Grounding Practices: Installation and Service Instruction

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Rev: 2
January 1998


MOORE PRODUCTS CO., Spring House, PA 19477-0900

An ISO 9001 registered company



1.0 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

1.1 GROUNDING DEFINITION, CONTEXT, AND CLARIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
1.2 DEFINITION OF ASSOCIATED TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
1.3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
1.4 RELATED LITERATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

2.0 GROUNDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1 EQUIPMENT GROUNDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.1.1 MODULPAC Enclosure Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Enclosures with an External AC Power Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Enclosures without an External AC Power Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Clusters of Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 Isolated Enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 Enclosure Prepower Checkout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.1.2 MODULRAC Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.1.3 POWERAC and Power Supply Module (PSM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 Power Supply Module (PSM) Ground Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 POWERAC Ground Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
2.1.4 Power Distribution Assembly Ground Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.1.5 Uninterruptable Power Supply and Isolation Transformer Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
2.1.6 Intrinsically Safe Installations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11



FIGURE 1-1 Power Conductors Incorporating the Word “Ground” as Descriptor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
FIGURE 1-2 Isolated Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

FIGURE 2-1 Enclosure and Overview Ground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4

FIGURE 2-2 Enclosures with/without Power Feeder Grounding Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
FIGURE 2-3 I/O Transition Boards Ground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
FIGURE 2-4 Isolated Enclosure Grounding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
FIGURE 2-5 Power Supply and Module Ground Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12

January 1998 i


The significant changes for revision 2 include the provision of a more detailed identifier for the descriptor
“lockwasher,” now specified as “external tooth lockwasher” or “tooth lockwasher,” on Figures 2-1, 2-2,
2-3, and 2-5. In the equipment grounding for an enclosure with an external AC power feed (section, an exception is provided for the 230 Vac version Power Distribution Assembly (PDA).
Additionally, some minor text and graphics clarifications were made in section 1, specifically section 1.2
and Figure 1-1. These changes are marked by change bars located in the margins of graphics pages
adjacent to the figure number/title of affected graphics or in the margins of text pages adjacent to the
changed matter.

Moore Products Co. assumes no liability for errors or omissions in this document or for the application and use of information included in this
document. The information herein is subject to change without notice.

The Moore logo, ProcessSuite, APACS, QUADLOG, the APACS logo, the QUADLOG logo, and 4-mation are trademarks of Moore Products Co.
All other trademarks are the property of the respective owners.

© Copyright1998 Moore Products Co. All rights reserved

ii January 1998

The document provides guidelines for electrical grounding and shielding of electronic process control
modules and associated equipment. This document, which is applicable to equipment associated with the
Advanced Process Automation and Control System (APACS) and the QUADLOG safety PLC, is
organized as follows:

• Section 1, Introduction - Clarifies the meaning of the word “ground” and defines associated terms and

• Section 2, Grounding - Provides the grounding requirements for APACS/QUADLOG enclosures and
power-related equipment in reference to applicable sections of the National Electrical Code (NEC)


Grounding refers to the techniques used to provide protection from electrical shock and lightning, and to
those used to control noise and electromagnetic radiation. The subject of grounding is often misconceived,
its issues involving the entire electromagnetic spectrum. Differing viewpoints on the meaning of the word
“ground” held by the power industry and by electronic engineers are given as follows:

C The power industry uses the word “ground” in a very specific context: a grounded conductor is one
that makes an earth connection. Specifically, the grounded conductor in a power system is a current-
carrying conductor that is earthed at the service entrance. In a three-phase system, “ground” is also the
neutral conductor.

C To an electronics engineer, “ground” can mean any of the following:

- A chassis connection
- A ground plane connection
- Connection to a safety wire
- Connection to power supply common which may or may not be earthed (floating)

Numerous legal ramifications are attached to the procedures used by the power industry, which is held
accountable to the National Electrical Code (NEC). The NEC descriptor for each key conductor uses the
root “ground” in a variety of ways (see Figure 1-1). Note that the term “safety ground,” commonly used
in electrical literature, is not used by the NEC, which prefers the equivalent descriptor “equipment
grounding conductor.” Both terms are used in text and illustrations in this document.

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* FIGURE 1-1 Power Conductors Incorporating the Word “Ground” as Descriptor

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Another word associated with grounding, the term isolation, can imply any of the following meanings:

C A physical separation
C A separate grounding system
C A lack of grounding or floating

To the power engineer, the term isolated ground has a very specific meaning — a separate and dedicated
equipment grounding conductor not connected to local pieces of equipment. The isolated equipment is
grounded, but usually back at the service entrance. This practice is used to reduce certain types of high-
frequency common-mode coupling. An isolated ground is illustrated in Figure 1-2.

