DX1. Digital Transformation Opportunity PDF

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1: Digital PartPart

2: Winning
Part 1: Digital 1: Part 2:and
Digital Winning
Part 1: Part and
Digital Part
Winning Empowering
and PartPart
Winning3: Empowering
2: Part3:4:Empowering
Part 3: Empowering
Winning Optimizing
Part 4: Part 4: Part
3: Optimizing
Empowering 5: Transforming
Optimizing4:Part 5:Part
Optimizing 4:Part 5
mation Market Engaging
Transformation Market Customers
Transformation Employees
Market Engaging in a Digital
Customers Engaging in a Digital
Employees Operations
Customers inThrough
a DigitalThrough
in a DigitalEmployeesOperations Products for Success
Operations for
in a DigitalThrough Operations Succ
Opportunities for Life
and Opportunities
and for Life and
Opportunities for Life Age for Life Age for Life AgeDigital Technology
Digital Technology
Age Age Digital Technology
Digital Technology Digital Techn
PartnertoJourneys to
uccess Success Success Success


Part 1: The Digital

Aligning business strategy to the digital
transformation market opportunity
An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Table of Contents
Click on any
page number to
go directly to
that section.
3 Introduction
Understand the unprecedented digital transformation market opportunity.

5 Market Opportunity
» For every $1 of revenue that Microsoft generates, partners generate an
additional $9.64 of revenue.
 y the end of 2019, enterprises worldwide will spend $1.7 trillion on technology
» B
and related services to implement and manage digital initiatives.

9 Business Strategy
» By 2020, 60% of all enterprises will have fully articulated an organization-wide
digital platform strategy.
» B
 y 2021, spending on cloud services and cloud-enabling hardware,
software and services will more than double to over $530 billion.
» 6
 4% of partner revenue is being generated from non-resale activities, which is
the driver of current partner value and future growth.

15 Customer Digital Maturity

The largest percentage of businesses (57.4%) fall into the Ad Hoc and Opportunistic
stages of digital maturity – untapped market potential.

18 Bottom Line
The Microsoft partner opportunity related to digital transformation solution adoption
will double from 2017 to 2022 – from just over $1 billion to just over $2 billion.

20 Recommendations and Next Steps

22 Appendix: Research Methodology

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An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 2
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Part 1: Digital Part 2: Winning and Part 3: Empowering Part 4: Optimizing Part 5: Transforming

Transformation Market Engaging Customers Employees in a Digital Operations Through Products for Success
Opportunities and for Life Age Digital Technology
Partner Journeys to
The Microsoft Digital Transformation series is a collection of five
l Part 2: Winning and Part 3: Empowering Part 4: Optimizing Part 5: Transforming
Market Engaging CustomerseBooksEmployees
outlining the business
in a Digital Operationsopportunity
Through to build
Products or accelerate
for Success
and for Life your digital transformation
Age practice.
Digital Technology
s to
Learn how Microsoft partners have developed cloud technologies to evolve their digital
transformation practices and deliver innovative services and solutions to customers.
g and Part 3: Empowering Part 4:Microsoft’s
Understand how Optimizing digital transformation
Part 5: Transforming
pillars are your roadmap to align solutions
omers Employees in a Digital Operations Through Products for Success
and customer transformation needs.
Age Digital Technology

eBook #1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity
Part 4: Optimizing Part 5: Transforming
Digital Gain insight
Operations Through into the
Products opportunity and size of the rapidly growing digital transformation market,
for Success
the digital maturity of your end-customers, and the business attributes for success. Align your
Digital Technology
business strategy to the digital transformation market opportunity.

eBook #2: Engaging Customers

mizing Part 5: Transforming
hrough Understand how partners are engaging customers across the transformation lifecycle and
Products for Success
ology integrating customer centricity across the business and through data driven insights. Align
your customer engagement strategy to help customers succeed on their digital journey.

eBook #3: Empowering Employees

Learn what partners are doing to recruit, train, and develop digital-savvy skills across their
organizations. Understand how partners are building modern work environments with self-
service and simplified processes leveraging data and insights to aid decision making.

eBook #4: Optimizing Operations

See how partners are transforming their operations to be more adaptive, agile, and efficient
by harnessing technology and digital platforms. Identify where and how you can make
improvements to your business through automated processes and governance.

eBook #5: Transforming Products

Learn how partners develop and capitalize on their products and owned intellectual property
(IP), leverage data to enter new markets, revise business models to prioritize agility, and make
customers their business partners on the joint digital journey. Understand the breadth and
value of owned IP, and where your strategy should align.

