N
Number of mixed stages: Some of the initial compartments (tanks in series) may be well-mixed, with
no settling taking place. If this is the case then the number of mixed stages is non-zero, and this
parameter specifies how many of the stages are mixed to prevent settling.
Number of vertical stages: This parameter describes the number of stages in the CSBR tank which
specifies the vertical resolution of the CSBR tank. This is relevant only during the settling and decant
phases of v operation. As an example, a 4 m high tank with 10 layers can predict the sludge blanket to
an accuracy of 0.4 m.
Influent Effluent
Stage 1
Stage N
Wastage stage: The horizontal stage in the tank from which sludge is removed from the CSBR tank.
Minimum volume: The minimum operating volume of the CSBR. The minimum volume is typically
around 50-80% of the maximum volume, as this volume provides sludge storage during settlement and
Area: The cross-sectional area of the CSBR tank used for settlement.
Volume distribution: The volume distribution is the fractional distribution of the aeration tank volume
between the stages. The sum of the fractions must be 1.0, and no stage may have zero volume.
DO Control: There are six different types of DO control supported by STOAT. These are None,
Constant KLa, on-off, Proportional, PI, and Nitrate controlled. Depending on which control option is
chosen, the remaining parameters in the table are used to specify the setup.
Constant KLa:
If DO control is Constant then you specify a single KLa value. This value can be estimated from the
declared maximum oxygenation capacity of your aerator, as
On-Off Control:
If the DO drops below the ‘DO on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum KLa; if the DO rises
above the ‘DO off’ value then the aerator setting is the minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not
changed from its current setting.
Proportional or PI Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, Minimum KLa, DO setpoint, Gain, Integral Time
You must specify the maximum and minimum KLa values. The KLa will be adjusted within these limits
to keep the aeration stage at the specified DO setpoint. You must specify the gain and integral time.
Both must be greater than zero.
Nitrate Control:
If the nitrate concentration drops below the ‘Nitrate on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum
KLa; if the nitrate concentration rises above the ‘Nitrate off’ value then the aerator setting is the
minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not changed from its current setting.
Dissolved oxygen set point: This is the desired dissolved oxygen value in the stage. If the stage is
anoxic then you should set the dissolved oxygen setpoint to zero. Set this if proportional or PI control
has been enabled.
Integral time:
For proportional and PI control you must specify the gain and integral time. Both must be greater than
Aerobic fill KLa: The mass transfer co-efficient to be applied during the aerobic fill stage.
16.5 Operation data
Decant flow: This defines the flowrate during the decant phase. This, along with the duration of the
decant phase (Model Calibration (Process Unit - Section 16.14), sets the volume which is removed
from the tank.
Wastage flow: This allows you to set the sludge wastage flowrate.
There is normally a recirculation sludge flow from the outlet to the inlet. For many systems the
recirculation sludge flow is stopped during settling or decanting to minimise turbulence that would
inhibit the settlement. The STOAT model requires that you specify the internal sludge flow separately
for settling prior to decanting.
These parameters are enabled if you are using the IAWQ#2 model. They define the chemical dosing
required for phosphorus removal, its concentration and flowrate as well as the length of time that
dosing takes place during the operating cycle.
16.6 Initial Conditions (WRC Model)
The initial conditions for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.5 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
The initial conditions for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.6 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
16.8 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#2 Model)
The initial conditions for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.7 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
16.9 Model Calibration (Sewage) - WRC BOD model
The Model Calibration (Sewage) parameters for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.8 - SBR for information on these
16.10 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#1 COD model
The Model Calibration (sewage) parameters for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.9 - SBR for information on these
16.11 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#2 COD model
The Model Calibration (sewage) parameters for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.10 - SBR for information on these
16.12 Model IAWQ #2 Switching Function Constants
The IAWQ#2 Switching function constants for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.11 - SBR for information on these
16.13 Model IAWQ #2 Stoichiometry
The IAWQ#2 Stoichiometry parameters for the CSBR process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR except they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied
in Section 15.12 - SBR for information on these parameters.
16.14 Process calibration data
Phase time: This is used to permit more than one CSBR on a flowsheet to be operating in different
parts of their cycles at the same time. e.g. if there are two CSBR tanks on the flowsheet and the second
tank is filling two hours after the first, the Phase time for CSBR tank 1 is 0 and the phase time for
CSBR tank 2 is 2. If only one CSBR tank exists the phase time is 0.
Cycle time: This is the total cycle time. How much of this cycle is spent in various phases is then
defined below:
The start and stop of filling. Filling can continue during the entire operating cycle, including settling
and decanting. The Fill start and Fill stop times specify over how much of this cycle inflow is admitted
to the tank. Normally the Fill start should be 0. If the Fill stop is the same value as the cycle time then
continuous inflow is specified.
This is a part of the cycle which is assumed to involve no aeration. The tank contents are assumed to be
well-mixed. The anoxic fill can be specified to have zero duration or to occur after the aerobic fill.
This is a part of the cycle which is assumed to involve aeration. The tank contents are assumed to be
well-mixed. There is no dissolved oxygen control. Whatever aeration power (user specifies KLa value)
is specified is assumed to be used. The aerobic fill can be specified to have zero duration or to occur
before the anoxic fill.
The time after reaction when the tank is left quiescent to allow solids settlement. Usually the sludge
blanket will drop rapidly, so that settling times of half-an-hour or less can be used. Filling can
continue during this time. The settle cycle can be specified to be of zero duration. This settling phase
is a settle without decant, and does not include the time taken up by settlement with decant.
Decant start
Decant stop
Waste start
Waste stop:
The decant cycle can be specified to be of zero duration. If this is the case then the tank will operate
with an outflow equal to the current inflow less the wastage flow. Decant, if defined, is assumed to
always take place with settlement.
The waste cycle can be specified to be of zero duration. It can take place at any time in the cycle.
Under the Operation menu you can set the decant and wastage flows for each of these cycles. Filling
can continue during this time.
During effluent decantation the action of taking off effluent can induce an upward flow, carrying
sludge from the settled sludge towards the effluent. STOAT allows you to model this by setting the
ratio of upflow to overflow. Because the upflow (if greater than the effluent flow) must be matched by
a corresponding downflow STOAT assumes that the recirculation loop will affect only the stages
below the current effluent take-off point.
Saturation DO value: You can select to have the programme calculate the DO (Select ‘program
value’) or use your own value (‘User specified’).
Saturation dissolved oxygen: The programme value is calculated for clean water at sea level. If you
wish to derate this to allow for the β value, or for the effect of using an oxygen-rich source, or for the
effect of lower pressures when the sewage works is above sea-level, then you should set your own
Growth equations The growth equations can be calculated for three different situations.
Reaction Only : Only for the declared reaction phase
+ Reactive Settler: For the reaction and the settling phases
At all Times: For the reaction and the settling and the fill phases.
The variable volume activated sludge process model is another variant of the sequencing batch reactor
(Section 15) model. The most common example of a variable volume activated sludge process is
IDEA, used in Australia. The main differences between an SBR and a variable volume activated sludge
1. The SBR is a single tank whereas the variable volume activated sludge is divided into discrete
sections which allows different sections of the tank to be more tightly controlled e.g. one
section can be a permanent anoxic zone whereas another section can be a permanent aerobic
zone. This allows a greater flexibility of operation under certain circumstances.
2. The SBR is a batch type process where there is a discrete fill phase whereas the variable volume
activated sludge process allows influent to be pumped continuously to the process.
3. The variable volume activated sludge plant allows the user to take a mixed liquor stream from
the tank and pass it to another external reactor e.g. an anoxic tank upstream of the reactor.
In let
E fflu en t
W a ste slu d g e
M ix ed liq u or str ea m
Maximum volume
Minimum volume
Total Area
Operating conditions
Process calibration data
There are many other parameters that you can change if you need to, depending on which model you
are using. These calibration parameters will be discussed at length in the following sections.
Initial conditions
Settling parameters in sewage calibration data
17.3 Name and dimensions
Name: A unique name for the variable volume activated sludge reactors. The default name is IDEA
tank N, where N is the number of IDEA tanks on the flowsheet.
Model: There are three IDEA models available, one BOD model and two COD models. You should be
aware of the difficulties in calibrating some of the more complicated models and choose wisely. It is
recommended to start with a simpler model and if necessary move to a more complicated model for
better results.
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the activated
sludge and oxidation ditch processes.
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. We recommend that
WRc and IAWQ #1 be used as the standard models. You should use WRc when your data
is in BOD units, and IAWQ #1 when the data is supplied as COD.
IAWQ #2: This is a COD-based model for biological and chemical phosphorus removal. The IAWQ
group responsible for this model have stated that it is not currently realistic to use the
model for design, and so its use should be restricted to existing works for trouble-shooting.
It is extremely difficult to calibrate due to the large quantity of parameters, some of which
are not possible to actually measure.
Number of stages: The number of tanks in series (compartments) that make up the IDEA. IDEA
processes are normally baffled to create the required number of stages.
Influent Effluent
Stage 1 Stage N
Number of mixed stages: Some compartments (tanks in series) are kept continuously mixed with no
settlement permitted. The number of completely mixed stages should be in the range 0 to the number
of stages. The difference between the number of completely mixed stages and the total number of
stages is the number of stages where settlement will be permitted.
Number of vertical stages: This parameter describes the number of vertical stages in the IDEA tank
which specifies the vertical resolution of the IDEA tank. This is relevant only during the settling and
decant phases of IDEA operation. As an example, a 4 m high tank with 10 layers can predict the sludge
blanket to an accuracy of 0.4 m.
Influent Effluent
Stage 1
Stage N
Wastage stage: The horizontal stage from which sludge is removed from the IDEA tank.
MLSS output (horizontal stage): A MLSS stream can be removed from the tank. This MLSS stream is
normally used as a recycle to a separate tank before the IDEA unit.
MLSS output (vertical stage): The MLSS stream does not have to be removed from the base of the
tank. You can specify where it is to be removed. If the liquid level in the tank falls below the vertical
take-off point then the MLSS flow will cease.
Top water level: This will specify the maximum volume of the tank.
Bottom water level: This will specify the minimum volume left in the tank at the cessation of the
emptying cycle.
Storm water level: If the liquid level in the tank reaches the storm water level before the start of a
settling cycle then a different operational cycle will be enacted, appropriate for storm behaviour.
Side wall slope : The slope of the side walls, measured as the ratio of horizontal projection to vertical
Total weir length: The weir length. If the weir is double-sided then the weir length should be specified
as twice the physical length.
Tank shape: The tank can be specified as having squared-off end; a slope at the inlet end only (for a
single-sided weir at the tank exit) or a slope at both inlet and outlet (for a double-sided weir located
within the tank).
17.4 Flow distribution data
You must specify the volume fraction of each stage. By default each stage is equally-sized.
There can be up to 8 operational cycles. For each operational cycle you can specify a different oxygen
control scenario. Each control scenario requires then specifying the appropriate associated set of
There are six different types of DO control supported by STOAT. These are None, Constant K1a, on-
off, Proportional, PI, Nitrate controlled. Depending on which control option is chosen, the remaining
parameters in the table are used to specify the setup.
Constant KLa:
If DO control is Constant then you specify a single KLa value. This value can be estimated from the
declared maximum oxygenation capacity of your aerator, as
On-Off Control:
If the DO drops below the ‘DO on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum KLa; if the DO rises
above the ‘DO off’ value then the aerator setting is the minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not
changed from its current setting.