FIGURE 1-2 Isolated Ground

January 1998 1-3



The following terms are defined to assist you in understanding their relationship to the subject of
grounding and their use in this document. Please read them carefully before proceeding to section 2.0.

Building steel: Any electrically conductive structural member to which safety grounds may be connected.

Cluster: A group of APACS or QUADLOG MODULPAC enclosures (containing process control

equipment) that are electrically connected by gang mounting (bolted together) or by communications via
non-isolated MODULBUS or redundancy connections (cables).

Common mode voltage: A voltage that appears equally on both wires (of a pair) with respect to a
common reference, usually system common or safety ground.

Earth ground: A ground, created by rods suitably installed in the earth, whose primary purpose is to
provide a return path for the current induced by lightning strikes. A secondary purpose is to provide an
earth reference for the power system for electrical safety.

Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): Any conducted or radiated electromagnetic disturbance that

impairs the operation of electronic equipment. This covers the total frequency spectrum.

* Electrostatic Discharge (ESD): Electrical discharge due to a potential (voltage) buildup.

Ground: A conducting path through which an electronic circuit is connected to earth or another common
reference. Ground is a term to be avoided, as it does not define intended use or purpose. Use instead
system common, signal common, building steel, safety ground, or earth ground.

Ground loop: An undesired current flowing in a signal common, usually because of multiple connections
to building steel.

Ground resistance: In the case of an earth ground, it is the resistance in ohms between the earth ground
point and a theoretically perfect conducting sphere of infinite radius. There are a number of practical
methods for measuring this [as described in IEEE Standard 142-1982 (5)]. In all other cases, it is the
resistance measured between two specified points.

IOBUS: The APACS/QUADLOG redundant communication bus dedicated to I/O communication.

Provides a control module, or any other module supporting an IOBUS, with dedicated, secure access to I/O
points, which are terminated at I/O modules and fully isolated on a per module basis.

I/O Module: Generic name for an APACS/QUADLOG module that acts as an interface between field
signals and control modules.

Isolated I/O - An input or output circuit where the signal terminals are electrically isolated from that
circuit’s power and safety ground terminals. The input or output signal is often coupled using magnetic or
photoelectric techniques. Isolation prevents undesired current flow through the signal wires to safety

1-4 January 1998


Linear ground path: A grounding path which can be traced from an equipment connection to a single
common point, without forming any loops.

MODULBUS (M-BUS): The APACS/QUADLOG redundant communication bus dedicated to

coordinating module-to-module communications. Used by control, communication, and computer
modules to exchange process and system information. *

MODULPAC: Generic name of an APACS/QUADLOG industrial enclosure.

MODULRAC: Standard card rack for the APACS/QUADLOG system. Includes card cage, backplane,
and mounting panel. The card cage supports insertion of up to ten APACS/QUADLOG plug-in modules.
The backplane provides the connections for the communication and power buses. The mounting panel
supports transition boards.

Normal mode voltage: A voltage that appears across a pair of signal wires and, thus, is part of the signal.

Power Distribution Assembly (PDA): The APACS/QUADLOG DIN rail-mounted assembly for AC
power distribution within an enclosure. Contains integrated surge suppression.

Safety ground (equipment ground): A ground system to which all metallic equipment is connected so as
to provide safety in the event of a power line fault. Requirements are specified by the NEC (Article 250,

Shield: A metallic enclosure used to minimize the coupling of EMI into the circuit that it surrounds. In
this sense, equipment cabinets and other metallic housings, conduit, and the braid or foil wrapped around
signal wires are all shields. Except in RF applications, shields should never carry signal currents or
reference signal voltages. Ferrous shields are used for low frequency and static magnetic shielding

Signal common: A reference point for a particular signal, typically on an I/O channel. It is generally at or
near the same potential as the system common.

System common: The single point to which all system commons, within a cluster, are referenced
(connected). Typically, this point is located at (or connected to) the local power distribution panel safety
ground, which is also power line neutral when an isolation transformer is used.

January 1998 1-5



The following acronyms and abbreviations are provided to assist you in their use in the following
discussion of grounding. Please familiarize yourself with them before proceeding to section 2.0.