IDC estimates the economic value of digital transformation to be

$20 trillion, or more than 20% of gross domestic product (GDP).

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 3
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Digital transformation is a complex process that changes

how enterprises work and go to market, which creates
long-term opportunity for partners equipped to take
customers on this on-going digital journey.

Transformation leverages digital technologies to innovate new business models,

business processes, and services, and to improve experiences, operational efficiencies,
and organizational performance.

In practical terms, transformation involves the use of third platform technologies — big
data, analytics, social, and mobile — to optimize value and build competitive advantage.
Organizations that can re-architect business operations for scale will most likely
transform over the next 3-5 years and emerge as digital-native enterprises.

Partners are pivotal in driving this change, with unprecedented revenue and profitability

Three converging trends are accelerating this partner


Executive mandate. Digital transformation is at the forefront of customer

conversations and is a board-level initiative. Executives view the path to capturing this
opportunity as becoming technology-centric to deliver new customer experiences.

Line-of-business led. Line-of-business (LOB) leaders such as marketing, operations,

sales, HR, and finance leaders are being called upon to drive business model changes
and technology decisions, and to facilitate digital innovation towards a technology-
centric business.

Built on the third platform. The new generation of technologies — big data,
analytics, social, and mobile — are necessary to enable the achievement of a company’s
digital goals. These technologies, along with accelerators like the Internet of Things
(IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI), will dominate the unprecedented increase in future
technology spending.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 4
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Market Opportunity
Partners that transform digitally will capture their share of the
$1.7 trillion technology spend in 2019.
The cloud has changed more than the way we implement and manage IT; it’s changing the very
fabric of business. With ready access to data, and intelligent new ways to view, analyze and
use the information, the cloud has engendered powerful new capabilities which are disrupting
entire business models.

And to accomplish such disruptive innovation, business leaders are required to transform all
aspects of their businesses. They’re looking at their own markets for opportunities to leverage
modern digital technologies to optimize operations, empower employees, transform products
and services, and engage customers in new ways.

By 2019, IDC predicts all digitally transformed organizations will generate at least 45% of their
revenue from “future of commerce” business models. And by 2020, in over half of Global 2000
firms, revenue growth from information-based products and services will be twice the growth
rate of the balance of the portfolio.

Becoming known as a digital company is also affecting valuations. According to IDC, by

2020, investors will view digital businesses differently. Specific measures based on platform
participation, data value, and customer engagement will account for over 75% of enterprise

In short, digital transformation is becoming a central strategy for modern business, but it
requires new skills and investment, creating a massive opportunity for digitally savvy partners.
Now is a critical juncture for partners to increase their digital sophistication and transform their
own businesses to effectively meet the new customer expectations.

For every $1 of revenue that Microsoft generates, partners

generate an additional $9.64 of revenue.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 5
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

With 60% of enterprises now implementing an organization-wide digital platform

strategy, IDC forecasts that the digital transformation opportunity will exceed $20
trillion, or 20% of global GDP. Businesses worldwide are on course to invest $1.7
trillion in 2019 across the spectrum of IT (software, services, hardware), and partners
focused on modern digital platforms and cloud services will see the majority of that
spend. IDC predicts the IT spending mix will break down as follows:

Software Services Hardware

an increase of $72 billion, an increase of $102 billion, an increase of $76 billion,
or 20%, over 2018. or 20%, over 2018. or 16%, over 2018.