Proportional or PI Control:
Parameters used: Maximum KLa, Minimum KLa, DO setpoint, Gain, Integral Time
You must specify the maximum and minimum KLa values. The KLa will be adjusted within these limits
to keep the aeration stage at the specified DO setpoint. You must specify the gain and integral time.
Both must be greater than zero.
Nitrate Control:
If the nitrate concentration drops below the ‘Nitrate on’ value then the aerator setting is the maximum
KLa; if the nitrate concentration rises above the ‘Nitrate off’ value then the aerator setting is the
minimum KLa; otherwise the KLa value is not changed from its current setting.
Dissolved oxygen set point: This is the desired dissolved oxygen value in the stage. If the stage is
anoxic then you should set the dissolved oxygen setpoint to zero. Set this if proportional or PI control
has been enabled.
Integral time:
For proportional and PI control you must specify the gain and integral time. Both must be greater than
Dissolved oxygen set point: This is the desired dissolved oxygen value in the stage. If the stage is
anoxic then you should set the dissolved oxygen setpoint to zero. Set this if proportional or PI control
has been enabled.
Integral time:
For proportional and PI control you must specify the gain and integral time. Both must be greater than
17.5 Operation data
Wastage flow: This allows you to set the sludge wastage flowrate.
There is normally a recirculation sludge flow. For many systems the return sludge flow is stopped
during settling or decanting to minimise turbulence that would inhibit the settlement. The STOAT
model requires that you specify the internal sludge flow separately for settling prior to decanting.
MLSS flow: This is an MLSS flow that passes to an external anoxic zone.
These parameters are enabled if you are using the IAWQ#2 model. They define the chemical dosing
required for phosphorus removal, it concentration and flowrate as well as the length of time that dosing
takes place during the operating cycle.
17.6 Initial Conditions (WRc Model)
The initial conditions for the IDEA process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.5 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
The initial conditions for the IDEA process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.6 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
17.8 Initial Conditions (IAWQ#2 Model)
The initial conditions for the IDEA process model are exactly the same as for a standard SBR except
they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.7 - SBR
for information on these parameters.
17.9 Model Calibration (Sewage) - WRC BOD model
The Model Calibration (Sewage) parameters for the IDEA process model are the same as for a standard
SBR except for the Sludge Cut-off point . Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.8 -
SBR for information on these parameters.
Sludge Cut-off point: This is the concentration relative to the base concentration (concentration at
bottom of tank) that shall be used to determine at what height the sludge blanket stops.
The Model Calibration (Sewage) parameters for the IDEA process model are the same as for a standard
SBR except for the Sludge Cut-off point . Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.9 -
SBR for information on these parameters.
Sludge Cut-off point: This is the concentration relative to the base concentration (concentration at
bottom of tank) that shall be used to determine at what height the sludge blanket stops.
17.11 Model Calibration (Sewage) - IAWQ#2 COD model
The Model Calibration (Sewage) parameters for the IDEA process model are the same as for a standard
SBR except for the Sludge Cut-off point. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.10 -
SBR for information on these parameters.
Sludge Cut-off point: This is the concentration relative to the base concentration (concentration at
bottom of tank) that shall be used to determine at what height the sludge blanket stops.
The IAWQ#2 Switching function constants for the IDEA process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR. Please refer to the information supplied in Section 15.11 - SBR for information on these
17.13 Model IAWQ #2 Stoichiometry
The IAWQ#2 Stoichiometry parameters for the IDEA process model are exactly the same as for a
standard SBR except they have to be specified for each stage. Please refer to the information supplied
in Section 15.12 - SBR for information on these parameters.
17.14 Process calibration data
There can be up to 8 operational cycles, with each pair of cycles separated by an optional settling
cycle, and finally a decant cycle. The cycle time for any of these can be set to zero. You can also
specify a storm cycle.
Saturation DO value: You can select to have the programme calculate the DO (Select ‘program
value’) or use your own value (‘User specified’)
Saturation dissolved oxygen: The programme value is calculated for clean water at sea level. If you
wish to derate this to allow for the β value, or for the effect of using an oxygen-rich source, or for the
effect of lower pressures when the sewage works is above sea-level, then you should set your own
Growth equations: The growth equations can be calculated for three different situations.
Reaction Only : Only for the declared reaction phase
+ Reactive Settler: For the reaction and the settling phases
At all Times: For the reaction and the settling and the fill phases .
There are two types of Trickling Filter models available, one that assumes a biofilm exists on the filter
and one that models the biofilm growth.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Filter depth
Filter surface area
Heterotrophs concentration on the biofilm [Initial conditions]
Autotrophs concentration on the biofilm [Initial conditions]
Number of stages
Number of layers (Growth Models)
Filter media dimension
Filter media superficial specific surface area
Filter media effective specific surface area
Saturation dissolved oxygen concentration
Initial conditions for all determinands
18.3 Name and Dimensions
Model: There are three models available; Original, WRc and IAWQ#1.
The Original model uses an analytic solution for the biofilm processes - this analytic solution was
possible only by assuming that the biofilm was fully developed and therefore ignoring biofilm growth.
The biofilm is specified under Initial Conditions.
The WRc and IAWQ#1 models are film growth models. They also use a numerical solution of the
processes taking place within the biofilm.
When using the growth models, the choice of integration should be reset to VODE or MEBDF
algorithm for speed.
Number of stages: The number of stages reflects the internal mixing within the filter. We recommend
that the default value be used. The number of stages can be altered to improve the model predictions
against measurements. The Process Model Descriptions guide describes these changes, and changes to
other parameters that can also affect the calibration process.
Number of layers: When using the new models (WRc and IAWQ#1) you must specify the number of
biofilm layers. This can have a value ranging from 3-10. We recommend using the default value of 5.
Depth: The packed depth of the filter, from the surface to the underdrain.
Surface area: This is the wetted surface area of the filter. For circular filters this normally excludes the
central dosing area.
18.4 Initial Conditions
The initial conditions comprise the state variables Soluble BOD, Dissolved oxygen, feed solids (Volatile
solids), Biomass solids, Inert solids (Non-volatile solids), Ammonia and Nitrate. These are calculated
by STOAT, and the effect of the initial conditions affects only the first few hours of simulation
The Heterotrophs and Autotrophs are not state variables – they are process calibration
parameters. The value you enter is kept constant during the simulation, and will affect the
results of the simulation. The value must be greater than zero. We suggest that you start with
values of 100 mg/l of heterotrophs and 2 mg/l of autotrophs.
18.4.2 WRc BOD-based model
Specify the initial conditions. You should specify a non-zero initial biofilm thickness for each stage.
You can also change the initial conditions for the biofilm. You must ensure that for each layer the sum
of the following particulate components is less than or equal to 1:
• Viable autotrophs
• Nonviable autotrophs
• Viable heterotrophs
• Nonviable heterotrophs
Specify the initial conditions. You should specify a non-zero initial biofilm thickness for each stage.
You can also change the initial conditions for the biofilm. You must ensure that for each layer the sum
of the following particulate components is equal to 1:
• Autotrophs
• Heterotrophs
• Degradable COD
• Inert COD
• Nonvolatile solids
Within the biofilm the COD fractions are stored as mass fractions as a solid equivalent. This is required
because of the inclusion of the nonvolatile solids, which have a COD equivalent of 0. Therefore to
calculate the concentration of a COD fraction within the biofilm you should multiply the fraction by
the density (converting to mg/l as solids) and then by the COD ratio for volatile solids or biomass
(converting from mg/l as solids to mg/l as COD).
The sewage calibration data occupies three computer screens. We show each screen, followed by the
explanation of the parameters for that screen.
Reference temperature:
Maximum specific growth rate for heterotrophs:
Temperature coefficient for heterotroph growth:
Maximum specific growth rate for autotrophs:
Temperature coefficient for autotroph growth:
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('BOD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation:
θ ⋅( Tref − T )
µ max = µ max,Tref ⋅ 10
The maximum specific growth rate should be specified for the reference temperature.
Volatile solids are adsorbed on the biofilm. The concentration that can be adsorbed is proportional to
the biomass concentration within the biofilm. The proportionality constant is the adsorption coefficient
K. The adsorbed solids are then degraded, with the removal rate calculated by
R = r ⋅ Ch
These are the half-rate saturation constants in the Monod growth rate equations for heterotrophs
(growth on BOD and oxygen) and autotrophs (growth on ammonia and oxygen).
While the bacterial growth rate exceeds the growth rate which limits viability the bacteria are assumed
to be at 100% viability. When the growth rate drops below this viability limit the reaction rates
(removal of BOD, ammonia and solids) are reduced to account for the reduced bacterial viability.
These yield coefficients relate the production of biomass to the BOD and ammonia that has been
removed. These coefficients can be estimated by adjusting the yield values to match the long-term
sludge production of the filter.
O2 per BOD removed:
O2 per NH3 removed:
NO3 per NH3 removed:
These parameters should normally be left at their default values, defined by stoichiometry. Where
significant ammonia nitrogen is known to be taken up into the biomass then you can reduce the oxygen
consumption per ammonia-N removed, and the nitrate production per ammonia-N removed, to reflect
the use of ammonia-N within the biomass. The oxygen consumption per BOD removed should be 1.0
(by definition) but can be higher. When calibration shows that this ratio is higher this is evidence that
the biomass is itself being consumed. If the ratio is lower, it is evidence that some of the BOD is being
wasted rather than being oxidised.
Equilibrium DO: STOAT will calculate the saturated oxygen concentration for the sewage temperature
and clean water at sea level. If you wish to change this value, for example to include the depression of
oxygen saturation normally found in sewage, then you can specify your own value. You may also wish
to change the value to reflect lower saturation concentrations at high altitude.
18.5.2 BOD model
Volatile solids are adsorbed on the biofilm. The concentration that can be adsorbed is proportional to
the biomass concentration within the biofilm. The proportionality constant is the adsorption coefficient
K. The adsorbed solids are then degraded, with the removal rate calculated by
R = r(K C)h
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('BOD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation
The maximum specific growth rate should be specified for the reference temperature.
These are the half-rate saturation constants in the Monod growth rate equations for heterotrophs
(growth using BOD and oxygen) and autotrophs (growth using ammonia and oxygen).
The yields are the sludge production per unit of BOD or ammonia removed. Under anoxic conditions
the sludge yield is usually less than under aerobic conditions.
The oxygen consumption is calculated as a multiplier of the BOD removal. This value is normally 1.0.
You may wish to change it, within the range 1-1.3, to reflect the possibility of BOD5 being an
underestimate of the ultimate available BOD. We do not recommend that you change this value. If
you do have a need to increase the oxygen consumption per BOD removed, to calibrate the model, we
recommend that you first examine changing the maintenance energy requirements.
The loss of viability parameter is the fraction of the maximum growth rate below which the bacteria are
assumed to lose viability. By default this is 10% of the maximum growth rate. The limiting viability
sets the maximum rate of loss of viability that the bacteria will undergo. We do not recommend that
these parameters be changed.
The reference temperature is the same as that specified for the growth rates.
The WRc filter model incorporates the concept of maintenance energy, rather than endogenous decay.
This implies that cells consume themselves internally, rather than feed on the contents of (other)
ruptured cells. The difference between these two physical concepts is difficult to demonstrate
experimentally, so that the modelling literature accepts that either approach is a reasonable procedure.
The WRc BOD model uses maintenance energy; the COD models uses growth using cell lysis
Hydrolysis rate
Hydrolysis temperature coefficient
Hydrolysis saturation constant
The effect of particulate BOD hydrolysis is included in the model. The hydrolysis rate is calculated
from the equation
Selection of suitable values requires laboratory tests or extensive data about the distribution of BOD
and oxygen demand within the aeration system. These parameters should not be adjusted without
seeking expert advice.
