Cooperative Learning Centre: Concepts, Standardization Issues and Commercial Approaches
Cooperative Learning Centre: Concepts, Standardization Issues and Commercial Approaches
Cooperative Learning Centre: Concepts, Standardization Issues and Commercial Approaches
This paper presents the general concepts of the current implementation of a cooperative learning centre, being
developed as a set of facilities of the digital library of the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto. The
standardization efforts in the area of computer based learning facilities are also covered, as they present
important guidelines for the project.
In the new information society era, knowledge and innovation are certainly the basis of the added value and
competitiveness of most successful corporations. The vital question to each corporation is then: how to
continously develop, refine and use knowledge? Successful corporations strategically promote a knowledge
exchange culture. The organizations of the future will certainly rely on a set of virtual technical communities,
exchanging corporate database information and communicating through mail, bulletin board and conferencing
In a knowledge era economy, the learning enterprise is strategically crucial. Too much crucial to be left to
conventional schools. What is needed is learning on demand, when and where desired. Corporations must
improve knowledge as the single institutional and economical security base. The best organizations of the XXIst
century will merge intelectual power wherever it exists and not where it can be institutionalised. They aim to
develop an intelectual republic, open to everybody, where the natural electorate will be those who stay
intellectually informed all over their lives.
The technological evolution of storage and representation of different media made possible the developement of
digital multimedia libraries, integrating in a single support text, image, audio, video, and also interactive content,
like simulations and presentations. Meanwhile, the standardization of catalogue and classification procedures
leaded to flexible and open networked search and retrieval systems.
Nowadays, other promising new technologies are also being applied to digital libraries, introducing radical
changes in the intellectual practices and in the social and economic organisation. Transparent world-wide
interaction is aimed at distributed systems and component software technologies, while automatic content
description, object oriented and agent technologies enhance the collaborative and productive work.
The functionalities of a digital library service should satisfy the needs of such different users as students,
teachers, researchers or teleworkers, and make them collaborative and interdependent in the search of the
relevant knowledge for their activities.
Administrative support and security procedures are key system facilities for the correct management and
maintenance of the databases, the access control and the protection of intellectual property rights. Powerful and
relevant document search and flexible browsing methodologies are needed for an efficient use of the digital
database resources available, in particular when distributed services and large multimedia contents are available.
Content creation and cooperative work facilities should be available to users, so that everyone can contribute as a
content provider and digital library access can be considered as a learning experience. Finally, commercial
exploration of the digital library resources must be considered, requiring accounting and billing mechanisms, for
electronic publishing purposes.
The Faculty of Engineering of Porto University, is following an operational plan for the development of a digital
library since 1996. The Library wants to constitute a reference, in the access to information resources in the
scientifical and technical areas of Engineering and related fields, in the Northern Region.
Besides providing the traditional library services at a high level, the plan has a great component related to
information technologies, both by the service enhancement they provide and by the new habits of access,
production and dissemination of knowledge they will produce in the future. Thus, a learning centre philosophy is
followed in the plan, regarding the cooperative production, open access and international dissemination of
scientific and technological information.
The installed Library Management System, ALEPH [2], commits with all the relevant standards in the cataloging
area. In particular, it supports UNIMARC records, integrates CCL (Common Command Language) and Web
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogs) search capabilities, and supplies a Z39.50 Information Retrieval
gateway. The ALEPH system is based on open, standard RDBMS (Oracle), and supports multimedia contents
and URL links from bibliographic information, through field 856 of UNIMARC record.
Annotation Layer
Subject Path
Object Database
Assets Pool
The mediabase is supported in a conventional relational database, where the contents are multimedia entities,
self-described and objective, and that can even be interactive (eg. a lab simulation). An entity acquires
significant relevance in the context of an argumentation, described as a tematic subject path connecting several
entities. A reader should be allowed to query an entity about the referencing paths, and move orthogonally on
any one of those alternative paths.
The proposed model does not demand too much performance from terminal equipment and communication
networks, as it is basically divided in a remote query (the subject path) and the download or streaming of self-
described entities (the mediabase objects) [4].
The long term success of this model depends on the massive involvement of active users in the system,
multiplying the entities and the subject paths defined on them. Intellectual property rights related with the
annotations inscribed on the subject paths are protected by the nature of the hypermedium, as any copied entity
from the system looses the most important quality, which is the relational information inscribed in the subject
paths [5].
Mediabase objects can include any kind of multimedia standards and formats. The initial content will be based in
the large number of monographies, thesis and papers available in digital support (eg. PDF format). Video
cassettes can also be converted to any suitable digital video format (eg. MPEG2) for distribution all over the
More elaborated multimedia objects, such as, presentations (eg. Microsoft Powerpoint), application demos (eg.
Lotus Screencam) or interactive simulations (eg. Macromedia Flash or Sun Java) can also be developed. A team
including experts in multimedia production, interface design and pedagogic aspects will assist teachers and
researchers in their development, providing also training courses and on-line support.