This growth will be fueled by intelligent cloud technologies and the increasing digital
maturity of partners and their customers. In fact, IDC estimates that cloud partners
(those that attach value to Microsoft cloud solutions) are growing twice as fast as their
less cloud-capable peers. That’s because spending on cloud IT and services will more
than double by 2021.

And the opportunity is only growing. While 84% of partners are developing or
executing on a digital strategy, over half are just starting out, and those with the
highest level of digital maturity are seeing the highest gross margins across all their

According to IDC, the Microsoft partner opportunity related to digital transformation

solutions will reach more than $2 billion by 2022.

Transformative Solutions
To maintain relevancy and profitability, partners are shifting their focus to high-value
digital solutions in the cloud. Advances in big data/analytics have created new
markets for emerging technologies like AI and machine learning, IoT, and blockchain.

The expansion of the cloud ecosystem and access to data have created new security
and compliance requirements, which become table stakes for digital transformation.
In fact, IDC predicts that the General Data Protection Regulation alone will create a
$3.5 billion market opportunity.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 6
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

With new AI use cases emerging every day, if you’re not already leveraging AI
in your solutions, chances are you will soon. According to IDC surveys, 67% of
organizations globally have already adopted or plan to adopt AI. IDC sees the
compound annual growth rate for AI spending near 50% in the U.S. and even
higher in Asia/Pacific.

And blockchain is another learn-it-now technology because IDC predicts such

distributed ledger solutions will see a five-year compound annual growth rate of
81.2% and total spending of $9.7 billion in 2021.

But it starts with the cloud, and those offering cloud solutions the longest have
higher digital maturity and the most growth potential. Those who have achieved
success with digital platforms have several things in common:

• C
 LOUD MASTERY: 70% of partners surveyed were focused on cloud services
to provide value. But again, that’s just the start.

• M
 ODERN TECHNOLOGIES: By 2019 IDC predicts that 40% of digital initiatives
will be supported by cognitive/AI capabilities, big data, and IoT, providing
critical insights for new operating and monetization models.

• N
 EW SKILLS: Partners skilled in digital technologies, transformation services
and modern business practices will be at the forefront of the digital economy,
and able to attract the best talent. By 2020, 85% of new hires will be screened
for analytical and AI skills. And by 2020, 25% of Global 2000 companies will
have developed digital training programs and digital cooperatives.

• R
 ECURRING REVENUE MODEL: Partners focused on higher margin
opportunities with managed services and packaged IP report an average 64%
of revenue generated from non-resale activities.

Your digital maturity is paramount. It takes time and investment to make the
incremental advances needed to become a “digitally native” organization. It
starts with cloud and data sophistication, but only truly becomes transforming
when you are able to frame those skills within the context of the entire business.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 7
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

“ Our company is built on innovation-as-a-

service – we’re providing proof of value
instead of proof of concepts, and getting
customers to innovative technologies like

big data, AI and IoT.

— Anil Singh, Founder and CEO, Hanu Software

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 8
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Business Strategy
Business transformation within the larger trend of digital transformation cannot
be understated. As a partner you should align your strategy and goals to market
opportunity, and focus on meeting customer requirements by leading with the
transformation of your own business.

Partner transformation is an on-going journey where the development of IP – such

as custom and packaged software, and an increased focus on project and recurring
managed services, are leading to new value creation and growth opportunities in a
quickly expanding digital market. In one partner’s words, “it’s a journey on a ship with
no port” – meaning an ongoing evolution of the business.

Three key trends are helping shape this profitability opportunity:

By 2021, Digital platforms/ecosystems: By 2020, 60% of all enterprises will have fully
spending on articulated an organization-wide digital platform strategy and will be in the process of
cloud services implementing that strategy as the new IT core for competing in the digital economy.
and cloud-
enabling IT  artner consulting and professional services capabilities will play a key role in
will more than defining and executing on customer roadmaps for digital transformation.
double to over
$530 billion.
Cloud: By 2021, spending on cloud services and cloud-enabling hardware, software
and services will more than double to over $530 billion, leveraging the diversifying
cloud environment that is 20% at the edge, and over 90% multi-cloud.