APACS: Advanced Process Automation and Control System

ESD: Electrostatic Discharge
EMI: Electromagnetic Interference
I/O: Input/Output
IOBUS APACS Input/Output Bus


The following literature should be available as references when grounding an APACS or a QUADLOG

• Power Distribution Assembly (PDA) Installation and Service Instruction (SD39PDA-1)

• MODULRAC and Local Termination Panel Installation and Service Instruction (SD39MODULRAC-1)
• Power Supply Rack (POWERAC) Installation and Service Instruction (SD39PSR-1)
• Power Supply Module (PSM) Installation and Service Instruction (SD39PSM-1)
• MODULPAC 1000 Industrial Enclosure Installation and Service Instruction (SD39MODULPAC-1)
• MODULPAC 2000 Industrial Enclosure Installation and Service Instruction (SD39MODULPAC-2)
• National Electrical Code (NEC) Handbook, 1998 Edition

1-6 January 1998


A specific design goal of APACS and of QUADLOG was to minimize the need for an extraordinary and
elaborate grounding system. The grounding design principles are:

• Input/output channels are galvanically isolated from module communications, control modules, and
power feeds.
• Non-galvanically isolated APACS/QUADLOG racks constitute a cluster for which interconnections are
provided, such as MODULBUS (M-BUS) and redundancy connections.
• Externally extendible communications are galvanically isolated from clusters.
• Shield connections are segregated from the signals and signal common via independent tie points.
• Power feed returns and module commons are segregated and have independent paths to minimize the
effects of power supply noise.

Figures 2-1 to 2-5 provide ground maps of APACS/QUADLOG enclosures and power-related equipment.
The grounding requirements of specific system elements are discussed in the following sections.


The purpose of equipment grounding is to ensure that the equipment does not develop a hazardous
potential that could cause personal injury.


Equipment installation must adhere to the National Electric Code (NEC) and all
other applicable codes under the jurisdiction of local regulatory agencies.

The following are some of the National Electric Code (NEC) specifications pertaining to equipment

• Article 250 GROUNDING

Part E - Equipment Grounding
Section 250-42 - Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods

(1) Exposed noncurrent carrying metal parts of fixed equipment likely to become energized shall be

• Article 250 GROUNDING

Part F - Methods of Grounding
Section 250-51 - Effective Grounding Path

The path to ground from circuits, equipment, and metal enclosures for conductors shall:
(1) be permanent and electrically continuous
(2) have capacity to conduct safely any fault current likely to be imposed on it
(3) have sufficiently low impedance to limit the voltage to ground and to facilitate the operation of
circuit-protective devices

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The earth shall not be used as the sole equipment grounding conductor.

• Article 250 GROUNDING

Part F - Methods of Grounding
Section 250-57-Equipment Fastened in Place or Connected by Permanent Wiring Methods-Grounding

Noncurrent-carrying parts of equipment, raceways, and other enclosures, where required to be grounded,
shall be grounded by one of the following methods:

(a) Section 250-91(b)-Equipment Grounding Conductor Types. The equipment grounding

conductor run with or enclosing the circuit conductors shall be one or more or a combination of the
(1) Copper or other corrosion-resistant conductor. The conductor shall be solid or stranded;
insulated, covered, or bare; and in the form of a wire or busbar of any shape.
(2) Rigid metal conduit, intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible metal conduit
where the conduit and fittings are listed for grounding , and armor-type AC cable.

(b) With Circuit Conductors. By an equipment grounding conductor contained within the same
raceway, cable, or cord or otherwise run with the circuit conductors. Bare, covered, or insulated
equipment grounding conductors shall be permitted. Individually covered or insulated equipment
grounding conductors shall have a continuous outer finish that is either green, or green with one or
more yellow stripes. Sheet metal screws shall not be used to connect an equipment grounding
conductor to equipment.

• Article 250 GROUNDING

Part F - Methods of Grounding
Section 250-58 - Equipment Considered Effectively Grounded

Under the conditions specified in (a), the noncurrent-carrying metal parts of the equipment shall be
considered to be effectively grounded.

(a) Equipment Secured to Grounded Metal Supports. Electrical equipment secured to and in
electrical contact with a metal rack or structure provided for its support and grounded by one of the
means indicated in section 250-57. The structural metal frame of a building shall not be used as
the required equipment grounding conductor for ac equipment.

• Article 250 GROUNDING

Part G - Bonding
Section 250-75 - Bonding Other Enclosures

The Code states that metal raceways, enclosures, and other metal noncurrent-carrying parts that are to
serve as grounding conductors with or without the use of supplementary equipment grounding
conductors shall be effectively bonded to ensure electrical continuity and the capacity to conduct safely
any fault current likely to be imposed on them.