An essential component of the WRc model is that nonviable bacteria exert biological activity through
their enzymes. Because BOD or ammonia transport through nonviable cells relies on passive diffusion,
while viable cells have active transport mechanisms, the enzyme activity for nonviable cells is less than
1.0. BOD is generally a larger 'molecule' than the ammonium ion, so that the activity of nonviable
heterotrophic bacteria is less than that of autotrophs.
This defines the stoichiometry of nitrate oxidation for anoxic BOD removal.
N uptake in cells (g/g)
The commonly quoted figures for cell nitrogen are within the range 5-9%. The WRc model has
historically used a value of 0% and compensated for this by assuming that the organic nitrogen content
of the sewage will supply the nitrogen requirements for cell synthesis. The ammonia content is
therefore totally oxidised. This version of the model allows you to alter that assumption - it is essential
that you specify the total Kjeldahl nitrogen as an ammonia equivalent when using this model with a
non-zero nitrogen biomass.
Heterotroph growth rate
Heterotroph temperature coefficient
Autotroph growth rate
Autotroph temperature coefficient
The bacterial growth rates for heterotrophs ('COD users') and autotrophs ('Ammonia users') are
calculated using the Monod equation. The maximum specific growth rate is calculated at any sewage
temperature from the equation
Ammonification rate
Ammonification temperature coefficient
Ammonification is the process of converting soluble organic nitrogen into free ammonia or
ammonium. The rate constant is calculated using the equation
Hydrolysis rate
Hydrolysis temperature coefficient
Hydrolysis is the breaking down of particulate BOD to soluble BOD, and of particulate organic
nitrogen to soluble organic nitrogen. The rate constant is calculated by the equation
These are the values for the switching functions used by the COD model. We have formally identified
these parameters as Monod half-saturation coefficients, and these can be estimated by standard
methods with Monod equations. Technically this approach is wrong. The COD standard is clear that
the switching parameters are empirical, and that the values for the switching coefficients are to be
chosen to make the model fit your data. You should consult the IAWQ Technical Report for further
Heterotroph yield
Autotroph yield
The yield of biomass on COD and ammonia. You must provide the heterotroph yield in units of mg
COD removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent, and the autotroph yield as mg ammonia
removed per mg of biomass as a COD equivalent.
These anoxic factors derate the biological growth and hydrolysis activity under anoxic conditions.
They should have a value within the range of 0 - 1, and most commonly within the range 0.6 - 1.0.
The characteristic dimension of the media is the media size as retained by a sieve. For plastic media the
characteristic size is well defined – for example, a 25 mm Pall ring has a characteristic size of 25 mm.
Irregular media, such as stone or shale, should be sieved and the media size developed either as a
single size, if all the media is retained on a single sieve, or as a mass-weighted average if the media is
collected on several sieves. The packing superficial area is usually quoted by the supplier or
manufacture for plastic media, and can be estimated from the table in the Process Model Descriptions
Manual. The effective specific surface area is also known as the wetted specific surface area. The
Process Model Descriptions Manual gives wetting rates at which the effective surface area can be
taken as the specific surface area. For wetting rates below the 'complete wetting' value the effective
specific surface area should be less than the superficial specific area – we suggest that you derate the
area in ratio of the wetting rate to the 'complete wetting' rate.
The liquid depth in each stage is the depth of liquid above the biofilm. This can be estimated using the
methods given in the Process Model Descriptions Manual.
Biomass density: Density of the biofilm
The mass transfer rate is calculated for a smooth surface. The roughness of a biofilm increases the
available surface area, leading to an enhancement in the mass transfer rate. Values are difficult to
measure but are typically within the range 1-10.
BOD diffusivity
NH3 diffusivity
NO3 diffusivity
O2 diffusivity
Organic nitrogen diffusivity
The diffusivity measured at 150C. There is no defined value for BOD. The default value in STOAT is
that for glucose. Similarly, there is no defined value for organic nitrogen. The default value in STOAT
is that for ammonia. The remaining values have been taken from the chemical engineering literature.
The diffusivity of BOD, ammonia, etc., in a biofilm is less than that in water. You can specify the
expected reduction. The value for the reducing factor is typically within the range 1 (no reduction) to
0.4 (a very compact biofilm).
The saturated dissolved oxygen concentration, compared to tap water and expressed as a ratio.
Solids loss is modelled as a function of biofilm thickness and growth rate. This approach means that a
thick film can develop during winter, and may be lost rapidly as the temperature (growth rate)
increases. The value for this parameter will affect the performance of the biofilm, and must be treated
as a calibration issue.
Attachment coefficient
The rate at which solids attach to the biofilm. This parameter affects the effluent quality and must be
treated as a calibration issue.
The humus tank model has a simple steady-state representation of the processes taking place in the
tank. The effect of internal mixing is ignored. You can add internal mixing to the humus tank by
placing a balancing tank before the humus tank, or by replacing the humus tank model with a primary
tank model. There are few data on how humus solids settle, so that we recommend using the empirical
relationship in this model with a balancing tank, rather than a primary settling tank.
Influent Effluent
Sludge outlet
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Surface area
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Sludge solids
95%-ile settling velocity
Surface area: This is the settling area for the humus tank. For circular tanks this area should be the
total area less the central diffuser drum.
19.4 Process Calibration
Total solids in sludge: The humus tank model calculates the sludge mass production. You must specify
the sludge solids, which is used to calculate the sludge volumetric production.
Upflow velocity for 95% removal of solids: The solids entering the humus tank are split automatically
into two fractions, settleable and nonsettleable. The settleable solids fraction comprises the biological
solids and the non-volatile solids. The settling removal is calculated from the overflow rate and the
settling velocity. The settling velocity can be estimated using the methods described in the Program
Model Descriptions guide.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Plan Area
Packing Depth
Liquid depth below packing
Liquid depth above packing
Number of stages for packed section
Air Flow
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
20.3 Name and Dimensions
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the
activated sludge and oxidation ditch processes. This model should be used when the
modelling is being carried out using BOD
IAWQ#1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. You should
use IAWQ#1 when the data is supplied as COD.
Many BAFs are supplied where there are liquid entry and exit volumes above and below the column
section containing the media. If this is the case then you can specify the depth of these entry and exit
sections. If you specify a depth of 0 you must specify that the number of stages is also 0.
Number of stages below packing: Normally either 0 or 1. If the liquid depth below the packing is 0
then the number of stages below the packing must be 0.
Number of packed stages The number of packed stages defines the hydraulic behaviour of the BAF.
The greater the number of stages the greater is the degree of plug flow within the BAF. The number of
stages is typically 4 for downflow systems with settleable media, 12 for downflow systems with
nonsettleable media and 9 for upflow systems.
Number of stages above packing Normally either 0 or 1. If the liquid depth above the packing is 0
then the number of stages above the packing is also 0.
Number of biofilm layers We suggest that you leave this at the default. The number can vary between
3 and 10.
Air flow (m³/h @ STP): The air flow entering the BAF.
The default oxygen mole fraction is set for air and should only be changed if a different gas is to be
20.5 Initial conditions
The Initial conditions for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4..2) except
for the BAF, the user must specify the temperature for each stage.
20.5.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Initial conditions for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4.3) except
for the BAF, the user must specify the temperature for each stage.
20.6 Sewage calibration data
The Sewage Calibration data for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.2).
20.6.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Sewage Calibration data for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.3)
20.7 Process calibration data
The characteristic dimension of the media is the media size as retained by a sieve. For plastic media the
characteristic size is well defined - for example, a 25 mm Pall ring has a characteristic size of 25 mm.
Irregular media, such as stone or shale, should be sieved and the media size developed either as a
single size, if all the media is retained on a single sieve, or as a mass-weighted average if the media is
collected on several sieves.
The packing superficial area is usually quoted by the supplier or manufacture for plastic media, and
can be estimated from the table in the Process Model Descriptions guide.
The packing effective specific surface area is also known as the wetted specific surface area. The
Process Model Descriptions guide gives wetting rates at which the effective surface area can be taken
as the specific surface area. For wetting rates below the 'complete wetting' value the effective specific
surface area should be less than the superficial specific area - we suggest that you derate the area in
ratio to the wetting rate to the 'complete wetting' rate.
Packing voidage:
The amount of free space available within the BAF. This is the ratio of the liquid holdup in the packed
section to the total volume of the packed section.
The mass transfer rate is calculated for a smooth surface. The roughness of a biofilm increases the
available surface area, leading to an enhancement in the mass transfer rate. This value is unknown, but
is typically within the range 1-10.
BOD diffusivity
NH3 diffusivity
NO3 diffusivity
O2 diffusivity
Organic nitrogen diffusivity
The diffusivity measured at 150C. There is no defined value for BOD. The default value in STOAT is
that for glucose. Similarly, there is no defined value for organic nitrogen. The default value in STOAT
is that for ammonia. The remaining values have been taken from the chemical engineering literature.
The diffusivity of BOD, ammonia, etc, in a biofilm is less than that in water. You can specify the
expected reduction. The value for the reducing factor is typically within the range 1 (no reduction) to
0.4 (a very compact biofilm).
Solids loss is modelled as a function of biofilm thickness and growth rate. This approach means that a
thick film can develop during winter, and may be lost rapidly as the temperature (growth rate)
increases. The value for this parameter will affect the performance of the biofilm, and must be treated
as a calibration issue.
Attachment coefficient
The rate at which solids attach to the biofilm. This parameter affects the effluent quality and must be
treated as a calibration issue.
These parameters affect the loss of solids from the biofilm caused by external shear, rather than
internal solids loss. The values for these parameters must be considered to be a calibration issue.
This model must be used in conjunction with the Oxygenator model (Section 22).
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Plan Area
Packed Depth
Total Liquid depth
Column diameter
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
21.3 Name and Dimensions
WRc: This is a BOD-based model and is identical to model ASAL3A/OXID3 from the
activated sludge and oxidation ditch processes. this model should be used when the
modelling is being carried out using BOD.
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. You should
use IAWQ#1 when the data is supplied as COD.
Packed depth: The depth of the packed bed when there is no flow in the fluidised bed.
The total liquid depth in the bed. If the liquid depth and packed depth are the same then the fluidised
bed will behave like a BAF.
Column diameter: The hydraulic diameter, if the fluidised bed is not a column.
We recommend leaving this at the default. The value can range from 3 to 10.
21.4 Initial conditions
The Initial conditions for the BFB are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4.2) except
that for the BFB, the user must specify the temperature for each layer.
21.4.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Initial conditions for the BFB are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4.3) except
that for the BFB, the user must specify the temperature for each layer.
21.5 Sewage calibration data
The Sewage Calibration data for the BFB are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.2).
21.5.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Sewage Calibration data for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.3).
21.6 Process calibration data
The Process Calibration data for the BFB are identical to those for the BAF (Section 20.7) except the
user must set the Particle Density.
The oxygenator is used with the fluidised bed model (Section 21), to aerate the sidestream that is
commonly used with fluidised beds.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Operating Pressure
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Beta factor
There are two oxygenator models - a steady-state model and a dynamic model. Because oxygenators
are commonly designed as high aeration rate devices the use of the steady-state model will provide
acceptable accuracy.
Operating pressure:
The pressure within the oxygenator. The default is 1 atm. An oxygenator would usually be operated at
a higher pressure than this. No allowance for a reduction through the water vapour pressure is made.
Beta factor:
The beta factor is also used to include the effect of operating with oxygen-enriched systems. If pure
oxygen is used then specify a beta factor of 5.