Partner cloud and managed services will play a key role in supporting customer
cloud initiatives and ongoing integrations with a host of applications.

Hyper-agile applications. By 2021, enterprise apps will shift toward hyper-agile

architectures, with 80% of application development on cloud platforms (PaaS) using
microservices and cloud functions, and over 95% of new microservices deployed in

 artner development capabilities will take advantage of customer demand for

custom and packaged software.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 9
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

IP Ratio of Revenue
As transformation accelerates the agenda for your business development, the
focus will be to create value across the spectrum of digital requirements with
project services, managed services, and software and IP development offerings.
In an IDC partner survey, partners reported an average 64% of revenue generated
from non-resale activities, with solution-based services and software in the
evolving market opportunity of the digital economy.

Support Software

(non-resale revenue ratio)
Services 20% Dev 43%

Software-Focused Consulting Pro

Services 12%
(24% of partners)

Cloud Managed
Services 25%

Dev 10%

Cloud Managed
Services Services 16%
(non-resale revenue ratio)
(21% of partners)

Consulting Pro
Services 50%

Support Software

Services Dev 11%

(non-resale revenue ratio)

(55% of partners)
Consulting Pro
Services 13%
Cloud Managed
Services 52%

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 10
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Assessing the digital maturity of partners and customers is critical in establishing an

approach to digital transformation, by understanding the core areas of potential business
optimization. IDC has identified four key attributes, which are aligned with Microsoft’s
digital transformation pillars, with partner-specific definitions and metrics:

IDC predicts » Engaging Customers: Tailor individual experiences by harnessing data for
that by 2021, actionable insights. Assess customer readiness and envision opportunities to help
at least 30% organizations use technology to interact with customers in new ways, ranging from
of the channel
personalized digital experiences such as targeted offers and specific recommendations,
will not exist in
the format we to more efficient and effective customer service. Leverage big data, analytics, AI, and
know today. CRM, to facilitate customer engagement.

Key metrics for partner digital readiness include adoption of digital marketing and a
focus on full customer lifecycle services capabilities, through customer success, and

Key questions for partners to ask themselves:

• Is customer centricity integrated across our business?
• Are we recruiting new customers and continuing to grow existing customers?
• Are we using data to drive customer insights?
• Are we engaging business and marketing leaders as technology
decision makers?

» Empowering Employees: Help employees achieve more by creating a work

environment that fuels productivity, while flexible, and secure. Recruit and build digital-
savvy skills across organizations and create opportunities for people to collaborate from
anywhere, on any device. Build modern work environments by leveraging mobility and
collaboration tools.

Key metrics for partner digital readiness include recruitment, training, compensation
structure, and cloud capabilities for a digitally empowered and agile culture that enables
employees to work anywhere.

Key questions for partners to ask themselves:

• Are we being intentional about our people priorities and related strategies?
• Are we using more data to drive insights and decision making?
• Are we delivering self-service and simplifying processes?
• Are we enhancing our employee skills?

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 11
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

» Optimizing Operations: Accelerate the responsiveness of business, by improving

service levels and reducing costs. Reinvent products, services and business models using
digital content. Transform operations to be more adaptive, agile, and efficient in meeting
internal needs and customer requirements. By coordinating people and assets more
efficiently, organizations can respond to issues in real time — and even preemptively solve
them. Leverage IoT, analytics, and big data.

Key metrics for partner digital readiness include improvements in customer service, cost
reduction and growth with data, automated processes, and governance.

Key questions for partners to ask themselves:

• Are we harnessing the latest technology for the next level of efficiency?
• Are we leveraging digital platforms to reduce delivery timeframes?
• Are we able to bring new products and services to market efficiently?
• Are we anticipating and solving customer issues before they become issues?

» Transforming Products: Differentiate and capture emerging opportunities by using

data as a strategic asset and shifting from hindsight to foresight. Develop solution sales that
add value for customers that may include your own products and IP (i.e., services and/or
software) that align with meeting customers’ digital requirements.