2-2 January 1998


Exception: where required for the reduction of electrical noise (electromagnetic interference) on the
grounding circuit, an equipment enclosure supplied by a branch circuit shall be permitted to be isolated
from a raceway containing circuits supplying only that equipment by one or more listed nonmetallic
raceway fittings located at the point of attachment of the raceway to the equipment enclosure. The metal
raceway shall be supplemented by an internal insulated equipment grounding conductor installed in
accordance with Section 250-74, Exception No. 4, to ground the equipment enclosure. The use of an
isolated grounding conductor does not relieve the requirement for grounding the raceway system. The
exception permits the isolated (and insulated) grounding conductor to pass through the local power
distribution panel without a connection.

2.1.1 MODULPAC Enclosure Grounding

At installation, an enclosure or cluster of enclosures requires a connection to safety ground in a nearby

breaker panel. The following are standard enclosures:

• MODULPAC 1000 - Refer to the MODULPAC 1000 Industrial Enclosure Installation and Service
Instruction (SD39MODULPAC-1) for installation procedures.

• MODULPAC 2000 - Refer to the MODULPAC 2000 Industrial Enclosure Installation and Service
Instruction (SD39MODULPAC-2) for installation procedures. Enclosures with an External AC Power Feed

AC power feed conductors that are brought into an enclosure from a nearby breaker panel are connected to
a device provided for enclosure power. The device is a Power Distribution Assembly (PDA) and is
available in 115 Vac and 230 Vac versions. Each version provides power-disconnect capability, over-
current protection, surge suppression, and power distribution. The PDA design does not fuse the second *
leg of the power feeds in the 230 Vac version. The PDA assemblies are intended for use with a single- *
phase power feed with a ground referenced neutral. The provision for the higher voltage PDA is for *
international system installations that use single-phase 230/240 Vac. The recommended power feed *
conductor size for both versions is #10 AWG (30 amp fuse). Installation details and specifications are *
provided in the Power Distribution Assembly (PDA) Installation and Service Instruction (SD39PDA-1).

The PDA is connected to the enclosure frame via monitoring hardware (as shown in Figure 2-1). When
the power feed conductors are brought into the enclosure, the feeder ground conductor (green or green with
yellow stripes) is connected to the safety ground terminal block of the PDA. This forms an electrical bond
with the enclosure frame, as the safety ground terminal block is grounded to the frame via the PDA
mounting plate assembly. Thus, the feeder ground conductor provides a safety ground for the enclosure,
as required by Section 250-42 of the NEC. As specified by NEC Section 250-51 (and shown in Figure
2-2), the equipment grounding conductor (safety ground) must be continuous back to the service entrance
panel and connected to system ground. Additional safety ground connections or metallic conduit installed
by the user will not cause problems.

January 1998 2-3


MODULPAC 1000/2000 Metal Enclosure

M8 screw/external tooth
(8 places)

See Figure 2-5

for more detail

See Figure 2-3

for more detail

Shield Wire

Shielded cables
to MBUS (baseboard)
Phoenix UISLKG16 and ICM/NIM Transition
Power Distribution
Assembly (PDA)

10 AWG

M5 thread cutting screw

M5 screw/external
tooth lockwasher 10 AWG Process Interconnect
customer installed I/O Cable connections
safety ground wire from Marshalled Termination
to local breaker panel Assembly

* FIGURE 2-1 Enclosure and Overview Ground Map

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FIGURE 2-2 Enclosures with/without Power Feeder Grounding Requirements *

January 1998 2-5

GROUNDING SD39GND-1 Enclosures without an External AC Power Feed

An enclosure or cluster of enclosures without an AC power feed requires connection to safety ground at
installation to satisfy the following conditions:

• The APACS and the QUADLOG designs provide shield screw terminals for field I/O wiring. The shield
terminals on local termination strips mounted to a MODULRAC are effectively grounded to the
MODULRAC’s mounting plate via mounting screws.

The shield terminal screws on a marshalled termination assembly in a remotely located enclosure are
grounded to the MODULRAC’s mounting plate via a grounding conductor in the I/O Interconnect Cable
Assembly. At the MOUDULRAC end of the cable, the ground conductor exits the cable jacket as a wire
attached to a ring terminal. The ring terminal is placed under the head of the cable connector’s captive
mounting screw. When the cable connector is screw-mounted to the MODULRAC plate, the shield
conductor is effectively grounded (see Figure 2-3).

