Gema Powerpoint
Gema Powerpoint
Gema Powerpoint
Drivers will have the secure monthly salary and
Passenger as well as the drivers will also be less
exposed to air pollution and other health hazard
Improve land public transport in the Philippines
Travel time may decrease due to routes becoming
Public transportation will be more comfortable,
spacious, clean and safe
Areas of Consideration
Strengths Weaknesses
Landbank of the Philippines willing to The modern jeepney will cost P1.5
set up a billion credit facility to provide million per unit
loan for operators Not all drivers & operators can afford to
Government agencies will work together buy modernize jeepney unit nor can they
to facilitate this iniative from afford to pay for monthly amortization
preparation, to transition, and to Employment will be affected due to
implementation retirement of old jeepney
Department of Finance also willing to You need to coordinate with the
assist & help in financing package Cooperative to avail the modernization
Traffic condition as well as air pollution program
will improve.
Drivers will secure monthly salary and
benefits, so they can reduce their
working hours for they don’t need to
worry about the daily boundary.
Opportunities Threats
Political 1. Improve traffic 1. Opposition from
problem different sector may
2. Traffic violation will be delay implemention of
preventive modernization
3. Colorum jeepneys will program
be prevented 2. Continuity of
Economic 1. Drivers will have 1. Employment will
secure monthly salary decrease due to
and benefits retirement of old jeep
2. More passengers will 2. Jeepney fare will
be accommodate due to increase
the 22 person capacity
per modernization
Socio-Cultural 1. Good conduct and 1. The negative habit
behavior of drivers of the drivers
and passengers will cannot easily be
be properly observe change
2. Passengers will 2. Drivers will lose
have no choice but their motivation to
to be honest in work hard because
paying their fare they will have a
3. There will be fixed monthly
enough seat for the income
Technological 1. It welcomes a big 1. Faster rate of
change and technological
improving traffic release will lead to
conditions and faster change of
transportation current equipment
2. Speed limit will be 2. Higher cost of the
controlled jeepney
3. Monitored by CCTV
Alternative Courses of Action
ACAIV To gain more opinion and Not all opinions are good or
suggestions for selfish reasons
Conclusion and Recommendation
3-Most desirable
1-Least desirable
Do ability to implement measures, actions and strategies
The result would have the highest chance to meet the
Ability to implement at the soonest possible time
Weight: 3- Highest 1-Lowest