22.5 Initial conditions
Specify the initial conditions for the start of a simulation. These are normally left at the defaults and the
model run for long enough to reach dynamic equilibrium.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Number of stages
Disc diameter
Disc area
Disc submergence
Trough volume
Trough surface area
Number of discs per stages
Rotational speed
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
23.3 Name and Dimensions
IAWQ #1: This is the international standard COD-based activated sludge model. You
should use IAWQ #1 when the data is supplied as COD.
Number of stages:
The RBC can comprise several compartments within one trough. If this is the case then set the number
of stages to be the number of compartments. Otherwise leave it as the default value of 1.
Disc diameter
Disc area:
This is the available area of one side of a disc. Simple discs will have an area of πr². More complex
discs have corrugated or similar surfaces, and the disc area will therefore be higher than for a simple
Disc submergence:
The disc submergence is defined as the submergence depth divided by the disc diameter. Some
definitions of submergence are based on area. If this is the case then you must calculate the
submergence depth and then the percentage submergence.
Trough volume
Trough surface area:
Rotational speed: The speed at which the discs are rotated. The rotational speed is usually 1-3 rpm.
23.5 Initial conditions
The Initial conditions for the RBC are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4.2) except
for the RBC, the user must specify the temperature for each stage.
23.5.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Initial conditions for the RBC are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.4.3) except
for the RBC, the user must specify the temperature for each stage.
23.6 Sewage calibration data
The Sewage Calibration data for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.2).
23.6.2 IAWQ#1 model
The Sewage Calibration data for the BAF are identical to those for the Trickling Filter (Section 18.5.3).
23.7 Process calibration data
All the data required are available in Section 20.7 except for those described below.
The submerged biological contactor (SBC) differs from the more conventional rotating biological
contactor (RBC) because the discs are more deeply immersed in the bulk liquid and the bulk liquid is
also aerated.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Number of stages
Disc diameter
Disc area
Disc submergence
Trough volume
Trough surfacea Area
Number of discs per stage
Rotational speed
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
24.3 Name and Dimensions
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.3).
Rotational speed: The speed at which the discs are rotated. The rotational speed is usually 1-3 rpm.
24.5 Initial conditions
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.5.1).
24.5.2 IAWQ#1 model
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.5.2).
24.6 Sewage calibration data
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.6.1).
24.6.2 COD model
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.6.2).
24.7 Process calibration data
These parameters are identical to those used to specify the RBC (Section 23.7).
STOAT has two models for mesophilic anaerobic digestion. The first model, MAD1, represents
digestion as a first-order decay in biodegradable volatile solids. The second anaerobic digestion model,
MAD2, is a multiple bacterial species model using Monod kinetics. Because the two models have
different structures, when you select the anaerobic digester you are first asked to choose which model
you want. If you wish later to change the model you must delete the existing anaerobic digester and
replace it with a new digester before selecting the other model.
Sludge volume
Gas volume (model MAD2 only)
Initial conditions for the biomass (model MAD2 only)
The following form is the first menu you will see when you select the anaerobic digester. You will
only see this when taking a digester model from the process toolbox to the drawing board. There are
currently two models. The first model treats sludge digestion as a first-order removal of biodegradable
volatile solids, while the second model is a more detailed representation of the processes taking place
in anaerobic digestion. We recommend the use of the first model for all users who are unfamiliar with
the detailed biological processes taking place in anaerobic digestion. If the initial conditions for
MAD2 are not correctly set up the digester conditions can rapidly become acidic, and the simulation
speed will become exceedingly slow; STOAT may even stop, with an error message to the effect that
either the minimum step size is insufficient or that the integration tolerance cannot be met. Increasing
the concentration of ammonium, calcium or sodium within the digester may help. This problem is not
restricted to the STOAT model: we have observed it in a range of anaerobic digestion models where
pH buffer calculations are used. When you have a works simulation proceeding with model 1, and if
you need the extra detail provided by model 2, we then recommend proceeding to use model 2, and
that model 2 be used initially separately from the flowsheet.
Having selected which digester model you wish to use you can now use the model and set its
Sludge volume: This is the working volume. This digester assumes constant sludge volume.
Volatile solids degradation rate: This model assumes first-order decay, so that the degradation rate is
given by d BVS/dt = -k BVS, where BVS is the concentration of biodegradable volatile solids (mg/l)
and k is the degradation route (units of /h). If in a batch test X% of the biodegradable volatile solids
was removed over T days, the degradation rate k would be given by k = – ln(1 – X/100) / (24 x T).
Fraction of volatile solids that are biodegradable: Not all the volatile solids are degradable. The ratio
between degradable and nondegradable volatile solids can be measured from a digestion test, where the
nondegradable solids are the volatile solids left when no further methane is being produced. The
degradable:nondegradable ratio can also be estimated from the rate at which methane is produced,
using regression methods to calculate the degradable solids and the degradation rate.
The initial conditions within the digester can be specified as the concentrations expected in the sludge
at the start of the digestion. When continuing from a previous run the initial conditions will be
automatically set up to be the conditions at the end of the previous run.
Sludge Volume: This is the working sludge volume. The digester model assumes constant-volume
Gas Volume: This is the gas volume above the sludge in the digester. The gas volume must be greater
than zero – even floating roof digesters have some gas volume within the roof dome.
25.8 Model No. 2 Sewage Characterisation
The bacteria within the digester are made up of five groups. The digester can be seeded if the sludge
entering the digester has a viable heterotrophic population, by assuming that a small fraction of the
heterotrophic bacteria can be associated with the anaerobic bacteria. The fractions are typically small.
Fraction of volatile solids that are biodegradable: Not all the volatile solids are biodegradable. A
typical value is around 50%. You can estimate the degradable fraction from laboratory digestion tests,
as described in the Process Model Descriptions manual.
25.9 Operation
The ‘Operation’ menu requests the concentrations of ionic species within the digester. The labels are
Sodium, calcium and chloride, but they should be treated as asking for:
Sodium: charge equivalent of univalent cations, expressed as mg/l of sodium.
Calcium: charge equivalent of bivalent cations, expressed as mg/l of calcium.
Chloride: charge equivalent of anions, expressed as mg/l of chloride.
In specifying these charges you should not include ammonium, carbonate or hydrogen carbonate, as
these are calculated within STOAT.
As an example, if you had 200 mg/l of potassium present in the sludge you would have 200/39 mM of
positive charge; this is equivalent to an additional 200 x 23/39 mg/l (= 120 mg/l) of sodium ions, and
so you would add this 120 mg/l to the concentration of sodium. If you wish to investigate the effect of
adding calcium hydroxide (or any other pH buffer control salt) during the course of a simulation you
may do so using the ‘Change at time’ field. You should note that this concentration is kept constant, so
that wash-out of ionic species, other than ammonium, is not included in this model.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
conditions. This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours and reported the results; at
10 hours the change was made, but this change did not get reported until the next reporting time. This
is problem with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results,
because STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take
place until 11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting
the results of STOAT output.
The initial conditions within the digester must be specified. It is important to specify non-zero values
for the bacterial concentrations. Your initial conditions affect the start of the simulation, but after a few
days of simulation time the initial conditions will no longer affect the simulation predictions.
Surface area
Air flow rate
Operating methods
Biomass concentration in the initial conditions for the TAD tank
Pump power
Fill and drain volume, inlet and outlet pumping rates, and minimum interval between feeds if 'DoE'
options have been chosen.
TAD fraction
Ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen
Initial conditions
Inlet gas composition
Oxygen dissolution
Oxygenation efficiency
Electrical thermal efficiency
Insulation heat transfer coefficient
Inlet and outlet gas relative humidity
26.3 Name and Dimensions
Surface area: The total external surface area, including top and bottom. For a cylindrical tank the
surface area is 2 π R (R + H), while for a rectangular tank the surface area is 2 (L W + L H + W H).
Fill volume
Drain volume
Inlet pumping rate
Outlet pumping rate
Minimum interval between feeds
These options apply only if the feeding regime has been specified to be DoE requirements
(Section 26.6). Under these conditions sludge is taken from the holding tank, during permitted feeding
times, at the rate specified by the inlet pumping rate, and discharged into the TAD tank until the
volume in the tank reaches the specified fill volume. At this point further feeding ceases.
Before a feed the tank is first drained, from its current volume down to the specified drain volume. The
rate at which the contents are discharged is set by the outlet pumping rate.
The minimum period between feeds is set by specifying the interval. This would be a day for most
large works, extending up to a week at smaller works. Sludge is not permitted to enter or leave the tank
until the sludge has been exposed to a temperature of 55°C or greater for a continuous period of
4 hours or more.
Air flow rate: You specify the rate at which air (or whatever gas you choose to use to provide oxygen)
enters the tank. This flowrate is then held constant, unless you program a change in the 'Change' field.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
conditions. This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours and reported the results; at
10 hours the change was made, but this change did not get reported until the next reporting time. This
is problem with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results,
because STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take
place until 11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting
the results of STOAT output.
Growth rate pre-exponential factor
Growth rate Arrhenius factor
Enzyme decay pre-exponential factor
Enzyme decay Arrhenius factor
These are kinetic coefficients describing the change in biomass growth rate as a function of
temperature. Do not change these unless you have experimental data to calibrate the model.
These are kinetic coefficients describing the change in biomass death rate as a function of temperature.
Do not change these unless you have experimental data for calibration.
Ratio of carbon dioxide to oxygen: The default value assumes that one mole of oxygen (32 g)
produces one mole of carbon dioxide (44 g), so that the ratio is 44/32 = 1.375. Some of the carbon
dioxide produced may stay in solution in the sludge, in which case the carbon dioxide in the exit gas
does not replace the oxygen consumed on a 1:1 molar ratio. If this is the case you can adjust the mass
ratio to reflect this. This change will affect the energy balance on the digester, but the change is not
usually significant unless the digester is being operated as the first stage of a two-stage digester.
TAD fraction: A fraction of the heterotrophic bacteria in the entering sludge can be assigned to be
thermophilic bacteria. This fraction is normally small.
Heat of reaction: The heat of reaction used in STOAT is an average value for the oxidation of organic
material. If you are digesting a single identified substrate you can use the known heat of oxidation for
that material. Because the heat of reaction, expressed as J/kg of oxygen consumed, does not vary much
across a wide range of compounds, we recommend that you do not adjust the default value.
26.6 Process Calibration
Feed method: The digester can be fed with sludge either 'Continuously' or in accordance with UK
'DoE requirements.' The UK Department of the Environment has specified that TAD must be operated
with an average sludge retention time of 7 days of greater and that no sludge may be added or removed
until all the sludge in the digester has been exposed to a temperature of 55°C or greater for a
continuous period of 4 hours or more. If you select 'DoE' then a holding tank is automatically added to
the STOAT flowsheet, but not displayed. This holding tank collects the sludge that would enter the
TAD, and pumps it to the TAD tank during the permitted feeding times.
Discharge method: The digester can be emptied 'Continuously', Overflow or in accordance with UK
'DoE requirements.' Continuously sets the sludge outflow to the inflow less the water that has been
evaporated. Overflow only allows sludge to flow out of the tank when the sludge volume exceeds the
specified overflow volume; the flow out is then set to the inflow less evaporation. DoE operates in
accordance with UK Department of Environment regulations, described under Feed Method..
Pump power: TAD tanks are commonly aerated by venturi systems where a pump is used to pump
sludge through the venturi, and in the venturi air is entrained into the sludge. The electrical power of
the pump should be specified. If an alternative method of aeration is used, such as the Fuchs self-
entraining mixer, then the 'pump power' should be the motor power of the mixer.
