ReportTTL2 WPS Office
ReportTTL2 WPS Office
ReportTTL2 WPS Office
Co10), they were able to share some online tools that have emerged to be
1. SciLink (
2. Epernicus (htp:lbyww.epernicus.cem)
for current and former rescarch scientists. User accounts are free
This subscription-based product is actually a suite of tools
clinical trial, and grant data from government and private research
profiles being updated this way to date. Researchers can use the
5. SciVee (http://www.scivee.)
Sci Vee is a multimedıa community that provides social networking, collaboration and communication
applications for
levels. The core of SciVee's services is a plattorm on which community memberS share videos describing
their work or publicizıng articles, posters, or presentations
tools also share a few common design features, including (a) one-click
and searching across other user libraries; (c) user profiles that include
research activities; and (d) group functions that allow users who
(0CT) in Teaching
their research.
Online Collaboration Tools (OCTs) provide ways to achieve the same goal,
by one's teaching and learning goals. Nevertheless, when selecting among options,the following aspects
are also important.
1. Start-up costs
as for their students to set up and learn any given tool. In general,
most of the current OCTs are very easy to use, but it is always a
a novice, but it may take longer to make one that is easy to navigate.
2. IT support
3. Tool overload
they have to learn how to use many different tools to complete similar
tasks across courses. Using common, supported tools may help keep
the focus on learning course content, rather than learning how to use
for each tool. The number of accounts and passwords within and
4. Accessibility