Ie 902040 M
Ie 902040 M
Ie 902040 M
A number of complexes of copper(II) and iron(III) with different N,N and N,O ligands were tested as catalysts
for the hydroxylation of phenol to dihydroxybenzene by hydrogen peroxide for the purpose of achieving a
high catechol selectivity. Cu(II) complexes were demonstrated to give a high selectivity on catechol. The
best selectivity was found for Cu(II) complex with 2,6-dihydroxypiridine. The best conditions for the selective
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formation of catechol were the reaction time of 15 min and a ratio of 2,6-dihydroxypiridine to copper greater
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than 3 (65 °C). The concentration of phenol and the reaction time had a dramatic influence on the catechol
yield and selectivity for most selective catalysts. At high concentrations and reaction times, both the catechol
yield and selectivity decreased, with tars being formed.
Introduction conversions were not more than 25% on the basis of phenol.
The amount of tars and byproduct was 10-20%. The lowest
Catechol is widely used in industry as an important inter- byproduct formation has been achieved using ketone peroxides
mediate in manufacturing pesticides and medicines and can also (Table 1).
be used to produce perfumes (e.g., piperonal), dyes, photosensi- The key problem of using transition metal catalytic systems
tive material, special inks, antioxidants and polymerization deals with side reactions, especially when a high space time
inhibitors, fungicides, light stabilizers, anticorrosive agents, and yield is achieved.8 Due to the complexity of the whole process,
promoters. Catechol is used in the manufacture of the artificial numerous reaction schemes have been found in the literature.9
flavors vanillin and ethyl vanillin. The world’s first fully In all reviewed literature, two types of byproduct, quinones and
synthetic “marine fragrance” Heliofresh, used in many popular macromolecular tars, were formed (Figure 1).10-16
perfumes as a trendy aroma, was successfully derived from The overoxidation problem is solved, in industry, by using
catechol. Catechol is also used in the manufacture of the high phenol/hydrogen peroxide ratios along with high concen-
insecticides carbofuran and propoxur. The pharmaceuticals used trations of phenol. Because the catechol and o-quinone formed
in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and hypertension, L-dopa are more easily oxidized than phenol, the reaction is carried
and methyl L-dopa, are manufactured from catechol. The world out in a large excess of phenol. Thus, phenol/hydrogen peroxide
production of catechol is more than 30 000 t.1 molar ratios range from 2 to 20. The rate of the formation of
The current manufacturing process of catechol with hydro- catechol should be high enough to achieve high conversion of
quinone involves a direct hydroxylation of phenol with perox- hydrogen peroxide in a short time to avoid overoxidation of
ides. Only the Brichima process in Italy2 has used heavy metal catechol. A lower ratio leads to a higher conversion rate;
compounds (e.g., small quantities of ferrocene and/or cobalt however, if the conversion of phenol in such conditions is too
salts) as a catalyst (phenol reacts with 60% aqueous hydrogen high, then dihydroxybenzene will be further oxidized to produce
peroxide at 40 °C). Catechol and hydroquinone are produced acids and polymer tars and the selectivity of the reaction will
in the ratio of 1.5-4.1. The other methods include the reaction be reduced.8 Therefore, under a high ratio of phenol/oxidant,
of phenol with 70% hydrogen peroxide or performic acid in phenol has an inhibition effect. The lower the conversion of
the presence of phosphoric acid and catalytic amounts of phenol, the better the selectivity of the reaction to dihydroxy-
perchloric acid at 90 °C (Rhone-Poulenc),3 hydroxylation of benzene. From the industrial point of view, it is preferable to
phenol with ketone peroxides (R-hydroxy hydroperoxides) have a high degree of conversion in order to keep the space
formed in situ from a ketone and hydrogen peroxide in the time yield high. As mentioned above, a conversion should be
presence of an acid catalyst (ratio phenol/hydrogen peroxide
20) (Ube, Rhone-Poulenc),4 and hydroxylation of phenol by Table 1. Comparison of the Phenol Hydroxylation Processes6-8
hydrogen peroxide using TS-1 zeolite heterogeneous catalyst Rhone-Poulenc
(Enichem).5 In all reported data for industrial production,6 the HC(O)OOH+ Ube industries