The gas used to provide oxygen to the digester is normally air, with a composition of 79% nitrogen,
21% oxygen, and 0% carbon dioxide. Some TAD digesters are operated with oxygen-enriched air or
pure oxygen, while others use a bleed on the digester offgas to recirculate some of the offgas into the
fresh air. For the oxygen-enriched systems the oxygen content will be greater than 21%, while the
offgas bleed systems will have carbon dioxide greater than 0% and oxygen less than 21%. Offgas bleed
systems are restricted to the Swiss UTB Aerotherm designs.
% of O2that can be dissolved: The maximum oxygen that can be used in the incoming digester gas is
typically 70-90%. This figure is not normally reached, because the oxygen demand of a stabilised
sludge is low. The maximum figure is normally limiting when TAD is used as the first-stage of a two-
stage digester, or when the digester is being started up with fresh sludge – for example, when the
digester is being operated with sludge batches, rather than continuously.
Oxygenation efficiency: The oxygen transfer efficiency is the kilograms of oxygen that can be
dissolved per kWh of electricity consumed. The efficiency is in the range 1.5-2.5 for self-entraining
venturi aeration systems, 2.0-4.0 for blower-assisted venturi aeration systems, and 2.0-3.0 for self-
entraining mixers.
Thermal electrical efficiency: Pumps and mixers convert electrical energy into pressure and kinetic
energy. This pressure is subsequently lost through friction and reappears as heat. The thermal electrical
efficiency is a measure of the extent to which electrical energy is ultimately converted into heat that is
available to the digester. If the electric motor is submerged within the sludge then the efficiency is
100%. For the more common systems where the electric motors are above the sludge, or outside the
digester, the efficiency is in the range 70-80%.
Insulation U-value: The U-value is a measure of the rate of heat loss through insulating surfaces. For
most TAD digesters the value is around 2 W/m2°C. Where there is no insulation the value may be as
high as 5-10 W/m2°C. Digesters can be claimed to have values as low as 1 W/m2°C but this is usually a
design value, which is subsequently not attained because of water leakage or gaps in the insulation
The inlet gas relative humidity should be that of the ambient air, or the oxygen-enriched gas being used
as feed. A value of 50% is commonly used. The outlet gas humidity is normally chosen as 100%,
because the outlet gas is saturated with water vapour. The absolute humidity of air at 10-20°C is low,
so that the inlet humidity does not have a large effect on the digester heat balance.
The following determinands can be specified as initial conditions in the digester tank. These initial
conditions are duplicated, and can be specified, for the holding tank. The holding tank is only used if
you have specified that the feedingmethod, as distinct from the discharge method, should conform with
the UK DoE requirements. If you are operating with the feed regime as 'Continuous' then you must
specify the sludge volume within the digester; leaving this value as zero will mean that the sludge is
never treated.
Determinands to be specified:
Volatile solids
Non-volatile solids
The parameters listed above should also be specified for the holding tank if you have chosen to use the
'DoE requirements' option for feeding the digester. You do not need to specify holding tank conditions
for any of the other options.
Of the TAD tank initial conditions the only vital condition is the biomass, which should be greater than
zero. We suggest a value of 100 mg/l. For the other determinands we suggest initial conditions should
be those of the untreated sludge. The effect of the initial conditions will last for about 3 days in the
If you have specified DoE conditions for either the feed or discharge then you also set the following
Time since the last feed: This is relative to the elapsed time. If you are starting with an elapsed time of
zero then the time since last feed will be a negative number.
Time since 55°C reached: This is relative to the elapsed time. If you are starting with an elapsed time
of zero then the time since 55°C reached will be a negative number.
DoE Status: If you are operating under a DoE regime then you should specify if the simulation is
starting with the digester currently being filled, emptied, or neither of these. If the tank conditions
clearly do not comply with the requirements for a fill or feed then the tank conditions will over-ride
your setting.
Return Liquor
Dewatered Sludge
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
%TS in cake
% Recovery of solids
Ferric chloride
Ferrous Chloride
27.4 Model Calibration (Process Unit)
%TS in cake:
% Recovery of solids:
These define the % total solids in the cake and the % of solids entering the dewatering plant which are
removed in the cake.
Ferric chloride
Ferrous chloride
The dose rates for each of the chemicals added are set here.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Number of stages
The parameters that may be specified by the user or left at the default values are:
Model: You can select the steady-state or dynamic model. For many conditions the heat transfer rate is
sufficiently rapid to allow use of the steady-state approximation, resulting in benefit in simulation time.
Number of sections: Determines the degree of plug-flow in the heat exchanger. Typical values will be
within the range 6-12.
U-value is the heat transfer coefficient. This value depends on the nature of the flow within the heat
exchanger, and also the type of heat exchanger that you are using. For sewage and sludge treatment the
most common heat exchangers are spiral and double tube exchangers. U-value data and correlations
can be found in Coulson and Richardson, Chemical Engineering Volume 1 and the Institution of
Chemical Engineers monograph on process heat transfer. The values are typically within the range 50-
300 W/m²K. (This is the range given in Coulson and Richardson for shell and tube heat exchangers,
with heavy oil on both sides. With water on both sides the range is 900-1700.)
Volume holdup for stream 1:is used only with the dynamic model. This is the sludge holdup on the
shell side. You can determine which stream is the shell-side stream by looking at connectivity or the
labels on the heat exchanger inlet.
Volume holdup for stream 2 is used only with the dynamic model. This is the sludge holdup on the
tube side. You can determine which stream is the tube-side stream by looking at connectivity or the
labels on the heat exchanger inlet.
28.5 Initial conditions
Initial Conditions You can normally leave these values at the defaults and leave STOAT to calculate
the required values. This will take three hydraulic retention times. We recommend always setting the
initial volume to be at least the minimum storage volume.
Gas influent
Gas effluent
Sludge influent
Sludge effluent
Number of stages
Surface area
Sludge holdup
Gas holdup
CSA for gas flow
Hydraulic diameter for gas flow
Number of stages: This determines the degree of plug-flow within the sludge drier. Normally this
should be a value within the range 6-12.
29.4 Operational data
Pressure The operating pressure affects the temperature of the sludge and the point at which drying
will take place. The model assumes that until the temperature reaches the boiling point of water (which
is affected by pressure) no water is lost from the sludge.
29.5 Initial conditions
Specify the initial conditions for the start of a simulation. These are normally left at the defaults and the
model run for long enough to reach dynamic equilibrium.
29.6 Process calibration data
Surface area:
This is the surface area between the sludge and the gas flowing over the sludge. As an approximation it
can be taken to be the surface area of the flights (for a screw conveyor drier) or the moving bed (for a
moving bed drier).
Sludge holdup:
Gas holdup The difference between the total volume of the drier and the sludge holdup.
CSA for gas flow The cross-sectional area for gas flow can be approximated as the cross-sectional area
of the drier less the area taken up by the internals within the drier.
Hydraulic diameter for gas flow The hydraulic diameter is the ratio of the cross-sectional area for flow
divided by the cross-sectional length of all solid surfaces. If there is a screw flight within the drier then
the cross-sectional length will be the perimeter of the drier plus twice the depth of the flight blades.
Gas Generated
Sludge In
Sludge Out
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Number of stages
Oil Temperature
Steam Pressure
Mass Flow of Heating Medium
Surface Area
Sludge Holdup
Oil holdup
Heating Medium
Oil Specific Heat
Oil Density
Number of stages: This determines the degree of plug-flow within the sludge drier. Normally this
should be a value within the range 6-12.
30.4 Operational data
Pressure The operating pressure affects the temperature of the sludge and the point at which drying
will take place. The model assumes that until the temperature reaches the boiling point of water (which
is affected by pressure) no water is lost from the sludge.
Oil temperature: If oil is used as the heating medium then specify the oil temperature. If steam is used
as the heating medium then ignore this.
Steam pressure: If steam is used as the heating medium then specify the steam pressure. Any superheat
on the steam is ignored.
Mass flow of heating medium: Flow of oil or gas, whichever is being used as the heating medium.
30.5 Initial conditions
Specify the initial conditions for the start of a simulation. This is normally left at the defaults and the
model ran for long enough to reach dynamic equilibrium.
The heat transfer coefficient. For drying the U-value is typically within the range 60-300 W/m2.°C.
Surface area:
This is the heat transfer area of the sludge drier . As an approximation it can be taken to be the surface
area of the flights (for a screw conveyor drier) or the moving bed (for a moving bed drier).
Sludge holdup:
Oil holdup:
Gas Out
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Fuel mass flow: Specify 0 if no external fuel is being used.
Ambient temperature: The external air temperature, used to calculate heat loss to the surroundings.
The default is to assume that 1 g of COD consumes 1 g of oxygen and therefore releases 1.375 g of
CO2. You can reduce this figure to reflect your knowledge of the combustion process. The oxygen
deficit is not handled as water.
31.6 Process calibration data
Carbon in fuel
Hydrogen in fuel
Oxygen in fuel
Nitrogen in fuel
Sulphur in fuel:
These specify the composition of the fuel and are only required if supplementary fuel such as oil is
used. If the supplementary fuel is methane then these values will be supplied within STOAT and any
values that you enter will be ignored. The defaults as based on No. 2 Fuel Oil.
Ash lost as fly ash: This is the percentage of ash that is lost by passing out of the stack.
Cooling pipes are used for fluidised bed incinerators. They are not used for multiple hearth
incinerators. If they are not used then set the area to zero. Typical U-values are 30-300 W/m2.oC.
The chemical disinfection model assumes that disinfectant is added as a liquid stream at a specified
concentration. Many disinfection systems are likely to operate with gas streams and so it is necessary
to make appropriate conversions. The default kinetics within STOAT are for ozone, and would need to
be changed to model chlorination or any other chemical disinfection process.
The disinfection kinetics are such that disinfection is a high rate process, over within minutes.
Therefore when used within STOAT these rapid kinetics lead to slow computing speed. Wherever
possible, we recommend that disinfection be modelled separately from the main flowsheet.
Operational conditions
Number of stages
Kinetics - we recommend that the kinetics be calibrated from laboratory test work, rather than by
adjusting parameters to fit measured data.
Initial conditions
32.3 Name and Dimensions
There are two basic models for disinfection and each is available in three versions giving a total of six
models. The first version of each model includes the determinands supported in the second release of
STOAT. The second version is identical to the first except that it also supports the determinands added
for the third release of STOAT. It should be noted that the second version of each model is labelled
version 3. The third version of each model is a steady-state model.
The first model (First order) assumes Nth order disinfection kinetics. The second model (Exposure
time) assumes that the resistance to disinfection increases with the contact time and that the kinetics
vary between zero and Nth order, depending on the disinfectant concentration and the contact time.
These two models were both found to represent the results from a single disinfection trial2. The default
kinetics for both models were taken from this disinfection trial and should be treated with caution when
applied for other sites.
The disinfection models within STOAT always run slowly because disinfection is such a rapid process.
The rapidity of the disinfection process means that the assumption of steady-state is often reasonable.
Therefore, the user should start with one of the steady-state models which will be faster within
Number of stages: The number of stages determines the internal degree of mixing of the disinfection
tank. A value of 1 implies that the contact tank behaves as a single well-mixed tank, while values in
excess of 6 imply that near-plug flow is being provided. Disinfection contact tanks are normally
designed to provide plug-flow conditions.