The opportunity to embed software and technology directly into products and services is
evolving how organizations deliver value. Implement technologies such as IoT, CRM, and
ERP, to deliver on customer digital requirements. Leverage data to enter new markets,
revise business models to prioritize agility and emerging trends, make customers business
partners, and connect products to amplify and redefine their value.

 ey metrics for partner digital readiness includes ratio of revenue and profitability from IP,
and the types and value of IP.

Key questions for partners to ask themselves:

• Are we leveraging data to enter new markets?
• Are we revising our business model to prioritize agility and emerging trends?
• Are we making customers our business partners?
• Are we connecting products to amplify and redefine our value?

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 12
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

The partner revenue opportunity in implementing

these enterprise digital platform strategies is
significant. Partners that are skilled in digital
technologies, transformation services, and modern
business practices will be at the forefront of the
digital economic market opportunity to drive
transformation in:
• Rationalizing legacy applications as an essential step in preparing the
enterprise for digital transformation.

• Educating LOB leaders, and understanding the technologies

that support speed, scale, and agility, and their role in any digital

• Optimizing modern marketing, recruitment and talent development,

and customer product and service offerings.

Leverage data to enter new markets, revise business

models to prioritize agility and emerging trends, make
customers business partners, and connect products to
amplify and redefine their value.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 13
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

“ Digital transformation is becoming more

and more relevant every day, and Microsoft
technology is allowing us to build IP to take
to our customers to help them digitally


— Ben Gower, CEO, Perspicuity

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 14 HOME

Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Customer Digital
Digital transformation is at the forefront of end-customer
conversations and is being integrated into current and future
technology investments. For this reason, you must be able to
engage in the right conversations with business and technical
leaders and focus your efforts around their key priorities and
58% of This is not simply a technical matter of moving data from on-premise datacenters to the cloud.
customers Digital transformation allows organizations to re-imagine their business models and enter
are in the new markets, while increasing efficiencies and customer satisfaction. To do that, you can
Ad Hoc or help them modernize not only their infrastructure and application architecture, but also help
Opportunistic transform their business culture to deliver ongoing and rapid innovation.
stages of
digital maturity It is also clear that digital transformation is not marketing hype and has moved quickly to
representing customer adoption and execution as businesses experience disruption in their industries from
significant advances in digital technology.
For partners, there are two common themes expressed relative to
the digital opportunity and their experience:
1. P
 artners are already investing in the transformation of their own businesses to be more
capable of engaging customers across the vast digital transformation opportunity.

2. Customers and prospects want to understand the meaning, implications, and potential
business outcomes of transforming a business digitally.

IDC’s digital maturity model provides a framework, benchmarked from more than 1,500
companies worldwide, to assess where your customers and prospects are on their digital
transformation journey, and where you can effectively engage at each businesses stage of

Use this framework to initially understand customer positioning relative to the five stages of
digital maturity and develop the appropriate partner/customer dialogue.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 15
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

IDC End-Customer Digital Maturity Stages



Repeatable Digital Disruptor

Disruptive use of new
digital technologies to
Opportunistic Digital Transformer affect markets and drive
Integrated business/IT business innovation.
deliver digitally enabled,
Ad Hoc Digital Player continuous experiences. Customers at
Business/IT goals this stage:
aligned on digital Customers at
Digital Explorer

products/experiences, this stage:
Business has but not on their
identified a need for

disruptive potential.
Digital Resister a digitally enhanced
Business/IT digital business strategy,
initiatives poorly but execution is on a Customers at Partner Focus
aligned to strategy, not project basis. this stage: Work with customers
focused on customer to develop strategic

Partner Focus
experiences. digital roadmaps that
Customers at Work with customers
keep them on the
this stage: in maintaining digital
innovative edge of
Customers at excellence across the

their markets.
this stage: organization while
Partner Focus advancing new digital

Work with customers business models.
to expand beyond
standard digital
Partner Focus initiatives to
Work with customers capabilities for
Partner Focus to plan and execute competitive
Work with customer on a cohesive differentiation.
IT and business digital strategy and
leaders to understand technology roll-out.
the value of digital

Source: IDC’s Digital Transformation MaturityScape, 2018

Microsoft’s solutions help drive transformation outcomes

for customers. The depth and breadth of Microsoft
technologies provide a roadmap to align partner
solutions to customer digital transformation needs.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 16
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

“ We’ve reached the tipping point where

customers have gone from moving to the
cloud to now requiring transformation of

their business.