The Knowledge Centre will be available from a single web interface application, supporting the bibliographic
and serials searching tools provided by the ALEPH library services, the access to external databases and contents
(eg. Dialog, Engineering Information Village) and to the mediabase, in an object-oriented manner.
Annotation functionalities will provide for the user creation of subject paths connecting those entities, which can
then be exported, if desired, to a restrict group of users or to all the research and learning communities inside the
campus or in the Internet. Agent technologies will allow the development of pro-active and user configurable
information services, providing a better exploitation of the available resources. Accounting and billing
mechanisms will provide the needed security procedures for searching, editing or distributing the contents, and
for statistical analysis of the users behaviour and taxation of commercial services.
Standardization activities
Computer-based training materials are largely developed on a proprietary, company-by-company basis, resulting
in high development costs and limited re-sale value. The development of guidelines and standards fastens the
creation of new markets for training materials, reduce the cost of development, and increase the potential return
on investment. Some international efforts are now arriving to a consensus, in the field of computer based
learning, and the most relevant initiatives that play a role in the standardization are listed below.
The mission of IEEE LTSC - Learning Technology Standards Committee working groups [6] is to develop
technical Standards, Recommended Practices, and Guides for software components, tools, technologies and
design methods that facilitate the development, deployment, maintenance and interoperation of computer
implementations of education and training components and systems.
The Learning Technology Systems Architecture (LTSA) 4.00 was accepted as a base document for IEEE 1484.1
(LTSC, Architecture and Reference Model Working Group). The LTSA specification covers a wide range of
systems, commonly known as learning technology, computer-based training, electronic performance support
systems, computer assisted instruction, intelligent tutoring, education and training technology, metadata, etc.
The LTSA specification is pedagogically neutral, content-neutral, and platform-neutral, providing a framework
for understanding existing and future systems, promoting the interoperability and portability by identifying
critical system interfaces. Five refinement layers of architecture are proposed. They are applicable to a broad
range of learning scenarios. These refinement layers are called, from highest to lowest levels: Learner and
environment interactions, Human-centered features, System components, Stakeholder perspectives and
Operational components.
Learning Content
Delivery Evaluation
Lo c Learning en t
a t or
Style s e s sm
Learning In d
ex As Performance
Content Content Index Performance (current)
(metadata) (history)
Knowledge Records
Library Database
Query Index Performance (new)
Fig. 2 : IEEE LTSC - Learning Technology Standards Committee / Edutool – System components
The development of instructional software and its integration into the learning environment, have been impeded
by a lack of standards that would permit sharing across institutions and across a wide range of technical
environments. The current Internet-based solution has improved access to learning materials, but this access is
limited at best. Finding relevant, valuable, and interesting information on the Web is a difficult process because
there is no inherent structure or standards for describing available content. Furthermore, the Web tends to be
primarily used as an information repository rather than an interactive space supporting the collaborative and
dynamic nature of learning. Interactive technologies are developing to augment standard HTML, but translating
the resulting content across sites requires a significant amount of expertise and time. Finally, the development of
online learning environments has also been hampered by the lack of electronic commerce solutions for
compensating the production and distribution of content or programs.
The IMS is a set of standards and tools that address three obstacles for providing effective online materials and
learning environments: locating and operating interactive platform-independent materials, support for the
collaborative and dynamic nature of learning and incentives and structure for developing and sharing content.
The IMS technical specification will provide the general guidelines and requirements developers must write to in
order to create interoperable content and management systems, and five main areas were identified in which
specifications are being developed and prototype code is being built: metadata, content, management functions,
human profiles and external interfaces (eg. Databases).
ARIADNE (Alliance of Remote Instructional Authoring and Distribution Networks for Europe) [10] is an
european project that focuses on the development of tools and methodologies for producing, managing and
reusing computer-based pedagogical elements and telematics supported training curricula, and has liasons with
IMS, in particular in the field of metadata description.
The current standardization activities in the area of computer based learning are the result of the concertation of
the efforts of these and other organizations, as the next figure tries to illustrate.
cs Specs From
Specs ecs Consortia
Bibliographic References
[1] IEEE Computer, «Digital Library Initiative», May 1996
[2] «ALEPH System Overview», Ex-Libris Ltd, 1996,
[3] Roger Harnden and Roy Stringer, «Theseus - A Model for Global Connectivity», Systems Science:
Addressing Global Issues. Proceedings, UK Systems Society 3rd International Conference, Paisley, July 1993
[4] A. Sampedro, C. Secades, D. Coceño and C. Oliveira, «Open and Distance Learning in Biopathology on the
Internet», 14th International Conference on Technology and Education, Oslo Norway, August 1997,
[5] Roy Stringer, »Theseus: A project at Liverpool Polytechnic to develop a Hypermedia Library for Open and
Flexible Learning.», Int. Fed. of Lib. Ass. vol 18 (3), 1992
[7] DoD ADL
[8] AICC