The rate equations for this model have been taken from H Zhou and DW Smith, 1994, “Kinetics of
Ozone Disinfection in Completely Mixed System”, Journal of Environmental Engineering 120(4) 841-
32.4 Sewage Characterisation
Disinfection rate The rate at which bacteria (assumed to be E Coli) are removed. The disinfection rate
at a given temperature is calculated using an Arrhenius equation based on this parameter, the activation
temperature, and the sewage temperature.
Activation temperature This is the Arrhenius activation energy divided by the gas constant and should
have the units of temperature in degrees Kelvin.
Saturation constant This parameter only applies when using model DISIN2. This parameter is
specified at its value for 0 degrees Celsius. The saturation coefficient controls the point at which the
disinfection reaction is assumed to become zeroth order in disinfectant concentration.
Saturation constant temperature slope This parameter only applies when using model DISIN2. It is
used to calculate the saturation constant at a given temperature.
Disinfection exponent N This specifies the disinfection reaction order. It is normally greater than 1.0.
Disinfection stoichiometry mg BOD removed per mg of disinfectant removed. The default oxidation
kinetics in STOAT are that there is no oxidation. This reflects a lack of published data looking at this
aspect of disinfection.
The rate of removal of disinfectant through reaction with BOD is set by these parameters, which are
used to define an Arrhenius equation for BOD-disinfectant reaction. At present there are no known
data about this and the reaction has been assigned a default of zero - no reaction.
32.5 Operational Data
Disinfectant flowrate
Disinfectant concentration
The mass addition of disinfectant is divided into a concentration and a flowrate, both assumed to be
liquid operations.
We recommend that the initial conditions are calculated by STOAT. You should allow at least three
retention times when first starting a simulation from the STOAT defaults before the output from the
disinfectant models should be considered as reliable.
The PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller is one of the most common controller types
found in the world. STOAT allows you to model digital and continuous versions of this controller, and
to specify the controller in either a simple or complex form.
There are no physical connections, because the controller can be used to measure data anywhere within
the works. We recommend that the controller be placed close to the point where you wish to use it. See
the section on Connectivityfor information on how to specify the measurement and control points.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
PID Model
Process calibration parameters
There are four PID algorithms. These are Discrete 1, Discrete 2, Continuous 1and Continuous 2.
The discrete controllers should be used to model digital controllers and require that you specify a
sampling interval, while the continuous controllers model analogue controllers.
Models Discrete 1 and Continuous 1 require that you specify the basic information for a controller,
while Discrete 2 and Continuous 2 give you the ability to model some of the nonlinearities found in
real control systems.
Where you have interacting controllers stability may be enhanced by using a discrete controller in
preference to a continuous one. If the output of one controller is used as the input to another you must
note that the order in which STOAT will follow the logic is dictated by which one has a lower creation
number. Normally the creation number follows the order that you create controllers. If you delete a
controller and then save and reload the works the deleted controller creates a vacant slot that can be
filled by any subsequently created controllers - and under this condition will have a lower creation
number. STOAT's recycle loop logic will not check that two controllers that depend on each other have
fully updated each other.
33.4 Connectivity
Unlike most processes, where Connectivity gives you the names of streams entering and leaving a
process, the PID controller (and the instrument probe and ladder logic controller) use Connectivity to
define what you are measuring (and for the controllers, controlling).
This defines what parameter you wish to control. If you wish to control the filter dosing rate, you
would choose as your input the stream feeding the filter as the Name and Flowrate as the
You can select measurements in Processes or Streams. You then need to specify the Name of the
process or stream - you will find it useful to have given meaningful names to those processes or
streams that you wish to use in modelling control schemes.
If you have selected to take measurements from a process, and this process has more than one stage,
then you have the option to specify which stage the measurement will be taken from.
Finally, you can select the determinand that you wish to measure. These vary according to the stream
or process.
This defines what you adjust to control the determinand in the Input. If you wish to control the flowrate
onto a filter you could adjust an overflow rate from an overflow process. You would therefore choose
Overflow1 as your Name and Overflow Rate as your Determinand.
You may select a stream or a process for output. The only streams that you can control are influent
streams, including rainfall. This allows you to simulate having dosing streams that are controlled by the
state of a process or a stream within the works. Like the inputs, you select the stream or process by
name, and the stage if that is appropriate, and finally the control parameter.
The activated sludge process allows you to control the flowrate of internal MLSS recycles. You are
given this option whether you have defined such a recycle or not. You must exercise appropriate
restraint in setting what you wish to control. If you have more than one recycle leaving a stage then
you can only set the flowrate for the first recycle.
The activated sludge, oxidation ditch and sequencing batch reactors can, for some model variants,
support complex aeration control schemes. You must remember what you have specified for each stage
and set aeration parameters accordingly.
Discrete 1/Continuous 1
Mode: Disabled
Proportional-Integral: the output is proportional to the error and the time integral of the error. We
recommend that you normally use this mode.
PID: the output is proportional to the error, the time integral of the error and the time derivative of the
error. The derivative term is calculated by numerical differencing. This may cause problems. In
general the use of the derivative term is not recommended. This applies to the use of PID control in
wastewater generally, not specifically to STOAT.
If the output should increase with an increasing positive error then the action is positive, otherwise it is
negative. The error is defined as the setpoint minus the actual value. For dissolved oxygen control, this
means that if the DO is less than the setpoint the error is positive and to reduce the error we need to
increase the aeration intensity (KLa). Therefore the action is positive. For mixed liquor solids control, if
the MLSS is less than the setpoint then the error is positive and to reduce the error we need to decrease
the sludge wastage. Therefore the action is negative.
Sampling interval:
This is required only when using the discrete controller. The sampling interval defines when the
controller action is next updated.
Proportional gain
Integral time
Derivative time
The gain, integral time and derivative time are all parameters that need to be set knowing the
characteristics of the system to be controlled. Setting these values we recommend that you consult a
textbook on classical control theory. Suitable books are referenced in Section 30 of the Process Model
Descriptions Manual.
Maximum output
Minimum output
The maximum and minimum outputs are used to bound the control action that can be produced. Most
output will have a lower bound of at least zero, and many will have a positive lower bound e.g. if you
wish to adjust a recycle, the maximum output would be the maximum flow of that pump.
Discrete 2/Continuous 2
Mode Disabled.
Proportional-Integral: the output is proportional to the error and the time integral of
the error. We recommend that you normally use this mode.
PID: the output is proportional to the error, the time integral of the error and the time
derivative of the error.
If the output should increase with an increasing positive error then the action is positive, otherwise it is
negative. The error is defined as the setpoint minus the actual value. For dissolved oxygen control, this
means that if the DO is less than the setpoint the error is positive and to reduce the error we need to
increase the aeration intensity (KLa). Therefore the action is positive. For mixed liquor solids control, if
the MLSS is less than the setpoint then the error is positive and to reduce the error we need to decrease
the sludge wastage. Therefore the action is negative.
Sampling interval This is required only when using the discrete controller. The sampling interval
defines when the controller action is next updated.
Proportional gain
Integral time
Derivative time
The gain, integral time and derivative time are all parameters that need to be set knowing the
characteristics of the system to be controlled. Setting these values we recommend that you consult a
textbook on classical control theory. Suitable books are referenced in Section 30 of the Process
Descriptions Manual.
Maximum output
Minimum output
The maximum and minimum outputs are used to bound the control action that can be produced. Most
output will have a lower bound of at least zero, and many will have a positive lower bound.
Positive hysteresis
Negative hysteresis
The positive and negative hysteresis specify the amount by which the computed control output must
exceed the current output before the control action is realised. The positive hysteresis is used when the
computed output is greater than the current output, and the negative hysteresis when the computed
output is less than the current output.
Instrument zero
Instrument top
The instrument zero and top are used to specify values which will limit the input variable. This can be
used to represent saturation in a meter, or the effect of an instrument calibrated so that the output signal
represents only a small span of the full meter measuring range.
The positive and negative hystereses specify the amount by which the input signal must exceed the
previous value before the change is acted upon. The positive hysteresis is used when the input signal is
greater than the previous value, and the negative hysteresis when the input signal is less than the
previous value. The previous value is only updated when the hysteresis requirements permit such a
Output offset
Many controllers have an output that is to be produced at zero error - this is especially common for
proportional controllers.
You can specify the integral error, used in calculating the output.
The ladder logic controller supports multiple inputs, with the output decided by a series of IF
statements. The first true condition is evaluated and used as the output from the controller. If no
condition is true then the output is the last output from the controller.
There are no physical connections, because the controller can be used to measure data anywhere within
the works. We recommend that the controller be placed close to the point where you wish to use it. See
the section on Connectivity for information on how to specify the measurement and control points.
The model parameters that must be specified by the user for each model are:
Operational data
The Discrete model requires that you specify a sampling interval and the controller logic and output
are updated at the times specified by the sampling interval. The Continuous model provides a
continuous output.
Where you have interacting controllers stability may be enhanced by using a discrete controller in
preference to a continuous one. If the output of one controller is used as the input to another you must
note that the order in which STOAT will follow the logic is dictated by which one has a lower creation
number. Normally the creation number follows the order that you create controllers. If you delete a
controller and then save and reload the works the deleted controller creates a vacant slot that can be
filled by any subsequently created controllers - and under this condition will have a lower creation
number. STOAT's recycle loop logic will not check that two controllers that depend on each other have
fully updated each other.
34.4 Connectivity
Unlike most processes, where Connectivity gives you the names of streams entering and leaving a
process, the ladder logic controller (and the instrument probe and PID controller) use Connectivity to
define what you are measuring (and for the controllers, controlling).
You can specify between 0 and 5 inputs. Each input can be taken from a stream or a process. Select the
Variable you wish to define. You must remember how you have associated a variable number with
your measurements, as the Operation menu asks for variables to be specified by their ID number, not
by their full name.
You can select measurements in Processes or Streams. You then need to specify the Name of the
process or stream - you will find it useful to have given meaningful names to those processes or
streams that you wish to use in modelling control schemes.
If you have selected to take measurements from a process, and this process has more than one stage,
then you have the option to specify which stage the measurement will be taken from.
Finally, you can select the determinand that you wish to measure. These vary according to the stream
or process.
You may select a stream or a process for output. The only streams that you can control are influent
streams, including rainfall. This allows you to simulate having dosing streams that are controlled by the
state of a process or a stream within the works. Like the inputs, you select the stream or process by
name, and the stage if that is appropriate, and finally the control parameter.
The activated sludge process allows you to control the flowrate of internal MLSS recycles. You are
given this option whether you have defined such a recycle or not. You must exercise appropriate
restraint in setting what you wish to control. If you have more than one recycle leaving a stage then
you can only set the flowrate for the first recycle.
The activated sludge, oxidation ditch and sequencing batch reactors can, for some model variants,
support complex aeration control schemes. You must remember what you have specified for each stage
and set aeration parameters accordingly.
If you have specified a discrete controller you must specify the sampling interval.
The operational data allows you to set a series of conditions on the variables. The first condition that is
true will define the output from the controller. Each test is of the form
It is important to recognise that each test is of the form > LowerBound and < UpperBound. If you wish
to set an output when a value is in the range 0 .. 10 you must specify that the lower bound is <0, for
example -1. If you set the lower bound to be 0 then should the variable have a value of 0.0 the
expected output would not occur.
The instrument probe is intended to model the effect of measuring sensors. The standard control
methods in STOAT assume that they will have access to perfect data measured immediately. If you
specify that the controller is to take its input from the instrument probe you can then introduce the
effects of the measured variable having a different value (less or more) than the true variable, or taking
longer to reach its true steady-state value. With the instrument probe you can thus use STOAT for
better investigation of the robustness of control schemes at the sewage works.