— Mitchell Feldman, Chief Digital Officer, Red Pixie

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 17 HOME

Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Bottom Line
Based on IDC’s latest ecosystem economic impact model, the
Microsoft partner opportunity related to digital transformation
solution adoption will double from 2017 to 2022 – from just
over $1 billion to just over $2 billion.
Market opportunity demands that partners shift focus from traditional IT to digital-
specific initiatives and value to ride a longer-term wave of growth.

Microsoft’s solutions are available to help you engage in the digital transformation
opportunity, i.e., to provide customers with technology-based solutions, and drive your
revenue and profitability. This is very important as you plan to adapt and grow your own
business relative to an expanding digital market.

There is considerable symbiosis between that opportunity and Microsoft partner

revenue multiples. In 2017, partners earned $9.64 in revenue for every $1 of Microsoft
revenue generated, and this is expected to continue through 2022. That amount
includes a mix of software (45%), services (50%), and hardware (5%), that are sold in
relation to Microsoft solutions. That mix also reflects a high ratio of partner-created
products and services.

The Microsoft partner opportunity related to

digital transformation will double from just over
$1 billion to just over $2 billion by 2022.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 18
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Microsoft drives customer engagement through solutions that help extend partner
value, i.e., positions partner software, consulting/professional services, and managed/
cloud services as integral to customer success in meeting business outcomes. Partner
value extension will continue to be an important driver for partners through the digital
transformation of their customers, especially those with intellectual property. According
to the IDC partner survey, partners with IP services show the highest gross margins
(more than 70%) and margins increase across all types of services relative to partner’s
digital maturity.

Also note that digitally mature partners are more focused on refining their product/
service portfolios and developing new IP. But with more than half of the partners
surveyed yet to transform, only 28% indicated that developing IP was a priority for next
year, leaving a great opportunity for those with a solid digital strategy.

Total Available Market for Microsoft Partners

($B Worldwide)





2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Opportunity adopting digital transformation solutions

Opportunity with business mix shift
Opportunity in traditional IT

Microsoft’s partner ecosystem has benefited from Microsoft’s ability to pivot with key
industry trends, including digital transformation. One of the core attributes of a Microsoft
partner is the ability to leverage Microsoft’s technology and business innovation to set
strategy and direction to drive the future of the business.

Cloud is a case in point. IDC’s view of cloud is that it’s part of a long-term industry
transition that offers benefits to current and potential customers, but that more
importantly becomes the foundation for digital transformation. Microsoft has been a
cloud leader for many years, and in that time has invested heavily to support partner
capabilities in leveraging that opportunity.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 19
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Given all the positive indicators around the Digital Transformation
opportunity, IDC asked forward-thinking, digital-savvy Microsoft
partners for their advice for other partners looking to make an impact
on their customer’s digital transformation journey:

1. Embrace the digital opportunity, and understand what it means to you

Be a thought leader and drive transformation internally. Advocate transformation to
customers and help them understand how they can change and how to interpret the
disruption they are seeing in their own and other industries. Embrace this reality and
define how you and your customer’s business can transform.

2. Become a digital business yourself

Be a trusted digital advisor to your customers. “Practice what you preach” and become
a truly digital business yourself.

3. Focus on what you’re good at, and what your customers need
Unless you’re a global company, the ability to be all things to all customers is unrealistic.
Focus on your core competencies, and apply those competencies to accelerate your
customers’ digital transformation. Specialization will build differentiation.