process and HClO4, Brichima Enichem Rhone-Poulenc
phenol concentration was high (more than 30%), phenol catalyst H3PO4 Fe(II)/Co(II) TS-1 ketone + acid
selectivity was less than 90% (for catalysis by transition metals
not more than 85%), and hydrogen peroxide selectivity was phenol/H2O2 20 3-10 4-10 20
60-90% (lower for transition metal compound catalysts that % phenol 5 10 25 4-4.5
deals with decomposition of hydrogen peroxide). Phenol conversion
% phenol 90 80 88 90-95
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +74959395377. % H2O2 70 50-75 70 80-90
Fax: +7-495- 932-8846. E-mail: based yield
The Procter & Gamble Company. % tar 10 20 12 5-10
Table 3. Hydroxylation of Phenol Using Cu(II) and Fe(III) Complexes with Ligand 1s-9sa
copper complexes iron complexes
selectivity selectivity on total conversion selectivity on selectivity on total conversion
PhOH/ on catechol dihydroxybenzenes based on H2O2 catechol dihydroxybenzenes based on H2O2
ligand H2O2 T [°C] [%] [%] [%] PhOH/H2O2 T [°C] [%] [%] [%]
1s 1 65 90 2.6 3 1 65 72 35 60
2s 1 45 90 80 3 1 45 73 51 54
2s 1 65 84 80 5 1 65 71 60 55
2s 1 85 80 28 72 1 85 71 51 70
2s 2 85 82 22 36 1
2s 4 85 85 13 14 1
3s 1 65 81 15 10 1 65 70 57 71
4s 1 65 89 32 21 1 65 69 54 74
4sb 1 65 87 51 35 1 65 <1
5s 1 65 90 20 25 1 65 <1
6s 1 65 82 80 15 1 65 <1
7s 1 65 61 50 95 1 65 <1
8s 1 65 78 58 60 1 65 <1
9s 1 65 66 65 5 1 65 68 51 12
Reaction conditions: 30 min, [Cu] ) 0.002M, [PhOH]/[Cu] ) 70, [PhOH]/[H2O2] ) 2, [Ligand]/[Cu] ) 2, [Ligand]/[Cu] ) 4. b
Reaction time 5
The iron complexes with ligands 1s-4s and 9s catalyzed the overall conversion
selectivity of phenol based
oxidation of phenol with the selectivity on catechol being only [PhOH], time on catechol ratio catechol/ quinones on H2O2
68-73% at a selectivity on dihydroxybenzene of about 60% [M] [min] [%] hydroquinone yield [%]
(Table 3). The complexes with ligands 5s-8s with basic
0.14 30 81 10 11 25
fragments were not active because of the fast formation of iron 0.14 180 66 3 12 35
hydroxide. The Cu complexes with ligand 2s were selective for 0.14b 30 45 14 37 25
catechol formation at low conversion. The complexes with the 0.5 30 81 55 18 21
0.5 180 63 2.5 13 29
other ligands catalyzed fast oxidation of catechol and hydro- 0.9 30 70 4 12 26
quinone, but the ratio of catechol to hydroquinone was high. a
Reaction conditions: 2,6-dihydroxypiridine/Cu(II)/Co(III) )
The maximum conversion was achieved for the ligands obtained 3:1:0.05. PhOH/H2O2 ) 2, 65°C. b Double quantity of catalyst.
with the use of 1,4-diaminobutane (four methylene fragments).
The distance between the coordinating groups appears to be Also, it was found that the activity of Cu(II) catalytic systems
optimal in this case. was optimal at pH 5.5-6. At lower or higher pH ranges, the
The Cu(II) complex with 2,6-dihydroxypiridine was the most activity of the catalyst diminished rapidly.
selective in the hydroxylation of phenol at the ratio ligand/metal Following these results, the catalytic system was modified
) 3 (Table 4). Low selectivity was observed in the case of the from 2,6-dihydroxybenzene by Co(III) (5-10 mol % to Cu(II)),
Cu complexes with analogs of 2,6-dihydroxypiridine (9-10) and also Ar as an inert gas was used. The oxidation data of this
and catechol (11-12). For all the systems, the yield of catalytic system are summarized in Table 5.
overoxidation products was low and near 90% of hydrogen The conversion based on hydrogen peroxide was near 25%,
peroxide converted to dihydroxybenzene. The quantity of tars and overall selectivity on catechol was more than 80% (catechol/
was high only for ligand 12 at a low ratio of Cu(II) to ligand. hydroquinone ratio more than 10) without overoxidation and
However, after 1 h of the reaction, the selectivity for all the with a small quantity of tars. Selectivity on o- and p-
ligands decreased to 60% due to overoxidation. benzoquinones was 11%. When comparing the results obtained
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 49, No. 10, 2010 4611
Table 6. Phenol Oxidation with Catalytic System Cu(II)/2,6-Dihydroxypyridine
selectivity selectivity on conversion phenol
on catechol dihydroxy-benzene to dihydroxy-benzene based
[Cu(II)]/[L] [PhOH]/[Cu(II)] [PhOH]/[H2O2] T [°C] [%] [%] on H2O2 [%]
3 70 1 45 92 99 12
3 50 1 45 92 98 9
3 70 1 65 89 94 23
3 70 2 65 93 98 30
3 70 4 65 91 99 34
3 350 1 65 92 98 24
1 23 1 65 75 87 31
3b 70 1 65 97 98 26
3 70 1 75 71 94 29
Reaction conditions: [PhOH] ) 0.2 M, 30 min. b Adding hydrogen peroxide by portion, 30 min.