Thus, grounding an enclosure containing a MODULRAC provides the ground for the shields.

• To ensure proper operation of current and safety protection devices in the case of wiring errors (AC
mistakenly brought into the cabinet). Certain APACS/QUADLOG modules interface to AC inputs and
outputs. Units which have these types of I/O in an enclosure are to be safety-grounded.

• Dissipation of any potential buildup which could compromise personal safety.

Each of the structural frame members that join together at each corner of the frame in a MODULPAC
cabinet contain several threaded holes that accept M8 screws. These holes can be used in conjunction with
suitable user-supplied mounting hardware and attachment hardware (ring terminal, grounding stud, etc.) to
connect a #14 AWG grounding conductor (or larger based on possible current into cabinet) in conduit,
from the frame to safety ground in a nearby breaker panel. The conductor must meet the color code
requirements of NEC Section 250-57(b). A #4 AWG conductor can be used without a conduit.

Alternatively, if a MODULPAC that is already safety-grounded is nearby, the safety ground conductor
from the ungrounded MODULPAC can be connected to the safety ground bus in that enclosure. Clusters of Enclosures

When several MODULPACs are bolted together to form a cluster of enclosures, only an end enclosure
requires connection to safety ground, even when each enclosure has a power feeder. The size of the
conductor shall match the total power capacity of all power feeds. This connection is still required even
when all of the enclosures have no AC power feeder.

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FIGURE 2-3 I/O Transition Boards Ground Map *

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GROUNDING SD39GND-1 Isolated Enclosure

Under circumstances where it may be necessary to reduce electromagnetic interference, NEC section 250-
75 permits the enclosure to be isolated and grounded by an insulated grounding conductor taken directly
back to the service entrance panel and terminated to system ground. Figures 1-2 and 2-4 illustrate isolated
grounding. Enclosure Prepower Checkout

After the power feed(s) have been installed and connected, check the power system as follows:

1. At the local breaker panel, remove AC operating power (feeder breaker off) to the enclosure.

2. With a multimeter, check for a maximum resistance of 0.5 ohm between the frame of the enclosure and
the nearest grounded pipe or conduit. A high reading usually means that the enclosure is not
connected to safety ground.

3. At the breaker panel, set the feeder breaker to on. At the Power Distribution Assembly (PDA) in the
enclosure, set the power disconnect switch to off. With the multimeter, check for proper AC voltage at
the input to the PDA.

4. On a 120 Vac system, use the multimeter to check the potential difference between the neutral
conductor input to the PDA and the enclosure frame. The potential should be 0.5 Vac or less. A
higher potential can mean that either the neutral conductor at the service entrance panel is not
connected to safety ground, or the enclosure frame is not connected to safety ground.

2.1.2 MODULRAC Grounding

MODULRAC is a10-slot rack that provides for mounting APACS and QUADLOG modules.
MODULRAC is classified as panel-mounted equipment and is typically installed in a MODULPAC
enclosure. As shown in Figure 2-1, the MODULRAC mounting plate is effectively grounded to the
enclosure frame via mounting hardware. An optional (but highly recommended) safety ground conductor
can be connected from the plate’s ground stud (bottom right corner) to the safety ground terminal block on
the PDA.

As shown in Figure 2-3, the MODULRAC incorporates two references which are defined as module
“common” and “earth ground” (safety ground). A third reference is the 24V return (power supply return
path). The design of the system adheres to the cluster/linear grounding philosophy discussed previously.
The implementation of the cluster/continuous ground is achieved by having each module connect its
locally derived “common” (negative side of each module’s power supply) to a “module common” shared
by all modules (see Figures 2-3 and 2-5). “Module common” is tied back to “earth ground,” which is
electrically connected (effectively grounded) to the enclosure frame. If the enclosure incorporates a PDA,
then the grounding is complete, as the PDA provides the enclosure safety ground connection. If the
enclosure does not have a PDA or other user-supplied grounding-type connection, then the enclosure can
be grounded as specified in section

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FIGURE 2-4 Isolated Enclosure Grounding

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2.1.3 POWERAC and Power Supply Module (PSM)

The module family for APACS and for QUADLOG is powered from a 24 Vdc source. Two AC-to-DC
converters are available to provide this 24 Vdc operating power:

• POWERAC - Refer to the POWERAC Installation and Service Instruction (SD39POWERAC-1) for
installation procedures.

• Power Supply Module (PSM) - Refer to the Power Supply Module Installation and Service Instruction
(SD39PSM-1) for installation procedures.