There are no physical connections, because the instrument can be used to measure data anywhere
within the works. We recommend that the instrument be placed close to the point where you wish to
use it. See the section on Connectivity for information on how to specify the measurement point.
You must specify the model and the instrument gain, integral time and damping factor (if using the
second-order model).
Model There are two models available in STOAT, First order and Second order. The Second order
model should only be used when the measuring element makes use of a mechanical element. An
example would be a liquid manometer. Most measuring devices are electrical (thermocouples) or
chemical (dissolved oxygen probes) and are best modelled as First order systems.
35.4 Connectivity
Unlike most processes, where Connectivity gives you the names of streams entering and leaving a
process, the instrument probe (and the PID and ladder logic controllers) use Connectivity to define
what you are measuring (and for the controllers, controlling).
You can select measurements in Processes or Streams. You then need to specify the Name of the
process or stream - you will find it useful to have given meaningful names to those processes or
streams that you wish to use in modelling control schemes.
If you have selected to take measurements from a process, and this process has more than one stage,
then you have the option to specify which stage the measurement will be taken from.
Finally, you can select the determinand that you wish to measure. These vary according to the stream
or process.
The Operation Data menu allows you to adjust the calibration constants for the controller. The menu
will be slightly different for first and second order sensors, as second order sensors require that you
specify a damping factor as well as a gain and a time constant. Ideally you should get the time constant
from the sensor supplier. As a rule of thumb, the time constant is the time that it will take the
instrument to get to 63% of the new value following a change, using the old value as the zero point. As
an example, suppose that a DO probe is reading 2 mg/l and has been rapidly placed in a bucket at 8
mg/l. The old value was 2 mg/l, and this acts as the zero, so the DO probe will record an increase in
DO of 6 mg/l. 63% of 6 mg/l is 3.78 mg/l, so if the time constant was 100 seconds then after
100 seconds the DO probe would read 2 + 3.78 or 5.78 mg/l.
The gain is the ratio between instrument input and output. Thus, a gain of 1.0 means that the
instrument reads true. A gain of 0.9 will produce an output that is 90% of the true input.
This Section and Sections 37, 38 and 39 are the process models that are available for using the
SIMPOL module within STOAT. SIMPOL is a simplified model of a sewer network and is discussed
in more detail in Section 33 of the Process Model Descriptions Manual.
Foul flow
Combined flow
The surface catchment has two inlets, one for sewage (foul flow) and the other for rainfall. You cannot
connect sewage to the rainfall inlet, nor rainfall to the sewage inlet. There is one outlet, the combined
sewage and runoff flow.
Impermeable area
Initial conditions: Volume - This must be greater than or equal to the dry weather hold-up
Process calibration: Dry weather hold-up
You may specify the following but you can also leave them at their default values:
You can specify the following, but commonly would leave unchanged:
36.3 Name and Dimensions
Name: A unique identifier for the catchment. You may specify a descriptive name for the catchment,
for example 'Accra East.'
Model: There are two models, Version 2 and version 3. Both models are the same except that version
two will support 23 determinands (STOAT 2) and version 3 will support all 44 determinands that are
presently in STOAT (STOAT 3).
Impermeable area: This is the paved area (including housing) within the catchment. Under the Model
Calibration (Sewage) you specify the fraction of area that is impermeable, from which the total land
area is calculated. The impermeable area must be specified in hectares, a conversion table for which is
supplied below:
= 2.4710538 acres
= 100 acres
36.4 Initial Conditions
Initial conditions must be specified for the volume. The initial volume must be greater than the dry
weather hold-up. If a simulation is started with the initial volume at zero (the default) then it is highly
likely that the simulation will fail, with the error message that the tolerance could not be met or that the
timestep required was too small.
All other initial conditions may be left at their defaults. You must allow at least three retention times
before the output from the catchment is meaningful. It is common with STOAT to carry out a short
'getting started' simulation to exceed the three retention times (which must be based on the largest
retention time within the system) before proceeding with the desired simulations.
36.5 Sewage Characterisation
Rainfall intensity for deposition The catchment is viewed as sewers that contain sewage, readily
eroded deposits (Store #1) and difficult to remove deposits (Store #2). Solids and BOD are deposited
from the sewage into the readily eroded solids whenever the rainfall is less than this parameter.
Rainfall intensity for scour of Store #1 Whenever the rainfall exceeds this parameter BOD and solids
from the readily eroded deposits can be scoured and taken up into the sewage. The readily eroded
deposits are built up through deposition and whittled down through scour. If there are no deposits then
there will be no scour.
Rainfall intensity for scour of Store #2 If the rainfall exceeds this parameter and if Store #1 has been
depleted then scour of sediments from Store #2 is permitted. The difficult to remove deposits (Store
#2) are assumed to be infinite in capacity. There is always the possibility of scour from these deposits.
Time constant for BOD build-up The rate of accumulation of deposits is defined by this time constant.
Note that the value must be entered in seconds. This is to ease data transfer between the version of
SIMPOL defined in the UPM Manual (published by the Foundation for Water Research) and the
STOAT version. If the time constant is set at (say) two hours then it will take two hours before the
sediment store is full. Once the maximum sediment storage capacity has been reached it is assumed
that turbulence within the flowing sewage will prevent further deposition.
Ratio of VS:BOD in Store #1 This parameter is used to calculate the deposition and release of volatile
solids as a simple ratio of BOD deposition and release. This should normally be the reciprocal of the
value specified in the run calibration parameters. The default there is that 1 g of volatile solids exerts a
BOD of 0.5 g, so here 2 g of VS is equivalent to 1 g of BOD. It is not essential that the ratio be the
reciprocal of the run calibration equivalent.
Ratio of NVS:BOD in Store #1 This is used to calculate the deposition or erosion of nonvolatile solids
as a simple ratio of the deposition and erosion of BOD. For many sewages the ratio of volatile solids to
nonvolatile solids is 3:1 (i.e. 75% of the solids are volatile) so that a common value for this parameter
is 1/3 of that for the VS:BOD ratio.
Erosion concentration of BOD from Store #1 During erosion the concentration at which BOD is
released is assumed to be constant. This is the concentration which is added to the sewage stream.
Erosion concentration of BOD from Store #2
Erosion concentration of VS from Store #2
Erosion concentration of NVS from Store #2
The difficult to remove deposits are assumed to be of infinite capacity and are released at the
concentrations specified by this parameter, for BOD, and the following two parameters, for volatile
and nonvolatile solids.
The flow leaving the catchment is calculated as the inflow + a rainfall addition. The rainfall addition is
calculated as A * (Volume - Dry weather hold-up)**B. Values of A = 1.0 and B = 1.0 mean that there is
no attenuation and flow out is always equal to flow in (foul flow + rainfall addition). Setting A < 1.0 and
B < 1.0 will result in flow out being less than the rainfall volume coming in, so that there will be an
attenuation of the flow out, and the volume stored within the catchment will increase until the rain abates.
Maximum build-up of BOD in Store #1 When the BOD held within Store #1 has reached this value
then no further deposition can take place. The maximum value should be specified as kg/ha.
Dry weather hold-up The dry weather hold-up is typically about 1 hour's retention time of the average
dry weather flow. The value is greater for catchments with a shallow grade and less where the grade is
Impermeable area (%) The percentage of the total area that is impermeable (paved).
Soil factor The soil factor is used in calculating the rainfall runoff, following the Wallingford
Procedure method.
Catchment emptying time This parameter is used along with the attenuation parameters to calculate the
excess outflow. Leaving it with the default of 1.0 hours ensures that STOAT SIMPOL will use the
same attenuation parameters as the SIMPOL documented in the UPM Manual.
The inline detention tank is a special version of the storm tank. You should consult the storm tank
documentation (This Manual - Section 3) for further details of the operation of the inline detention
The difference between the two models is that the inline tank is intended to always pass forward
incoming flow, up to a limit set by the user. The storm tank is intended to hold incoming flow and only
pass it forward when the flow in another (control) stream is less than a specified value.
The tank connections give the names of the sewage inlet, the overflow, and the pass forward stream.
Pass forward
Surface area
Pass forward flow
Tank emptying time
You may specify the following but you can also leave them at their default values:
You can change the following, but are likely to always use the default values:
Initial conditions
37.3 Name and Dimensions
Volume The working volume of the detention tank. When the sewage volume within the tank reaches
the working volume any additional inflow in excess of the pass forward rate will leave through the
37.4 Sewage Characterisation
These settleable fractions are used to partition the solids components in the incoming sewage into
settleable and nonsettleable parts. The nonsettleable solids can be assumed to be the solids left in
suspension after a sewage sample has been left to stand for 30 minutes in a settling cylinder. STOAT
assumes that the settleable fraction is always a constant ratio for the incoming sewage. Unless there is
data to the contrary the settling fraction for BOD, volatile and nonvolatile solids should all be assumed
equal to that for total filterable solids.
The settling velocity of settleable material is assumed to be constant for each of the solids' classes -
BOD, volatile and nonvolatile solids. The settling velocity is normally taken to be the same for volatile
and nonvolatile solids and measured using total filterable solids. Methods to estimate these settling
velocities are described in the Process Model Descriptions guide for the storm tank.
While the detention tank is being filled the solids are assumed to settle in a different manner compared
to a full detention tank with sewage overflowing from the tank. This is reflected in using different
settling parameters for the two cases. The removal rate describes solids removal while the detention
tank is being filled. The removal rates are not readily measured and are best inferred from the effluent
quality of the tank overflow during its first spill. Because there is little information normally taken
during this part of the storm cycle, and because the tank contents are pumped as main forward flow,
these parameters can be left at their default values - the effect of modelling errors here does not have a
prolonged effect on effluent quality. The same cannot be said of settling velocities, which can have a
strong effect on the quality of the overflow spill.
While the detention tank is filling there may be a plunging stream of sewage entering the tank. This
'waterfall' can stir up settled sludge, preventing a sludge blanket being formed. As the tank fills up this
'waterfall' is dissipated before it reaches the sludge blanket. The mixing fraction during filling sets the
point at which the turbulence caused by filling will no longer prevent sludge from settling out. A low
value of the mixing fraction implies that the 'waterfall' effect quickly vanishes, and is typical of a large
tank. A high value is typical of a small tank.
As the detention tank is emptied ('draw down') the settled sludge may be disturbed. This can be
deliberate, caused by operating sludge scrapers to remove the sludge, or accidental, caused by the
sludge being scoured as the sewage level approaches the tank floor. If the mixing fraction is set to zero
then the settled sludge is never removed. Using the sludge divider with the storm tank allows you to
simulate desludging, with sewage sent to one part of the works and sludge to another.
Scouring parameter
This reflects the extent to which the sludge blanket is disturbed by the sewage flowing over it. This is
not normally significant and the default value of zero is recommended.
The tank emptying time reflects how rapidly the tank can be emptied by the pump operating at full
capacity. You can maximise similarity with the version of SIMPOL documented in the UPM manual
by setting the emptying time to be 1 hour. You may get 'wobbles' in the flow out of the tank, and if that
is the case then you should set the emptying time to be the communication interval - normally
15 minutes. The intention of SIMPOL was that the emptying time should always be set to the
communication interval, but this can produce different results when comparing output from runs
carried out at different communication intervals.
Change at time:
If you wish to schedule changes in operation during a simulation you can program these changes here.
The initial operation is always assigned a time of zero.
Pass forward:
This is the maximum flow leaving the tank. If the inflow exceeds this value then the outflow is limited
to this maximum and the tank will fill up. Tank drainage is controlled by the emptying time: a
'drainage' flow is calculated as the current volume divided by the emptying time and added to the
outflow. The outflow is then limited, if necessary, to the maximum pass forward.