4. Make customer outcomes the currency

Focus on solution sales that deliver on customer outcomes, rather than transaction-
based services. Understand your customer, be clear on their business goals, and deliver
solutions against those goals. Build foundational customer relationships by establishing
and aligning on the same goals.

5. Be easy to do business with

Simplify customer engagement from your initial customer interface through to engagement.
Have clear and simple pricing with outcome-based goals. Minimize complexities, and provide
customers with more of a consumer-like experience.

6. Create a digital DNA or culture in your business

Define change within your own business. Build a culture with your employees that
promotes digital curiosity. Enable your employees to embrace new technologies like AI
and automation.

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 20
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

What’s Next In This

Part 1: Digital
Transformation Market Microsoft Digital
Part 2: Winning and
Engaging Customers
Part 3: Empowering
Employees in a Digital
Part 4: Optimizing
Operations Through
Part 5: Transforming
Products for Success

Transformation Series
Opportunities and for Life Age Digital Technology
Partner Journeys to

Part 2: Winning and
Engaging Customers
This eBook is one
Part 3: Empowering
Employees in a Digital
in a series ofProducts
Part 4: Optimizing
Operations Through
five that will be published throughout 2018. Each of
Part 5: Transforming
for Success
s and
eys to
for Life
the next four eBooks will seek to explore the digital maturity of the partner ecosystem
Age Digital Technology

relative to their ability to address the digital requirements of their customers, and
how partners work with Microsoft to address key attributes aligned to the digital
ng and Part 3: Empowering transformation
Part 4: Optimizing pillars:
Part 5: Transforming
tomers Employees in a Digital Operations Through Products for Success
Age Digital Technology

eBook 2: Engaging Customers

wering Part 4: Optimizing Part 5: Transforming
a Digital Operations Through Products for Success
Digital Technology

eBook 3: Empowering Employees

eBook 4: Optimizing Operations

eBook 5: Transforming Products

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 21
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Appendix: Research
This study included two major research components: a quantitative study of
partners worldwide and a series of in-depth interviews. IDC surveyed 639 partners
through the web in December 2017. IDC also conducted 16 in-depth interviews in
November and December 2017 with successful Microsoft partners with notable
digital transformation practices.

Company Name Headquarters

Qualitative Interviews 10th Magnitude USA
Accelerator AB Sweden
Awingu Belgium
Qualitative in-depth interviews were
BitTitan USA and Singapore
conducted with 16 Microsoft partners Blue Rooster USA
Dimension Data South Africa
demonstrating digital transformation,
EMIT Ireland
to understand their view of the digital Hanu Software USA
Hitachi Consulting USA
transformation opportunity, and the steps
they have taken to position themselves for Neural Impact Canada
New Signature USA
success with their customers.
Perspicuity UK
RedPixie UK
Resource IT UK
Solliance USA

Quantitative Survey
The survey reached partners in 41 countries
Rest of the Western Europe;
with mix of approx. 45% in North America, 30%
world; 25%
30% in Western Europe, 15% in Asia Pacific
and 10% Latin America.

The set of respondents ranged from small
local service providers to large, multi-billion
dollar enterprises. Partners were randomly
chosen based on their business model
to resell, influence the sale of, or receive North America;
referral fees for the sale of third party IT
products and/or services (including cloud

An IDC eBook, Sponsored by Microsoft | Page 22
Part 1: The Digital Transformation Opportunity

Qualitative interview candidates were chosen based both on their success with digital
transformation and their business model mix.

Objectives of the research

The objective of the survey was to benchmark the maturity of how partners are
digitally transforming different parts of their business and to quantify the impact digital
transformation has on their:

1. Channel Business Models / Strategy

2. Customer Engagement

3. Employee Empowerment

4. Operational Efficiencies

5. Product Transformation

The objective of the qualitative interviews was to learn innovative digital practices that
have led to the partner’s overall success.

Outlying data points (large and small) were sometimes taken out of a calculation when
otherwise a handful of responses would substantially skew the result.

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