Ebook What Is A Digital Business Platform
Ebook What Is A Digital Business Platform
Ebook What Is A Digital Business Platform
Business Platform?
10 Important Questions About How Digital Business Platforms
Can Accelerate Digital Transformation
Question 1
re you trying to become more digitally innovative. This significant threat has put
driven to improve your customers the buzz words of the decade Digital
experience and create competitive Transformation firmly on the agenda of
advantage? Then youre trying to become every C-suite executive and technology
a digital business, and youre in the right leader.
place. This in-depth guide to Digital Business
Platforms will define for you the kind of But most businesses struggle to execute this
technology that you may need to introduce in transformation successfully. In fact, as many
order to accelerate your journey to becoming as 70% of digital transformation projects
a digital business. are expected to fail.ii No-one would argue
that technology gaps are the only causes of
The reality is abundantly clear: leading such failures, but in the pages that follow
organizations in every industry face the youll see how putting the right technology
increasing threat of digital disruption, from in place will help you to exhibit the essential
brand new digital businesses and from characteristics of a digital business.
Digital business is the creation of existing competitors that are simply more
new business designs by blurring
the boundaries between
the digital and physical
worlds due to the convergence
of people, business and things
Question 2
Have the power to seamlessly
orchestrate people, processes,
applications and things
Devices Information Can use data, content and
context intelligently across
the moments that define the
customer experience
Question 3
igital transformation is not just a A digital business needs to rapidly provide Can ERPs and CRMs scale to this? Not
technology problem. It is a business new services and experiences that create quite, these systems have their place in
problem, where the challenge is to differentiation in the marketplace all to the organization and many administrative
reinvent the operations and services of a support customer acquisition and retention processes are currently based on them, but
traditional business for the digital age. Since in order to drive business growth. To reach these systems are known for their rigidity
significant technology investments already this arduous goal, organizations require a and singular focus.
sit at the core of even the most traditional technology infrastructure that allows for the
businesses, amplifying the power of that rapid co-creation, and innovation of business A digital business needs a more agile way to
existing technology is the most important processes and the surfacing of valuable connect its people, applications, information
enabler of change. information in the moments that matter. and devices a Digital Business Platform.
Question 4
Digital Business Platform is a
transformational addition to your IT
infrastructure, one that connects rigid
but reliable legacy systems to the modern
digital services that youre able to create
using the platform.
Question 5
y now youll hopefully be starting to Five Essential Capabilities of
imagine the crucial role that a platform
could play in helping you to become a Digital Business Platform
digitally driven.
Question 6
hile business and IT both exist to deliver A digital business platform addresses this by providing:
the same goal, they have always spoken
two different languages. This has often A common language to allow business and IT to
frustrated business leaders in passing requirements collaborate and build solutions together
over the fence to IT, and frustrated IT in getting
clear and timely information from business allowing An explicit focus on business processes as they are
them to deliver to the satisfaction of business. the core of every business model
Historically, attempts to bridge this gap havent
been very successful. However, this can no longer A way to remove the complexity of coding and replace
be allowed to continue. An effective collaborative it with visual and intuitive tools
effort between these teams is critical in driving
digital transformation and building a culture of Superior speed of delivery allowing for agile
co-creation and continuous innovation. experimentation and innovation
Question 7
rocesses and applications dont exist in silos and A digital business platform addresses this by providing:
they need to interface and interact with a variety
of actors, systems and devices within and outside An architecture based on services, with a rich set
of the organization. To understand the complexity, lets of integration capabilities out-of-the-box allowing
take stock of the technology ecosystem surrounding connectivity with the multitude of systems that exist
most businesses: within and outside of the organizations ecosystem
Existing rigid, bespoke and legacy systems containing Weaving a thread between the various siloed systems
valuable information which cant just be ripped and to leverage data and insights to build a coherent view
replaced of the customer and the business
Partner and supplier systems that hold information to Easy to embed and co-exist with current and future
complete your operation end-to-end technologies
Third party services and systems Support for event-based processing based on triggers
from Internet of Things
New applications and technologies that bring exciting
opportunities to innovate and work more effectively
Question 8
ets draw an important distinction here between A digital business platform addresses this by
user interfaces, and user experiences. Many providing the ability to:
businesses take a top down approach to
improving the customer experience, starting with the Create a unified view of your data, by integrating
front end interface. This makes sense, but not if the the different input channels and systems or record of
transformation stops there. The application or web your organization
interface is only one touch point that a customer may
have with your business. Serve the relevant content to the right user at the
right time depending based on context, to ensure the
Improving experiences demands an overhaul of next best action is proposed
services across the customer journey, however they
choose to interact with your business, online, in Empower not only the customers but also the
person, or over the phone. This cant be achieved employees with intelligent, personalized and
unless you can provide intelligent, personalized, contextualized experiences
contextualized experiences to all your employees,
empowering them to better serve customers. Offer consistent experience across all devices
Question 9
ata-driven decision making is crucial A digital business platform addresses this by
for a digital business. To assess the providing the ability to:
success of an initiative, its imperative
that the business outcomes can be easily Perform business and operational analytics
measured and mapped against the goals with reports and dashboards against
of the organization. This use of data- established KPIs and SLAs
driven insights and intelligence also allow
organizations to make smarter decisions Identify operational bottlenecks to allow for
not just during the execution but also when streamlining of the business processes
continuously improving business operations.
Use Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
and cognitive technologies to augment
human-centric activities
Question 10
nterprise-wide digital transformation A digital business platform addresses this by
requires the execution of several initiatives to providing the ability to:
bring about holistic change. Often, scalability
is related to how applications built on a platform Innovate and experiment rapidly by allowing you
can support very high throughput. What is even to start small, test, validate and then scale fast
more important in the context of true digital
transformation is the question of how easily Harness the power of Cloud to provide an elastic
and rapidly can the platform support enterprise- and highly scalable platform
wide adoption so as to push change across the
business. Build expertise on the platform rapidly through
its ease of use and a short learning curve
A well-prioritized delivery strategy supported by
the right technology is essential in accelerating Re-use the knowledge and development effort
and scaling digital initiatives. across initiatives to build momentum
About Bizagi
Headquartered in the UK and with operations
across North America, Europe and Latin America,
Bizagi is a global leader in digital business
platforms. With a global user community of over
650,000 process pioneers, Bizagi has helped over
500 enterprises in 50 countries to survive and
i Gartner, Building a Digital Business Technology Platform
thrive in the digital age.
ii 2016 IDC FutureScape CIO Agenda Prediction 4: 70% Failure Rate of Siloed Digital Transformation Initiatives in 2018
iii George Westerman, Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation
iv George Westerman, Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation
v George Westerman, Leading Digital: Turning Technology into Business Transformation
vi https://www.accenture.com/gb-en/insight-digital-transformation-age-customer
vii Gartner, Building a Digital Business Technology Platform
viii http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/organization/our-insights/nine-questions-to-help-you-get-your-digital-transformation-right
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Bizagi 2017