Cables from these devices connect to the backplane of the MODULRAC, which distributes the 24 Vdc to
the installed modules via three independent paths. Power Supply Module (PSM) Ground Requirements

A system powered by a Power Supply Module (PSM) receives 115/230 Vac operating power by either of
the following paths:

• Via the path local breaker panel-to-PDA-to-PSM

• Via the path local breaker panel-to-PSM

The connection to a terminal on the PSM local termination strip marked GND (see Figure 2-3) is bonded
to the MODULRAC’s metal mounting plate via the strip board’s pc tracks and mounting hardware. This
effectively grounds the GND terminal to the enclosure frame. The integrity of the connection can be tested
by measuring the resistance between the GND terminal and the ground stud located at the lower right
corner of the MODULRAC’s mounting plate. If the resistance is greater than 0.2 ohm, check that the PSM
termination strip’s mounting screw holes are free of contaminants and the screws firmly tightened. The
GND connection is used to connect the PSM termination strip to safety ground at the PDA or local breaker
panel. The connecting conductor should be at least the same size (AWG or circular MIL) as the power
feed conductor. The power conductor size is a function of the type of cable used (insulation ratings) and
the ampacity of the load.

Refer to the Power Supply Module (PSM) Installation and Service Instruction (SD39PSM-1) for current
draw specifications. POWERAC Ground Requirements

A system powered by a POWERAC receives 115/230 Vac operating power by either of the following

• Via the path local breaker panel-to-PDA-to-POWERAC

• Via the path local breaker panel-to-POWERAC

2-10 January 1998


The connection to a terminal on the POWERAC transition board marked GND (see Figure 2-5) is bonded
to the POWERAC’s metal mounting plate via the board’s pc tracks and mounting hardware. This
effectively grounds the GND terminal to the enclosure frame. The GND connection is used to connect the
POWERAC to safety ground at the PDA or local breaker panel. The connecting conductor should be at
least the same size (AWG or circular MIL) as the power feed conductor. The power conductor size is a
function of the type of cable used (insulation ratings) and the ampacity of the load. Refer to the
POWERAC Installation and Service Instruction (SD39POWERAC-1) for current draw specifications.

A ground stud at the bottom right corner of the POWERAC metal panel is available for connection of an
optional safety ground conductor (#14 AWG).

2.1.4 Power Distribution Assembly Ground Requirements

The device provided for enclosure power is a Power Distribution Assembly (PDA). The PDA is available
in 115 Vac and 230 Vac designs. Each incorporates power-disconnect capability, over-current protection,
surge suppression, and power distribution. The 115 Vac PDA incorporates a 30 ampere fuse, whereas the
230 Vac PDA is fused at 15 amperes. The recommended power wiring (G, N, H) to either version is #10
AWG (10380 circular MIL area), with the color coding per applicable codes. The PDA connects to the
enclosure via monitoring hardware on the frame. This forms an electrical bond for enclosure grounding, as
the ground wire is tied to the PDA plate assembly.

The PDA includes surge suppression on the input power feeds. Power feeds are single-phase. The surge
suppressors serve to limit transients on the power lines. The suppressors are triggered by an increase in
voltage and, upon activation, shunt current to the ground conductor to limit the peak transient voltage. The
effectiveness of the suppression device is directly related to the resistance of the grounding path to an
actual earth ground or grounding grid. The resistance of this path should be less than 5 ohms to ensure
effective shunting of large currents associated with surges (e.g. lightning strikes). A resistance of 1.5 ohms
is typical due to the conductor size (#10 AWG or lower) and cable runs less than 1000 feet (304.8 meters).
In systems comprised of multiple enclosures, the rules change very little when power feeds are added to
supply the system. The “5 ohms or less” suggestion is not a requirement of the equipment grounding
conductor, as this conductor should be sized for personnel safety. Typically, this wire size is as large as the
largest current-carrying supply feeder to an enclosure and will ensure effective operation of power-
interruptive devices such as breakers and fuses.

2.1.5 Uninterruptable Power Supply and Isolation Transformer Installations

Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS) or isolation transformers should be installed in accordance with the
manufacturers’ recommendations and codes. The grounding requirements do not change, and grounding
connections should conform to this document.

2.1.6 Intrinsically Safe Installations

Intrinsically safe installations are not covered in this document, as they require system-specific installation
guidelines. Refer to NEC articles 500 to 510.

January 1998 2-11


* FIGURE 2-5 Power Supply and Module Ground Map

2-12 January 1998

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