A Plan To Modernize Jeep
A Plan To Modernize Jeep
A Plan To Modernize Jeep
Statement of Objectives
To promote a new, safer, more efficient and environment friendly Public Utility
Vehicles by starting the massive modernization of jeepneys by February 12,2018
Areas of Consideration
Their mandate to provide the country with efficient, effective, and secure
transportation systems that are globally competitive, compliant with international
standards, and responsive to the changing times.
Other issues need to addressed such as the improvement of our train systems
especially the Metro Rail Transit, Fare hike increase of other PUV operators due
to fuel price hike, increasing infrastructure problems and massive traffic in Metro
Manila Roads.
Promote better partnership with the government and the PUV operators.
Many financing institutions will offer competitive interest rates for financing of
PUV loans.
It will improve the image of our jeepneys as new, modernize, safer, convenient,
efficient and environmental friendly.
Some small operators may force to sell their units and franchises.
Long term loan liability among drivers and operators.
May affect the boundary system and income sharing of drivers and operators.
Fares may increase.
Socio Cultural
May change the traditional image of jeepney due to changes of designs and
other modifications
Materials for production of new PUVs may become more expensive due to the
high volume production.
There will be more scrap materials due to the disposal of old jeepneys.
Alternative Courses of Action
ACA 3 To invite other investors to invest in local mass transport to respond to the
PUV modernization of the government.
ACA 1 To promote the governments support for PUV modernization by providing more
tax exemptions and subsidies on franchise fees and flexible lower interest loan
amortization to drivers and operators.
Advantages Disadvantages
Many operators will respond to the Costly, and needs a lot of budget.
The need for adjustment for budgeting to
It will also support the poor PUV pursue the program.
operators and drivers.
Advantages Disadvantages
Unworthy PUVs will be out in the roads. More difficulty in commuting.
Less traffic accidents. More safety More transport strikes will arise.
commuting for commuters.
ACA 3 To invite other investors to invest in local mass transport to respond to the PUV
modernization of the government.
Advantages Disadvantages
It will immediately respond to the needs It can be against poor PUV drivers and
of modernization of PUVs. operators.
Fare increase.
Conclusion and Recommendations
After considering the above criteria and analysis of each ACA, I therefore recommend
ACA 1,