37.7 Initial Conditions
The initial conditions are commonly left at the default and a 'getting started' simulation is used to
correctly initialise the tank. The 'getting started' simulation should run for at least three hydraulic
retention times.
The initial conditions for the inline detention tank currently support BOD modelling only. This model
will be extended to a COD version in a later release of STOAT.
The off-line detention tank is a special version of the storm tank. You should consult the storm tank
documentation for further details of the operation of the off-line detention tank. The difference
between the two models is that the off-line tank is intended to return flow at a variable rate, set by the
sum of the return flow and the flow in a control stream not exceeding a limit set by the user. The storm
tank is intended to hold incoming flow and only pass it forward when the flow in another (control)
stream is less than a specified value.
The tank connections give the names of the sewage inlet, the overflow, and the pass forward stream.
Return flow
Surface area
Control stream
Maximum return rate
Sum of control stream + return flow
You can change the following, but are likely to always use the default values:
Initial conditions
38.3 Name and Dimensions
Volume: The working volume of the detention tank. When the sewage volume within the tank reaches
the working volume any additional inflow in excess of the pass forward rate will leave through the
Control stream: The name of the stream that you wish to use for controlling the return of the detention
tank contents.
38.4 Sewage Characterisation
These settleable fractions are used to partition the solids components in the incoming sewage into
settleable and nonsettleable parts. The nonsettleable solids can be assumed to be the solids left in
suspension after a sewage sample has been left to stand for 30 minutes in a settling cylinder. STOAT
assumes that the settleable fraction is always a constant ratio for the incoming sewage. Unless there is
data to the contrary the settling fraction for BOD, volatile and nonvolatile solids should all be assumed
equal to that for total filterable solids.
The settling velocity of settleable material is assumed to be constant for each of the solids' classes -
BOD, volatile and nonvolatile solids. The settling velocity is normally taken to be the same for volatile
and nonvolatile solids and measured using total filterable solids. Methods to estimate these settling
velocities are described in the Process Model Descriptions guide for the storm tank.
While the detention tank is being filled the solids are assumed to settle in a different manner compared
to a full detention tank with sewage overflowing from the tank. This is reflected in using different
settling parameters for the two cases. The removal rate describes solids removal while the detention
tank is being filled. The removal rates are not readily measured and are best inferred from the effluent
quality of the tank overflow during its first spill. Because there is little information normally taken
during this part of the storm cycle, and because the tank contents are pumped as main forward flow,
these parameters can be left at their default values - the effect of modelling errors here does not have a
prolonged effect on effluent quality. The same cannot be said of settling velocities, which can have a
strong effect on the quality of the overflow spill.
While the detention tank is filling there may be a plunging stream of sewage entering the tank. This
'waterfall' can stir up settled sludge, preventing a sludge blanket being formed. As the tank fills up this
'waterfall' is dissipated before it reaches the sludge blanket. The mixing fraction during filling sets the
point at which the turbulence caused by filling will no longer prevent sludge from settling out. A low
value of the mixing fraction implies that the 'waterfall' effect quickly vanishes, and is typical of a large
tank. A high value is typical of a small tank.
As the detention tank is emptied ('draw down') the settled sludge may be disturbed. This can be
deliberate, caused by operating sludge scrapers to remove the sludge, or accidental, caused by the
sludge being scoured as the sewage level approaches the tank floor. If the mixing fraction is set to zero
then the settled sludge is never removed. Using the sludge divider with the storm tank allows you to
simulate desludging, with sewage sent to one part of the works and sludge to another.
Scouring parameter:
This reflects the extent to which the sludge blanket is disturbed by the sewage flowing over it. This is
not normally significant and the default value of zero is recommended.
38.6 Operational Data
Change at time:
If you wish to schedule changes in operation during a simulation you can program these changes here.
The initial operation is always assigned a time of zero.
This is the maximum flow leaving the tank. If the control stream flowrate would allow a higher flow to
be returned from the detention tank than this upper limit then the upper limit is imposed.
The return flow is adjusted so that the return flow plus the control stream flow will equal this
38.7 Initial Conditions
The initial conditions are commonly left at the default and a 'getting started' simulation is used to
correctly initialise the tank. The 'getting started' simulation should run for at least three hydraulic
retention times. The initial conditions for the inline detention tank currently support BOD modelling
only. This model will be extended to a COD version in a later release of STOAT.
The combined sewer overflow differs from an inline detention tank in that it is intended to provide
more or less constant outflow, with the volume fluctuating to reflect the difference between inflow and
outflow. There is no change in the quality of the stored sewage, and therefore no inclusion of
settlement processes. Note that if the inflow and outflow are almost identical, and the tank volume
reaches either its upper or lower limit, then the simulation may proceed slowly. This is caused by the
program being forced to proceed with small time steps to ensure that it does not calculate a volume less
than the minimum specified, nor greater than the maximum.
This allows you to see the names of the streams entering and leaving the CSO.
Main flow
You must specify the minimum and maximum volumes (under Section 39.4 - Process Calibration).
You may specify the initial volume - we strongly recommend that you set this to at least the minimum
This menu allows you to specify a name only, not the dimensions.
39.4 Process Calibration
Process calibration requires specifying the maximum and minimum storage volumes.
39.5 Operational Data
Pass forward:
The maximum flow that the CSO tank can pass forward. The flow out is always set at this value,
unless the storage volume is at the minimum value. When the storage volume is at the minimum then
the pass forward flow is set to the smaller of the incoming flow and the pass forward flow.
You can normally leave these values at the defaults and leave STOAT to calculate the required values.
This will take three hydraulic retention times. We recommend always setting the initial volume to be at
least the minimum storage volume.
Outlet #1
Outlet #2
You must specify the flow split and the mass split for each determinand.
The flow split defines what fraction of the flow will leave in outlet stream #1.
The mass split defines what fraction of the incoming mass flow of each determinand will leave in
outlet stream #1. The concentration is then calculated as the ratio of the mass flow to the volumetric
flow for each of the two output streams.
The black box allows you to simulate processes that are not currently modelled by STOAT. You must
be able to correlate these processes using one of the black-box correlations. The model predictions are
pseudo-dynamic, because they are based on algebraic equations rather than differential equations.
Inlet Outlet
You must specify for each determinand what correlation you wish to apply, and the parameter values
for that correlation.
The correlations that you can use are listed below. In this list, Y is the effluent value; X is the
corresponding influent value; and TS, VS, BOD and P are the total and volatile solids, the total BOD,
and the soluble phosphorus; and Q is the flowrate. NH3 is ammonia, SON is soluble organic nitrogen
and XON is particulate organic nitrogen. All concentrations are in mg/l, and the flowrate is in m3/h. The
correlation parameters are A, B, C, and D.
Y = A + B TS
Y = A + B VS
Y = A + B BOD
Y = A + B XC QD
Y = A + B TSC QD
Y = A + B VSC QD
Y = A + B BOD QD
Y = A + B PC Q D
Y = A + B X + C TS
Y = A + B X + C VS
Y = A + B X + C BOD
Y = A + B QC(NH3)D
Y = A + B QC(TKN)D
Y = A + B X + C(NH3)
Y = A + B X + C(TKN)
Y = A + B X + C(SON)
Y = A + B X + C(XON)
If you want a relationship of the form Y = A + B QD then set the parameter C to 0.0. Similarly, if you
want a correlation of the form Y = A + B XC then set the parameter D to 0.0.
Using this correlation, if you want to mimic a process that is controlled somehow so that the effluent
phosphorus was always 1 mg/l, and that 5 mg/l of solids were added for each mg/l of phosphorus
present, you would choose for phosphorus the model Y = A + B X and set A = 1.0, B = 0.0. For
nonvolatile solids you would choose Y = A + B X + C P, and set A = 0.0, B = 1.0 and C = 5.0. For all
the other determinands you would choose the Y = A + B X, but set A = 0.0 and B = 1.0.
The pipe delay model is intended to allow the modelling of concentration time lags caused by the flow
of liquid through connecting pipes. It does not model hydraulic delays. Where two processes are
connected using the standard STOAT streams the effluent concentration of the upstream process is
seen by the downstream process immediately. There may be times when a more realistic modelling of
time delay is required and under these conditions the pipe delay model should be used. The delay
introduced by this model is affected by two parameters: the number of stages and the volume. Both of
these are specified under Names and dimensions.
This menu option allows you to confirm the names of the streams that are connected to the pipe.
Influent Effluent
Number of sections:
A value of 1 implies that the pipe is behaving as a well-mixed holding tank. A value in excess of
6 implies that the flow in the pipe is nearly plug flow.
The volume of the pipe. STOAT assumes that the pipe is always running at this volume, and will never
allow for changes in liquid hold-up within the pipe. The value should normally be the length x area
calculation of the pipe volume.
42.3 Initial Conditions
These can be left at the STOAT defaults. STOAT will take three retention times before realistic
estimates of the concentration leaving the pipe are produced.
There are two mixers, one allowing two streams to mix, the other three streams. From these two mixers
any number of streams can be mixed.
Influents Effluent
There are no parameters to specify, but each mixer can be given a name.
Influent Effluents
In addition to the standard set of options the splitters allow you to Change the picture. This rotates the
splitter symbol so that it will point left, right, up or down, and also uses a variety of orientations of the
inlet pipes. Using this option will allow you to change the appearance of streams on the flowsheet to
correspond to the way that you want your streams aligned.
Two-way splitter
The two-way splitter divides the flow entering the splitter into two. You can set the fraction of the flow
going down each of the output streams, with the constraint that the sum of the two proportions must
equal 1.0.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
conditions. This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours, and reported the results; at
10 hours the change was made, but this change does not get reported until the next reporting time. This
is problem with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results,
because STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take
place until 11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting
the results of STOAT output.
Three-way splitter
The three-way splitter divides the flow entering the splitter into three. You can set the fraction of the
flow going down each of the output streams, with the constraint that the sum of the three proportions
must equal 1.0.
Sludge Splitter
The sludge splitter takes one parameter, the sludge thickness. If the flow entering the splitter has a
solids content less than this value the flow is taken to be sewage and discharged through Outlet #1. If
the solids content is greater than the specified sludge thickness then the flow is discharged through
Outlet #2. The sludge splitter can thus be used with the storm tank to simulate a single discharge point
having the flow stream switched based on the solids content.
Outlet 1
Outlet 2
45.3 Operation
The alternating divider switches the output between output 1 and 2. You do not have to have a 100%
flow split. You specify the time that flow will be split according to setting 1, and the cycle time for the
alternating operation. You then specify the flow splits between the two outputs for each of the two
operating periods.
You must specify the overflow rate. This should normally be greater than zero.
All the flow up to the flow limit goes to stream 1. Any flow in excess of the flow limit goes to
stream 2.
The time you specify for an operational change is the time that the change is made at. When looking at
your results you may think that the change has been made later than that. As an example, if you wanted
a change made at 10 hours, with hourly output of results, then when looking at the results you will see
that at 10 hours the results conform with the old conditions, and at 11 hours onwards with the new
conditions. This is because STOAT used the old conditions up to 10 hours, reporting the results; at 10
hours the change was made, but this change does not get reported until the next reporting time. This is
problem with discontinuous changes. This problem will also affect the reporting of stream results,
because STOAT will integrate the mass flows based on the assumption that the change did not take
place until 11 hours after the simulation began. This behaviour should be considered when interpreting
the results of STOAT output.