Module 5 Sir Adrian
Module 5 Sir Adrian
Module 5 Sir Adrian
Tools to Collaborate
and Share Resources
among Community of
Practice and title
Sharing ideas, and
communicating as a group.
It is important in math &
science class because it
helps in acquiring skills. Can
develop Higher Order
Thinking Skills (HOTS) and
Self confidence.
(Battelle for Kids, 2019)
Within the context of core
knowledge instruction, students
must also learn the essential skills
for success in today's world such
as critical thinking, problem
solving, communication and
(Todd, 2020)
Collaborative math activities like
games promotes their (the
students) social-emotional skills
like self-awareness, self-
management, social awareness,
relationship skills, and responsible
Steps to put value to the integration of
collaborative task in class:
IT Support
There is a need to consider the technical support is
available to students and instructors.
Tool overload
Students can be overwhelmed by the
diversity of instructional technologies in
several ways. First, they may become
frustrated if they have to learn how to use
many different tools to comfort similar tasks
across courses.
Is the technology to students with disabilities?
For examples, Google Docs are accesible to
some users with disadvantages primarily via
keyboard shortcuts, but are not accesible to
vissually or diversity -impared users who
depend on screen reader or speech input
B. Protect Students and their privacy
one of the virtues of OCTs is the sharing
content is easy. Instructors, should,
however, think about how widely
information from a course or a tool will be
shared. Students can be required to
produce publicity available, content, if this
expectation should be clearly stated in one's
C. Resist the Myth of "The Tech- Savvy Student"
Support Materials