H NMR spectroscopy
Theory & Principle of NMR
• In the late 1940’s, physical chemists originally developed
NMR spectroscopy to study different properties of atomic
nuclei, but later found it to be useful in determining the
molecular structure of organic compounds.
• The theory behind NMR comes from the spin, I of a nucleus.
Just as electrons have a +1/2, -1/2 spin, certain nuclei also
experience charged spins that create a magnetic field
(called the magnetic moment), which allows chemists to
study them using NMR. Nuclei with even numbers of both
neutrons and protons experience NO spin and nuclei with
odd numbers of both neutrons and protons have integer
spins. Nuclei that have the sum of protons and neutrons
equal to an odd number (like 1 H and 13C) have half-integer
• When there is no external or applied magnetic field (B0),
the nuclear spins orient randomly; however, when there is
an applied magnetic field, the nuclei orient themselves with
or against the larger applied field. The α-spin state is
parallel to the applied force and has lower energy than the
β- spin state that is antiparallel to the applied force. The
energy difference (δE) between the α- and β-spin states
depends on the strength of the applied magnetic field. The
greater the strength of the applied magnetic field, the
greater is the δ E between the α- and β-spin states. The δ E
between the α- and β-spin state is ~0.02 cal mol-1, which
lies in the radio frequency region. The emitted energy in
this region produces an NMR signal.
Components of 1H-NMR spectrometer
• Magnet: Three types of magnets have been used in NMR spectrometers; these are
permanent magnet, electromagnet and super conducting solenoid.
• The Sample Probe: It is a key component in NMR spectrometer which not only holds
the sample in a fixed position in the magnetic field but also contains an air turbine to
rotate (spin) the sample
• Detector System: High frequency radio signal is first converted to an audio frequency
signal which can be thought of as being made up of two components; a carrier signal
which has the frequency of the oscillator that is used to produce it and a superimposed
NMR signal from the analyte.
• Sample Handing: In general, high resolution NMR spectroscopy work requires clear
transparent sample solution of 2 to 15% concentration.
• Representation of NMR
The NMR spectrum is recorded on a chart paper with X-axis representing chemical
shift (ð) in ppm and Y-axis as intensity. The δ values increase from right to left. The value
of zero on the X-axis corresponds to the internal standard, tetramethylsilane (TMS) signal.
As you have learnt earlier, the low ð values correspond to high and vice versa. The NMR
spectra are normally recorded in two modes; absorption and integral modes. The output
consists of two traces – one is the spectrum i.e., the absorption signals at different d values
and the other called integration trace.
NMR Spectrum
The NMR spectrum is plot of intensity of NMR signal versus the magnetic field
frequency in reference to TMS. The intensity is measured by integration of
area under the triangles.
Interpreting H NMR Spectra:
The Information’s obtained from 1H –NMR are:
1) Number of signals:
Protons within a compound experience different magnetic
environments, which give a separate signal in the NMR spectrum.
• Equivalent Protons that reside in the same magnetic environment
are termed chemically equivalent protons.
• Examples, As a general rule of thumb, H’s in CH3 and CH2 groups
are usually equivalent. Symmetrical compounds, such as benzene,
are also equivalent.
• However, since many compounds are not symmetrical, it is
important to know how to identify non-equivalent protons. Protons
that are different in any way (even in their stereochemistry) are not
equivalent and will absorb at different frequencies (give a separate
signal on the NMR spectra).
2) Position of signals (chemical shift):
• The position on the horizontal frequency scale at which the equivalent
proton signals occur (δ E) is called a chemical shift (measured in δ ppm).
Protons generally sense 3 different magnetic fields: magnetic field of the
Earth, the NMR spectra, and different protons in the molecule. Since the
magnetic fields of the Earth and NMR spectra are felt similarly by all the
protons in the molecule, the chemical shift depends only on the varying
local magnetic fields from the neighboring protons.
• The chemical shift parameter δ is defined δ = (Hr – Hs)/Hr × 106 ppm